The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    Hosts . to , Five-Day Mission Convinb
Dr. Fridell, Seattle, to Give
" Main Address to Baptist-
The mid-year frally, of Baptist
young people, opened at the Cal
vary Baptist cburch 'last night,
will come to a close tonight, alter
three fall sessions today.
; I A feature today will be award
ot the O. C. Wright attendance
cup to the B.Y. P. U. which has
the largest attendance in point of
Tiew ot the mileage covered. Last
year the Tri-Va of the Portland
Hlnson Memorial church carried
off the honors.
The program for today follows
In tall:
ft -30 Devotions Report of Washiag
tea 0. O. Convention, Harold Ayres, Law
rence Fresier.
10 :0O Conference
..W Bryant wiiso.
- .- wntiiM iacensistent wittl .
"Biblical principles! -Alton IwNrt
Hr y ,lnd rir "o?Bc. t
Why" be a Christian! .-..Betty , M. Callea
Choosing a hit Companion
. Mr, Frank B. Ifatnewa
FleaeT Piatt (IaUrmeaiata Leaders)
Rev. T. H. Hagen
f ti'-od Trumpet tail, trumpet tolo. re
start ot Conferences.
1 SARnnv Sarvice.
G roBjT D m on it ra t i o n Prtrram: ,
Bior and Yeung People "V,,
Aadran "tr. E. A. FrieeU, Seattle
v -.00 Banquet, CaWiry J"rli.
Theme: Voyaging with Christ.
Tk. ftrn'oiii Robert Bhaw
The Compass v. k 8herw0Od
aMltL-l -Either Oreewll
Taking an tha Pilot Bev. T. H. Hagen
Relief Drive
Planned by
Bov Scouts
Fall Regional Conference
Of Group Opens Nov. 18;
Congregations Cooperate
the Churches
Movie lor Turner
Christians, Reports
Gilstrap, Minister
As an experiment, motion
pictures will be offered as
part of the regular Sunday
night worship of the Turner
Christian chnrch, according
to the pastor, E. J. Gilstrap.
Moving pictures will be
shown during the fore part
of the evening, and wiU be
followed by a brief sermon
by the pastor.
"This is av new departnre
for us, but the pictures will
be tried for a few months at
least. The movies will carry
a travelogue or religious
theme' Rev. Gilstrap says.
The Christian Endeavor,
of Which Helen Witxel is
president, is helping sponsor
the pictures.
WOODBURN, Not. 13 Citi
zens of Woodburn have until No
vember 24 to file objections to
the new tentative budget drawn
up recently by the city budget
committee. Drastic cuts in nearly
all departments were effected at
the meeting. The total budget
for the coming year has been set
at $14,609. as compared with
$16,290. last year's allowance.
Ten per cent reduction in the
wages of all city employees has
been recommended by the group
A half mill was shaved off the
general city tax levy as a result
of the budget plan. Another half
mill reduction was made, also,
since the bonds on the city hall
have been paid off.
The library fund has been cut
from $400 last year, to $300.
Certain necessary repairs and
painting work are being done.
The city fire chief's salary, has
not been cut, as it is fixed by law.
Evangelist F. J. Betts and par-
nacAjruxx. rem. eosnx.
ITla and Chemeketa streets. Thomas
I si
p-m. Monday yonag people's prayer
Tuesday, Bible stady.
T:4S. Wedneedsr. all day a rarer meet
ing be finning 10 a-m. Friday, E. T. P.
SILVERTON. NOT. 13 The Ur. f New York City, Will be In I Bated, pastor. - Banday . eeaoal 10 a.m.
fourth regional foreign mission Salem for an extended campaign 1 Special Bandar Mrrioea 11 a.m. and 7:4S
conference arranged this year by beginning Nov.
the board of foreign missions of 124. The eam-
the Norwegian Lutheran Church l paign win n
of America will be held at Sll- held In Evange-
verton November 18 to 21. The luetic Tabernacle
fall meeting of the Oregon clr- at Thirteenth
cult will meet in conjunction with and F e r ry
the conference, and a large num- streets, one block
ber of pastors and lay delegates south and. one
from far and near are expected. ea8t from the
A Joint invitation from Trln- supreme eourt
ity and Immanuel churches has building. The
been' extended, and the .sessions Tabernacle will
win be divided between me iwo De decorated forj
as loiiows: inniiy cnurcn, o
vember 18 and 19; Immanuel
wovemoer zv ana air ounaar ton, pastor of Eev. F. J. Betu
moming serrices, Immanuel tfle rull Gogpel Assembly there,
church with a sermon by Rer. A. Att. ha.
w. nausea, luruer uiusuuu &v
Winter and Jetfereoa atreeta. Hack
B. Fonke, Jr., mintsUr. - It a.m. Ber
ries honoring the 'Woman's Borne Mis
sionary society, wita e sermon ay me
pastor on The vinos ana us Answer. -7:30
p.m. 8ormon "The Foerth Dimen
sion of Edoestien," marking the close
b Katioaal Edneatioa Week. Teacher
et the eity are especially inrited. 9 :S
a.m. ennrea acnooi ssibiob, xi. o. w.
penter. 8:80 p.m. Epwerth leagoea for
Intermediate. High School and Basiaiee
Oollers groups. 8:30 p.m. reiiewsfttp
IT. JOmr'S LTJtHZKAjI (Me. yn04)
lth and "A" streets, n. w. uress.
BettS has many friends I pastor. "Eng liah orrics at 9 :45.
VVBHUra IBs Areata.
a.m. W. O. O'Soui.
1st 11. 8nbjeet:
ary to China at home on
lough. Sunday afternoon;
session at Trinity church
I Bupt.
Church street between Ohemeketa and
CenUr streets. Ber. P. W. Eneksen,
?ator. 11 aan. "Men and Missions."
:80 a song lerrice. 9:45 Sunday school,
Arnold Krueger. 8npt. Lnther las roe,
ahnrrh. Miss Olra Gsth. president el
raia ex toe league.
Bible school at 9:43 with classes for
a M .V . CI - 1 l.Alr
uwiSfl oviix., .uv I Vi.lnf Mm frnm ttfa for
mer evangelistic campaigns In
the Willamette valley," says Pas
" I. A. .1 .1 .
j -...) . t I tor wesion, w uu suua .
Tm-.i MThe eTangelist is a friendly
PH nT-nir,v A..ln oI man wno U tn Ute t Harold Warden, leader. Next Thndy
The Friday morning session w Q fc gpeaks, and not only evening Rev. and Mrs. Exickse. will be
has been set aside for the Oregon tk. rl.i v .ia boat to the Tonng People of the ebnrch
circuit and Women's Missionary ?If"nejL th ind their frUnd. i t. parlor, et ti.
S 1. aII J-! quiet way about him coupled the club and Earl Beinw
PCBOIUU Will SV UilUVa avBjw tkitps'ivva i ... m s . . . -
hw vr v with with a faith that seems iinshak-
An outstanding feature of the rowed.. wltn access all .g.. i0s5S -in, worship.Pro
convention will be a lecture en Pracucauy everywnere ne n I arn Baptist Theological semiaary. will
Madagascar Saturday night, glTen fone. preach. :80 Towg. People's meetings.
k r sn ( n I The onenlnr service of thelt:S0. evening worship, ut.
lustrated bv motion pictures. campaign will be Sunday after-1 preach,
Begins Wednesday noon at 2:45 o'clock, November! t,a,tw inasiow bvanqxxjcax.
The conference will open Wed-
nesday at 6:30 a. m. Wednesday
afternoon Rev. Martin ' Norstad,
field secretary of the board of
foreign missions, will Introduce
the general topic for discussion.
Other speakers at the conven
tion than those already men
tioned will be Rev. O. T. Storaas
lie, Emmons, Minn.; Rev. Helge
Hoberstad and Dr. Blrkelund, sec
retaries, from Minneapolis; Miss
Martha Kulberg, on the church's
Cline will
Minni.f OEOVE Chnrch school 10
.m. T. F. Walksr. Sapt. Missionary
service and communion wiu occuiit
worship hour. 8nior X. h. O.
6:0 pm. Tapie: "What is fttjM
o o
" ': i ,..
, -
--v v
KV- Ini .v...m ...mV---. awt ....... Jg. .m
Sunday wUl be the- closing of
ihm reTiral campaign in me
i .!. t . . LmnL sit. f -
Betts' oa-workers will agia a senes ai
7 I Church of fcthe N.xaren. lg
Friday evenings. EvaageUst F. 3. Betta I conducted F ROT. D. S. COTlett
win arriva Ui saaaay lmmeaisieiy ioi- i of Kansas CUT. TUO aisenaanco
lowiag. - . mod and there haT .,
mn arETKOTJisT XFiacoFAX. " I been abont 100 "professions thus
B. Eerie Parker, minister. - 9:43 am. I f.r aCCOrdlnr , tO ReT. Fletcher
Chnrch aehool classes for sU age. 11 fi.llawsT Blltor.
a.m. Jnaior ehurch. 11 am. Morniag war- A .v.,
ahip. sermoa by Dr. Parker. Musie by A group rally of the raxaren
vailed ehair. e -BO a.m. Four Enwotth I Yfllinf FeonlO S SOCletT. 10.9 Bin'
leagnea. 7:S0 p.m. - aveaing service. aay chool department, and the
Speaker: B. F. Irvine, editor ef tae I-.' vArajrn Mlaslonarw SO-
PortUad Journal.
Woman a
clety for. th Salem section was
Ka14 a 1 rmlilll', A IT and fflOTS
OSS Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, I 7. . . . m mr o
pastor. Phoaa 868. Sunday school at I (JOriett IS national . x. r. o.
9:45 a-m. M. D. LitwUler, Supt. Merarag I secreUrr and ReT. D. J. Smith
worship at 11 a-m. Theme. "The I A TArt1j la th. national nresl
i.aurca as reniecesi. seaag rpn i i , . . . . . v . . ,v .
... . ., a.A ... T... vv....i. I dent, ana both had part on tna
istie service including special singing aad 1 program. Also Mrs. A. J. Smith, a
musie at 7:30 p.m. rrayer semes i returned missionary from unma.
Tuesday eveaing. Gospel team service I , . n n m ha. f A art rtmnnt
-. l v T .).'. I sou m w. -
cottage prayer meeting ea Thursday p.m.
Bible study oa t nsy, p.m.
leaders from this section ap
peared on the program. Clyde
Uoffer of Salem is chairman for
the Salem sone. .
An Interesting feature ot the
TMSCJurrm. baptist
Corner Hasel and Academy streets. S.
8. at 10 a.m. Lesson: Joshua 13. Preach
ing at ii a.m. and 7:o p.m. Mid-week I special serrices has been the se-
prayer aad testimony meeting Thursday I rf f -IrnatureS for "Youth's
aveaing at i :o. I e" o,i.wHaB Kir.r
I Will bUI WI A iwuii v-w" " o
fxxst chttxch of not vazabbstk sponsored by the W. C. T. U. The
. iojb ana venier sireeis. nev. sieicn
er Galloway, pastor. Residence 2023
Market street. Phone 9630. Sunday is
the closing day of the revival series aad
Kev. D. 8. Corlett ef Kansas City will
B. Fl IrvlnA. ertltor- nt th Pnrt.
land Journal whn will deliver I Peh 'ro the following subjects: 11
saau wournaj, woo wiu aeuver "UTi,, the Vietorioas Life." 7:30
a address oa "World war aad PalHag Short." Special music
lists were presented in one of the
night service and 62 signatures
?f young people between tne ages
f 15 and 30 were secured In
about five minutes. The supply of
lists was exhausted and a new
World Denreaaion" Husdsv for both these services. Sundsr school I BUBOlT has been obtained SO as
Might svt the First Methodist ":" " Tr-.JU H''. fU to bring the number up to io.
wv s . os aasav eeuivs w.vj w . v a. ami. n. i mm
Cburch. During the years that Thea Sampson, president. John Friesen.
Mr. Irvine was a student at Wli- junior supervisor.
lamete h sang regularly in the
choir of the First church, so
this visit will be in the nature
of a homecoming to him. A
The purpose of the roll call is
the securing of 1,000,900 names
of young people to be sent to
President Hoover to counteract
the "wet propaganda" that the
High aad Center streets, D. J. Howe,
nufair. KMin V int..
Morning serviee 11 o'clock. Evening ser- I TOUtn OI the land wants repew
ot the dry laws.
WOODBURN, Nov. 13 The
Woodburn Boy Scouts are to con
duct a drive for discarded toys,
inihinr. and other useful articles
this week, according to announce- The same is true of the city
xoent made by Ted Rose, local health officer's salary. Clyde
scoutmaster. Rose has Issued the Whitman is fire chief and Dr.
following statement: Gerald Smith is health officer.
"The Bov Scouts of Woodburn A reduction in day labor hired
.tartrne their first annual by the city has also been recom-
w . .1 h. n rl n ri A Wa
haninz ana i ucuu. " a
mtIva for clothing,
especially discarded toys, which
the boys wiu paint ana repair.
Surely Mary's doll and John's
broken wagon can be of no better
service than to make some unfor
tunate bov or girl a Christmas
"Saturday. November
Sunlit win call at vour home. If
you are interested in donating
have your bundle ready for him,
and also If you know of a family
In need Include their name, ad
dress, the number of children and
their ages it possible, in your bun
have been
cut from 40 centj an hour to 30.
The total amount allowed for ex
tra labor was cut from $1,000 to
Marion county Christian En- m
oldest women missionaries to Chi- deavorers will meet In their first
na in point of service, who will rally of the year at the First
then be on her way back; Rev. Presbyterian chnrch Monday
Albert Anderson of Zelma, Calif., I night. November 16, at 7:45
Rev. N. J. Aadland ot Orland, o'clock.
A "friendship" Idea has been
worked out as the theme of the
meeting, and each Endeavor so
ciety in the county has been sent
link in a "friendship" ehain.
-a TT 1 T esa f ' w. as . H. neHB
Weanetday at 2 p.m. Prayer lemca
Bttday Blnjr. 7:30.
f w .
. Telmer Ktampe, eups. w.
Topie. "What is we nrjro"
nt.sL. it 8. Mid-week
serviee Thursdsy evening ?: ss
Kurth home. v v ,n
W. P. Collaro, eupi.. or. . .
E at 11. Intermefliate v.
P.m. BiDie siutiy cw
H. K. Bcaeaerman,
street, Salem.
special musical program wiU be Lt ku wrTirf(. ga,u7 aehool :45
O. J. Hull, Supt. Mid-week services
directed by Cameron MarahalL a.m.
7:90 p.m. weanesasy.
meeting ff:30 p.m.
Toung people's
Subject: "The Dynsmlc ot Missions."
Bible school, 9:45, L. L. Thornton, Supt.
Christian Endeavor 8:30 p.m. Program
South Commercial and Myers streets.
a the evening serviee. subject: "Fsrtak- IS. Iarlow Johnson, pastor. S48 E. My
ers of His Passion." Three addresses enters St., phone 9687. Morning worship
the following subjects: "Missionary I U o clock. Sermoa by the pastor.
Enterprises of the Evangelical ehurch in I "Changing Soils." Anthem. "More Love
Asia, Europe and Africa." "The Place to Thee, u cnnsi " VMiiuamsi. jsus
of Prayer in Kingdom Enterprises" and Martha Floer will sing "The Ninety aad
Men and Missions." Bpecisl mosis. I Mne." iiappy evening xiour. :av.
The subject ef the discussion in the C. E. LGospel songs. Sermon by the pastor.
What is the Purpose of Lifsl ' Leader "Tne rem oi tne cnespectea. vsuren
Calif., both of them former mis- 1
The local congregations will
furnish lodging for out of town
Eighteenth and State streets. Rev.
Amos E. Minneman, A. M pas w .r
man services 9:45 a.m. Subject ' Wslk
"g Worthy Unto the Lord ia " Tb"
Pleasing." KafBs serrleas "j0,.--
visitors as far as they are able a link in a "friendship" ehain, "tt!,1'I,.Tn wisaonTaad Spiritual
to do so, and meals will be served which It is to bring to the rally I Understanding." Sunday school 9:40
in the dining halls of the Monday. There are 41
churches at a nominal price. Spe- I in this county.
societies . - Luther league 7 :00 P J
clal music will be furnished by
the local churches.
istmas i p a
.! r. 1. 1.
Pli'f 1N0UNGEB
To be Theme
The program is as follows:
song service, devotional, special
music, friendship chain (roll call
services Sunday evening 8
... n . w '
A wrees jnan a
ilsrket and N. Winter atreets. T. B.
of societies), "Being a Friend to Zb$$x ' V.V
the ChUdren". by Helen Kruger, ..Remedy foV th. World' . Mis
Junior Superintendent; "Quiet ary." Evening worship 7:80 e'elock:
Three books by C. F. Andrews,
the authorized biographer of
Mahatma Gandhi, will be re- John Schmidt, Ella Smith
viewed .by Rev. J. R. Slmonds at Elva Ault
8 p. m. Sunday at the First Con
gregational ehurch. The books
Hours with the Friend of
Friends", by Effle Grimes, quiet
hour superintendent; moving pic
tures of the Medford and San
Francisco conTentions, "Co-oper
ating in the Work of our Friend'
James Henderson, state president
of Portland.
The rally committee Includes
vi . r.(.,i n. inn lis itesuiu.
Young People'e meeting 6:30 o clock
v . . l ...vires each evening at :av
f and Marion streets,
VV1' K ' " ,
W. G. Lienkaemper, paixor.
in am w. r.. a. ru ouui, u-
in Subiect: "Paul
in Ephesos." English wrvlert. 1 1 o' clock
WnPk.Aae " 1 nat I ru W LI1 VI M. aasaaa.
eial music by the choir. "Bow Ipwn
Thine Ear" by Ira B. Wilson. . :45 People a meeting. omijCTi.
"What is the Purpose of Life!
Church 'and Chemeketa streets. Bev
n 7T Gwift rector. noiy twomun
i.. 't-ia a.m. Chureh school 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer and sermoa 11 a.m.
ioiv ..J 9mm streeU. H. C. Stover.
ATTROT? A. Noe 13 TIia Aa. P1"': -Bru. 'i, -V.K .
rora Choral club will nresent an- ..iM at 7:80. Sermon "Anna
ntKo. n itm a Ai l t ni mn. ami IhaHrinn." Sunday aehool at
ai tA Bov Scouts Christmas church in Salem to be rut on in Miss Marie Patton. will h the " T "rl . .. . n a a. a. Harris. 8upt. Christian
Eve. Let's have one ready for each the school house Tuesday night, special musical feature. During bov" at the Presbyterian church
are "Mahatma Gandhi: His Own
OAK POINT, Nov. 13 The s tor v". "Mahatma Gandhi's
Parent Teachers association met ideas" and the recentlv published
"If your bundle is not reaoy i Thursday niht m the scnooi "Mahatma Gandhi at Work." Mr.
Saturday tell the Scout when he house. About 75 were present. Andrews is an Englishman who
may call for It again, or leave it The finance committee reported has been an intimate of Gandhi's
at the home of Mr. Rose, 26 East the play "A String of Beads," for many years.
Lincoln street. played by the Christmas Endea- Two 'cello solos, "The Rosary"
"These bundles will be dellv- vor people of Knight Memorial and "Liebestraum", played by
Club to Give
Endeavor societies st
a, oi
needy family."
Violator Not
Unwilling to
Admit Trade
17 for the benefit of the the service some of Gandhi's fa
vorite hymns will be sung
P. T. A.
There was a song on club work
b: the school children after which f ,
County Agent J. R. Beck spoke JriCSDyteriBTlS
on the good work done by the IJiff FT tr mm
boys and girls of Oak Point in VV Ui 2 Ceil X .ifi.
club work the last few years. He
said he was especially proud of
the work done the past year.
He presented achievement pins
mp nrvulV nATTTST
North Cottage and D. streets. . W.
Botsch, minister. Sunday eenooi :j
a.m. Sam Schirman. Supt. Service 11
. rw,-- "The Necessity ot Quiet-
Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The
story, a pretty one, has a beautiful
musical background.
As a nrelude to the song, story
a stinrt Hvama antt1a 'Tli. T)nv ( ... " Thai anthem. A well Pll
t li, i.i v. i I nrnmn of eons and musie will be ren-
wna ma uuucu , win uej given I V1TV th b T P IT. at 7:80 p.m
bF OUt-Of-tOWn talent. The PUb- I ta Ij,,,, 'Br.'sida'nt. Berular mid
DJ C..arJ.. ,e " Invited and there Will be no week prayer service at 8 p.m, weanes
XT JdjrCrio OUJiliaJf I charge. Mrs. E. C. Dlller is dl- day.
rector oi tne unorai ciud.
Sundav nirht the orchestra of
to th hovn and eirla shn YnA Via it I tv. vrn -r.. ni.n
WSS2??3E!:f ihrl3'wh from one to "V6 yeft" of elation of Portland will give AKeiXeT FoTUTYl
Snake" Aplln of Woodburn, who worv -ni iBO nresanted checks .. t.,o.v XXCICI X UI UUI
tLJtt winner, of prizes at the church. ' Aamoc ClfRnore
state fair Thn nrnirram wan r).. .i.utM . j I siuuiwu vMwwa
n " i a v . v u w i.i m ia i;iupuku vi
closed by the singing of songs. I 40 persons and a fine program is
Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Mrs. Al-1 expected. Reports ot the excellent
ten ati ana Mrs. Bert Given quality of music given by the or
oervea case ana couee.
sells and makes whiskey, was
picked np Wednesday night by
federal agents and taken .before
Justice ot the Peace Miller Hay
den, in Salem. Hayden fined Ap
lln 30.
; According to Aplln a well-dressed
man whom he suspected ot be-
. Ing a dry agent approached him
Wednesday night and asked him
if he had any liquor. "Yes, but
not for you," replied Aplln. Soon
afterward another man approach
ad Mrs. Aplln and informed ber
that the house would soon be raid
ed. "Snake" was standing in his
hack yard with some other men
when the dry agents approached
the house. They saw Aplln and
polk rans
rhnrrh i. ir,vi- pie's Forum has elected officers
enjoyable evening with them. An to eri? or ?.c"mlJlge5; Th
lBTitation is extended to all who ro" .s u.gaa.scu
mT TrKTTAilAjr
vtk nttava and Chemeketa Streets
Bev. Fred Albaa WeiL minister. Church
aehool at 10 a.m. Church service as s
I a.m. Sermoa: "Beligioa aad TaUdaUd
Human Experience." Soloist, mre. itu-
Hn.tmi. Orranist. jars, manor m..
rrtn svisnartfliT.
O. 0. Poling, pastor. Msrloa and
Summer streete. Nov. II is Foreign
t... v-.v x-- t, I Million dsy. Morning worship 11 aja.
A UQ zvciiri VAX ui v. as ' mr I ...
For New Year
Six From Local
Church Attend
Corvallis Meet
Seville Phelps.
school at 9:43 a.m. Stearna Cushhig.
Supt. Asbury and Leslie leagues meet at
6:30. Mid-week prayer and study hour
Thursday evning at 7 :30.
Hirb aad Ferry streets. Rev. W. Earle
eld from 3:90 to 7:90 followed I Cochraa. pastor.
by a song serviee. Mary SehwedeL pea- 9:40 a.m. Preaching services 10:50 a.m.
tor. and 7:S0 p.m. B. f. P. U.'a 6:30 p.m.
Serviee each Sunday svening- at 8 ia
the Nelson hall ea Chemeketa street.
The topic will be "Gratitude. A cir-
Tie topi
le is h
WST waTiKM ling 7:30. Dearon'a meeting.
The Sunday schools of West Sslem Tharsdsv : Choir Rehearsal. 7:30.
circuit meet at 9:45 a.m. nest Sunday. I en' a Aid society 2 :S0, in Junior Rooms
.Morning sermon Dy sue pastor si rora i of Church, See Ad lor lurtfier snnounce-
M em on si chureh at 11 a.m. TUe sub- I meets.
ieet will be "The Church That Ought
to Be." The Epworth ieefues meet at OOUBT BTBXET caajBTlAjr
0:80. "Charged With Manslaughter" will Court and 17th streets. B. F. Shoe
be the subject ef a gripping educational maker, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Mrs. Edward Weller, Mrs. L.
C. Priem, Mrs. Mary Jones, Miss
Ella Smith and Rot. and Mrs. B.
F. Shoemaker represented the
Court street Christian church at
the one-day convention held in
Corvallis Thursday.
These conrentlons are held in
Graded Sunday 'school the interest of local church work
and state and woria-wiae mis
sionary work. About 150 per
sons were Mi attendance at Cor
vallis. Five more of the one-day
sessions will be held in Oregon
at Central Point,. Eugene, Port
land, The Dalles and Pendleton.
Mrs. Shoemaker plans to attend
all of them In the Interest of the
Wednesday: Prayer and Fellowship meet
ing 7:30. Dearon'a meeting. :30.
drama directed by Dr. R. E. Close, Supt. Mrs. Edward Weller Supt. "True Success missionary societies.
oi the anti-saloon league oi tne state oi lor Real Failure. evening wortnip nau
Oregon at 7:90. All are welcome. C L. e clock; subject: "Joseph, the Dreamer
Dark, minister. and Leader." Yoaag reopie a meei-
ing 8:30 o clock: subject: "What ia
SOUTH SALEM FEXENDS the Purpose of Life!" Aid society
South Commercial at Washington Sts. meetings Wednesday and Fridsv. Mid-
Chas. C. Hsworth, pastor. Sunday school 1 week meeting, Wednesday, 7:30.
10 a.m. Nathan Cook, Supt. 11:00 morn- 1
ing worship. Sermon: "Who Are the I CITY GOSPEL KZSSIOK
Born of God I" 5 p.m. Vespers. Topie: I 349 X. Commercial street. H. Han
'What ia the Purpose of Life I" Lesders. sen. psstor. Services Saturday night.
Charles Townsend and Charles Parker, open air meeting at 7. Services ia the
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting and I hall at 7:45. Message riven by Dr. J.
Bible atudv in 1st John. bsturdsy. Mathews, Ex-Komia Catholic priest.
Sunday school st 10 o nock. Morning
worship at 11. Subject: "The King
Pope's Title." Sunday afternoon st S
p.m. subject: "If the Pope Comes to
Washington." Sunday evening subject:
Ford Church
Will Produce
Liquor Drama
10 :30 a-m. Quarterly Meeting.
Corner Highland and Church, Edgar P.
Sims, psstor. Eible school 9:45 a.m..
E. M. Beckett, Supt. Morning worship
11 a.m. Evening serviee 7:30 p.m. Pro
gram in connection with the opening of
the children a mite boxes. Junior V. c
5:30 p.m. Senior and Intermediate 0. E.
0:80. Bible class in fcxcxlui atonuay.
7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting
Thursdsy, 7:30.
Keiser sehoolhouse three miles north
of Salem oa the river read is the place ot
meetiag. Hayea Beall. minister. w. c
"Bsbylon the Grest."
Highland and Myrtle avesue. Rev
Thos. V. Keenan. pastor. Phone 851 1
"Charged with Manslaughter.'
an educational drama hinged on
the liquor problem, will be given
at the Ford Memorial Methodist
church, West Salem, Sunday
night, starting at 7: SO o'clock,
announces t he pastor. Rev. C. L.
No admission will be charged.
but an offering will be taken. Ray
8unday masses st 8 and 10:30 o'clock. Edwin Close of Portland, who will
Week day aervices st 8:15 o'clock. uke the part of tne pr0gecuUng
englewood united brethren I attorney In the drama, will also
17th and Nebraska streets. Rev. B. V. give a brief address On "ProhibI-
JL ilSaa vtat sl anllilav AA I H M 1 , .
" ""v v r- . i .".i,rrc . v tion
B-a?. MBit
Corning worship 11 o'clock; sub-
this Sunday. Toung I Marvels
Aid meets Thursday. Chureh aehool at 10 meeting 6:30 o'clock
o clock. Morning worship at 11 o clock.
Thame: "Our Other Hands." There are
no evening services.
7:so o'clock: subject: "Will I M. Hoacock: sheriff. E. Krebs;
NJJ CeV " try sermoa stenographer, Violet Wallace; and
"""a - r'- - nrl..nn nnaeor
fThnra flnnt f!laa.a InrlWt: "What la Tour Lifel" Eveninr UWr cnsrsilr sre
all ages. Lorraine Beeeroft, leader of
Touac Deoole'a btoud this Sunday. Toung
people social Friday evening. Ladiee I oi eariy innsusnity.
Chemeketa aad Liberty streets. 8ua-
i wish to come.
DALLAS, Nov. 13 New offi
cers were elected at the meeting
of the Polk county division of the
Free Methodist
Revival Making
Good Progress
er the , fashion of . the Epworth
The officers elected are: . Car
roll Cummlngs. president; Doro
thy Ackman, first rice-president;
Warren Poole, second and third
vice-president; Lorraine Beeeroft,
fourth rice-president; and Ernest
Savage, secretary-treasurer.
Women's Society
To Give Drama
Sunday Evening
Good progress is being mad in
gave chase. Aplin had a bottle ot Oregon State Teachers associa- I the reTiTl ervices at the Free
A special feature at the Cal
vary Baptist ehurch Sunday night
will be a presentation of the
BrClr7-ireurr. drama. "Two Masters" by mem-
The group meets regularly each . " ', w,n'. aorJ-tv
Sunday with Dorothy Aekman in . wom.n.- B6Xtet will sing
charge of meetings. Plans are un- .Ksomethlna for Thee", and Miss
Moser will sing "Perieci
Center and Liberty street. J. R. Si
monds. pastor. Morniag serviee. 11
o'clock: subject: "A Breakfast ot Fish
Eveaiac service. 8 o'clock: subject:
"Gandhi and His Ides" a book review
day services at 11 a.m. aad S p.m. 8a b- I by Mr. Simoads see ether item. Snadsy
jeet, "Mortals aad Immortals." Sunder school 9:45 a.m. F. E. Neer. Eapt.
school at 9:45 and 11. Testimonial
null., W,,i avanlnr at . I FIRST BAPTIST
VaaJIma Tl . ii .ft 1AH H.aMlil Tamil. I Brittoa Ross, paster. Bible sehooL
open from 11 to 5:30 except Sundays 9:45 a.m. Fred Breer. Supt. Morning I ehurch, has extended a special In
aad holidays worjhip at 11 :00. Special TluUOtt tO School teachers to at
a i a j asasa aruiaa mtaaea m. a . c s ivawa, Daisroi
PaXSBTTERIAJf "Together." The Slogaa That Wins. Ev-
WiaUr aad Chemeketa atreeta. Grover enlag serviee at 7:30. Special musie
n Birtehet. D. D.. aastar. 9:30 am. I by the chair. Sermoa "Seeing Tatars,"
Chares school under directioa ef Mr. L. I Prayer meetiag ea Wedneeday night. X
M. Ramage, Supt. 11 a.m. Morning wor I chart stuay ot the Eook oi Isaih.
ship. Sermon topie: "Back to the Old
Road." The Male Quartet win sing aad
Mrs. Millie will aing a aolo. 5:30 Or
chestra Rehearsal. 8:90 Christian En
deavor societies. 7:30, Bsered Concert
by the Portland T. M. C. A. orchestra.
Thirteenth aad Ferry streets. C. G-
Weston, pastor. Sua day aehool at 1:45
p.m. Church service at 8. Evaageliatle
service at 7:aa. mesaay eveaiag as i:o,
revival prayer .meeting. Wednesday ev-
Special Sermon
For Instructors
In observance of national edu
cation week. Rev. Hugh B. Fouke
Jr., pastor of Jason Lee Memorial
tend his ehnrch Sunday night. He
will preach at the 7:30 o'clock
hour on "Th Fourth Dimension
ot Education".
the bottle, however, and took An- i ,.. JTX hmrA er.r it-. BWlm " to be held Friday, Novem- The c
lln to Salem. LClark of Monmouth; vice presl- Seattle. oer zo
rm not maamg mucn prom dent. Dale Ickes of Falls City;
The church ft at High
Ferry streets, upstairs.
lately." declared "Snake" Thurs
day. "I've only sold 30 worth of
whiskey In the last week."
That huHm, m u
secretary-treasurer, Josiah WUls', eaeh night next week, beginning AnnUa1 Ba7&ar
at 7:30 o'clock. Soecial onartt MCll
Delegates chosen to represent I and solo numbers are being fea-
via wumj i me lepreseniative 1 turea each meeting,
cuuncu s me v. a. 1. a., were
Mrs. Harry Keene. 8. E. Whit
jars, narry rveene. . 13. Whit- T7
worth, D. R. Dewey and Lyie XtLTlKSen UlVeS
Thomas.A lternates were Burton! mm . ,
mam Address
Oi St. Vincent
Church at Hand
Hewitt to Talk
Before Pastors
Bene, Eugeno Silke. R. R. Tur
ner and Florence Beardsley.
Q. E. Flnnerty was nominated
tor vice president of the state as
sociation. M. Ellwood Smith was
The renominated as a member of the
T-i Tin. TJ tToaHtt nf Wil,
. aaaa a 1 UNIII at, W es w at as m
The annual pre-inanasgiving v-i to
baxaar of the St, Vincent dePxal tne 8alem Ministerial as-
I Clear Lake club met Wednesday. &ord of trustees
The day was spent in quilting,
V . .Al.ln.1. 1h..Iu. . ft
Thla . hainr Mrs Rck Ttntnlfa I tLlB PLAT RO. 20
birthday as well as Armistice day.
A t ConfprPTWt basement today and Sunday.
A UV T I SI Tlass wausj vvaa,aa ew
dinner to he served from noon to
Rer. P. W. Eriksen. naatnr of
the American Lutheran chnrch
nere, returned Friday night from
ueniraiia, wash., where he dellv-
assoeiatlon on "The Place of the
Church in the Present Depres
sion" at the regular serai-month
ly meeting at the T. M. C. A.
hall. The woman of the Altar so
ciety are in charge ef the dinner.
ems a A 1
ered the convention address at k;?.' w h..r a
the northern conference ot the I T " k 'nr
2:30 o'clock Sunday at tha parish Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Rer. C. L. Dark win lead devo
! M
High and Ferry Sts. Neap Elsinor Theatre
a. m. Preach
7:30 p. m. B.
Graded Sunday School 1:40
tag Services 10:50 a. m. ft
T. P. TJ.s 1:30 p. m.
A. M. The Bible, a Power, Pastor
Anthem: "I'm a Pilgrim" (Lowry)
P. M. Drama: "Two Masters" Women's So
ciety Special Music
Solo: "Prayer Perfect" (Stenson) Miss Mil
dred Moser. Ladies Sextet: "Something for
Thee" (Lowry)
Rev. W. Earle Cochran, Pastor
Lenaita Ska, world favnoostrsxihacerjtt.
fesa poatthrely read your talents, rlrtacs
and fanlta ba the dt awing a, words and
hat acta that yoa acrifcole when "lost
birtnaay as well as Ammice day. TURNER, Nor. 14.The Tur- United Luthwan chnVch the pastor,
refreshments were seryed in the ner Dramatic club will stage "Falp le7t wa. "Th! VS."? Thos. V. Keenan. The e,
aiternoon. loiiowea dt tne nresen-i and Warmer . ,v . k.: . -..-.v. .
UUon of a radio lamp to the Fou, ZZLZ S"-
open to the public
event Is
tjw w 9 : . . t .
retlrtng president, Mrs. Roy ber 20, at the high school audi- bi otid C n n V . ? . D if gtl
P1"- s: torinm: music fJtTLSZ JresSinVofX fiSTn'od8 Beall in Charge
;v'r.T,., cvw, cr;
oi saiem. proceeds I , uiay itJJ uci Vive
been president since the club's or
ganizatlon. -
Those present were Krs. Theo
' dore Stolk, Mrs. Dutolt, Mrs. C. A.
Baker, Mrs. Amos Smith, Mrs. V.
B. Boyd, Mrs. a C Boyd. Mrs.
kansayers" of Salem. Proceeds
win go to the eluVs supply fund. NORTH HOWELL. Nov. 13
The annual tnrkcv ahrmt at fh STAYTON. Nov. 13 Haves Be-
When Louie DIsSalle, of To- Joe Woelke farm will be held 1 all, with other students of Wll-
ledo Central Catholic, ran 88 I Sundav afternoon.
Tarda tor a tnnMlrinurm ant waa I mnA V rrk i- , j
Robena Ector, Mrs. Alex HaroldTl called back for a dinning nenaltr rona half mn vrMr of tha vrth
Mrs. Hlllrnan, Mrs. A. Petael, Mrs. I it was th fifth time tkat had Howell school house cm the mil
James O'Neil and Mrs. Roy Smith. I happened to him. lie dollar Mrw.w
lamette university . will hare
charge of the union service at the
Baptist ehurch Sunday night. As
this Is World Disarmament week.
their talks will be on "Peace.-
We will rebore and hone cylinders, grind valves, tight
en bearing, dean plugs and points, adjust timing ehain
4 cylinder cars 132.50; 6 cylinder cars S50 up. Parts
included. All other work $1.00 per hour. '
375 Chemeketa
Phone 4093
Saturday Special
Just a few demonstrators and reverted radios left which
are all ia first-class condition and guaranteed.
General Motors Highboy. 8 TubeS177.50
Bosch Highboy. 9 Tube $222.50
Bosch Highboy, 8 Tube . $187.50
Bosch Lowboy, 8 Tube$ 1670
Grebe Electrified, 6 Tube $1820
347 Court Street Phone 9119.