The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1931, Page 14, Image 14

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page fourteen:
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Sunday Mornlnsr, NorembereV 1931
- -:;v - : Edited . by
TWi p i remlar Sunday fea
tar of Th SUtesmaa. Tana newt,
farm Information tn rtory of th
ivcceesei of rarioas farm, operators
pnbllxhed herein. ; "
it;:x&$i Newo the Prosperous Wmamette yalley-i
filY l(PY ndof the Varied ftcultural Pursuits of;
fi rrl 5 interest to its DiVew
Mt.' Angel Cows Hiahg Up
In: Skunks,:
:lCecGrdsiforv flniVelftajidi::
re?7rill?s - l V
lllflllfll USES
mi ww is
ih -
I "
i f.
Fieariy2004 Polk County
'Farmers Grow hay; big
lncr6asc Noted c vT
i ; ( Editor Note This Is report
on second of series .' of " articles
prepared by rJ R. Beck,, coanty
agent of Polk tounty, describing
; certain features of airlcultnral
development during the past five
yesrs. It relates . to . successful
growing of alfalfa and the, re
markable Increase, from 70, to
1,5 acres In a period of tiro
years with a - return of 125,000
to the county each year.) .
' .Western ' Oregon farmers tried
alfalfa growing without great suc
cess until; 1121 .when - O. T. Mc
Whorter, then . county agent of
Washington, county working with
the. farmers - developed the feat-
. ores that hare firmly esUbllshed
this crop. Other county. - agents
, took np these practices- antil near
ly, every, county new has large
acreages. . . , -
A -.. Pence Early Grower
.Until the re-eetablishment of
. county agent aervlce In Hit In
Polk county. little alfalfa was
grown, one of the earlier fields
.being that of Robert Pence. on
the former' Nesmith farm nesjr
Rlckreall,' which has produced as
much as fire tons per aere and Is
still in as good production.
, Where five acres was considered
a sUable field, there are many
now of 20 and SO acres and that
of Byron Ruddell of Oak Point
has one field of SO acres.
; Through cooperation with the
county 'agent, livestock Hi en and
poultry 'men have been finding
. new uses for alfalfa and replacing
other hay crops. From three to
i fire tons Is anaverage yield, pro
viding pasture In the early spring
and in the dry weeks before fall
rains.- Alfalfa hay v brings two
dollars, on the market above other
- hays' so on this basis' It means
' six -to ten dollars per acre In the
. farmers pocket.
i - Pmstares Sheep "
. Byrd Walling of the Lincoln
district was the first to take up
' the practice of pasturing sheep on
alfalfa In the early spring. Other
. prominent sheep men to follow
' this are James Riddell, J. B.
' Stump and Son, Zieleseh farm.
Homer Link, Wm. Riddell and
Sons and others. W. O. Morrow
pastured 23 pigs or 3-5 of an aere
from April to August and added
1,000 pounds of grain. The In
creased weight of the hogs less
' i&e cost of grain, brought a re
turn of 2I5 for less than an
acre of alfalfa.
.-Feeding alfalfa hay in January
Increased butterfat production
i five pounds per cow for Joe
1 Eisele of BuelL Alfalfa sod re
r Juvenated a field for Ed Harmon
. of Buena Vista and increased his
wheat crop 15 bushels per aere.
Some of the first fields In the
" county were planted by R. N. Bos
ley. J. B. Stump, W. W. Rowell,
; BI. I. Capps, D. R. Ruble, Claud
Boothby, Henry Keyt, T. E. Blair,
Ernest Zieleseh, the latter having
dereloped the first successful al
; falf a silage . and alfalfa meal In
this section. t ;
. Preparation for planting has
several Important features, test
lag the soil, use of genuine Grimm
variety .of, seed. Inoculation, and
late seeding on firm well-drained
seed bed. severe cultivation each
year to eliminate weeds. Stands
hare failed where these rules
have not been followed. Demon
strations tor the use of land-
plaster, super-phosphate and cuU
. tivatlon have been carried on con
tinuously. An outstanding lime
rock', demonstration was' held, on
r the Ernest '.HelsingtOn place this
Nearly 200 farmers in the
county are growing alfalfa. It
la the county agent's opinion that
the job Is not yet complete, that
the livestock : demands of the
county and available acreage will
Justify at least 7.000 acres addl
: tional and "in; future years we
will probably wonder at how sim-
t pie the growing. of alfalfa reauy
Is. v Pioneering ;ii . oulckly, f orgot-
.1 ten by " those now directly con
nected with it." -
MACLEAY, Nov. 7 Kephart
shipped 41, head of high grade
cows aad... heifers tto California
.. this week, .They , were mostly
. Guernseys. . f . .
: . ROSSDALE Mr. and Mrs. Joe
-.uriggs ar in Washington near
. Rldgefleld, -' a few days ' superin
tending the digging of 2 0 ' acres
of potatoes they have there. The
work la don by tractors.-
LIBERTY Harold Jadd and
Roland Jery left Wednesday with
a large track load of dried prunes
bounds for Pendleton -. and The
Dalles. " i ' :
Mrs. A. C Murray hare been- en
Joying ripe strawberries for some
: time this autumn picked.; from
their own patch While there are
usually autumn strawberries i
this community It Is said that this
year's yield has been better, aad
much larger than Is commonly so,
- BETHANY P. C. Soanysoa Is
reporting a - pear blossom tree la
bioom. -A few days ago "Mr. Son
neyson brought a sprig from his
tree Co BOverton to show the peo
ple what this community could
The Country
i .... - 1
- - '
-I , :
I'ynf if r ., . '
?'-l-- : T
Jllcu L .. - , . -
And why shouldn't they he? They
ribbons, a sliver tropny (aispuyea) ana casn specuus as uw s-a i
eiflc IntemaUonAl. Some state fair ribbons were won, too. The I
rabbits above are Ermine Rex,
Rex show." Washburn has SO rabbit
Manure Most Valuable J Spread
While Fresh; Usual Handling Loss
i .
Mid to tcun as
A large part of the value of
farm manures Is lost under or
dinary methods of handling. In
some Instances the loss runs as
high -as SO per, cent. However,
with proper care the loss may be
cut down to 20. per cent.
The best method of handling
manure is to spread It. on the
fields as soon as it Is made, point
out soils specialists at the State
college. But If this practice Is
not possible or desirable, . the
manure may be protected from
leaching by putting It under shel
ter during the rainy season. The
liquid manure, which la relative
ly high In nitrogen, and there
fore valuable, is readily washed
out of exposed manure piles.
There Is also a loss of nitrogen In
the form of smmonla . resulting
from fermentation of piled man
W. L. Powers, soil scientist In
charge, and C. V. Ruxek, soil sci
entist, suggest the use of gypsum
or superphosphate to prevent the
loss due to fermentation. The ad
dition of these chemicals not only
seres the escaping ammonia but
A. S. Washburn Expresses
Great Faith in Future
Of Red Breed
Ri-1n nit a 1nratTit rnnff.
tlonary business In Colorado to
travel in search of health, A. S.
Washburn finds himself well-
launched In a rabbltry business
on the south edge of Salem. A
few months ago, that was far
from his mind. -
Nor did he think a few months
ago that today he would display
with pride 22 ribbons, a silver
trophy and ' two special prlres
all winnings on 30 . rabbits ex
hibited at the Pacific Internation
al Llrestock show.
wasnourn also made . some
winnings at the state fair, where
he first made exhibition of the
Rex and pedigreed New Zealand
rabbits. In which he specialises
The former Is for pelts and the
New Zealand tor. meat purposes.
As a hobby he has played along
wun rabbits for a number ot
years, but as -a business, he en
tered n on jy recently,. ,.
lastorrex is -new
He IS proud of his Rex rab
bits, the newest addition beinr
the Castorrex, first bred in I9l
ey a Frenchman, , Monsieur - L
Abbe Gillet.. The name Castor
rex was given to this breed be
cause the fur bears such a close
resemblance to beaver ' In color
ana tnickness. Castor Is the
French name for the English bea
ver; rex is the Latin word for
king.; ' Washburn Imported' his
first Rex rabbits two years ago
irom ; ranee.
no started here la mid-anm.
mer. and already has constructed
nu ran n . rabbltry with , 112
uatcnes. It is DuUt With, the
hutches four-high. A row of dis
play hutches has also been built,
and frame of ' another rabbltry
wasnourn builds his display
""wuw wire -floors , whleh
ue im as more convenient than
n wooaen stooping ones.
" Feeds Alfalfa h
The feed ho uses may surprise
some rabbit growers: he feeds
baled alfalfa bay and rolled bar
ley largely. All feeding Is done
lurouxn a v-snaped feeder, eon
. tWMtt hutches.
r.ooiss awsys get ? to eat
aooui ine CaatorrT v
A S -
Washburn, who is assisted In the
venture by Mrs. Washburn. .
: ,Tny ; wer flr8t axhlblted ; at
ine rans international show in
e aai
,i, ana . were re
warded a prize ot honor, in addi
tion, to fjrst, second; third and
two nonorabie mentions.' J-
"The. fur is ; quite different
f rom;any other rabbit . for, being
only about one-fourth an Inch in
length,. and. a very .tiiik nnder-
helped win for A. 8. Washbnrn S3 j
and were Judged the best la the
entered in the show.
- v r . I
mzn as ou rer uenr
also add to the value of the man-1
ore. Manure as it is produced has I
a nitrogen content that Is out of I
proportion with the phosphorus i
content to properly feed grow-1
Ing plants. For this reason phos- j
pnorus is added to get the best
results from the manure. I
It Is best to nse enough litter
to absorb all the liquid manure. I
i ne most common type oi mier i
usea is gram straw, wnen eamy
obtainable, muck. peat, leaves. I
fern, or mosses can be used for keeper and remains In good whole
little. Sawdust and shavings will I ,omm, ttAinr condition until Ute
absorb large amounts of liquids
but may be undesirable since
ther contain but small quantities
vi yiaui ivw, uu. w uevviu-1
pose, and when used In large
amounts will lock up the soil's
nitrate supply.
The soils department Investi
gation also showed that the rate
ana frequency or appiicapon oi
. . .. ... .
manure to the land plays an lm
portant part In Its efficient use,
Manure applied at the rate of
eight tons per acre gave more
economical results than 12-ton
or 32-ton applications In the col
lege trials.
coat, which Is very soft. The fur I
as dense and aoft as a mole's, I
in fact."
EMriniiit inn
Mr. Washburn thinks the fu-
tnre of the breed is immense and
it in act nin in I
rabbit culture.
Colorrex rabbits are those pos
sessing the same texture of fur
as the Castorrex, but of different
colors, and have been bred to the
Castorrex. Washburn is doing
considerable experimenting along
tnis une and has already de
has also a number of Erminerex,
one or the finest Colorex.
He believes that when the Er-
nTn.l Ik.'. .
X reacn. tB. rar
",r " . "V .vl? 5lceB I
ftq"eonI? to.lna w rar-
k ,! p,aM " 011 route
three, box It. -
me lUSKO-elzed mtiv Ktti-
which -revolved slowly . in the
Dairy, Cooperative dhmla tmth
at the stock show attracted a wild
Whirlwind of . guesses In the con-
ir io estimate the number of
quarts or grade -A milk a glass
milk bottle the same sIia wam
contain.' Experts from thu tih Anal
0ui coueges maae exact measure-
mania .a 'i . . - . .
rontenta"to sT 5SLEi i ,q?7
SVlrnnna?ng Ter.eX1'
unlll tnVeon Cit T," rl
- m
mn. Georxe Jacohan. Inhn
WhrUtensen and "H. A. Mathleson.
m iBUi mDQ ugaary,
corvaUIs;D. CHoward, Beaver-
ton and W. T. Peddiord, Vancou-
ver, wain-, were declared the win-
'" "' cncking of the
vv suctk..
ine Dome would contain 721. i
wi miia ana Mr.- reddiord
wm ui vuij one wno guessed ex -
actlyFIve prizes were offered but
persons wui receive
oraers zor sweetUst 92 score but
ter or a loaf of Interstate cheese,
awarded by the Dairy Cooperative
as prizes. .
Horses Come
iiui . a ' a nrmstTa in
T f W?i- . " st
uus community nre busy plowing
and seeding. The W. J. Culver
tana and the Meadow Lawn fair
farm that, have been farmedihy
tractor; power tor a number of
Back to Farm
It is-unite" a noTeitv'to-thoael-- -1 ---vj
raised In the valley to see more
than .three horses used on a plow,
J. Jasmer of the Meadow Lawn
oairy has been using five on bis
gang plow. Handling fire horses o'clock In the chamber, ot . corn
is an - accomplishment of . which merce ' rooms, Multnomah hotel,
rrcTjon9 cannot noasL
Woodburn man Describes
Vegetable as Remark- :
able Producer"
By W. C. CONNER. "
About three 'years aco A. Ens
Ibertson, director ol the Astor ex
periment station as Astoria, in
troduced into this western Ore
gon coast country a new stock. tur-
nip. which after two years field
growing tests Is proving a remark
able producer and a great boon
to dairymen and poulfrymen as a
succulent root feed.
O. - P. . Forsberr, of. .Woodson.
who has given this new turnip a
tryout, is enthusiastic In regard
I to Its heavy production and great
dairy and poultry feed possibili
ties. He writes as follows:
"I am sending by parcel . post
to your office a specimen of the
new- Danish. Bortfleld turnip,
grown on my farm this season. It
Is a new, product on the. Pacific
vuBk uia coneqnnuy boi jvtj
well known. It is, however, a dairy
cow feed of proven value. This Is
the second season I have been
growing It, hut up to this time I
have not given this Bortfleld suf
ficient feeding tests . to confirm
its reputation as a very desirable;
dairy root feed, as we had only a.
smaii planting last sesuon ana we
are just Beginning to reea tms
year crop.
I MTTnwawaw T mm ianvlvainvi1 ss a
far as yield per acre and as a
succulent dairy feed, it Is certainly
all that Is claimed for It and that
It will meet with general satlsfae-
tion and prove one of our best
root crops. Dairy cows like this
Danish Bortfleld turnip better
than any root crop we have ever
crown or experimented with. We
have also discovered that this tur-
nip is a wonderful green teed tor
poultry and all kinds of poultry
eat It freely.
mu tnnin u aiM a rood
In the spring. About the first of
May it begins to sprout and shrlv-
6l .uiy and Its keeping season
l. mf and
"It appears to me that it will
be to the Interest, of poultrymen
to investigate the value of this
treat Danish dairy turnip as
.nMl.iit tA fnr tfc1r
WVVHu ww w.
-nlckenf and turKeys. Our chick
ens have done well on It and they
eat It more readily and better than
any greens we have ever given
"The specimen I am mailing to
your office Is not an unusually
Iarre turnln of tnis variety, as i
endeavored to select only a fair
avers rs in both size and shape.
"We have them in our field al-
most three times as large as the
snecimen. hut by sending you the
average also anyone may. be ante
to arrive -at a close estimate of
the sxeat yield that may be ex
ported from an average
I slant them like any other
root crop, thin them down to eight
Inches apart In rows SO inches
apart and then cultivate them as
vou would any similar root crop-
Anyone Interested in this Dan
lsh Bortfleld turnip as a dairy, or
ply to A. Engberfson, director As
tor Experiment station, Astoria,
Lv v v ...
troduced and grown in thu coast
country. He can give yon all the
Information yon desire as to its
teed value, soil and everything
needed for its successful eultlva
The specimen of this Bortfleld
turnln received at The Statesman
office Is whit. In colorrvery solid
and firm In texture, la 18 inches
long, IS Inches in circumference
and weighs 10 pounds. It will be
noted that Mr. Forsberg states
that this Is only an average else
turnip of this variety. It has every
appearance of being a wonderful
addition to the. root -crops of the
western. Oregon district :
n-1A ZT..V
L 31102(1 f TUlt
For Montana s .
Needy to Move
sUte-wide response of the
ibui . rnv. innn ior. udulaiis aabu
een. graUfy Ing. Two carload. ot
I . fr. mt AriA
fmit. witb narhans sacked vee-
I tables will be assembled, in saiem
as soon as plans for receiving can
be confirmed.
I November 5 had been set as the
shipping date but It . has - been
I fnnnrt nMMiirr to extena . tne
im. f. it
1 v n J '
Mint PtO&UCtlOn
Largely Reduced
Av substantial reduction In the
expected crop of peppermint oil Is
Indicated la the October report.
The output this year for the five
principal peppermint producing
states, Indiana. Michigan, Oregon.
Washinxton " and Ohio.' according
to the government estimate, will
1) slightly over -400,00 pounds.
This la less than two-thirds of the
output In 1930 and slightly more
than three-fifths In the 192$ crop.
j Pnilltrv and Ptt
UUluy. allU ACL
I "The Oregon Poultry - and Pet
t Stock association will hold . Its
annuaL .election of. officers, Tues-
1 day nighL November 10, at 7:30
I room"" OA; Portland.'
MT. ANGEL, Nov. T If any
school boy in Canada Or the mid-
dlewest- were asked where ML
Angel Is located, the answer
undoubtedly would be, f the home
ot the ML Angel College Stock
farm herd In Oregon. Little
known four months ago. when It
left on the Canadlan-Middlewest
ahow circuit, the College Stock
farm herd of Holstelna returned
to ML Angel the first of this week
recognised as one of the leading
herds In the country.
, The cattle were exhibited at IS
shows and brought home 02 first
prises and 33 championships.
During the time they were on the
circuit they traveled the longest
distance of any . western show
herd, having covered over 10,000
Oregon people have had . the
self-known satisfaction that some
ot the prise eattle of the world
were owned by dairymen of this
state, but this was the first herd
from Oregon to ever make such
an extensive - circuit. - Lawrence
Thomas, - herdsman, . ' estimated
mat over people . saw
the eattle. Through news stories,
Oregon and ML Angel has gained
much favorable publicity.
According to John Roetclsoen
der, and his assIstanL Albert
Schmlts, who were In charge of
the cattle. th farthest north the
herd went was Prince Albert.
Sask., Canada, and the farthest
south was Oklahoma City. Okla
The herd was exhibited at the
following places: Calgary, Ed
monton. Saskatoon, Regina and
Prince Albert, Canada; Montana
State fair, Helena; North Mon
tana fair. Great Falls; Central
Montana fair, Lewis ton; Midland
Empire lair. Billings. MonL:
South Dakota State fair. Huron.
8. D.; Kansas State fair. Hutchi
son, Kan.; Oklahoma State fair.
Oklahoma City; Oklahoma Free
State fair, Mushogee. Okla.; Na
tional Dairy Show, SL Louis. Mo.;
and the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition, Portland,
At the Livestock Exposition at
Portland the ML Angel herd won
the banner of Premier exhibitor.
It was the only herd exhibiting
that placed two cows above eight
in the aged cow class, taking
fourth and seventh. The herd was
In the money in practically every
class In the Holsteln division.
On the way to Portland from
the International Dairy Show at
SL Louis, the ear' containing the
local herd was attached to a spe
cial stock train. Stops were made
at Harvey, Minn., Dickinson, N.
D.. Missoula, Mont., and Sand-
point, Idaho. The ML Angel
herd was the only Holsteln string
on the train. At each stop the
cattle were exhibited and talks
were made on the different
Some of the outstanding win
ners of the local herd are as fol
lows: M. A. C. Inda Model A ag
giesenior bull calf and Junior
champion Montana State fair:
Junior champion North Montana
fair; Junior champion Central
Montana fair; first prise senior
L A)
We will inspect and give you the true con
dition of .your brakes at absolutely no
cost. r "
A.' -
Our mcerh 4-wheel brake tester, together
with a . real experienced brake mechanic
and ' '' .' , "-' : ; ' .. .
Raybestos Lining
will insure good KrakM. . WE WILL
ReboUt 2
Chemcket at High
bull calf, Kansas State fair; Jun
ior champion, v. Oklahoma State
fair, and second prise bull at the
NaUonal Dairy Shew. .
Tillamook Lrllth Beauty This
eow was grand champion at Ore
gon State fair. 1120. This sea
son she has done wonderful work
in the show ring. She was grand
champion, Montana State fair.
Central Montana fair, Midland
Empire lair, and grand champion.
Holsteln eow and aweepstakes
winner .over, all dairy cows at
North .Montana fair. . She was
grand champion cow, Oklahoma
State fair, and fourth prise aged
cow at the National Dairy Show.
. Bests Walker Matador Artis
Grand champion bull. North Mon
tana State fair. Central Montana
State fair and Midland Empire
fair. He was first prise aged
bull at South Dakota fair, Kansas
State fair, Oklahoma State fair.
and third prise aged bull at the
National Dairy Show.
Sir Colaatha Homestead Tidy-
first prize two-year-old bull, Regi
na (Canada) Exposition; first
prise North Montana fair, Cen
tral Montana fair. Midland Em
pire fair, and first at Oklahoma
State fair. He was grand cham
plon bull at Montana State fair.
Kansas State fair and Oklahoma
Free State fair, also fifth; prise
two-year-old' hull afc: the National
Dairy Show.
MACLEAY, Nov. 7 California
boasts ot Its sun kissed oranges
and V. L. MarUn, -postmaster, has
demonstrated that Oregon sun
shine can produce oranges Just
as golden as the sister state, in
the postotflee Is a little orange
tree less than a foot In height
with seven golden oranges hang
ing from its branches.
The oranges range In sise, the
largest being about the size of a
large walnut, but all are perfect
In shape.
Mr. Martin also has a lemon
tree, about three feet high which
has one lemon. At present there
is a green lemon on the tree the
size of, an ordinary lemon. Re
cently a ripe lemon dropped oft
that was not only as large as
anv lemon on the market but
also with as good a flavor.
Eighteen different communities
In Clackamas county are actively
participating in 33 different
home economics project meetings
this year according to the pro
gram and calendar recently re
leased from the office of Thelma
Gaylord, home demonstration
agent. This calendar was formu
lated and approved by the county
extension committee which is
composed of seven women and
headed by Mrs. G. W. Tb lessen
of Milwaukle.
GO 0
a 13-PUte, I year
and op positive sjiarantee
Experimenters i Think Ltoyd
George Possible Succes- ,
- : sor to Cuthbert 1 -:r
Two new varltles of red -rasp
berries. Lloyd George and Chief,
have Just been recommended for
trial plantings on a commercial
basis throughout the northwest
as a result of three years of study,
of them at the Oregon State col
lege experiment statlonv xThe
Lloyd George Is considered as a
possible successor to Cuthbert as
a major commercial crop oenr.
whil Chief la believed to have a
more limited field. ' .--
Dr. George M. Darrow,' senior
pomologlst of the bureau of plant
industry, who. Is doing special co-.
operative research work at cor-.
vailis, announces' that the Lloyd
m - 1 . . it A
ueorge . variety u . naruier ibu
more productive than CuthberL
that its fruit ripens about 10 days
ahead of the CuthberL and that
the - plants - - bear a tall . crop
amounting to as much as a ton
to the acre on the tins of the new
Th berries of this new variety
are the largest of any commercial
variety yet tested. 4be largest be
ing almost the slzaCof the average
logaaberry. They are uniform in
else, hold the sise well through
the season, and more firm than
the CuthberL Its weaknesses are
that Its flavor is hardly as appeal
ing to some as the . Cuthbert, and
lLls not quite as sweeL Its canes
are somewhat shorter,, though
more productive per fooL
This variety originated as a
chanco seedling in England and
was Introduced there in 1220,
since when It has become the
leading sort. It was later Intro
duced into New York where it has
been recommended': by the state
experiment station. Eastern nur
series have certified stock.
The Chief variety, la . recom
mended because of its "exception
al hardiness and productiveness,
combined with excellent flavor
and early ripening," exceeding the
Cuthbert by two weeks at Corral
11s. The berries are too small for
general commercial canning; use
and the plants ar subject to wilL
For local market i purposes Its
bright red berries that do not turn
dark,, and Its good, quality and
productiveness make it w o r t h
planting on a small scale at least.
says Dr. Darrow. ifri i -EXCHANGE"
That the Josephine county food
conservation project is effective
Is evidenced by the tact that at
one field alone more than SO
families called tor tomatoes and
took them away in, 100 or 200
pound lota. This exchange and
distribution of food among needy
families was carried , on through
the granges of the county and is
under the direct supervision of
Sara Werts, home demonstration
agent, and Herbert-Howell, agri
cultural agenL
.We test and f iU your battery v clean tennin
als, paint with Gorrosion-Proof paint, in
spect hold-down clamps and bbx:r C " ;
Tboncando cI Car Owners, Ycsr After
sr. Go Out fot: Their-Way - to.: Bay
! No arguments no slde-iteppinir. W sell you xnort
$675 pS
' WACONDA. Nor. .7 A: W "
Sahll, a farmer at Wa con da has
two live skunks' that bring him'
a! nice Income,-- besides being
lively -pets for. the children..
Sahll says the" task of raising .
and caring, for, these animals Is
no mora unpleasant than raising
chickens or - rabbits, ; once - the
skunks are tamed. v
In these days of - depression
many new industries have sprung
up and it is the opinion of Mr,
Sahll that kunk raising will be
done on a large-scale a tew years
from now. -He says it will, be a
profitable business If, the price
remains as good as It Is now tor
oil and skins. . . -
.Last winter farmers here sold
the oil for IS an ounce., This pro
duct la said to be used as a base
for a high grade perfume. .Others
say it was used tor certain bombs
throuwn about last winter. , -
in raiioES
Livestock and hay Un
changed; Hops Improve;!
Eggs Drop a Cent
Further remarkable - Increase In
wheat prices was' the only Inter
esting feature of the general mar
ket activities here i this week.
Blueslem Increased in value 10
cents for. the week, closing around
87 cents, with: soft whites and red
at 72 cents.. Oats Increased an
other 32.00 to 122.00 for both
white and gray.'
Livestock la practically every
department was unchanged. Hogs
held the same except for a slight
falling off In the price of feeders
and stockers which closed at 4.0
5.00. Heavies. 250-290 lbs., were
4.25-5.00; mediums, 200-220 lbs
were-4.75-5.35. and lights. 160
180 lbs were 5.25 to 5.35.
Both cattle and lambs were un
changed.' - Goods steers, 000-1100
lbs. were 0.00-0.75; good cows'
4.00-4.50, and choice vealers.
Good to choice lambs, 90 lbs.
down, were 6.00-5.50; mediums
3.75-3.00, and common 3.00-3.75.
The bay list was the same, un
changed for several weeks, t-. ; .
The only, change In eggs was a
one-cent drop in price of fresh
pullets to IS cents. Fresh extras
were 29-31c; stsndards 27c and
fresh mediums 2(c. .
Prime first butter was off one
cent to 29c bat other divisions
were unchanged at 31c tor extras,
30c for standards, and 28e for
Hops improved from 12-13 Vt
and 13 cents tor 1931 Oregon
crop. Italian prunes were , the
same at 4 and 7 cents, and there
was no chaage In wool at 12 and
15 tor eastern Oregon, 12e for
valley coarse and 13e for medi
um. .
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