The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Blornlnsr.' November 8, 1931
F . -
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TUST completed is the state convention of American War
J Mothers which attracted, the attention of a large group
of those matrons, who know in full the meaning of Armis
tice day. ' Mothers they were who sat Thursday and Friday
in the Masonic temple in serious deliberation of what they
could do to assist in this problems which are inviting the at
tention of. the United States today; of problems which come
. so directly from those days out of which was created Armis
tice day, the American War Mothers, and any number of
other organizations participated in by women as well as by
t menJ';'';-:,.;.-i ; -' .'. , ' ' ...
' ' , Gray haired mothers they were who met in mutual
sympathy.of the day to be celebrated Wednesday with much
excitement in general, and : in particular with solemn
thought. .
' In memory society women will recall the excitement of
those pre-armistice days of entertaining and then will recall
with most of the men gone how all settled down to knit and
sew and work in Red Cross, canteen, Y. M. C. A. and aU the
other, niches into which a woman could fit in those'' dif
ficult, times.
' Thoughts of clothes and formal parties flitted away in
'presence of. the awesome facts of war, and it is only recent
lyafter l3 long years that the frills and foibles of social
life have dared to raise their heads and be received.- f?
In compliment to the mothers of. the land who look back
:,with blended" sympathy on the day 13 years ago when emo
;,at peace we present a group of active War Mothers.
i! ; Mrs. Emelie' Hendricks, center, was the first American
War Mother president of the Oregon organization. She was
appointed by Gov. Withycombe in 1917 and served as presi
dent for several years before a charter was granted the
chapter. Mrs. Hendricks has also served as national vice
Mrs. Linnie Lee, newly elected vice president of the
state organization and president of the local War Mothers,
; Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, newly elected president, and Mrs.
Mark Skiff, retiring president of the state organization are
the other members of the group.
Jubilee Pageant is
Ejeaijiful Event
Ctrl Reserve members and of
ficials as weD as Y. W. C. A. of
ficials and board members bare
let down a bit tbls week follow.
Ing the conclusion of the very
beautiful "golden Jubilee" pag
eant which was given by the or
ganizations Friday night in the
First Methodist church.
Colorful and splendidly cos
fumed, the presentation of the
past 60 years of activities on the
part of the Girl Reserve, the pres
ent work of the Reserves and the
Ideals which they hope to mater
ialize for the future all was ac
complished in. superior fashion
under the direction of Mrs. Eliz
abeth Galla her and the coach.
Mrs. Helen Kutch.
The program proved very edu
cational. Mrs. C. A. Park gave the
organization history 'or the T.
W. C. A. In Oregon and Miss
Beatty gave the history of its
formation In Salem. Sllverton
with Its advisors and a group of
about 50 girls presented the work
which is acompllshed by the
present day Girl Reserves. An
other large group of high school
girls presented the ideals of the
xuture for the Reserves.
! Mrs. Jean Rahn was the read
er and gave an excellent back
ground for the acting together
with the music presented by
grade school reserves.
The climax of the party was
the lighting of the three tier
birthday cake which sat in state
In the middle of the church It
was lighted by Mrs. William Mc
Gilchrist, president of the executive-board
of the Y. W. C. A.,
and was "carried out by four Re
serves. After being cut it was
served to the guests present.
The pageant may be repeated
of Us unusual interest and ex
cellent accomplishment.
The Y. W. C. A. win start the
week with a board meeting Tues
day at 10 o'clock followed by a
noc Uncheon. Mrs. William Mc
. Gilchrist will preside.
Monday Mrs. Gallaher will
meet Girl Reserve advisors In
the Y. W. C. A. rooms of Willam
ette university at 3 o'clock.
Among the Reserves' meetings
planned Is that of Leslie school
which will meet after school with
Miss Minnie Shrode. "Smoke
printing" will be taken up as a
craft work.
Mrs. Gallaher will meet with
the Parrish 7th ri po...
: Tuesday to plan for a new pro
Sunday, November 8
Brush College Sunday school rally at school house:
potlirck dinner at 11:45 o'clock.
Monday, November 9
Mrs. W. D. Smith, hostess to Chapter A. B. of the
P, K. O. Sisterhood at her Home 7:45 oclock, 1865 Cen
ter street. Education day program planned by Miss L.
May Rauch. - -
Veterans of Foreign War Auxiliary, Joint Installa
tion with Veterans, at Woman's clubhouse,' 8 o'clock.
Delta Phi sorority Mother's club with Mrs. Fred
Alban Well, 57 Chemeketa street. 2:30 o'clock.
Tuesday, November 10
AuxiHary to Sons of Unto Veterans. Woman's
clubhouse, 7:30 o'clock: installation ef officers.
Y. W. C.A. executive board meeting, 10 o'clock In
T. W. C. A. social rooms: noon luncheon.
Reception fpr Eugenia Savage, hours 2:30 to 4 30
o'clock in Lausanne hall; all friends are invited to call
to compliment Miss Savage before her departure for
China this weekend.
i Luncheon In compliment to Queen or Nydla temple,
t Portland, and four, of her officers. Gray Belle.
"Junior Guild of St- Paul's Episcopal church, reg
ular businesfmeeting followed by tea in compliment to
women of the chnrch, at home of Mrs. Frank Durbin,
172S,Fatriaount street. 4f
r Pythian Sisters, regular meeting. Fraternal temple.
Mrs. George Alden will address Salem Arts league,
In cltjv library auditorium. Talk of China.
Woman's Home Missionary society of Jason Lee
Methodist church, 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. P, J. Vbtb.
1555 North Capitol street.
CM Delta chapter of Delphian society. Mrs. J. T.
Delaaey, 720 North Summer street; 9:30 o'cloek.
t : Mrs. J. M. Devers, 1375 Market street. 2:15 o'clock
hostess to members of drama class of Mrs. Gustav
Ebsen. - .
Chadwick chapter., Order of Eastern Star social
: club afternoon In Mason temple." Program.
Wednesday, November If
.Thank offering service of Lutheran i Ladies Guild,
i American. Lufberan church, 2:J0 o'clock In church
. parlors. ' - ' '
Mrs. Amelia Webb, hostess to Thimble, club of Mac-'
eabees at. her Itome, 525 North 1 9th street -
ject. The ninth grade of this
school will meet Thursday and
the 8th grade Friday.
High school Reserves will meet
Thursday with Helen Brelthaupt.
Special work is being planned by
Joint Installation
To be Observed
On Monday
LODGES and fraternal organi
zations are busy these days
Installing officers and mak
ing ready for active winter events.
Among the organizations to in
stall officers this week will be
the Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and the Veterans
who will hold a Joint installation
at the Woman's clubhouse Mon
day night at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Cecile Porter, department
president, will come from Port
land to do the installing and will
bring with her the color bearers
and conductress. The Veterans
will be installed by Glenn Jack,
commander of the local group.
It is expected that at least 26
Portland people will be present In
addition to a delegation from Al
The committee In charge of the
installation is Mrs. Frank Neis
wander. Mrs. Chritlal Flier. Mrs.
Bryon Con ley, and Mrs. W. h.
Officers to be Installed by the
auxiliary are Mrs. R. W. Reming
ton, president; Mrs. Henry Sims.
senior president; Mrs. Frank
Neiswander, junior president;
Mrs. W. L. Moorman, chaplain;
Bryon Conley. treasurer. The re
mainder of the officers are ap
pointive and will be announced at
the Monday night meeting follow
ing the installation.
Delta Zeta Alumnae
Club Will Meet
The first meeting of the fall
for the members of the Delta Zeta
Alumnae club of Salem will be
Monday night at the home of Miss
Helen Louise Crosby. 555 North
Winter street at 8 o'clock.
A business meeting will pre
cede a social evening. A general
invitation Is being extended atay
Delta Zeta in Salem who is not
already a member to come and
Join the group. Meetings wHl be
held regularly during the remain
der of the fall and winter seasons,
Society lwP
, .
Kantner Has
A program toward which the
musical pnblie or Salem Is
looking forward to with
keen relish is the Christmas Mac
Doweli chorus presentation De
cember 1.
The chorus is working on a
group of beautiful numbers under
the direction of Miss Lena Belle
Tartar. The finale number will be
The Holy City" with Jean Kant
ner, Seattle baritone soloist, sing
ing with the chorus. This num
ber alone seems to promise
enough to look forward to with
Jean Kantner will be the as
sisting artist for this program. He
will be remembered by many Sa
lem people as a boy soloist of un
usual and remarkable ability. He
was soloist with a symphony or
chestra at the age of nine years
and has kept on toward an un
usually successful goal of con
cert artist. He will leave this
spring for study In Europe.
Mr. Kantner is the grandson of
W. C. Kantner of Salem and the
son of Clifford W. Kantner, also
well known in Salem. Many will
remember the programs upon
which father and son appeared
in joit concert work.
Mr.'s voice has been
commented upon as having
"memorable texture". He will pre
sent a program for the MacDow-
ell club that will range from dit
ties to opera arias.
The program will be given in
the Grand theatre.
Mrs. L. W. Potter
Is Hostess
Mrs. L. W Potter was hostess
to the members of the Pringle-
Pleasant Point Social dub Thurs
day. Autumn flowers, made a
pretty decoration about the
rooms. A potluck luncheon was
served at noon, followed by the
usual business meeting. The af
ternoon was spent in cutting
and making blocks for a quilt
being made by the club. The next
meeting will be held November
19. at the home of Mrs. Georee
Members present were Mrs.
William McCarroll. Mrs. Wil
liam Coburn, Ml?s Grace Robert
son, Mrs. J. N. Robertson. Mrs.
E. S. Coates. Mrs. Olive Shafef.
Mrs. F. R. Clark. Mrs. Rue Drag
er. Mrs. V. E. Meeks, Mrs. O. T.
Sealey, Mrs. J. M. Coburn, Mrs.
J. W. Keys. Mrs. William Pronst.
Mrs. George Guerne. Mrs. Homer
Harrison, Mrs. W. H. Graben-
horst, Mrs. George Grabenhorst,
Mrs. J. Yates, Mrs. Clifford
Jones, and Margaret Jones.
Special guests were Mrs. Ray
ocum, Mrs. Perkins and baby,
Marlene Joan, Mr. McCarroll. Mr.
J. Yates, and the host and hos
tess. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Potter.
The regular thank-offering
meeting of the American Luther.
an church Ladies' Galld win be
held at the church parlors Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
rs. a. f . Homyer. Mrs. C. C
tioiman and Mrs. O. E. Roean
will be hostesses. Services will be
conauctea ny Mrs. Richard C.
ArpKe and Mrs. C. M. Byrd will
give a report of th recent con
vention at Longview. Mrs. Lewis
Kudie will preside.
About '60 members of tit
lor class of Willamette university
enjoyed an informal party at
ynresio cottage Friday nieht fol
lowing the Wlllamette-FaelHc
game. An Interesting part of the
evening war the program riven.
T. S. Wang chanted one of his
own poems written in Chinese, and
this was translated bv Wesley
Warren. Miss Beulah Gr Aim rav
a reading and Miss Marvelle Ed-
waras whistling solo.
xne second meeting of the
Young Married Women's club of
me university met with. Mrt
vrMt. -t . Jtx
amerman lnursaay eve
ning, vmcers were insuiled and
ptans made tor the coming sea
son Tuesday evening th elnh
wHl hold a dinner-art Cbresto colu4
tage on the campus. Husbands of
me group wm ! special guests,
miss Lorraine KInser enter
Uined with a bridge afternoon at
her home- Saturday. College and
high school gins made np ' the
Own M. D04S.
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Top Knnell-Elll cuts; Lower, Trover Studio
B. & P. W. Club
THE Salem Business and Pro- i
fesslonal club Is ' showing
much activity in both social
and service activities this fall. It
has organized a choir which has
developed Into one of the inter
esting singing bodies of the city.
It appeared for the first time
about three weeks ago in one of
the special Rebekah lodge pro
grams which the latter group is
sponsoring each Monday night,
and it again appeared on the!
Thursday evening program of the
state convention of American War
Mothers. Mrs. Lisbeth Waters is
A second activity of interest is
the social club which met for its
first meeting Monday night at the
home of Mrs. Hulda Leidstrom
with Mrs. Leidstrom and Mrs. Lil
ian Cadwell as hostesses Monday
night. Mrs. Daisy Hayden and
Miss Juana Holmes will be host
esses for the December meeting
of the club.
Elks Charity Card
Party Series Planned
One of the successful series of
"card parties during the last win
ter season was that sponsored by
the Elks club, and given in the
Elks temple. The funds so obtain
ed were used for charity.
A demand has come to the club
for a repetition of the parties and
so the announcement that Monday
night at the Elks temple the club
will sponsor the first of a series of
eight such parties to be given dur
ing the winter this year. All funds
secured will again be turned over
to the charity work for which the
club Is well-known.
George Henderson, Reed Row
land, and Willard Marshall make
up the committee members who
will have charge of the parties.
Both "500'' and bridge will be-in
play at the temple Monday night
iouowmg the hour of 8 o'clock.
All Elks, . their families and
friends are Invited to attend. The
temple will be open fir Inspec
tion during the evening.
Mrs. Walter
Is Hostess
A delightfully informal lunch
eon of Saturday was that for
which Mrs. Walter Zosel was
hostess at her home in compli
ment to members of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary quartet, its
accompanist and director.
The table was attractively ar
ranged with rose chrysanthe
mums flanked with ivory tapers
in crystal holders. Pretty and un
usual favors added Interest . to
the table.
. Covers were placed for Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, director of
the group. Mrs. Kenneth Dalton.
accompanist, and Mrs. Bernice
Bowe, Miss Mildred Wyatt, Miss
Marie Robertson, and Mrs. Zosel.
Following the luncheon hour the
regular reheasal was held.
. f
Mrs. Luella Engstrom, chair
man of the "good of the order"
committee oLJhe Rebekah lodge,
has spent much of the fall In vis
iting lodges of the state and ex
plaining the work to be accom
plished. Among the last lodges to
be visited was that of.Sclo, No.
7, where she was asked to speak
before a lodge meeting. ,
?VrV (fr'ft -- COMPLETE j
;i42627-28-Oregon Bldg. - Telephone 5754
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Mrs. G. Alden Will
Address Arts
MONG the unusual things to
be discussed by Mrs. G. H.
Alden in her talk on
"China" at the November meet
ing of the Salem Arts league
Tuesday evening in the auditor
ium of the Salem public library
will be the eight foundation
strokes of writing on which the
Chinese language is built.
Mrs. Alden was rauch interest
ed in the peculiarities of the Chi
nese language and picked up
many interesting and unusual
bits of information. For Instance,
she says that when a Chinese
wants to use the word "confu
sion" he pictures two women to
gether; and if he wants to use
the Idea of "contentment" he
places the picture of a man and
rice together.
Mrs. Alden will show models
of rickshaws and rich fur-trimmed
Mandarin coats. Durfng her
talk -she will wear one of the
Mandarin coats, and will also
show a "haorl" coat or Japanese
But the main theme of her
talk will center about her visit to
the Great Wall. She spent two
weeks In this vicinity studying
the walls, summer and winter
palaces, and the odd points of
This talk is open to the Salem
public. A Bhort business meet
ing of tbe arts league will be
held at 7:45 o'clock, Immediately
preceding the talk.
Mrs. Walter Miller
Hostess to W. C. T. U.
Cloverdale. Mrs. Walter Miller
entertained the W. C. T. U. at her
home Wednesday. The members
pieced a quilt during the day.
The business meeting was led
by Mrs. A. A. Dumteck, while
Mrs. Jay Cook had charge of the
devotions. A lengthy report of the
state convention at Albany was
given by Mrs. S. Drager.
Those taking part in discussing
topics on prohibition were Mrs
T. Whitehead, Mrs. A. Kunke and
Mrs. W. Farr. A reading was giv
en by Mrs. Mary Shilling.
Members present were Mrs. J.
Luke. Mrs. T. Cook, Mrs. J. Flif
let, Palma Fliflet, Ida Feller. Mrs.
F. Feller, Mrs. C. Drager, Mrs. S.
Drager, Mrs. W. Farr, Mrs. K.
Russell, Mrs. L. Hennles, Mrs- T
McKinney, Mrs. C. Stanley, Mrs.
T. Whitehead, Mrs. W. Anderson,
Mrs. A. Knnke, Mrs. E. Shilling.
Mrs. J. Morris, Mrs. J. Shilling,
Mrs. J. Shifferer, Mrs. B. Van
Walkenberg, Mrs. W- Morris. Mrs.
A.- Dumbeck and Mrs. J. Cook.
Visitors present were Mrs. Stel
la Miller, Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. C
Ball. Mrs. W. Ball, Mrs G Crume
and Mable Tucker ot Turner, Mrs.
W. McKinney. Salem; Mrs. D. Gil
bert, Holllster, Cal.; Mrs. L. Jar
man, Mrs. A. Hennles, Mrs. F.
Luke, Mrs.. N. Word en and Mrs.
E. Luke, Cloverdale.
The i-ext meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. A. Hennles with
Mrs. E. Shilling as hostess.
Mrs. John Rolow entertained
with a birthday party Recently for
her son, Raymond Rolow. The
evening- was spent in playing
cards. Present In compliment to
Raymond were Bob Green, John
Telley. Dolf WIttel, Bob Pickens.
Donald Moore. Arthar Stnbber
field. Dan McCarthy. . .
: Wave ,
r l
AND now another month has
rolled around and it is time
for the second Monday dance
club to meet, which it will do
Monday night at Castillian halL
Formal in its scheme of things its
meeting night is marked with din
ner parties both before and after
the hours of dancing.
The largest dinner party for
Monday night is being planned by
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay,
Mrs. McKay will use yellow and
bronze chrysanthemums and
orange tapers to enhance the
beauty of her table appointments.
Dinner will be at 7 o'clock.
Covers will be placed for Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mr,
and Mrs. Leland Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Chambers, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. A. F,
Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood-
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hus
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr
and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Mr. and
Mrs. George Alexander, and Mr,
and Mrs. Douglas McKay.
In addition to this party there
will be others smaller and one
large 30 cover "no host" party at
the Gray Belle.
Bridge Benefit is
The benefit bridge for which
Mrs. J. T. Delaney opened her
home Friday afternoon proved a
delightful affair. Mrs. Glenn See
ley was assistant hostess. Pro
ceeds from the event went toward
the aid of the local Girl Scouts
A special guest for the after
noon was Mrs. Edith Meek, past
president of the Idaho state
American Legion auxiliary.
Present for the afternoon were :
Mrs. H. R. White, Mrs. Willis
Vincent, Mrs. Elmer Wooton.
Mrs. Alexander McGee, Mrs. T.
L. Kuhns, Mrs. Cyril Nadon, Mrs.
Christopher Butte, Mrs. Elbert
Bradford. Mrs. William Watkins.
Mrs. Henry Fornler, Mrs. Frank
Jlrak, Mrs. M. J. Melchlor, Mrs.
R. D. Woodrow, Mrs. Curtis
Johnson, Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs.
Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Byron Lleu
allen, Mrs. Walter Zosel, Mrs.
Albert Gragg, Mrs. Carl Hulten
berg, Ms. Joseph V. Schur. Mrs.
Roscoe Clark, Ms. Ray Binegar,
and Mrs. Charles Duval.
Interesting Party
In Hubbard
An lnteesting party was given
this week in Hubbard in compli
ment to Chief L. V. Jenkins of
Portland and which was attended
by a namber of Salem people.
- Covers were placed for Chief
Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Hal
E. Hoss. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee
Stelner, Mrs. R. E. Phillips. Miss
Alene PhllHps, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Spragae. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry ColUns, Judge and Mrs.
Miller Hayden and Dr. and Mrs.
P. O. Riley of Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson
will entertain as dinner guests
today Mr. and Mrs. John Uglow
of Dallas. In the afternoon a 4
o'clock tea Is planned and musical
numbers will be given for a group
of additional guests..
: Lead in Thoughts - or .
Salem Society
THE banner of society is being flown under that of char
ity work to a large degree these days and as the winter
comes on this alliance will increase.
. The Red Cross is occupying the attention of a large
number of Salem matrons prominent in the busy society
circles of the city. Mrs. Curtis Cross and Mrs. Fritz Slade
Wether with-large commit- ; ; j
tees are busy with meetings
getting plans marshaled
which will enable the Red
Cross to become a part of Salem
through Salem becoming mem
bers of the Red Cross. The com
mittees are working on member
ships. A small sum makes a per
son a member of this organiza
tion which will in turn use the
money in every ay possible to
aid the needy in Salem. - This aid
does not only come to those who
are temporarily embarrassed this
winter .bat- it continues its aid
-f throughout the. year helping in J
any emergency and paying , more
attention to helping "people help
themselves" than to s actually . re
lieving Immediate want and- then
forgetting about tbem.
Another organization busy ow
with charity plans is the Elks
lodge. This organization is ap
pealing to the society of the city
by arranging a series of card
parties to be held on Monday
nights in the Elks temple. These
parties have been sponsored in
years gone by and have proved a
popnlar way to let the city aid
its needy, and at the same time
entertain Itself.
Stepping out of Salem a bit
but still talking about something
that any number of people will
be Interested in and will attend
there is the annual military ball
which will be given this year in
Portland November 27. Among
the patronesses and patrons of
the ball are General and Mrs.
George A. White ot Salem.
The proceeds of the ball this
year will go to charity, a new
thing for this organisation, but
one in line with the present at
titude of society this winter.
Another thing occupying the
minds of many women of Salem
and district three of the national
federation of women's clubs of
Oregon will be the Marlon coun
ty Institute to be held at the
Woman's clubhonse Saturday.
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar and Mrs.
G. Buland of Portland will be
special guests at this time and
will appear on the program which
will have to do with the depart
ment of public welfare.
A large group of the younger
set will be Interested in the
plans for a big high school dance
to be given Friday at the Illahee
clubhouse. Parties and dinners
and clubs will also go aleng with
the week's - progress, perhaps
more than the ordinary number
or them because or the Armistice
holiday and its celebrations.
Silver Wedding
ALDSON were delightfully
surprised by a large group
of friends and neighbors who
gathered at their home on Friday
evening to help celebrate their
silver wedding anniversary.
Five tables of cards were in
play during the evening and
later Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson
were presented with a lovely gift
from their children and the
guests. Mrs. Leo Lepley and
Jack Gortmaker were awarded
the first prizes. Second prizes
were presented to Mrs. Emery
Hendrickson and Everett Van
Orsdal. Mrs. Harley Smalley and
John Schaeffer were presented
the consolation prizes.
Among those present were the
honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Donaldson, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Gortmaker. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Huntley, Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Smalley, Mr. and Mrs.
John Schaeffer. Mrs. Hamman,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Leo Lepley, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Van Orsdal, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Gortmaker, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Zeller, Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Hendrickson, Mrs.
Gortmaker, Mrs. George Welty,
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Kent, Gilbert
Mam man. Miss Maxlne and Jo
Ann Donaldson, and Ercel and
Leonard Donaldson.
Members or tbe Delta tPhl
Mother's club will be the giiests
ot Mrs. Fred Alban Well ather
home. 67 Chemeketa street,
Monday afternoon ' at 2:39
o'clock. Mothers of the sorority
pledges are especially Invited to
be present for this meeting.
Mrs. William Dillman Smith
wilt entertain members of Chap
ter A. B. of the P. E. O. Sister
hood at her home. 18 5 Center
street, Monday evening at 7:45
Displays Devoted to.
k National g&
Smartest Woolens Here! -
Soon to
NCE ' again the time draws
close when Salem will bo able
to bear symphony music by
Its own. symphony orchestra. ,Tbe
date for -the first concert by the
SalenKSymphony has been set for
Tforember 19 Under the-direction
ot Trot BJ W, Hans Seits.
' Tno orcnestra this year: has, a.
membership of 55 . players and
they come from Salem and outly
ing districts and Sllverton, Dallas,
Turner and Corvallls. Practice
began September 15 and has been
attended regularly by the orches
tra members each Tuesday night
In the auditorium room of the
T. M. C. A. since that time.
Officers for this year are C. A.
Sprague, president; F. G. Decke
baeh, first vice president; William
McGUchrist, 2nd vice president:
Dr. C. A. Downs, 3rd vice presi
dent; C. A. Kells, secretary; H.
V. Compton.
Mrs. W. J. Mjnkiewitz heads
the membership committee; Alice
Crary Brown heads the music
committee; Mrs. W. E. Anderson
heads the finance committee.
' Board members are Miss Eliza
beth Putman, Mrs. J.' M. Devers,
Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. Roy Klein,
Mrs. Elsa Ebsen, Mrs. W. R
Bush. Mrs. Thos. Williams, Mrs.
Stephen Stone, Mrs. J. A. Jel
derks, Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Mrs.
Carleton Smith, Mrs. A. J. Rahn,
Mrs. Walter Denton. Mrs. C. Jep
son, Mrs. W. J. Minkiewltz, Alice
Crary Brown, c. P. Bishop. T. A.
Livesley. Dr. R. E. Steiner. Ivan
Martin, Leslie Springer, Edward
Tillson. H. C. Stover, Earl Coch
ran, Geo. H. Swift. Raymond
Carl, Lee Barrick, W. T. Jen kit.
L. B. Schmidt, Hugh Fouke and
William McGUchrist.
An assisting artist for the con- -cert
will be Miss Barbara Thome,
soprano. - Miss Thome won the
state. Atwater Kent contest this
tall and her appearance here
promises a splendid musical pre
sentation. Membership in the orchestra
has grown steadily during the
fall months, but there is still a
need for further assistance if the
growth of the orchestra itself is
to be satisfactory. There is still
need for many more sustaining
memberships in order that the
work of tbe symphony may go on
with the freedom necessary for its
musical development.
An attempt Is being made to
make this musical group one of
genuine value to Salem, one that
will be a civic asset. Among the
interesting contributions made
toward the support of the orches
tra this year comes from the
Neah-Kah-NIe string quartet, now
on tour In California. The con
tribution was made in the name
of "good music.'! and an apprecia
tion for the. work being accom
plished by the symphony.
. " "
Miss Dorothy Franks
Mrs. Rose Sawyer entertained
Thursday evening with a delight
ful birthday surprise party in
compliment to her daughter. Miss
Dorothy Franks. The guest rooms
were attractively arranged with
large groupings of dahlias. The
. t . . . a.
evening nours were spent in piay
Ing bridge.
Guests for the evcsiing were
Miss Franks, and Miss Marguerite
Farmer, Miss Mabel Carrie, Miss
Gertrude Chamberlain, Miss Mil
dred Judsot, Miss Marie Eggstaff.
Miss Helen Richardson, Miss Lulu
Eastridge, Miss Marie Poulett,
Miss Alice Falk, Miss Betty Elof
son and Miss -Bessie ' Tucker,'.
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