SERVICE ' We guarantee oar ear Her service. '; 'It your paper I does not ; arrive by 6:30, call 0101 and copy will be delivered at once. ' THE WEATHER Unsettled with rains, to day, Sunday clearing and colder; Max. Temp. Friday 60, Mia. 88, river 1.S feet, rata .OS inch. FOUMDPD 165! EIU11TY.K1RST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 14, 1931 No. 199 iUCEIHT is OFFERED PM FIRM TO BUILD Opposition to Vacation of Street to be Withdrawn If Work is Started Construction Desired Here To Provide Jobs, is Reason for Offer 'Possibility that construction of tbo addition to- the Oregon Pulp and Paper, mill on Trade street may start soon 'is seen -in the an nouncement by Dan J; Pry, Jr., that if the company will start construction within 90 days the Fry interests will withdraw all opposition to the vacation of the portion of Trade strlet in favor of the paper company. At pres ent the matter is in suspense pending trial of the suit of the paper company to quiet title to the street area. Sirs. Dan Fry, Sr., as title owner of the warehouse property at Trade and Front streets, filed an answer in opposition to the company's . aetion. When the building congress and the city council pressed the company re cently to begin construction in accordance with the understand ing when the vacation ordinance was passed, the failure to clear the title was cited as one of the reasons why construction could not start at once. With the de cision of the Fry interests to withdraw opposition in the pend ing suit, the matter goes square ly up to the paper company on whether it will proceed imme diately or not. Will not Contest If Work Started ' "We do not want to appear in the position of obstructionists. said Dan Fry, Jr., Friday. "If the company will start work In 90 days we will not contest its effort to clear the title to the street. It was the agreement and understanding when the mat ter was pending before the coun cil that the company would start Immediately to build this add! tlon, and pne reason urged was mat me construction work woum help relievo unemployment and the operation of the new unit would provide more jobs for Sa lem workmen. Now the company has the opportunity to make good on its promises." (Turn -to page 5, col. 6) Man Wanted At Klamath Caught Here L. L. Low, sheriff of Klamath county, is expected -here today to take into custody Ray McKay, who with Rudolph Mclnturff, was arrested last night by A. A. Win ters ten, city policeman, and Lieutenant McClaln and Ray Abst, state policemen, in a raid on the house , at 923 South Commercial street. McKay is wanted in Klamath county on felony charges. Both men are charged locally with possession of liquor. The men admitted being guilty of bootlegging, tbe officers said. Mclnturff will be arraigned in municipal court here on liquor charges. Officer Wintersteea discovered the presence of the wanted man when he noted the license number on a coupe in front of the house corresponded with a number list-i ed on a bulletin at state police headquarters in the city hall. He called the state officers to his as sistance and together they made the raid. While the lien tenant was ques tioning Mclnturff at the front door, Officer Wintersteen entered at the back door and caught Mc Kay in the act of attempting to disconnect the trap from the sink. Wintersteen said McKay had been pouring gin into the sink. The police took one-half gallon of al leged synthetic gin as evidence. Mclnturff lives here with his mother, the officers Bald, while McKay, a half-brother, for the past several years had worked in Klamath county as a logger. FINISHED LINEN SHIPPED AT PLANT HERE Newly Organized Company Rushing Production, Behind on Orders Aii new Looms Tried out, All Will be in Full Use Before Long Will START RELIEF COLLECTION DEC. 1 Day's pay a Month Plan to Get in Operation Then Is Final Decision UK December 1, will mark the date for the commencement of col lection of one day's pay each month from state officials and em ployes for the relief of unemploy ed, It was definitely decided yes terday at a meeting of a commit tee appointed by state department heads last week. All collections made December 1 will be based on the salary and wage checks of state officials and employes for the month of No vember. Offsets will be allowed In all cases where the officials and employes have contributed to local relief funds in different parts or the state. The contributions will continue for a period of five months. Remittances may be in the form Caraway Job In Senate is Given Widow LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. 13 (AP) Mrs. Hattie Caraway waj appointed by Governor Har vey Parnell today. as the tempor ary successor of her husband, the she will serve more than a month, way, who died here last week, and by virtue of that, she will become the second woman In history to sit as a member of the senate. She will occupy the seat until a successor for the unexpired term is chosen at a special election January 12. The governor said also would seek her election for the remainder of the term, which ends March, 1933. She will take her. seat when congress convenes . December 7, and thus, even if she is not elect ed for the remainder of the term, she will serve more than a month. Mrs. Rebecca Latimer Felton of Georgia was the first woman senator, but her appointment was Shipments of finished articles are now daily leaving the plant of the newly organized Oregon Linen Mills. They are jroine as fast as they can be supplied from the looms anA aRHAmhl a1 anri packed, and even so the speed of solely complimentary. She merely operations Is not sufficient to fill wok tne oatn ana reureo in ia readilv all nrders from th trade, vor of Senator Walter F. George A considerable " shipment going Therefore, Mrs. Caraway will be forward today to a wholesale the first woman actually to serve house had. to be made is incom- in the senate. plete. with the balance of the ar- Mrs. Caraway's appointment tides to be made up and packed again created a tie between aem ocrats and republicans at 47 each, and restored democratic . hopes tor organizing the senate COUNTIES URGED TO within the next few days Several of the leading Salem stores are now supplied with lin ens from this mill, and the same is true In Portland, Seattle and other coast cities. An especially fine line suitable for the holiday trade is going out, in toweling. One of the packages contains a luncheon cloth and four napkins to match, in a beau tiful small box and on each box Is lettered the fact that it contains ArtfolAa mil frnm Drftrnn vrnwn flax, and that they are manufac- DeVerS SayS State CannO turea oy me saiem Liinen juuis. Various kinds of toweling are be ing shipped, some of them being made on special orders. All of Looms to Be Operated Soon All the new looms have been tried out, and they are now all in oper ation excepting two or three, which will be going shortly. The operating force now con tains 60 to CO people. It will SIDE RELIEF LOAD Do it all; Asks Road Budgets not cut PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. IS. (AP) Oregon counties must as isume responsibility in the unem ployment emergency and not at tempt to pass this responsibility to the state highway commission, the state or federal government. J. M likely remain at about that point Devers, state highway commission for some time, until various im- attorney, toia county juages. com provements can be made and a balanced sequence of operation secured in all departments. Also, a good deal of training muBt be (Turn to page 6, col. 4) TO RECLAIM PEIf (Copyright, 1931, By The Asso ciated Press.) S. S. CONTE GRANDE, Nov. 13 When DIno Grand! was in the United States in 1926 he threw a penny into the Potomac river because omebody told him that would ensure his return. When he got home he impart ed a great deal of his enthusiasm for America to Signora Grand!, but now on ship half way across the ocean she is of two minds about the experiences which will be hers. She Is keen to see the country which excited her husband's vol able admiration, but she dreads .the publicity which she has been told will be unavoidable. Donna Antoneita Grand! is herself a combination of the old and the new a woman in whom there is blended the conservatism of the old fashioned mother and the inquiring, mind of the modern fascist. Her 'trunks are filled with gowns of the newest mode and she is ready for numerous public appearances. BRAND ISLAND UP on n missioners, recorders, clerks and engineers in session here today Devers said there were about 40.000 unemployed persons in Oregon and that for each unem jloyeL wage earner there are an atwagrer inree dependents. He said that counties must help to re lieve this situation and that "this is certainly no time for any coun ty to slash Its budget for road work, construction or improve ments of any kind." Awards Presented Various Officials Commissioner R. A. Wright, Clackamas county, won the con test for the oldest Judge or com CHINESE FORGE TAKES VICTORY I ill AREA Yankee Soldiers on Guard Near Center of Trouble in Orient Repulses Japanese Attack With aid of Russian Brigade, Claims Tokyo Sends new Ultimatum Requiring General Man To Evacuate Field LONDON. Nov. 14 (Satur day) (AP) A desperate battle for capture of the Nonnl bridge in Manchuria Is In progress, a Harbin dispatch to the Daily Her ald said this morning. The dispatch sent Friday mid night, stated the Japanese started the attack with an aerial bomb ing and then employed cavalry in a flanking movement. Aided by a Russian brigade, the Chinese repulsed the attackers and hurled their own lnfan try Into the enemy lines, the Herald correspondent said. He re ported the Japanese right wing was gravely imperiled. Both sides put up a fierce ar tillery bombardment, the dispatch said. TOKYO. Nov. 14 (Saturday) (AP) The war office an nounced today that General Honjo has been instructed to Inform the Chinese General Mah Chan-Shan he must evacuate his position in the Nonnl river area by Novem ber 25 or Japan "will take effec tive steps." The following conditions of evacuation were stipulated: Gen eral Mah shall withdraw to Tsltsi har; such Chinese forces are now are concentrated at Tsitsihar and Anganchl must be returned to their original posts. MO WILL LEAVE SALEM NEXT WEEK Exhibition IrfTortland foi Present is Arranged By new Owners Despite or rather because of it the recent vote that supposed- nf individual rhek currency, or 'y placed Grand Island in the new missloner present. He was born a blanket check covering the Amity union high school district, October 9, 1856. Judge D. T. Tem whole department. Collections will Grand Island is still up in the air pleton, Washington county, was . j.'S it- i .. a. over hi ?h nrhrwil mattftri. Sn mnrh tha vnnno-Aat iniintT official nres- De maue oy iu vanu ua o wlo uc- i " I j r -f ' partment heads, who will turn the 1 80 that the battle has been carried ent. He was bom November 17, n.nnT nr in William Elnilr. lee- to the Yamhill courts, in an in- 1904. f tw. atatA hoard f eon- Junction suit filed by Roy E. Will Commissioner Jay Dunn. Lin May be Allocated ""i AmOU Counties oviuv umuu I9ia yvuyio UI No definite derision was reacn- i " 1U " a" UUJ" one; oiners warn 10 see li in me Dayton union high school. And i t - i 'if 0 . r?- - if (?v -;(? 11 -- i L 3 Jm i h. ... . . si Cavalry detachment of tbe 15th U. S. Infantry, statloBcd at TienUim, China, In shown la forma tioa before the gate of the foreign ctm eefialoB, where It is on Koard to prevent disturbances. Above, Henry Pn-YL China's deposed "boy emperor," who waa reported Friday to have been taken to Manchuria by Japanese who plan to set him np as a pro-Japanese monarch. HEATED TALKED FOR T UNIT Prominent Farmer may run For Commissionership Now Held by Porter (Turn to page 5, col. S) ed relative to how the relief fund shall be distributed, but this is being considered by the commit- o tne battle wages. The complaint asks that the re cent election, in which Grand Isl and was the only one of six dis tricts voting against unionization with Amity, be set aside, and points to a number of alleged Ir regularities in the election. m . . if i Hearing on me injunction suu AttaCk Isiiarge will be held before Judge Arlie G. waiter oi JucrainnTiue louaj, The complaint also seeks re- (Turn to page 6, col. 4) Meyers Pleads Not Guilty to TTannr TC Vf DTftri TtlAAitful Tint istralnlnr order against Lester Al a charge of assault and battery "on Ross Rogers, Eugene Fields ter last July J BECKLEK EXPLAINS CAUSE OF SLAVING ROSEDURG, Ore., Nov. 15 (AP) Cecil Beckley, 42, Glide farmer, took the stand In his own defense at his murder trial here today. He is accused of slaying his wife and step-daugh- by F. J. Gilbr&ith following an altercation In the lobby of the and R. F. Kldd, designated as members of the new union high n.fofflA WAdiiMdav. scnooi ooara ai Amuy, irom laa . . 1 1 No time for tne case was sei oy "e Judxe Hayden because of conflict in the time lawyers who will de fend the parties involved could be Pa2S PrOgreSS It is 'said the argument which ?Qf Solicitation statements maid by Gllbraith in a recent talk before the Rotary club Beckley told of his life from the time he could remember un til the day of the alleged mur ders. He said he had been married three times - before he married Alma Clutter in 1929. He said soon after their marriage his wife discovered pictures and let ters of his former wives and fre- O Pa7fi JPlinlQ nent Quarrels resulted. He tes VI MSMllCl r Uiillo titled his step-daughter Joinet Steiwer for tax Boost Home Site map Ordered Much Wheat Sold at top City Employes Gfae pay SAYS "LOGICAL PLAN" . THE DALLES, Not. 13. (AP) Increasing the income tax In the higher brackets was advanced "to day by United States Senator Frederick Steiwer as the "logical pL.n" for Increasing federal reve nue. "An Increase in corporation or capital tax simply meant passing It along to the consumer, said Senator Steiwer in addressing the Eastern Oregon Wheat league, which opened a two-day session here today. EUGENE JOIXS PLAN EUG2NE, Not. 13. (AP) City Recorder R. S. Bryson an nounced today Eugene city em ployes had Toted to donate one day's pay monthly for five month (or relief of the unemployed. The plan will. become effective Jann .sry 1. - ."- . i IRVING GETS JOB ROSEBURG, Nov. 13. (AP) Ben B. Irving, Roseburg engineer. recived word today his bid for preparation of a topographical map of the 407 acre northwest na Printed materials for mall so licitation of workers in Salem business houses, offices and or ganizations, for winter relief funds will come off the press on Monday and the drive set in high gear, R. A. Harris, who is serv ing as secretary for the financial committee of the Community Service charity-coordinating group, yesterday announced. At least $10,000 will be sought in the campaign. The funds will be distributed to the various chari ties through the executive com mittee of Community Service. T. A. WIndlshar Is head of the financial committee and has as his assistants, J. T. Delaney and William McGllchrlst, Jr. Tusko will bid goodby to Salem next Tuesday or Wednesday, Jack oGrady, who with Bayard Gray last Tuesday purchased the ani mal from Harry Plant, said yes terday on returning from Port land. The heavy tusker will be transported to the Rose city on a truck trailer, there to be placed on exhibition in a suitable build ing until spring. The owners plan to take Tusko on an exhibi tion tour beginning next April. Salem will lose probably the largest resident it ever had, for Tusko weights over 10 tons and stands 10 feet, six inches high. Of his 45 years, 35 have been spent in the United States, mostly with circuses. He was brought to this country from India. Beginning with his appearance here with the circus last spring, this largest of elephants in capti vity. It is claimed, continually has held the attention of the public. During the summer he was pur chased by T. H. Eslick ot Port land and returned here for exhi bition at the state fair this fall. Tusko was abandoned by his own er and liens subsequently were filed upon him by the Marine (Turn to page 5, col. 4) Yielding to the solicitation of many friends, W. A. Heater, well nown farmer living on the Silver Creek Falls road, eight miles northeast ot Stayton, Is seriously considering becoming a candidate for tliu at flie vl ueamty commis sloner. Heater is a registered re publican, and would contest for the office now held by John Por ter of Silverton. "I have not definitely decided whether I will run or not." said Heater, who was In town Friday I have had strong urging from my own neighborhood and from other parts of the county and am figuring on malng the race. I will make an announcement as to my decision before long." Heater is a native of the county (Turn to page 5, col. 4) BA1 FAILS tlonal soldiers' home site here bad been accepted. Bids for preparation of the map were called for recently by Colo nel William Radcilff, San Francis co, United States board of hospi talization engineer. FARMERS CASH IN SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 13. (AP) Henry W. Collins, Port ers National Grain corporation, IgJenipSey DOOeO farmers had sold approximately And C266r6u JJ2 s,vuu,vuu ousneis oi waeai in w last 10 days. Most of it brought peak prices. he said. Including recent sales, he added, about SO per cent of the Pacific northwest crop has been sold. joined his wife in the "abuse." Beckley said he was compelled to prepare his own meals. Last July 2 he prepared his own breakfast and went out to cut hay. He took with him a small rifle to shoot rodents. During the afternoon he came upon the two women picking berries and they told him, he said, they were go ing to leave him. A quarrel en sued and he shot them, he tes tified. Bout at Moline KLAMATH HAS SNOW KLAMATH FALLS, Not. 13. (AP) The first heavy snow of the year began fairing here to night The snow started at ; 1:20 o'clock and at 8 o'clock was an Inch deep. MOLINE, 111., Nov. 13 (AP) Jack Dempsey drew a crowd ot 4,500 spectators Into Moline field house tonight bat boos and cheers mingled equally as he fought two round' no-decision bouts with Husking Wizard Aged 18, Takes National Title GRUNDY CENTER, Iowa, Not. 13 (AP) Orville Welch, II year old cornhnsklng wizard from Monticello, Ills., today turned back the challenge of ri vals from seven other states to win the eighth annual eornhusk- Ing tournament and maintain the hold on the title which his home state and neighboring Iowa have held since the annual fall agricultural classic was Inaug urated. - Welch in 80 minutes of in ten- DOT m ESCAPES SOUTH BEND, Wash., Nov. IS. (AP) A day-long search In this vicinity was unsuccessful to day for a lone bandit who tied up five persons, compelled a clerk to open a safe, and then escaped without obtaining any money from tne Pacific state bank. . The search was conducted by a posse of 50 men, but the man got away safely into wooded country oacs: oi me oanx. The bandit, entering the build lng through store rooms in the rear before 8 a. m.. In succession tied up four bank employes. A clerk was ordered to open the safe, but the time clock on the Inner door had been set for 8:30 and would not work. Finally, Lester W. Horns n, 83, cashier, arrived and became suspi cious when he saw the shades were not drawn. He telephoned from another building and no one an swered. He summoned the sheriff. By that time, the bandit had left, being seen disappearing In brush on a nearby hill. Georxe Neron. billed as "Cham pion of Greece, and Pete Wistorf I slve bangboard hammering load 1 of Chicago, a couple of heavy-1 ed 2,255 pounds of the golden weights. There were no knockdowns and the former heavyweight I champion was not extended. cereal for a net of 3,198.4 pounds after deductions for ears left In the field and for husks on corn gathered. Portland Man is Killed at S.F. ' ' SAN FRANCISCO, Not. 13. (AP) Joseph Lincoln, former Portland mill hand, was struck and killed by an oil truck here to night while attempting to cross a street. He was 44 years old and leaves a wife and child In Port land, police said. DEATH CAD DRIVER PLEADS HOT GUILTY J. O. Herron was arraigned be fore Judge Miller Hayden Friday on a eharge of involuntary man slaughter following the death of Miss Loretta Wilson ot Stayton who was injured in an automo bile accident Wednesday. Her ron was the driver of the car. To the eharge Herron pleaded not guilty". No definite time waa set' for the ease to be heard because of the condition of the two other people who made up the party of four in the car at the time of the accident. It pos Bible it is desired that these two appear either In person or by deposition. Both are in the Stay ton hospital. Miss Marie Lovak one of the four, received a frac tured skull and Linn Goodwin suffered a fractured arm and bruises which left him uncon scions and from which stupor he had not rallied at the last report. Young Herron is in the county Jail through failure to raise 33000 ball. 1 RUSSIA 1 TO CONFLICT REPORTS AVEfl Communists From Siberia Said Aiding Chinese; Charges Hurled Former boy Emperor Sent To Manchuria, Plan Pro-Japan Rule MOSCOW, Nov. 14. (Satur. day) (AP) Moscow newspapers toaay puousned dispatches from Pelping saying a white guardist ' named Ushakov had been arrested on his arrival from Harbin and . documents In his possession were proof that provocative action against Russia was being prepared by Japanese military authorities. White Russians are cooperative with the Japanese in these pur ported preparations, the dispatch es said. 10 JODS DAILY Twelve Thousand a Month To be Aided With Rotat ing System, Indicated PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 13 (AP) The Oregon State High way commission today outlined a tentative emergency unemploy ment relief plan which will pro vide 3000 jobs a day through the winter moatas Under -U tlon system of one week s work In four the commission expects to furnish work for 12,000 men a month. The program contemplates the expenditure of about 31,250.000. the amount to be spent in each county to be decided by unem ployment relief requirements. Through sale of a special block of bonds the highway department will contribute $1,600,000, while the 8250,000 will be federal aid money. Three proposals for an east and west arterial route through Washington county was advocat ed by as many delegations. The delegations agreed on one point, that the present route is inade quate and that traffic congestion will grow more acute with the building of the Wilson river road to the sea. Most of the day was devoted to discussion between the com mission and county courts of the completion of the secondary highway system. Agreements (Turn to page 5, col. 3) Education Week Success Pleases School Leaders Observance of National Educa tion week In the Salem schools this year was well worth while Superintendent George Hug de clared yesterday. More persons got acquainted with the school buildings and instructors than in previous open house periods. The week's program ended yes terday with a tea given by the teachers for school patrons at the Washington grade building and with visiting periods and as semblies at the other grade schools. (Copyright, 1931, by Associated Press) TIENTSIN, China. Nov. 13. (AP) An expeditionary force de scribed as communists from Si beria was reported in white Rus sian circles today to have descend ed on Japanese troops in the Non nl river sector and driven them back beyond the bridgehead. A brigade, composed of Chi nese, Koreans and Buriats from the vieinlty of Blagovaschensk oa the Manchurian border, was said to hare swept from the north into the highway near Tsitsihar and at tacked the Japanese with machine gun fire, demoralizing them and forcing them to retreat. Several Japanese airplanes were said te have been captured. Boy Emporer" oa Way to Manchuria At the same time. Henry Pu-Ti, China's former boy-em porer, waa represented by Chinese sources to be on his way to Manchuria with the former empress to be Installed by the Japanese as the ruler of h e Independent government which they set up several days ago fter deposing Governor Chang Hsueh-LIang. A Japanese official termed the report "premature" but intimate! that plans were under foot to ele vate the youth to a Manchurian throne sooner or later. The story persisted, however. that he and his party had been hustled out of the Japanese eon cession. In which he has lived since 1924, late last night and placed aboard a steamer for Iair en. He was escorted to the water front by Japanese soldiers, it was said. New Telephone Franchise Plan Offered to Council Proposal that a new 20-year franchise be granted te the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph company here was made by re presentatives of that group to the ordinance committee of the city eonncll at an informal conference held here Friday morning. The proposed franchise would replace the S 0-year franchise now held by the eompany, a franchise to expire In tbe spring of 1934. Under the franchise proposed by Vice-President Dodge ot the Port land office and H. V. Collins, dis trict manager here, a gross pay ment of two per cent on tele phone Income would be paid- to the city. This would be In lieu ot any tax on Income or license fee. The proposal comes as a coun ter suggestion to the two per cent tax proposed on all utility -incomes in the city in an ordinance now pending before the council. Collins stated that the present gross revenue of the eompany here was 8225.000 aid that the proposed franchise would net the city 14500. Under existing ar rangements the city receives $59e license payment annually and approximately $1400 of free telephone service for the fire, po lice and other city departments. The ordinance committee Is to. consider the proposal carefully along with the ether suggestions presented to it recently when oth er utility representatives met with the committee at the city hall. The matter of a general two per cent tax is to come before the council Monday. The proposed franchise payment should not be considered a tax. telephone com pany officials said, the payment being In lieu of any other assess ments. The existing telephone eompany franchise was granted by the city eonncll to Georgir 8. Ladd and as sociates Jane f, 1884. Later the telephone eompany was known as the Fadne States Telephone Telegraph company, the word "States subsequently , b e 1 a t dropped. NEW SHIFT TO GET RELIEF JODS NEXT The 43 men who have b-a working on state and county emergency road projects during" the present week will go off shift after today to make room for others of the more than COO me who have registered at the U. 9L employment office, according te Agent Sim Phillips. The shifts will alternate weekly. When the new shift goes oa next Monday, 12 more men wiH be employed than durlnr the. present week. The Jobs In Polk county will be Increased from 23 to 25 and on the Pacific highway south of Salem from 20 to 3 Prospects, Phillips yesterday re ported, are that several more shifts will be instituted witbia the near future. Had the rains not forced the men employed this week to stop work on several occasions, their earnings would have amounted on state Jobs to $18 apiece. Ia addition to cutting down their Income, the rains caused the me discomfort because few of these possessed suitable clothing. None of those sent to work from the employment office were fired from their Jobs for inceat petency. "Those men want work and are willing to work hard when they get It," Phillips declared. Light Work For Veterans Asked Light work of any sort Is need ed by 25 disabled war veteraaa here, Sim Phillips, agent for the U. 9. employment bureau yester day reported. These men have applied to the agent for work ant because of their being Incapaci tated for heavy tasks, could net go on the emergency road construction. 1 PASCO MAYOR DIES PASCO, Wash,, Not. 13. (AP) Mayor Alrin P. Gray, who serv ed as ."chairman" of the group ef American mayors . who toured France last summer, died at a hos pital tonight with his family at the bedside. He was T8 years old.: PORTLANDETt HURT EUGENE, Ore., Not. 13. (AP) Raleigh Stlnson, Portland, was In the . Eugene hospital tonight for treatment of Injuries received In an automobile accident hear Cottage Grove. He was hot hart seriously. ' . .