The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATES31AN. Salem, Oregon. Saturday Efombtg. November 7, 193f
' 1 - "-v '
till 1 A :s r
I II! ill 1 HIIII I f- Ms
AUving South uf Jrade
Street to Back Leslie,
Worth for Parish .
Extensive preparations: are be
ing made by Oliver Huston, Le
gion athletic chairman, for the
stasia of the Leelle-Parrtsh Jan
lor : High- Football game next
. Taesday night. VThe game will be
played on Sweetlaad tleld at 7
psa. end i will be the first Junior
high football same staged la Ore
gen -under flood lights.
Th. games between the Junior
high schools la previous years
kave not attracted a great deal of
attention as Parrlsh lias beeir rn
' a rnetaaces superior, hut Indi
cation are that this year marks
.the torn of the tide as Leslie has
Md. a better -snowing to date,
peetlcalarly lit holding the Ore-
- goa City team to - nothing to
nothing score alter Oregon CUy
.-had defeated Parrlsh 20 to 0. . ,
- la luring the Legion take hold
of the Junior high game; . chair
km Boston Is merely following
navels work with the Legion Jun-
- lor baseball activities, and It Is
' hlc desire "to get the- whole city
esHhused over this contest; Just as
the city of Portland -gets pepped
. over Its local high school
, . The -dividing line-In-Salem for
attendance -at the-two Junior high
school Is Trade- street and it Is
asked that those who reside on
the sooth side of and- south of
Trade treet tar noat to support
Leslie high, while conversely nil
those resirisg on the north side
of and north of Trade street, will
rally behind Parrlsh. The schools
will hare their owl yell leaders,
hat Hasten has appointed Jack
Elliot to lead the Leslie support-
' se. aad 'Carl Gabrielaoa to organ
Ian.' Che Parrlsh backers among
the Legionnaires and local, cltl
sens. - Parrlsh high supporters
hare-keen assigned th east half
of thsvsouth bleachers and Leslie
" High the west half and there will
be- a Aeatral sone lnlhe center
se as to preclude tbellkullhood of
troubte occurring between snp-
pert era of the two schools.
The officials chosen are How
ard Hnple. referee; "Spec" Keene.
empire; Gordon Wilson, head
Unesncan. A, new football has been pur
chased and painted orange and
. this ts to become the property of
tb winner. In ease of a tie, the
two cavUlns will flip a cold-to de-
gide the ownership.
.Attar All expenses have been
deducted, the net receipts will be
divided SO per eent to the Amerl
een Legion and 25 per cent to
the respective athletic funds of
; the two Junior high schools.
Dallas Team
Beats Canby
Score 12 to 0(
DALLAS, Not. V Dallas
ktefe'h rldder showed eomo real
fishl here today when they de-
' tested Canby high 12 to 0. This
Wrlncs Dallas' : season record to
threw wins and two defeats.
Dallas first scored early In the
first Quarter after BUI Cadle.
Dallas tackle, blocked a Canby
puat: The ball was grounded on
' the Canby 12 yard lino and three
. plunges by Foamier and Frack
vlaced it on tbeone yam ime
ronrnler then took the ball off
tackte tor . the touchdewn.
- . Dallas' second touchdown came
-r early in the second qnarter after
n exchange of punts. Dallas had
.. the hall: on the Canby 15 when
Pemberton' passed to D. Cadle
.and Cadle ran about fire- yards
. tor "the second score. The game
. was vnerentfal for the rest of
, the halt exccept for a couple of
good pants by Pemherton
n the second halt neither team
tnreatened, mnch but the major
Ity of the playing was In Canby's
territory- Pemberton for Dallas
mad seme nice, punts and Canby
showed a few flashes ot real
football- but no scoring was done.
Ceach, Bhreere used, his substi
toteevmost of the second half.
The game was fairly tree ot
. penalties with both teams being
called' tor- interfering , with the
receiver on one occasion. Aside
from this th only penalties were
- ob or two for offside.
The- lineups were:
nm i -: : - - r. - Canby
u. uaaio E...... Andres
keener. ...... T. i Hrtdding
erar4:. . .o. . . Stefan!
mnnicw.-,.rfs.;c.,..".ii.? Erans
Retxer. i..;.. o..,i, Netter
.B.c-aMe....T. ...... Meade
5nwer..,.....E..... Sandnees
Frack.. ,
.Q....... Ellers
voon. . . . , h. . ; , Battleson
wauoa.,.....!..,,.., gpagle
fnraler. . . . . F... . . . Tlrion
sabstttates: -for Dallas. Pern
herton. Frlesen. Elliott. lcJIU
jm. van ways. Campbell. Lewis.
For Cauby. Hess. BoUhy. Blggy.
wuas'j next, game ts at Inda-
Fuaeoee Arnusuce day.
moath high't basketball team
r showed np well for aa early sell
jon game here tonight, defeating
the strong Evangelical -. church
team of Salem 24 to 12.
The game was close thronghont
with the locals leading from two
to six points tuoit of the distance.
4The Craagellcals wsre a larga
S sT -: " "
Lowell Dalley. University of Montana fallback. Is considered by
ecoate as owe or tbe beet line plnngers in us ooaleresce. Be wui
be sees la action against Oregon State at Cerrnllis Saturday after
noo at S o'clock.
Teams EAST
Harvard re. Dartmouth, at Cambridge
New York University ts. Georgia at New York .x-
CamegleTech rs. Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
ColumMn s. Virginia at New York.. ....... ...b......
Fordhaae -ts. Detroit at New York.
Priacoten vs. Lehigh at Princeton.
Lafayette re. Rutgers at Easton
Army . Louisiana State at West
Amherst rs. Trinity at Amherst.. .
Cornell . Alfred at Ithaca
Western Maryland ts. Boston College at Baltimore.....
Mala rs. Aewdnin at Orono
Pean State vs. Cegat-e at Sute College.. 4 M(nr
Yale- ts. St. John's i Md. ) at New
Tempi-ts. VCnanova at Philadelphia
Breww ts. Ohi Weeleyan at Providence
Catholic UnlTersity ts. Manhattan at Washington. ......
Geergetow -vs. Bwckceli at Washington .
Connectlent Agses vs. New Hampshire at Storrs . . r .....
Delaware vn. fiwarthmere at Newark, Del. ac.......
Hoty Cross -vs. Duqnesn-at Worcester . .
Worcester Poly ts. Rhode Island at Worcester.......
Syracuse- ts. Western Reserve at
Weeleyaa-TS. WRliams at Middletown 0-45
West Virginia vs. West Virginia Wesleyan at Morgan town . . 21-0
Notre Dam vs. Pennsylvania at South Bend .........
Ohio State-vs Navy at Columbus ....... ..
Michigan -rs. Indiana at Ann Arbor... ......
Nebraska we, Iowa at Lincoln ...
Illinois -va. Wisconein at Champaign ...MMt
Northwestern vs. Mlnaesota at Evaniton. ..........
Chicago vs. Arkansas at Chicago. .
Pnrdw vs. Ceatenary at Lafayette
Iowa State-as. Kansas State at Ames. . . ..m... . .t... m 013
Drake ts. Missouri at Des Moines
Grrnnetl -rs. Washington UnlTersity
Mtctrfgnn State ts. Rfpon at East
DePnnw ts. Ohh TJnrversity at Greencasti
Marquette ts- Wamlngton and Jetefrson ax Milwaukee.. 4
Utah Atrglas vs. Brigham Yonng
Colorado Cotlese ts. TTtah at Colorado Springs.,
Cotorado ws- Denver at Boulder...
Wyoming ts. Colorado Aggies at
Southern- California ts- Stanford'
California ts. Washington at Berkeley.
Oregon State rs. Montana at CorTalUs....B.MT..w
Washington State vs. Idaho at Pullman. ..... ,-rr...
Colnmwta (Ore. vs. Whitman at Portland....;
Arlsona vs. Fragstatf State at Tucson
Nevada ty. Sao Jese -State at Reno .eM
California Aggies vs. Fresno State at Sacramento......,..
Tennessee t. Carsoa Newman at
Auburn ra. Tnlane at Montgomery
Virginia Poly Institute vs. Washington and Lee at Roanoke,
Missbnlppi A. d: M. ts. North Carolina State at Starkrllle. .
Virginia Military institute vs. Clemson at Norfolk.. .....
South Caroltnars. Farm an at Columbia, S. C.
Georgia Tech vs. North Carolina at Atlanta. . .
Vanderbttt vs. Maryland at Nashville........
Mississippi vs. Sewanee at Oxford.
Alabama ts. Florida at Birmingham. ..... ..
Kentucky TsDuke at Lexington,
Citadel vs. Davidson at Charleston.
lowa State vs. Kansas State at Ames
Oklahoma . vs. Kansas at Norman:
Nebraska vs. Iowa at Lincoln. . . .
Texas Christian ts. Rice at Fort
Texas vs. Baylor at Austin
Texas A. ft M- vs. Southern Methodist at College Station. ...
Oklahoma A. ft M. vs. Crelghton
Haskell vs. 4Cmporia Teachers at
Tulsa vs. National University ot
Anyway., wo didn't hoar any
body giving SO points on that
gasae. Toagh one for Willam
ette t lose, bat It atm can tie
tor the oatferontce champion
ship by beating Linfield aad
' Whitmaa. .
With oaly i four days of rest
la between-. Linfield may be no
easy hurdt either. ,
: Astoria high, which still Is
trying C assert Itself as a state
. football thanpionship conten
der la spit of a tie gam with
Saleas high, wired cancelation
. of Its Armistice day game with
, jOheanawa. .. Th teaas Astoria
wishes to . eneet oa Armistice
day fct Vaacoaver, Washington
: high. ' ; .- . . ' .
No doabt the fishermen will
aTOld - being eliminated from
crew. .-i
The seorlag was; Monmouth
Wilson 19. H inkle 1. Becklev t.
Tittle t. Snider, wtnegar 8: Evan
gelicals Clntten 4, Johnson 4.
Esol 10. Boally 3. Lehman 3. Rs-
lereo was Gordon
1030 Score
2- T
..... .
6- T
8- T
..........M. .......
... ..X..M. ...... .s
12- 7
' e e
Haven ..... .,
Syracuse ...... .r. . . .-t , w .....
27- 0
1 mm . mm mm ...... i
at Grianell .... r. ..... 0-5
Lansing. ...... r. .v.
Qi . .
27- 7
21- 3
38- "t
at Ogden ...... M,aa
. x . . .1
at Los Angeles ... . .mmm
Knoxvllle. ......... ...
24- 0
0- 0
5- 3
22- 7
20- 0
0- 6
l "
Ky. ....... r. ...... -..
3. c. ...............
Worth....... T.
...... .1
14- 0
at Stillwater.
Lawrence ............. m
Mexico at Tulsa. . ........
13- 0
championship running It they
play an out of state team. Che-
mawa dropped one gam to Wash
ington high at the first of the
season and has no chance at state
championship tor that reason.
but the Redskins hare difficulty
In scheduling sufficient high
school games. And It isn't because
they do not try tor more games
with prep schools.
Coach Larelle states that ta
th tabor hit an will play
only high arhool teams aad that
an older team will be organised
with fellows too old for hlfh
school play or who hare grad-
, aaxea. conning a team to
small eoilecea
schools who desira fame.
Encoaraglnr reports are com
lag tor Salem high football prac
tices as It seems that the Cherrl-
ans are actually working hard aad
taking th coming contest with
Eugene high seriously. The En
gen players art bound to Uke
It seriously and with the game
there, more reason tor ample pre
paration is xoano.
Eugene may b oat to get r.
renge oa Salem for defeata aaf
fered at the C3xerrians hands
o the rridlron ta recent Team.
bntthaVe a game that can work
Dom way. Salem high recalls it
wao f Fred Kramer, ;?t preeeot
coach at Eaatene. whas liaaket.
ball team nosed th local qnln
; tot oat of th otat champloa.
nhlp ta a'thrinin wtadap to
Finds Going Tougher: Than
Expected but v Takes
7 Victory 13 tor 0 k :
Parrlsh Junior high did not go
as well aa. It expected to against
Sdo high school bat managed to
score two touchdowns and "buck
the. line for anoint to win IS to
at Sdo Friday. , ' -.-.
Phil Salstrom. half-pint quar
terback for Parrlsh, waa the out
standing ball carrier. Ho made
one touchdown and seToral long
gains. Baxter scored the other
touchdown and a lino . back
brought an extra ; point. " Coons
played his usual good game at
end.' -. v ; :- ; :
Scio ' h o'w o d considerable
strength and pal Parrlsh on the
defenslTO at the start by return
ing the initial klckotf to the Par
rlsh 15 yard line where tho ball
carrier was forced out of bounds.
FumMea- and bad passes were I
namerous f or Parrlsh ; and j thi I
players feel that If they do not lm-1
pre re they will hare allm chances
of winning from Leslie next Toes-1
day la the night football game. I
HoweTor Brownie Myers will bo t
able to play by then aad his pros-
eaco In the baekOeld will add
both offenstre and defensiro pow
Parrlsh did all its scoring In the
second quarter, bat near the end
of the game PhU Salstrom placed 1
me naii on tn one row une. a leiiouow tno tralnlnr offeraa
fUcted on the play so no score re-
Hi.jk. 1
PI.. O.MI.-. mrmm 1
r, .. -a. o-u. 1
McCall tackles, Owyna and Coons I
rnkndi. Worlwr center. DeJardln 1
oaarterhack. Skubovious and Sal
strom halfbacks and Baxter full.
McAdams, Falst and York sIbo got
to play.
Oliver Huston, Legion athletle
chairman, states that he needs IS
Legionnaires preferably in uni
form for ticket takers and potlc
for Tuesday Bight at the Junior
high football game and all who
are willing to act, will please
maka it a notnt to teleohono him i
either at his home or at the seo-i
retarv of state's offle. 1
EGlOiuB Hit
Ha nmka na to atata that ft fafjor leature oi nooaoarns w
important that thU game bo
handled properly it the legion
and the Interested schools are tolLl"n P031-
receive their full proceeds and.
therefore, it Is urgent that at
least 18 Legionnaires volunteer
for duty.
Twelve Legionnaires will be
needed Wednesday afternoon for
th Walametto-Llnttold game,
but part of the responsibility for
nanarrng tnis contest will be tak
en by the regular crew which
aaaoies aii w tne college games.
TDoso who expect to work the
iur nisni gam maw repori
Bwwmna nwa ac e:ev p. m.
and for the WRtamette-Llntield
gam at 1:00 p. m. on Wednes
day afternoon.
Threat Eyed
At Woodburn
WOODBURN. Nor. f. Coach
Gil Oddie. football mentor at
Woodburn high school, exnecta to
nave a real battle on hia hands
Armistice day. when the BuUdora
play host to the Grtxxlles from Mo-
Mlnnvllle high school.
Although Oddle was not satis-
fled with the showinr his team
made against Newberg Friday
wnen tne Bulldocs nulled down n
tt-to-7 Tlctory. the team has been
showing up fairly well In practice
laieiy ana nas a fighting chance
ot taxing tho Grlsslies. Last Fri
day the Bulldog offense was not
up to standard, and tho lino show.
ed signs ot weakening at tho most
Tuai moment. Practic sessions
OTery evening this week hare
smoothed out some of tho rough
I i
"A'- Home-Owned ;
. Theatr . .
: ; - ."--'
-J Sraamai
m$rrt o
" UrUit
, ; eao4
. Sea. Jlon. - Tucx
- with Joan Bennett
llardl Albright Owes
M t 1 .a a
jh if mw m - A
1 UfS,LV-V
hfoor llyrna L07 ,
! -HowIPlayFbdtbaU
(Twioe AU-A.raericaa qnarterback with 1029-1030 cluuepionahrp
Notre Dame, head backHeld coach at Pnrdiio onlTOrslty aad
featured with Lew Ayres la the metion picture The Spirit of
Notrw Dane.) ; , . .
la football posaessloa is more
than nine points of the law. The
team or the player who has pos
session r of . thef u-.i "
ball meana er-L
'lay- 1
the tl-
taker 2v
-r- jmiini hi
football the play
er who nas
ball mast make- v
sure he doesn't C
drop it and the , tY"
player who- aoes 7r
after it mast be! r
hinro that ho gets
it before, some
other nlarer
doe. Ton don't
Just catch' a football in a game;
yon hold on to it.
When the ball 1s on the ground
or bonnclng along a few inches
aboTe it and yon ran; after it op
posing another player with the
same idea, in mind, when yod tall
aronnd it. 'grab the ban and null
It Into your body. The oxnreeaioa
'falling on the hair la Incorrect
becsuao merely falling on It
-doesn't mean a thing. Falling
AROUND the ball makes your
body a shell for the ball and oro-
tecta- yon as well as the balL
Falling around the ball is also
important because ot the ram a
ruies wtuch state that a fumble
can only h recovered on the
apot oa. which recovery occurs.
Fumbles ar mighty costly and
evidence poor form and failure to
vr..n . .
McillnnvUle. which holds a. rA.
.dSU. " Ur HB J9
on oi tne lew
acbools not yet defeated this year.
The student body of the sehool Is
mnch larger than Woodbnrn'a.
and there is excellent material for
a football team.
The Grizzlies, with their team
ot experienced men, are figuring
neartiy oa roTenre orer the Bull
dogs for what they did at Mo-
Mlnnvtlle last year. A year ago the
zsuiiaogs eked oat a 7-5 win orer
the Grlsslies. despite the fact that
the McMlnnvllle quarterback raced
through the entire Wood burn
team for a touchdown on the kick-
Woodburn'a starting lineup will
probably be the same that started
against Newberg. No men are but
tot the game because of injuries.
jna tno squad is in generally good
Wednesday gmo will be a
benefit performance, and the ma-
I j av.a a aaw aia . a
I Armisuco uay eeienration. Doing
I sponsoren oy um locai American
aCm v g.Th tollowlna Is
t v..v.k.h ..hni. rr oa
Beljooi tor the 1531-33
Dec 11 Lebanon there.
Dec 1 8 Tangent there
Jan. 3 Sweet Homo here.
Jan. IS Shedd hero.
Jan- 32 Harrlsburg there.
Jan. 30 Hanisburg here.
Feb. f Open.
Feb. 13 Tangent here.
Feb. 17 Shedd there.
Feb. 34 Sweet Home there.
Steinbock Will
Play Newcomer
First of the big singles match-
. a 1I IfMat
es at tne capital dowub- muvjm
this season is scheduled for to
night when Sam 8telnboek, who
- m m a A.
has more or less ruiea me roosi
in this particular sport for on
or two pwtIous years, meets
Fred Aura, a newcomer wno is
threatening to dethrone Sam as
local champion. Tho match will
start at 8 o'clock and will bo for
tea games total pins with 1 100
at stake.
Nearly 11,000.000 for hall loss
es was paid la 1131 by tho state
hall Insurance , department of
North Dakota. .
scio s Bmii
Thrills and
'Aboard a Biff
Ocean Liner
Qfi n!c s tth "B la
hoarh throbs and
Xa going for the ball the boy
runs low, close to the ground so
that when he comes within a
hand's distance of the ball, his
knees bend and in . falling for
ward his body starts to turn to
one aide so that when he goes
toward th ground ho Is falling
ALONGSIDE th ball. As he fans
ALONGSIDE th ball, he flexes
at his waist bringing his legs up
and his arm and shoulders down
forming a pocket for the hall
and then 'closing up oa the ball
until his hands and knees meet.
It to important thtt whea run
ning low toward the baH with an
opponent - along side of him he
should fall so that his back (and
body) ar between-the opponent
and the ball. This will protect
both th body and th ball when
the opponent tries to beat you to
the ban.
Ton wCl get a better under
standing of this point whea yoa
see- Notre Dame players la the
Universal picture "Th Spirit of
Notre Dame" at Warner Bros.
Elslaore theatre Nor. 8-3-10.
Do not bo afraid ot meeting
the ground with your body. Grad
ually taU forward, relax, loosen
your muscles, don't tighten them
until after you grip the balL
Then caddie it and hold on to It
Don't bo afraid ot possible
bumps. It yon practice Calling
around th ball, relaxing and
tailing forward easily yoa will
find there Is no shock to the
Practice falling aronnd the
ball. Whea you become so adept
that you can fall around a ball
on the ground while running at
fall speed, then curl up like a
snail you'll never worry about
being bumped or about any op
posing player getting the ball
from you on a tumble.
jraiiing a round tno bail em
ploys every muscle, a sharp eye
and a clear head.
Tomorrow's article will deal
with tackling.
While you are reading this ser
ies of articles I hope you are
practicing. More than anything
else football demands that 'do it
new spirit. While yoa are gain
lag academic knowledge Is the
time to apply It. Are TOUT
Home f WC Tattle
Spedal Mickey Mousa
Matinee 1:30 P. M.
Irene PwrelL C. Aabroy Smith
Charlott GraavUlo
Lilian Bond
Chimp comedy. News and
"The Vanishing Lejrion."
ABAMOtlUT picruai
Pa fa &o ht
Den Uui fcf fhrills
1 hi, ii
Ko!!n big gun of i Silverton
Offense; Punches Over
Three Touchdowns
SILVERTON, Not. 8. Showing
more fight aad drive than la any
previous gams, the Surer Foxes of
Silverton high trampled on the
strong Molalla football team for a
Zl-to-7 victory sere this after
noon, i . ; -; ,-' :
Kolln punched through the Mo
lalla defense tor all three of SI1:
verton's touchdowns - and Rudls
haaser converted each ot the
points. On SUverton touchdown
was scored in the first period and
two In the second.
It was not until after Kolln, a
tower of strength oa defease as
well as of reuse, went ont of the
game dn to an Injury that Mo
lalla got going and scored Its lone
touchdown in the third period. .
8Ilrerton's next gam is with
Woodburn November 20.
StlTertoa's lineup: Marshall left
end, Paulson left tackle, Egan left
guard. Pettyjohn center. Fuller
right guard, Gehrke right tackle.
Specht right and. Rndlshauser left
halt. Goldea right half, Irian quar
ter. Kolla tun.
Referee. Wltaea; umpire, Peter
son; heal linesman, Johnson.
Eugene Game
Is Faced by
Salem Squad
Coseh Hollls W. Huntington
gave his Salem aigh gridsters a
long period of scrimmage Friday
night and will hare his players
report to practloe again this
morning to prepare for th gam
with Eugene high on -Armistice
a real photograph of. our state capitol be
fore any trees were planted with the
photos of twenty-eight" senators and rep
resentatives from the different counties in
Oregon. -
Also See the Attractive Prices on
Fresh and-Smoked Meats
Choice Beef
Roasts, per
Round or Sirloin f r
Steaks, per lb..... IPC
Choice Beet, boU,
Central r.lcatt Clairlict
- Jnst across from Courthouse I
IJyfcw is
r.-j. r -..
1 ' 1
- 1... ..... -t
Tba taam went well in practic
showing plenty of football seme
for tho most part ana oeing aDio
to push th oral across th sec
ond team's goal -; nn aoTerax.-
times. j -.' '
TTnnMnrtoa will bar his B i
practice sgala today as he does
not wish them to remaia iui
two days j befor tn jengea
gam. BoweTOt ' heary scrim- ?
mage work is otot umu n .nm
contest " - ; w -
KtnA-r -arllA has . lust : gotten
well started at tackle, was not In
a i .- TrMiv aftarnoa as he
sprained -his wrist la a previous
prsctlco. II a brace can ne useu.
ho may b able to piay againss
Engeno." "Howevsr Huntington is
looking about fof. anotner iscaie
to use. - ' '
T-namall la' shOWinC S9 Well.
and Reiny OUea, ihrolher of Emil
OUea who plays the ether Gib
raltar position. Is also progress
ing. . Louie Schelbner's - Injured
ankle Is improving and he may
b. able to play , some against tho
purple and whitsw -
Chuck Reed and Jim Nicholson
are showing up as the best ball
carriers oa tho 1 squad. Chock
Reed has not piayea mucn inis
season ta the games as ho has
been rather a dark hors aad few .
contests .hare boea held, where
roserres could be ased. . y r
!eVtata la rolnC rood at fall
back aad Is deTeloping into aa
excellent blocker. DeHsrau nas
always been a good ball carrier,
but tor some reason or another
has not elected to block much.
If ho would ImproTO his interfer
ence running, he conld bo a raW
uablo man. .
Both lines ar working better
new doe to concentrated coaching
on their work daring tho past
two ' weeks. A few of tho men
are even learning to run Inter
ferenc now and do not stop after
blocking Jast one man.
Second team girls laterclass
volleyball will gat under way at
tho high school next Monday af
ternoon when tho sophomores play
the combined Janlor-senlor team.'
The same squads will meek again
Tuesday to decide tho champions
in their class I
Shoulder Pork
Roasts, lbi-
Pork Steaks
Hams the best
half or whole
Mickey Mouse
Matinee, 1 P. M.
TONITE 11 0 P. M.
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