The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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Legionnaire Says too Much
At Stake to Assume
Pacifistic Stand
SILVERTON, Nov. 12 "There
I too much at stake today for
Americans to take a pacifistic
stand," said Sidney George of
Eugene In Ills Armistice day ad
dress before an unusually well
filled armory at Silverton Wed
nesday morning. In speaking of
the Legion Mr. George said. "We
are not a militaristic organisa
tion. We have seen the horrors
of war. We do not see any glory
in it but if we are to protect
riant it is only by the strong
right-arm force that we can do
this. We do believe in a strong
national defense.
Arthur Dahl acted as chairman
of the morning program. Mr.
Dahl also gave the prologue to
an interesting little tableau
which commemorated the dead
soldier. Four men. dressed in
overseas uniforms, represent sol
diers who had received word of
a dead comrade. Charles Rey
nolds read "In Flanders Fields"
This waa followed by "Taps
played on the bugle by Billie
Kleeb. And following this the
audience stood silent for one
minute in memory of the soldiers
"zone west .
Rev. J. M. Jensen gave the in
vocation. Charles Johnson, past
commander of Delbert Reeves
Post, Dr. A. J. McCannell. pres
ent commander, and Mrs. Harry
Wilson, president of the Legion
auxiliary, each spoke briefly. The
benediction was given by Dr. W.
B. Gordon. Selections were giv
tn by the school band, directed
by Hal Campbell.
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Members of the local American
Legion post participated in the
Armistice day program in the
training school assembly room
Tuesday afternoon.
J. H. Hart and Rev. K. A. Nel
son, pastor of the Baptist church,
the speakers, strongly advocated
peace. Mrs. M. J. Butler sang two
pleasing solo3. A French play and
a 'peace play by the seventh and
eiehth zrade DUDils under the di
rection of Miss Henrietta Wolfer.
teacher, were very entertaining
The fifth erade uudIIs under
the direction of Miss Vera John
son eave a group of songs.
A group of ex-service men at
tended the program in a boay.
Talk on Bulbs
Luther Chapin. prominent lily
rrnwfr of .lalem. gave an Interest
ing talk on bulb culture at the
meeting of the Garden ciud m me
nt-rarv of the training school Mon
day night. He explained the pro
cess of growing bulbj from the
time of planting to the blooming
stage. "Now is the deal time for
planting bulbs." says Mr. cnapm.
A bjsiness session was held,
with Mrs. W. F. Berry, the presi
dent, In the chair.
mi-. j:4-:. w.u. k. MnfhAm Kav1aw ti a most disrupted st&t.
filial CVJlUi WV1U uww hci vuwawm ; r r J .
istration of Manchuria, Soviet Russia is not taking y en110" 9t
nemg caugnt unpreparea in case oi any umrieuui . .tV
bers oi tne nee neia anuiery are bwwb puuig wcu w.Hubuv
Moscow during war maneuvers. Klementi Voroshilov (inset), Soviet
war chief, second only to Stalin, is keenly watching developments
, ii. o; T
along kue ouiv-spuc avu
double-header basketball game
will be played here Friday nigni.
The boy and girls nere win piay
tha Tnrnr bovi and Kir is.
Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Kttnn are
r1oicinr over the birth of a
daughter born Tuesday morning
at the SUverton hosDltal.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee ana
daughter Marian were In Salem
Tuesday, where Marian is receiv
ing treatment from a specialist for
her ears.
mih Pauline Semolke of Port
land visited relatives here the first
of -the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schaecher
of Mt. Angel visited Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Hogg Tuesday night.
The Hubbard town basketball
team won by a- score of 25 to 16
from the Scotts Mills town team
here Tuesday night.
Stayton Grange Planning
To Entertain Econ Clubs
STAYTON. Not. 11 Wed
nesday, November IS, the Stay
ton rranre will entertain the Mar
ion county Pomona grange agri
cultural and home economics
elub. The session will take up
at 10 a.m. At noon a "pot-luck"
dinner will be enjoyed.
Mrs. L. S. -Lambert has arrang
ed a splendid program for the af
ternoon session as follows: ad
dress by Hon. A. G. Clark, Port
land. Mr. Clark was appointed
h rot. Meier to conduet estate
wide program . In behalf of Ore
gon products. Ray W. Giu, mem
ber of the state grange executive
committee, will speak- on "For
the Good of the Order."
Senator C. K. Spauldlng of Sa
lem will speak, probably v on
'Good Roads."
Mrs. frank R Harlow.' state
grange chairman of the H. E. C.
will tell of her work throughout
the state. Mrs. Edith Loxler
Weatherel, whose talks on early
Oreron history hold the attention
of her listeners until the last
word, has also promised to be
here, as has Miss Tneima cay
lord, another prominent speaker.
Mm. Marv MrKlnnev and Mrs.
William Krenz have prepared spe
cial musical numbers, while J. O.
Darby, master of the Union hui
grange will speak.
. Stayton grangers listed on tne
program are Miss Ella Williams.
Mrs. Rena Tate and J. F. Rich
ards, master.
An invitation is extended to all
grangers to attend this all day
believed to have sustained a leg- :
bone fracture.. The Grahams earn j
here several month ago xroia in
I - 3 " , -t "
STATTON. Not. 12 Mr. and
Mrs. Leo J. Rock returned Tues
day from a trin to California.
where they visited the former'a
litaT Un Marv Johnston and
family at Alahambra, a suburb the night his condition became
of Los Angeles and looked over
portion of the surrounding
country. They say that for Xhe
most part the temperature was
around 94 while they were in
that section. They made the
trip over the inland route, re
turning via the coast highway
where they encountered severe
rain and fog.
Don Neal, popular member of
the senior class, was operated
uoon Wednesday at the Stayton
hosnital for annendicitis. He
comnlained of not feeling well
Tuesday while at school, during
serious, and Dr. C. H. Brewer
who was called deemed that an
immediate operation was neces
sary. His father came from Sil-
verton to be with him.
Mrs. George Keech underwent
a tonsil ODeration at the hosnital
here Wednesday morning, sne is
the wife of the former mayor
and mother of Edwin Keech, Sa
lem attorney.
Stayton Post. American Le
gion, is holding a turkey shoot I
MONMOUTH. Not. 12 Mrs.
Benjamin T. Smith, 84, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John LaVeck. in LewisTille.
southwest of Monmouth, Wednes
day afternoon. She was one of
Polk county a oldest surviving
nloncri and the last octogenar
ian of her community who cross
ed the plains by ox cart.
Rachel Ford was born in. Tas-
well county. 111., December 14,
1R4 and crossed the plains with
her parents at the age of two
years. She was married October
c 1864. to Beniamin F. Smith,
and since then bad lived contin
uously in Lewisville. Mr. Smith
died in 1915.
Besides Mrs. LeVeck, a sister.
four grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren survive. She
was a member of tne Evangeiieai
Funeral services will be held
at Lewisville Saturday afternoon
it l:
f P
30 o'clock. Rev. C. P. Gates
of Portland ornciaung. tt.eeuey
funeral home of Independence is
in charge of arrangements.
VftVMniTTH Vol tsMrs.
lUUt IB AH iu.-j I W w , . .
at the Stayton ball park Sunday, Walter Graham was taken to a
- . . . m I t l.-l . . ..I, a & . t
NOTMnner is. Dec in hide at jra i naiem aviviuii iui vuscubmuu
nvitvk noon. Sim F. Etzel is Wednesday. She suffered a fall
in charge. in her home, Monday, and was
That are smart and new
$8.75 ?
The Little
French Shop
just west of the Court House
Near the Kaifcct
school demonstrator was to have
been at the HeLehts this week, but
owing to a conflict of dates, was
not available, however -she is
scheduled to hold her week's dem
onstration here in the near fu
ture. The men of Salem Heights
are planning their annual supper
and it will probably be the week
of Mrs. Humphrey's demonstra
Marion Cook returned home aft
dlnr several weeks at
Hood River working through the
nnnlp harvest for N .W. Bone
Mr and Mrs. E. E. Cook who
worked at the same place have
rnnA to riarkston. Wash., to
visit Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr.
an Mrs. F. M. Hartley.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wipper of
Summit ara taking a vacation
and are visiting Mrs. Wipper's
mother. Mrs. Ricker. who lives
at Gardener.
John ShillinK sustained a bad
ly hurt shoulder while helping to
ret out noles with wnicn to duuq
the electric light line m tne cio-
verrfale and Summit districts.
Roy Beardsley returned home
from Montana where ne nas been
working for some time past.
Old Spinning
Jpmny Shown
To Aid Group
WOODBURN, Nov. 12. The
Laities' Aid society of the Wood-
burn Presbyterian church met in
the church building Tuesday af
ternoon. A program of short
speeches and recitations took up
much of the time in the afternoon.
Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, president
of the organization, presided over
the group. Mrs. Hiram Overton
had charge of the devotions for
the afternoon.
An interesting demonstration of
an old-fashioned- spinning wheel
was given by Mrs. M. J. Olson. The
spinning wheel belonged to Mrs.
Olson's mother. Miss Lake Wat
son, who spent a part of the sum
mer in North Dakota, gave a short
talk on that part of the country,
telling of the beautiful scenery,
industries and conditions in general.
Miss Barbara Espy gave two
,jin' Mrs. H. Overton also
gave a travelogue, telling of her
trip to Yellowstone national par
t.i. anmmer Mrs. John Muir also
talked, her subject being a timely
one, "The Sunny Side of the De-
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses for the meeting, Mrs.
W. P. Lessard, Mrs. R. L. Tweedie
and Mrs. H. F. BuCterfield. The
next meeting of the Ladies Aid
will be held at the home of Mrs.
E. J. Allen December 9. The meet
ing will have Christmas as Its subject
MONMOUTH. Nov. 12 Wil
Ham Schilling, 81, who makes
his home with his son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Parker, is recovering from a ser
ious illness. In July he under
went a minor operation at
Portland hospital, and his recu
neration has been slow, but he
now is able to get out of doors
HHRRARD. Nov. 12 The
fin lid of the Federated churches
met for an all day meeting with
Mrs. E. U. Anderson in her beau
tiful new home east of Hubbard.
The women sewed for the ba
zaar which they were giving on
Friday, December 4.
The following committees have
been appointed by the president.
Mrs. Neva McKensie; general
chairman, Mrs. George Leffler:
program, Mrs. Walter McManus;
pajamas, Mrs. Pulley; quilts.
Mrs. H. E. Adams; food sale.
Mm Karl firim. Mrs. E. U. An
derson, and Mrs. Slittenhart; re
freshments, Ella Stauffer.
Blanche Brown, Ida . McArthur.
Fish nond. Mrs. J. Clavnool
and Merle Stewart: noncorn and
candy, Mrs. Lef tier's class; dress
es, Mrs. Winnie Kocker and Mrs.
L. Johnson: rugs, Mrs. Roy
Hampton and Mrs. J. N. Poln-
dexter; towels, Kathryn Will;
pillow cases, Mrs. Mina deWolf
and Mrs. E. S. Wolfer; aprons.
Mrs. John Smolinsky and Mrs.
Raymond Murphy; and miscel
laneous fancy work, Mrs. Frank
Grimps, Mrs. A. J. Smith, and
Mrs. Orlie Boje.
Mrs. M. E. Peterson
And Son Back Home
Mrs. M. E. Peterson and son, Mar
vin Edwin, Jr.. returned the
forepart of the week from the Sa
lem General hospital.
H. E. Boehm has begun the
construction of a new garage on
his place here,
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rhodes and
Bertha Baars visited relatives In
Canhy Wednesday.
Wbtn Turkish ubcn anus frm
ic i
P Because
Fjhi it- will blast green stumps in
wet or dry soil; V
A P it has more power in each stick) - 111
Eastward ho! Four thousand miles nearer the rising
sun let's go! To the land of mosques and minarets .
so different from our skyscrapers, stacks and steeples.
Let's see this strange, strange country. Let's see the
land where the tobacco grows
in small leaves on slender stalks to be tenderly
picked, leaf by leaf, hung in long fragrant strings,
shelter-dried and blanket-cured. Precious stuff!
Let's taste that delicate aromatic flavor that sub
tle difference that makes a cigarette!
aaaassassaisaiaiaiafa' - w.v.-. : : : " :t
In tvtry important ftaat-gnwing ctnttr f
Tmrkfj, ChtsttrfitU tat its n ubaa hnjm
M tbt spot
. SMYRNA . .
SAMSOUN . .famous tobaccos!
otr.PM HWfiHTS. Nov. 12
The Salem Heights Community
iK la determined to start off
IKol. aoaannal activities With a
bang. Tonight at the hall a big
fhlrVen sunner will be servea
fmm tn R n.m. The clubs regu
lar business session will then oc
cupy a few minutes of time, after
whirh tha decks will be cleared
for the "Mnm" show and the
n.nnrt hit it that there wiU
he a large and beautiful display
as the "Mums" are ndw: supposed
tn hn at their besL ; After the
annnnr and the flower show. there
will be a program.- Thie will be
- in; charge of Olive -Beardsley,
A chairman of the program commit
tee. -Min. C. W. Sawyer will be
In ohtrr n( the ueoer. "-
it stays down in the bottom of
the hole; . i
it doe more work per pound of
it can be stored without losing
its "pep;"
it is being used in this section
with entire satisfaction and sav
ing money, time and labor.
QU PI I til
; Gabriel Powder & Supply Co Salem, Ore.
JH. F. Butterfield, Woodburn, Ore.
T L.D. Lennon, - Monitor, .
Boscbler HdWw. ov ?. Mt. Anjel, Ore.
M. E. DeGnlre. SBywrtoii, Ore.
Turkish tobacco is to cigarettes what
fcasoning is to food the "spice," the "sauce"
or what rich, sweet cream is to coffee!
You can taste the Turkish in Chesterfield
there's enough of it, that's why. Chester
field has not been stingy with this impor
tant addition to good taste and aroma; four
famous kinds of Turkish leaf Xanthi,
Cavalla, Samsoun and Smyrna! go into
the smooth, "spicy" Chesterfield blend.
This is just one more reason for Chester
field's better taste. Tobaccos from far and near,
the best of their several kinds and the right
kinds. And pure, tasteless cigarette paper,
the purest made. The many requisites of a
milder, better smoke, complete!
That's why they're GOOD-thcy'vc got
to be and they are.
11931, Liccfrr & Mmi Tobacco Co.
v -
Mrs. LI A. Humphreys cookiaf