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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1931)
- v : PAGE TWO Hit OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. - Oregon, Snnday Morning. November 8, ISM BIS SS Prize Winners Listed; Albert Whiteaker Takes Fid--J;v 'titer's Contest XNbEPKNDJENCE;- Nor. T The annual corn show and flower exhibit Of Independence drew ' a , large crowd to the armory Friday night. The exhibits v were neatly arranged. and made an excep tionally good showlag;.' Prof. P. M. Brandt of the Oregon state eollege, tho speaker of the eve nlag. discussed tha use of corn In dairying. He maintained that corn and alfatfa form the best basis, for developing the dairy interest la. the Willamette ralley. A feature' of-tfce program .was : the .old-time fiddlers' contest which Albert Whiteaker. 3 -year-old, Monmouth resident,. won first prise; Wilt Bressler of Monmouth 74. years of age, second; and W. M. O.TCelly of Independence, SO ' ' years, third, prize. . -Miaa Marjorle Wunder enter tained with a burlesque of old 's time music on the viella la which ' she represented an old man 90 'years of age A door prise went to Mr. Ob- - erson. . J. H. Hart, president of the Independence chamber, of - cora- merce, made nil the announce meats and: w&a chairman for the evening. , The oxhibks were Judged Fri- - day V . the " following Judges: Mtss . k right, ; supervisor "of home economics In -the Salem high school, culinary department; - Prof. Bressman, farm crops de ; partneat of the Oregon state col lege, corn and vegetables, and - .Edith Hazzard, flowers. ' The following, prizes were awarded:! corn "sweepstakes for ,. the best single ear of corn. Thorn fas Paine; senior department j yellow dent. SO ears. J. D. Story, (first; M. W. McGown, second and i Thomas Paine, third. For 25 ears: ...J. D. Story, first; Thomas Paine. ; second, and M. W. McOowen, third; 10 ears: J. D. Story, first; ' Thomas Paine, second and Paul tBurch. third. White dent 10 ears: J. D. Story, first;' S. M. ! Ray, secoud; and - John Pugh, J third. Bet single ear yellow dent: Thomas Paine. Sweet corn: ' 10 ears: J. S. Hartman. titst; J. D. Story, second, and W. Huntley, ; third. White 10 ears: Mrs. L. A. I Parker, first; C. HaHer. second, nd Addie Harmon, third. Pop corn 10 ears: Roy Bigelow. first: John Pug, second, and Per ; Ty Wells, third. Ensilage corn ' 15 stocks: J. D. Story, first; M. ; :W. McOowen. second; and Thorn-. as Paine, -third. Ten ears of dent i corn open to all under 19 years: Glen Burch, first, Jake Jones, i j second; and. Herbert Rex. third. ; Junior -department 10 wars dentj jeorn: Charles Paine, first and 1 ; Herbert Rex. second. Potatoes, '-late, half bushel: Alva Craven, i' first; Herbert Rex, second; late, - naif bushel, Alva Craren, first; !-Norman McCullen, second, and . Rodney Peterson, third. Vege ; tables-Mable squash: S. M. Ray. first; Bob Hanna. second and J. :.P. Sears, third. Table pumpkin, Mrs. R. T. Deter, first; S. M. .Ray. secoad. and Vera Alsip, r third. Best collection of table vegetables Vera Alsip, first; : Mrs. William Qu artier, second, I and T. J. Alain,- third. Culinary department corn bread, Mrs. I E. McCaleb. first. Mrs. J.. D. .Scott, second: Mrs. N. C. Ander son, third. Boston - brown bread Mrs. J. T. Crowley, first: Mrs. L. V. Seeley, second, and Mrs. A. U. Horton. third. - Corn . meal 4eokles Mrs. N. C. Anderson, first; -Emma i Anderson, second; lira. J. P. Sears, third. One pint canned eorn Mrs. J. T. Crowler, first; Vrs.- Ullie fisher, second; Mrs. N. C Anderson, third; one pint homfny Miss Helen New ten, first: . Sadie Zum watt, sec- . rad; Mrs. Jehn Walker, third. One pound dried eorn Mrs. D: r. Chandler, first: Mrs. C. A. Toss, second; and-Addle Harmon. - tmfd.- Home economics depart ment ' -e high.' school- c o r n bread: Ver la Beckea, first; Pearl If ode, second; Xorehe 'MHlhense, thtrd. -Canning Elisabeth Baker. first: Lewis- Haley, second; and Fiiyllie Baxter, third. Garten club -, ctwraeathemams -aeuvpom: , Mrs.: H. . -Smith. TJrst; Mrs. J. R. Simeenton. second, and Mrs. K. 'L. Williams, third; garden- ra- ' rlety Mrs. H. E. Smith, flrstt . MrsJ. tt. Slmeoaien. second; ' ' ard Una. C d. Irrlne. third. Tnr ear or .other TaHetles Mm. Hnsh Rogers, first;-Mrs, B. H, Uosby second; Mrs. Ben 8avagej third. Beat bowl ehrysantbemnms for table- tue Mrs. M. C. Wil lisana; first: Mrs. E. H. Busby; aecondt Mrs, O. Scott, third nest artistically arranged vase. firs. Thomas Brank. first: 'Mrs A.: E. Busby, second : Mrs. J. O Pctt. third.' Mort arttsttcallr ar rrsred basket Mrs. A. L. Thorn As. -firat: Mrs. Hugh Rogers, sec- . sWU Mra.-William." Qnartler, thtrd. " Best 19 blossoms - nixed varieties In one . eontstaer Mrs. . a Bctrfirst: Mr, C. A. Voss, second. ,. Best tingle- blossom fin. C. A.- Voss. .first; Mrs. J. O. Pcott. second p Mrs. J,.40. Scott. , tWrd. ! Botes 8-inch stem: Mrs. M- W. Mix. first;. Mns. M. W, "Iix. second; ' Mrs; Hugh Rogers. . turd. : Mixed bouquet, any kind Tie were airs. VL IE Basbr. first: Mr. . B-. Walker, second; Mrs. Jim arage, third. Ers on' dozen whltA-. lfr. G. JJennett, first: Addle Har. moa. seond; Mrs. J. O. 8eott, ; . , .third, v One doten brown- Mrs. Tessie Corhltt. first:. Mrs. C. , LawTeoce. second; ' Mrs.-' N: O BMtt: third. Alfalfa, bur C : MtHer. ffraU Ted Miller, aecondi . SnUesch Xarm." third. Honey 3Igh Haaaa. first; Jehn Dicken- en. secoad i Perry WeTTs, third. inraeiea ioney rerry wens, firrt and Joe Rogers. Jr.: second. t- The rogram Saturdar was an der tha scperrisloa of tha Smith- :Hghet department of tha- loca :Wrh School. " : - - Members of the general com , :Xaittea of the corn ; show were Marl . Ehbe. chairman.; Howard Bennett, secretary: C. O. Sloper, treasurer: C. O. Sloper and A, H. , IHion. finance; R. W. Craven, adrerttsfnjr. and A. H. Dlion and i R, Wi Crareiu decoratlnjr. - Hi Students. Set Program For Nov. 11 WOODBT?RN. Nor. T An Armistice day program will be presented by the senior class at Woedburn . alga school at a spe cial assembly to be held Tuesday afternoon, November 10, in the auditorium of the school. The program will start at 2: IS P. m. All war veterans and townspeople are Invited to attend tha affair, Prof. O. R. Chambers of the department of sychology at Oregon State college will be the main speaker for tit afternoon. The program as it is arranged at present Is: "Star Spangled Banner", sung by assembly. - Flag aalnte. "America, the Beautiful", as sung by high school glee club. Address by Prof. Chambers. Oregon, My Oregon", girls' trie.' "America, auag by assembly. AUMSVILLE, Nov. 7 Tessie Capp and Jack Cerser were Fri day named most popular girl and boy, respectively, from the Aumsvilto high school student body., and as such will vie for popularity honors In the big bazaar to be feeld Friday, Novem ber 13. Other districts have selected candidates as follows: Macleay, Marie Hisel and Dean Niccolson; Sublimity, Adeline Rlesterer and Ernest Riesterer; West Stayton, Josephine Dower and Edward Hankel; North Santiam. Ruth McCoy and Roland Rhoades. Judges appointed were Virgil Bradley, Dorothy Ascne, Ray mond Morgan. H. F. Tong and Helen Ruettgers. The high school will hold a Pep rally onco a week before games. McCIellan Thornton of this place, who has been employed In Portland the last two months. has returned to his home. He is a graduate ef the Aumsville high school with the 1929 class. Atamad U lsj Friday afternoon the high school football team was defeated by the alumni team on the local field. Although the alumni had no practice they, were more ex perienced and out weighed every member on the feigh school squad. The following represented the high school on the field: Ed Hankie, Merle Crane, John Ogle, Wilbur Tripp. Raymond Morgan, Jack Corser. Henry Amos, Rol and Rboades. Dean Niccolson, Glenn Ramsey and Roy Wilcox. Substitutes were Cletus Lebold and Charles Pomeroy. The alumni were John Prospal, Robert Royse, Everett Kaiser, McCIellan Thornton; Bud Burg, Jack Kuedell. Leonard Zuber, Merle Johnson, Walter Getchell. Verne Chamberlln and Leo Sus bauer. FIMlIlirf IS IV. 13 SALEM HEIGHTS, Nov. 6 The supper committee of the Sa lem Heights community club met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Bart- lett with Mrs. C. W. Sawyer, sup per chairman, for the year. It was decided to- hare the first supper or tne year. Friday, November 13. All committees and sub-commit tees have-been organized and the eommnnity will again hold month ly suppers throughout the year. Tha dub is ant oat of debt, the aeot fcelng Incurred when they re modeled and rebuilt tha hall two years age- aad ail supper pro ceeds wU! be need to reduce it as much as-poasibl. L ; . 'im wppwa gnren last year were ecceptlenalllr well attended aad many -times tha community waa hard at to take care of the erowd aad they hop to have the same atroaag this season, inas much as relalaar la being: made to handle larger crowds. More ta- oiea. oje&ea and other atiu win U on baadnd kitchen faciV- luea avs been greatly Increased. FilllS.fSOU J WOODBURN.' Mov. 7 Mrs. n. f. Montgomery. 94 passed away me mday ntght at her home here. She had been an In valid for ermber'ot years, and ur-.iaw paw yer was totally blind and anable to walk. She had Uvad here a year aad a half, and rtnr to that time, she was a resident of saieta. y -. .j j Mrs. Mentcoeaery waa born In naianoo-. xowa. Sbe Is survived ny ner wiaower. M. F. Montgom ery, and two sons, John of Wood burn aad H. 8. Montgomery of ruruiaa. runerai aervtces will h. hiA Monday afternoon at x" o'clock at tha Jlail haet here. bt. n a LotelL Portland Evangelical min- uier, oiociatiag. Burial will be in tna Bi- pnesi eeaietery. . Liquor Drama to be Given at Woodburn ; WOODBURN.! Nov, 7 The general public is being Invited to be present at tha Woodbura Meth odist charck. Sunday evening to witness tii dramatisation of a play entitled 'Charged With ManslaughUr. The drama deala with the liquor problem. Its evils and posslWe jreveation, , There will also be a brief address on prohibition.- ; ; .... .... .. ; . : No admission is being charged tor tha drama. Tha program Is to ABUESCUOOL PIUS HIES SUPPER start at -7:59-p.m. GHI CLUB 111 110 MM SALE Annual Family Dinner of Rebekan Lodge. Will oe V Held Tuesday WOODBURN, Nov.- i. The Woodbura Garden club, has an nounced that that organixatioa will sponsor a shrub and : flower sale, to be held la tha Ogle build ing on Front street Saturday, No vember 14. Everyone who has ex tra shrubs or flower I asked to contribute to the sale, as It Is for tha general benefit' Tha time of the regular meeting of . the . Presbyterian Ladies': Aid has been changed to Tuesday of next week Instead of Wednesday afternoon. Tha meeting will bo held io the Presbyterian church. Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. W. P. Lessard, Mrs. B, L, Free burg and Mrs. L. R. Tweedie. Mrs. Hiram Overton will have charge of devotions and Mrs. Henry Lay man and Mrs- M. J. Miller will have charge of tha program. Mrs. Jennie Austin is visiting relatives at Galesburg this week. , Plans for tha annual family din ner, put on by members of tha Woedburn Rebekah lodge, have been arranged. The dinner Is to be held Tuesday night. November, 10, in the L O. O. F. halL Members of the committee on arrangements are Mrs. Gertrude Beach. Mrs. Mabel. Wright and Mrs. James Livesay. Miss Mamle Lenhart has been named chair man of the dining room commit tee. All Rebekahs of Woodbura and their families are Invited to attend the dinner. Sam Cairnes . went to Salem Wednesday evening to bring home his mother.. Mrs. Samuel Cairnes, who has been In the Salem Gen eral hospital for several weeks, re covering from a major operation. Mrs. Cairnes has improved rapid ly the last few days and will soon be feeling well again. IE TALK HEARD E BRUSH COLLEGE. Nov. 7 Between 69 and 79 members of the Brush College grange attend ed a rousing meeting held at tha school house Friday night. Of special Interest to the group was the travel talk given by Miss Leila Johnson. Salem high school teacher who spent her summer vacation visiting Europe, Japan and China. Miss Johnson exhib ited many lovely curios, embroid ery made by natives of China and Japan and samples of art work. Numbers preceedlng Miss Johnson's talks were a piano solo, Gladys Crawford;, reading, Mar jorle Matthews, and a humorous pantomime, "Romeo and Juliet" with 12 In the cast. Mrs. Marie Flint McCall. state grange lectur er, who was leaving enroute to Madison, Wise. Saturday told of her recent 15-day trip to eastern Oregon granges. Mrs. McCall also gave a piano number. The home economics commit tee comprising Mrs. A. E. Utley, chairman; Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mrs. John Schindler and Mrs. Ronald Lewis had charge of all program arrangements. A com mittee composed of Mrs. W. W. Henry, chairman. Mrs. S. D. Crawford. Mrs. Roy - B. Barker, Mrs. L. Frank Matthews were in charge of the bounteous 7 o'clock supper. KHS SHED i AURORA, .Nov. 7 William Kraus was pleasantly surprised recently, when his three daugh ters, ,Mrs. Pete Hunt, Mrs. B. F. Glesy, Aurora, and Mrs. Henry Hunt of Broadacres and their fa milies arrives at tha Kraus home bearing baskets, filled with delec table edibles ready to servo. All reminded Mr. Kraus that h bad passed another milestone, and had reached tha ago of 71 years, hale and hearty. Mr. Kraus, on of tha most ac tive pioneers la often seea driv ing over the country la his car. and maintains a nice home on his farm Just outside tha city limits. His many friends wish hint many more snch anniversaries. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. wniiam Xraus, Mr. and Mrs. Pete .Hunt, wniard. It oa, .Mary, Gilbert, and Robert Hunt. Dr. aad Mrs. Glesy; Forest and Maxtne Glesy; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunt; Dorothy Dental and Sylvia Clear. House guests of the Henry Hunt family vers additional guests. , Msfnsui mU ORCHESTRA ZENA. Nov. , Hilda and Frank Crawford. Jr., children of Mr, aad Mrs. W. Frank Crawford of Zena are playing tenor and mel ody Hawaiian guitars, respective ly ta tha Ha walla orchestra or ganized recently by Mr. Storehow la Salem. Between IS and 29 yonng men : aad women, mostly OW.... is the time to select your Christmas cards. r Our selection Is complete. ' NEEDHAM9 ATLAS BOOK STORE i 463 State COLLEGE GK high sohool students form this or chestra, Miss Hilda has been se lected as ataembefs of Crescendo club at ha Salem, high school this year. .sr ; -m'-':; Recent guests at tha homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stephana of Zena ware Mrs. Butler and two sons. Frank and Loula Butler and Mr. and Mrs. . Walter B. Hunt . and daughter Helen all of Zena. - W, Frank Crawford accompan ied by his son Frank Jr. and L Stephana of Zena had am unusual azperienca when fishing- for sal mon at'Alsea recently. The sal mon were biting good but of tha four hooked all got away bat one weighing about ,11 pounds. The others ware drawn almost ta tha aide of tha boat . before getting away. Tha week before when they went tubing they get five nice salmon! , Lr ' ' - , - ES AT AGE 54 INDEPENDENCE. Nov. 7 Mrs.. Margaret. Sclar buck died at tha residence of her son, Emit Scharbuck In Independence at 11:99 o'clock Friday morula g. She waa born In West Bend, Wis. May 39, 1877 and waa married to Peter Scharbuck November St, 1891 at West Bend from which place she came to Mt. Angel where her husband died In 1911. She had been a resident of this city two years prior to her death. Mrs. Scharbuck was the mother of 18 children, eight boys and eight girls and nine of her aons and daughters survive her. They are Mrs. Jamea Haynes, Multno mah; Frank J.. Colton. Wash.; Mathew, Union Town, Wash.; Fred, address unknown; Mrs. WilHam Chapln; Portland. Mrs. H. A. . Graham. Berkley. CaL; Charles, Oregon City; Mrs. R. F. Welton, Mt. Angel, and Emll P.. Independence. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 8:18 o'clock from tha Catholic church in ML Angel of which she waa a mem ber. Father Murmalne will offi ciate. CHEMAWA, Nov. f A general meeting of all the employes of the Chemawa vocational training school was held at the superin tendent's homo Wednesday eve ning. Superintendent Ryan was In charge of this meeting, and topics of local administration and Interest were discussed and explained by him. Some 85 em ployes were in attendance. At the close of the meeting refresh ments were served by Mrs. Ryan. assisted by the following! Miss Mary Newell, Miss Rosalind Cruise, Miss Marie Roddy, Miss Opal Mountjoy, Miss Jasmine Lundqulst, Miss - Myrtle Peters, Miss Mary Semanskl and Mrs. Reuben Sanders. Miss Barbara Borland, former ly employed as head nurse at the Chemawa hospital and. now In such a position at the U. 8. san atorium, Tacoma, stopped for a short visit here with friends Tuesday. Miss Borland was re turning by motor from California points where she has been spend ing a few weeks vacation. Miss Borland has many friends at Chemawa who were glad to see her again. HOPEWELL TO HEAR HOPEWELL. Nor. 7 Rev. Carmlchae! ot McMinnville will conduct the services at the United Brethren church next Sunday. Mr. aad Mrs. Howard Stephens. Mrs. I. Bantsari and Mrs. Mary Rich en were business visitors In Salem Friday. - ' Mrs. Win Versteeg Is spending the weekend at her home. Mrs. Versteeg la teaching In Greshant. Recent reports of W. R Stat csifv who underwent a major op eration at a Salem' hospital Oc tober 18. ahow some Improve ment. Mr. Stalcup of N orris, Mont., to visiting hero with hia daughter, Mrs. Ray CoxeL who la teaching in the Hopewall school. Mr. and Mrs. Gas Jantsen aad family leave today for Montana, where- they wm visit with Mrs. Jantxen'a parents near Haver. WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO ARRANGE TOUR AFFAIRS SO THAT ' THE MAIL THAT BRINGS THE MONTH LY BILLS WILL BRING THE CHECK TO PAY THEM? Ask . about the North western Thrift Policy, PAUL H. ACTON Agent, 1 91 Masonle Bldg. THE NORTHWESTERN -MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY' MBS. I SCIiBUCK PSS E5 IIIAN SCHOOL EMPLOYES GATHER VHG MISTER mm, s am LEGIO DaHal 'Post Plans Ppen Ueeting Soon for all Ex- DALLAS. Nov. ; 7 The , local American Legion post and the Le gion auxiliary staged a special en tartalnment for tha members and their friends at their meeting Thursday, night. The evening k be gan with a covered diah aupper with 71 people attending. ' An open meeting waa held fa tha Legion rooms. Qulncey Scott, cartoonist Tor tha Oregoalan, was tha principal speaker. Mr. Scott spoke oa 'Relativity" aad niua trated his UUc with sketches. Earla Wilkinson assisted oa tha program ' with two vocal solo. Mr. Wilkinson waa accompanied by Miss Virginia Lettcb,. Eugene Stoller concluded the program with a group of accordion solos. After the opening meeting the members of tha Legion aad Aux iliary held business meetings. Tha next meeting thle month will be open to every ex-aervioa man la the county whether con nected with the American Legion or not At tha first meeting is De cember tha atate officers of both tha Legion aad tha Legion Aux iliary will bo guest or the mem bers.of Cart Fentoa Post and the auxiliary. A turkey teed will be served at this meeting with the mm In consideration of the rapid changing of business conditions the unsettled leather market and the general lack of confidence in the price of aU merchandise we think the only way to stimulate buying and restore con fidence Is to put on a real 'aale right in the midst of the buying season. When we put on a sale it is a real sale and this is going to be one that you really must attend. ' . This sale will be a sale of broken lines. Our regular lines will be reserved Jut we will be able to fit everyone that comes, as we have a number of complete lines to close out We will have exceptional offerings in LADIES' SILK HOSE, LEATHER HANDBAGS, GALOSHES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, MEN'S SOX AND MEN'S WORK SHOES WHICH IS A NEW LINE. ' Sale Continues All This Week Big Reductions on Our Famous Rollins Runstop Silk Hose, Guaranteed No Runs All our regular line of Grenadine and roll twist Petie Pecot, with the lace 1 C top. Sold to $2.00. Now D1UJ 8 Pairs $4.50 MEN'S SOX In every material Pure wool box sold -for $1.00. Silk and wool and rayon. 50c, 75c tl AA and $1.00 all go at one price, S pr aPlUU MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Brown and black. Regularly sold up &A QC to $8.50. Most all sizes. A close-out P.7J LADIES9 HAND BAGS IN LEATHER We are offering the greatest value in America. Bags that we sold from $5.95 to last season we are offering now at only ... .. 500 PAIRS LADIES' PUMPS, OXFORDS AND AU leathers, black, brown and green, all sizes in the 1 ot Regularly sold from $10.00 to $12.00 go at one price- . Ladies' Arch Preserver PUMPS AND OXFORDS Broken lines, all good styles, most all sizes. Reg ularly sold at $10.00 to f7 Af $15.00. All at , P fO RED CROSS PUMPS AND TIES We wIH close out the complete line, , Af $10.00 to $12.00 shoes, all tp go at. D e7ej SPORT SHOES AND BROGUES This lot includes some imported brogue and a com plete line of girl scout shoes, ' dj AC aU to go at one price O'iwiJ CLARE BARTON NURSES SHOES Black kid or white elk; A wonderful "S j. Af gnality at $7.00. While they last at.;......., Me7D - SEE OUR WINDOWS - turkey; bslag donated by Waldo Finn, ex-eeramander ef Carl Fen toa post. Thtjatt aMtfag ae (hal year, win be la th nature of a fa ther and son banquet with every member bringing either hit ova son or soma other. boy. The guests will attend the post meeting and then be given a party in -the ar mory. T It waa announced that the membership committee would meet Monday night at the armory. John. Corner is chairman of this committee. m. W HAL IS TO CENTRAL HOWELL. Nov, I. Mrs. Ray Westtal has been moved to the homo of her mother. Mrs. John Tweed. Mrs. Westfall re cently underwent aa . operation for acuta appendicitis at a Salem hospltat George Mikkelsoa Is la the 811 verton hospital with a broken col lar bone and other injuries suf fered Saturday night when his car overturned on a curve east of SII verton. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Llchty had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phillips of Hood River. Friday, November II. Is the date of the next community, club meeting. Farmers are making the most of the wonderful farming weather and the fields are rapidly being plowed and sowed. While They Last ni HOME IE AT1RJICT irjTEBEST Prizes Listed - for Competi tion at Union Hill Com- . munity Fair UNION HILL. Ner. 7 Much Interest was shown la the Com muaity fair put on at the graage meeting. Judges were L, 8. Lam bert, county Pomona master, and Mrs. John Steinberger from Stayton grange aad W. A. Jonee from Macleay. First prize, a 25 lb. sack of flour, given by the Fischer Flourlag mills of Silver ton, waa awarded Mr. and Mrs. Chas Morley for the best general exhibit. Second prize, t pounds of coffee donated by the Mac Marr store of . Silvertoa, . was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Darby and third prise, box of crackers donated by tha Benson grocery of Silvertoa was award ed to Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hum phreys. Other prizes were: art exhibit Henry Jaquet 1st and Snd; best f collection of canned goods, Mrs. C. E. Morley 1st, Mrs. C. C. Jones 2nd; pumpkin. J. O. Darby, 1st; Eddlo King. 2nd. Squash, Ja O. Darby. lst;.C. E. Morley 2nd. Apple. C. B. Morley. 1st; Theo dore Fisher, 2nd. Wheat. J. C. Krens, 1st; O. W. Humphreys, tad. Oats, Archibald Bros., 1st; O. W. Humphreys, 2nd. Rye. C. C. Morley, 1st; O. W. Humfchroys, XIIBIT5 500 pairs broken lines chiffon and service Rollins Runstop hose. $1.65 and $2.00 values. J1 A A All sizes, late shades. AU go at . plUU BOY SCOUT SHOES AND DRESS OXFORDS Regularly sold from $5.00 to $8.00. To close out at the ridiculously low djo Af price of yj7eJ MEN'S WORK SHOES This is a new line and we have a wonderful price we are sure cannot be equalled any place. Regular CO DC 16 Inch High Height Shoes J & K TIES FOR LADIES Odd lines regular $12.00 to $15.00. All good styles, most sizes in the line. Cfi GC Get a pair while they last at yOelD WHITE FAILLE CLOTH PUMPS All sizes, new styles. Regularly sold at $10.00 and $12.00. Tinted free to C7 Tin match costume. AH -at one price.... P UU WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Includes some imported mules, regularly Q nr. sold $5iX) to $10.00-One price-- WeeD LADIES' AND GIRLS' COLOSHES Broken lines. Some sold up to $5 00. To close: two prices . 95 C and $1.95 Ind. ;" Corn, O. W.t Humphreys, : 1st: J. O. Darby, znd Potatoes, J: Qj Dtby, lstrr 0."W. Hnm tTTrey. ' zni.! NttaV Gilham Bros, 1st and Theodore. Fisher,. 2nd. " Tha quilt mada by. tha Homo Economics dab went to Mrs. Eth el Lang. ; .; ' W. A. Heater. O. W. Boyat and W. F. Krens were appointed a committee U attend the meeting of tha Marion County Taxpayers league. Mrs. Humphreys, demon strator for tha Crown Flour peo ple will put on a cooking school at the grange hall Nor. S and i Dec. 1.- 5- '. . - . Girl YXL Leader : Knee is Dislocated SCIO. Nor. 7 Virginia BU yeu, a aealor In Scto high, dislo cated her knee while leading a yell at tha last football game. Mis Bilrea has been absent from school most of this week. A visitor Thursday of Prof. F. A. Gallegly of the Scio schools was his brother, who la a sales man for a largo Janrtor aupply house. ' " vwednesday eves lag a number of close friends of Miss Sylvia Ba ker gathered at her homo and gave her a real surprise party SFREE Booklet If yoa have Epilepsy. Res, Falling Sick ness oc Coemilstous mice sna Coday without ffl about ssv favocte pessedp 4am. Htahlrm JMwuliii faisiiiw . " ' Dr." C at arjrraoa Oe, 15T W. 44th, OUvtiaad. O. $495 Tops $10.00 $2.95 TIES $5.95 FIT WINDOWS , !: