SERVICE : . We gnar-uitee out car-; tier service. If yon paper . does aot . arrive by 0:80, ' call 0101 and a copy will . be delivered at once. THE WEATHER Bala today and Saturday, ' moderate tempera tare; maxi mum tens pent tare Thursday 51, minimum S3, river S.4 feet, clear, south winds. . i FOUNDED 1851 E1UHTY-KIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November IS, 1931 No. 198 General Mah not to Resign Says Governor Chang; Reason is Given Severe Fighting Occurs at Nonni River, Japanese Officer is Killed (Copyright. 1931, by the Associated ' Press) PEIPING, Not. 13 (Friday) severe righting between Japan ese f oTces and ' troops of General Man Chan-Shan in the Nonni rlv er region. In which a Japanese officer and one soldier were killed yesterday, was reported in a com xnunlque issued at Manchurian headquarters here today. A Japanese ultimatum demand ing that General Mah resign as chief of the province of Heilung- kiang. and that his army evacuate Tsitsihar, was rejected on Instruc tions from Chang Hsueh-Liang, deposed governor of Manchuria, who ordered General Mah to de fend his territory to the last. The ultimatum expired at mid night. Authority For Order Is Held In Doubt The, Manehurlan governor's or der, the communique said, was based on the following reasons: (1) It was not clear whether the ultimatum represented the personal opinion of General Hon- Jo or whether It emanated from the Tokyo government. (2) General Hon jo's represen tative lacked adequate creden tials. (3) Before the time limit ex pired, Japanese attacked Chinese lines. Fierce fighting lasted until late yesterday afternoon and was still proceeding, further telegrams from Tsitsihar reported. A Japanese second lieutenant and one soldier were reported killed in a cavalry skirmish. The morale of the Chinese troops was excellent, General Mah declared. There had beau' no contact as yet between Infantry forces on both sides, he added Golden Spike is Driven Linking Great Northern, Western Paciic , x ts 4,-' ":, ,v $ "fcJt ;f V K, O LN A. - - ' V :. l,- V v-A Xl - I fVY iJ - 7 7 tfWSntMMMiatfdiininuWu rORTY lUIEFJ ON RIVER SURVEYS Four Parties Leave Portland Thursday in Willamette Canalization Step Nine-Foot Channel or dam System Feasibility to Be Determined now Spaulding's Salary Slashing Plan Placed Before Highway Commission but Sidetracked ROAD BOARD SELLS MILLION IN BOB PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 12. (AP) Four survey parties, in cluding about 40 men, left the customs house here today for points along the Willamette river to begin a survey Of the river be tween Springfield and Salem, a distance of 103 miles. Data obtained in the survey will be Incorporated in a report to con gress on the proposed canalization of the river from Portland to Eu gene. The survey was ordered by the board of United States army en gineers at Washington. Major Os car O. Kuenti, in charge of the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada Plan Urged on Commission By Delegations PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) A block of $1,000,000 in bonds was sold by the Oregon state highway commission today t suDDort Its emergency relief nroeram. The bonds were sold to the Continental Illinois company, Chi cago, and the First National Bank of Portland on a bid oi x99U,r. The bonds will bear 44 Per eent interest. A bid of $991,310, submitted by Halsey-Stuart & Co., was re jected as irregular. The bid in cluded certain conditions includ ing the provision that it was sub ject to there being "no litigation S.lanl TTn4tA4 Ctafiui engineers, gave orders that the either pending or th reat ened eon- work should nroceed as raoidlv as earning mo ." - Arthur Curtfcs James, heaviest Individual owner of railroad stock in the world, prepares to drive the golden spike at Bieber,- Calif., this week, celebrating the linking of two great systems. The spike was molded from gold taken from half a dozen California mines. WUUGHTER IS TDUTICAL TRUCE' mm HI NOT FOR BOURBONS MERICiS DODGE TIENTSIN BULLETS possible with a view to having all information assembled in time for presentation to the next congress. The survey is expected to deter mine the feasibility of providing a nine-foot channel and a six-foot channel with locks and dams. It also will Include a survey of po tential traffic. The canalization plan was pre sented to the board ef army engin eers at Washington by Senator Mc- Nary and his presentation was said to have brought about the order for the survey. Navy Budget Is Sent Back To President WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 (AP) With assurances the American fleet would sot suffer loss of ship or man. President Hoover an nounced today that the navy bud get would call for only $3 43,000, 000 S59.000.000 less than the (Copyright, 1931, The Associated Press) TIENTSIN, China, Nov. 12. All Americans at the Methodist mission, hospital and school were asked to seek places of safety In the foreign areas of Tientsin to day after they had spent a night dodging bullets. A. B. Coole, a mission official, brought in three women today Dr. Ida Belle Lewis, Mrs. Frances Milness and Mrs. A. Shocke. He said numerous bullets fell in the mission area during the night, many of them penetrating the hospital. Tho work of evacuating patients from the hospital will be difficult, he declared. Efforts to arrange cooperation between Chinese and Japanese In running Mown Chinese rebels blamed for the outbursts of riot ing during the last few days were frustrated at the last moment, and more trouble was expected. ROB TEXAS BANK HIGQINS, Tex., Nov. 12 (AP) Two unmasked bandits held up the First National bank of Hig gins Just before closing time today and escaped with $6000 in cash. Complaint Filed Here: two But Obstruction of Hoover 8e"e ongmaiiy requested n 7 . . . This represents, u leit al Other Crash Survivors Still in Hospital Proposals not Planned Either Says Garner Late Thursday afternoon a charge of Involuntary manslaugh ter was placed against J. O. Her- ron, Lyons, who had been held on an open charge in the county Jail, following the automobile ac cident of Wednesday in which Loretta Wilson of Mill City was billed. Herron was unable to furnish the $3000 bail placed and was held in Jail as a result. The charge of involuntary manslaugh ter was placed by George Thoma- son. traffic officer who investigat ed the case. Herron will be arraigned be fore Judge Miller Hayden today. alone by congress, a reduction or aDout $15,000,000 from the total of the supply bill passed last year. An additional $30,000,000 was appro- WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 (AP) priated for battleship moderniza- No political truce and no yield- tion. ing to political expediency were The budget cut will not Involve the guide-posts set for the demo- abandonment of a single navy crats In the next house today by yard, nor win it cause a single Representative Garner. combatant vessel to be decommis- The democratic speakership sloned, Mr. Hoover said, ine en- choice said President Hoover's listed personnel oi tne navy wui proposals to the coming congress j not be decreased. wnnM Vvc .nnli1arH nn tti1 mfr. HOW the CCOnOmy Is tO be ef- ta Thon will Via molfhoi autnmat- fected. the chief executive did not lcally condemned nor automatical- T. preserving to this tent the i- ...Miru v. ..i a i rnRinmarv secrecy wiucu Oregon's participation in the proposed Idaho-Oregon-N v a d a highway from Wlnnemucca to Boise was urged by delegations from the three states. Big Delegations Urge Need of Road Delegations from Malheur eoun ty, from Nyssa, Vale, Ontario and the Jordan valley in Oregon Join ed with groups from Idaho and Nevada in declaring that this hizhwar must be provided to furnish an outlet for crops and a new route to the Pacific north west. Nevada has completed its share of the highway from Wlnnemucca to McDermitt on the Idaho line and Idaho has built from Boise through Caldwell to the Oregon boundary. The delegations urged the highway commission to place the Intervening section on the Oregon highway map United States Senator T. L. Od die heated the. Nevada group, and Senator John Thomas of Idaho Joined with him in recommending immedisis action by tho Oregon commission. Former Governor H. C. Baldridge of Idaho; O. O. Haga, of Boie, representative of Governor Ross, and S. C. Durkee of Carson City, engineer for the Nevada highway commission, were other out-of-state speakers. The commission took no action on the proposal. WINTER BELIEF E TO AT ONCE FUND A OPEN Program of Staggering Work of Regular Staff To Provide Extra Jobs may be Given Approval; Hanley Critical By C. A. SPRAGUE XTO one emerged from the highway commission meeting 11 in Portland yesterday with bloody scalps dangling at Day's pay a Month Will bft his belt. Tne expected ilare-up over tne proposals oi unas. K,tA h UMnn wi w v, wu I VIUiilHI J Community Service Sets up Goal of $10,000 or More for City UH CROWDS T n.s. n E Over 600 Attend Education Week Event; Leslie's Program Enjoyed FACULTY OF STATE COLLEGE WILL I STAYTON, Nov. 12 Mlaa Marie Lovak of Mill City, who was in the auto accident Wednesday night on the Mill fctty-Stayton road In which Miss Loretta Wil son. 17, of Mill City met death. was said to he somewhat Brighter on Thursday afternoon. She re ceived a fractured skull, lacera tions and possible internal injur ies. Linn Goodwin, 19, also hi the wreck and who suffered an arm fracture, bruises and lacerations (Turn to page 2, col. 1) OREGON CITY IN ISF OUNO SUICIDE Bend Logger is-Jilled Store man Slays Bandit College Editors Gather Farm Board Criticized v i m v i tnp.v reacn congress. . v ui uuusci yuiibia tcjji m dc5" t ondary consideration and I think every member of my party feels the same way," he added. The statement came through the democratic national commit tee. Earlier the New York demo cratic delegation leader, Repre sentative Cullen, informed him that his group of 23 would give him solid support in his speaker ship candidacy. This virtually as sures the Texan of election. Elec tion of a speaker determines which party will organize the house. Meantime, Representative Til- son of Connecticut, republican leader in the last house, expressed hope to President Hoover that ad- ministration-supported legislation would be passed. Tilson conferred with the democratic leader yester- aay, dui said ne naa heard no talk of a coalition between the parries. CORVALLIS, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) The Oregon State college resolu- Governor Meier's unemployment relief committee's recommendation that all state employes contribute to the state unemployment relief fund one day's pay each month for five months. "Oregon State college In the past has participated In the pros perity of the state, a prosperity to which it has endeavored always to contribute through research and education," said the resolu tion. "Now In face of unparall ed emergency, we, the faculty. cannot sit Idly by In security of assured employment and continu ed Income indifferent to necessity of those for whom this institu K. Spaulding for reorganization of the highway department, made a brief fizzle and then the quiet-voiced chairman, J C. Ainsworth requested he be given time to consider the Spaulding resolutions; and asO the author approved the passage at arms ended with sheathed swords; and the audience which had grown tense in expectancy. sighed and tat back in its seats. Spaulding made two proposals. one for lower salary scales clear down the line In the highway de partment, the savings to go into the emergency employment fund; and the other for staggering the work of some 700 to 800 regular patrolmen and employes so that more men could be employed. Spaulding advanced his program solely, he said, to provide more employment for men who were destitute. His resolution was turned in after appeals were presented by various counties for just as much money as possible for employ ment, most of whom wanted the money right away. Before he got done presenting his resolu tion for. the salary cuts, William Hanley of Burns commenced to ruffle his feathers and Interject ea mat u was not iair for one member to present a resolution without telling the other mem bers about it and moved that no one be permitted to make a res olution unless he gave the other members two weeks notice. "This Is a three man commission," in sisted Hanley. Spaulding replied that he thought he had given enough publicity to his proposals that all the members would know very well what he stood for. Then Mr. Ainsworth said: "I am not able to second the resolution now. I think perhaps we may be able to do something along this line, hut I want time to study it. I will investigate and be ready to act at the next meeting which will be held about December 1." This satisfied Mr. Spaulding and the flurry ended. The in ference is that before the next meeting Ainsworth will try to work out a solution that will satisfy Spaulding, perhaps put ting the question up to Governor Meier. Appeals for Relief Show Situation bad The high-light of the meeting was the procession of requests for aid in employment relief. Those who may think the depres sion is over because wheat brings Mgher price would have been ruueiv saocaea 10 near the re ports from various counties from Union to Multnomah and Lake. Portland was first on the scene with Aaron Frank. E. C. bammons and other members of its relief committee makinr (Turn to page 2, col. 1) Nature Stressed What was said to be the larg est crowd of parents and students ever to attend an open house pro gram at the high school, last night was present at the building for the school's main event In obser vation of National Education week. It was estimated at least 600 persons attended. In addition to visiting the classrooms and making the acquaintance of the instructors, the guests were enter tained in the auditorium by mu sical and gymnastic numbers by the students and talks by the teachers. At Leslie junior high school, which also held open house last night, the parents were entertain ed with a program of original po ems read by the students, musical selections and a tumbling act. Open house also was held last nlxht at the Lincoln and Rich mond grade schools. The National Education week proram in the Salem schools will be concluded today with an open house tea ilven at the Washing ton school after class hours this afternoon bv the teachers for the parents and other guests. A mu sical proRr?m will be presented by the pupjls. Visitors also are Invited to Park. Englewood, Rich mond and McKinley schools today. Gilbraith Signs Complaint; Says No Knockdowns i SWINGING LOG HITS V BEND, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) Charles Brook man, head choker at the Brooks Scanlon logging camp, was Injured fatally In the fort Rock country today by a winging log that was being drawn' oat of a deep snow bank. He died In a hospital here. "., i Brookman started to run when the log swung free but fell oyer a cable. , Jack Mogimsey, another logger, escaped by throwing him self to the ground. Brookman's body will be sent to Newberg for burial. 1 MEET AT EUGENE EUGENE, Ore., Not. 12 Representatives of 15 college dailies were here tonight for the opening session Friday of' tho annual convention of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press association. SHOTS EXCHANGED PORTLAND, Ore., Not. 12 (AP) ' James Keller, one of three men who attempted to rob a dm z store here tonight, was hot and killed Instantly by James Cunningham, Spanish American war veteran, proprietor of the store. ; The other two men escaped after , a sharp exchange of shots bandits fired at least 11 shots, none of which reached their mark. Keller, police said, had been arrested recently on a minor charge and released. GRAIN MEN MEET THE DALLES, Ore., Not. 12 (AP) Agitation for dissolution of the federal farm board is ex pected at the annual meeting of the eastern Oregon wheat league whleh opens here tomorrow. The league meeting will run through Saturday. Officers of the league said strong sentiment for abolition of the farm board has developed in Sherman and Umatilla counties, while Wasco county wheat grow ers were said to favor the farm board. FIREBUG SENTENCED PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) Ernest W. Weaver, 30, who was convicted recently-on a charge of setting a fire on pri vata land adjacent to the Mal heur national . forest near " Day vllle, was sentenced today to IS months at Island- and fined 1100. Sentence was passed by Federal Judge McNary. The fire aestroyea o,wu cres Vocational Arts Instructors of Valley to Meetj OREGON CITY, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) F. J. Scott Hannagan, 74. killed himself November 8 and the body was found today a quarter of a mile from his home. The county coroner said Han naean had used dynamite and ap parently had lighted the fuse ana tlon exists." then placed his head on the TJie faculty authorized Presl- charge. dent Kerr to advise the governor's Three letters were found In his committee of its action and to coat. Each said he was taking his I devise a method to carry out the life because of ill health. I plan. Hannagan left the home of his sister. Ella Brusch. with whom he had been living, last Friday and fithnor Amrt? told her he was going to a neigh- KJIULCT niliVei In Time, Bandits Seventeen high school Instruct ors in the industrial arts and the Smith-Hughes agriculture and trade and Industry' courses are ex pected to come to Salem from Beven Willamette valley cities next Wednesday night for a din ner and discussion of the possi bility of forming a permanent or ganization for their mutual wel fare. T. T. Mackenzie, vocational director for the Salem schools, is promoting' the idea, which origin ated at a gathering this year of Instructors from several neigh boring cities. The purpose of such an organ ization, according to Mr. Macken zie, would be to exchange ideas, set standards and better the work from the standpoint of both in structor and pupil. The nine Sa lem shop Instructors would form the nucleus for the group, bor's place to get a team of horses. When he failed to return that night his sister felt no con cern because Hannagan often sever- anyone. When no word had been received Wednesday a search was started. Officer Wintersteen of the night police force reached the DeHarp port store at 19th and Oak streets just in time Wednesday morning, subsequent developments indicat ed. He found the store had been entered, and when the proprietor was summoned, the cash register. Tt it. r 1 containing sso and an oi tne By iVeVV LVV iierS I firm's charge account records, was iuuuq 10 d missiog. . Salem's Tusko. 10-ton elephant. Apparently Wintersteen arrived A complaint charging assault and battery against Henry Meyers was filed In the justice court court Thursday by F. J. Gilbraith who was struck in an altercation between the two men in the post- office lobby Armistice day. No warrant was Issued for Meyers arrest, but he was advised of the complaint and agreed to come to the court today. The affair grew out of an ad dress made by Gilbraith In which he criticised severely the former management of the state flax in dustry while Meyers was superin tendent of the prison. Mr. Gil braith denied to The Statesman r t T ' r lI that he had been knocked aown UrOD 1 neil JUOUL by Meyers. He admitted being scrucK out saia ne was not niwi- ed by the blow. Gilbraith con suited his attorney before filing the complaint. ens price nil AT PORTLAND IM The Community Service com mittee's drive for wtater relirf funds, delayed for the past two weeks, will begin at once, mem bers of the financial committee, which met at the chamber of commerce yesterday afternoon, decided. In a statement nnitar. ed by the group, the goal for the drive will be "from S10.000 to $15,000, and more if necessary." Composing the financial com mittee, which will launch the campaign, are: T. A. Wlndlshar, chairman; J. T. Delaney and Wil- - nam McGIlchrlst Jr. Following the plan which last year proved successful, the com mittee will address a letter to each business house, office, de partment, lodge, club and other groups, appealing for financial support and asking that the name of one person be submitted as so licitor and collector for that or ganization. The work of tbe lieutenants in the drive will be pverseen by the various financial committeemen for Community Service. All Relief Funds To be Centralized In its statement, the cimmlttee commends the workers at the state capitol for already having taken steps to provide relief funds. Under, the financial committee of Community Service, all Salem relief funds will, by common un derstanding, be centralized, ac cording to the statement. The question of how much each person solicited will be asked to contribute Is answered In the statement as follows: "An amount equal to a day's wages each month for six months. xsovemDer to April inclusive. i the amount the solicitors will ask of those who can reasonably af- rord It. Each contributor, bow ever, will be regarded as best ualified to know what he or she can afford in consideration of his personal responsibilities. But a disposition to evade a fair meas ure of cooperation, It Is under stood, will meet with protest a ad more flagrant cases by something kin to the ' flying squadron of liberty loan days." Gas prices In Salem were down half cent yesterday. But that does not spell a gas war. Rather was the public's 18 -cent price the final outcome of a long-drawn out move to bring the differential between Portland and Salem prices to a satisfactory conclusion for Salem. The tank wagon price to deal ers is now 15 cents. Both deal ers' and consumers' figures are but a half cent higher than the Portland figures now, the half cent being merely the freight charge of bringing gasoline to Sa lem from Portland. The new freight rate on gas, by recent order of the utilities com missioner, Is .00495 cent a gallon. The new prices are finale to the gas war of last July, when deal ers started a move to absorb the differential, and a concession made now by the oil companies themselves. Formerly, the normal differential was a cent and a half, and was swelled during wars to from three to four cents. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Ner. 2. (AP) Three unmasked rob bers held up the Bank of Bonanza today and escaped with S40ee. The three men entered the bank and forced Dewey Horn to open the vault. Then "ley made Hera, his brother, John Horn, cashier, ana miss Sarah Poole, assistant, lie flat on the floor. While two men carried the sat a ey to a waiting automobile the third kept the bank officials cov ered. Dewey Horn fired a shot at the robbers' automobile as it moved away. The money was protected by in surance, bank officials said. Wayne Kantola Is Worse Again An Increase toward the Irra tional in the condition of Wayne Kantola, Salem youth who on Monday morning shot himself, was noted yesterday and led the at tending physician to report his chances for recovery were some what less. On Wednesday, Kan tola was believed to have a fair chance of recovery. Tusko to Leave Salem' Forecast More Falls Accessible, Silver Creek Area Now oot will be no more as far as I Jut as the burglars were leaving. this city is concerned. If negotia- oey aid not carry tne register tiona now understood to be under I r. me omcer louna , aumpeu wav are consummated. Bavardlin the grass near the railroad I A 1 a. AAA J M A. . I - . Mm - M Gray and Jack O'Grady, who onl" Bon' " xras irom am i development project, aiacioseu Tuesday purchased the giant an-1 "tore. Evidently no effort had j yesterday whlls here on business, imal from Harrr Plant. Salem I Deeh made to break It open, and .j- - well-graded, broad trail boxing and wrestling matchmaker I " of th contents were intact ram from Winter Falls into the Readv access to at least Ato lit tle visited falls In the SiUer Creek area Is now available to aU -visit ors to that district, J. D. erase oi SUverton and pioneer ef the park EXTRADITE BOXER HAVANA, Not. 12 (AP) The Audlenca court today au thorized the extradition of Kid i Chocolate, Cabas boxer , on were in Portland yesterday, mak ing arrangements, it was said, for the removal of Tusko. If the keepers' negotiations are successful, Salem will have to re linquish its elephant, to Portland, which is bereaving the loss of Us only whale. Possibly the keepers Blaze Destroys Farm Machinery SSTiSsSS HAZEL GREEN, Not. 12. are trying to console the big city! Farm machinery, thresher and down the river, by giving It Tus- clover huller belonging to Charles ko ror tne winter. At any rate, a. Kobow. burned In a fire which they are said to be planning on J Wednesday at midnight destroyed exhibiting the elephant there nn-1 his barn. Only a tractor and plow of orivate timber and a like area I charges ef attacking his former I til the weather will permit taking (were saved. A hundred tons of !i . ... , . - awauttYiMrt- .Rons. Mora. i him on the Toad. , - - - - - - tlnv anA alan war knTTKit in th national forest. him on the road. straw and hay also were burned. lower can von on the south fork one may now reach tails not Here tofore seen by visitors except woodsmen, hunters or. dare-devil winter between -the North and SoutlT Falls group and may readily be reached by road either through SUverton or through Shaw. Drake said the highways were in good shape and that sight-seers could now go to th fall all winter long. Drake was enthusiastic over 'the trail work now being carried on under the direction of Sam TL Boardman, engineer for the state park commission. He said that since July when the trail work was begun, four miles of paths had been finished with a number more' being built. Drake was in the city to see if the park com mission would agree to place signs along the various trails to Indi cate the falls. Drake explained that there are now slightly more than 1000 acres In the Silver Falls state park. Ten beautiful falls, a number of which have been little seen by Tlsitors are In the group which constitute in a radius of two miles, ene of them the most beautiful areas In the entire United States. Drake said the falls were ex tremely beautiful now since winter supply of water was going oTor them.;, BUNK OF BONANZA ROBBED OF 513 Plant Explains Why Old Glory Is Upside Down Explanation of why the national flag on the armory staff yeat.-r-day morning was flying apside down and at nearly half mast, was given last night by Harry Piat, who was jestingly blamed for the distress and mourning signal. In the first place, Mr. Plant disclaim ed having anything to do with raising the colors. "The boy" pat up the flag, he said. In the1 second place, he averred, the flag w.j flying "cock-eyed." not because "the boy" was suffer ing from a "hangover," bat be cause the top snap on the colors came loose In the breese, allowiasT them to drop to upsldedowa a4 bait mast position. Two Hurt When Machines Crash On State Street Carol Kolsky, Island Alberta Van Buren, both of 42 0 North 224 street, yesterday evening suffered cats and bruises when the auto mobile in which they were riding collided with one driven by Miss Theo Jensen of SUverton at State and Church streets. Frank Kolsky, 20, was the driver of the first ear. Miss Jensen reported to these--lice that .a' running board was -knocked oft her car. Kolsky re- -ported no damage. Neither driver -charged tho other with trains law violations. , : . J ; With Cunningham. Police said the