f THE WEATHER Unsettled, probably rains today and Monday, cool; Max. Temp. Saturday 02, Mln. 89, river 1 toot, rain .43 inch. SERVICE We guarmtec our car rier service. If your paper does not arrive by 0:30, call 9101 and a copy will be delivered at once. poursiD.no 183! EmUTY-flRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 15, 1931 " : I I : ZZi Z ZJZ m I r-iirir-uir- mm r- ll llSTI-f I r nil ANNUAL BUDGET GOING UP FOR COUNCIL AGT10N Health Item to Remain, is Present Indication as Opposition Talked Raising Police Allowance Back to First Figure Is Being Urged Empire Company Stock Permit Obtained by False Statement Of Organization, Records Show : O PflVPP El fPTfil Til Prominent Names Used to Induce Investment DUI Lll LLLU I LU I U Rv Hundreds of Orecon Peoole: Promoter Possessor of Past Criminal Record . m state m Final consideration and approv al of the J.932 cty of Salem bud get Is to be the largest Item of business before the city council tomorrow night. Aside from two Items $6000 for the county health unit and $31,620 for sal aries of the police department, the budget of $376,833 is expected to be adopted without protest. Proponents and enemies of the health unit appropriation are both expected to attend Monday night's session, although an Informal can vass of aldermen Indicates the health unit item is going to pass as now constituted. Especial im portance attaches to the action since the city's move will prob ably determine how much Marion county will appropriate In 1932. The county and the city each ap propriated $8000 in 1931. Want Police Slash Restored Again A number of petitions have been circulated and signed calling for Increasing the police depart ment outlay $3000, or back to the amount appropriated for 1931. Advocates of this increase declare that it Is a poor time to make any reductions in police department efficiency. Dave O'Hara, chairman of the budget committee, said Sat urday that he thought the police . u Id fit Jim Smith Again Officer of Commissioners; Annual Meeting is Closed PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 14. (AP) Judge Alex Sparrow, Jack son county, was elected president of the State Association of County Judges and Commissioners in an nual session here today. M. R. Biggs was reelected vice president, and J. E. Smith, Salem, was reelected secretary-treasurer. County clerks, who also have been in convention here, elected U. 6. Boyer, Salem, president; JJ. B. Reavis, Wallowa, vice-president; L. P. Curry. Albany, secre tary, and Carl, . Pendleton, Lakeview, treasurer. The county Judges and commis sioners urged that congress be asked to appropriate $125,000,000 Bv SHELDON F. SACKETT rriHE Statesman presents this Mid subsequent articles on JL the Empire Holding company with the purpose of reveal ing to the people of the state tne snarp meinoas ana un scrupulous practices employed during the current year to pro mote a $2,500,000 concern in Oregon. If "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" this newspaper feels it has a duty to show to its readers ana to otnerv Htirem an odious situation tor EUGENE BATTLE If ID PROVES SCORELESS TIE State Football Title Isn't Decided; Staters get Game With Utah which people In high position are blameworthy. Revocation of the permit of the Empire Holding company to sell its stock in Oregon was made by order of Corporation Commission er James W. Mott, November 6, 1931. By this action the first step to curbing and perhaps to punish ing the activities of this mushroom-like financial organization was taken. What other action will be taken to protect the 850 or more shareholders In the concern remains a matter of surmise. The story of the Empire Hold- for federal aid and $12,500,000 . company which was organized for forest roads for the fiscal years . n.tnKpr 1030. incorporated the 1934 and 1935. They also."m following month and began doing menaea mat nut less uu ,vvv,- 000 be appropriated by congress annually for the construction of roads across unreserved public lands and non-taxable Indian lands for the fiscal years 1933, 1934, 1935. The convention went on record as favoring the return of regular state highway commission meet ings from Salem to Portland HEALTH PROGRAM n Support of Appropriation effort to score With no Reductions Is Voted at Institute University Holds tdqe on Yardage, Gets Nearer Enemy Goal Line EUGENE. Ore.. Not. 14 (AP)--With the state football championship at stake, Oregon State college and the University of Oregon fought each other to a scoreeless tie in the annual home coming game here today. Throughout the first half both teams resorted to punts to aa- vance the ball and in the second half they took to the air in an Eyes ot America Focused Upon U. S. Troops in Trouble Zone Support of the Marion county health unit program was recom mended by the local Salem Wom en's club meeting Saturday after- noon In the regular business ses sion which was a part of the coun- husiness bv December 11, 1930, is an amazing narrative of human ty inBtltute of the third district of gullibility, high-pressure ana un- tbe, Btate federation. scrupulous promotion ana iauny The Bupport wag Toted for the administration. program as It now la with no re- Large Amount of ductlons In any line. Further ac- Stock Marketed tlon is expected from the club It is a story of more man o wom6n on this matter. Oregon men and women wno paiu children's matinees also came with notes, casn or urst-mui 1.- . fnr niaM1aSinn n. was vot rl::7,vtrT& they had saved, tor more .d that Mnj Mk McCamster. "J ,"Lr,r- t. ;na than $800,000 wortn or koci in s ehaIrBM of the movlng plctare icict ivjviuvi . 1 v in ,roT. whnsa nuDSiu- . . . 1 iv iv. .11... " extra day away irom nome I ,,'a r nver or- "v ----- yaraage, gaining live nrsi aowns More than once the ball was driven to within dangerously short distance of the goal line but each time the defensive team gathered its full strength and smothered the assault. The game also was to have been the means of choosing an opponent for the University of Utah In a post-season charity game at Portland December 5. It had previously been decided that in case of a tie sports writers were to select Utah's opponent and Oregon State college was chosen at a meeting of the writ era after the game. The vote was unanimous. Oregon Takes Edge Oa Yardage, Downs Oregon, statistics revealed, had a slight edge on first downs and Urn .U ! j - r T- z ' " ' U - - t TIM TRUGEK ASSURED Attention of American citizens is focused on the U. 3. troops and ki ri.-. .HnnMi t Tientsin. China, as clashes between Cnin- ese and Japanese soldiers grow more frequent and severe over the Manchnrian crisis. The 15th V. 8. Infantry Is shown P? ? Tientsin before the American Consulate, it is commnui y" i t t. t.,u. rnn rlirht). Colonel James C. Beckinrldge (upper left) is commanding officer of the U. S. Marines in troubled China. General Mah and Japanese Agree Upon Cessation of Hostilities Until Work On Bridge Finished Russia Reminds Japan That Interests to be Protected) First Intimation That Agreement Made ECONOMY PIES OF EMPEROR IS TO BE MEIER IS REVIVED PROCLAIMED TODAY TOKYO, Nov. 15. (Sunday) (AP) A Mukden dispatch to the newspaper Nichi Nichi today 6?.:d a 10-day truce had been arranged between Japanese authorities and General Mah Chan-Shan pending completion of repairs to the NoeeI river bridge in Manchuria. The repairs to the bridge had been practically completed, tbe dispatch said. The truce followed negotiations between the two Japanese repre sentatives at Tsitsihar, Consil Shimizu am Major Hayashi. and the Manchurian general. It was agreed upon after the Japanese had presented five conditions, at ripnartment should stand its cu along with other city departments. O'Hara also Indicated there was no feasible way to increase the budget enough to Include a $3000 police department raise. There has been talk that the $4500 item for Incinerator main tenance will be stricken from the 1932 budget. O'Hara said Satur day he would not favor such a move until some other deal had to run the incinerator. "While several proposals were be fore the council this year where in thA incinerator would be mide sel '-supporting, none were accept ed by the council. O'Hara said he tinned that some proposal for making the Incinerator self-supporting could soon be adopted by ronnril and that a consider able portion of the $4500 appro priated for 1932 could be turned back to the general fund of the city, which has been overspent $55!000. Utilities Tax Will B Viewed Again The ordinance committee will meet again tomorrow to consider again the pending 2 per cent flat tax on the gross earnings of all utilities operating In Salem. The committee is rather favorable to the informal proposal of the Tort r.anpral Electric company that a license fee be charged utili ties the amount being one-half or one per cent of the gross annual .. nt th concern. If sucn - nnnc9i mAAt.4 with the formal d ui vyuu nf tn committee, a sud- nHinanre may be intro aa Monday night at the council nd the pending 2 per cent tax .,4imna withdrawn t Tttin Teleeraph & Tele- nn enmnanv is now working i!,. . nmnnsed franchise to be ex ecuted with the city to provide as nmnt for the franchise a payment of 2 per cent of gross - .nniially to the city. The existing 60-year franchise of the telephone company with tbe city expires In 1934. A report on the proposed char ter amendment which would per mit the formation of lighting dis tricts is expected from the com mittee to which It was referred but any action taken by the coun cil will be too late to get the measure on the ballot December 15 1931. Less than 30 days, the period required by law for the filing f a ballot measure, is left before the city special election la held. . gp to Salem Mary organizations were never or moving picture chairmen of the an(, ug Q9 from 8Crlmmage y ganized, and never functioned. Tarious women's clubs of the city to Oregon State's three first It is a 6tory of what saies-pro- an(i wnu Manage motion of a dream can do even in Bros, theatres na firm A financial days such as nresent situation 1931. , Not sufficient children f"nd Mostly the game was just hard. The story of tne umpire nom- me maunees ai mo prem nu battering football In the mud .. . um, B,t Vi 1 naa presentea iito conanione, Calls for Courageous Acts; Elevation or rienry ru-iii which General sMgem Honjo, . . ... a- A Dunnal ic Japanese commander in Manchur- Letter is Aaaressea w j japan ruHi TaYnavers' Leaaue Forecast in China PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 14 PEIPINO. Nov. 14 (AP) (AP) Governor Julius L. Meier, mnrnw ,n v... llTlne ln returning today from the seashore p6lplng Bnder the name of Henry where he has heen convalescing i pu-YI, will be proclaimed emper- la, said the Chinese would have to fulfill before Japanese troops would be withdrawn from tte Nonni river area. ing company iuvolves O. P. Cosh- to make it possible to taO- Xhe ne play on both Bldes 8tood u f f Ma churla at Mukden to -,iof instlA of the su- I virtual n lot ii res for the matinees r 1 for tne past wees, iivi a. vuv REGISTRATION A- rat rhief lustice of the su- vidual pictures for the matinees preme court, and the use of his alone, it is said by theatre men nnadA other cititens to and the parents are to be request liOliO l - - I . - , . .11 shareholders in nis cob- ed to cooperaie in uraer 10 owc cern It concerns Sam A. Kozer, the number of attendants so that for eieht years secretary of state special productions may be shown 1 - i -. - V, .. nt . v. .Vl4.'. matin Ac s aiiu J . . , -i v iHrwtor later to be nameo. a ui- i in me moimuj bwmuuo m ' . T-r 1 J ! I 1 1 111. .In irM BQilfl flT ilia Kmrnre noiuius couqu iusuiuw, i . -""" - Dunbar discussed the "correc .V - .v,. rmnra HnlH- tlnni" 1enrlmnt of the State At the end of yesterday's work J ""7 r6veal9 the work of federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. the U. S. employment office, ing cVTwsTr nromoter Tvan Martin reporting on the one rru. --. -;--,- , - , It was so good neither team (Turn to page 5, col. 5) FALLING OFF Nl REPORTS V 1 t .41.HUtA. Ai couraKeous action ny ine touu ?U0ionhnrdeS0CoTnsS that at the same Evaluation and cJ"Y7t; " the ministry selected to help league In making a final stana annoanced. for economies. For several years the former The chief executive cited econo- emperoii now 25 has nved ln mies achieved in various state in- Mukden under Japanese protec stltutlons and departments ana Reports yesterday that he expressed the hope they uia wag boand or Dairen. Man prove a "source of encouragement churIa on a steamship and that . -.-i. tn local crrouns .. . . , . . . ana iuaim"i t - tot Japanese mienaea 10 pui mnd hv Foroien Commi&Kar Varying report, on the condl- in order that the people of Ore- I onPtne tnrone were d6scribed Jnf S lm' bassador Kokl Hirota revealed publicly for the first time the fact that such assurances had been HUD'S HEALTH! MOSCOW, Nov. 14. TAP! The soviet government notified the Japanese government tonigfct of reports that the Japanese mili tary command was prepared to cut the Chinese Eastern railway near Tsitsihar and reminded Japan of its assurances that the interests of soviet Russia would be protect ed in the Manchurian conflict with China. Thus Russia took the Initiates for the first time in setting forth its position regarding develop ments ln Manchuria. The text of the verbal declara- that UA man , a A hiuiTi roiriatfrfMl TOT u.,u " J;j "y .tatm extraordinary, salesman superman conmuon oi iub iu. tlon of Charles Archerd, president gon "may oe reneic 1 " . ,7C I as "premature loo cuieificuw tuumj i t i i ,u.nrii of mm- I mmmfinnen ii aa oia bljio uui i" i . v. i -.i. t ..., n tar nuraen wuivu i .. , i a road jobs. Registration began on l T n,i.. fhr tatea fln rondition. However this does I . x v v oonfiscatlon and ruin. . .. .r . .. ,, oa Tk. n1,mno nt men UST COUD3 iiukj . vv- -i .. .. ti.i. .v. "-m vuuiyauj, o uu i o- i mi .. j.NIUlui jmutuuudu vu. tiic cr . v.. . i.ji.tnu.t nnn con- not relieve tne situation waica iuo 1a.i f. . K I rnvirnot s can was . ,, , ,v " . . . . t;71f UU AVMakkY 1Mb LRU LjajO UJ I Aliw O ' . . . I 1 lJ 1 U1Q ClOf ftt-lUU UL iUV 1 VI 1 111 , 1 club women are anernvwuB , hIs frlends. SOme assert Archerd, in a letter aaaressea is" Hsuan Tung and that he would loweb , "f"1" ;ftaefraud a nart of his history. remedy. Tne aim " WV now at a mine ten miles out of Scott, president or tne iaip' effeet be the puppet 0f the m' "A, ' Nor is the story of the Empire wun an " Vl 7 Cants Pass, Is seriously 111 and league, in tne www Tokyo government. v-j. ..... . I nna niireiV Ol mem ana au viia if. ha n nnnoi alAl MoV (A n nf rrom 1 U LO ov iroi v.v,uv - Th. vflA rt-ni ha holrl nnpn TO r I huiuiiik tuuiauj " - - I , i .in.il.. ' "-"ft " " "-. -& - t i . . the emergency ah any n Sim Phillips last night saia, ana added, "We want no man to say he was given no ciiance to regis ter." Including the 25 men put to . n,,-. of ment and make the system one " "iJr. orroo'r .VeJ; lW UMtt will ptae. pri.o.r. 1 ; in varfous state de-l . " llTlf frnears: Agent mentT of bursting bubbles, There, age classes and in simiiar group, on Arch6rd p&rtment9 aad that he expects a,r ArTeSXea given the soviet foreign minister by the Japanese ambassador. "The soviet government consid ers that these assurances remain in force now and shall not be bro ken," the foreign minister addd. was iippit. ana uibcuuuu 1 -s. .v. :.r V hA organization of the John Meyers, cnapiam t which onerated for boys' training school, gave a tw months before the status ot its af- .iSSS''S "the vn to the comora- outlined an excellent view oi w ng tne meu " .7., .art to be accomplished wun work on tne nignways ouring "r Member, boys of this age Dast wees, 42 men were prouueu unuea uui -j . jobs by the employment omce, ac cording to Agent Phillips' weekly report. Of the 3 5 men applying for the regular lines or wora, common laborers and one farm hand were placed. Five of the 17 women applying were sent to work, two as stenog raphers, two as matrons and one as a waitress. Hollywood Man Much Hurt When m MEIER TO BET TO OFFICE MONDAY fiarl Fisher, member of the) , state tax commission, anonnnced Saturday tho state tax levy for 1932. based on im property val uations, probably will not exceed three mills, including the elemen tary school tax of one mill. The state tax levy for bas ed on 130 valuations, was ap proximately six mill. T The commission will take Into consideration certain definite tar ings entering into th tax atrue Tmnortant among these tt .ui.iiinn at tha one-mill mar ket road tax by th 1111 lafial ture. Repeal of this act has result ed in a aaring ot approximately 4ka AAA a vear. A.vt'v.. Knbstantial aaring baa ...nita from, the action Of the world Taterani ataU aid commia ,t An in wahrinc for period af 10 91 in nnnr its stock on purch asers' wherever they could be lo cated. . Without question the motivat ing Individual in the organization r.mnlrA Holding company was Keller. He has a long record as a promoter or various viii prises including companies to write various lorms oi votier in 1921 In Denver was In- nar thHiib L. Meier. mntnA for usinz the mails to de-1 - inAt ftor an enforced fraud and later was found guilty &bsenc6 ot nearly two and one- ln federal court, sentenceu to ywo- . lf month9 from nis ornciai 01- on and fined $3000. Subsequent- lcen here ia scheduled to arrive w tho nriaon sentence waa ieu".- ,j. ntv at the eaoitoi to- T Z Ulr inrn fed. Keller's tine was paid with mornlns: at 10 o'clock. 1 I dill li "utw Liberty bonds he had used for bail . m b. drlTen here from Port v, . . and he was released. His promo- land by hlg Chaaffeur, will sign W. L. Rockhill, 50, a; shoemak-I . ctivitles continued. -ome official papers and Is ex- er of the Hollywood district, sui- stocklMn First pected to leave early In the af t- fered serious injuries .yesterday. . to vluk wnoon for Portland. when an automobile ln wnicn ne Iq the gummer i 1930 Keller Members of the Meier official was riding was struck by . I visited Portland and while there famIiy and otber friends are pre sonthbound Southern Pacizicf 1.. oinpkmm. Portland I n. narnni with freight train. The automobile was attorny and formerly assistant in number of floral gifts. His prl demollsbed. nttirm of the district attorney Yata ntn? has been nut ln sDick- PorYhill had lust left his dusi- . t0uq- nninid his I ; l tn vi. - . . tft 1 m l-orviaut. 7. . I span uruer iiiryoiwi; vr uesa iiw iu ni-na 0f neat company: its bub- turn his home when the acclde nt oc- P ofj gr p turn. motQred back tQ curred. He was rushed by Baiern mS lnaurance, to handle portland from Gearhart Saturday Taxi ambulance to a bcapltai. rtagft treatments, to do a after 8pendlng ten days at the WbM S7lC?o m5S?w the full casualty insurance business and to eoagt reort, He told newspaper would be 48 hours before tne iu h.tr.rts and tlUes. The Portland reaterdaT that extent of hi. injuries " othlnwmentwtMWr in excellent shape and termmea. 1 . v.inu,. vai v,un aulte un-1 n M,,m vnrv B "y'l UUOIUVO0 - a v vnsMv lformly profitable ana mat ure-i whether Governor Meier wm a state was being mulcted I retnrn to the canltol arain this out ot great sums of money byWeek after his visit tomorrow is sending virtually an 01 us insur-1 not known. ance net premiums .outsiae mo fatll. iVLm"nrYnt:r that iiovenz Case - n nthr renorta arm that the saVlnKS WUl npyiuiiu..- Archard is up and about and for $3,750,000 during the current bl the last few days has been work- ennlum. Tax "mlnaUo' a,n ing in the mine. Mrs. Archerd said, total ii.asi.isv, who resides In Portland has as yet of the soldiers' bonus tax 1 11. . 1.1. w.. Inn .n vAtoed appropriations. r u uubuio 1 kj 1 uiii hit uuouauu. i oov, i . .ill v.n. .1 1 n im o9c The remainder win audit of the Archerd company is come through savings by msiuu going on here although it will be tions and department at least a week before any state- 1 - . V - (.n ,. A considerable portion of tbe PrOflt IS M&(1 ment. Many of the notes payable DT. J .giCXinn POSt n Liquor Raid Fined $50 Each Ray McKay and Rudolph Mcln turff who on Friday night were arrested by city and state police at 923 South Commercial street. yesterday were fined $50 each for possession of liquor, when they appeared In municipal court. ROM F NJURY: CAfiS MEET Daddy's presence of mind xcty have saved his little girl from Mclnturff waa released from Jail 8 ? w yi to the company are collateralled for bank and other loans. Receiv ables and payables of the firm are likewise hard to ascertain ac curately. H. O. White, receiver, is in full charge and is conducting the business pending the comple-! tlon of theaudit and the determin ation of a policy for the company to pursue. on payment of the fine but Mc Kay was held pending the ar- While C. W. Harpst. route 4, was driving his touring car alorg BUILDER TO SPEAK S:.7, ZS. of tl North High street, the back door Capital Post No. t. Amancan 0f Klamath county, who holds a ' beb,nd Legion. JAt out. Mr. Harpst grabbed h.r 50 xrom -- fl. by the hair and at thesame tinie nance chairman, yesterday re- cnar.e of being drunk, Mark IZTZZt Dorted. This sum, be said, was i p0ulsen, municipal Judge, fined sgoodly amount, considering the hjm 10- ..r , the nost this year did not ask business men to purchase DRIVER ARRESTED i- hwk. of tickets. Lloyd Hayes, a salesman, was o v AT CH1BEH MEET inai check on the number ot picked up late last night by State TiAirion tickets SOld WlU no w umwr auaure. xie was iuy- completed until Tuesaay or r Y . IL ' Ssday. according to W. P. Wat-1 ted on a charge of dHv- kins, of the ticket commmwi T,A"-" Stefe Tax Lei;i is iVof To Exceed Three Mills o- tome "eminent dUxon" would be mAaA tn head IM concern; . . - I...,,. n Knt not lumseil was a -- -- hnalnees man ana - wwwo Non-Suited Due To Legal Flaw department Tbe saving resulting from tha waiver or tnia tax wui exceed $I00.00. rthr financial savings wucu BtanA out nromlnently during tba-l . . Alk iit tha money, past year include $500,000 loppad I gjms-n as an attorney bad After appearing in circuit eourt OX! irom uw vown Justice O. r uosnow w I a uay ana m umu, puuuuu vi u propriation for tba bigber adnca-1 " f of Bany jwn ud after I case of Frank Kerens for Andrew tlonal InstntiUona. and reductions I frT.,M- of Koramber 4. 1110, 1 Kovens. minor, against T. A. of approximately 800 a montb jnsUco Cosbow was defeat-1 Liresley Jb company, made a toI- ln operauon of tna state imuwiw i - oaenrrad to Stockman to ap-1 untary mouon for non-auit, Tna aeddant commission. . .. I broach tba Jurist to ascertain lf J motion was granted. unrv TTanien. state bttdgat d I 4 f-. . .nm. I rh Wlalntlfr motion followed r ' , . .. i m wnuia ne uiwib. - . - - - - - . raetor, also ass Vll i Dany. Accordingly early. In Novem- discovery that tna eonsen oi of approximately ITIMOi J I gt0V j ustlca Coshow waa ap- xolno to Frank Kovens being eondnet at stats oepairmenw - . te 4 to have named as guardian was not xueo i..Hmii 4nHns the Current b I Pro?B"uf. 7. .... I iv v. Wnn tha eonrt. 1 WVWU - .... V.I will. ivl. flaw NmMIM lUiiiiuu. ... . . ... I WnTumfttr 15. Ill V. WJUie I Him " 1 Amona tba receipts tnai win go I " " Vt- .hm f tha an- action mar take Place. radndns- tba State tax I waa jw " " " . I t tuTnWea 11K.1S0 UvrforTlii ara tho.a from tba prama won g- - d ' J ailered to have resulted intangibles and personal lncom:; .1 J,hlnave letter praisinr tbe from injury of tbe minor while and excise taxes. Fisher "mated JtSSm- pkklng bo?s at tba Livesley yard H. R. Kreltser. vice president of tbe Oregon Building congress. will speak tomorrow before tne chamber of commerce, according to the weekly chamber bulletin. ir. vAt.A. will Aljnaa hnllfl. i. - "whih i. aid to be a matter Starting tomorrow, tha Com- " . I ... fa of importance to Salem and tna munity Service campaign coauan. entlre northwest. He will repra- t m eondnet Its drive for sent the Salem chapter of the ore- f f rt to obtalll gon Building congress. I Tl.!. oration of Mr. Kreltser Is also president chj-wiuo , ..V., r. of the Northwest Brick and Tile employed persons. letters pre- Manufacturers association as weuiparea 7cl"V ";rt".TArv as rice president of one ot tbe mails early tbls week tq every large brick works ot tne norxn- i Dnsinea ZtVmtn i ra west. A"liTi2: Tbe bulletin quotes assessed lpreeentauve u ,-r. ainaft!of. fimres for Marlon I of collecting ana . m .hi. tint I nm h la nwn rroun. county auu """-...- I " .T.n, tn a state- me city pays . ".r7... In add! A . A Srailliill a 1 S ffRBflT 1 IIMI IGBUHUMI county ww. - I . " . ...- tha made that there is mora travel tlon nrgea prom. TT.-TC on the Pacific highway Detween pan or every y"- . Vna Salem and Oregon City than any fled with these aTojips. Persons 7. . iw- ,v.' rt..nfil. Mhut thronrh tha gTOnp secuon ot tne n'S"J " wv.w-w " . . . .-v-.it excepting near Portland and our-1 letters are requwwj " ing tha tourist season, sontb .of their pledges oltber in P" U. i.ttr to tha chamber ot eom- MWIUIU. I . . v. rmn. merce, wnicn lnsututea . r tt tt tt r m i mnntty serrica pi Pnllr H1IIQ L-xPT v.Ht.hli. actlvtUes. . . m i MoTmbr navments oa Light bnOWtalt and wages ara needed by tba Ta- his car broadside to the street to prevent the little one be ing run over by other autom biles. As he swerved his car, ho ever, it collided with a machlm driven by E. J. Howell, 790 North 17th street. But the little girl, although sbe did not fall out when daddy's grasp failed to hold, escaped more serious Injury than a bruistJ ankle. Damage to both machines amounted only to bent fenders ai.l a flat tire on the Harpst tourirg car. Relief Funds Campaign To be Started Monday paper company Reply to Offer Not Yet Known supplies to "needy families without consuming contributed funds in overhead. The purchasing com mittee, consisting of S. Ellis Pur- vine, William J. Buslck ana H. u. Karj Heinlein. manager of the White, already has stored a large i oresOB pulp and Paper company. supply or looastuiis ior tne winter i waa nable to state wnar tne proc at tba Terminal lee and Storage I pects were for bis company's bo company plant, where space has I rinninc construction ot its add- been aonatea ior ta vuid, v- mon m Tiew oi tne proposition gi tatoes bare been obtained cneapiy jjan J. Fry, Jr., that his mother by allowing needy men to dig would not contest the suit to quiet them on shares and a large num- title to tba Trade street vacation ber of cattle and sheep have been lf the company will begin build slaughtered and stored. inr within to days. "Needs are developing in many rb, proposition will be trans- directions." tha statement da-1 mltted to tbe Portland officials by dares, "making necessary me tb attorneys" said Heiniem. earliest possible receipts of funds Qur next board meeting is sched both for direct relief and to give Ble4j for November 21, but since tba purchasing committee ine ne- that ia Thanksgiving oay it am. cessary wherewithal to make fnr- probably be set tba day before or ther savings In fortunate par- after. Then tbe board can net on chases." ".tha Fry proposaL We need the The Community service innasi.naea badly which the addition . ,f 111 V. Ala1iaTu4 liv I i M i.v IDQ nwueaj w i w . . IWOU1U imuuu u. tha executive committee, which is Maui charities. These Xnnos may MONMOUTH, Nov. 14-A light I ba turned orerweacnn ..i.v van. i.iit ua i nruHuuia u mw on tba billa about 15 miles west sent to the ehamber of "mmerca. SMonmontbwaadlscerniblatbU Mrnnrnos. of dlstrlbnting ' Jr. as co-workers. composed ot Douglas McKay, chairman; E. Ellis Purvine, W. W. Moore, T. M. Hicks, Harry M. Lery, Waldo Mills and T. A. windtihir. also is chairman of SWALLOWS NEEDLE COQUILLE, Ore., Not. 14. (AP) Nola Rae Christy, 4, swallowed a needle recently but i""1"! rmitfui vitiTi. i ha. shown no 111 effects. She is ilanay and WUllam Meoncbrlstlnnder obserratlon In a boepita? . v. v I I f Urup la IUVW iuwmvii" at tain tax for tha operation ot that A r. collection of. tha ball