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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1931)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Snnday Morning. November 8,: 1931 PACS PIYC.- -t Local News Brief: Coker Seeks Mother C. Cokar of Atkinson. Km., Friday and ' yesterday was in 8alem aeekinc to learn th whereabouts of - his ; mother, Mra, C '. E. Bates, who lWed here when he last heard of . her a number of years ago. Frank Mlnto. chief of police, and Mrs. police matron. Darby to Stody Radio Mr. and - Mrs. Ira L. Darby, 1 1 5 S Chemeketa street, yesterday morn- ins lert salem with their son James - for where the boy will enter a radio school. iwo biub ; HUE GELEBRATED Mvra L. Shank. m.mtmtmijt All, ) .l Ik lUri-ll' HT1 swcfuiiyT On 'da7tlng7cro, wa. graduated from tho Phoenix. ker left his ; forwarding ; address J An., ni gn scnooL with "the matron Jncase. word I considerable experience should'- be : received :'byber- con- amateur radio operator. 'ii- 'Z. 1" Books to be'.Reouested -When on -HVrr" the school board meets at the high fAvma - A mranl - HAVfll Anil anTV I -. . Ties. 2 acres prunes, balance gar Tl"f?J SLt ' MONMOUTH, Not, 7--Tb 74th birthday anniversary, of Charles Port Arthnr. -Tex Vi.' was born in Plymouth township. James - attended Salem I Michigan. In 1857. and has resld- high school for several years but ! ed for 80 years in Monmouth.. , Re waa married to Miss Emily He has had as an Irian Jtrm TV11 Rntlar nf Bnll t I aaaa aa va i u aww KUn, ana two granasous. ., -Mr. Newman has followed farm lng, and since coming to Mon mouth has been a painter and pa- perhanger. He has a special in deaf and araln. Small bandings. 1 n,n- Superintends: .(Jeorge Hug terest In grafting and budding Excellent welL -i4 -miles --to : Sa-1 win request mat a number oijfrnit trees and rose bushes,. ana - SvSvSLli Wit "ft ? ?Kot chieTement along High street. celebration begins that' night. f-1023 Cher. Cnv'rf. coupe 13,71. 1925 Franklin Sedan. $425. i 1928 Franklin. Sedan, $396. 1922 Pack. Coupe, $50. r Herbert J. Astiind garage. Childrei Immunized ' Of the attending the torpid clinic at the Marion Business men to Dine Busi ness' men in tho T. M. C. A. gym nasium classes will bold a 4:15 o'clock dinner., there' , on ' Friday evening, hr charge of, the volley- i ball - team.?, Br.:-, R. Lee . Wood, chairman of the committee on physical wrk, will preside. Fol- ' lowing . the dinner, the Salem first and second volleyball teams 120 children will play similar Portland squads I vaccination ' and handball players from both county health center yesterday cities will compete In both dou- morning, 1 received their first .bles and singles matches." " " Imraunlcation treatments. This tlA , . ' , - cllnle Is held every Saturday Hewitt to Speak Roy Hewitt, m0rnlng frtim 8:80 to 10 o'clock, i dean of the law department of I Willamette university will be the Complains of Taxi Fares In a i Sunday night speaker at the Ford letter addressed to Mark -4Poulsea Memorial church of West Salem, as city recorder, Bert Salmonetfet 1 His subject will be, "Shall We of Portland! flays the Salem taxi Make the World Safe for Dem- companies tor charging what he :ocaey?, Dr. Hewitt recently re- claims are exhorbitant fares. It turned from a trip abroad and cost him $1,76 to go seven miles, will add to his study of world af- be says, and avers that "35 cents fairs the first-hand Information s oSn la these times that a personal contact Mth oth school library. The board will bold J this line is to own an apple tree the meeting despite. the fact the I with every possible sort of apple American Legion Armistice day I growing thereon. . ,. Mrs. William MeCrae was re minded Thursday, November 5. of the anniversary 'of her natal day. when a group of friends and neighbors took genlan possession of her home for the afternoon, bringing baskets of birthday re freshments. Sewing and visiting occupied the social hour. Enjoying the affair were Mrs. Aaaune cai- breath. Mrs. D. A. Hoag, Mrs. w. M. Meeker and Rath, Miss Mabel Rlddell. Mrs. G. W. Baun, Mrs. James Rlddell and the hostess. er countries and peoples gives. 21 blooming size tulip bulbs highway. W& Farm slem' Te? MF?'1" Sm"l" FouuMn inves Bulb Farm. Salem. Tel. 59F6. t,gaUnr -eported cases of prob- V. of O. Speakers Here Wal- anie smaupox in me woaa Boys in Schools Here Outnumber Girls by But 24 The ratio of boys to girls reg istered In Salem schools at the end of October was nearly an even one. with the boys outnumbering Greenhouses, f. mile orth, paemc .the girl by but 24. in. the 1Z VmV. m Till MFII hbuvu, ao irvjm ! were registered, a total of 4750 Open house today at Olson's During the same month In 1930. 464C pupils were registered. lace Campbell and Ralla Reedy, district yesterday arternoon. ur. 0Ter 19J0 and tne otner ,ix til.iila V TTnArlTw nt rtr I VDIllOD A. UOUKIftl, CUHUII 1 ..11 I.,.,, QmIa, Klvli UKAA gon. wHl conduct the Epworth officer, fouad the affUcted ehll- registration was 101 over October League meeting of the First M. E. I", ww ,UUWIUi "VUM ot iMt year, LesUe junior mgn church Sunday night, speaking on d,c- 28' under, and Parrlsh Junior high social Injustice and unemploy- motion h32 over. ment problems. Wallace Campbell been !s8ued i judge Hill's court art Ant tTi inmmw with 1 StMll I. . m r 1 01 in.. Wilson, prominent socialist. Last Hugn c. Alter for defendant CjOVemOr UrS.eS Tr th Attendance t I v .v- tt mnA P" v r w " 0 w v wB v inn iiMa 1 :iai w biu uri m. m aauu w m m tho League meetings was 25. but cauge why he should not be pun- COODerStlOn in I ST. NICK'S YOUNG ASSISTANT I o I 3 r-1 1 .1 t j r i -"-'i, ? No, not Christmas presents for aunts and ancles. It's Fred Blntch ford, with some articles front his yeang wood norelty hnsinens. Fred Blatchford Starts Career as Santa Glaus' Understudy in Workshop BwIdihg Patfol'X At High School; Goes in Eiieci .. Te stop high school students from Uttering up the grounds and nearby property . with rubbish, Principal Fred Wolf has appoint ed a squad of 14 boys to patrol around the building and clean up the waste paper 'being thrown away by the students. The squad will be changed every fortnight. Complaint of the condition was made by residents la the blocks adjoining the schoorsroperty The .patrol boys yesterday are said to have paddled students who threw litter about the ground. The- same scheme - was put suc cessfully into effect last year by the principal. Mention several weeks ago was made to Dr. H. H. dinger, chair man of the school board, and to Superintendent George Hug that students were creating the un sightly litter. Under the oocrxo. m: Utw ' jraTtwt LvrH TmT ELL, at - last Oregon- State broke Into the wis colamn la the Pacific Coast confer ence. While -Oregon . rested from its eastern conqnesta. the staters took Montana Into camp- Bat the big game is next Saturday at Eu gene. However, sine the rest of the paper has plenty ef football news, this colnmn will digress- ' Sometime ear " conrt considered invulnerable, bat re ports of their own actions belle the Impression. Was It not late yesterday when the Marion county court returned SO not erne bill. In fact its battiag av erage wa far below .500, sine It returned only IS trne bills, and these have yet to be proven. Jim's Scotch-jokes and Jim keeps right en telling torts. WcIL maybe mw sons ry 3 ' bread can be obtained without r caraway seedai -: Jnst. why tho , bread mast contain this seed taK'. beyond oar comprehension, bnt' press dlspatche Friday tnfonn-! ; ed that a fiery senator by the ; aamo of Caraway : had died, ; There seems . to ' be no farther '' ; reason to spoU perfectly good ' r rye bread now.""'' -jt'-" now it is over 80 duced prices at Shrock Indian eT " ordreia ished for contempt of court for al leged failure to pay support mon- Education Week Service, 347 N. High St. Try us. Order for Release Order for partial release of Judgment was granted Saturday by Judge Hill ......i( arltv llnntitatlnn of Bir iniro " ikftAnrori State bank, the partial T. M. C. A. at 7:50 ociock . mmm fn K. ,riinted M narnient I VI tw - - accora- Speakers ' Meet, M o n d a y Would-be 'public speakers will at tend the tomorrow night. Fifteen persons tomorrow nignj. rmeen persoo. b z Schwab of $400. have enrolled in the daw which , t0 w.?tdm- liopi 07 rruiessur . m. Dahlberg of Oregon State college. Room is yet available In the group for several1 more persons, according to C. A. Kells, T. gen eral secretary. Governor Meier, in a letter Is sued Saturday urged cithtens of Oregon to cooperate with the American Legion, United States office of education, and the Na tional Education association, In observing the eleventh annual ed ucation week, November 9 to 15. I'T .AmlHAiljl tlkfa hhsfirrf VI. tA 1 .... t , . . I A . " The public is coraiany ths people of our state," Cover Orchestra Directors Called Directors of the Calem Symphony Orchestra association have been to attend a tree Christian Science Monitor Exhibit In the Sunday school room I of First Church of Christ.. Scientist, November 11. from 2 to 7:45 p.m. nor Meier's letter read, "and hope they will welcome It as an oppor tunity for the protection of bet ter understanding and more ap preciative cooperation between the eommunityr.the home and the school system. Judge Walker Presides Judge Aril a. Walker or MCftunnvuie .11 :atA4 . mntln Ik. aa In A anirtmint 2 at the f. M. C. X at $ o'clock Tuesday j Marlon county courthouse In tn p OreClOSUrti OH ....u. v m At-m M. of Fred Thompson U1 twivoui t yii J lems of sponsoring the orchestra vs. Nora Thompson Monday at MortP2'ife 'Asked and of the concert which will be 19:30 a. m. & , held on Wednesday. 18, at the armory. . - . . . . . mm m .j mi mi mt m .j . . .- i . ... iuim.iuiiB mw u i i k t. I Because of the beginning of the I giTea for a note whose principal v Open house today at Olson's Armistice day ceieorauon 1 u- now totau $11,929 was begun Greenhouses, 1 mile north. Pacific day nignt. me regular 1 rata? in circuit court against hiahwav . Capital post No. 9. American L-. I Arbe S. Thielsen and Fred, D. laion. has been postponed. (Thielsen. Edwin Y Lansing is Edison Slides, Talk The ScM . . L- 0.k- I plaintiff in the action-. Tho loan f ence club of Willamette unlver- Remember V. F. was made June 30, 1925 In the ence cmid ui nnuiueut - - - - . I was mao sity will present an illustrated snow, nouywu. . ----- prindpi BUm 0f $17,429. Pay lectur on Edison at Science hall! . u.,. a marriage I menta at the rate of 9500 seml- on th campus Monday night. issued at the county 1 annually have been made in the Charles Campbell will be tbcierk's office Saturday to Fred total sum of $5500. The property ipoicr uu uistuoo 1 11c biiucb yie- 1 Hbert 25, 2155 Myrtle avenue, 1 10 m loreciosea is locsiev on 101s and Annie M. Hestman, -ai. I n me Aiaer iroon secwon Thompson avenue. sented. The public Is invited to at tend, Rather young to -play the role of good St. Nick, a Salem boy" nev ertheless has started in earnest on a business which reminds one . of those airy young dreams ot Santa Clans' workshop. The youth In question Is Fred Blatchford, graduate of Salem high school and freshman at Willamette last year. Here's what he's doing: mak ing all kinds, sixes and descrip tion of gayly painted wood nov elties. 60 heavily haa he gone Into it that his parents. Dr. and Mrs. B. Blatchford must wish occa sionally at least that ae'd leave them a little room in their bom. Fred only has the garage, the basement, part of the upstairs and the front porch devoted te cutting out, painting and display ing his handiwork. It'a no passing fancy with him. either. If some youngsters are born with a silver spoon In their mouths, Toung Blatchford must have clutched a hammer. Even before be started to school at all. he took great delight In nailing apple boxes together on his father a orchard and rancn near Portland. He put together between two and three thousand of these a season at the age when most other boys would be mor Inter ested -in smashing sister's dolls, or whatnot. Always fiddling about with the hammer, In Junior high school here he took manual training, and his work won him several prizes, Including some at the boys achievement - exposition held two years ago. As a Junior high student, he waa taming oat on his own lath lamps for a lo cal furniture store, and while In high school did picture framing rfor a local store. From this start, th inr 01 boards, lathes and paint has di vorced him, probably permanent ly. . from Jegal pursuits . wished for him. H studied law at Wll llamette last year, but doesn't see much future In this crowded tleld. . "Besides, Td rather keep en with this work and study inter ior decoration, probably In a California school," a sayi. Fred has fitted np the base ment for a workshop, and haa his electrle turning lathe and power saw there; in the garage he employs his electrle spray, and upstairs picture framing, hand String Quartet Latest Musical Group at W. Uf A men's strinred Quarter mad its initial bow at Willamette uni versity Friday at the student eon- touches with the paint brush and I Teation. offering three numbers similar work 1. dona I which delighted the students. And from the three places irojessor Marshall took pride come forth funny and attractive !n. presenting the new gToup little woodMi animals which real, wnich la the third new musical en- ly are nothing more or less than ""mDlft organised at Willamette footstools, book racks, match thls rear. The university band, bxes, hat racks, coat hangers, which is doing excellent work now door stops and similar nsef ul recently organised and the onl things. verslty choir of 80 men's and put.,., rn. mBn. ft .nm women i voice is a third new 111., W mm trmmtm f.Am an nlii I .hvi f-. .M.h k n.i-t I The quartet Is composed of 7, J";,:. Chris Seely who plays first violin. work ..a th.r. h. dMirn. him- A1 King second violin, Verne Wil- Two political war horses picked the capltol press room yesterday in which to recount adventures during the state legislature; From their accounts there perhaps will never be any daya like the -good old ones" when they were serving the public. And from the sound of things, this fact should be much regretted. Albert Hanter, a democrat from Union eonnty, and James. Stewart, who represented three eastern Oregon counties, includ ing Wheeler, as a republican, met at tho pre room, and that is whep some real reminiscence was began. It seems they sat across the aisle from each oth er, and though of different par ties, often agreed. It was thought ail the time that f nudist elans were found only la' ;! India near Ghandl. or among th' Donkhobora In Canada, bat Callr Cl . Lfornla. not to be outdone, alas .1 eialms such an organisation ot- ' I naked persona. But, say the demo- i (' crats. If present conditions get worse, these groups will havo s lot of company. Goodman Family In Reunion at Coast aelf. At present he -is trying to se cure alder and maple wood for his novelties. Instead of fir as he haa been using. He haa worked up quite a market, and has stores in Dallas. Monmouth, Forest Grove, Portland and Salen handling bis work. son viola and Chester McCain who plays the eello. The program presented Includ ed "Larghetto by Handel. "The Mill" by Raff and "Mystic Hour" by 8 In galls. Pickens-Haynes Store is Facing Dividend is Paid By Weston Bank A. A. Schramm, state superin tendent of banks,' Saturday an- - a a J . AM 4m am j-. f m 1 nouncea a ainoena 01 zv per cent Kecetvers oale of n eiim iTpwng the warmers nana 01 wesion, umaui la county. This last payment brings th total paid since No vember 10, 1930, to 00 per cent. Total clalma of $70,630.33 was filed against the bank. Satur day's payment aggregated $14.-138. The Pickens and Haynes gro cery store at 450 Court street, which Wednesday closed Its doors, now is in the hands of receivers. the Adjustment Bureau of Port land. W. C. Pickens, co-proprie tor, last night said. It Is expect ed the bureau will attempt to sell the business. Inventory already haa been completed. W. C. Pickens said that he and K. H. Pickens, proprietors along with C K. Haynes, as yet are an decided as to what-they will do. Mr. Haynea yesterday waa work lag at the Steusloff market, 899 Court atreet. Water Carnival Successful vi.lta noardman R. R. Th border and balcony of ne I noardman, Y. M. CaA. physical Y. M, C. A. swimming pool laat v-sterday was visited by night, were crowded with persons ng COU8n, Mrs. Albert Gill, who present to see the aquatic erenta wltj1 ner hnsband was enrouto to on the water carnival program of tbefr home at Hollywood, Calif, the senior and Junior Red Cross m i llfesaylng corps. Employment man Here E. J. Stack of Portland. Oregon rep- Russ Smith, Center and Church, regentatlve for the United States for tire bargalna. empi0yment -service yesterday iltertalns' SlsterMls's Helen ltKLl; : MacHlron of the Willamette nnl- TlaR with friends on the staff. versity school of music. Is visited 0nly a few days more left to now by her sister Mrs. W. A. b y tulip bulbs at the W. C. jviu.sij. iuii an. , juvaoiji b i JTra.nkUn tUllp Tarm. All remain first yislt to Oregon. Her borne li ,-. in . Nebraska and ahe : visited In s California before coming, here. . -i . , .. - Dry Wood - coal. Get our prices. Tell 5000, Salem Fuel Co. after Two'Licensesto Wed Are Issued Two marriage licenses were is sued in the county clerk's office Friday. Eddie Young, 21. gilverton store clerk, obtained permission to wed.Laverna Holm, 20, Wood burn housekeeper. -. . John Stevens Albus, 29, Aums rille farmer," obtained permission to marry Agnea K. Kufner, 29, Salem domestic. They set their wedding day as November 10. Rev. J.' R. Buck Is to officiate. Ob ltuary Atin1lnllAai Usuln 1 n a nnlitt. tion waa . made In the circuit defendant court to place the case in' motion book j for the case of state vs. LI O.lHerrold. ; O 1 -O lng bulbs will be planted Kovember 9. Summons Issuetl Summons Dental Exam to were issued from cncun zr ' D Kt,U- 1 C Saturday on the, course ot F. O. NOVemDer lO Johnson. vs. F. A- Legg for tne The semi-annual examinations l tt V& ilinlal SaI Wo mmWH 11 It 1 tmmw s . r v.HV. WU W... mT9 ueunii L.tJ .1 Jm m M -1 .: ikiu 111 ryi Liu-iiw lor itvm uiji, uc- Hemlrlcson Routa 2 of thla city Nov. 4. Mra. Marvin Hendrlcson, age 70 Friends are Invited to the funeral services which will be held Mon Aav. Nov. 9 at 2 0. m. frm the Terwilliaer funeral honM 770 Chemeketa street. Interment will be In the Cltyview cemetery. Davis. On Nov. 0. William A. Davis. age 74. ot Coburg, Ore. Beloved uncle of Mrs. Rose Sherwood ot Jefferson. Ore. Funeral services will hfuheld Monday, Nov. 9, at 2 n. uf?from the chapel ot the Sa lem Mortuary 546 North Capttol street. Interment in City View cemetery- Services wiU be con dueted by Rct. Downs of Jeffer son. .1; Births Twrmalt J udsmeiu x - atll A" . ( altanllF luagmeni was - --y- ginning Nov. I according to Dr court &iuraay Estill Brunk of Salem. aertarv. .i No local applicant, wih com. be- fore the 4oafd. sion'prid jETmer C. Stewart. . . ' M A.Ja m A-tcU . sw- ' -t tr t a I ' nrflip; lirsylll-jrttr ; w -r tiiairK au- a is ssi. hiiii iurm. an..- a.- 1 - v m - . - Clark; an elght-pound son. James arinrS ? lilchar horn -not; -l-st the Jackoart in-tbecase of In SpIngS -nri maternity home.- - ' r---' Loa association-vs.- M. l. ux- .. -Cnllaher To Mr. and. Mrs. 'M; ier. " Y J - v ) TrrGallaher 1010 Leslie,' H jienVGrated--Judgment I ; lb. boy. Bom to-day at the :Bun- been granted la clr- galow; Maternity Home, tlnU COnrt In the case of Industrlaf accident commission againsia.i mer C-Stewart. ' f.v. Decree Granted Decree - of foreclosure baa been granted m Circuit court ia. the case,of ,H- P Jenson vs-.HW. McNeaU Demurrer FUed--A demurrer waa filed in circuit court Satur am on the case of A. C. Snyder ' . . 1 Where to DiileTodayi t SILVEJtTON, Nov. 7. Home rooms 7 and 8 of th Junior high sen ool are ; being - combined - to make onoaarge study haU.: rAs a t re?slt Home .Room- la - ''boiag moved to. the, Eugene Field build ing' while; Horn Room 7 Is be ing moved upstairs in th Junior high. ' The partition between the two rooms Is being taken jdown to make possible .the, large study hall. The changes were made Thursday.'- w - .'.".""!' 189 Mrs. Schneider's Tiny Cafe NOrth Hlch St. - J Chicken Dinner, 5c Roast leg I Hanna O. Hoskins . J1.A. - r A - OmhmtmmmmJi I . from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. we oak oar own pastry. Argo Hotel Dialng Room - ' .1 Special : ' roast chicken - dinner ! with fresh v huckleberry, or ;' i mince pie, uoon and aight. 60e. : nm Rnm- ' ' -'jSr i ;Torkey aad- chlckea; iinner jsllj day; lie ana ; .-... : flnir TteHe. 440 Stat- . Famous dinner 50-75c-$i.OO, Rose Cai; 222H N ComTi St ''i Roast turkey or friend ehickeh I dinner with r dresslaa. 1 l to - rp.m., 50c- Dancing every night ' Filed A supplemental answer was filed In circuit court Of the tase of Asmns Hesse vs Roy "J. Hoffman i - - (- TO PORTLAND i,-- i LIBERTY ,? Nor. 7 . Mtv and Mrs. W. Olden spentThursday In Portlands , :- ' , IMPORTANT NOTICE - 5 The; Maytag- Shop, '1S f.; Commercial St Salem, Ore- gon.Xef: 990, I the only authorised Maytag dealer In r . Marion and -Polk Conntic. ; Please phone ns for further InTarmatloaw j J PILES CURED : Witam epentlaa r toaa af tta. .DR. 'MARSHALL: " S2S Orfo.Bldt. Pkone 550S Game Board to Return Surplus At End of Year Th stat game commission will hav a anrplns of $81,293 at th nd ot th current blennlnm, despite that It had an overdraft of. 132.000 at th beginning or th two .years period,, according t a letter received Saturday by Hnrr Hansen, atate budget direc tor, from H. L. Kelly, supervl- sor of tho commission. During th last biennlum the commission ex pended $881,987. whll It ex penditures for this biennlum will net exceed $789, REMODELING IN PROGRESS STAYTON. Not. 7 Work of remodeling the I. O. O. F.-Masonlc buildlnr la going along nicely. Fery Bros, hare finished hauling gravel and sand for th floor. work on which waa begun Friday, O. L. Hagen and his helper. Cland Crandall, are putting in the win dow and door frames. The bund ing haa been leased te O. M. Ba ker, local art dealer. Hunter la now a member of the state accident commission. In ad dition to being father-in-law to Scooty" Dntton. of Portland, ma jor In the national guard, who la gaining a wide reputation In run ning Thomas E. Riles a close sec ond aa the handsomest man In uniform. Stewart well, every body knows Jim Stewart of the state land board. MONMOUTH, Nov. 7-Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman hav return-. ed from a two- weeks' outing at Rockaway. Whll at th beach they participated in a'reaaien ot members of Mrs. Goodman's fam ily, all of whom had not previous ly been together at one time fei nine years. Those present were l Dr. and Mrs. B. C Daniel of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. William Sied ell and daughter Betty of Bull Run. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wleb and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Daniel and aon f Wheeler, Mrs. William Kodad and three children of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Domanehefsky of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Good man. It took a long time to learn Just why Stewart left tho news paper business to enter politics, but the secret Is ont at last. Jim give two major reasons, one that six men committed sui cide before he finally quit, and tho second that after winning the world war Jim could see no reason for conducting his paper any longer at Foesll, Ore. But here Jim qualifies the real reason. He admitted that six men committed suicide, but he said he had to work on them for 28 years before the results were effected. Well. If they hadn't ended their own lives, they perhapa would hav been grinning yet at some ot PIELS RETURN SOCTHi RICKREALL. Nov. 7. Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Plel ot Oakland. Cal . returned to their home last week sfter spending several days with his brother, George Piel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piel are former Oregon resident. He was a Corvallis merchant, for a number of yesrs. HAVE YOUR TTJ PRESCRIPTIONS IHjV FILLED AT QUESENBERRY'S CENTRAL PHARMACY 415 State Tel. 12s Ask Your Doctor LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Salem, Oregon Established 1 868 Commercial and Savings Department t i Dresses Tkat arc mart u4 in LOWEST PRICES $4.75 $6.75 $8.75 $10.75 $12.75 . The Little . French Shop Just west of the Court Bouse Kear the Market A. . inn T787 NEW EQUIPMENT BRUSH CREEK. Nov. 7 A. new desk of real sis and a new teacher's" chair have arrived at th Brush Creek school and have been nut Into place. New eurtalns bar also been put up. Th Brash Creek Boosters will hold their mooting on November 20. In defense of the fcrv DR. B. H. WHITE Night and Day Calls External Cancer Removed with medicine. Office, SS5 N. Capitol St. Phone 50S9 - Salens, Ore. BUD GET Jone At the residence, route 8. box 114 Salem, Nov. 7. Mrs. Rebecca B. Jones. 81. Survived by daugh ters. Mrs. Lizzie J. Massey of Sa lem and Mrs. Lillian F. Habbs ot Silverton; sons, - Bruce A. and Reece H. of Salem. William R. ot Alrlle. J. Ben of Brogan and Mark G. of Dallas. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 1:80 p. mv from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and son. Interment la "Pi oneer eemetery. j - CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1893 TeL 9651 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for ' Prices Reasonable 1 . -When yon think of! . LIFE INSURANCE: V ..; Think of ' l Charlie MeElhinnyt THE . WIDOWS FRIEND ; f-vica, "TM1 "K 1 $i '-First Nat. Dank BHg. . A Park Cemetery With Peirettial Care Just ten inlante from tho 't,otj,own.l, .... Dr.' Chan Lam ; -Chines Mftdlcln . IJt N. Commercial - '-Sti, Salea .. rh Of rtcohonra V Tuesday and Satur day 3 t". T-. M.- Safe Remedies for Winter Better get a supply: of Schaef ers' Cold Remeclies for: winter colds and coughs. - Schaefer's ' - DRUG STORE" Tho original yellow 'front can- t dy special store of Salens r ; Penslar . Agency i ' 1S5 N. OotnI Dial Slff7 . he faces managemeni's demand for PROOF of full value per dollar Hospital Beds to Call Sdio; Used Fjaraftura ' ,lpartinent: ' iSl" North- 'High Y ,' Somewhere, in an executire office, a director of advertising" rises in his chair. The budget: j ; -budget is Questioned Zrt yigoronily Tie moves in; deYcnsc of media, of space re quimeat,orinscTtMmtimwf. And yet. behind bis dcense, how certain Is be of the under lying truths rabout the raw material his budget buysf . 'About circulation volume, drcnlation values, the facta of -circulation Jistributibnf PositiTeiy aeenrately k knows these' things if his budget coig'aTtising spacecalU only ior publications of audited circulation. - -. i , " ' -He knows and bustaess accepts- ih indisputable character of arcul tion i "A A. B. C auditors and the Bureau in; turn transmits the facts to you, : Make, sure that, your budget, this thrwigH Bureau mcmberJup, to dWtct the more than 0 trained traTeEhg ; auditors who cover almost every . ' . imDortantoubncaoonui Ajncnca. r . year above au years, rests upon awoc-. . ... . JaV-iyalues,upona-Wcuxutat jrfc distinguished eoupof adiresv' - iwrom. Audit Bureau of Successor faihiny a CltruUt5ons.Thlc7ccuxuIa., T"' " f-r fP"v. 4 , tiot, practk is given freely and , nn? j UtioM iayittt yonjoin., Wntt,? : frahkly - by A. B. C pubBcatiora. - Take a share, now, in th btidgcV- today, kr the full, interesting facts i They open up' ererything ;to tihe guarding work of the A. B. C IWp,' : about llureauraembershp.-; C"; .WHi'mnl l th tmmm fm m. ,- -.-. A U'D I T D-V D BA V O F ; Executive 0?" r C I S C U L A T i o n SJ , V m