The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1931, Page 13, Image 13

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    jftiV OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sanda? Morning, Koremficr 8, I93t
ft -
.74 rs
kTl-H sV -' 49
miiva..o; y
imMa nil Merei
' . ' ; fi-- V in i i ii i , : ; : " -'T""-": j' a" ;- '' " '
Indians' Overhead v Attack
Is Foiled When Five of
V Josses Intercepted
geles, Nov 7 (AP) Southern
CaUtornIaadvaneed a Ions stride
toward! the Pacific coast confer
not football championship by
defeating Stanford 19 to to
day . before a record crowd esti
mated at 95.000 persons. - -
The : largest assembly to wit
: nesa- a football garnet In Los An
: seiea hi me lrojans vi ouuiown
California display a powerful at
tack with which v the alert bat
leas sturdy Indians from Stan
ford conld not eope.
Southern California scored once
In each period, except the ' third
when the" visitors dereloped v a
sustained running attack and oat-
played -: the winners for that
Quarter of an hour. - J
Stanford s was expected- to take
to the air In an effort to cut
down Southern Cauofrala'a .su
perior poundage and the--Indiana
did toss if -passes out succeeded
In i completing only two. Fire
tfcaee they lost " the bait . who
alert Trojans intercepted the
tosses. .'I v.'..'. " i-'.:'
Moffatt Injured
Upon Second Play
Phil Moffatt Stanford's all
around star, was f creed by injur
lea to leare the game after the
first two nlexs. .
The first touchdown of the
game came near the close of the
first period,, the result ot running
Pinckert placed Southern Cali
fornia In position to score by
sprinting 22 yards .to the Stan
ford 15-yard line on a reverse
1 play. Sharer started out, cut
back, and scored the touchdown
standing up. Southern California
advanced the ball 47 yards to the
touchdown In tonr plays. The try
for the "extra point was low.
A march of 7 1 yards in.seren
plays In the second j Quarter
brought a reward ot another
touchdown. Mohler slipped - from
the six yard line outside bis
right end for the -touchdown: Bob
Ersklne . place-kicked the extra
point i ;..";'
Sun Guard Starts
Final Offensfre . ' r
Larry Stetens, a substitute
guard r converted 'a Stanford .of-
Junior High Grid Battle,.
rWrestlihg and Collegiate
: Football Hold Spotlight
1 all 1 B- s-fl II Bl iii M ''-r I Li
nri hnnn Urnr
uij uanu ntnt
Missionaries get no
Downs, "Irish Prevail
By 12 to 0 Count
Stealer Williamson, center and
captaie f the Untrersity of
8oathem California eleven,
whicbx Saturday defeated SUn
ford, regarded as the Trojans
only dangerous rival for the
Coast conference championship.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. t.
(AP) The Columbia university
Irishmen defeated Whitman uni
versity, defending champions of
the Northwest conference, li to 0,
ton' the rain-soaked gridiron of
Multnomah stadium here today.
Columbia ' scored in the first
and the third periods. Despite the
mud that covered the ball It was
forward passes that accounted tor
iboth scores.
The Missionaries were shoved
to their one-yard line by Nehl's
44-yard kick In the first Quarter
and were forced to kick out An
derson's kick was blocked behind
the goal line but an off-side pen
alty on Columbia nullified the
score. Anderson's second kick, par
tially blocked, rotted to the Whit
man 42.
On the first play Nehl tossed a
long pass to Thomas who took It
on the Whitman 42, dodged two
tacklers and dashed to the goal
line.. i l
vA bad t pees rf ra center on, the
riml mUV J.. 'AMt.M. Am. mm m.mmm JTI UJ. Cf.1A
X : sport fang AU they could ask in th way of rarlety. Thai U1 cuumiw uhi itcniuii -
festmttes wUl open Tuesday nifnt at 7 o'clock with the iun- Ciasn I0T liue: vet
for high school xootDau classic under the flood lights on
Sweetland field, Leslie and Parrish elevens contending for
the only city championship this autumn sport season af
fords here. . , O "
Parrlsh has always held the
'" 'PadOs Oaaat --!'-?'
' 'Oregon 8Ute It. MonUna t.
:Callt Frosh IT. Stanford
rrosh : -.
California It, Washington t.
So. CaUtormU ll. SUnfor .
Columbia It, Whitman t. '
Nevada 12, San Jose .
Against Youngster
ascendency In Its athletic en
counters with Leslie, but on the
other hand Leslie holds the edge
on that basis of rating which. Is
under such disrepute Just now,
"comparative scores. - Leslie
held Oregon City Junior high to
a scoreless tie after Oregon City
had beaten Parrlsh 20 to 0. Yet
there are scores : giving the op
posite Impression, Parrlsh beat
ing McMlnnvIlle It to on Me
Mlnnviile's field -while the best
Leslie could get here was a T
to I win.
Leslie has scored. points to
opponents 12 and Parrlsh has
made 82 to opponents' 2t, but
that also means Uttle as only
two of the opponents have been
the same.
Suffice It to say that the scores
show -both Junior high elevens.
though.' ' comparatively Inexpert-
Cougars Win
Great Clash
By Goal Kick
The years of wrestling experi
ence and the whirlwind speed of
Jack Brentano are going to be big
factors in his effort to wrest the
northwest - middleweight cham
pionship belt from Prof. Newton
ot Oregon City at the Salem ar
mory Tuesday night on the Arm
istice program. -
Brentano has wrestled la many j
places both In this country and In .
Canada and Is a master at pro
tecting himself la the ring. Where
Tale 1 2, St. Johns . :
Harvard T, Dartmouth V
Columbia 2T, Virginia t.
Army 20, Louisiana State t.
Cornell 1 4, Alfred t.
Lehigh It, Prlnceta T.
Georgia 7. N. T. U. f .
Colgate 22. Penn State T,
Maine 20. Bowdoln a.
Mt. Union f 2. Detroit Tech
Rennselaer 7, Vermont t.
Navy -B- 0, Plttaburg "B"
Temple 12, Vlllenova 7.
Muskingum It, Wooster t.
Holy Cross 12. Dunuesne .
Williams 2t. Wesley 7.
Syracuse 122. Western
One Touchdown Earned,
Two oh Breaks; Score
At Corvallis 19 to 0
Wash.. Nov. 7 (AP) Washing- rr.nniftr -r. threwm flat ta I un. a
Amherst 22, Trinity f.
ton Bute college noseo out a ror- tn mat with wrlsUocks or head
ocious University of Idaho foot- locka Brentano lands In an man
ball team here today t to I on a ner tQ&t brMks the fall with his
wet neia in a see-saw game iuu Qanaa or ft itrlklng first, and
of fumbles and Interceptions. avoids taking the usual punish-
Each team made a touchdown, I meut.
Idaho made two points on a safe-1 Newton Is one of the younger
ty, and W. 8. C. retorted with a wrestlers in the northwest but his
field goal that gave the point nee-1 youth and vitality seem to be In
foyurth' .down pst Whitman the 1 ended, 'are among the strongest
hia favor. He adheres to the new
school ot professional wrestlers
yard Una paved ths way. tor th a i"w " " Vv.
ri. Tr.hitft Rt ? Wre. 1 rg. His powerful drives make
essary to win.
A tumble by Idaho on its 21
The other day the fans were
kicking because Willamette
Wras too good for the Northwest
coalerence and ought to get
Into trigger one. Now they're
kicking because It lost a game,
the second defeat hi three
years te conference play.
ball on their own 27-yard line In
the third period. Nehl gained three
yards at tackle. Thomas: pass, to
Nehl on the next play, was good
for It yards and first down on the
Whitman 20. Then Thomas step
ped, back and shot a pass .to Don
OXeary. He. caught it on the lt
yard line, fell, but got up to dive
across the goal.
In the state In their 'classifica
tion, and are so evenly matched
that It is bound to be a battle.
Leslie had Edge en
Lettermem Available
The plan broached by ' Oliver
Huston, athletic chairman of Cap
ital Post No. t, to divide the un
attached rooters of the city Into
two camps depending on their
first Washington State score.
Schroeder, halfback, carried thej
gooey ball ta the Idaho t-yard
stripe oa the first terrific smash.
Colburn, fullback, ripped through
the center, of the line for five
yards more. Colburn smashed over 1
center for the touchdown.
A rejuvenated Idaho team start
ed a drive oa Washington State's '
41 yard line In the third period.
this bad medicine for his oppon
Art O'Reilly of Eugene, who Is
noted not only tot his wrestling
ability, but also for his facial con
tortions while In the ring, win
meet "Speedy" Weikum In a pre
liminary match.
O'Reilly Is well known here ana
at' one time had a large following
of Salem tans, weikum wrestled
Columbia made 10 first downs, residence north er tenth of Trad I and counted t points before it was I
street, it meeting with favor. Tor' Bcnroww mmwio, m "-ioaee and had the upper hand ua-
Whitman none
Of course that Isn't the point.
They figure the Bearcats were
anrwar two touchdowns better
than Pacific. We think they
would be too leaving out
consideration the cripples.. Don'
be footed. Those boys listed
cripples went In there but tney
shouldn't have.
Georgia Gets
a 7 to 6 Victory
as I : - W .
If the Ksralars had started.
it most probably would have
been . scoreless .tie. "xney
couM have held Pacific's early
threat, but could never have
retained Punch enough to do
nay scoring t least that's oar
viewpoint. ' ,
YORK!, Nov. 7. (AP)
Two spectacular displays ot foot-
Those living north of this divid
ing Una will root for Parrlsh
and those south, tor Leslie.
Coach Gurnee Flesher ot Les
lie has a slight edge on experi
enced men, with four ot last
year's lettermen and one from
the : year before while Parrlsh
has; only three. Hastings, full
hack who played guard last year.
Mason and Burns who were half
backs both seasons and Elliott.
quarterback last year and now
ho marched to the 2t yard llne.tlL on oC th prora sonnenbergs
Then George Wilson, quarter, caarht him low and navedtha
swung around right end, shook I W.T taT a aneedr finish of the
on nan a aosen ucxies, reversea i bout.
his field and tore sensationally
arouna tne oiner ena ror a louca-i yt -
down. Tyrrell failed to convert ,lclSS nOUUGIS
laaao otocaea oanaer psu is
the same period, and Schroeder
fell on It behind the goal Una, giv
ing the Vandals two points on a
An infuriated Cougar paek went
rordham 2t, Detroit t. '
Drexel 12, Crslnus 1,
Pitt 14, Carnegie Tech fl.
Brown 2f. Ohio Wesleyan 12.
Lafayatte 22, Rutgers t.
Tufts C, Boston U. 0.
Delaware 21. SwarthPiore t.
Notre Dame "B 22. Buffalo I.
Boston College It, West Mary
land 12",
i iBtyertord 12. Hamilton 2. t v
! Providence 12, Niagara U. sV -
Bueknell - 7, Georgetown tV
Catholic U. It. ManhatUn I.
West Virginia 12. West Virgin
la Wesleyan 7.
South Carolina 27, Furmaa t.
Penn Military 2, Baltimore t.
Davls-Elklns 12, 8L Thomas t.
Mercer 12, Birmingham South
ern 0.
Delaware 22, Swarthmore t.
Bowdoln 14. Bluefleld t.
Washington-Lee f , V. P. L t.
Vanderbtlt 2t. MaryUnd It.'
Alabama 21, Florida t.
CORVALLIS, Orev Nov. 7
(AP) Playing la a driving rain
that turned Bell field Into one
great mud;-puddle, the Oregon
State college football team won
its first coast conference victory
with a It to count over Men
tana here today. .
Oregon State scored late la the
first period to take the lead .and
in the final Quarter crossed tha
Grlsxlles goal line twice more,
Only one try for point after
touchdown 'was successful.
Montana, showed flashes ot
power through the line but only
once threatened the orange goal
line seriously. That was In tha
second period when Leroux block
ed Rust's punt on the Oregon
State 15-yard line and Vldor re
covered for Montana on the Stat
er's seven-yard marker.
Oregon State's first string line
men were rushed In and Joslln
was sent Into the baekfleld to
help stop the expected touchdown
drive. ff v -1 -
In three successive downs Mon
Una lost three yards and In a
final attempt to score tried a
pass. But the ball was ground
ed and the Orangemen took It on
their own 10-yard line.
Pass by RamponJ
Goes for Score .
During the opening period play
surged from one end of the field
to the other on a series ot punt
exchanges. The scoring play
came after Oregon State had ad
vanced to the MonUna It yard
0 Willamette
To Start Play
The. Willamette university
ball, the first a 7 -yard gallop for an end but still calling signals. n lM P meeting a do- girW tnter-cUss basketball sched-1 ton t,
- - . . . T I . . . I fawmltieil Km 4f mmJk Tiei rut ilea an I m m I T
Havent seen: Spec Keen, but
touchdown" from klckoft by Buster
Mott and the other a magnificent
goal-line defensite itand, enabled
the University ot Georgia to con
quer New York- university today-
land continue an -unbeaten march
are the. veterans available along
with Staples who was out of
school last year but played in
.Coach Harold Hauk of Parrlsh
. a a. e f.T..ji.
guards converted a stanioro-.oi-1 -v" J-ZWttL -k ihf -uqowwu Murai BU vraiiaoi . nwo. jruia,
fenslveeaeon into ; tha final championship last year's center now pUylng
-touchdowns of the game in-tha - aedr-freah- MB?.. . ' : h
sixty-inree inousana speciaiors.
last euarter when he placed him
self in front of a short forward
pass over the center -of the line,
catching tha ball ' on : Stanford's
14-yard line and dashing-back to
raxSSa tear yards of the goal
rineXSkaver hit the middle of tha
line for two varda and on the
next pUl. Mohler slipped off his
right uckie for nu secona
touchdown of tha game and his
Southern : Callfornlaplayed
better football than did Stanford
but there was not a difference of
It points In the two elevens to
day. Tha Trojana. perhaps, were
no more " than two touchdowns
better than their rivals of 15
- years' standing.
Injured, 111 :
Some Better
Lorea "Scotty" Grannie. Wil
lamette universltya stellar -cen
ter who was removed from the
Pacltle game
Friday night
when ha vir
tually - coir
lapsed be
cause of ill
ness '.with
tonsllltls, was
' som e w h at
Imp rev a d
S&tur d a y
and w I 1 I
probably be
back In
school Mon
day, accord
ing 10 a I S TXorea OiMinlt
' buddy. Bill Ross.
, Grannls spent the night In the
hospital before the game but was
in the sUrting lineup neverthe
less and played most of the time.
The exercise caused the glands
of his throat to swell, but with
careful attention he is better now
and will probably get out of the
hospital today. . , . !
Roy Benjamin was carried off
the field In the game bat U was
not Pacific's fault. Lowell Crib
ble, playing---the . opposite end
from Benjamin, lunged at a Paci
fic man Just as ha went down and
Gribble's leg struck Benjamin's
head. Roy is better bow. but wilt
probably have a stiff neck for
while.' v v-h.-:-. '- :V -'-a
i Allen, Carpenter.. Mahen . and
Johnson were all tired Saturday,
but ; their injuries were " not
bumped In the game - enough te
Incapacitate them. .-. .. . .
tttntiona. A untaue and refresh
lng attitude for a coach to use,
If - you ask us.
the biggest crowd that has wit
nessed a gridiron game in New
York this season, taw the scrappy
Georgians keep their slata clean
with a 7-to-f victory after a thrill
ing battle.
Trailing by a touchdown, out
rushed and outplayed, the Geor
gians struck their decisive blow
at the outset of the third period
to take tha lead and then defend
it with as sUuneh an exhibition as
any . metropoliUn r gridiron "has
seen In many, a moon. . ,
Buster Mott took Big lira Tan-'
Lots of 7 to a games. uugai w ,-' j.r '71. ' r opponent a run for iu money,
ke the extra point out ot foot- Mi:TUf ot the paaf week's
"IT ,;r,""r ,Z:.:Z I Pe., may give the BearcaU all
n vu v eae w-a.we ouva tu v
But that's all water down
the xoJUrace new. Lin field com
ing up Wednesday. No setup.
wnder cnrcwmsuincee. a
what Albany did to College of
Idaho and what Columbia did
to Whitman. It Just floora the
dopesters. But dont ha f ooiea
alct Whitm ; either. . Mud.
Applegate and sense ethers not
! there. What did Borteske
caret It rat no conference ice.
quarterback. CapUln Don Coons,
end, and "Brownie ' Myers, full
Wrestling Prograaa
Follows Grid Game
Tha wrestling card at the arm
ory Is also Tuesday night, but
since the football game sUrU at
7 o'clock and tha grappling not
until :04. tana will be able to
see both.
Wednesday feature la the
WiUamette-Llnflell . f o o t h a 11
gama Northwest eonference - af
fair,-U the at Umoon. . Unfleld
Is at tha bottom of the .confer
ence standings but has given each
termlned but tired Idaho line.
Sander shot a long on to Luft,
substitute Quarter, for 21 yards.
He was down on tha 25 yard Has
and two more aerial sallies failed.
Sander heaved another long pass
to Erickson, substitute for Luft.
Erlckson was roughed, and Wash-
ula'has been drawn and games
will sUrt Monday.
Monday afternoon the seniors
and sophomores will plsy and the
Juniors and freshmen. Each day
the first game sUrU at 4 o'clock
and the second one at 4:41.
Tuesday's games: treshm on
line. Rampoal tossed seven varda
Georgia Tech It. North Oaro- Zm L. troM.!4 th rtMna,B-
.w nua no one near
The fourth Quarter sUrted with
both teams puntiag freely, and on
one attempt Schwammel broke
through- and blocked Reynolds
punt on the MonUna six-yard
line. Tha bail bounded back , to
the three-yard line and Schwam
mel scooped It up and skidded
across the goal Una.
More puaU followed the ensu
ing kickoff with Davis high
Plrals gradually forcing MonUna.
back. Then Tommy Ward, sent
u at Quarter for RamnonL
eaugnt a pant on tha Montana
Una It.
Tulane 27, Ala. Poly t.
Grlnaell 21, Washington L
Carlton 22. Coe 2.
Duke 7, Kentucky 0.
Sewanee 7. Mississippi 0.
North Carolina State I, Missis
sippi Aggies t.
Virginia StaU 42. Virginia Un-
Chatunooga 12. TransylvanU 7.
At Port Worth: Rloe I. Tex
as Christian 7.
Okla. Aggies 20, Crelghtoa 0.
Southern Methodist t. Texas A.
A M. 0.
hallT Ob Wall it helDS tO decide
games somehow, sometimes o
course the wrong way, depending
on whom yon want to see win.
It's Just a game.- " .
Ington SUte got the ball on the 7-1 soohomores and Junior-seniors.
yard line. Two running plays fall-4 Thursday: seniors-freshmen and
ed. and John Eubank, a dead-eye 1 lunlors-sophomores.
kicker, was sent In for Colburn at 1 A round robin series will be
fuIL Eubank stood oa tha 14-yard I nlaved aad leecue sUndinga wtlll
una and booted a nerfect nlace- decide the championship. Last
tnent. year the Juniors won.
How I Play Football
(Twice AU-Amertcaa Qoarterback with 1D29-1PS0 cbAmplonabip
ivocre Dame, head tMcaxleid coach at raraue sasrverstty ana
Notre ame.l II errerson S.
uKianomst iv, &ansas V.
University 0
Middle wast
Ohio SUte 20. Navy t.
Notre Dame 4t. Pennsylvania t.
Michigan 22, Indiana t.
Chicago 12, Arkansas 12.
Northwestern 22, Minnesota 14.
Wisconsin 7. Illinois f .
Purdue 4t Centenary f.
Nebraska 7, Iowa t.
Michigan SUte 100. Ripen 0.
Obertln 0. Akron 0.
Iowa SUte 7. Kansas lute f.
Ohio U. 27. Depauw t.
featured with Lew Ayres In the motion picture The8ptrit of II Marquette II. Washington and
ni.. . i. mm r-a ..-lHyara una and ainait t.n
of Uuteo ,. I " " b.f.r k. ni
w Third Score
DALLAS. Nov. 7 The lnter-
clasa voUeyball tournament, en
tered by four enthusiastic teams
vi. v Miinni 4r1 u won bv
-.-ww. m , - - . mJtmm.tmJ. V .... - mi.l.
the senior class team, uames 01 1 to ui
AtlauU baekfleld star, ilg-xagged
his way 20 yards, then shot Into
the , clear as he neared mldfield.
Not a violet-clad ' figure touched
him as he completed a 1 7-yard
dash for touchdown, aided by su
perlative blocking.
With the score
great ' end. Vernon
Smith, calmly place-kicked the ex
tra point that turned out to be
the winning margin, his perform
ance duplicating the fashion in
which- Georgia ; ! overcame New
York a year ago. It marked Geor
gia's sixth straight triumph ot the
1931 season and tha second set
back ia a row for the Violets, un-
kinds of trouble, especially since
the local team will hart had only
tour" days to recuperate from the
pounding It received in the Pa
cific game.
s-sass Leslie Holds
No Victories
a.i ft
:P5 I
; for MEN: "
'Select your gif t early to
vo!d last-minuU confu
glon. A small, deposit
Senator Hotel SIS If, High
Tackling la as essential te anj
D layer as hia abulty ta think or
kick or pass. Good uckiing u a
prima factor ta
any .boy playing
football. .Tackl
ing requires
eourage, wllling-
nees and determ
ination. A good
tackier eaa not
do without these
three tssantUls
they, are hia best
racaung is a . -'r
defensive net. rraak CsxUm
Indications from advance dope When vour onsoneat has the ball
that toward tha formulating otland Is running as fast and as
! different history as far as scores I hard as he" can - for vour goal
are concerned when Leslie and I line a Uckler has to stop him
rarrisn junior nign scnoois meet i brine him down.- -There Is a
Tuesday night under the huge I treat thrill In a rood Uckle: nor-
are UghU for tha first night toot-1 haps one ot the greatest In the
I ball game ever played in the game. The man who prevenU a
iSUto by Junior" high schols. score against, his -team is a very
Of - the seven tootbaU games ImoorUnt person and a rood
played between LesUe and Pais I Uckler la lost as much a Ur
run in the past, Parrlsh has aa- as a' good ball carrier.
nexed .five and two: have ended! The bast ram of tackUnr la to
Eight Of last year's mat Dor-1 la Scoreless ties. The aontb S.lmat tlia adranMnv mnnar'a lara
The?lt21 school championship J e". rtHng at lem boys have never bested the Just above his knees with your
vollevball team was composed of s',cl .Blu" ana wnn i nonn on tne gnairon and the shoulder. As your shouiaer
Ethei I McAllaster. Lydla MehU hw t menthreatening to repUce only contest aver taken by Leslie J strikes him, wrap your arms
x ... r..rr..- Arum, if.. Hart. I Tovcraoa, (ma pes-1 waa in oaseoau last sorlnr. -; i around nu knees, tisnten your
man Acnes Kerr. Dorothy El- Ia pr?sp5ch5 - - :J - -A toUI Of 21 points has been hold and force him off his feet
iiott. and Helen Shreeve. . xam nmaa w "?uf, W9Z uouuted for Parrlsh and only backward to the ground with
I5r ...... . .. times a week under direction of I ic tnr ta.ii i. ..... . 1 , iA. , ,An,.v
THIS is tne urst year mat to- nnia. ..--.i.i. . v "" T"" L " VT.T . i . w m - ' . .
thU - tournament, were played ; in Meehan's regime.
tba hlrh school gym. The tour
nament waa pUyed on the basis
or single elimination. : s
" The i sophomores ueteatea tae
freshmen in the first round while
the seniors were defeating, the
Juniors. . In the losers- game ins
Juniors - managed to - beat ' tna
sophomores. . The final game was
won by tne senior ..giris to cuncu
the '.school- cnamptonsnip.
lev ball has been one of the In
terelass sport for tha girls'
classes. Miss HulL the girls phy
sical ' education instructor, states
that " the volleyball tournament
fully met her expectations. She
being stressed at preseatTand the
men are taking it easy until they
get their muscles Into condition.
The veterans are E. Otjen, 171;
Don Sugal. ICS; George Milton-j
berger, 155; Paul Tennent,145:
Tne . only year that Leslie has I steps. Be sura that when yon
scored was In It 22 when Grimes I wrap your arms around the run
performed ' for "Gurnee Flesher. I ner's knees you break his leg so
la one of the games that -.rear Itlon make It impossible for. him
Leslie made It poinU, but Par-1 to advance another step, by fore-
plans U begin .Interclass basket- L.. Anders0II, 145; AVt So-
nan soon. ; -
Six teams la the, newly organ
ised Business league at tha Cap-
iUl bowling alleys roUed theli
first games Friday night and tha
others;' unable to appear because
gal, 125; Gordon King, 115, and
Robert Ostlind, 100.- tr
More matches will bs scheduled
this year than last and a number
will be sought with Portland high
schools. Vernon Gilmore, physical
director, hopes to enter the Salem
team la the state championship
meet which Is held annually.
Wrestling Is sUU a minor sport
at Salem high; but If ft goes well
this may be recognized and,
letters awarded.;
rist got 20.
-The scores In the past are
PaTrish 20; - Leslie 0.
t LesUe
Parrlsh 12; ,
Parrlsh 20;
Parrlsh 2ft;
Parrlsh I:
toUls 21
Leslie It
Leslie 0.
LesUe 0.
two to three feet further than ha
Is at that second, then lunge for
him with every ounoa of vitality
you have. Ia lunging tha Uckler
has his greatest leg drive with
bis hips low, head ap aad arms
spread wide and he 'drives' direct
ly 'through' the runner.
The action in the Universal pie-
tare "The Spirit of Notre Dame"
showlnr at Warner Bros. Elslnora
Theatre Nov. 8-t-lt Vtll give yon
a clearer picture of this polat.
Keep your wlU about yon. Keep
up your spirit. Be determined
that the runner will not pass yon
your team, tha honor ot your
school depends upon your abluty
to nail the runner there and then.
Don't let his also worry you. The
bigger they come the harder they
fall and when you 'damp' a ugnt
hold on any football runner's legs
ha usually falls regardless of who
ha Is, how big ha Is or how great
ha is supposed to be.
This article completes my series
givea to American boys -who as
pire to become good tootbaU play
ers; boys wilUag U. learn tha
rudiments ot the game early la
Ufa so that they. can learn the
science of the game when . they
reach high school and college.
North DakoU 2 ft. St Thomas 0.
Monmouth 22, Lake Forest 7.
Illinois Wesleysn 12. Bradley
Tech 0.
HaskeU Indians 2 ft, Emporia
Teachers 0.
Kansas Wesleyan ft, PaiUlps
U. 0.
Simpson 24, Mornlngslde 12.
ueraui 4 ft. Louisville I.
Three drives lnte tha it. -.-
Davis, end. Waa sent into the
game. He got away oa the first
pUy aad picked Ward's 12-yard
et at mm Aa. .at . a juensa
w w me air near the
MonUna goal line, MonUna
Uckler. nailed him there but he
LcroTM ,?or oh-
foMftOal "'k th po!at
Each team marked up four
The ?.7B.Monu
the bail ui tiMi a
ISSif aiul 14 Ore-
ovi maue lis mmi.
rM .
M icnnaui aB sb
The lineup aad summary:
Oregon. SUte
Lyman. ...... .LE. . Leaf
rry i,t Hylton
McCarthy ...... LO . . Bergerson
Leroux........ C Hammer
Botsenhardt. . . RO. Cox
Colorado Aggies 2ft. Wromlnr I Peterson RT. Schwammel
. 1 I Vidro ....RE... McDonald
Brigham Touag University ft. I Boone Q Rampoal
UUh Aggies t. ICavea .LH Rust
Colorado University 21, Den-1 Hlnmaa. . . .. . .RH. ... Bowman
ver ft.
Man k ate Teachers T. nt
(jtoua o.
Rocky Mountain
UUh University 22. CelaraAa
College ft.
Cor......... ..P....... Uttle
Score by periods:
MonUna ..... .0 t t 0 ft
Oregon 8UU...7 0 t 12 It
Oregon SUU scoring: Touch
downs: Rust, Schwammel. B. Da
vis (sub tor McDonald); Point
after touchdown K. Davis (sup
for Leaf) place kick.
BELLING HAM. Wash.. Nov. 7
B. A P. W. srenrra
MONMOUTH, Nov. 7 Mrs-
many of - the Players wsnted , to I ILt ai rn- Haaahapa riiaa I ?rd. O'Rourka. was hostess. Mon-
see tha football game, will get la Pnrat SonnA Lorrera raUled "y.-Zenia tb lo Butraess
motion Thursday night this weak KJ tSm ".MMa lift todar ta. da- Proreasionai Women's-club.
feat the Belllngham Normal tt?arW-?mkAtflc,IJUi tOT
school VlkJng 21 to 7Tha ytkAjL J
lugs wera.leading at the-halt f ro'tZ:!
--w w o. &r.vuca an.
Velma V.. Smith and Miss Acnes
Mart Hemenwsy and . Wayne I CampbelL t Miss Faith vKlmbalL
The league has decided : to meat
Thursday nlghu Instead of Fri
days . .
There Is such interest In this
league as It Is vlrtaully a weekly
five-man sweepsUkea, a. .new ' da
narture In "bowling here. '
. Emmons CUthlng was" hlrh I Kantola are chaUenrlnr any two I the president, wflt entertain tha
team Friday night and Xsrnell j bowlers to a doubles match next I club at her home Jn Independence
soot sign gam ai its, , i saturaay nignk - . . . lai tna next meeting.
lng your arms close to your chest
after they have been wrapper.
As tha man with the ball ad
vances down tha Held toward you.
rou" advance toward hlxn. Try. ta
get him as fast as possible for
another sten may moan a first
down or, avtouchdowa. Don't let
him get anycloser te your goal
line than yon caa possibly allow.
I ', As ho advances, get directly in
1rnnt f him olast Tour feat.
spread , wide apart, firmly In. the
turf, flex, your waist muscles ao.
that yon can sway from one mat
to another. Ia doing this you
force the runner, to show yon
whether he intends, going to tha
right or left. Make him show yon
where he. is, going. The second
he shifts tha ' tackier should - be
upon lm with a lunge, and "leg
drive, driving through him, that
will throw tha runner tff hia fee
. Judge your disUnce carefully.
Don't be so rigidly 'set In front
of this runner that you can , not
changa'your position to meet his
Quick Shift. Spot tha ranner and
measure your dlaUnct with your
aye, figuring tha runner about
SOUJH BEND, Ind... Nov. .71
(AP) Notre Dama'a football ha.
TnAtttall la a trantandona anort. Iricane ft wept the Quakers from
I have an Intense-admiration aad PaansylvanU right Into a storm
respect for H. - While U Univer- f6,1T today aad burled them
sal recently working with Lew there under tha debris of an
Ayres on -The Spirit ot Notre "tttB,,, -to-0 defeat
Dame" I was . assocUted with Holding the Quakers wlthoat
Notre Dame's famous Four Horse- except for a mild
men of 1214 Stuhldreher. MU1- J that carried Into their 22-
er. Crowley and Layden. Football FWd Uaa, at the -tart of the third
has done much for thorn. They 1' tb m . Notre Dame
are active, oa their toea and fuU "f'64 ,mort "i.wU1; T? O"
n, y,m ..1,1, ,tia mmmm to. tSSm PllSd Up 21 POluU U the
Bears Seize
Breaks, Beat
ley, CallL, Nov. 7 (AP) Fight
ing with n fury that brooked no t
opposition. California's Bears
chsnged a specUculariy close
game Into a second half rout to
day to defeat-Washington's Hus
kies. 12-0 in the 17th annual re- .
newal ot football boetlUtles be
tween these old time rivals. ,
Aa alert elevea that saw tad
ai- Z'm Tkftr f.mon. took up the baton is the last half alsed 1U chaneee brought brilr
.7T.-- T-V. r.vTr. . ir - I and compleud the rout bv rolllaal Uant victory to Coach Bill In-
h T-Vt .rhT.VaV tha world to " touchdowns. gram's Bears. Midway of Ua third
has ever known. At 44 Jim I . ",T: 1 .r" 7i '
miuw ifvuiw wwrav uiaa va oaa
Thorpe U stlU a marvel, at foot
ball, hia body Is like a sturdy oak.
he never knows maesa or sadn
sUged by the Reckne raiders on
Peon's home lot a year are. when
H;aurb,irhapArr.rATtroi5 .! o-
.I.- mmi A mmA -Klllf-- 1 - ..vv.,..
Ww f enawa aaaveaavu Sa eaew w-arei
ta be a 'go-gstter are tha rasulu
a j a. a ev m .
or piaying rootoau . ngnt. i ri f.lft T
Football Is today enjoying IU FaSSDaJl LeBgUQ
gU hundreds , ot thoasaada af
people lata the open aa waU as
the athletes ea the field. There
Is " a real thrill U aa exclUag I Drawlaxs were made Frida at
tootbaU game. Football la a game I WUlametta university for the eUm
that builds mind, and body aUke I tnaUoa playoff In the do-nat pass
as Well aa character, eourage aad I ball league.
chivalry.- v-- -v ' TheFacalty and Alpha Pat Del-
. Play football. Learn It right. U will pUy with the winner,
play It right; but never forget that meeting the winner at the Upper
practice makes perfect aad tha Class-Kappa : Gamma ' Rhe game,
keynote of success Is football tt Playoff will begin Monday with
smartness, ' dependahlUty a a A neutral referees selected for the
courage. . I contests.
period saw California snatch at a
"break aad transform it into a
touchdown. : -. - ..
. A poor punt by Hatford travel
ed only it yards from scrimmage.
The Bears put tha ball lata action
22 yards from goal. Plunges at
the Una, with Schaldtch break
ing loose for one gain at 21 yards.
It put the oval oa the two yard
Playoff Starts sr?
The game turned lata tha
fourth Quarter. A desperate Hus
ky elevea backed late tU own tar-
rltory. tried a pass. Marsh, south
paw tosser of tha ' nerthernere
whipped the ball away tut It sail
ed straight Into tha arms of Rue- .
ty Gill. With a clear field ahead,
the Bear halfback raced , around
his own right and for 21 yards
and crossed tha Washington's
goal Una sUnding up. - - -