THE ,WEATHER : CSoody today and fiaaday, -occasional rai; Max. ; Temp. THdsj C Mla.S9, 4 river S feet, rain .02 inch, . cloady, aoathweat wtad. . .'? iWM sruUee'-oar-car-'.;' irtei service. If youx paper, doe not arrive by"c): 80,i i ; call 9101 'and copy ; wilT I 'hi delivered at once, viv j 5 v . ; - -. .- .EimiTY.VlKST YEAR 1 Salcfl Oregon Satnrday Morning, November 7 "19311i!!ii No. 193 y noi (i a n m rum n ,a kp, i vvk I j I I 11 v; ? 1 m v MM: u m e .a il I ft l- iW LM.v'S A V-ll'-y -A V-l. Xj "v "Ok V-A t:V ' JF-J JT1 I ML 7 r J! ORE PUT Place .Kick That Goes- True Beats Willamette Team In Annual Classic " Each Eleven 5 Clicks . Once; Bearcats Hold Edge On Total rYardage ; By RALPH . CURTIS i The difference between one try-fof-point tht sailed straight and trae between the foal posts and another -that missed, by inebes. gave Pacific university's hard fighting football team its first vic tory In three years over Willam ette's Bearcats, and cut down Wil lamette's prospects In the North west , conference to an outside chance for a three-way champion ship tie. Pacific won the annual encounter 7 to 8, each team scor ing a touchdown. Strictly according to tradition, the game was a grimly fought bat tle, with. two well coached for ward walls smashing each other fiercely on every play. Because of a steady drizzle of rain which at times became really a downpour, the contest was fought out on the ground and not In the air as it might have been otherwise. But It -was not lacking In thrills. The teams were as evenly matched as the score indicates. Each offense "clicked" but once and throughout the remainder of the game isolated long gains were made occasionally but always went for naught, frequently be cause of fumbles. Injuries Have Part Stm. Deciding Game The Injuries which prevented Willamette's first string backfleld from starting the game, may be considered to have proven disas trous, as the second string com bination which played throughout ti tint Myriad . was unable to solve Pacific! raxzle-dazzle -and the visitors marched to a touch down on reverses, fake 'reverses and triple passes, with Holland, Crlchfleld and Wela!wtearing off long gains.' " - , pacific's : one sustained drive carried it to the six-Inch line with a first down, and Holland carried the ball over on a reverse. Cr itch field place kicked for the point that spelled victory. Injuries and all. the Bearcat first string backfield entered the game In the second period and started a goal ward march that ended with loss of the ball on Pacific's six-yard line. Taking the klckoff at the open ing of the third period, Willam ette staged one of the most Im pressive naarches ever witnessed in a game as closely contested as this one. The Bearcats carried the ball without a break from their own 10-yard line to a touchdown, .V' hd nni. one ncMu . ' I Erickson Dashes For Touchdown In the second quarter threat Williams and Johnson had shared tall carrying honors with Erlck- ed on Interference and Erlckson did - nearly , all of the galloping. From the 22-yard line he dashed off left tackle with Williams a : (Turn to page 3, eol. 7) LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Not. (AP) Thaddeus H. Caraway, forceful Ualted States senator and democrat of the first rank, died uddenlr tonight lat i hospital t Jar n nospuai here. Death was caused by closing ot arterie. which Jeed the muscles of the heart, ' . . . The senator underwent an oper- atlon October 39 and his recovery appeared certain. - ' At no time was only a few minutes hl udden complaint of -lTUnlMTV room -. , 7 n rind on the call of the - hand i asleeo in death. . The r farmer haff v no r better friend In congress than VFIghting ,Thad.'V He wa raised on a farm and had few advantages, but hi determination and resourceful- - wmi tttm mm : a farm to the" senate where his tlgnx with local affairs had girded him with strength for greater batUea. Heavy Rainfall ? Floods ' V ..r,fn wbieV started late yesterday afternoon eontin- a . !!vi. Iv. .- vnins - 5 "l!rr.WMttTn; Aon TiAwntown drainage Jor itreeU prored ; Inadequate in ! ...h.tAnM were "'-.r'rtriin. were forced after 1 tho football rame to Uke circuitous routes on r-.i .f.t. tn avnit the water which had iMCttmnlated - during sne-ciHY CULLED SI1P ha evenlns; downfall.- - Exceptional Exhib its Noted at Cork Show Conducted North Howell's Third Annual Display Featured By Agricultural "Products and Work Done by Community People '" - - XTORTH HOWELL, Nov. 6 jLl-hall has been transformed paradise, with excellent exhibits for the third annual corn show neatly arranged In every The displays, including boys' corn, needlework, flowers, were , all ia place snortiy. alter nogn Friday, and tonight scores gathered for the chicken dinner. admired the exhibits and listened to the evening's program. The' show will be held Saturday, with the grand climax to come that night when special attendance prizes will be announced.' The products will be auctioned off late In the evening, this always proving an Interesting time. In the boys 4-H Corn club con test, first prize was awarded to Harold Dunn, second to Robert Drake and third to John Coom ler. In the open class for corn, first went to A. T. Cliae, second to George Cline and third to M. A. ' Dunn. Judging was not completed to night. Judges are Mrs. Percy Brown and Mrs. Minnie Keene of Silverton and D. D. Hill of Ore gon State r college. Hill gave a talk at the program tonight on corn raising. Other events on the program Included tour novel ty songs by Lucile Waltraan, Doria Rickard, Lois Coomler, Myrtle Kurree and Celia Jeffer son, school girls of the commun ity. Mrs. Ida Peterson, teacher, directed the group, and Alice Dunn was accompanist. . Bob Drake gave a reading, and a group of students from Oregon State college gave Interesting numbers. A delegation from the Salem chamber of commerce last night attended the fair. The Empire Holding company. with headquarters in Portland, yesterday voluntarily surrendered its permit to dispose of f 5,000, 009 worth of stock In the state of Oregon. The corporation was granted a stock selling permit two years ago and was to have formed the hold ing corporation through which subsidiary companies of fire, life, indemnity and automobile insur ance were to have been chartered. O. P. Coshow, ex-member of the state supreme court. Is president of the company, while Sam A. I Kozer. ex-secretanr of state, is conneeted with its operation.! Decision to surrender Its permit to sell stock followed a conference between officials of the company and James Mott. state corporation collections of $174,000 have been made. The permit to sell stock was is sued by Mark D. McCalllster, ex state corporation commissioner. Mott declared that plans for re organization of the Empire Hold ing company were being consiaer ed by his office.- Bridge Creek to Open School as ; Pupils Move in W Rridre Creek school, after t..inoinAii for two years bo - BO cnI,dren ot a !n tne district, will waoo r age in ,ccordlng . Mr, Fnlkerson. county su- JdwiL 1$ ot school age 0o;;pof hlgb iChooI age have d0"-M-ty has been named - jJg strict -and ; the 1 nolnted from me ran as oi n IKi. . n.. . .tin are reaidinf hoard there. The district lies about XI miles above Silverton and is next above the Hullt district. As well as school children, no women had lived there during the two years. mvd)Women Are ; Injured in Car Collision Here Vn. R. W. Tiylor, 13, 455 iPurrv street. - and Miss :. Doris nrtffen' 31. r route seven, ; last ntrnt were taken by Golden Mi- I balance to Salem General hosnl- tal whert wey were treated for lM.. nA hrnises received In an romobil. collision at SIO North I Canltol street. Mrs. Taylor later was able to leave the hospital. I ' i The collision resulted when F lrTirner. 1131 Norths CapltO street, turned his car In front of another; driven by R W Taylor, I the latter reported to the police. Mr. Taylor claimed Mr, Turner WILLI ORGIK EMPIRE COMPAW .did not nave me g i wa. by Grange The North Howell grange into a "veritable farmers available inch of free snace. grains, and vegetables. 4-H canned fruits and. candies, AMrttMAiin ... ..... I viiyiuanj was neu ; was Recollection of man Once his Keeper With the arrival here yesterday of COD" Hendricks, for manr I years an employe of the Al O Barnes circus, it developed that TUSkO who ha - hM th trnnt page as lonz as a first-lau mnr. aerer, has another name. That name is Ned. Hendricks went to see the 10- ;r,VV;i r.rr'rf..:"" erf th m finw k. m. XZJL i t ' ,7T 7:"7Z .L V.,",l"urvc" ." "- I phant recognized his original cog omen and gave his former keeper noa of approval. "Elephants never forret their names," Henancts said. He then traced the history of the new pos session of Harry Plant from the time the M. L. Clarke shows bought him, through the days he was the property of the Barnes' circus, 'then of Rlngllnr Brothers and finally of Al Painter who ac quired the elephant from the eir- cus at Sedro Woo ley. Wash. In one of the transacts Tusko or Ned, as the elephant used to be called, brought 150.000, Hendricks de clared. Harry Plant and Hendricks soon went into conference and an nounced late Friday that next spring they would, take Tusko on a tour of the state fcr exhibition I TUSKO 101 HERE BY ASSUMED NAME purposes. In the meanwhile Tus-la felony but wnen me nour oi ko will be exhibited at th utatatn. m. arrived, Justice . Miller B. fairerounds for m. nominal eharsre. The men busied themselves yes- I terd&v flTine- nn TnsVn' rmt. I shed quarters preparatory to re ceiving visitors. Tusko's advertising posters were being prepared last night with the catch line: "Is Tusko a killer?" prominently displayed. Hendricks answered the question himself yesterday by a positive denial that Tusko was vicious or a killer. Hendricks claims Tusko will eat peanuts from a specta tor's hand just as any ordinary circus elephant will do. Sheriff Bower yesterday receiv ed a telegram from a Los Angeles party offering $500 for Tusko. He made no reply since Tusko had been legally sold to Plant at the I thieu became frightened and no sale held Thnrsdav morning at I titled police and the arrest of the state fairgrounds. Grangers f .... k TV l 1 1 , X '. . . . r.L 7 out a candy booth?! center, . . . . . ,r committee. Mrs. Helen Wlesner and Mrs. Jessie Coomler; center row, l- A. Unnn Lou wieener, and W. II. Stevena, chairman agricultural coinmltteef top row, QUs WIesnert Uahlo Drake' And E. PICK OFFICERS Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, of Local Chapter, to be , Next President Mps A A- Lee Mrs. EriXOn Also Honored; aid. to Veterans Planned The fourth biennial state con vention for the American War Mothers of Salem came to a close at the Masonic temple Friday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Representatives from the tour chapters of the state had been here for the two day session which convened Thursday morn ing. Two outof state guests. Mrs. Chamberlain, president or the Vancouver ehapter and Mrs Bloom from the same . chapter. were present for the business ses sions Friday. Election of officers and the in stallation of these was the most important event Friday. These new oiiicers are jam. juaoei tioca- wooa oi btuem. iinwmoui, jui Lockwood was opposed by Mrs. Anna Penney of Portland,- Other officers are Mrs. A. A. Lee of Sa lem, tint vice president; r. Belle Duncan, Waverly Heights, Portland, second vice president; Mrs. Bertha Dickson, Albany, third vice resident: Mrs. Emma Fields. Portland, fourth vice pre- Isident: Mrs. Anna Penney, Port- land, recording wcretary; Mrs nrwa. TT.r Pnrtl.nrf treaS- vwwa ww e "f urer; Mrs. O. D. Austin, Albany. custodian of records; Mrs. Fred iErlxon. Salem, chaplain: Mrs. Margaret Eubanks, Portland, his torian,, and Mrs. Anna Beeson, Al banv. auditor. A beautiful memorial service (Turn to page 8, coL 2) DEFE APPEAR FOB TRIAL Yesterday- was the time set for the appearance of Lizzie Timme in justice court to answer to charges of threatening to commit Hayden found no Lizzie appear- ing before him. It developed that the nrisoner wno was arresieu October 30, had been taken quite sick Monday and on the advice of her doctor. District Attorney Carson had released her from the county Jail upon her own recog nizance pending her recovery. Her ball had been set last week by Justice Hayden at $1000 and she had failed to furnish It. Hayden yesterday postponed the case until next Friday, No- vember 13. The prisoner Is alleged to have threatened to kill Jeanette Mat thleu. going to the latter's apart ment to deliver personally her murderous ultimatum. Miss Mat- 1 Mrs. Tlmme followed. NDANT DOESN'T of North Howell Conduct Notable Fair . - rrr. 1.x. SMBibers ox Uie graage wno beipea .v. " ' -i i4 T"- - C - l OflCouhiy Dies: JACOB SIEGMUND CALLED? DEATH Father of County Judge Near Century Mark; Services Sunday STAYTON. Nov. Jacob Sieg mund. who would have been 99 years old Armistice day, died shortly after midnight Friday morning at the family nome in the Fern Ridge section above here. Little hope has been held for his recovery from an attack of pneumonia, .suffered last week. Funeral services will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the Weddle mortuary at Stayton, Rev. W. C. Kantner of Salem of ficiating. Interment will be in the Lone Oak cemetery near Turner Fifty-six years a resident of Marlon county, this venerable old gentleman was born In the Rhine providence of Germany, Nov. li 1932. . He came to the United States with his parents in 1841, locat ing In Wisconsin. He remained at home until his marriage and about 1874, he and his family came to Oregon, where they lived in Portland for one year, and then came to Lfarion county. Here he purchased the old Da vid Peebler donation claim, and here he has since resided. This claim had been filed on about 1852 and a log building stood on the place. There were 320 acres in this claim, which for the most part was covered with brush and timber. Clearing this meant many years of hard labor, but he per sisted until two-thirds of the land was cleared. Meantime he had added an adjoining tract of S3 8 acres, making a total of 858. For many years more than 500 acres has been under cultivation, for the most part in wheat. For many years Mr. Siegmund maintained his own threshing outfit In later. years purchasing a combine, one of the few in the Willamette val ley. . (Turn to page 3. col. 3) am ....i i.fl.M : i. who uw xrngneaus nrM, u xtmm m a n... u . a JAPAN FORCES DRIVE CHINESE 1 R 0 111 1 0 SIT 1 0 f 1 Three day Battle Ends in Complete Rout; - Heavy Casualties Told- General Man Disobeyed by Some of Troops, Said Cause of Clashes 1 TOKYO. Not. ' f APIThe- three-day battle of NonnI river- ended today with the Japanese army in control of that part of northwestern Manchuria and the Chinese Heilnngklanc province army in night. Japanene losses Included 130 killed. No estimate of Chinese cas ualties was available here, press dispatches said they apparently were large. The nettle was concluded by ar- rival of Japanese reinforcements which swept the Chinese out of their hillside positions around the town of Tashing, six miles north of the bridge, and sent them scur rying northward in disorderly re treat. Strafing by Japanese bomb ing planes so hastened their panic-filled flight that the Chinese rear guard passed a village three miles north of Tashing only an hour after the end of the battle. The fighting developed from Japanese efforts to plaee a mili tary guard la the Nonnl region as protection for a Japanese crew as signed to repair a railroad bridge across the river near the town of Yipuchi. Soldiers of General Man Chan- Shan had dynamited the bridge during their successful warfare against forces of the rebel General Chang Hal-Peng. Official Japanese reports today indicated the stubborn battle was not caused by General Mah. Meet ing In Tsltslhar beforehand with Japanese crvil and military repre sentatives he agreed to let the repair work proceed. But part of his army .compromising troops of the absent provincial governor. Wan Fu-Lln, disregarded General Mah's orders to permit Japanese guards to take over the bridge, and opened fire on foggy Wednes day morning who na Japanese re connaissance party crossed the river. Realty Board to Advertise Lures Of Salem Region Believing the time opportune for seeking new residents for Sa lem and vicinity, members of the Salem Realty board last night met at the ehamber of commerce to plan for undertaking advertising the advantages of living in this region. The realtors were optlmts- tie over the prospects and report- ed their business to be on the In- crease after the big slump. Residents of southern Califor nla and the eastern states are be coming steadily more Interested in Oregon. The realtors were of the opinion these regions present a fertile field for Oregon and Sa lem advertising. 5. 5 - f i i It.. jit.. k .ijtii. iin pona aaa pin ex us nam in rnt.. .t,.i... Myummin Daisy Bump, master oi me grangw, A, TlTiecneiv : . Will rawfEnyoys: : Toky Vote o Lincoln Beats Washington in Upset Contestl i PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. (AP) Lincoln high school sur prised the dopesters here tonight by defeating Washington high. 7 10 v, in a rootbau game played on a muddy field. Lincoln scored in the first quar ter. They advanced the ball from the Washington 41-yard line to within 3 yards of the goal in five piays. Two more plunges pushed It across. Ray Kasper, Washington end. was kicked in the head during the game. He was taken to a hospi- tal where It was reported he prob- ably had suffered a fractured skull. GENERAL HELP FOB Industrial Workers to be! Asked to Contribute One Day's pay To lend further effectiveness to the work of the Community Service committee In relieving distress amonr the unemployed. Douglas McKay. ehalrman. has called a meeting tor some time next week of the heads of all In- I d us tries in the city. At that time he will ask them to consider a plan suggested by W. Q. Allen, manager of Hunt Brothers can nery, or naving permanent em ployes of the Industries contribute one day's wages each month to ward the fund for the Jobless. The plan was broached to Hen ry R. Crawford, president of the chamber of commerce, and he with McKay and other members of the service committee direc tors decided the Idea might prove to be an excellent means of furthering the work of supplying the necessities of life to men now out of work. Manager'Allen made It clear that he did not propose to request only full-time employes to take up the scheme, If heads of the other Industries also would agree. Of the present situation In Sa lem, McKay declared, "While our big problem Is to furnish some sort of emergency employment, It is also a problem to secure funds for giving relief where there are actual cases of distress and this will cost quite a sum. I If all employes, managers and I others who have Jobs cooperate in this movement, it will mean plen- ty of money, forthcoming without placing the burden in an erron eous manner." Money obtained nnder this plan will be handled under responsi ble management and will be spent in the service for which it is glv- vui vt mm jnvn. a mui smvvb L While no definite word was re ceived by the Mutual Savings Loan association here yesterday of the reslgnationof the Portland di rectors who represented the Pru dential Ban corporation on the board. A. A. Leo. secretary, stated I that ' as soon as the formalities were completed respecting the change a new board of local men would he formed. "We.dld not have a single ap plication for withdrawal. Mr. Lee stated. "Instead numerous people xnreaaed satisfaction that the company waa now to he divorced xrom me roiuuv Jamea w. Mott. eorsorauon MnmiirfoBir. has ordered me severance of connection between the local savings and loan associa tion and the Prudential eaneor- poration. holding company. Student Council Vacancies Filled By Appointment O InrMntltloa Of ' " the . high school classes on . me nuuea eonhdl again I complete as me mmH a pnncioai sto n bis three names submitted to hint by the nBfirn. The three new i repre - senUtivee, who . earlier , in the year were nonunaiea . bui uuie it win in th election, are Dan MoCarty, senior 1 1 Reld . Hansen, lantAr. and Walter Cline. SOPho - more. v - - - vs-v r - ill lUlf U till council were ereated by.the re - noval of three members for s btti itoit aocietv, affiliation 1 "Y" ' , 1 rftd , not : anticipate an further irouoiee uom leounciL JOBLESS MUTUA WILL DBKD0AHD mm 17, i Protest Measure now Talked; Council to i Meet Soon Effort to Conciliate Japan to be Tried First, Belief By P. I. LIPSEY. Jr. GENEVA, Nov. (AP) Th possibility of a concerted with drawal of diplomatic representa tives from Tokyo as the aext move In the Sino-Japanese' con flict was considered by League of Ntlons leaders tqalght In Utn- nlng for the next meeting off the council in Paris on November 10. The legal section of the- sec retariat, under orders from Sec retary General Sir Eric Drmse mond. studied Article 15 of tA League covenant to determine whether the member pari sua could be asked to remove tketr ambassadors and ministers in the event that Japan continues te re ject measures of arbitration. This article deals with sanctions f military and economic nature to be Invoked against an aggressor nation. : Economic Boycott Also Considered It Is understood that this? ex amination also envisages tfe practicability of levying an eco nomic boycott against Japan. When the council reassembles a three-fold program will He before it, according to League authort- ties. First, a supreme effort will fee. made to induce Japan to adept conciliatory attitude toward China and restore the status quo In Manchuria in accordance with the League s recommendaUoaew 1 Failing that, the next proposal would be a declaration calllaa- for all ; members and probably all Kellogg pact signatories to re move their envoys. The latter could be voted valiA. ly without Japan's approval for It would be only a recommenda tion. Officials believe it weald have a tremendous moral effect. It probably would be prefaced by a condemnation of the Japanese as a violator of the covenant and, tne pact of Paris. UST MUTE TAX ITS Stacks of unopened envelepa in the i sheriff's office yestenfay were awaiting attention of depwty tax collectors who were so crowds ed by last-minute taxpayers Ko vember S the incoming mail could not be attended to. Tax Collector Frank Wrightman said yesterday it would be 'seven! days before the' mall eould be opened and official tax receipt sent to the taxpayers. All caV lecctlons postmarked on or bettors November 5 will not be penarlseeT oy me addition ot interest. charges. Some late taxpayers appeared at tho courthouse yesterday teV complete their payments on tme 1339 levy but as a whole the crowd I was materially reduce from the usual last-minute realv -of the day before. The! largest . check receive Thursday was one tor 330,111 which represented the last half payment of the Pacific Telcph and Telegraph company for Ks Ion county this year. H. C. QsS 11ns, district manager, made tl payment. r SOCIETY I1EL0 DEC! Thirty members oi the Marieat- Polk-Tamhflt DenUl society kal night attended the regular meet ing at the Marion hotel and hear a lecture on anaesthesia gives by Dr. Lester Parker of New York. A dinner and short business meet ing preceded the lecture. , . , Out-of-town members present; i were Dr. xWUecarver of MeUteft- mile, "Dr. a I. Foster an Dr. i Mark 'Hartar or nanaa. Dr. mrf I Valen ot Newberc and Dr. SC. Jk I Butler of Independence. - 1 , a t the next meetinsr here. Se I eember 4, nominations for new e- i ncers win be nuae ut. i b I Schmidt of Salem now la presWeal I and Dr. C. Ward Davis of S&Haa, 1 secretary... . " - - . . . Going to the southern - part ot. PAYNE MM OF DEMI! I (B BLi. vu mm wuwium wui( r Dr. H.: a Epley of saiem. wno if t I nfesldent Of: the uregon ee a. I Dental: association, will 'leave t iri""",? TTtv TiTiiTi inTiwtii I rroun iwlll talk in, the imporuaa tt."-.-" organUaUons on dental aubjecta. X s.