PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Montis. NorewW 14, 1931 "No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe" V From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. SraAGrr. Sheldon F. Sackett. Pubtlthcre Charles A. Sprague Sheldon F. Sackett Editor-Manager . Managing Editor : f . Vj ' Member of the Associated Press Ths Associated Prsss Is' exclusively entitled to the us for PuMJca tloe of sll news dispatches credited to tt or not otherwise credited in this paper. . Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Stype. Inc.. Portland. Zcvrir San Francisco. Sharon Bid.: Los Angelea, W. Pac Bile- - Eastern Advertising Representatives: Fsrd-Parsons-SUclwr, Inc.. New York. Salmon Tower Bid.. 11 W. 4Znd St : Chics. 0 N. Michigan Ave. "FATHER JOE" To the "Editor Oregon Statesman: The Gospel Mission Commercial St. Nov. 13, If SI Dear Sir: - Mr attention has been directed to an Issue of recent date con taining a contribution from Rev. J. R. Buck veiling a criminal libel under cover of "our Pen dleton. Ore., paper.4 la it to escape criminal prosecution Rev, Buck "passes the buck" to Pen dleton T Pendleton - passes to Portland. Portland td Seattle, Se attle to Indiana, and Indian to Europe. While the statements submit ted are falsehoods, on I trust is true "he probably had no voca tion at all." The fact that I had been duly ordained is then prima-facie evidence that I must hare 'landed one. "Landing a vocation" is, needless to say, a lone, delicate and difficult pro- 4ir-uMiCQirixrwD CP A TTT TYINfi'S nlan for reduction 01 cess. It Is a work requiring more - v.... " r . art than the landing of-a six- Entered at the Pottoffic at Salem, Oregon. Second-cias Hotter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueines$ office, tl5 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Un fluhnrrlntlon Rates. In Advance. Within Oregon : Dally a-a Btsswhsr ccnti per Uo, or l.0 for 1 year In advance. By City Carrier: S cents a month: $5.00 a year to advance. Per Copy I cents. On trains and News Stand I cents- The Safety Valve - - Letters from Statesman Readers HERE'S HOW By EDSON (5 rt ' .- r i ' : i i - ill .V jTM- ROCfcCtTBQAAB if PROPEtlED BY ROCKETS AND k I AERIAL BOMB CAN FOLLOW A JNGS UNTIL IT HITS ANO DE. ? Cuts in Highway Salaries 1 .oi.n-Da ,' Viiahwav dftDartment strikes us as a .a ocmwv- a At . j ... i i. i uvuuu uwai. '"forced levy . lie proposes mai me sain uc wt v Thft lowing comment on duration of the emersrencv and the savings go to provide em- "ciippine" published is to the be TteTneTit for other men. This may sound well on the surface, found in the Oregon state li- ,nmt it wiU hardly stand the test of examination, lfsucn a tev ;uirathoVP Boyd leveling is to start why stop with the highway department? Vtf pagelSo. A CilMAM rttt CXTIMGUISMU SHOOTS A fOW.' TWII WHICH t tMOTHEKSRAAO IVT 0OCSMO DAMAGE NEW HJCH SKEO CAMERA SNAPS- NAL5 FOI LATER IDENTIFICATION Monday: The Devil's Namesake. I think I knew 'Father Joe when he was a fine athletic boy j in a famous Irish college. I j wonder what his mother would think if she read this"! Dr. Bar rett continues: "By Imitating BITS for BREAKFAST By R. J. HENDRICKS- John .Why not go through ail the public offices' and make similar forced drafts? . - We think the commissioner confuses -issues. Salary schedules should be fixed as a separate and distinct problem of th commission. Thev should be determined by the char- Bcter of service required, comparison with similar salaries the methods of true bigots such 4pw here, and with the abilitv of the state to pay. It is folly (clippings) give the utmost en- Jo compare Oregon's salary schedule with that of California courapement possibles for the pro as has been done; for the whole salary scale for teachers and JJon "g" Oiner puOllC servants is iar mguer men; um uwc. to say the least unchristian to is wealthier and a much better "spender' Salaries here republish unproven charges with eV.! Ina nrt tViA merits of our own situation. end in view of defamation. . It fa tntbrir proper for the commfasion to overhaul the SISZWSS 'entire hichwav denartment as to personnel and salaries, it tt Bftftm(, Ta tt. .. w.w fehould put every division under the test and retain only tne lighten non-Catholics as to the hom!" Reading from the Hub- men who are maKing troou tneir jous ana nx luen. sawucs 1 ucoui 01 vimuucum! oara dooi Bavings can De maue propei iy aim uuuuiauiji men Master had a kindly glance for be made, by all means and the savings go into tne general peter the first ex-priest, for had iund or accrue to the benefit of the motorists who are foot- not Peter denied and deserted ing the highway bills. The salary schedule of the engineering Himr More than a down of tetaff should not be determined with respect to how much ffer'. day! b? cS can be extracted to prive to some one else. Moreover the sal- hcs make lisrht of their misdeeds. ary scale should be fixed for an indefinite term,' and not for what hypocrisy lies behind this the "duration of the emergency". "Vf"6?1'', rodv' , , The new commission ought to make one of its first tasks uieopliemLne dL" , a study of the highway department organization. It should fenge C( poisoning wells" as niva YinaA si 4-Via orifiKigms fio4- h n va hMn VftlPPn hV SPTI I Nvmtn rails it th kaat Spaulding and others and bore into the situation far enough o, making Romat i cath- jeaej. TSSJ 10 una oui u ine criticisms arc jusmieu u uuu Appiuatucu i peT from that angle it should have the nearty co-operation 01 Commissioner Klein and we believe it would have. The old commission wanted no interference, and wanted to rule as a self-contained unit without much responsibility to the gov ernor or any one else. There is one other danger that we note in the present trend. That is to make the highway commission ;he pack- horse for charity. The commission can do something along . the line of employment relief but it ha a limit to its capacity. : Its primary duty is to build roads and build them as well i and as cheaply as possible. It has deviated under the neces sity of things last winter and this to spend money with the first object of giving employment. The people of the various counties can't expect this to continue indefinitely ; they have MASQUERADE " By FAITH BALDWIN Brown's son in Salem: W (Continuing from yesterday:) The colored orderly of Governor Shannon was sent with the mes sage to "General" Jones. Great rejoicing followed, among the mob of 2,000. A shout went up: "The damn Tanks have accepted our terms and wo are off for "But Shannon was still a pris oner. He signed, an agreement to recognize all abolition army com panies as Kansas militia, and he further commissioned 'J. Brown' as captain." (He also issued an order to Sheriff Jones to not in terfere with Branson, Holcomb. the "seditious" editor, or any other free-state man on account of any offense that they were supposed to have committed. From the book: "And so articulate in Oregon, Buck might with some suc cess unmuffle some of his own ameceaenis. "Be carerui," says Saint Ambrose, "he in truth Is Impugned in vain who is accused of impiety by the impious. If outsiders were certain that some propagandists were other than manlkln-Jehovahs they would begin to be Interested in i the light on the bushel. Sincerely yours. J. FRANK MATHEWS. Editor, The Statesman: The Paris Peace Pact As the Kellogg-Briand Pact "The high contracting narties a responsibility of their own which they can't saddle off onto jagree tnat tae Women t or soiu- the highway commission. All for a Dollar TT is heartening to learn there is a good response to the an- tion of all disputes or conflicts, of whatever nature or of whatever origin mey may be, wnlch may arise among them, shall never be sought except by peaceful means." Tne above treatr has hpn alrn. nual roll call of the Red Cross. People have not forgotten ed by all the nations except two or the service of the Red Cross in wartime, and they have a L,ne0 south American countries, kindly feeling toward it still. The Red Cross is not just a In,' ."l11 wartime agency. It is a peacetime organization a3 well. It is wond today win be inclined to -ja-nauon-wiae organization equippea 10 renaer immediate re- as, are tnese same nations still ..riief i aonnel, the experience in handling situations that arise in case of fire or flood or earthquake, and above all the confi dence of the people. Its method of financing its activities is unique yet mer itorious. It seeks to be pre-eminently a humanitarian organ ization, controlled by the people, supported by the people, said a man who oug to vuriuii lur uie peopie. 00 it seera small contriDUtions irom tnow wnat the facts are, "that in case of great disaster. It possesses the trained per- pIlln jp expenditures for arma- 1 ii . ; 1 ji! u j.. 1 1- 1 . I men is: But few of ihMA name Americans seem to realize that the United States is spending more for military purposes than any other nation on earth! You don't have to take my word for that. The American people should under- covered the prairies. The settlers busied themselves getting in wood from the groves that lined the raTlnes; they bullied houses and barns, and made ready for the next year's planting." ST. Largo covered wagon trains came in the spring of IS 56 from the anti-slavery states. There was to be another election in isovem ber, that would go a long way in making Kansas a free territory and state. U. S. army force came to "keep the peace", which meant that they would back up the bo gus territorial government, and carry out the wishes of Governor Shannon. He was playing a wait ing game he would get his re venge. A grand Jury at Lecompton met and indicted Branson, Hol comb, the "Free State hotel", and Holcomb's newspaper office. The next night the hotel and news paper office were "captured" by the sheriff and burned, and hous es and stores of abolitionists looted, their goods being confis cated on the ground that they were the property of law break ers. Quoting the Hubbard book: "Meantime Captain (John) Brown was at work In an out of the way spot 15 miles from home, with Oliver, helping to build a house for a newly arrived (sick) settler. . . Fred. Owen and Sal mon were earning $1 a day and board, bridge building near Hick .millions of people that it may keep that intimate connection "front expenditures on strictly AnJJnt'J' Jasou ...tii. at iT j i 1 ii - . Imllitarv aorlvUtoa rr rmv uid were at home iarmmg. . wii n 1 1 1.. iiBfiiuta u 1 111 r 1 ( 1 f iwnnma I iiu nira nnp m a taht mtaat i v. j of army navy constitute the largest mili tary hnilrnt nf Q n tt nstlnn In tli. Some may ask, why doesn't the government support the world today." The man that said that is Herbert Hoover, two years ago. Our government is spending more today, to prepare for war which we have promised we will never engage in, at a time when our national treasury shows a de ficit of a billion dollars. In cir culating a petition yesterday, out of almost 100 signatures for dis armament only two men refused to sign. That surely expresses the sentiment of our citizenship to do away with war. Why should not the United States take the lead in trusting the pledges of the Pact of Paris and reducing the weight of taxation for armaments which now lie so heavily on the world? B. P. TAYLOR philanthropists. I Red Cross? One very good reason is that politics should have ! nothing to do with relief work. A fund raised bv taxation j is the prey of every congressman. It is well that the Red Cross 1 can function independent of any political affiliation, support : ed by the masses. It can then minister where the need i3 greatest. A person does well who takes a membership for a dollar kimply as an investment in good citizenship, as well as be coming affiliated with the greatest agency for human relief the world has ever known. The rector of the University of Mexico fired the university treas urer because he drove around in a ten thousand dollar auto'mohn In this country when the head of some finance company does that am puduc trusts nim wun more or their money to squander. Correct this sentence: "Representative Gamer, Texas democrat, is tuoted: 'For my part if we organize the house, nolltlcs will fca a secondary consideration and I think every member of my partv feels . the same wit"! Publishers in a meeting in Los Angeles decided they wouldn't Use the word "depression" any more. It will take more than nollvans editorials and Wall street boomlets to get seven million back on the payrolls. The world's meanest man lives in Jefferson. He rut th ritv rir- bell rope and drained the gas out of the tire truck. The right pun- isnmeni ior mm wouia nave been ror his house to catch fire. This is a big week for the radio morons of Portland., The Seth jraraers are in town. 1 " Turkeys of the valley may well grow suspicious of the extra fesd ing mey are getting tnese days. Yesterdays ... Of Old Salem Tewa Talks from The State mM of Earlier Days November 14, 1906 Objection is being voiced in San Francisco to the mingling of Jap anese ana enmese children with Caucasian children in the public scnoois. A treaty with Japan however, guarantees Japanese cniiaren equal rights with others The game at Eugene today may decide which coach remains. Chinese Student Group Starting Home Ho Fight SEATTLE, Nov. 1 S (AP) la ' dlgnant at "Japanese invasion of Chinese territory" and predicting a serious war between the two countries. 20 Chinese students, ent to -the University of Wash- ington here by the Chinese gov ernment, today were preparing to return to their native land "to fight" when needed. King Yonng. secretary of the Chinese. Students' club, and How ard Sun. former club president, eaid feeling was Intense against Japanese among the Chinese stu dents here as they held them selves ready to go home at any time. Both leaders said war was lmminU , inree hundred and twentv-six certificates based on terged appli cations tor school lands covering over 3.00Q ; acres yesterday were ordered canceled, by the state land boards "b They heard of the arrest of Branson and Holcomb and ths burning and sacking at Lawrence. They also heard that warrants were out for the arrest 01 jonn. Jr.. and Jason and their father. for rescuing Branson from the sheriff. John, Jr., and Jason saw the posse of Sheriff Jones com ing. They got the women and children away and barricaded themselves in the house, and held off the 50 nossemen until after dark, and surrendered when the force of Sheriff Jones set tiro to the home, which was burned to the groand. S S Salmon, Fred and Owea heard the news the next day. All the four houses, and the barns and other buildings of the Browns had been burned. Salmon tried to raise a posse to attempt a res cuewithout success; the free TllJJllViolin Box Has chicken was left, to find their father. They passed the camp of the raiding Mlssourians; found old John Brown placing the raft ers on the house of the new neigh bor. Reading from the book: " 'Is it possible yon have not heard the news? called Salmon. . " 'Yes, such news travels fast it was passed on from cabin to cabin and reached me yesterday.' " 'And did you know that John and Jason are dead?' '"They are not dead.' "'How do you know?'" Then thgjold man read to his son3 a letter from Jason, in the Lecompton Jail, dated the day be fore, May 9. 185. But John Brown Insisted that all hands turn to and finish the new sett ler's house said they had lived under a wagon long enough. Quoting th book: " 'And if w finish this job we will be finished ourselves.' spoke Salmon. "Why so?' " 'Becaus there ar at least 40 Missourians hiding ia Header son's gulch.' " 'Well, then, w must find out what they are about. Th sec tion line runs near here, don't it, Salmon?' " 'I believe so.' . . . And so, starting with Salmon and Oliver in a one-horse wagon, . . . the old man drove witnin a mile of the gully where the Missourians were camped." (They pretended to be a sur veying party. Old John Brown was really a surveyor. They sighted th line straight through the camp; John Brown talked with members of the mob. Among many things, wai informed that their chief mission .was to hang old John Brown if they could catch him alive. mm m Deadly deeds followed. Five pro-slavery men wer on ths night of May 24. 1856. called to the doors of their homes and killed with swords and axes. They were the men who had helped the mob find free-state settlers' homes and murder their occu pants, or cans them to fie th country. One of th slaughtered pros was Colemaa, the man who shot Dow. John Browa was not a member of th party who killed the pro-slavery spies. But. acting against his orders, and without his previous knowledge, hU son Oliver and a mulatto friend, called Jim Slivers, performed th slaughter on that bloody night, the issues of which stirred Kan sas anew, and aroused th whole nation. S John Brown at once rallied a fore of 60 men; did not wait for them to attack, but marched upou the camp of the Missouri mob. There was sharp fighting for a few minutes, but, through a ruse, th gang that came to hang him became panic-stricken, and fled in frantic terror. Taking advantage of th state of mind of the pros, John Brown rode out with five men and captured two prominent slave-holders, and sent a letter to Governor Shannon of fering to exchange them for John, Jr., and Jason. Each of the slave holders wrote a letter to Gov ernor Shannon making a personal appeal that he comply and he complied; the exchange was made the next day old John Brown's word of honor being taken; it John, Jr., and Jason were given 6a fe passage home. John Brown was accused of th midnight murder of the five pro-slavery spies; the territorial government offered a reward of $1,000 for his capture. His forces now numbered about 40 in all, including himself and his seven sons and a son-in-law, Henry Thompson, who had come on from th east with Watson Brown. They were fugitives from justice. houseless, homeless, hunted, yet not unhappy. (Continued tomorrow.) SYNOPSIS Leaving Hawaii shortly after her father's death, youag and beautiful Fanchon Meredith goes to San Francisco, where she meets and loves a handsome man named Tony. Fanchon is shocked to learn that Tony Is a racketeer, implicated In a recent murder. Sh. too, Is now wanted. Fan chon escapes in an alrr' tne under th nam of "Smith." Evelyn Howard, whom she had met on th boat coming from Hawaii. Is aboard. Evelyn is enrouto to New York to live with her aunt, the wealthy Mrs. Carstairs, whoash has never met. After Fanchon confides In Evelyn, th latter treats her cooly. The plans crash es and Fanchon is th only sur vivor. Sh decides to escap Tony and- th past and start life anew by masquerading as Evelyn. She requests a doctor to wire Mrs. Carstairs that "Evelyn" Is safe. CHAPTER Vm Halt a dozen times before she reached New York, Fanchon was seized with a frantic desire, born of sheer, blind panic, to get out at th first best station, to run away, to hide, t find a ship that sailed for far countries and alien seas, to run away from th old life of Fanchon Meredith, the hunted life of "Miss Smith," the self chosen, stolen life of Evelyn Howard, who was going toward safety, toward people who cared, toward freedom .... Once she rose and took down the borrowed hat from the rack. Once she picked up the straw suit case the farmer's wife had loaned her, with a few bare neces sities In it; .ce she walked, suit case in hand, to the door of the drawing room and laid her hand upon th k But returned at once to her seat by the window and her bewildered, frantic think ing. Sh co -Id not go back. She must go on. Her mind felt hurt and bruised with th effort at thought, her bandaged aitu ached, her wrenched muscles. cried out. "You have a very bad shock and shaking up," Doctor Warren had said, "and I wish you would stay on with Mrs. Lawson for a few days. But, if you won't, you won't. Only my orders profes sional orders, are that when you reach your destination, you per mit yourself to be put to bed and you stay there. . ." She had promised. At the first big city they reach ed, reporters boarded the train and invaded her drawing room. eager, snoca-naired boys, one lean, sallow man and a couple of pretty "sob sisters." They apol ogized for their Intrusion, but told ner that in the intc est of the Br now they all knew that Evelyn was a niece of Mrs. Carstairs THE Mrs. Carstairs. news and public they must have her first hand story of the acci dent. She knew that it was safer not to antagonize them. They perch ed on the seats, on the arms of things, even squatted n-t the floor, listening avidly. The train stooped over there for half an hour. Dur ing that time Fanchon told them what she recalled of the accident itself . . . cf the first part of the the wire that reached her at th same station at which the report ers got on. "Waiting anxiously. Collin would have come out and brought you the rest of tLe way, but he is in Canada and cannot be reached in time," wired "Aunt Jennie." Collin? thought Fanchon. But during their rapid fire conversa tion, th reporters enlightened her. Collin was Mrs. Carstairs' flight. Earn s. one of the report- U0nly son. A big gam hunter. A ers said, had been an important man in his town. This was being played up in th press. The pilot, too. McKInon, for h had had a war record and had also been pi lot on a successful flight from England to Australia. H- xlso was news, said the reporters, not cal lous, not unkind, simply seeking tw feed their master, th Insati able press. And Fanchon herself was news. By now they all knew thai Eve lyn Howard was a niece of Mrs. Carstairs the Mrs. Carstairs. That was news. And news, too. New Views "Do you agree- with Senator Spaulding that highway engin AifOtrsiaasJaries should be cut and worrffa th road staggered?" was th question asked by States man reporters yesterday. C. DF C. IS NEXT FLECTION Artlisr It. Bate, assistant bank cashier: "I don't think his plan should be carried down aa far in salary reductions a he urges. However, I feel th staggering of work would be a good thing." W. P. Watklns, service station proprietor: "I don't know any thing about it." S. H. Van Trump, county horti cultural inspector: "I don't know what they'll do about th Spauld ing proposal. I know his Ideas have a lot of backing." Sam Smith, laborer: "Salaries are noa too good as they ar. Why cut them and cause more dis content? As for the "staggering" idea I don't know anything about it." don Myrtle Baeas, bottsekerper: n't know anything about It." WOODBURN, Nov. 13 Elec tion of officers of th Wood burn chamber of commerce, will taks place Wednesday night of next week, November 12. As a dance is to b given in the 8t. Luke's com munity hall, the regular meeting place, this month's meeting will ba held in the Wood burn hotel. Doctor Gerald B. Smith, present head of th chamber of commerce, has asked that ill members of th organization be present at the meeting, as it Is one of the most important of the year. This year's officers of the group are, president Dr. G. B. Smith, vice president, Carlton Hande; secretary, Paul Mills. J. G. Harrington has left for Laplne, Oregon, where he will spend th vinter months with his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard. Mrs. Howard had been visiting here at th Harring t. . horn, but returned tw.. weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Arista Nendel, both of whom became quit ill after their trip to California re cently, are reported improving. Mr. Nendel's Illness was consid ered Quite serious for a while, but h Is now abl to sit up. He bad congestion of the lungs, which threatened to turn into pneumo nia. Mrs. Nendel Is also Improved. Minor Accident Pot Brassal and Frank Wolf of Woodbura were in a minor ac- s . vr f 1 J cueni weanesaay night when At Home On lSlana BrasseTs car sideslipped into th ditch on th dirt road going north from Woodbura. which parallels the railroad track. Th two men. la BrassePs car cam down th hill near th second wooden bridge on the road at too great a speed. There is a queer rise In the road that can giT on quit a un." Th Brassel car hit the rise and slipped into th ditch on the right hend side. Both men vrer scratched un a bit. thourh not seriously. Th car was not greatly damaged. Daily Thought "They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and make war no more." Bible. Mrs. . A. Lefley Hostess to Circle Violin Insidei Huge Surprise Th stat land board today will go to Turner to examine land of fered as the site for the institute for th feeble minded. November 14, 1021 Latest to challenge State Treas urer O. P. Hoffs method handling slat funds is the industrial ac cident commission, which vester- Ljay., sent ta.the treasurer a letter demanding to kntfvr by what au thority he had transferred th sum of 276.000 from th segre gated accident fund to th Indus trial accident fund. CHICAGO, Nov. 13. (AP) Fifty policemen armed with high powered weapons. Thursday sur rounded, th service State bank at Central and North avenues. They had received a tip that a robbery wss to bo committed there. Tension was t its peak. Suddenly a man darted across the street.' "Under his arm h clutched a violin box favorite gang container for a machine gun. Clerks ducked In anticipation of that deadly rat-atat-tat. Folic guns swung to cover the man. II was seized. His box was opened It contained a violin. GRAND ISLAND. Nov. 13 The Mother's Clrcl held its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. E. A. Lefley. Thirteen members of th 12 en rolled answered to th roll calL Two visitors, Mrs. Jo Rockhlll and Mrs. Lee Sanders were also present. A short business was con ducted by the president, Mrs. Grace Wiley. The afternoon was spent in quilting on a quilt and binding a comforter for the host ess. Popcorn and punch wer en joyed doring th afternoon. Mrs. Lee Sanders and baby Ver non of Tillamook ar spending fie week visiting in th horn of old time acquaintances, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rockhlll and family. Tuesday evening Mr. snd Mrs, Guy Earl and children of Hope well called to visit them. The population of the city was increased by 57 during last month, according to the report of births filed with th city health officer. EX-FILM STAR DIES - NEW YORK, Nov. 12. (AP) SILVERTON. Th drive for picture star and member of th funds for the Silverton hospital cast of Broadway stage hits, died will be opened next Saturdsy with Thursday after a three weeks ill a tag sale. . . ness. Sh was 38. WOODCRAFT 06 E MUSES 0 Edith Workman Has Position at Indian School at Chemawa CHEMAWA. Nov, 13 Miss Edith Workman has entered upon duty at the main office as assist ant to Mr. Larten, who is still confined in th hospital at Corval 11s because of th amputation re cently of his left arm. Miss Workman was for a num ber of years employed as reporter tor th examiner of inheritaac In this district, and la therefor familiar with loeal reservation conditions. 'Sb has now trans ferred from Toman, Wise, mak ing the trip by automobile. The trip freal Wisconsin was made In a week, which is making good itintor ihl9 season of the year. DALLAS. Nov. 12 MIstleto Circle, No. 23, Neighbors of Woodcraft held its regular meet ing Wednesday night at the W. O. W. hall In Dallas. New offi cers wer eleeted and th initia tion for th new members wss performed. A banquet was served than a fftllAwlll. K ...I ... ... I . iouowing th meeting with si members In attendance. in newiy eiectea officer j are: Guardian Neighbor, Jenny Plas ter; clerk, Sarah 8taats; advisor, Lola Dornhecker; magician, Alda uurns; banker. Lily Plummer: managers. Dr. S. R. Smith. Mr. Harriet Sibley, and Mrs. Jo Rem ington; loner sentinel, Ciara Bird; outer sentinel, Mrs. Georg Kest- Mr; captain of ths guard. Maris nayes; Hag bearer. T. A. Patter. son; correspondent. Hazel But ler; musician. Mrs. V. O. Bolston: attendant, Mrs. Anna Stoller; and Bor .guardian,, Amjfc,McCann,.. polo player. An eligible bachelor. One of the most eligible. He was in the north woods at present, she learned, simply by listening when one of the reporters asked her: "We understand that Mr. Collin Carstairs is np north?" and by nodding intelligently. Evelyn hadn't spoken of Collin. Why? wondered Fanchon. Had sh r picture of herself? they wanted to know. Sh had not. But a camera man was there. Fanchon raised her hands protestingly. No pictures! she begged. She hadn't thought of that. Tony might see th picture .... Tony might recognize her .... The picture was. however, tak en. She thought courageously that after all. some hope was left. Newspaper pictures were notori ously unrecognizable; th borrow ed hat had shadowed her face; and her face itself was pale and almost gaunt with the shock of what she had been through. He might not Eee it; or, seeing, rec ognize her. They asked her about "Miss Smith." To all their questions she replied as there was now no one left of all the party to bear wit ness against her that she had never seen the other girl until they boarded the plane together. That she understood she had made her horn la San Francisco and was leaving it to take up work library work. F a n e h on thought In New York. And that sh had heard "Miss Smith" say that she had no living relative. No, she did not know her given name; had never heard it. One reporter mentioned care lessly, that the girl had died . . . an hour or so before they had boarded Fanchon' train, n Fanchon's eyes tilled with ner vous tears. Dead, Evelyn Howard constituted no danger for her. Living, she would have been a perpetual menace. Dead, Fanchon could remember that she had been young, that she had loved life, that she had looked forward with eagerness to what lite was to hold for her. Dead. Fanchon could iorgei tnat in Fanchon's own trouble Evelyn Howard had been cold, unkind and condemnatory. Dead, Fanchon could forget that Evelyn had refused to help her and had branded her without words a gangster's girl ... a girl that on "didn't know." whom one couldn't "afford" to know. Dead. Mvelya Howard was free, and her death mad Fanchon free. Th reorters left, apologizing pleasant, hurrying back with their news, "Sol Survivor's Story of Plane Crash Which Killed Seven," they would tick out on their keys. It would presently b flashed over th wires of the As sociated Press. The train moved on. Fanchon leaned her head against th dus ty plush cushions and closed her eyes. She couldn't go back now. Sh had Irrevocably 'committed herself. There was nothing to do bat to permit herself to be carried on and on . . . and eventually t Up off th train Into whatever destiny-awaited her. She fonnd herself speculating upon Mrs. Carstairs' son, Collin. Upon the reason -why Evelyn had not mentioned him to her. It would have been more natural had Evelyn mentioned him, more In keeping with Evelyn's charac ter. Evelyn had been more than a llttl east conscious when it cam ti Jennie Carstairs, she had been more than a llttl nrond. mora llttl anxious to impress upon Fanchon th glories and bruited wonders of Mrs. Car stairs' social position and money. Of th woman herself sh had hsd llttl to say, which was also nat oraL as sh had never known her. But sh had not spoken ot her son at all. This seemed extraor dinarily Strang to Fanchon, thinking It over as it would hav beea th most comprehensible thing la th world for Evelyn to hav mentioned this "ellglM" cousin, this big gam hunter, this poi player. Why. then, hadth been silent?. .(TP be continuedj