The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 14, 1931
ews and Club Affairs
Mrs. A, u. Brown
Feted Before
Trip East
Mr.. A. L. Brown has been the
Inspiration of many Informal af
fair before, her departure to- j
night fo'-Kansaa City, Mo., where
he will "spend the winter witn
her daughter and son-in-law, - Mr.
.and Mrs; Ralph R. Matthews.
Mrs. Brown will leave Portland Tndenrnrienre Home
tonight at 9 o'clock on the Rose inaepenaence rioine-
coming nnjoyea
Ouvi It, Dur. Jootsiy BdUer
Soturday, November Ik
First Spiritualist church circle, at home of George
Stoddard, 1420 North Fourth street, 8 o'clock.
Yeoman card party at Fraternal temple tonight at
9 o'clock. Both "500" and bridge In play.
City. Her plans for a return to
Balem are Indefinite.
Among those to entertain for
her were Mrs. A. F. Marcus who
was hostess for a luncheon fol
lowed by an afternoon of cards
Wednesday at her home. Miss
Helen Salbe of Monmouth assist
ed Mrs. Maftus at the luncheon
Guests in compliment to Mrs.
Brown were Mrs. Nola Myers,
Mrs. Jennie- B. Barrett Mrs.
Frank Ferguson, Mr. W. E. Wil
son. Mrs. John Harbison, Mrs.
'James Lewis, Mrs. Martha
Echrauck, and Mrs. A. T. Wain: '
Friday afternoon the Prisellla
'club were entertained at the home
of Mrs. Fred Steusloff in compli
ment to the anniversary of the
Independence The homecom
ing of Adah chapter, Eastern Star
was enjoyed by all 75 members
and guests.
At roll call each member re
sponded by giving the date, name
of chapter and. the name of the
worthy matron at time of initia
tion. Mrs. Oral Edwards, worthy
matron, called the following past
matrons to the east and presented
each one with a beautiful bou
quet of chrysanthemums which
she grew in her own garden. Mrs.
L. Damon, Mrs. Jessie Hewitt,
Mrs. H. Matflson, Mrs. M. W. Mix.
Mrs. Crosby Davis, Mrs. O. A.
Kreamer, Mrs. Robert White,
club and in mP"men M" Mr. Delia Butler. Mrs. C. W. Ir
Brown. Luncheon was served at 1 Tin Mrs. M. J. Butler. Mrs. For
o'clock. Agreat basket of faJJ chambers. Mrs. Howard Mor-
flowers centered the table and at
either end of it were tall red
tapers. Candle light shed a soft
glow over table and guests alike.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Brown. Mrs. Dan Fry Sr.. Mrs.
Kitty Gaver, Mrs. Rose W. Bab
cock, Ms. John Craig. Mrs. A. T.
Wain, Mrs. George Dunsford, Mrs.
II 'C. Epley. Mrs. William Mott.
Ian, Mrs. J. E. Hubbard, Mrs.
Will Walker, local chapter; Mrs.
Haegmlre, past matron in Astor
ia; Mrs. A. H. Hart, past matron
in Pomeroy, Wash.; and Mrs.
Hannah Chambers, past matron in
The officers and the three past
patrons present, J. G. Mcintosh,
R. . K. Montgomery, and W. G.
.r"- JteU8lo,ffn40r yJl Grant of Salem were each hon-
cilla Fry and Miss Wanna Holmes
special guests.
The afternoon was spent In
playing cards. Messages were
sent to Mrs. S. S. East, who is a
member of the club now ill In
Long Beach, Calif., and to Mrs
ored by receiving a bouquet of
the beautiful flowers from Mrs
Edwards who presented the two
oldest members present with a
bouquet also Mrs. Sarah Irvine
and Mrs. L. J. Hlltibrand
Mrs. Edna Irvine gave two
Walter Buckner, who Is also ill pleaslng vocal and Mrs. Ir
' at her home In Salem and who
Is a member oi the eiuo.
Rural Clubs to Meet
November 1 9
The federation of Rural Wo
man's clubs will meet for an Insti
tute session November 19 in the
local grange hall at Rickreall.
The Rickreall club will be hostess.
The morning session will be tak
en up with the election of officers
and business. The afternoon will
be given over to the program.
C. S. Howard, superintendent
of schools, will make the address
'of the day. Readings and musical
numbers will complete the pro
gram. Mrs. W. D. Henry of Zena is
president of this organization
and Mrs. A. E. Utley of Brush
College Is secretary.
vine and Mrs. Lora Butler de
lightfully entertained with vocal
The program was followed by
a banquet at wnicn j. u. Mcin
tosh, who has been worthy ma
troll for the past four years gave
an interesting history of the chap
ter since Its organization Febru
ary 1895
Mr. Mcintosh was toastmaster
and responses to toasts were
made by Mrs. Crosby Davis, Mrs
Marion Chambers, Mrs. Anna
White, and Mrs. Oral Edwards
matrons; Mrs. Lottie ilcintosn
associate matron: Mrs. F. R
Bowersox. member of long stand
Ing. and Mrs. Homer Dodd, con
Miss Edna Faust is
Bridge Hostess
A delightfully different bridge
party was that for which Miss
Edna Faust was hostess at her
home Thursday evening. Every
thing from the dresses of the
guests to tallies, card favors and
refreshments were old fashioned.
The effect was very picturesque.
High score for the evening
was held by Miss Ruth Skinner
and second high went to Mrs.
Ralph Kinzer.
Present for the evening were
Miss Margaret Davidson, Miss
Frances Sande, Miss Jo Mauld
ing. Miss Honora Reidy, Miss
Laura Wright, Miss Donna Har
lan, Miss Billy Glese, Miss Ruth
Skinner, Miss Bunny Miller, Mrs.
Harris Lietz, Mrs. Ralph Kinzer,
and Miss Faust.
Aumsville. The Aumsvllle
Woman's club met with Mrs. Mllly
Martin Thursday afternoon. Dur
ing the business meeting, which
was presided over by the presi
dent, Mrs. J. E. Towle, various
plana were made for winter ac
tivities. At the closing hour, Mrs.
Martin served a delicious lunch.
I Special guests for the afternoon
were Mrs. Cornelia George, Mrs
Rosalthla Johnson and Mrs. How-
I ard Tong. Club members present
were the hostess, Mrs. Martin, and
Mrs. Lutie Fuson, Mrs. Mary
Heln, Mrs. Mary Highberger, Mrs.
Margaret Martin, Mrs. Jennie Mc-
Clellan. Mrs. Bess Ransom. Mrs.
Irma Speer, Mrs. Kitty Towlo and
Mrs. Gladys Claxton. The next
meeting of the club will be with
Mrs. T. C. Mountain November 19.
Nuptials Told
Miss Agnes Kufner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kufner of Sa
lem, and John Albus, son of Mr
and Mrs. A. Albus of Aumsvllle,
were married In an attractive
ceremony at St. Joseph's church
Tuesday at 9 o'clock. Father J. R.
Buck officiated.
The bride wore a white satin
dress and a full length veil
caught with orange blossoms. She
carried an arm bouquet of carna
tions and roses. Miss Resena Ker
ber, maid of honor, wore a soft
pink taffeta and carried chrysan
themnms and snap dragons.
A reception followed the mar
riage ceremony at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kufner, Pres
ent for the reception was the brid
al party and Mr. and Mrs. A. Al
bus, and daughter, Katie of
Aumsvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Al
bus, and children of Aumsvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred4Ubus, Mr. and
Mrs. Ambrose Dosler, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rauscher, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Rauscher, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Pepper, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Kufner, Mr. and Mrs. George Kuf
ner, Mr. and Mrs. John Kufner,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beutler, Miss
Henrietta Kahlor, Miss Jean Et-
sel. Miss Ellnore McCrone, Miss
Anna Pryabvla, Miss Roslna Ker-
ber, Henry Highberger, and Mick
Following a brief wedding trip
to California Mr. and Mrs. Albus
will make their home near Aums
Members of the Enclnitis club
met for a social evening at the
Y. W. C. A. Friday night. Miss
Mabel Currie was chairman of
the committee whose members
were Miss Dorothy French, Miss
Evelyn Poulsen. and Miss Esther
Hilmer. Miss Mrr " Floer sang
a group of numl rompanled
by Miss Gertrude l: jijeck.
Friday 13 Makes
Gay Birthday
One of the gayest birthday par
ties for which any one could. ask
that which celebrated the
birthday anniversary of Miss Lois
Wilkes at her home the evening
of "Friday the Thirteenth . Signs
of superstitions, charms against
the evil spirit, and all manner
of things added tun to this In
formal party and made it entirely
in keeping with the day.
Guests were Bnena Brown,
Virginia Durkee. Midge Hewitt.
Cynthia Delano, Viola Crozer, Be
atrice. Hartung, Brenda Savage,
Beulah Craemer, Maxine Myers,
Frances Martin. Elisabeth Clem
ents, Lois Barker. Elmo Inger
soll, Ralph McCnllough, Miles
Woodworth, Kenneth Coffey, Qua
Moore, Andy Peterson. John Me
Lennon, Gordon Williams,
Charles Campbell. Bernard New-
by, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ackerman,
and Keith Jones.
Miss Dorothy Bosshard
Tells Wedding Date
Announcements were out Frl
day for the marriage of Miss
Dorothy Bosshard to Clifton
Clemens November 21 in the
First Presbyterian church. There
were 150 invitations sent out for
this church -wedding which will
be a beautifully formal event at
7 o'clock.
Rev. S. E. Long of the United
Brethren church will officiate as
sisted by Rev. G rover C. Birtchet
of the First Presbyterian church
Miss Bosshard is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bosshard.
She has attended Salem schools
and is now a senior in Wlllam
ette university. Mr. ClemenB also
attended Willamette university
Both are popular members of
university circles.
Prof. W. C. Jones addressed
members of the Zont? club at
the noon luncheon meeting of the
group at the Marlon hotel Thurs
day. Prof. Jones discussed polit
ical prospects for the next presi
dential election and gave the ad
vantage to Herbert Hoover and
Franklrt Roosevelt.
Mrs. Ernest C. Brunk of Eola
left Wednesday for Kunia, Idaho,
where she will be with her moth
er. Mrs. Clem Davis, who Is ser
iously ill.
Several Attend Missionary
Conference at Sweet
Home Church
Help One Another teachers
elub met last week at the Looney
Butte school house. A reading
project was adopted as the work
of the club for the school year.
At the next meeting Dec. 3, Mrs,
Mackle and Miss Huttoti will give
brief summaries of books read
during the month. Guests of the
club were Mrs. Mary Falkerson
county superintendent, and Mr.
Harding, rural school supervisor.
Club members present were, Mrs.
Ethel Gulvin. Mrs. Esther Kieper,,
Mrs. Oma Mackle .Mrs. Dons
Freeman, Miss Rose Hutton, Miss
Grace Pehrsson and W. C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. A. I Powell and
two children of Aberdeen, Wash.,
spent Armistice day in Jefferson.
visiting at the homf of Mr. Pow
ell's mother, Mrs. Mary Powell
and other relatives. They brought
along 100 pounds of Chinese
clams which are of enormous size,
SANTA CLARA, CaL, Not. 11.
(AP) John G. Robinson, S3,
pioneer druggist, and familiar fig
ure In Virginia City during bon
anza days, died at his home here
last night. He was born in Salem.
Ore., In 1848.
by a hop pole while lie was .
working in a hop yard owned by
Ldvesley. Damages sought are
315,000 general and $110 spe
cif Id. ,
On the Jury are George H.
Stephens, Albert G. Wnlfemeyer,
Otto N. Hoppes, John Bathiner,
Ruth Ruletson, Ethel Hunt, Au
gust Woelike, Mamie E. Amort,
Henry M. Hayes, Irvln E. Cuts
forth, Archie Kinidy, S. P. Me
A number of Robinsons were
mentioned In pioneer records as
coming to or being In Oregon In
early days. None were with the
Dr. White Immigration of 1842.
Nesinlth mentioned no person of
that name with the big Applegate
covered wagon train of 1843.
Judge T. C. Shaw named two In
the 1844 immigration,. "Fatty
and Ben. In the great immigration
of 1847 there were four, J. C.
A. E.. "A. A. and Rev. William
Robinson. The latter came from
R.m.n f thm Missouri and moved to Polk conn- Winkle held In an opinion hand
Judge George Rosaman . of tn . . Frldav.
state supreme court, who neaas . --"'fc,- fc '
-1 v I iswi nr. i .- ."-.. !"
There is no law which author
ises the state board of control to
merge the physical properties ef
the Oregon employment instita
tlon tor the adult blind in Port
land and the state blind school In
Salem, Attorney General Van
Me.Df "..rr ;C it the home of her daughter In
ganuauon mm ru- r.,nr. Th. ttwn that b-
nual rlTcaToT thTorgaal m Sm clled '"ecln,9tl- each has Its own method of
L.?? rL. wr7 tute" in 1848; was named Sa em malntenance. The admlnlstra-
" " "i i In 1860. The man who has just
ths!m and succeee to Salem '"JV"' v..e vn
born at "The Institute" in 1848, a
The attorney general held that
the two Institutions were created
under separate laws, and that
following its opening ttiorsday
tlon of these two Institutions re
cently was merged by the board
of control under Walter E. Dry.
son of Rev. William Robinson and I
ana mey, were soaring mem v ioatr against aDanaoatng mu wire, oerore iney naa seiuea m I school here
friends and relatives. Mr, roweu i facilities there. Adams u on weipelk county.
la manager of the Montgomery I yM .f the Oregon-Washington
and Navigation com-
Club Projects
Hold Interest
In This County
Ward store In Aberdeen.
Books m Display
A consignment of books from
the J K GDI company will be
on display at the library Friday.
Nov. 13, and the public la invited
to call' and inspect these , books
The librarian -will be glad to re
ceive donations of books
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Llenlng.
Mrs. Nettle Reeves, Laura Kihs, Marked interest in 4-H club
and Mrs. J. T. Jones, attended the wfirv B being shown by boyf and
Woman's Missionary Society eon- I giTa through the county. Wayne
ventlon of the Evangelical church n Hardlnr. supervisor for the
which was held at Sweet Home I eoUntv. reported yesterday.
Thursday. Scarcely a day goes by when he
Mrs. Mary Case left for New- .ot receive letters asking for
port Wednesday after spending a enrollment blanks or information
month with her daughter, Mrs. on ciUD WOrk.
Governor Meier, chairman o!
the board of control, asked fer
the opinion.
Guy Aupperle and family.
Jesse and Harvey Myers, Bur
ton Thurston. Adella Stephenson.
Ethel Pratt, Dorothy Myers and
Bubbles Hart are absent from
school on account of illness.
The latter part of this week.
Hardlnr visited schools at Bethel,
Oakridge tfhd Fruitland. Bethel Is
Moody Estate's
Estimate Filed
In Local Court
An estate appraised at 314.773
was left by the late H. J. Moedy
, according to valuation filed yes-
r,- th.n month and I terday with the probate court
aMnrttn tn announcement I here. Appraisers were Mrs. F.
mad made yesterday at thelW. Selee. E. O. Stadter. Jr.. and
k,w M-yie mover.
. c.ti Ah,ai tn rmr- oaiance oi auvv uue on
. i.Mm wi KnwmhM HMi" noie rrom sieve j
twvu.ov, .o v I .v I J. it- 1......
23 to give one of his witty, illus- caB"" TM
trated talks which have proved
Outstanding men in various
lines throughout the state have
been booked for chamber of eom
popular wherever given in the
. . v n...i. I state.
organizing a -ewing Tk. fnlluriro- Unndiv. oTm-
ber 30, Judge Fred W. Stadler of
Ulldcr tlie Occurrences utd Gossip
at the ctnter of Oregon's
UOme goVnit
Seek to Abandon
Small Stations
The Oregon-Washington Rail
road ft Navigation company has
filed application with the public
utilities commissioner here for
permission to discontinue its
agencies at Hillgard. Umatilla
county; Mesner, Morrow county,
and Mosier. Wasco county. Hear
ings on the applications have not
yet been set. The city of Adams
and shippers of that district have
filed a protest with the commls-
land is undeeided on its 4-H pro
gram while Oak Ridge this year
will have no clubs. The club year
started November 1.
fT"HERE will be a general exo-
J dus from Salem generallurljD4tfee. This, It was said, was due
from the state capital as wfl
today. The occasion will be the
annual football game between
Oregon and Oregon State. And
those who do not go will use the
radios. Radio companies Bay that
every available machine is rented
out for use today.
The weather is the only thing
which seems lacking In en
thusiasm for this contest. Ac
cording to all dope, wet weath
er will prove an advantage to
the heavier and larger squad
from Corvalli. Bat Doc Spears
la a smart coach. The game will
be the feature event of. a dou
ble homecoming for the stu
dents of both institutions.
careful consideration by the cora-
to his color combinations, for In
stance green hat and tan over
coat. Were he always dressed In
uniform the verdict might hav:
been altered.
Well, voters will be given an
other chance to vote on wheth
er or not cigarettes can be
smoked in Oregon maybe.
There hae been some doubt ex
pressed that sufficient signers
could be secured by nevt July
to place the initiative on the
ballot. The names of 17.08S are
necessary. A similar bill was de
feated !a-t year.
The sub-committee on unem
ployment relief, considering the
contributions of state employee,
decided yesterday that credit will
be given all employes who have
contributed sums to bonafide local
charities or relief work. The mat
ter of distribution uas not been
definitely decided othe, than It
would be state-wide in scope.
Either there are more safety
precautlcns being taken In in
dustries In the state, or there
are few industries operating.
At any rate two weeks have
elapsed without a fatality being
reported to the state industrial
accident commission, and Injur
ies from accident have been
less by hundred.
Budget Item For
County Attorney
Expenses Legal
A county budget committee has
a legal right to Include In the bud
get an Item for stenographic as
sistance, necessary legal blanks,
stationery, and Incidental expen
ses necessarily Incurred in'connec-
tlon with the office of district at
torney. Attorney General Van
Winkle ruled Friday. Vanwinxie
held that the district attorney Is
the legal adviser of all county of
ficers and has an Intimate connec
tion with countv business. The
opinion was requested by Earl A.
Nott, district attorney of Yamhill
ROSEDALE, Nov. 13 The La
dies' Missionary society met at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Alexander
Thursday afternoon, with about a
dozen women present.
A. J. Haldy and family motored
to Portland Tuesday night to visit
relatives. Mrs. Haldy and Frances
remained for a longer visit while
the other members of the family
returned Wednesday.
the municipal court in Portland
will speak on the work of that
W. B. Greeley, former head for
ester of the United States govern
ment and now secretary-manager
nf thA Wctt Prtast T.limhormsn'n
association, has accepted a speak-1 JJsQfg of rOnS
item left by the deceased. Sixty-
one shares or nrst preierreo
stock in the Oregon Pulp A
Paper company were appraised at
$5185. City of Minor, N. D..
warrants were appraised at
31000: 80 acres of land in Las
sen county, Calif., at $1500; fivo
shares of stock in the Pacific
Power Light company at $415.
Cash in the bank totalled $622.
14. Greeley is recognized as an
authority on the lumber situation.
I 111
Licenses Jailed
Sentences of 12 days each In the
county Jail were received yester
day by Charles Robertson and
Paul Krier, arrested at Sllverton
for driving with improper licenses.
I Justice of the Peace Brown Impos
ed the sentence. The men were
brought to Salem late Friday to
start serving their sentences.
Damages suit of Andrew Ko-
venz. 18-vear old lad. azainst the
T. A. Llveslev Hon company for Beltless coats, with sum, iiatier-
$15,150 will be before the circuit ing lines; richly furred coats that
court here all day today after I rive new Interest to collars and
Friday was snent rettlnr a Jury I cuffs. Every one beautiful, every
and taklnr testimonv offered bv on an amazinr value. General
witnesses for the plaintiff.
Kovenx claims permanent In-
Jury affecting his understanding
was received when he was struck
reductions throughout, $12.15 to
429 Court St.
The large onions received by the
governor's office and the state en
gineer from Vale, as arguments
for irrigation, received much com
ment yesterday. Stricklln, how
ever, said that Lake Lablsh raises
equally fine onions and many are
shipped from there. Washington
grocers say all their best on!ons
come from Oregon. r
Hal E. Hoss last night was
scheduled to address the Pacific
Collegiate Press association on
how it feels to be interviewed
by capitol reporters and how
ews Is reported. Hoss said It
was a good thing the papers had
declared a noratorium at this
banquet as he lias a lot to get
off his mind about newspapermen.
. . -She's very style conscious and
ao her newest frock must be the
very smartest. Here is an ideal
model that combines color con
trast with yputhful simplicity. A
buttoned bodice tops a pleated
skirt, and" is accented by at
tractive collar, - cuff a 'and wide
belt. Plain and printed Jersey,
challls, linen or cotton broad
cloth for school; Roshanarsr crepe
or velreteen for dress. As for
colors, we suggest brown and
rust, black and green or red and
hi re-
Pattern 2242 Is obtainable only
In aizaa . 8. 10. 12 and 14. Size
to reouires 1 5-8 yards plain,
11-8 vards printed 36 inch fab
ric. Yardage for every size, and
simple, exact Instructions are giv
en. No dressmaking experience is
necessary to make this model
with our pattern.
Hollywood A delightful party
was that at which Mrs. O. D. Jea
ger was hostess complimenting
her daughter, Dorothy Jeager, on
the anniversary of ber birthday.
Dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess assisted by Miss
Dorothy Jeager and Miss Mary
Jean Fisher. Present, were: Ken
neth and Edna Munson, Mary
Jean Fisher, Lucile and Elaine
Harms. Dona Starr, Edna. Irma press
and Edith Schweslncer and Dor
othy Jeager.
Hoes naturally referred to the ;
press gallery here, so It Is ex- j
plained why the boys felt their !
ears burning auring iao uuuC
hour yesterday. At any rate the
boys here know Hal pretty well
and are not worried much about
what he may say. He Is an ex
newapaperman, and will at least
refrain from the term '.'subsidized
It is assured.
Senator and Mrs. Isaac Staples
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Klees of Willamina and H. S. Hud
son, Jr., of Portland were special
guests at the . regular' meeting of
the Artisans lodge Thursday
night Short talks were made byl
Senator Staples and Mr. Klees,
and a group of solos were given
by Mr. Hudson.
Members of the Order of East
ern Star are being asked to make
reservations for the annual home
coming dinner, which will be au
event of the lodge year at tne Ma
sonic temple Tuesday night Th
dinner is at 6:30 o'clock and win
&4 fifteen cent! In eoin or
stamp (eoioa preferred), for ecb
pattfera. -Writ plainly your anna,
ddreM and ityla number.' Be
aore U atatey uie wanted.
Tha new fan eatalof la now
ready . It feature tha newest la
afternoon, aporta ; and hooae
dreaaes, lingerie, -pajamaa sad kid-
dleaV clothes A)o dellfhtfol rift
' anfcettlone Is aeeeetory and trane-
fer. patterns. -P-rie. ef catalog.
- fifteen teats. ' Catalo with pat
" torn., twenty fire eenu. Addreta
all aaail and erdf re V The States'
smm Patters Depsrttaea. 13
Wart 17tlr street. hawoT City,
:" Vrrr , ' "-" .
The flas were missing from j
capitol buildings yesterday nd ,
from virtually all downtown i
buildings where they are custo
marily flown, which start ed an
investigation as to th reason, j
1-k-ouoniy seems to bet-he only
.logical excuse. A high wind was
blowing early yesterday and the
flags were not put up. Lack of
flg i a rarity around here.
It was suggested this column
tart a beauty contest among the
men at the statehouse, as well a
among the women. The suggestion
Is flna as far as the meft are con
cerned, hut conducting; a heauty
corteat among the girls is hi hly
danicerout. and proming or
be followed by a program. Reser-i perience, this column will not in
vations may be made with Mrs. (dulge in me iaer
Ethel Xiles. 5376. or Mrs. Eiien .
Gabriel, 9306. X Hcwerer. there Is plen t, - of.
material w siar w
The one who suggested the con
test Immediately, mentioned
Charles Prar. superintendent of
Both "500" and bridge will be In state police. There is "fea hetter
play. Mrs. Mary Stafford and Mrs ' starting point than to, place his
. 1 hik AinmiitM' tiot-.u in nomination, 'x here are
.1 a. .ii if - aim tut vv.i.'..- I .".....v. :
ThA Yoeaian lodgfr will spoas-:r
a card party at Fraternal temple
tonleht beginning at 9 o'clock.
in charge:
-. -. - r .... -m . . A
Slgni Tau at-noahced . the"
pledging Friday of Milton James
of Chemawa. This fraternity Is
jmtny others, so watchfor tie
next . nomination, - rid ;uSesr
tlons will he appreciated.
OhIw mo member froin- any de-
li.. rr tv.i ?intiTil firr- I nartment la ellrlhle for this con-
I mal banquet. which will ,h held t teat. .Harri.JCilei was .egmlnated.
this year December It - from the police department a.ter
Is Quantity Buying on
the Part of Merchants
Really Helpful in Re
ducing Costs of the
Family Clothes
Hiding behind the cloak of "quantity buying' many stores are
prone to use this advantage to make enormous profit it a time
when prices should show a small mark-up.
Beating manufacturers dewn to no profit level may be glory In
some Instances ... we fail to see the benefit derived, fbr. win not
that store reduce quality and substandardize all the way through
even to the extent of Its service?
Taking the quality out . . . such as ak Imping the size, oaing inferior
tnateriala, etc., are not countenanced by. reputable manufacturers.
Branded merchandise which carries a reputation for quality and
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