PAGE SEVEN Where Supply Meets Demand and Many Wants are Sa tisfied i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Three Insertion per Use glx insertions per line.. 3 a One month per Una. .81.00 sll&lsnam charge .....Me Copy for this pate ac cepted nntO 8:20 -Ins helore pnMIeation lor cUssitication. -0f eelTed after this time will he ru under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assnmee HELP WANTED MALE 1 m n nrmv" ' s 81T00 to 82800 year. Steady work. V.T w"iirs VI ATT. CARRIERS. Men 11-45. Common u",Ktlo"Lf??J ZIZZ p.u vacation. XS coached FREE. Wrlta today Mrs i fori fuU par ticulars. Bo 788, Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED wa.iM ran iuruum steady enTptoyment ta Salem and aur rounding town" to three people who will work 8 hrs. per day. Call inia before o'clock at Room 206, S81 State St. SITUATIONS WANTED Wn.r.rrif " ' 1 Capable housekeeper. 118F12. Will do housework In exchange for wnrk Bo Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR 8 A UK Oin payers c die. Statesman office. Typewriters. aU makes, new and ua4 Adders and typewriters for rent Typewriter Exchange. 411 Turt bu excnanse K nld Com! Oten evenings. gold. ,iiiri.n -) -ii-i - -- - mm m m m 'Km Washing Machines All makes rented, sold and repaired. W. G. Mangum, Manager i7t n. High Pnop?v: Hand picked apples Spltsenberg, Jonathan, Kings. 35c box. I for 11.00 Bring boxes. Kraut cabbage 95c per Kindred lbs. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. VKvmiTt isa tuliD bulbs 50c ; 65, I 2a blooming Size lUIip uiiiwsv-. i . . .nnt I 'unnin rsuiu riiuti I Salem. Tel 69Fo. ysWwrrnAAn' Pink salmon 4c pound at crab stana i . I. 1 nearjau Good quality furniture complete. . fnr mnm couule. Special price for the works. Terms. Inquire XfaAfl Cafe. Spltsenberg, Baldwin, Jonathan, Newton, Northern Spy 40 and 50c. Walnnts 11HC shelled 8c. Mrs. J. H. Wright. 4 4 ml. on vaiiacrtau; TRADE Miscellaneous BJd complete for wood. 1143 Mill St. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, In ex change on radios, phonographs, or fur oMtire. a L Stiff Furniture Company nfinfinnfrt" m 7' .. .hntruns. I All kinds of rrfles. nol. sn OW Id gold Jewelry Condition no ob REINER S EXCHANGE 324 N. Commercial WANTED Will pay 3c a pound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must be pieces at least square vard Statesman oiiice. tt! (-4 a a nrira riAld for buildings to wreck. Call or write 1125 Jefferson street. MISCELLANEOUS -. mmmm For first class home laundry work nhone 6971 or call at 610 S. 18th St tiii .i. vviir iratrb reeardless of M.4i,iiui tnr 11.00 Dlus materials. All wrtrkmia ran teed 1 year. Free estimate- REINER JEWELRY STORE 324 North Commercial J LEAKT ""ROOF? Let me' fls Guar work, price reasonable. TeL5094; FOR RENT ROOMS nrninn nrririi-ii-ii-i- - -- r tn nnt business womai Well heated and plenty of hot water. Close to state nouse. o. Sleeping room in modern nome. per mo, 655 N. Church. Tel ESQ.. nUan warm, comfortable room. . a Close In rent reasonable. Phone 4745. . .... nmiinxTfrc FtR RENT APARTMENTS Patten apartments witn P"'" bath, nicely fumlsheo. Located in business district. Call Patton's Book 801. ...--J- ,-, 1 ni-.r,,-),-, Duplex Apt unfur. 951 N. Winter. Virginia apt 8 well furnished rooms. Modern, heat, water, garsge. Elec. refrigeration, eiec. nr. c. Ttilv fur. 2 and 2 rm. apts. Elec. range and refrlg. 570 Vi .Wta-tr---i.- -.- - - 1 . "I - -1 -1 -v r Very nice apt 090 N. Cottage. . aninni"!"1' Close In. modern nicely furn,.9jd steam heated apartments. Pnone 89. Knrnihd aDta. front Light, water. Mra. 28 un. 1421 N. Church. Very attractive apta 210 N. 14th St " Priv bath. 432 Marlon. Heated apta. Priv. batn. iwnrunTssf'a"sJ' " " ' Modern fur, apt 144 State St. 2 rooms, garage, phone 7328. POLLY AND HER T ALWAVS THOUGHT THT Nlce furnished heated apt. 55" Pnlon. ..........,.. CARRIE AJJD ANGEL VSERS TrORLI)S r" T VORST MUTTS, MA O : 6 8 T. am - K Hiv I ADMIT ThW'REI ff? PRIZE: PESTS J JmWt Or THE HULL 1 2i Fine no financial responsibility Cor errors which may ap pear In advertiaementa pub lished in its columns, and' In eases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occnrs. The Statesman resenres. the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther resenres the right to classify all adrertislng un der the proper classification. sume. FOR RENT Apartments S room furnished apt., 11.75 wk. lift Oak St. Tel. 527S. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flat for adults. to I room a 820 to 840. Aleo houses, ate. BECKS HENDRICKS IIS North Hlxb Street Modern furnished. 171 So. 11th. Clean turn., unfurn., 2140 Maple Ave. Splendid modern home. 09 N. Cot tage. Rent Houses 119 to 149. F. I. Wood, Bayne Bldg. FOR RENT FURNISHED 12S. Close in, mod. bungalow, 6 R- fireolare. furnace. Others 110 to 159, FURNISHED APTS. 110 to 149 Unfurnished houses (19 to 145. SEE BECHTEL, or THOMASON 341 State, for best rentals In town. Furnished cottages, water, lights. fuel and garage. 119 a mo. at .enat chee Auto Camp. Phone 50. Modern 5 room house furnished. Garage. Tel. 7479. 5 room cottage furnished, $18 per mo. Call 359 N. High. Fur. house at 1103 "D". TeL 4318. Nice small house. 2630 Lee. Cosy 6 room bungalow furnished or unfurnished. Tel. ;. iss.. Trade. FOR SALE Real Estate What more could anyone wantt 10 A. H cult, river bottom, and part in alfalfa, clover, oats and vetch. 1- room and 1-2 room house, barn, chick en hotse. creek, timber and pasture, electric lights in all bldga 3 blks to P. O in valley town. 35 cords or wood cut. cow and chlckena This place Is , v , T urn rittln tlut " - - - ... - -- price from 13590 to 12650. 11630 cash; tjrms on ba!. Chas. W. Warner, Me- y-. -e-w OUllV SPECIAL TODAT Homes that can not be duplicated for the money must be sold at sac rifice prieea 16000 home for 11590. A real home strictly modern, 6 rooms. Rents for 135. No better buy in city. 12000. home, 4 R.. for 11590. Only 15.9 down. 115 month, including Int. 1750. 4 R. house, garage. - 3600. Cosy 3 room house, elec. lights, toilet, extra fine lot, most Ideal for some old couple. Only 150 down; 115 month. Why pay rent? For Best Buys In Hraies SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 141 State Street Three or six Cholee lots, 7 -room semi-modern plastered house, fire place, basement, etc. All lots covered with large nut, fruit and ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice view, paved f garagea. oturoc price. term. Sell all or part. Near Junior hooli owner, 76S street, two garages. Bedrock price. comer Rural and Winter Sin. Phone 1S54. FOR SALE Garage and service station 5 liv ing rooms. 2 pumps, 2 large lots, build ing 50x35; if sold soon 1250.00, terms. 2 blocks north city limits Port land road. Pacific highway. We hare a garage, filling station and living quarters worth 13500 to trade for clear Salem home. A beautiful new Salem home worth 16509 clear to trade for farm and will sssume a small encumbrance. - A splendid 340 acre stock farm to trade for small farm or Income. 10 beautiful acres with modern house I close on pavement for only 14750. I McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. PKone 4838 New modern 8 rooms. Oak floors. fireplace, furnace, double garage. $30 month, like rent. 2350 Cherry St. FOR SALTS Trade or rent Nice 6 room house, North Salem, large living room, I bedrooms, built ins, nook. fnrnace, bearing fruit and walnut ' trees. A real home. Phone owner 0390. Bargain Owner sick, must sell, good 8 room house, 2 lots. East Salem, cut to 8000. F. L. WOOD 31 State Street s g-y,- ruinuLnnn HOME AND INCOME Close in property affording good I income, mcea ior lew aays oniy at $000. Will accept part cash, first Income. Priced for few days only at SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6708. SUBURBAN HOME Two acres of dark. rich, fertile soli not far out -on good road, two room nouse, drove well, gaa and electric light service available. Price 81000. 810. down and $10 per month and In terest. LEO N. CIULDS CO., Realtors 320 Stat Street Phone 708. fcXl HANGE Real Estate FOR TRADE 4 -Acres, good soil, all tn cultiva tion, family orchard, soma berries. Nice 7-R. bungalow with bath, hot and cold water, electric lights and water system, only 2 miles from Salem ; trade for good house in Salem. , 4-R. house -In North Salem to trade for 5 or 0 R. house with basement and will give $1500.00 more. If you want to trade or sell your city property. -a on us. We have a party that will y gK hC(U1M) Bot too faP rat i on 8ummer or Winter street SEE SEARS TUCKER 132 South High Street PALS yOUROOUSlM - i EXCHANGE Real Estate KXHHANGE A. near Dallas, fair building. Will trad for food modern doom. ne buildings, but good land to trad for house la Salem. bom In Auburn, Waahlnstoa to trade for Salem nrooertr. Many food buys and trade. 1110 N. Cottars Phone 8081. Si mom hotel tn Salem, oartly fur nished, trade for good farm and as Hare client who will say cash tor IS to 40 acres near Salem, Most bo reasonable. See Mr. Blake With H. C SHIELDS 218 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. TRADE 140 acre farm n Pacific highway. Want suburban home or grain farm. Canada, S room ltouao. main highway, close In business sons. larre lot. I&&V0. I or smaller novas, iv room house near university. 11190 for smaller house, uuarter block nertn Front St with trackage; take small house. F. I WOOD 141 State Street EXCHANGE Extra nice S room English t home, close to state bouse. Pries 14890, Owner will accept house of less value, or small tract. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD3 CO- Realtors 320 State Street Phono 0708. FOR SALE FARMS 20 acres Mission Bottom farm. acres berries. Good buildings. Priced to sell. Rt. 8. Box 144 A. J. A. cooper. TWO SACRIFICED SALES 20-acrea, 10-A. cultivated. 3-A. tlm ber, 1-A. strawberries, good B-R. house with electric lights, new poultry nouse. good barn, good location, on paved road, close to school and high school. Price reduced to 12750.00 for quick sale. 39-Acrea All In cultivation, has living trout stream through place. Good location and paved road. 5-R. house with electric lights and water system, good milk house, . barn and poultry house, two good horses. cows, . poultry, all farm Implements and machinery. Also all hay and grain in barn and grainery. This place is snap at 14009.99.' Will give some terms. SEE SEARS TUCKER, Realtors 132 South HKh Street ACREAGE H PRICE STOCK FARMS 240-Arres. Good 8 R. house, large barn and other buildings, family or chard, 3000 cord wood. Running wat er, 0-cows, 3-mules, 35-ton hay and all implements for only 15500.00 ; part terms. ANOTHER ONE 2 03-Acres, fair improvements, or chard and about 4000 cord wood. Run ning water, price 13750.00 ; part terms. These places are only 3-4 miles off of pavement, on a good gravel road. This price only lasts 10 days from date. SEE SEARS A TUCKER, Realtors 133 South High Equity In small acreage close in, to sell or will exchange for lots or car. Phone 8226. WnWELLT1lfeREl'r 146 A. good soil, on highway, build ings, well, 2 springs..- creek. 16.- 060. Loan 6 run 14 yrs. 112.- 000. Will take smaller acreage or other property tor equity. 40 A. finest of soil, fenced, cross fen ced, modern house and barn. Room Tor IS cows, good highway. 17500. v ui taKe smaller place. R. A. FORKNER 1810 N. Cottage Phone 3031. 10 acres, ml. E. of Salem, 5 room house, garage, large chicken house. barn, A. bearing filberts. Price 12, 750, 125 cash and 25 monthly, Includ ing int. W. Q. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial - - - - - - -l-t-l-w ,-i-i-M-inr,nrLri.ruLn 20 A. 5 mi. from Salem, 15 A. orchard In good condition, 5 room plaster ed house, 2 chicken houses, fine well, on paved road, 14700. 15 A., good loam soil. 6 A. cultivated. balance stumps and pasture, house in fair condition, electric lights, gooa wen ana spring, 1 100. ivi acres l mi. rrom saiem, 4 room plastered house. electric lights. city water. 75 bearing fruit trees. some oerries, sziao. iiuo down. MKLVIN JOHNSON 320 V. 3. Rank RMg. Phone 0790 Business Opportunities Restaurant for rent, 899 N. Com'L MONEY TO LOAN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. STATE LOAN COMPANT 218 Ore. Bldg. 2nd floor urnee nra io:o a. m. to 0:30 n. m. Telephone 7783 Licensed by State ------- i- -iririfvtru'Lfxnj-LfxrLn MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments Tou keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferrr Phone 4733 Salem. Ore. 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally tug out loan service that Is really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SEHVICE ON LOANS 10 to 300 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 110 New Bltgn Bldg tad Floer sis state si TeL s-7-4-0. LICENSED BY STATE PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable monthly, vvhea (n financial need see us befora closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 33S3 Private money to loan on improved real estate, P. H. Bell, 206 U. & Bank Bldg. TeL 71S2 or 3427. 44 An I WOULDN'T LET IT WSRRV ME. MAJ W&&?M6 I tttej ' ' 1 Itheve nicb people compared to ) mM '-r-- M' -fy, pas cousin, ethelbert rrrrvr - rzxr,s 3rv and brat f m never allcwed j f -jolom X JZ THEM DRN HCKSES X llCRUMMyA rcwl MTmAIINGy COUSINS') - ' FOR SALE USED CARS You Can Buy With Confidence llll-De Soto SA Sedan. Just like new 1129-DeSoto 0 8edan everhauled This oar is A-l for a 1 If Only 1(0. 1620-Chevrolet S Sedan tires almost new, motor Q. now paint Just - 400. 1929-Ford sedan gooa tires, motor iih, lslS-Ford Standard Coups overhauled 1929-Ford Standard Coup Just out of Jhop - 200. llZI-lord Model a troupe a. real ouy at 1!-Frd Coups '17 motor. ruxtoU axlo, 11 1-Ford Sport Coupe A dandy 1120-Naah special Koaaster new urea, runs nut - - 1011-Ford, Model I Roadster. Rum good - - 10. llso-Ford two aoor. jusc - - W. L. ANDERSON, Inc. DeSOTO ft PLYMOUTH Salem, Oregon Qood-Will Used Cars 1137-Pontiao Roadster with rumble .fZOS.OO . 145.09 . 209.99 . 108.90 1129-Ford Coach 1928-Duraat Coup 19Z7-Buick coach . lt!C-Bulck Roadster 210.99 21S.99 112t-8tudabaker Coafh 1127-Ford Touring with ruzteU 119.99 1117-Ford Roadster . . 100.90 112T-Chevrolet Coupe , . 119.09 lew others to cnooos irom. Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland Phone 1583 Pontiac Used Car Department 849 Chemeketa GOOD USED CARS 1111 Ford Snort Coupe 1495.99 1929 Ford Fordor Sedan 175.99 1929 Essex Challenger Sedan 175.9 1928 Chrysler (2 Sedan 195.9 1928 Gardner Six Sedan Z4&.SS 1921 Reo on ton truck 050.00 Others priced 115.00 and up. JAMES H. MADEN CO. INC. 3S5 North Commercial -St. 1931 Chev. Coach nearly new sale by private party. Tel. 8970. for McKay Chevrolet CO. I Extra Special! Extra Special! We are listing below a few good cars which have been In our stock sixty days. Our orders are to sell them somebody Is going to get a real buy and our best offer will take them. When a car Is tn our Inventory 00 daya or more that car will be sold regardless ofprtce. 192S Dodge Sdan 1928 Dodge Vic. 0 8ta. Coupe 1930 Chev. Sts. Coupe 1925 Chev. Sta. Coupe 1930 Chev. Club Sedan 1929 Chev. ltt ton truck 1929 G-P Light 6 Sedan 1926 Pontiac Coupe The above cars all have license and most of them have been reconditioned. McKay Chevrolet Co. Where Tou Get the Big 3 Worth 33 S Center Street MONEY TO LOAN CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rales. Bst terms obtainable. Our tainrance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 4101 Orea-on Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. GRABknHORST CO. REALTORS 184 R Liberty St Tet 0408. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY ! Farmers Market. 350 N. Lib. Tel. 6144. Poultry wanted, heavy varieties only. Highest market price. 2160 North 6th street. F O R S AIX W OO D AU kinds of wood. TeL 28F32. SSSSSSS All kinds of wood. TeL 6932. Old fir partly seasoned 85.00. Seo- I ond growth dry 4 ft $4.00. Second growth dry 10 In. $4.75. Tel. 0130. Old fir. oak. Earhart TeL 0585. For good wood phone 3986. Tracy's wood yard. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel olL Call on us for prices. We give good measure, gooa quality ana good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Teleehene 8131 FIRST CLASS FUEL Old Fir screened hog fuel . . $4.00 16" dry planer wood 6.00 2.76 6.00 2.75 5.50 k load planer IS" Old Fir mill block load mill block - ' dry sec growth fir IS" load sec growth 16" dry old Fir Vk load old Fir 6.60 8.00 1.60 Our large load Is a cord of 4-ft wood sawed 14 -inch. Phone 884T FRED E. WELLS. INC. WMwVWWwVVWMMwVwVVVwV 16" old fir $5.25. Tel. 4865. ssssassvavsssae GUARANTEED DRY Woodcoal Tel. 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade at Cottage. ---- - -- -- - -,-,-h-i.i-ii-"Lnn ALL KINDS, any length. Call 6760. Dry wood. TeL 7677. --i-i --i- - iii-,-ir-.-.wrij-i.itjjxrcrxn Guaranteed dry wood and prompt delivery. 4 ft or 16 Inch 2nd growth. Price reasonable. Phone 4696. ' ' --- -y, 1 rinnruinjijoxn Old fir. knot, limbs, ash. Phone Judd 102F81. Dry 2nd growth 10 In. 85.00. 10" old fir 5.0. Dry or green oak. Howard, Tel 6052. WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. TEL. 6882. Wood mwlnc. Robtnu. TYI. t4t. PERSONAL "wwwwwwwawwvwv. Notice: I will not be responsible New 60 lb. mattress $5.00. Reoovat after Nov. 12. 1081. for bills, not eon- era and fumlgatora Capital Bed- iractea oy myseir. Ralph M. Davla Even Score FOR SALE USED CARS These Cars with a aow ear guarantee SII0. new paint, how , its, For . . 199. ,,, , gia. 80. , .,, , , , .. 819. - - 99. DISTRIBUTORS Telephone TT01. Used Car Book Values for November Have Not Dropped But our n rices have Cuts from 11.99 to 19.09. Compare these prices: 1911 Tudor Sedan 44.99 1919 Tudor Sedan 388.99 889.99 1919 Std. Coup 1119 Roadster , 1919'Fordor Sedan 1920 Tudor Sedan . 148.99 818.99 898.90 878.00 1929 Coup 1910 Roadster 1128 Tudor Sedan SSO.OO 808.09 1928 Roadster 198.99 889.99 125.00 1129 Plymouth Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Tudor 1129 Chevrolet Trunk excellent .tires 18.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 8158 Center Street Display Phone 7110 Lot at Liberty and Marlon Streets Grange Observance Of Brothers9 Day Puts Men in Aprons MONMOUTH, Not. is Satur day, Not. 14, will bo Brothra day at Monmouth grange. On this occasion men members don aprons and attend to all dinner arranre- ments Including cooking and ta- dio service, ine event is an an- nual feature. Sunday, Nor. IS, Rev. A. L. Lonsberry of the Evangelical church will hold a special service for tha local grange at hla church. He la complying for a request from various members In so do ing, the objective being to ob serve national grange week. I O- Busineu AMUSEMENTS Salem Golf Course 2 miles south on River Drive. 18 hole watered fair ways, large greens Fees 76c Sundays ind holidays. 91.00. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner Court and Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTTJ BL RAsfSOEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 148 a Liberty. The best m I H. W. Scott. bicycles and repairing. 14T & Com X TeL 4611. I CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450, R. E. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a ! 168 N. L, BCOTT. P8C Chiropractor. High, TeL Rea 1172. DRS. BCOTIKLD. Palmer Chlroprao- Itora X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Veleterla Tel 683. FLORISTS ALL kinds of flsral work. Lata nor- 1st. 16th a Market. TeL 8502. CUT flowers, wedding bouquets- funeral wreaths, decorations, U. r. Brelthaapt. florist. 618 State Street TeL StS4. . HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 416 Coort Margaret's Shop. House cleaning Floor Waxing I I "We clean anything that s nalnted" Caplto! Window Cleaners. Phone 1778. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. TeL 4020 or T000. INSURANCE BECKS N. High HENDRICKS TsL 188 4I4T 1 WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Win. BUven, Mgr. Exclusive Buttertlle Agent 218 Masonic Bldg TeL T0OO LAUNDRIES' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY lit a High TeL 1121 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything la Log" Telephone 2166 1264 Broadwav MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. ding Co. TeL 4040. 2030 North CapitoL KOTICK OF APTOETOIEJra OF ADMIMSTRAXRIX NoUc ta karahy aire a tbat Ua undersign o4 has be daly ap polatod by taa County Comrt at th SUto of Oregon for tha Com- ty of Marlon, aa Administratrix ot - tha astata at nars snyaar, docoased, and that aha has daly Qualified aa such administratrix; all persons having claims against tha astata ot sail decadent are hereby notified ta present tha same, daly rarlf led, to mo, at tha otflea of Ronald C. oiotot. my attorney.. !9S Oregon Balldlng, Salaau. Oregon, within alx months from tha data of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this list day ot October. II SI. AJLTA L STTKR, Administratrix of tha estate ot Clara 8nyder, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. OU-N.T-14-ll-tl SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT OOVBT OF THS 8TATK OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION. DepartmMit No. 9 F. O. JOHNSON. Plaintiff. TS. F. A. LEGOE and LUELLA M. LEGOE, his wife. LADD St BUSH TRUST COMPANT, a corporation, as Executor ot the Last Will, Testament and Es Ute ot LUlie Belle Irwin. Da ceased, NELLIE S P E N C E TATE8. ARCHIE SPENCB. FRANK NICHOLS and FRED J. ZANELLO, Defendants. To the above named Nellie Spence Tales and Archie Spence. defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of .yon are required to appear and answer the Complaint tiled against you in tha above entitled suit, on or before the last day ot the four weeks prescribed for the publica tion of this Summons, that being tha last day for your appearance to answer herein prescribed by the Order for the publication of this Summons. If yon fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for tha relief de Directory I MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Piano, Phono graphs, sawing machines, sheet music. and piano studies. Repairing pbone- granhs and sew 1ns machlnea 481 Ptxte Street. Salem. NURSING Mra Mary Vlnyard. R. N. Hourly nursing : bed baths or treatment TeL Res R94 : offW 747 J. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair lis So, Liberty work. Graber Bros. Tel 8R4 PAPER HANGING Paper hanging and painting. Neo- man's Paint Store, ill H. Coral. PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house dectoe-atlng, paper hanging. tinMiig. etc RellsMe workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. pampn. lets, programs, books or any kind Of printing, caii ine Miatesmaa rant ing Deoartment 216 B. Cnmman-lal Telephone 0101. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse aii scanaara si see or ttaaie TUDea. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. SOT i uoft Ht Tel till. STOVES STOVES and stove repalrtng. Store for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logaa hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 47T4. R R Fleming. TAILORS Dl H. M03HER Tailor for women. 4T4 Court 8L TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ca. 226 State St. TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rata. FOR local or distant transfer stor- age, call nil. Lamer Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally. Real Estate Directory BECKS HENDRICKS Tel 4841 188 N. High a M. EARLTi 224 N. High St. TeL 16781 J. LINCOLN- ELLIS (61 State TeL 8671 SOCOLOF8KY A BON 104-1 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 1807 J. F. CLRICH State Street 226 Tel. 8678. F. L State St. WOOD 441 TeL 7184 HOMER D. FOSTER 18704 Bute BL REALTY TeL CO. T618 W. H. ORABENHORST ACO. 184 a Uberty St. TeL 0461 By CLIFF STERRETT manded la tha Complaint oa file I Court, which Order la dated No hereln. a ancelnct statement oflTembar ltth. im, and directa Which la aa fOUOiri: That mlalatlff have judgment I wees: ior itrar woeca andLrW anlnat & T defend Wiroa that yo apnear and aa and decrae 5VJH!n7V awar herein on or before tha laat t; tor tha nm of Mil 10 and for tha further sum ot z 1 Ska. onw di im.m.m a m. lAsm va vi f 7,000. 0 with Interest thereon at tha rata ot 7 percent par annua I from tha lSth day of May, 11J. I nntll tald. and for tha sum of S47S.O0, special attorney's teea and- for tha coats and disburse ments of this suit; for tha fore closure ot plaintiffs mortgage and tha aala ot tha real premises particularly described in plain tiffs Complaint herein, and thai tha proceeds ot said aala ba ap plied to tha payment of the amounts due tha plaintiff; that plaintiff may he- a purchaser at said sale; that tha defendants and all persona claiming by, through or under them, or any of them. subsequent to the execution ot tha plaintiffs mortgage, either aa in cumbrancers, purchasers or oth orwisa. may be barred and fore- closed ot all right, title, lien. claim and equity of redemption in the aald premiaea and eyery part theaot and for Judgment and ax-1 ecutlon against the defendanta, F. a i.rr mnA T.,,lia xt t for any deficiency which may remain after applying all tha proceeds from the sale properly applicable to the satisfaction of said Judg ment, and tor such other and fur ther relief in the premises, in cluding all necessary writs of as sistance, as to the court may seem meet and equitable. A brief des cription of said mortgaged prem ises Is as follows: Lots numbered 21. 27, 28. 2, 30 and 31 of Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 8 in T. S S., R. S W. of tbe Willamette Meridian in Marion County. Oregon, as shown by tha Plat thereof on file and ot record in the office of the Record- a',-0-' C??:er ?f "WC81: iU ""-'"s uMcnWU premises towlt: Beginning at a point on the south line and 219 feet and inches south 89 46' east from the southwest corner of Lot No. 10 Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. S in T. 8 S.. R. 3 W. in Mar ion County, State of Oregon, said point being marked by an iron pipe set in the south line of the County Road; thence north 0 34' west 133 feet and 11 inches to an iron pipe; thence south 89 4S' east 214 feet and 6 inches to an iron pipe; thence south 0 34' east 133 feet and 11 inches to an iron pipe on the south line of said Lot 10. Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 8; thenco along said south line 89 48' west 214 feet and C in ches to the place of beginning and containing 80100 of an acre more or less. Also: Lots numbered 13, 14, 15 and IS In Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 7 in Section 27, T. 8 S., R. X W. of the Willamette meri dian In Marlon County, State ot Oregon, aa shown by the Plat thereof oa file and of record In the office of tha Recorder of Con eyances of said County. This Summons Is served upon you by publication In "The Ore gon Statesman" by Order of the Honorable L. H. McMahan, Judge of tha above entitled Circuit Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 2Tp p J" "p , H3e HH W 31 p 32 33 3 33' I36 -1- w 11 1 w Mil HORIZONTAL 1 unruffled 7 strength 12 trifled with 13 public speaker 15 religious ceremonj 16 small islands , 18 towards 19 chemical suffix 20 collection of maps 21 seventh letter of tha Greek alphabet 22 symbol for tellurium 21 bottom surface of a room 24 consider 26 title of dignity 27 small mountain, lakes 28 wide mouthed 29 Persian , - fairy 30 decayed 32 burrows 35 coTera with s . black oily 37 exclama tion 33 little island 39 tumbles 40 mother of Peer Gynt 41 French pronoun 42 embank ment beside a river 43 Italian city 44 tra ' At one who barters 48 addition attached to a legis lative bill Herewith is a solution to yes terdays puzzle. liquid f6--aings in a fay lively manner aSSbi am r ax luure hub summons oa pauoimi T of tha time prescribed for tha NoTembar lth, itsi. C. If. INIIAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence. Salens, Ora- goa. N. 14-J1-II-D. i-ll. TURNER. Nor. It Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Farrfs received word this week ot tha death November T ot their son-in-law, George Dlnwoodle, of Leroy. Alberta, Canada. Mr. Dlnwoodle was a World war veteran. Ha submit- a operation from which bJJfllei to lr Lkls two mn sons. Mrs. r "-7 v v , 7 V.ri J , 7 , her ! ter. Mr- Harrlagton. She ?ot, aort teaching !c00' th0a. been back for & visit with her parents and relatives bat once.' Friends of Miss Hazel Bones will be glad to know that sha is recovering from her recent heart attack which was preceded bv pneumonia. She hopes to soon be able to be up and about her room. She Is at the home ot her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Barr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Apole have for their guests their daughter. Mrs. Anna Hyde and her danrh- ter, June, of Washington. They will remain in Turner for a num ber of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. An- pI. ft ViTrealdwh T of locating in town so Mr Apple would be In easy reach of his work at ,utJ nospiulOIfi;S wherft hd naj beAQ emJlo ed for a number 0f years. Miss Haxel Peetz of Portland and Miss Thelma Dillard of Fern Ridge were guests at the H. R. Peetx home on Armistice day. The women s sewing class un der "the state economics depart ment, which meets each Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. at the domestic science high school room, will meet a second time during the week, the day to be selected next Tuesday. Problems with pat terns, cutting and fitting will be continued. Salad and meat reci pes will also be discussed. O. O. McClellan Sustains a Broken Arm; Crank Kicks KEIZKR. Not. 13 While cranking his car at his home In West Kelzer, O. O. McClellan aus talned a double fracture of tbe right arm Just above the wrist. It will be sometime before McClellan will be able to use his arm. Tbe accident occurred Thursday. 49 closed VERTICAL. 1 fairy 2 strikes out 3 set aa esti mate on 4 organ of sight 6 symbol for neon 6 those who prepare for pub lication T pertain ing to tha poles 8 crude metals 9 existed GEORGE DDK PISSES in cm 10 familiar Latin and French 11 putrid 14 wanders 17 the black- thorn 20 set into lino 21 wierd 23 rolls up and secures 24 mends 28 liquid measure 27 canvas shelters 29 young hens 30 sedate 31 one who makes garmenb) 82 bind to secrecy S3 dimmish 34 cutting 86 edible purple seaweed 89 festival 40 opera by Verdi 42 youth . 43 writing tablet 45 symbol for nickel 47 note of tha acalo) I.