The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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Deemed Superior Road for
Coast Trips, Widening
To Standard Asked
MONMOUTH. Not. 14 The El
klns -Kings Valley market road
which, converges .with the Weet
side highway at an Intersection
about two miles south of Mon
mouth is an acknowledgedly su
perlor route to Newport, from this
pan of Polk eounty. This road
would automatically come under
the secondary state highway clas
sification were its right-of-way
widened to the requirement of CO
Monmouth, Independence and
Blklns citizens are Interested In a
morement to establish, this. road
as a secondary state road, and to
this end the local Lions' club sent
six representatives: R. B. Swen
son, F. E. Chambers, Fred Hill,
O. A. Wolverton, 3. Dietrlck and
E. C. Cole to a meeting of the
Elklns' Farmers' union last night
where the matter received consid
erable discussion.
Two members of the Farmers'
union, R. O. Dodson and William
Toedtmier, were appointed a com
mittee to confer with the county
court as- to procedure.
Hollywood: North of Fairgrounds
Surveyed Before North Salem Area
By Same Name Came Into Existence
Hollywood proper, located about two miles
Savage Land Claim east and slightly to the north of the fair
grounds was surveyed, named and the nam
recorded in the county court house In April of 110, about IS or
20 years before the Hollywood of north Salem was establlsnea.
With the exception of a rery small portion of it, Hollywood lies
to the south of the Salem-Silrerton highway and extends east from
the four-corner road about half a mile. It is cornered on the south
east by the Swegle school and on the northeast by the Middle
Grove school. . It was formed from the estate of George O. Savage
which was once a part of the Savage donation land elaim taken In
Some will doubtless recall the time when George Sarage own
ed and operated a hop ranch on part, of this land, building a hop
. . ... n i n a a l -.a. v. . fa
nouse wmcn was almost m xne center oi me district wni it
later established. Only recently (In about IS 24 or 1925) was
this hop house blown down, later being torn down and remored.
A Mr. McDonald and Mr. McGill, then connected with the Oregon
nursery Co., maintained a nursery business for a number of years
on about 80 acres of what is now a part of Hollywood.
This land was finally sold by Mr. Savage to
Divided Into Tracts Hartley and Craig who turned it over to
Bechtel and Bynon Realty Co., for surrey
and division into small tracts for suburban homes. The survey
was completed, map drawn, and the record together with the
name recorded in the court house in April of 1910. Hartley and
Craig reserved 45 acres which they planted into hops maintaining
a hop ranch on it for several years.
Charles Bean purchased the first tract and built the first
house in the district. The building still stands. It Is now owned
by J. J. Kleeman.
Bechtel and Bynon experienced some dlffl
Nanted For Success culty In selecting a suitable name for the
district until finally one of the men suggest
ed that thoy name it Hollywood after Hollywood Calif., since they
had such good luck while In business there.
With the exception of the One tract of 45
Mostly Home Lands acres, Hollywood Is composed of small
tracts averaging five acres each. These are
nearly all taken up and the residents are interested not so much
in the profit they can make on them as they are In making a home
for their families. Most of them diversify their farming activities
Borne few have a large flock of chickens while several of them
have planted berries as a commercial crop.
With all the modern conveniences of gas, lights and telephone
service, Hollywood is an Ideal place for the home lover.
Thursday afternoon the Woman's
Missionary society met at the
home of Mrs. Orville Luckey.
Subject: "Missions In the United
States". Worship service was led
by Rev. S. E. Long, pastor. "Pion
eers of Good Will", a short his
tory of Christianity in our coun
try and biographies of two home
missionaries by Lola Luckey. "Be
lieve It or Not", interesting facts
about present day conditions, Mrs.
G. W. Davis; "A Bird's-eye
View", what the United Brethren
church Is doing in home missions,
Mrs. S. E. Long; "The Training
or Missionary Mary", a story a
mission worker finds need near
home, Mrs. Louis Wampler. The
stewardship ceremonial was omit
ted because Mrs. J. V. Lehrman,
secretary of this department was
Mrs. Robert Massle was leader
of this Interesting meeting. A
short business meeting was held,
Mrs. Iris Van Cleave presiding
The reading contest was discussed
and Mrs. Joseph Cook and Mrs.
Louis Wampler appointed leaders.
They chose sides as follows: Mrs
Cook, Mrs. Robert Massle, Mrs
Iris Van Cleave, Miss Ruby Wood
ward. Mrs. S. E. Long, Mrs. Ed
ward Dnnnlean. Jr.. Mrs. J. .v.
Lehrman, Mrs. Royd Hawley, Mrs.
George Tkatch, Mrs. Wampler
Mrs. G. W. Davis, Mrs. G. G
Looney, Mrs. Orville Luckey
Mrs. Pearl Van Cleave, Rev. S
E. Long, Mrs. E. A. Kuenzi, Miss
Hulda Stripling, Mrs. Fannie
Kibbey. The contest closes March
20. The winners to be treated.
The requirements are reading
three books, inspirational, home
, and foreign mission. The date of
the December meeting was chang
ed to the eighth, as the Fathers
and Sons banquet is to be Decem
ber 11. The refreshment commit
tee for the banquet is Mrs. Louis
Wampler, chairman; Mrs. Robert
Massle, Mrs. E. Kuenzi, Mrs. W.
G. Davis and Mrs. Looney.
The society, voted to secure a
box of books from the State Li
brary association. They will ask
for additional books on home mis
sions. The library will be kept at
the church and open to all inter
ested. Mrs. Looney and Mrs. Robert
Massle were appointed as a com
mittee for the world's mission ad
vancement day program. Miss Ha-rel-Cook,
president, will represent
the Otterbeln guild on this com
mittee. Mrs. Robert Massie be
came a member of the missionary
Mrs. Luckey and daughter Miss
Iola and Mrs. Luckey's sister, Mrs.
Earl Thomas served delicious re
freshments. Mrs. Louis Wampler
will be hostess for the December
Willamette Valley Members
Of Farmers Union to Help
Montana Farmers
BETHEL. , Not. 14 Max
Gehlhar, director of agriculture,
returned Friday afternoon from
San Francisco, Immediately con
ferring with the State Relief Com.
mlttee of the Oregon Farmer Un
ion, of which committee he is a
member. The other members
are Betty M. Kappaut,- state se
cretary, of Eugene and John
Shepherd of Scio. The . meeting,
held in Mr. Gehlhar' s office, was
called for the donation and ship
ment of three cars of food stuff
for, the needy wheat farmers of
the drouth districts of Montana.
One ear o apples has been do
nated by the Hood River apple
growers and a second car by John
Weathersnoon of Elgin. The
third car will carry approximate
ly seven tons of dried prunes and
apples, fresh fruits and sacked
vegetables and several hundred
pounds of dried beans. This car
will be consigned to Flaxvllle,
Montana. .
The railroad executive com
mittee will hear Farmer Union
arguments for free transportation
on these donated commodities at
their monthly meeting In Portland
next week.
The shipment is awaiting the
outcome of this hearing.
R. W. Hogr of Salem was, ap
pointed to take charge or loading
of the car.
Officers of the counties of Yam
hill, Polk, Linn and Marion, form
a sub-committee of ten who are
responsible for the assembling of
the Oregon products. These mem
bers are state President L. H. Mo-
Bee and A. G. Rempel of Dallas, S
B. Holt of Scio, Irvin Bartels of
Macleay, R. W. Hogg of Salem.
Warren Gray of Marion, Joseph
Brent of Mt. Angel, W. W. Russell
of McMinnville, Mrs. Earl DeSart
and Ernest Werner of Silverton
JEFFERSON. Not. 14 O. H.
Blume, dairy farmer of the Mll-
lersbnrg district lour ana one-
half miles southwest of here, re
ceived inlurles recently when
his year and one-half old bull at
tacked him, tossed him witn nis
horns end badly gored Mr.
Blume's left leg.
Mr. Blume had gone to the
bull to take him to water. The
young animal never before had
shown ill temper. Blume was
able to roll to safely bafore the
bull could renew his attack, and
his son Otto helped him to the
Besides the Injuries to the leg
which was badly torn and gashed,
Mr. Blume sustained other bruis
es and cuts. He was taken to the
Albany General hospital for
treatment. It Is reported that Mr.
Brume's injuries are not serious,
and that he will probably not
suffer the loss of the injured leg.
'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lemon pi
Salem were guests of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. David
son at their country home three
miles northwest of here Wednes
day and Thursday.
Miss Garnet Whedbee spent
several days of this week at Cor
vallis, attending the homecoming
at Oregon State college. She also
attended the football game be
tween Oregon State college and
University of Oregon.
Miss Virginia McKee went to
Portland Friday morning on a
business and pleasure trip.
7fte Christian Endeavor soci
ety of the Evangelical church Is
sDonsorine a cooked food sale
Saturday, November 21, In the
Thurston store annex, which was
formerly the bank building.
L. D. Mars and family were re
cent euests at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mars.
L. D. Mars has Just returned
from the Umpqua country, where
he has been employed by the
highway department where they
completed a fine highway from
Drain to Reedsport. He expects to
go to Scappoose soon.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee
left Friday for Kelso, Wash.,
where they will spend a two
weeks vacation with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. George Carroll, Jr., and
"Hod to Hove Work"
Plea of 'Shiners;
Each is Fined $50
WOODBURN, Nov. 14.
John W. Hannn and John
LoBghmlller, both of whom
.live east of Woodburn near
Sllverton, appeared before
Justice of tho Peace Over
ton Friday, afternoon and
paid fines. Banna paid a 950
fine for the unlawful pos
session of a still and Laugh
miller paid 925 for unlawful
possession of Intoxicating
" Both men Were arrested
last week by officers of 'the
state police force. Haunn
and Laughmiller are both
oat of owrk and claim that
ts the only way they had of
making a living. . ,
LIBERTY, Nov. 14 The Com
munlty club met at the hall Fri
day evening with the new officers Caf- 7)ar 1 Bh
in charee. New committee for thA WJCX AVCC AO III
coming year were as follows: ad
Tlsory, W. Olden, John Dasch,
Joe Williams; sick and distress,
Charles Krauger, F. L. Scott, Mrs,
Kate Holder; entertainment, Mrs
Joe Williams, . Mrs. Ernest Free
and the school teachers. Mrs.
For Christmas
Program, Keizer
I. E. STEVENS. 71,
Spanish American war ve
Had Lived two Years
In Woodburn
Harry Miles Is Victim In
Game November 11
survived by Ui widow, two
daughters, Mrs. J. J. Stratum ox
Spring Valley, Mrs. A L O'ueiuy
of Salem; one ton ' Freeman in
Russia, and tiro grandsons: Mr.
Canto eame to spring vauey
from South Dakota. oTer 20 years
ago. About three years ago he
old his farm to Oscar Hover
and moved to Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilkinson
and family left by motor Armis
tice day for New Virginia, Iowa.
They have spent six years in
Oregon and decided It conditions
in Iowa weren't so good .they
might return here in the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson
WOODBURN. Nor. 14 Harry
Miles, Woodburn high school stu-
u- in th viii nnni.-arwMimrn are having extensive remodeling
football game Armistice day, is I none w tneir nom,
Mttinr llnnr mm wall ' nn K ax. I more room.
pected. One bone, about three
inches above the ankle, was brok
en. .
Rev. and Mrs. Elmer W. Blew,
and their daughter, Marian, at
tended the performance of the fa
moms Seth Parker radio group at
the Portland auditorium Thurs
day evening. They were Tery
much pleased with the perform
ance of the players, who represent
IT. Cervenka Trades
Brush College Land
For Salem Property
L. Carvenka who has resided
here for about a year, recently
quaint characters native to the I traded his Brush College home
coast of Maine, who gather at the for Salem property owned oy u
Seth Parker home occasionally for a.. Miller. Mr. Cervenka had to
"prayer meetin's". Qnit farming because of ill
Eugene Courtney, local bank- health. Mr. and Mrs. Miller re-
er and Dr. Gerald B. Smith, left .id on their newly acquired
Friday evening for Eugene, where j property. Their two sons attend
tney win attend a meeting or me l galem high
state road Improvement commls-1 The- chrysanthemum show at
slon. Courtney has been made di- oak Grove created wide interest
KEIZER, Nov. 14. The regu
lar meeting of the Keizer corn-
Cunningham also helped with the munlty club was held in the school
program this month. Miss Carol nouse Friday evening.
Dasch will be chairman of the
eats eats committee and will
choose her assistants each month
The alterations and improve
ments on the hall wero discussed
and it was voted to turn in $35
in the building fund toward pay
lng the costs. Another $15 was
also put in the loan fund by var
ious members. The club went on
record to . co-operate with the
The president, Ray Betzer. be
ing 111, W. E. Savage, vice-president,
presided over a short busi
ness session. It was decided to
hold the community Christmas
program the evening of Decem
ber 18 at Chemawa hall providing
the hall could be secured for that
date. Lester Evans was appointed
to see about getting the hall. A
goodly number of products of the
grange and Woman's club to put a.rm.Wre br0UgJh. in,t0 b dl".
on a chicken dinner and entertain
ment to raise funds for the build
lng , costs. The committee ap
pointed by Mrs. Meyers and Mrs
Lena Hummel, met with the com
mittees from the other organiza
tlons and announced the date for
this dinner as Tuesday, Novem
ber 24, Further details will be
announced later.
There are also plans for a dra-
tributed as needed. Mrs. G. N.
Thompson, Mrs. Roy Melson and
Charlie Weathers were appointed
as a committee to look after the
distribution. A community sing
led by the principal, Mrs. Callln.
was held, and could scarcely come
to a close on account of the en
thusiasm aroused. It was voted to
unite in a Joint meeting with the
Hayesville, Middle Grove and Ha
matlc and a literary club to be "1 Green community clubs In a
formed by the members.
Twenty-seven members paid
dues during the evening
The program given after the
business was finished was as fol
lows: reading. Caroline Carson;
Joint meeting at Chemawa hall,
each club contributing to the pro
gram. The date is to be arranged
later. A Jitney luncheon, presld
ed over by Mrs. Melson, Mrs. Ack
man and Mrs. Claggett was served
Change Date
For Club Meet
" I .kl.L .11. J a, a. a i
tan dance and song, Donald ucl" sum io me
irMnr. TaMnr Jacflnlln exenequer or ine ciuo.
Judd; dance, fifth grade girls;
play, "The Case of the Long Lost
Gayblrd vs. Amanda Meek". Cast
of characters follows: Judge
Legal Cap, Mr. Scott; Lawyer
Smart, Mr. Judd; Lawyer Sharp,
Mr. Farrand; Reginald Gayblrd,
Mr. Krauger; Amanda Meek,
Mrs. Cunningham; Billy Crotty,
Mr. Dasch, and Tim Johnson,
John Van Loh. The play was
coached by Miss Lena Hummel.
WOODBURN. Nor. 14 Funer-
al services for. Isaac Enoch Stev
ens, 71, win be neid m the cnapei
of Hall's mortuary at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, with Rev. Hill
of the Woodburn Christian church
officiating. Interment will be at
the Belle Passl cemetery.
Isaae Stevens was born in Bene-
cla, Calif., June 11, 1860. He has
lived in Woodburn two years, af
ter having moved from his farm
in Jefferson county, near Madras,
where he lived 17 years. He had
farmed the greater part of his
life. Mr. Stevens was ill most of
the time he Ured In Woodburn.
He has been bedfast since August
8. He was a veteran of the Span
ish-American war.
Survivors are his children.
George Stevens, Baltimore, Mary
land; Mrs. Herbert Thatcher,
Toungstown, 0-, and Walter Stev
ens of West Woodburn. He also
leaves a sister, Mrs. Bessie Stein
of Cincinnati, Ohio. His late wife
died about two months ago.
Pallbearers are expected to be
members of the local Spanish
American veterans' organization.
Club Members
Spend Afternoon
With Quilting
LIBERTY, Nov. 14 The Home
Economics club of the Red Hills
grange met Friday at the home of
Mrs. John Van Lydegraph. A pot-
luck lunch was enjoyed at noon
The afternoon was spent working
on a friendship quilt for the hos
tess. .
Thirteen members and two vis
itors were present. Those enjoy
ing the day were Mrs. O. T. Seal
ey and Mrs. J. A. Miles, visitors;
Mesdames Farrand, Krauger, Wil
son, Zosel, Holder, Olden, Stacey,
Adams, Grabenhorst, Taylor, Dal
las and Van Lydegraph.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Judd and
Dorothy, Miss Mary Berndt and
Bill Berndt were In Monmouth
Friday to attend the wedding of
Mrs. Judd's niece. Alma Tittle to
Mr. Paul Launer.
Miss Dorothy Judd, a student at
O. S. C, will spend the weekend
at the home of her parents.
rector In Marion county and Dr.
Smith is vice president for Mar
lon county.
The Jubilee singers, a group of
colored vocalists, sang at the high I two solos on the evening pro-
school Friday afternoon in. the
school auditorium.
in the Brush College and Zena
communities. Those attending
from these districts Thursday
were Mrs. A. E. Utley who. gave
mm. Mrs. Lk V. Uioson. Mrs. a.
L. Kin ton, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett
all of Brush College; Mrs. W. W
Hennr. Mrs. W. Frank Crawford
Mrs. Walker Purvine and Mrs
W. D. Henry of Zena, the latter
giving a reading on the program
Mrs. M. C. Petty and Mrs. Lou
Grote of Wallace Road also tIs
lted the show.
Response at Dallas Good;
Needlework Guild has
Many Donations
DALLAS. Not. 14. Incomplete
returns on Friday night of tho
annual Red Cross roll call Indi
cated some 130 members had .
been signed up. It is expected
this will be 200 by the time all
of the business houses and tho
industrial district have been, coy
The response has been geaer- -
ous, ana tne Dallas cnapter wui
be able to carry on its relief pro
gram this winter.
Another agency in the com
munity that renders a great ser
vice is the local branch of tue -Needlework
Guild of America.
Friday the directors held their
annual tea at which time mem
bers brought in their donation!
of new garments snd money.
Many garments were brought in
this year for boys, a need that
has previously been diliicult to
take care of. Blankets. ' towels.
underwear, sheets. . stockings.
dresses are some of the articles
The tea was held at the Pres
byterian church with Mrs. J. BV
Allgood. Mrs. W. V. Fuller, Mrs.
J. G. VanOrsdal and Mrs. Conrad
Starr in assisting at the tea table.
A short program of music and
readings was given under direc
tion of Mrs. Elwyn Craven.
KEIZER, Not. 14. Miss Luln
McClay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McClay, is visiting in Red
mond with her uncle and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClsy and With
a cousin In Bend.
Miss Nelson to be
Singer for League
SHELBURN, Not. 13. Shel-
burn and vicinity Is getting to be
quite a strawberry center. Acre
ages vary from one to 80 acres.
Growers Just entering the indus
try are Ql to Lyons, Wyman
Brothers, LT G. Fox, W. HC Mc-
Lain. C. A. MeClaln. N. Crosier.
W. R. Knicken, W. DonovanfvC. C.
Smith, J. W. Wells and Charles
Mrs. Gilbert Flnley was again
called to Turner Wednesday to
help care for her son Gerald, who
has contracted scarlet fever from
nursing his wife, who Is now con
Scio High hotes
Scio and Shedd will play foot
ball Friday in Thayer's field near
Scio at 2:30.
The junior paper entitled "The
Tattler" came out Thursday eve
ning. This is the second Issue this
year. The paper shows that much
time and skill has been spent In
preparing the paper.
The annual Scio high school car
nival is to be presented at the
gymnasium Friday night. Novem
ber 20. The funds from the carni
val are fO be applied on a hang
over deft of $150 from last year's
edition of The Sphinx, the high
school annual. Much work are ef
fort are being put forth with i
view of staging the best carnival
ever given in Scio. The general
committee Is Max Long, Ralpn
Johnston, Eleanor Miller and Opal
Rehearsals of the program ar
under way and are expected to be
very good.
Two Spring Valley
Residents Served
With Electricity
KNOW YOUR DRUGGIST gTTB R, - Htt yomr dtorj njt-Jmmd mmm
Id inrPnnPSinZiV singer, has been selected as
cuii"ud of the soloists at the annual
Delmer Dewey's
Car Wrecked on
Dorcas Society
Conducts Dinner
And Apron Sale
MONMOUTH, Nov. 14 The
Dorcas society of the Christian
.IiumI. . A all erVt i t 111 A Tl fl ftT
fin tO Y 3kim3i the church Thursday evening
f . fnllnwJne- an nron sale durlnJ
MONMOUTH, Nov. 14 D. R.
Dewey, director of training
schools of the Oregon Normal,
wrecked his car Tuesday, while en
route to Yakima, Wash., with a
load of football men from this
school. Dewey swung his ear Into
a ditch to avoid a collision, and it
turned over. No one was hurt,
but the car was badly damaged.
J. B. Lorence of Monmouth
made haste to the scene and took
the boys on to Taklma where they
largely attended. Dannas ann niet the Idaho university's super-
chrysanthemums lent color to the varsity in a game Wednesday aft-
attractive netting arranged oy ia- ernoon, making a score of 20-6.
Father and Son
Banquet Proves
Enjoyable Event
MONMOUTH, Nov. 14 The an
nual Father and Sons banquet
was held Thursday evening at the
Evangelical church, and was
following an apron sale during
the afternoon.
A table was prepared especially
for the children; and a group of
tables for the grownups was at
tractively arranged In L forma
tion. Handsome baskets of chry
santhemums In white and pastel
shades were used on the tables
and about the rooms.
The society realized about $50
in cash from the enterprise, ac
cording to Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose,
The attention of members of
the Orchard Heights club Is called
to the fact that the' next meeting
will be held Wednesday, No
vember 18, Instead of on Thurs
day as is usual. Mrs. M. A.
Schneller will be hostess at that
time at her home on the Orchard
Heights road.
Mrs. Margaret Adams returned
home Thursday after a visit of
several days at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Graben
horst at Pringle.
Miss Eleanor Briggs. primary
teacher at the Mountain . View
school was ill a part of the week
and Miss Scott of Independence
substituted in her stead.
SILVERTON, Not. 14 Miss
Frances Nelson, a popular local
vention of the Luther league, to
be held this year at Brush Prair
ie, Wash. The league meets No
vember 27, 28 and 29. Miss Nel
son, who will be accompanied at
the piano by her mother, Mrs. Alf
O. Nelson, will sing Mendolsohn's
"But the Lord is Mindful of His
Henry Davidson and Mr. Mersh
inger on the former Hoefllng
farm recently installed electric
Friends of the Chute family
were shocked to hear of the
death of W. A. Chute at his
home in Salem Wednesday after
noon. Mr. Chute had been ailing
for sereral years and lately be
came totally blind. But until
Friday when he suffered a stroke
he had been able to be about A
second stroke followed Sunday
lea vine him unconscious. He is
Let notning stop you
THE druggist emerges from behind his prescription
counter, with a small package, and hands it to the
waiting messenger. "Let nothing stop you, he warns,
it is a matter of life or death P And he gazes anxiously
after his messenger as he disappears into the darkness of
the storm-swept night.
Somewhere in the neighborhood a Doctor is tending
a stricken patient. He had telephoned to the Druggist
a prescription of vital importance, and he is waiting,
counting every minute, for the medicine to arrive.
Just a glimpse behind the scenes- an incident in th
professional life of the Druggist and one which should
impress us with his true place in the community. As
few druggists can maintain an exclusively prescription
pharmacy, he must be a merchant, too. But assuredly
his professional services and the sacrifices he is often
called upon to maVe in the public welfare entitle him to
a large measure of the good-will of the community, and
s place of honor among its professional men.
Our Prescription Service is the Best
Service We Render
Gajpilttall EDiriuig Sttot?G
405 State
J. H. Willett
Phone 31 IS
Dowey's car was towed to Port
land where he traded it on a new
eight cylinder of the same make.
dies of the church especially for
the affair.
Rev. A. L. Lonsberry acted as
master of ceremonies, and J. F.
Santee, faculty memoer oi me rr, J
Oregon Normal school gave the JtlUge OlOVVU 3t
address of the evening, is. a. sieo- r r"j
bins and George Berreman. also ZJlOriCr S 13 V
of the Normal s iacuuy sum, wre
speakers, and Verl White, O. N.
S. student represented the boys on
the program.
A delicious chlcsen amner was
Mrs. W. G. Davis is
Hostess to Sewers
HAZEL GREEN, Nov. 14 Mrs.
W. G. Davis was hostess to tne
Nemo sewing club Wednesday aft
ernoon. The members present
were: Mrs. Tove, Mrs. Edward
Haines. Mrs. W. W. Rutherford,
w- . 1 names, xars. r. r - jmiusnum,
Grange tiVentS Mrs. Louis Falst, Mrs.. Richard
A U V C, iUlS, aw a v vvu mm
MONMOUTH, Nov. 14 The an-
. ... . I laUcaa AJi vises o ua e
served by the Homelike society Monmouin gge t0Ur drew out
assisted by other members of the
group of Future Farmers and the
Smith-Hughes instructor, Warren
E. Crabtree, stopped work long
enough Friday morning to listen
In at the school-owned radio to a
Joint talk alren bv Dr. J. C.
a crowd of about 90 persons, the
largest attendance registered since
New Year's day. The men mem
bers planned, cooked and served
and the guests. A feature of the ater. " M- J-J-
noon hour was instrumental mu
sic furnished by the Powell boys
trio of piano, saxophone ana ban
daughter Imogene, Mrs. Domni
que La Rosa and daughter. Miss
Hilda, Mrs. Fred Hashlebaeber sr
and Mrs. Albert Hashlebacher,
Mrs. Homer Davis and hostess.
Henry Dalke and son Fred and
Frank Lewis of Aberdeen, Idaho.
are visiting home of son-in-law
Lehrman. They expect to leave
Monday for home.
io. Rev. A. L. Lonsberry or tne
Evangelical church gave ine m-
Wrisrht. director of the federal Tocatlcn; ana ueorge .urre oi
board of Tocatlonal education, Dallas, presided.
nit Citnstnr JmfJI 1 Davis of
pnnTlTnJfl. who snoke on the I JEFFERSON, Not. 14 Mr.
anblecL "You and Your Job.' The and Mrs. Hubert Conn of Jeffer-1 Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Lee Gibson and
son Billy of Brush College, and
his friend Wallace Guthorie of
returned home Tuesday
broadcast was one of a series on 1 son are receiving- congratulations I after a week's outing st Newport
i vocational guidance under the ans-1 on the arrival of a daughter Sat-where they occupied the cottage
f tii awH.n S-hnnl af I urdav. November 14. This Is their I of Mrs. A. Vercler of Salem,
the Air. - I second child. I mother of Mrs. Gibson.
More Cut Rates
On South. Pac.
As an inducement to stimulate
rail travel, the Southern Pacifle
company is again offering very
low fares between all main line
points and the principal branch
line points in Oregon as far south
as Roseburg. In making the an
nouncement of these reductions.
A. Mlckel, district freight and
assenger agent for the company
here, stated that they would be
effective from November IS to
December 15 Inclusive and stop
overs would be permitted on both
round trip and one way tickets.
As an example of these very low
fares. One way tickets will be sold
between Salem and Portland for
SOc and round trips for $1.00.
The one way fare to Eugene is
75c and the round trip 11.50 and
to Roseburg one way $1.50 while
the round trip is only $3. Round
trip tickets will bear, a return
limit of 14 days, Mlckel stated,
and are good on all trains.
HOPEWELL. Not. 13. Armis
tice day was hailed with gusto by
school children and school teach
ers alike. Mrs. Ray Coxel of the
Hopewell school took advantage of
this holiday, and with her hus
band and daughter, R. eoiel ana
Lulu Nyehart, and relatives from
Montana, went to Neskowlu aad
Pacific City. They enjoyed good
weather, and had a rery pleasant
Miss Claire Wagner, who Is
teaching at Falrview, spent tho
past week end In Oregon City.
Look tfhot you Savel Seo what you gel!
IT n El Q IB A EL AO N s
Bore's the answer to low price
and good honest value. A tire
guaranteed for life fall over-aise-ballt
with Goodyear
Saportwlst. And jasflook at
these prices!
f t- S EACH
t J Each In Pairs
la Pmtra
29x4.44-21 $435 .$4.25
29x4.50-24 4.70 43
39x4.50-21 405 470
5.60 5.57
$99 583
6.10 5.95
7.37 7.6
375 3.65
sVftf fl.ff
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Trade slippery danger
osM tiros now for NKW
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. Satisfaction With Eyery Transaction
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