The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    'IV mint.": : 7 "
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r- . r . .. . ' - - .
., .
Delightful;. Sequel- to Early
Plants; Attractive,
Easy to Grow
JErFKRSOX. Tores bulbous
plants vrhleh I think unrybe aud
vrith rood, effect daring thoselate
-winter month and early-spring
when other blooming- plants are
apt to be scarce; are tbe Amaryl
lis, Ismene calathlna (Peruvian
daffodil and-the-Gloxlnia.-They
form a. delightful, sequel to hya
cinth, narcissi, "cyclamens ana
; other winter bloomers, and- are
'easily purchased from any large
: seed firm. All three -hare qual
ities rendering them desirable
for winter culture. They are of
easy, .rapid growth, they with
stand adverse household -' con
ditions, and they hold a high
place .- among decorative plants.
They also mar. be said to be
rare, or semi-rare for household
window gardens, at least.
- It requires very little effort to
grow them, the main require
ment being to pot them correctly
at the start.
The Amaryllis will grow In any
good soil, but If possible mix one
part leaf mold to two parts good
loan I for them, - adding enough
sand, to Insure good drainage. If
the soil requires fertiliser, do not
add too much. The method of pot-
..tlna Is a, Terr important one the
size ok the pots should be suited
to the slxret that. bulb. For In
stance; bulbs of about J hi Inches
In dUmeter may be flowered in
four-inch pots.
When potting, fill the pots to
about M inch from the rims, cor
erlng the bulbs for about one-half
their depth, leaving the "necirand
shoulders" bare. If the bulbs are
planted too deep in the pets, they
will . derelop . foliage, and the
flowering as a rule wilf be delay
ed. Tbey should be crown in an
atmosphere that is comfortably
warm. and after flowering should
be watered freely to develop fol
iage. When all danger of frost is
past, they may he taken from the
pots and planted out in the gar
n den wtere they will ripen their
foliage. Pig them up before cold
weather, and store until they are
? wanted again.
The Ismene Calathina (Peruv
ian, daffodil) i Is grown in the
same manner as; the Amaryllis, ex
' ceptlng that gopd loam is all that
la needed, with a little sand mix
( - k)
' . ;
XTnoruestionably. coniferous ev-;
ergreens hare their rightful place
in the ordinary garden or yard,
but we see
them misued sa
-much .thst it
would ; e m
sometimes that
they had better
be left out of
the ' plantings.
Two of the
greatest mis
takes made In
'using them are
plant tng the
wrong varieties
and pi Anting
them In the
the wrong' locations. .
Purpose should be your decid
ing factor in selecting conifers.
There are now conifers for every
purpose. Far too frequently the
wrong ones are used Jn planting;
Fond .a I ant ot them I do, not
enjoy seeing a small boust all hot
crowded off the lot by white pine.
Scotch, pine, Norway pine. Doug
las fir, Canada hemlock, Colorado
blue spruce and others of the tan
growing varieties what "were
such lovely little trees when we
planted them." One has a habit of
growing fond of the things that
bare been with them constantly
for a time and it is difficult to
make up one's mind to remove a
tree that on "planted when Tom
was a year old" even If that tree
is crowding everything out. For
this reason real care should be
used fn selection. The .ultimate
size must be considered.
I have tried to make a list of
evergreens and their "grown-up"
size. A nurseryman ehecked the
list for me so that It would be s
nearly correct as possible.
The columnar type of conifer
which grows from eight to fifteen
green Junlperus Chinese Column
aris. Blue Column - Lawson Cy-
feet tall Include the - blue and
press, America, Pyramidal arbor-
vitae, Hill Silver Juniper. The
'Bush" conifers reaching from
three to six feetat maturity in
clude Pfitser Juniper, Japanese
Table Pine (Pinus .Tanyosha Glo-
bosa).. Dwarf Japanese Yew (Thu
ya Bouglassl A urea) and the Si
berian Arber.Yltae (Thuysv Siber
ica).,In the ereeplnr vergr
class those reaching frera 1 to
2 feet taU and. wUh a spread atJ
maturity of from eight to fifteen
feet in diameter, we have the
creeping juniper; ( Juniperas Hor
iiontslis), Waukegan Juniper, Jn
niperas - Sabine . Tamahissifolla
(which is a lovely thing In spite
of its name), Jd Parsont Com
pacts Abor. yitas: (Thuya Com;
pacta). t r, -u;- . :.; ri
I The latter group 1- good ' for
rockeries and : ground covering.
The other two groups are partic
ularly good for foundation plant-
log where their slxe fa suitable. :
' , A nurseryman listed the follow
ing for Individual speciman plant
ing on la wi. which can ears- for
individual specimens: tajr vane
ties Koster and the Colorado
Blue Spruces, Blue Colum cypress,
Norway Spruce (Picen Excelsa),
Red Cedar . (Junlperus ' ylrglnl
ana). and most of the pines, flrn
and Hemlocks. Some nice ones
not quite as tall as these are the
Hinekl cypress, Arrowhead spruce
and Irish Juniper, Swiss Stone
Pine (Plnus Cembra), Silver Ce
dar (Junlperus Glauca) the Pyr
amidal Red cedar. For low grow
ing specimens there are the Mug-
ho Pro, Koster Red cedar, Jap
anese Tew (Texas Cuspfdata Bre-
viioua) and any amount ot otn
All the Junipers seem to like
light soil so that it you hare some
poor soli a a sultabl place for a
Juniper you have a fortunate com
bination. Practically all the Jun
ipers stana pruning well and, in
fact most of them are benefitted
by it, growing denser and more
It Is well to study conifers well
before selecting them. Usuallr the
small, slow-growl a. g- varieties are
toe most expensive, but if your
space Is small It Is better to se
lect one of these or no conifer at
all. The best place to study the
conifer is In a large nursery. Ths
grower wn knows his varieties
can tell you whieh ones may be
uejwnaaa upon to stay small and
how to prune them to keep them
wuum oounas.
ed.ln. A little fertillaer may be MlSS Edith ScfirVVer tO be 1 vrnlcas.
. jSj tm . fret.. I I Triflw a In a t, -
stream ot water comes through
rocks, then' one goes on into the
mam pool, wnere you will find
Araleas, Daphnes, and ever
greens, with a Jaoanesa flowar.
ing cherry dropping' over the
Pool, making it verv attract lv
On the south Is a rosa tardao
with SO different varieties, and
' added If necessary. The fragrance
of a single plant will. till, a room,
'and a good bulb.wIU bloom In
- from four to six weeks. Bulbs that
. hate bloomed dtfring the summer
months can be dug before frost,
and after a few weeks" rest, may
be brought, to bloom again In the
The' Gloxinia Is valuable for IU
beautiful foliage and Its flowers.
The soil in which it should ba
. potted- should consist largely ot
leaf mold, with a portion of rich
loam, and enough sand for good
, drainage. The bulbs should be
planted In pots suitable for their
.lie, and should be only slightly
- covered wiin son. -
. When growth -is well started,
take off all but the strongest
shoot Otherwise, ths bulb will
spend its stungth In making fel
; lags. When watering the plants,, be
- careful to not wet the leaves.
Garden Club Speaker
On November 23
' Many a side-long glance is be
ing east at the tree which grows
by the garage of Dr. H. J. Cle
ment. It can be seen from the
lith street nlde of the Clement
j home and It is dotted with bright
'orange fruit resembling a bit
amall orange. .
: This tree is a Japanese persim
mon and the fruit is as good as it
looks., Tba tree Is both ornamen
tal as well as useful and is very
bardy. This particular tree has
been growing about is) years and
Is mow about 1 2 feet - high and
carries a bountiful crop of fruit.
There are one or two other
One of the very interesting
things In the Salem Garden club
series of meetings this " fall and
winter will be the illustrated
English garden lecture . which
will be given by Mias Edith
Schryvei1 Npvember , 23 at .the
Congregational church.
The pictures were taken by
Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss
Schryver when they were tour-
Ink Europe visiting gardens and
studying. Miss Schryver did the
coloring ot those pictures which
are tinted.
The lecture was given - before
one session of the state garden
dab convention members and
proved so popular and interesting
that Vtss Schryver, .has been
prevailed upon to i give It again
for Garden club members and the
public ot Salem that car to
corns. A slight admission charge
will be. made for this lecture and
the proceeds will be used by the
Garden club for needed expense
money. .
The Interesting travel evening
that these pictures furnish for an
audience is an appeal to all those
Interested In far-away places
even though they lit la apart
ment houses and hare no place
to put a garden.
They also have a lath house to
grow shrubs In. and th mm
frames for evergreens, in ft
real nursery. Three grades of Jun
iper, ia erect- utle globes, and
nreaaing xmas are mucb used
for borders. Back of the large
pwi is ine rea eiderherry, Budd
iea. uuuear. Burch nd nh
shrubs, many, with bright red
oerries. . .
a ins earaen la mr la i
fancy, but no doubt within i
few years, and Monto Criato will
be one of the attractive places In
ins county. :
Fifty men; Employed Upon
i Construction; ' two
Shifts Operate
Salem families to a large num
ber have found the new tuberca
letls hospisfl building solving a
number of problems for them be
cause this construction baa girea
the beads of families work where
betoro thereFwas, aons.-. ;
f .Anoui Mm'w.', regularly
etnployadl.wUb.a shift, front-l; 00
rf clock la the morning to It noon
and then from one o'clock to at
night. This is proving 4 Tory sat
isfactory manner to handle tbe
situation aceordjlnr to Dr. Grover
BelUngerr tttgerintsndent of the
hospital. It gives more men work
la this manner.' . s : .: - ? r
In addition, to tbe regular crews
there are a large number ot men
aoing .incidental things in con
nection with the building program.
The building Is being construct
ed of concrete and tile and will
be almost entirely fire . proof.
Wood is being- used only for
places like' doors where steel or
other tire proof material is not
Two floors are to bo built now
with tbe roof and walls and
foundation constructed as to al
low for the addition of a third
floor upon necessity. Floors are
to be ot asphalt tile, and the
sleeping porch floors will be concrete.
Anelectrical equipment will bo
so Installed in suck manner as
trill prevent It bein a fire men
ace. Steel conduits will hold the
light and radio wires.
L. H. Hoffman of Portland Is
the contractor in charge.
Downward Movement Halt
ed Suddenly; Gains Most
Rapid in Months
Rhofln Coo!ey,;PIottIna out
Landscape; .' Ins and
Lilacs Featured -
Cloak Illusions iti Garment of
And Don't Blame the Adaptors of Fiction to
The Screen; iThey Have Illusions I oo v
Building operations in th hht
daring the past week slumoed
markedly from the figures of tho
last week in October. Permit.
were Issued for is iobs to rost an
estimated $1451.80.
Nw construction accounted tnr
the. largest sum. $gz5, while re
pairs and alterations were close
behind with $530, and reroofing
Jobs tagged alonjr with $296.80.
rermiis were issued as follows:
G. M. Vorls, erect and renair
garage and dwelling at 2545 Lau
rel avenue, ssoo; V. t. xtn,.
roll, repair dwelling at S5 Ship
ping street, $100; E. L. Wleder.
alter dwelling at til Sorth lgth
crwt, $254; Mrs. H. M. Prince,
erect garage at 25fs North Fifth
street $50.
5. R. Kennedy, erect rarar t
$4$ South ISth. street. 175- n R
lover. '?SS
of th In-'Z:"'"- . . w.
H. D
.i.i. .1.. ! "'i"", "'tor aweuinr at
WJJf :rlu."VB South Cotta atreet. 17E-
----- - - - - - - - I vri9.w i ueua at ut ugmt vt I bii-.ii. T. . ...
ouch trees In town, to bo found In I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weddle . abont oblnette, alter dwelling at 1145
av . M m . m mm m - B . . -w . KnrTh o A . - m m m
x, r. ui an..c t. i one mile southwest of hare. I r. w.
while the flowers and ahrnbs are I ww aweiung at 1S95
still beautiful. Immense beds of
xinias, with Its red foliage, and
the berries of the shrubs thst
come la the early falL reflect
throsgh the entire garden.
The first to-attract your atten
tlda Is the placing of shrubs la
front of the house; the border
being : lealper. - . tinted almost
rose, which are useful tor rock
gardens, and also Veronicas. Pas
sing towards ths rear, la a eomer
Is a fern pool, where a . - tiny
Barnes. The trees are difficult to
secure from nurseries,, and from
those nurseries which carry them
only, a limited supply can bo had
by ono purchaser.'
BETHEL Mrs. A. L. Suad-
bor g has leased her. farm land to
J. :M and Cass A. Nichols.. To
handle tbe increased acreage, the
Nichols purchased a new team of
horse. A lsrgs part of the
land li already seeded.
isaginaw street, $80; C. L. Con
iev move garage at 1935 North
yroni street. $20; W. S. Strong.
roroox aweitmg at 93 North Win
ter street, $12.00.
SEATTLE. The new business
or i laeniicai mills re
porting to the West Coast Lnm
bermen'B association for the week
ending October 11 showed an In
crease of 21 per cent, or 15.900.
000 board feet, over the total for
the previous week, making the
largest percentage Increase from
one week to another during reeent
months and reversing suddenly
the general weekly movement
downward in orders. Each market
Classification the rail trade, do
mestlc cargo and export shared
in the gain. Production at these
224 mills decreased 8,100,000
feet during the week from the pre
vious period.
While the major gala In the
week's orders was in the Atlantic
coast market. Increases were reg
istered In rail delivery sales br
many of the mills serving the In
terlor ot the United States. Deal-
era' lumber stocks throughout tho
central west are known to bo ex
tremely low and generally badly
broken and some buying for fill
ing in purposes was anticipated by
tho Industry. It Is, however. Im
probable that the increase In or
ders last week mean .tho begin
ning or a delayed fan buying
movement by city and country
lumber yards. Mm prices have
been fairly firm during tho past
so days and lnereased slightly in
September tor the first time In 19
months. Production is decreasing
steadily and stocks are gradually
being lowered. Statistically, the
situation of tho manufacturer 1
steadily Improving.
A total of 344 mills reporting
to the West Coa-.t Lumbermen's
sssoclation for tbo week ending
October SI, operated at $$ per
cent of capacity, as compared to
31.9 per cent of capacity for the
preceding week, and 44.1 per cent
for tho same week last year. For
tbe first 43 weeks of 1931 these
mills havo operated at 39.4 per
oent of capacity as compared to
51.1 per cent for tho same period
in 1939. During tho. week ended
October 24. 192 ot these plants
were reported as down and 152 a
operating. Those operating re
ported production as 52.7 per cent
ot their group capacity.
8ILVERTON. Nor.-1 Silver.
ten Is to bam ono ot th finest
display gardens-in-the Taller If
tho present plans.' which are . al
ready -underway, ot Bholln Coo
ler, local Ulao and Iris fancier, are
earned out. ' ' . ; :
Mr. cooler 1 purchased '.' two
acres front tho- Brownr property
near the railroad' bridge In' tbo
Gelser addition and It Is here that
tbo gardens are being laid out.
The landscape pun ' have been
made by Miss Elizabeth Lord' and
Miss Edith Schryber ot : Salom.
The surveying for tbo grade lino
for the water course is being done
by the Smith-Hughes boys - from
the SHverton department.
Included in tho plans. are two
ponds, ono on a slightly higher
level tkaa-the other, both with
Japanese Iris growing at their
edge. An artificial stream, pump
ed from Silver Creek will supply
tbo water for tbo ponds, bring
water to tho- flower beds and
flow off again Into tho creek.
Mr. Cooler will continue in
building op bis already splendid
inic collection. Ho plans to have
about 200 varieties. Flowering
Plums -and cherries, of which so
tew varieties en be had on tho
coast at present, will bo one of bis
features. Mr. Cooley already has
a splendid collection of tuberous
rooted begonias, tho display of
which attracted so much attention
at tho state fair flower show.
Mr. Cooley. In speaking of tho
begonias aays that while these are
so very popular in England and
other European countries, tbey
are practically unknown to the
majority of American gardens,
Most of those grown hero bare
been grown in greenhouses and
conservatories or a pot plants for
tho house and porch. Mr. Cooley
has shown how rery well they do
In the open ground in tho Willam
ette valley. They bloom from In
ly until frost.- They are rather
demanding in that they desire
full shade and a loose soil, rich
la peet moss or leaf-mold. Tho
tubers are treated much as the
dahlias are. In that they are dug
when the heavy frosts set In and
stored In a cool, dry, frost-proof
place during tho winter. They
are set out again in April or May.
'Knack With Flowers is
i better
a i ' - ow " ,wr--.--.'"" "
Attribute Worth nav
. ZEN A. - Flowers . snd shrubs
are like children in . many re-
spect. They need the proper en
Ttronment, plenty of sunshine
and nourishment to make them
: flourish.. .-; i-.:.- Ar:, v, .
Ws hare often heard our
grandmothers say of their neigh
bor who is nausually successful
In j raising i flowers, "She has a
knack with Cowers and this Is
generally true: Some persons may
like flowers but never seem to
find tho right formula, for grow
ing them. Others are gifted with
sure Instinct telling them how
to proceed to ' make flowers
thrive. -. ' i.- f f : .? y , ?
In the latter class are a Zena
couple Mr. and, Mrs. W.
Crawford of Sunrise fruit: farm,
who have- a sightly homo sur
rounded by well kept lawns, dot
ted hero and there with beds of
flowers and a large lily pool ly
S m ... -
ing use a aparxung jewel in a
green setting. ,
Many rare and beautif al plaats
are fonad at the Crawford home.
among them being a semt-trool-
cat flower, tho Brugamanchla Ar
bor ! commonly . called angel
trumpet, which Is little known
nere. i nis specimen measures
four aad a halt feet in height.
has enormoua leaves widely
spaced, 71 buds averaging five
and a half Inches in length de
pend front two main stalks.
Tbo full blown flower la white
and trumpet shaped. " Although
this lately flower , thrives - out of
doors In- summer In Oregon It
must bo protected In the winter.
Ranunculus is
known in the
throughout tho entire country, but
i nose wno are rortnnat Anft
to lire in a suktropicsl climate aro
privileges 10 want tbem t thm.
winter gardens for late winter an?
winy spring bloom. " .
The Ranuculu is used mM.
lively as a cut Cower, beinr era.
duced la largo e nan titles bv .
door commercial growers la tho
milder climates. : Under proper
culture they will grow to a height
w jacnee, proondag don
uie ana semt-uouBie (lowers on
long stems. Bulbs ars availabU
after August 1 and ths tlmo ot
planting depends somewhat on
soil aad climatic .conditions. Tbo
sou should bo reasonably cool at
pianung time. -
Plant tho bulbs, claws down
ward, two to four Inches deep, de
pending apon tho texture of the
soli (deeper planting should bo In
lighter sons). Tbey thrive in a
well prepared soil, and If freshly
turned ana in a moist condition
QUnfABY. Jfowl 7 Mrs. Ao
boeca Jones Is seriously HI at tbo
home of her son, Bruce. Mrsv
Jones is past 10 years of ago and
little hope Js held tor her recov
There are many hardy varieties
of lilies available on the Pacific
coast. Indeed there are lilies for
most every climate, Including tho
Regale. Aura turn. Tigrinum. Al
bum and Giganteum. all of which
may be grown where the winters
are mild and tho summers hot.
To this list may be added Ren
ryi, Magnlficum. Melpomme. and
others, which grow luxuriantly In
tho higher altitudes with more se
vere winters, and there Is con
siderable rainfall.
The Madonna Lily (Ltllium
Candldum) usually opens the Illy
planting season. This lily should
bo planted only to depth of
three to four laches, while most
other Hllies like a deeper Plant
From December to spring la tho
planting season for lilies. The
most desirable location in tbo
garden where the sua will strike
the plant for a tew hours in the
morning: Is preferable to after
noon sun. However, more sun Is
better than too much shade. They
-need to bo somewhat In tho open
where they will have a free circu
latlon of air.
To Insure drainage, provide for
breathing, and ireatly reduce tho
hazards from fungus and bacter
ial disorders, sot your bulbs on n
layer of clean sharp sand and
practically Insulate them with
tho same material by throwing
In a couple ot handfnls over ths
bulbs before covering them with
the son.
The ono standby for all soils
and situations Is tho old-fashioned
Tiger Lily, which, because it
is common, has not been properly
appreciated. It seems now to be
coming into Its own .however, and
properly associated with sur
rounding plants, makes a striking
garden picture.
Large Firms to
Protest Values
On Assessments
: Bar D. H. TALMADGH -
THIS Is a tale ot Salem, al
though It might well bare
been one of any city where
cinema palaces abound. It Is a
story that shows well. It shows,
that Is aU. - :
I have- a friend who Is 111. He
Is the reader ot maar books; my
friend. 'JThank heaven." bo says,
"for the power to readl I should
perish else." - :
By nature, I am- philanthropic.
X do not work a great deal at
philanthropy, because my facil
ities for "sneb: work are United. I
have not" tbo cask. And philanth
ropy, In the common acceptance
bf the term, does not amount to
much without cash. Howeverr as
I say, my: natural inclinations
aro philanthropic. I do what X
can. -. v
Therefore, when nay friend, a
few days ago, dropped his States
man to tho floor at his bedside
and sighed deeply X hastened to
inquire tho reason. It was this: A
certain favorite story ot his, a
classic in Its way. was to bo
shown on tbo screen st a certain
Salem theatre. He should like to
see lt ho said. O gawd, bow. he
should like to see it. But it . was.
of course, impossible. Would I
view tho picture, and tell him
about it In detail, in minute de
tail f
Certainly. An easy and enjoy
able outlet for my spirit of
philanthropy. I was familiar with
the stbrri And I viewed tae-noc
ture thai Very afternoon.- If If
Kven o, it wasn't
A Doll Afternoon
It was not tho. story as writ
ten. It had not a brotherly re
semblance to It. It might hare
passed as a distant relative. Tho
characters were not those of the
book, otherwise than in name. I
so reported to my friend.
'Ton bring me great comfort.
he said. "I feared I was missing
something, but it appear I was
tho gainer by reason of my in
firmity. I love that book. I should
dislike to have destroyed tbe il
lusions it has created. I tear I
havo let yon In for a dull after
noon, my friend. I am sorry."
"A dull afternoon!" I cried.
"Far from it. Listen And I told
him the story.
I have a favorite seat In that
theatre, far to ono side of the
first floor. It -Is rather an exclu
sive neighborhood, largely be
cause It is not generally consid
ered a desirable one. perhaps.
And it la my way when the ush
erette meets mo in tho foyer to
hand her my check and tell -her
111 find a seat for myself, it sue
doesn't mind.
Ot course, she doesn t mind
or,- that is to say, she does mind.
She waves me on my way witn a
beautiful smile, and I plunge into
the dark aisle. The aisle is al
ways dark, because I detest
waiting and am always late. The
aisle Is sometimes very dark
when old eyes suddenly enter it
from under glaring lights.
Sound of Female In
Distress Terrible
On this particular occasion I
groped my way to my favorite
chair, as usual. I removed my top-
cot. I sat. But instantly as i aid
so I became aware that some
thing wss not as it should be.
The chair seemed to havo been
reupholstered heavily, and tho
upholstery wiggled. Further
more, it made a sound which in
tho darkness was alarming. A
human sound.
It was, in short, the sound of
a female in distress. I presume
there is In aU the vast sange of
human sounds none so terrible as
that made by a female In dis
tress. A moment of agony. I strug
gled to regain my feet. My soles
yearned tor tbo floor with a
great yearn. I muttered apolo
gies. Some Idiot on the screen said:
"O dawllng, must you got" -The
female open whom I was
sitting (I refer to her a a female,-
because .1 do. not rknow
whether she was a lady or a wo
man, not because I ; bare any
liking for tho term)" ssidl , Tea,
dawllng, lt ls time far yon to
go." v ovM Vv-V-:;4-
"YTM. mm I not trying to g6T
t snarled; l . . ; .- -
- A moment later .1 -was sitting
in the next row.- Tbo picture. went
on. A number of minutes elapsed.
Then I felt a breath on my neckJ
heard a whisper In my ear.
"Hope you're enjoying f tbo
show young man."
X did not torn my head, "X am
not." I said.
"Whytl . . ..
"Because," I said, 'you took
my favorite chair ; and , - spoiled
everything. And, anyway, . tbo
picture is terrible."
"I'm so sorry."
"Oh yeah?" said L "Where do
you get that young man stuff?
"Aren't you a young man?"
"I ahould say not. Eighty or
eighty-one my next birthday, I've
"Too bad."
"What's too bod?"
"That you've forgotten which.
Wonderful How Film
Conversation Helps Out
"What difference does It make
to you. I'd like to know?"
She did not reply, for at that
Juncture a voleo . cried, . .wildly
from the screen: I '"Tod I 'nave
ruined my lit!" f .
"There!" said L "eo what
you've gone and done! Ton ought
to be ashamed ot yourself.
"I didn't do it. I'm sorry.
"Sorry?" -
"Certainly. I came hero this
afternoon to see ono of my favor
ite books enacted, and the pic
ture 1 driving me mad."
"Havo you forgotten tho way
"Why don't you leavo? Ton
pronounced the picture terrible.
She was. It appear, on of tho
pest who answer questions by
asking Questions. I said nothing.
After an interval the " breath
again upon my neck.
"I know you, young man. Ton
are a lawyer."
"I am net. I am a butcher-
lust a olaln. honest butcher."
"A butcher!" She seemed
"Te. I butcher English, fright
fully at times."
"So that' ltt Yon aro the
young man who Is playing the
lead in this picture. Only ho
doesn't know bo It a butcher
poor boy."
A screech from the screen
Bloodcurdling. "It's a lie, I tell
you. a lie, a He!"
"Now you have started a row.
I said severely. "Why don't you
Character Aren't
As We Fancy Them
She did not speak at once. She
was. I thought, having some sort
of struggle with her emotions.
Sha was breathing heavily.
"Look, look!" she- sttddenir
burst f orthL "That charaetar! He -:
should bo short and plump In- .'
stead of long and: lean, and no v
never, never saouid taia tnrouga :,
his nose." - . ' ' .
'He Is tho only character I
have seen thus far who at an -
comports with my Idea of what -
he should bo, I r laid. lie list -talkina
throng: bis nose, either. - .
Great Booth!- dent yon recognise f-:
an accent when yon, nearttT"
And that: -girl O iul nai .
Light when she should bo dark.
bold -' as bras whoa . sue sncuiia
bo gentle and demuro-as "
"No, hot spinach. Violets."
"Rubbish! you're all wrong.
Tou'ro worse than tho picture.
The only criticism I ean-fltfer-na '
to that girl is that she Is not sat
flcently bold nor sufficiently llfht
In skin hair, ot cetera." ;
A silence. A sign.
"Pecks ps" meekly "The ner-
eon who directed this picture has
their own notions. Tbey- aro en
titled to wbatere- conception
they mar hare of the story and !
its eharacterixatioo. I think they
aro as lacking In the correct eon-
caption an yon. I . -: : - .
: ."As wo, madam."! -. f
-"No, as yon." Sheomphaslsed
tbo pronoun somewhat .unnecee-
Barfly, I thought. "iieao loon
before you sit next time. I don't
wlah to havo- yon on my lap
again." i
"Mind your own business,", I ;
Bald. It was not a nlc thing to .
say. but tbo tone of her voice was
irritating, and I had no time la
which to think np something bet- .
ter, for she was leaving.
She- is now, li is iixeiy, teams; .
her friends of a quite impossible
person whom she 'met nnexpect- .
edly in the darkness of a theatre
where A picture, also anlte im
possible, was toeing shown. And,
likewise, I am telling my mends.
We may preserve onr Illusions
only by seeing; hearing and say
ing nothing, which Is. of course,
out of tho question. Wo send our
illusions out to play with tho Il
lusions of others, but they do
not always play. More frequently
tbey quarrel, and sometimes tbey
annihilate ono another. There
seems to bo nothing for It but to
harden our hearts and let them
SILVER TON", Nor. T Radio
code beacons, ono of the latest im
provements ot the aeronautical
branch of the department of com
merce, will be extended to this
city. The city council ha auth
orled tho lease of a room at tho
airport for tho purpose.
The new facilities will be la
stalled at a doxen places la tho
Pacific Northwest in connection
with airway teletype stations.
They will servo as Identifying;
ground-markers for- airmen, to
giro them their location In heavy
A weather ticker tape may also
bo installed at tho local airport, It
has been Intimated.
at time of planting, the bulbs
should not require watering untU
tho sprouts appear above, the sur
face. It la not considered neeessary
to soak tho bulb before planting.
being mora desirable tor them to
absorb their moisture gradually. .
A sprlnkung of bonsmaal cor-
ered with a layer of sand makes a
very . good base for RAnueulas
bulb, and this should so about an
Inch beneath tho bulbs. Avoid deep
cultivation. In fact, it Is- well to
firm tho soil, especially at blooming-
time- - Also avoid excessive
moisture, during the growing sea
son, but as blooming; time ap
proaches, the plants require plenty
of water and partial shading will
prolong tho blooming season..
v One-year-old bulbs ot Ranuncu
lus prodsced from seed grow vig
orously and aro considered more
satisfactory than older bulbs. Tho
six makes- little difference.' In
fact commercial growers who aro
producing eut flowers of tho Ran
unculus plant tho smaller bulbs. .
Ranuncuir are Tery. beautiful
and deserving of a niche In your
garden.- -. -.jz.,..
Reoreaentatire of IS corpora
tions have- aopoarod noforo too
state tax commission during tho
past week to protest against their
valuations tor thvyear us, me
tax levy for ? 031 win be based on
these valuation.
Tho Southern Pacific and union
Paeme railroad companies havo
urred material reduction In tho
valuation of their taxable proper
ty, aggregatlnc more than $X5-
oeff aee
know when its
our moTsj -
when you - say it's
touts. We will see yon
safely in your new
quarters at mini
mum f trouble ' and
at the least consistent
expense. .
Public Invited
to visit
Olson's Green
When we will hold our
Annual Open House
1 mile north of Valley PacUnr Co., fa the
Pacific fflghway
See the Gorgeous '
( Chrysanthemuma at Their Best .
Moving - Storing -; Cratmg
Larmer Transfer
. Storage
We Also Handls Fuel Oil end Coal
-x-Uantifactarers cf
Scpport Oregon Product . , :
Specify "Salea Uade Paper for Tear
.z ' '. ' " " ' V - -f
Z .Office Ctatloaery ' ;