page two RISTIGE DAY ll Crowds Attend First Events . -end More Expected for " Those set Today . (Continutd from pas t) , hall game , between Willamette tmiversity and linfleld college of McMlanville on Sweetland field at J, o'clock will be the afternoon at traction ot the celebration. Legion tickets will be accepted for admla- The . evening's entertainment will tnelade . dancing ? on both, floors of Crystal Garden and the moving pictures at the . theatres. Clell Thomas, who operates- the Mellow Moon dance hall Is eo ' operating with the Legion br clos ing down the ban for the evening. His two orchestras will play for 'the Crystal Garden dances. , - All of the Salem theatre man- ' agers hare agreed to accept the Legion tickets for their shows. Theron Hoover, owner of a war . time moving picture of old Com pany If, - Third; Oregon, has ar- nnrutfnr til ttfotar ta he lliova at th Grand theatre. . . Many celebrants are expected to come to Salem for be night f estlvi ..ties, because the American Legion ' posts at Woodburn, Dallas, Silver ton. Stayton and Monmouth-Independence, will for the most part conclude their programs In the af ternoon. The Woodburn post is staging a benefit carnival to raise funds for relief work during the winter, - POLK HIT Will DALLAS, Nor. 10 A county- M mHnr will Iia IiaM In Tlal las Thursday evening when A. I Chafer, director of the American Red Cross will talk, to the various representatives on the annual roll Icall which takes place November 11 to 2S. Dallas which is nnder jurisdic tion ot the Willamette chapter Bundled Its own funds last year for relief work.. The annual re port Just made shows that some 17, families were provided with food during the year, this repre sented 10 persons, with some $200 spent. Clothing was secur ed from the Needlework guild and other sources. It-was found that In only few instances was It ne cessary to provide supplies more ithan one time. ne,. . v of the good b0Jn In flew from last fcfiar. Dr. A. B. Star- buck, local chairman, hopes to in- crease greauy me nm wis and la calling in a committee ok business men Thursday morning ! to make clans tor the roll call, j Those, being called are C. L. C ri der. J. R. AUgood, B. J. Page, N. L. Gut. Tracy Savery, W. C. Ret- er, W. L. 8oehren, Conrad 8taf tln. Jack Eakln. Earle Richard son. C B. Sundberg, Walter wu llams, C -W. Henklo, Walter 3. Mulr and R. R. Turner. FBEIISHIP RACE ; Six members of Capital post ' No. I, American Legion, have been, appointed team captains and six as lieutenants for the post membership drive which will run until March 1. Each captain will elect 18 members for bis team and the six groups will eompete for the first place award, free tickets to a boxing ot wrestling match- at the armory, offered by Ones ' Olson. The individual ob taining the- most aew member ship will be awarded a prlxe. The teams placing fifth and sixth will be required to furnish entertain ment for the post and the one placing fourth -v will put on a "feed". .".-r ;"''- Team captains are: Onas Olson, Dr. Ira O.." Pllcher, Joseph W. Mareroft,-, Virgil R. Klekethier, Russell Beckett and Paul Block. ; Lieutenants are: C. V. Richard son. Reed Rowland, O: E. Palm - ateer. O. P. Wegener. Dr. B. F. Pound and Joseph F: Rlngwald. v ' v The captains and - lieutenants (will meet next Monday wvenlng to! devetop tnriler plans for the cam - jalgn. Montana Youths Start in Canoe rn i I nr jasr.lOaSL nATPu.u is -i k d nmm , tritknm ;fT".Vi.:: r TS SOT C LEWI U SIT WlUlam TMitehko 21 " ! both of WM " V;!,1!1 -JSlSi A'!J!5lln that the Uquor did not belong townspeople greeted them as they reatedS theLr osrfloatlM n imL .nt .n through the uttie cement manu- tacturlng Tillage. after t- their aurt at the confluence of the Gallatin, Madison . and Jefferson "ra. m city in January. ; Jury Completed In Beckleh Case ROSEBURO. Ore- Nov. 10 (AP) With the exception of two alternates who are yet to eaosen. the Jury to try Cecil Beckley.f farmer, accused ot mur dering his wife and step-dan rh ter. was completed today. The Jury includes no women. -v The court adjourned over Wed nesday and examination of wit nesses will begin Thursday. - i .a mf 9: Pretty Sonja Henie (above), world's champion fancy skater, whose graceful pirouettes en the ice hare delighted thousands all over the 'world, is the latest artist to hear the call of hex art and re turn to the field from which she had formally retired. Sonja mad her reappearance at Berlin and is shown adjusting her skates just , before "going on." IMS mm EYED CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Not. 10 (AP) The first step in . the state's effort to convict Harry F. Powers ot slaying fire persons came today with his Indictment on charges of murder by a Harri son county grand Jury. His trial probably will be held this month or early in December This development in the sensa- tlonal Quiet Dell garage killings tLLi Jul S at th taneously with the finding of the body of Stamatos Sfikas, 40, shoe shining parlor proprietor ana friend of Powers, who disappear ed last June. The body with a bullet in the head and the skull fractured, was discovered on a hillside near Clarksburg and Cor oner L. C. Goff said he believed it s ease of murder. Powers said by police to have been frequently ?n the company of Sfikas previous to his disap- pearmnc0 wm be questioned later regaling his knowledge of the t09 shiner TIES RE IIS NEW YORK. Nov. 11 (Wed nesday ) ( AP ) F Its persons. wciuaing a motner ana ner oaoy, lost their, llvesearly today when ure oi unaecerminea origin swepi mrouga lour-eiory irame iene- ment on Throop avenue, Brook-1 rn. The fire started la two baby c-rriages parked ln the first floor 1 nauway, ana swept upwara so i rapidly that the building was en- tirely to flame, when fire appar- atus arrived. The dead: Mrs. Esther Chudow, 21. Lawrence Chudow, 13, her son. itataue cnuaow, tnree years old, her daughter. Mrs. Lena Webb, 2 S. Ethel Webb, her four months old daughter. SANTA MONICA. Cal.. Nov. 10 AP)i Charged with possession lot 10 pints of liquor, C, Van Ness Leavttt,? brother-in-law of Presl- J dent Hoover, was at liberty today I nnder bail of $250, Leavltt,, who Is S7 years old. j was arrested late yenterday as he attempted to leave a grocery store owned by a friend, C R. Dailey. 42. who also was accused and re leased nnder similar bond. The arrests were made by two. federal nrohlbitlon aeenta. Unh .i auwu ana m em waiuman, ua s local police officer. Thomas Carr. Hwho has gained faffie locally for I nI campaiga against violators of I tne liquor xaw. I signed sUtement obtained " a Intt a hande and saying: "Here, tlx this real quick; here comes Carr." Leavltt said he did v ,. ,.... 7,ih!J '.foatalned "" " a. n i . I rry'ff t n . f win oe opeeuea Up, Leaders Say nirrn rtrr tZ !J?-?..?7 tttm- be imately $120,000'o0 worth't dub udbiut tui Tirsnnm innnM. new cars In the next SA .t Ruction will vruvoca a eren zaswer pace. : w VmVwt mju, wu oe ai !l?J."!lnA ?Art;: I t w wn kiius v cji ina nasi two monlS. . , . POWERS n MM HOOVER KIN DIES 111 OWNERSHIP THREEHUfJDRED nmpirpr inn rn UniliLUL IvILLLU Other Clashes Occur Today At Tientsin; Shell Hits U. S. School (Con tinned from page 1) started ? at about I o'clock last night when gangs of between SO and St Chinese gunmen began shooting within the too meter limit around the Japanese conces sion. . Larger rroans appeared near Naakai university at 1:45 tbU j morning and began attacking the nolice. French troops were called out of the French concession. Firing, in which it was believed that artillery was being used, eon- tinned at three o'clock and the ar mored car roUed out of the Japan ese concession 20 minutes later to exchange shots . with the Chinese police. The American Methodist mis sion maintains at Tientsin a "mid dle grade" school, known in Chi nese as Cheng-mel Hsueh-kuan, to which is attached a primary course and a girl's schooL fill TOLD BY SPEAKER UaMiAfle-nf Tparinfi Hrime Discussed by Murray At Chamber Meet Nature never repeats herself In her inescapable trade-mark on the tips of the fingers of each Indi vidual. Of the many million finger prints taken, no two sets of fingers are alike, J. 8. Murray of the state nenitentlarv told an attentive au dience at the Salem chamber of commerce Monday noon. Murray discussed and Illustrat ed the taking of fingerprints, showed how they were classlfiea and explained the great value of fin lnU ,n detectlon of crime ... nn tttm ln wash !nton - D- C" 2.500'40? ner: lnt recordi and ln not to exceed two minutes, the bureau can ascer tain if a certain fingerprint, indi cated by the Inquirer by code num ber, is available. Murray also illustrated tne uer- tillion system of erlminai meas- j urement, saying it had been ante- j dated by the more rapid and exact system of fingerprinting, a device j which amateurs can employ. Mur ra Mid fingerprinting of docu ments had been used in anclenl civilizations. Murray delighted his listeners by telling anecdotes of penlten- lary experieucea um i over a 16-year penoo oi vo SPRINT K here. Most prisoners have nicr- Hoover the invitation of the cham namea. he said, and the bardanea I her to visit hi nii hnm. i. c. criminal prides himself upon bis next year when en route to Cali neenlisr branch or "trade." A I f orni- t ' - m. I released. . Tne speuer uuPiu I "a. AA .1 state irnen m mo - u a u.v vi mY..n - Bri.oner tmUhea his term. rjaless he is paroled or pardoned. v - tn.kMnr lie have a lob t -uhur fnatance. the nrlsoner U BlmplT turned loose on society with a snlt of clothes and tiro aol- iftr- - Bi- oockeL Readjustment 10 society by the former convict becomes very difficult. Murray 8aid. wlththe result that the ex- prisoner frequently resorts again to crime. . i FATHER-SON RAU.Y The annual Father and Son rally was held last night at the Jason Lee church. Seventy-five men and boys were present at the gathering. Two musical numbers made up the first part, of the program. The first of these was an accordion solo played by Robert Brown and the second a vocal duet by Keith ! Clark and Harold Stout.- Both numbers were Very well received. The big feature ot the program came aa a surprise when a -po liceman entered the room and im mediately seised and arrested one oi tne men present -on a charge ot neglecting his son. A mock . trial was put into effect with the whole group acting as jurors. Judge Emmons nresided aa Judge, Dwlght Lear, Willamette --"" isuoui, iuuk me oi tne attorner for proseeu Jon,jand Rev. H. B. Fouke of I Jeon.Lee church aeted as at- iorney tor the defense.' After arguments were heard from both sides, the group, as Jurors re turned a verdict of "not nfitv and the meeting broke up at this I point. Cimarron Tops rear's , Talkies Academy Votes LOS ANGELES. Nov. 10. AP) The motion picture "Cim arron," a western story ot tho Oklahoma" land rush da vs. vaa awarded three of the coveted hon ors ot the Academy ot Motloa Ple tnro Arts and Sciences for tho I i T '"aienis ia ine ' Wi mm a - l emy banquet tonlkhL - n . .r. . - : JllJlJl K"." V A". WM. M'uu8ro 5oa' d WarT 77t oalt I waa wAmntmA fnm mm vv i Lionel nimmnr. nJ w.h RwMr received awards tor the I nent . mtn -a -.-.- , ances, respeeUvely, , . safe-robber or burglar or lorger games. many times goes back to that McNary's wire says the presl phase of criminal work when ho Is dent "was greatly pleased at this MWS BIG CROWD JhcCaU Board ; Br OUTH it. DO AX ... e e : Warner Bros, Ehdaore ' .Today -Bebe Daniels and Warren William la "Honor ot the Family." -- Friday Buster Keafon la, "Sidewalks ot Wow Tort" ; Warmer Bros. Capitol ' v ' Today Evelyn. Brent la "The Mad Parade". Friday Conrad Kegel la Pagaa Lady". . ; -Grand.' '. Today Olsea and Johnson la "Fifty Million Frenchmen." Friday Charles Rugglesin "Charley'a Aunt". Hollywood . . Today Robert Montgom- ery ia "The Man In Posses- sioa". : - J ' Friday Back Jbnea ia "Desert Vengeance". e . ; e ' e Louise Faxenda has pro red the truth of David War field's remark that "it's only a hair that dirldes comedy from tragedy." In Paramouat's "The Mad Par ade," the transition from light comedy to stark tragedy is por trayed by Miss Faxenda, proting that artists who hare the quality of farce possess also the ability to depict tragic characterisations. Miss Faxenda is cast as an over fed Tolunteer from the mid-west She rises to dramatics heights when a hand grenade accidentally kills one of-the girls in her unit. Others la this photoplay direct ed by William Beaudlne are Eve- Mr Brent, Irene Rich, Lllyan Rldgeway, Juno Clyde and the Keating twins. Warner Bros. Capitol theatre will headline this amasing ac count of feminine experiences on the western fighting front today "The Honor of the Family " one of Balxac's drollest storlee comes in ultra-modern garb to the screen of Warner Bros. Elslnore theatre today. The picture, featur ing uene Daniels, Warren William and Alan Mowbray is a First Na tional release and was filmed on amDitious scale. "The Honor of tne Family" was Otis Skinner's most successful stsge vehicle. The piot involves the efforts of a dash- ing, romantic-young soldier to 8aTa his wealthy uncle from th. Intrigues of a charming young ae- iresa, wnn wnom later he him aelf falls in love. Hoover Invited To Visit Salem Upon Trip West Answ&rlnr m. m a. trm. ...ji br the sn .k- V. merce. Senator Charles L. McNary nss inrormed the secretary here that ho has sent on ta PrMn sa UtJ IUUIC attention and will rlv th wi snojecc or bis itinerary study if he w wV William Wesfs Estate is Filed Totals $12fi00 Property . ti aaa left by William West deceased according to letters of nrobat. 1.1 sued yesterday In nnnt here. The Bank of Woodburn will act as executor of the estate. C. J. Espy. W. H. Allenan and John Flkan are appraisers of the estate. Heirs left by Mr. West arc Lucy A. West. Woodburn; Harry West. Hubbard; George West, Frank West, Mary Ann Kahler, Morrison. uL; Minnie Belle West, Marion county. OS STARTS TODAY American Legion Tickets Good Today!, Close to the lines! Closer to danger!! Closest to LIFE!!! TOD" MAPs mmty -Mi- I SI V . . asta oi tfcJ TJb. is tbet 12 bet1 like do tare uet A.rlng rea ran- SPECIAL ARMISTICE PROGRAM With Louise JH! TO SEEK FOBElGfJ RULE Will Uake no Concessions Jo League of Nations " : ; Envoys arr Told i CContlniMd from paget) ;' ; eso difficulties which are author ttatirely viewed as altherto in sufficiently- ; explained, hr said, and expects to emphasise China's alleged Infringements ot so-called unequal treaties.: i , l ? "We made the mistake ot as suming that the world war aware of China's polity todlsregard the treaties, but we are finding this was incorrect." he said. "Japan wiU direct the council's attention to numerous treaty violations, which Toshlxawa is itemizing." The spokesman suggested that If aU the facts were explained, the league might conceive of the establishment of permanent Inter national control ia China, as it appears that "only foreigners would be able to give China hon est government." is T (Continued from pas 1 ing the provinces of western Can ada." , Attorney General U. 3. Webb ot California commended the daring" of the railroad heads who pushed the S14.5OO.O00 line. linking the two systems, to com pletion ln a period of business de pression. The program also included ad dresses by Dr. Norman F. Cole man, president of - Reed College, Portland, Ore.; Dr. Henry A. Burd, dean of 4he school of busi ness administration. University ot Washington, Seattle; Judge R. C. Oroesbeck ot Klamath Falls, Ore.; J. W. Williams ot Sa Francisco, chief engineer for the Western Pacific; Arthur Curtis Uames, New York, chairman ot the board of the Western Pacific; and Ralph Budd, St. Paul, president of the Great Northern. CContlniMd from oas t) out shutters at the Washington school with shades at a cost ot $72.85, giving the building com mittee power to act In the mat ter ot the tlletex stair covering at the high school which has proved unsatisfactory, and referring to supplies committee the request purchase ot 224K.24 worth of books for the high school library. Superintendent George Hug an nounced that the 1020 senior high school class had given $110 to the library for new books. A number of the gift books already have been received, orders for the re mainder have been seat la. CONTINUES TODAY Forty-three men were regist ered for emergency road and highway work and as many men were sent out on Jobs from the U. S. employment bureau at Court and Chemeketa streets. No change In shifts for the men now working is contemplated for this week, film Phillips, bur eau agent. Intimated, but such a change may be made next week to rive other men Jobs. The employment bureau of- O 0 s EyeljH Brent, Irent RIcb, Fazenda, LOyan Tashmin iw Si B BOARD CONFERS ON ROUTINE PROBLEMS 111 flee will be kept open today Of the 42 men registered yes terday. 21 were married. II were from Salem, 24 were from other parts of the county and four were from West Salem. The stream of applicants continued steady and men still were seek ing to get registered at closing time. - - .-'V - ' Receipt at the office of eight rata or overcoats' yesterday promised relief to the mea working oa the roads who do aot possess this aeeded article of clothing. The coats will -remala the property of the bureau and win be loaned to the mea -as they, are needed. ;'' ;f ; . - - A house and lot worth $200, 125 la cash and $30 worth of fur niture, subject to a mortgage, constitute the worldly goods Har old Hunt, g, will inherit from his father. Howard M. Hunt, 21, who October 18 shot the lad's mother and killed her and then ended bis life. The estate of Hunt was filed for probate yesterday In the county court, the lad's grandfather. Al bert Hunt being named adminis trator. The estimated rental value ot the real property is $00 a year. Howard Hunt had been sued for divorce by bis wife a tew weeks before the murder and su icide occurred. In his answer he claimed the wife had misused th little boy, teaching him Immoral habits. Hunt became extremely angry with the counsel tor Mrs. Hunt and expressed his wrath on several occasions before October 18 when the tragedy occurred. Dr. c. A. Bdrld( e e Heckolite Plates The non-breakable plate that is flesh colored and looks like natural gam The kind plate specialists ase ESTATE PROBATED III HUH CASE -Jm To meet the preseat day competltioa I ana making reflec tions that are worth investigating. My' deatal work Is guaranteed aad the most careful consideration Is glvea my patients at all time. "tilt A. Telephone 3858 American Legion Tickets Accepted Today Special Program FIGHTER LOVER RASCAL V" -? tin r i COHISIIOFTYJO TRUCKS KIlllS E PORTLAND. Ore.. Nor. 10J t tt r mm wa, iniured fa tally and two others were hurt less seriously when a truck ia which they were riding -overturned here tonight. ' :rs-?yF?.zr . if " tv rwir died frosa- internal Injuries sooa after he was receiv ed at a hospital. Jsliaana irom mick, 4$, was Injured internally and George Younger, at. suffered a brokea arm; All were city em ploys. ;; : l-H , Traffic Investigators said . E. Gallagher, driver of the truck, was toned off the road by anoth er -track. Gallasher and H. C Fos- ker,.also riding ta the track, were uninjured. ? The driver ot the second truck did not stop, i v -pi" " Governor Meier: To Return Here MondayisWord . Governor Meier has notified Miss Beatrice Walton, bis private secretary, that he will return to Salem early next Monday, to sit with the state educational board in hearing the appeal of David Lee Byers. principal of tbo Sutherlin schools, whoso certificate to teach la Oregon recently was revoked by C. A. Howard, state superintend ent of public instruction. Byers was aeeused ot being too friendly with a number of bis women Instructors. The charges against Byers were filed by Mrs Edith Ackert, Douglas county school superintendent. Four teachers gave testimony ONE VEEES - ONLY - As a special advertising feature I am offering anyone who comes into my office during the week of Nov. 9 to 14, Inc., 1931 Special redaction la all branches of dentistry including plates, fillings, par tial plates, fixed and removable bridg es, plate repairs aad extractions. A A roofless plate pennies yoa to taste year food; swallow easily aad feel seaeatlons of heat aad cold. 10 la exactly as I represent lba plate without a roar. j DENTIST llOyi No. Commercial St. 5- Starts Today 1 -l n J2 $jf v kit - - Women fall at the flash of hla eye as men at the flash of hla atealt il . wltk BEBE DANIELS against aim at the original hear- lng. . . " Governor Meier Is now at Gear . hart. f. ;- . ' I Horticulturists were nnable to dentlfy a tree ia Salem, Ore., that yields a fruit with characteristics of a grape and prune. ' Remove th3 Cause of Rheumatism Not Tin Then Wffl Yon Be Free to it's v ungating -. - -t Curse . r i.; . . Uric Add poisoa the cease ef rneamatic agony suns so leave year body ia 4 :' . ;v ' hears . : ; ? f " This Prescription Guaranteed Think of It how this old world does make progress now comes a prescription which is known to pharmacists as Allenru and within 4$ hours after .you start to take this swift acting formula all pain, agony and in flammation has departed. Truly a day for the whole fam ily to celebrate for Instead of being- a helpless, expensive aad an noying cripple the happy person is at work agaia. Allenru does Just what this no tice says U will do It Is posi tively guaranteed by Perry's Drug Store and leading druggists to do It yoa can get a generous bottle for $5 cents and if it doesn't bring tho Joyous results you ex pect your money whole heart edly returned. Take heart lively activity will come agaia after the wonderful benefit Allenru brines has made yoa cheerful and happy. Ana remember this, Allenru la ast as rigidly aaaranteed for neuritis, sciatica and lumbago. AQT. SHOULD SALEM WOMEN ENTER "POLITICS"? HOLLYWOOD! 25c Home of a-JC' Talkies A HOME OWXED THEATRE TODAY THURSDAY Oontinnoas Performance Today 9 to 11 P. M. Xe Radio er Davenport Tonight A Comedy. Drama all will enjoy Also Comedy, News and Cartoon SPECIAL THE HOLLYWOOD WILL GAME IN TOWN TODAY See and . Hear Howard C Jones, coach of the So. Cal ifornia "Trojans", on the forward pass . " Wedaesday Tharsday Oae ; Oraad Bowed " ef Uncoa trolable . Laaghter - a M W-mtm.' A HOME-OWNED THEATRE with 5aN Charlotte pOt Greenwood fi C Irene ParceU 1 1 OL Aubrey Smith ; Mil iiPLION. :ENG MEN '? . . I TfJA - r.r.r W M