The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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Takes Over Management of
Willamina - Business ;
;.' Newlyweds Return
RICKEY. Not. IS. A. E. La
Branch has taken oyer the man
agement ol the Willamina hotel,
owned by A V. King of Salem,
lfrs. La Branch U a daughter ot
Mr. King. Mr. and Mr a. Dan Mil
ler. will be in d'rect charge.
Mr. and Mn. H. and
dangh tar Marian were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Magee Thurs
day. - Mrs. C. L. McNeil was hostess
to the ladles' Sewing club Thurs
, day at,whlch 11 were present. The
est meeting will be held Decem
ber, 3 at the home ot Mrs. Shaw.
Mrs. R. Raymond, who was call
ed to Wenatchee several months
ago by the illness of a sister-in-law,
ha returned home,
r -Pletroks Ketnrn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pietrok,nee
Margaret Fitspatrlek, returned
from an extended wedding trip to
Idaho and Montana Saturday
ight After Tisitlng relative here
sad at Stayton for a few days they
wilt be at home to their friends
at their new home near Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller are
the parents ot a son, named Alrin
. Mrs. Addle Smith of .Scotts
Mills Is the guest of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Brougher.
The Moshberger family of Portland-were
week-end guests of Mr.
ad Mrs. George W. Johnson.
t Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown haTe
had as house guests J. Grabm, I. Schol, June Hecker. Mable Ott,
H. Brown, Mrs. Alfred Bernsen Mildred Ott, Marion Carl, Manton
and . Mrs. Charles Fishel of Ta- Carl, Betty Brown. Boyd Brown,
eema. Ruth Ingalls, Jessie Ingalls, Bes-
, ' Have Family Rennion sie Ingalls, Jack Moomaw, Iris
Mrs. Laura McKim of Lenora, Moomaw, Hazel Claypool, Helen
Xaa., Is the guest of her brother Claypool, Beatrice Claypool, Orra
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barret, Bob Miller, Ben Miller,
Botts. Mrs. McKim Is a sister of Helen Paulsen, Margery Friend,
Lovena Hazel of Salem. A. E. Leah Kromllng, Marjorie Wolfer,
Botts, another brother, of Santa Janice Milspaugh, Frances Leffler,
Sesa. Cal- Is expected to arrive Henry Leffler. Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
soon. Tnis will be the first time Tln Mitts, Rollle Bldgood, Garfield
the family has been together for 0get, Roy Claypool, Ruth Cole-
10 years. man, Eleanor Johnson, Marian
sedan driven by G. W. Gehrke McKenzie, Donald Jones, Ralph
t Polk county and a truck driven Nelson. Ben Jeskie, Walter Keil,
WD.W. Johnston of Stayton col- Bill Hecker, Mrs. Claypool and
Uded near the A. E. La Brancn Mrs. Leffler.
-.j 1 T" 'v
I P- J. -
a-, -at :. i r i i .'i ,
V- A .
v- 'I
Helpless as the result of eight and ft half days' ex- and his companion, Irvinf Tuchyner, 28, from death
posure at. the mercy oz ine sea wnue anionr in ma
open boat off New York, David Warshauer, SI, is
shown being carried from the U. S. Coast Guard
Cutter Cuyahoga after the boat which rescued him
landed at Clifton, States Island. N. Y. Warshauer
tt (lower leftl drifted
p indicates, when their
(upper rifht) and Tuchvner (lower left) drifted
neipiessiy out te sea, as
outboard motor failed th
iervlce station Friday night
oae was injured.
' LYONS, Nov. 1 The Red
Cross membership drive is now
m with Mrs. Alta Bodeher is
chairman here. Mrs. Effie Hob-
Is assistant for the scnooi
Students Do
On Sandtable
BETHEL, Nov. 16 The pupils
of Bethel school are doing some
noteworthy work on their sand ta
ble. This sand table, was built and
painted by Mrs. Weddle and the
pupils. .
The scene depicted for October
was "An Indian camp by the
lund, president, in the chair and
Cal Sehlador as secretary. Ray
; Ney harts, from the state game
farm at Eugene, will assist the
local league In the liberation.
The local league has raised 100
'pheasants at Its pens on the' Over-
lund farm during the past sum
mer. The 100 of the birds were
SUNNYSIDE, Nov. 1 Prunes liberated earlier this autumn.
are moving some in this district
but not. much change In price.
The members ' Yoted to hold
membership campaign with Ray
Knight Memorial Players
Will Give Program at
S Hazel Green
Earl Pearcy sold seven tons of Thoman and Ben Skalfe as the
two captains, rue loumg siae win
be host at an oyster supper to be
held December IS.
district CO. Fox Valley,
w Valla arhnnl la nlannlne a
benefit program for Thanksgiving R5rer." A poster at the back of
mV nd at that time nonauons, i " o.cuc, uv.imf iuo icgcuu
tjonslsting of clothing, fruit, veg
etables, groceries and meats as
jrell as cash, will be received.
The chairman of each district
will gladly assist in looking aft
er such donations and see that
the things reach the proper place
lor distribution. It is hoped all
who can will bring donations to
the place designated for packing
which will probably be at the
achool buildings in the Lyons and
Tax Valley districts.
The 8. B. Crooks family who
have leased the Fox Valley farm
belonging to L. C. Trask, have
sneved. there from the Hadley
Bobson place further up the val
ley. ; The, Crooks have a five year
lenae of the farm. - Their son
Richard and his wife are living
with .Richard's parents at the
xarm also.
A glass river ran from one cor
ner of the table to the other. On
the surface of the water floated
canoes filled with Indians. A
large boulder lay at the water's
Forests of spruce trees extend
ed back from tbJ river banks, and
filled the remainder of the space.
In front of eaeh was a tripod from
which was suspended a large iron
kettle (made of the shell of an
acorn) In which to do the family
cooking. Indians with bones and
arrows dashed about on toy
horses. One Indian on horseback
was lassoing a wild pony. Only
about 45 minutes of school time
was used in making the scene.
The pupils worked on it at re
cess and the noon hour, and be
fore school In the morning when
it was too wet to play outdoors.
The pupils are now working on
the scene for November. This is a
Thanksgiving scene. There are to
be Puritans, the Mayflower rid
ing at anchor, log cabins, and the
Indians feasting with the white
WACONDA, Nov. 16. Four
members were Initiated and
evaral special guests were present
Thursday at the meetlnr of the
'Waeonda community club at the
aoxae or Mrs. van O. Kelley In
ewssioa Bottom. '
New members initiated
Mrs. Smith Tells
Grange Club Group
, About Home State
Italians to the H. S. Gild com
pany, for immediate delivery. A.
M. Hammer Bold a limited
amount of Petites to Rosenberg
Bros, but not yet delivered. The
growers will hold the remaining
tonnage for further development
of markets.
W. S. Pemberton has sold his
entire holding of 50 fur pelts to
a Seattle company. This company
will be In the neighborhood again
for further business.
Mrs. Bertha King, sister of G.
T. Heckart, and her husband
have returned to their home in
Walla Walla, Wash.
Miss Ellen Pemberton attend
ed the home coming weekend at
The young Sunnyside travelers,
Ray Heckert, Kenneth Cole and
S. Gleason have arrived In Den
ver, Colorado, on their return
trip and found very cold weath
er. They will travel through Cal
ifornia spending several days at
Oakland, arriving home the mid
dle of next week.
The report of the National
orange session coming m over
KGW radio station from Madi
son, Wisconsin, was very gratify
ing to Sunnyside patrons, who
were fortunate enough to tune in
lor the morning session. They
heard that Oregon granges stood
first of all states in home eco
-' HAZEL GREEN, Nor. 16 The
Sunshint Sewing club will meet
with Mrs. Perrin Wednesday aft
ernoon, Nor. 18.
Miss Carolyn Williamson at
tended football game Eugene Sat
urday. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson and
children Glen, Clifford, . Beulah,
Virgil, Edlthi Clarence and Mary
ot Albany were guests at the O. G.
Looney home Sunday. Mrs. Wil
son taught here two years. She la
remembered by former pupils as
Mfss Edith Swabb.
' Rev. H. C. Stover and a group
from the Knight's Memorial
church will give a play "Bead's
on a String," and a half hour ma
sical prorra at the schoolhouse
Friday night, Nor. 20 at 1:00
o'clock. The student body will re
ceive a share of proceeds.
The student body held its reg
ular meeting Friday afternoon.
Edna Rutherford, presiding. The
following monitors were appoint
ed: flag, . Orville Dunnigan; in
side caretaker, Klnl Yada; balls
and bat, Alfred Mowtandon: pi
anist, Lucille Dunnigan; outside
monitor, Melvin Lehrman.
The officers elected for the 4-H
cooking club are, Virginia Par
men tier, president: Hasel WoeJk
er, vice-president; Kenneth Luck-
ey, secretary. The 23 'mmebers
are: Klnl and Eml Yada, Klyo
Mlo, Ina Zelinskl, Beatrice John
son, Margery Bliss, Marvin Van
Cleave, Alice and Ruth Montan
don, Lucille Dunnigan, June Dun
nigan, Hasel Woelke, Maxlne
Wolf, Hilda Slattum, Margaret
and Dorothy Dunnigan, Doris
Manie, Virginia Parmentier,
Edna and Daisy Rutherford, Ken
neth Luckey, Alfred Montandon,
Quentin Zelrnskl, Richard Van
Cleave, Clinton Wampler.
HUBBARD, Not. 16. Mr. and
Mrs. John Carl from Myrtle Point
were dinner guests at the home of
- -a
- -
' .1 i.
u - i
Ths wrecked anti-aircraft run on the V. S. S. Colorade. which killed
tmx men instantly when It expired; and- injured .another bluejacket
so severely that he died, is shownca twisted mass of steel The jnaval
aeddent took the Kfe of Lieut Ralph Friend Bradf ord, tr,low'
right), who was killed at his post of duty, and WuClareiice
Eugene Swift (upper, left) .first-class seaman, so seriously thU he died.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carl, last
week. John Carl Is a brother ot
Herman Carl and was on his way
to attend a commissioners and
Judges convention In Portland, as
he Is ft Coos county commissioner.
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Carl, another
brother of Mr. Carl, were dinner
guests at the Carl home, another
day last week. They were return
ing from a Pythian meeting at Eu
gene. Ira Carl Is grand chancellor
of the Knights of Pythias of Oregon.
Aged Indiana Man
- Visiting Relatives
William Wilson of New Castle,
Indiana, has been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris. He also
I stopped over In Portland to visit
relatives and " was accompanied
from that place to the Morris
home by Mil Sweet. Wilson is an
uncle of Morris and Mrs. Sweet.
Mr. Wilson has left for Los An
geles to spend the winter with his
daughter. He is 87 years old and
made the trip alone.
Henry Shope and son Homer of
Molalla visited the latter part of
the week with Mr. and Mrs. John
MACLEAY, Nor. 16. The
Home Economics club ot the Mae
lea y grange will meet at the home
of Mrs. J. Hisel Thursday after'
noon to work on the school quilt.
Dixie Jones and Mrs. Charles Ba
ker will have charge of the pro
gram and Mrs. J. Hisel and Mrs
E. Tooker ot the refreshments.
Women of Stayton Growers'
Club Also Meet; Ses
sion Time Changed
The Growers club, at its recent
session,-reelected; all officers for
ensuing year as , follows : Presi
dent,-, Fred Comstock; Tice-precl-
dent, Ed Clara; and secretary
treasurer,' W.- O. Royce,.
Mrs. Lacy. MrsAsehe and Mrs.
Rpyse were appointed on a com
mittee to confer .with the Com
munity club, eommttlee on a
Christmas tree. It was decided
to meet once a month. Instead of
twice, n; jbe. third Wednesday
of each month. . '
Mrs.'' Lacy "was-appointed on a
committee, for relief In the com
munity,- - if any is needed this
winter. . - .
The women . of. the Growers'
club met In Darter's office Thurs
day" afternoon. -Plans for a ba
zaar . to- be i neia , uecemDer iz
were., made and' committees an
notated.- The next meeting comes
on Thanksgiving as it was decid
ed to meet on Friday Just after
Thanksgiving. r-
n o. and W. M. Lacy of this
death of their father Friday, o-
Tember . :W. M. Lacy Just re
cently rialted his parents. In Wic
fleld, . Kansas, his father was in
seemingly good health then.
Death was due to heart failure.
The Jack Wallace family has
moved near Sweet - Home to
make their home. Ed Johnson s
family is moving onto" the place
vacated by the Wallaces. Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Wallace hare
moved onto the- Woosley place
recently vacated '. by. the Neuf
family, which moved to Califor
nia for the winter, .
STAYTON, Not. 16 Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Hagen are the pleased
parents ofa son.vwho was. born on
November; ljtVt atv the Salem Gen
eral hospital, and Is the first
child. The young man has bee
named Robert Lynn,' weighed 1
pounds, 34 ounces.
'"I pDiy
hy gtfodkoin)
ff tiyCCCD
I can't afford to take chances with my
voice. So I play safe by sticking to Luckies
"they're always kind to my throat.
And I'm doubly grateful for your
improved Cellophano wrappor
which opens so easily with that
clovor littlo tab."
hundred pheasants, mostly hens.
win be liberated at 14 different !
locations within a five mile ra-
aius or siiverton Tuesday or
Wednesday of this week. This was
decided at the November meeting
of the Isaak Walton League held
Friday night with Edwin Over-
UNION HILL, Not, 1. About
90 women met at the Union Hill
grange ' hall Thursday afternoon
were I as rnesta of the, Tfnlnn Hill Wnm.
Jtrs. Ross Hammock, Mrs. Wesley J an 'a club on the annual ,"guest
jwwiai, mts, usgooa ana yera os- day." Mrs. Vera Scott presided at
sfooo. I the business session and lntrodne-
Visitors present were Mrs. H. led Mrs. W. Carleton Smith of Sa-
Imbler and daughter Eloise of llm. whft nnnv nn "r.rat om
Independenee, Mrs.' Demming oflgon."
Gerrals, "Mrs. A. N. Parsons and I The following program was
Mrs, Ted Jelderks of this com-1 given: Vocal solo. Mrs. Leona
"T. I Krenz. accomnanled Mni. Ja.
Club , members present were: UnhtnA vm- Hir "Th
Jteadames Ellsworth Hubbard. Inter's flrlBTunre Vf Icnnl.
Sehert rromm, Salem: Frank Hamnhrm; Tiniin nnin uu. nn.
Caanara, I. A. Loren, Karl M.
Brown. Robert Cole, Fern Run
om. William McGilchrist, George
xemery, Richard Tuve, J. E.
Ekarff, Sil Wayne, Salem ;H. C.
Stafford, B. J. MiUer and Miss
genia.Neal, assisted at the piano
by Mrs. Frances Durst; vocal du
et, Mrs. Elsie Tate and Mrs. Jes
sie Carter with Mrs. Sheila Heat
er accompanying.
Following the program dainty
: I? PER,
lovely woman end richly endowed actress,
Mary As tor has coma Into her own as
ona of HolrywoocTs truly grgot. Foroottsm
tha roles that ware hers in silent days,
now she's doing big things grandlyl
"Smart Woman," a Radio Picture U
her latest.
Jfary Jones ot Portland, Miss Hat- refreshments were served by Mrs.
tojceiton ana tne nosiess, Mrs. Belle Heater and Mrs. Vera Scott.
Vr.. 7. u J Tn WlUard and SUyton Woman's
, . 1. WJ" in wer ?f clubs were the guest clubs and
It 7 m 61 l1- Za there were also several additional
Moy i'uicmiror j.o, i lae gnest8,
aom oi airs, uiswona nuDoara.'
A number of mothers from this
community took their children to
the health center at Gerrals
Thursday, where toxin anti-toxin
and vaccination was administered.
Federated ChurcK
pToung People Have
W.R. C. Has Plans
To Attend Session
With Hubbard Body
Wood barn women who are mem
bers ot the Woman's Relief corps
Successful Partv JES. "A !
! , - nuouara ioage next Tlday
mntRAKn k l t. Mrs. Josephine Endlcott of
w ui . inisravea uraRow neia a i uubbard lodge.
w jujm at us com-
saanlty halL under the supervision
fx ineir taaeher, Mrs. George Leff
ler.. Games were played until a
sate hour, when refreshments were
tarred by Mrs.-Leffler, Mrs. Clay
Soe! and Orra Barett
Those who enjoyed a pleasant
Eenlng were Delmar Claypool,
we Hlcgenbotham. Dorothy
At a meeting of the WnnKm-n
Relief corps Thursday night plans
for disposing of a quilt the wom
en are making were made, it nnn
as It is finished it win b nia
on display In Whlght'a elertriMi
shop. Two candidates. Miss Mabel
Jackson and Mrs. Nancv rnmn.
ter. wsts Jsttiated into, the lqdgs
Ntm mpptr
(excew east eff Ogiswh llseea, '
Cttfr. Mitwi (was tef mm4
tmdmUnn tetfa; Helesia Slreat'
Vetta, Mareh sfyewrfwa1 twees e
lacledlMfl reaaer), mm4'
lets BrMl Nertkera hi
rtttoh Cehmbta. SStali
are SO ceafe CMMtm hmU (
GOING: Nov. 20,21,24,23,26
except tickets wtn Ml be mm New.,
20 awd 21 te elat ef rerHeid
mdpetata fcey Sit tmXm Oty.
(Heasa fcy eatdalsht that deffel
Mado of tho finest tobaccos
Tho Croam of many Crops LUCKY STRIKE
alono offors tho throat protection of tho
oxclusivo "TOASTING" Process which In
dudos the uso of modem Ultra Violet Rays -tho
procoss that expels certain harsh, biting
irritants naturally present In overy tobacco
loaf. Theso expelled irritants aro not pres
ent in your LUCKY STRIKE. "They're out-so
fhey can't be nY' No wonder LUCKIES aro
always kind to your throat.
mm, zm. (
,,,,, jiiil.
si-SS1 ii:SS:;;'"; ,:5-'';-;N xSSjy-
via Mies Aster. p mmm&' 5
Statement PeM fMt &ffi - sy
Yoo mcy be tolfrted kt .
was smM n Miw Astor W
to wake Nw obeve start- ,S:-'
smI. MUs Ae has I
STRIKE doersttM for ever . :. SiPx'
lidtyhtwewiHisKeawttlea .
bMieilcial tolierewdto x:"J
20O ' SOO lOOO
2.16 I 4.32 11 0.80 1 2t .60
i Tickets i
anean. tal
Passeaaer JSeae I . A I
97 ritteck gleck - . 11
', Ore. "Ilil 1
's teas'
yovr Throat Prctactien egofnst Irritation ogolnst cough
And r.loIstun-Proot Cellophane Keeps
that "ToaUd" Flavor Evr Freth
. ' The Unique Humidor Poxlcago
See the iewicddTeb en the top off th
Podcase Held down one he!f with vm
Tor ohr half, Simple. Quick. Up I
- T?J Unll Wroppexl la dust-proof, moisture
Pjreof, carrtfr-prooff Cellophane, aeon, protected, oaatt
rSISHI-wbat could be more modnrti than LUCX1ES' InW
f IT?f .L11' PJwoe -so easy toepenl Lades
: o LUCKY TAD fs-yocr flncr nail protection.
m m . ..