The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    .' 'V f "
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, November 12, 193f
Old Landmark Being Wreck
ed; K. of P. Plans An
nual Roll Call
137 S. Commercial Tel. 4010
Fisher's Blend
Flour, 49-lb. sack, $1.29
Del Monte
Coffee, 1-lb. cans . 28c
Pure Cane 2&8LB1& 't
Sugar, 10 lbs. . . 44c
Morning Brand, Tall Cans
Milk, 4 for . . . 22c
Crystal White
Soap, 10 cakes . . 27c
Highest Quality
Oats, 9-lb. sacks . 29c
Fels Naptha
Soap, 10 cakes . . 48c
Specials in Heinz' Canned Goods
18-oz. size Canned Beans 2 f or 25c
Tomato Juice 3 for 25c
Canned Soups 3 for 25c
Fresh Stock, Yellow or White, 9 Pound Sacks
Corn Meal .... 19c
HUBBARD. Not. 11 There
will be a public meeting of the ci
tizens of Hubbard at the city hall.
Monday, Nbvember 16. at 7:30
! o'clock to form an organization
for relief work. Committees will
be appointed and a definite pro-
I gram planned.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newton
and their son Melvin, who former
ly liTed in Mrs. Thomson Hayes
house west of Hubbard, nave mov
ed into Melvin's new house south
of Hubbard. Melvin will continue
to go back and forth to Meier and
$500 DOWN
puts this amazing, new
in Your Home
The balance can be r.
ranged on convenient
weekly or monthly pay
mentt to suit your bad
get. Don't be without it
another day.
f.0r j
T--H--I nriimi
You t in using
KC Use LESS than of
high priced brands.
rwrn vw nt
Frank's atore where he has been
employed for a number of yean
The old livery barn on ine cor
ner of West A street, an old land
mark of Hubbard. Is being wreck
ed by Henry Von Essen. The prop
erty was deeded te the city of
Hubbard by the late Rooeri roin-
1931 Roll Call
rtn Nnvomber It the Knights
nf Pvthiaa of Arion lodge No. IT
will hold their annual roil cau
when every member is requester
to be present either in person or
in writinc. Walter u. uieeson.
Rnnii Keener of Records and
Seals from Portland will be the
principal speaker of the evening.
Fred. Johnson another prominent
Knight from Portland wm aiso oe
Avon Jesse will sing. The Au
rnr lodre will attend in a body
Th mmmktflA in charze is Lester
Will, Otto Blosser, and Walter
McManus. . ...
Mrs. Phoebe Ward is visiung
xMr- mnA un. Chester I wara
and her grandsons, Junior and
Eugene for a week.
Mr. n&vid Hovenden has re
turned to Hubbard to visit her
mother. Mrs. Joe Calvert ior an-v-
nv she motored here
from her home at Newport with
Mrs. Avon Jesse. '
W. P. Collard is
President of New
Parent and Teacher
MToemM bdttOM Nov. 11
miOfcjAw-. - - '
A parent teachers association was
organized nere Tiaay uui.
teresting talks were given by Dr.
B. F. Pound ana Mrs. vnsuv,
both of Salem.
Officers elected were W. P. Col
lard, president; Theodore Jel
Atm vira nresldent: Miss Ther-
Ulino, f '
m narnett. teacher at Mission
Bottom, secretary-treasurer. A
committee appointed to examine
and select by laws is Mrs. W. P.
Collard, Miss Thelma Barnett and
A M Tq renn B
Mrs. WTlUiam McGilchrist, chair
man of the mombersnip commit
tee will be assisted by Mrs. Theo-
A a.i ToMlrVa
Further arrangements will be
made and plans discussed at the
next meeting riaay, jnot. .
Originators Of Low Prices 351 btate bt.
I am going to tell you just how it is. This is Armis
tice day and I haven't got much time between now
and the parade. But have got to write an ad.j It isn't
much trouble although I usually devote more time to
it than I am going to do today. All I want to impress
upon you is that these are
The Best Round i Choice bteaK
S u Tck tkl r.
111 I tri button mmd
15c lb.
Prime Beef
10c lb.
tit Emsf Eire-
A It.. J - VN trv fm,,m,.
. new victu nauy ui irtu ttbivi y tin wtrr rm
pump empties the water used in
; washing. That ends the labor of
j carrying and lifting water forever!
In addition, this NEW EASY will save money for
you every month over commercial laundry costs.
Genuine EASY quality construction throughout in
) sures long, dependable service. Big agitator. Large
I" balloon-type wringer rolls with safety guards. Beau
! tifully finished in Beige Porcelain Enamel and
French Grey. Many other features.
See this new washer demonstrated in your own home.
I Phone us now for free demonstration. No obligation
Distributors, Clackamas and Marion Counties
379 N. High St. Phone 6022
. W. C. MANGUM. Mgr.
New Easy, model 2W, regularly -
$124.50, now
; Used Automatic - - 35.00.
Used Liberty (gas motor).:... 35.00
UsedHaag ...... ..; v 20.00
: Used Hand Washing Machine 4.00
12 1-2c It
Fresh Ground
10c lb.
PORK Well, we handle only choice young pig pork.
It's bound te give satisfaction, because there is none
Dainty Lean
Loin Chops
1c lb.
Ham Roast
15c lb.
Pork Steak
12 1-2c lb.
Young Pig
Pork Roast
Sc lb.
Milk Fed
Veal Roast
12 1-2g lb.
Leg of Veal
15c lb.
Milk Fed
Veal Steak
15c lb.
Breast Of
8c lb.
Finest Sliced
20c lb.
11c lb.
I have got to go. Drop in and you will be a regular
customer. Remember we close at 6 p. m. On Satur
days at 7 p. m.
P. S. I hate to waste all this good space, because it
cost money. Just ask anyone who trades here how
good our meets are.
IBirnaKFIS9S Hon.
184 N. Commercial St.
Why shop elsewhere? Here are large assortments of all well known and nationally
advertised toiletries and remedies sent to us direct from the factory. Here the prices
are lowest not only on week-end sales but every day in the week. See for yourself what
you save this
ifIbtmi?G(alay IFffMasr - gatttmg (flay
New Ixw Price on Chocolate
Y2.b. Cakes
Hershey Chocolate
2 for 25c
50c Box of 10
White Owls 45c
$1 Box of 10
Van Dyck Bankers
16 oz. Tins
Ready Rubbed Or Sliced
Chesterfields, Camels,
Ludries, Old Golds
Carton of 10 Pkgs.
Face Creams
50c Woodbury's Creams 29c
50c Melba Creams 29c
60c D. & R. Creams 89c
65c Pond's Creams 39c
60c Pompeian Day Cream 39c
60c Hind's Cleansing Cream 33c
60c Angelus Lemon Cream 39c
50c Thine Hand Cream 29c
1 Pt. Bonded Milk Magnesia, 23c
1 Pt. Rubbing Alcohol, 23c
1 Pt. Witch Hazel, 25c
Medicated Oils
$1 Upjohn's Sup. D. C. L. Oil 59c
$1 Squibbs Cod Liver Oil 79c
$1 Squibbs Liquid Petrolatum 69c
$1 Haley's M. & O. 79c
$1 Genuine Nujol 59c
$1.20 Scott's Emulsion 79c
$1 Norol Agar 59c
$1 Norol Syllium 59c
1 Pt. Pure Olive Oil, 39c
1 Pt. Bay Rum, 39c
1 Pt.. Mineral Oil. 35c
1 Pt. i Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, 39c
Dental Needs
75c Tins Vince 59c
25c West's Tooth Paste 2 for 33c
50c Kolynos Tooth Paste 28c
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 29c
50c Ipana Tooth Paste 29c
50c Detoxol Tooth Paste 39c
50c Tek Tooth Brushes 25c
50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush 25c
$125 Pinkham-'s Compound 98c
$1.20 Sal Hepatica 79c
40c Pluto Water, quarts 29c
$1.20 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 79c
$1.00 Zonite 69c
$1.50 Citrocarbonates 98c
$1.50 Petrolagar 98c
$1.25 Creomulsion 98c
100 Pure 5-Gr. Aspirin Tablets, 23c
100 Hinkle Pills, 19c
100 Blaud Pills, 29c
For Shaving
35c Burma Shave 26c
50c Ingram Shaving Cream 33c
50c Palm Olive Shav'g Lotion 39c
$1.25 Pinaud's Lilas 89c
35c Krank's Lather Kreem 26c
65c Barbasol Skin Freshener 43c
35c Palm Olive Shaving Cr'm 21c
45c Colgate Shaving Cream Zle
Advertised Remedies
75c Anacin Tablets 59c
75c Doan's Pills 42c
25c Carter's Liver Pills 16c
75c Caroid and Bile Salts 59c
50c Feenamint 37e
50c Chocolate Exlax 33c
35c Hills Cascara Comp. Pills 25c
50c Cascaretts 33c
1 Pt. Antiseptic Solution, 19c
6 Oz. Glycerine Rose Water, 15c
6 Oz. Aromatic Cascara, 39c
4 Oz. Spirits Camphor, 23c
Liniments and Salves
$1.25 Absorbine Jr. 98c
60c Joint Ease 39c
60c St. Jacob's Oil 49c
75c Moone's Emerald Oil 69c
60c Japanese Oil 49c
35c Sloan's Liniment 25c
75c Balm Bengue 49c
30c Mentholatum 23c
65c Vick's Vapo Rub 49c
8 Oz. Glycerine, 29c
4 Oz. Tincture Green Soap, 19c
3 Oz. Oil Eucalyptus, 19c
4 Oz. Senna Leaves, 14c
1 Lb. Flax Seed or Meal, 11c
Toilet Soaps
25c Cuticura Soap 19c
25c Packer's Tar Soap 19c
25c Cashmere Boquet Soap 13c
30c Resinol Soap 19c
25c Castolay Soap 9c
25c Conti Castile 19c
25c Listerine Soap 19c
25c J. & J. Baby Soap
Pills and Tablets
25c Anacin Tablets 17c
30c Bromo Quinine 19c
$2.00 Re-Duce-Oids $1.59
$1 Marmola Tablets 63c
$1.25 Bayers Aspirin 89c
50c Nature's Remedy 33c
60c Edwards Olive Tablets 49c
50c Yeast Foam Tablets 33c
$1 Denton's Facial Mag. 69c
$1 Howe's Beauty Lotion 69c
$1 Jergen's Lotion 69c
35c Italian Balm 23c
50c Orchard White 39c
50c Wild Rt. Skin Lotion 29c
50c Pond's Skin Freshener 33c
$1 Hopper's Super Bland 69c
$1 Hind's Honey Almond Cr'm 69c
Health Foods
$1 Horlick's Malted Milk 69c
75c Borden's Malted Milk 49c
$1 Ovaltine 69c
50c Thompson's Ch. M. Milk 39c
60c Coco Malt 49c
1 lb. Pure Psyllium Seed 79c
4 oz. Agar Agar, cut, 59c
15c Gerber's Veg. 2 for 23c
$1 Fiancee Face Powder 49c
60c Instant Odorono 49c
$1 Hopper's Youth Clay 69c
1 lb. Daisy B Cleansing Cr'm 49c
$1 Pacquin's Hand Cream 59c
$1 Mello Glo Face Powder 69c
$1 Woodbury Cold Cream 59c
60c Pompeian Day Cream 39c
100 5-Gr. Cascara Tablets, 29c
100 Compound Cathartic Pills, 29c
100 y4 Calomel Tablets, 23c
100 Rhinitis Tablets, V2 St., 23c
For the Hair
$1 Lucky Tiger 59c
70c Vaseline Hair Tonic 53c
50c Packers Shampoo 33c
25c Packers Tar Soap 19c
60c Henna Foam Shampoo 39c
25c Golden Glint 19c
$1.50 Mary T. Goldman's $1.19
$1 Newbro's Herpicide 59c
100 Norwich Saccharin Tablets, 23c
1 Lb. Powdered Boric Acid, 29c
1 Lb. Powdered Sulphur, 10c
6 Oz. Castor Oil, 19c
Talc and Dusting Powder
$1 April Showers Dust. Po. 79e
75c Dulcia Dusting Po. 49c
$1 Mavis Dusting Powder 69e
$1 Squibbs Dusting Po. 49c
25c Joli Soir Talc 11c
25c Pages Talc 5c
75c Houbigant Talc 47c
25c Mennens Talc 15c
25c Colgate Talc 15c
4 Oz. Camphorated Oil, 23c
8 Oz. Peroxide, 14c
1 Doz. 3-Gr. Quinine Capsules, 10c
6 Oz. Glycerine and Rose Water, 15c
4 Oz. Sassafrass Bark, 16c
$1 Mercolized Wax 69c
$1 Marvay Powder 69c
$1 Pacquin's Hand Cream 59c
$1 Peacock Bleach Cream 69c
12 oz. Theatrical Cream 29c
75c Ayers Eau De Beaute 63c
75c D. & R. Vivatone 53c
$1 Frostilla 69c
Reduced Price
Wrist Watches
Plain Dial, $1.49
Rad. Dial, $1.69
(So value. West's Tooth
Bruih, Paste and ornamen
tal Holder -Infer
the direction of M"r. Dart were giv
en the Stanford tests, a series of
achievement teats that cover all
ibjects from the sixth through
the ninth grade, and will take the
place of the old state test given at
the end of each term.
Ctns. of 13
Reg. Sire
Sanitary Napkins
25c Pond's
Cleansing Tissues
AMITY, Nov. 11. The high
sihool freshman clas3 was honor
ed Monday afternoon by the other
classes at a program and social
hour. The event paid the contest
on collection of class dues.
Ed Galladay of Portland visited
at the J. R. Snodgrass home Sun
day while en route to Albany. He
operates a shoe repair shop m
Portland. Mrs. Snodgrass return
ed home Monday night from a
visit with relatives In Cosmopolis,
Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Wash.
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs from
all lodges in this jurisdiction gath
ered in open session here Saturday
night. Mr. Pratt of McMinnville
gave a talk on his trip to the con
vention at Winnipeg, Canada.
Mrs. Mattie Hess was hit Frl
day night by a car driven by an
Oregon State college student. She
was knocked to tne pavement
while crossing the street, on her
way home from work, but was not
hart seriously. 6he suffered align'
bruises and shock.
Girls League Names
Constitution Heads
HUBBARD. Not. 11. Dorothy
Scholl, president of the Girls
league, has appointed Irene Hig
genbotham. Anna Knight, Lucille
Zehner and Mary Hartsler on
committee to draw up a. constltu
The Camp Fire Girls have con
sented to let the Girls league ban
die the Christmas seals at school
,.vJTheelghth Srade pupils uader
Edris Vancleave's
Seventh Birthday
Occasion for Party
Mrs. Vernon VanCIeave assisted
by Miss Myrene Lichty entertain
ed a group of little folk Saturday
afternoon in honor of her1 daugh
ter Edris seventh birthday anni
versary. Present were Lucille
Hall, Marjorie Herr, Louise Aud
rarolvn Kaufman. Rita and
Joyce Steffer, Frances, Carol and
rtoihort Kin. Benlah Licniy. jonn
Lichty, Jr., Ruth and Geraia ue
art Edris and Merle Van Cleave.
Miss Myrene Lichty wm go iu
McMinnville the last ot tne wees
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phil
hiT recently moved
there from Hood River.
Woman's Condition
Held Still Senous
WACONDA, Nov. 11 Although
slightly improved the condition or
Mrs. Tom Shively is still serious,
cv. .nffArpi a stroke Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Allyn Nusom
v. woav nA in Portland at
the home ot Mr. and Mrs.. Vera
B. Walker. -
lnVmr rrinn No. 640 "held its
regular meeting Saturday night.
a .lini Timrrim was riven after
which supper was served t the
mfTnn POINT. Nov. 11
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Krenz, Laurel
and Richard Krens, 'fr. ana Mrs.
Verny Scott and son Guy of
Union Hill, C. C. Jones and Jim
Darby enjoyed Balmon fishing at
the coast over the weekend. They
were guests of Ivan uiroj at
Kirk's place near Woods.
Dr. C. C. Dauer of Salem spoke
. rrnwrf at th Parent-
Teachers' association meeting at
the schoolhouse Friday nigni. tiw
subject was Child Health. The
time of meeting has been chang
ed to the last Friday 01 eacn
month, bringing the next meet
ing on November 27. New com
,im annotated were, program.
u..v.v r r - -
Mrs. Arthur Mulkey; lunch. Mrs.
C. C. Jones; visiting. Mrs. rnunp
Fischer, Mrs. J. u. uarDy. tu"
Kt. vn nd w. F. Krenz.
The Home Economics ciua 01
Union Hill grange will meet Wed
v,mAw iftornnon 'at the hall.
Earn one attending is requested
tn hrlnr chrysanthemums lor
PhUUp Fischer, county bridge
fAunin. and his crew are hav
ing an enforced vacation due to
the rainy weather.
Honor Roll Students
For Period Reported
iii. honor roll of i the Indepen
dence high school for the first
w wmiVi nttrlnd , includes . the
following students: Melvin Kelly,
Frances Goesllne. Kolchl Iaomye.
Lillian Vincent. Sylvia Swerin
gen, and Laurel Busby, seniors;
Elizabeth Baker, Georgia Jones,
Maxine Carey, . Olga Syverson,
Mildred Mattison, and Maurice
Hunnicutt, juniors; Mildred
Dallas, and Eileen Hunnicutt,
sophomores; Muriel Coopejr,
James magood, Doris Mattison,
Robert Farmer, Glen Hardman.
Zora Berry, Dolly Howe, and
Edna Grover, freshmen.
Membership on the honor roll
requires a grade standing ot 2
or over.
SIDNEY. Nov. 11 Thft Sid
ney school has organized a 4-H
club, with Mrs. Jake Glim our as
leader. Officers for csmp cook
ery division are president, Ed
win Zehner: vice president. Nor
man Hampton; secretary, Georgia
Members are Arthur Zehner.
Edwin Zehner. Norma Hampton.
Ida Belknap. Russell Watts. Lou
ise Gilmour, Anita Gilmour,
Georgia Gilmour.
The - Sewing division Includes
Georgia Gilmour, Norma Hamp
ton, Ida Belknap, Lois and Anna
Gilmour. Georgia Gilmour is pre
sident, Ida Belknap, viee presi
dent; ABlia unmoor, ecreii j.
Mr. .and Mrs. Howard Reeves
of Albany were Sunday evening
dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Reeves. Mr. Reeves Is freight
agent for the O. E. In Albany.
The B. and B. bridge crew on
the Oregon Electric is stationed
at Talbot doing repair work this
week. .