PAC3 rrmrcn WHEAT M UNSTEABYV AFTER GAM ADVANCES 2 GENTS MORE LOCALLY NO BLOCKADE TO DODGE NOW f "T!i03ECON "STATESMAN, fialera. Oretn. Friday Elwrei. Nererabe- . 1M1 fiBTI6 s sZA i.. it Others Practically Steady; Eggs ' Likewise; Medium , Hens are Scarcer P6RTLAND. Not. B (AP) Undertone of the bntter market continues a trifle easy for top core bat undergrade - art prac tically steady. Tho trade appears willing te purchase 12 score at 0-91 scor price. , Trading in the local eg mar ket appears 'practically steady with. no change In Talnes report ed by the co-ops. The latter claim they are getting sufficient fresh stock to fill demand. . There appears sufficient light as well as heavy bens to fill de mand at this time bnt an acute shortage of medium weights ex ists. . Low' priced meats such as coun try killed balls and the heavier weight calves are finding more favor with the trade. General veal trade is steady, hogs are steady while lambs are la good call. Encampment HpldsAnnual Homecoming SILVERTON, Not. f The Rldgley Encampment No. 11 of I. O. O. F. held the annual home coming Tuesday atght. with an ex ceptionally large attendance. The big feature of the evening was the Royal Initiation when a degree in the Royal Count of Pumk was considered. For the oc casion. Theodore Hobart acted as king; James Gibson, royal price minister; J. B. Williams, prince or Joltors; J. A. Cerate, royal supreme secretary; R. F. Larson. royal supreme treasurer; royal high executioner. George D. Is- realson; guards. Walter Larson - and A. F. Hobart: candidate. S. Tegland: royal maslcians. Tim .Allen, Lew Davenport. I W. Jennings, and J. H. Riches. The royal chefs of the evening .were Oie ; Larson. Emm Snider and jGuy Moser. rrlday. Hot. S ., XOAC 560 Kc. Cenrallls 7:00 Good morning meditation. 10:00 -Home economics obeerver. 13:00 Farm hoar. :00 Homemaker hour. 5:55 Market reports, 8:80 Farm hoar. ' 7:80 Business institnte of the air. :15 The Oregon our fathers knew. KOW 820 Ke Portland 1 :00 Devotional. 7:45 Van sad Don. NBO. : Cooking arkooL 18:. Woman's lfagatiae. NBO. 11:80 J-lia Hayes. 11:15 Farm and Home hoar. NBO. 1 :0O Town Crier. 8:80 Armoor hour, KBO. 7:00 Peal Whitemaa, NBO. 7:80 Theatre of the Air, NBC. 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy. t:0O Hons af Color, SEO. 0:45 8tndio. 10:83 Jimmy Bicbardson. 10:45 noot Owl. . KTX 1188 X. PorUand 6:4.V Farm (lathes. 7:00 Memlog aerensdsr. 8:15 Crosscut of the Day. KBO. - 0:00 Anat Sammy, KBO. 8:15 Mary. NBC. 8:30 Elmer and Oweay. 18:00 Jalia Hayes. 10:15 Badio Boy Friends. KBO. 10:30 Bio Streaks. NBO. 1 1 :00 Harmony Twins. NBO. 11:15 Dream girl. NBC. 11:45 Eighteen feet of harmony. KBC. 11:00 Mormon Tabernacle, 11:80 Mardl Gra. KBO. 1:00 Jean Kantaer, NBO. . 1:15 Beth Maker. NBC. ' 1:45 Smilia" 8am. 1:00 College Belles. KBO. 8:1 Musical Moods. NBC. ' 4:00 Metropolitan hoor, KBO. 4 :30 rrofessor William Ettep. KOnf 840 Kc. Portland 8:00 KOIN's KWk. 8:00 Steamboat Bill. 8:15 Tens Cowboy. 8:80 Hallelojah honr. : 30 Betty Crocker, DIBS. 18:45 Fashioa Jhevlew. ' 11 :00 Tnternational Kitchen. 18:00 Rose City Beavers. 1 :00 Hostess or the Air. 8:00 Feminine Fancies. DLBfl. 8:00 Tk International OheasVoard. 5:15 Brono At String trii. NAVY "WAR rt O : I y : p William Howard Gardiner (above), president of the Navy League, Washington, D. CX, whose biting criticisra - of , President Hoorer't Slaa for economy in the U. h. avy . has . brought two rebokea from the White Bouse and the' statement that tha President ex-, pects an analogy from Gardiner, frhe Navy League head declared Sir. Hoover showed "abysmal IgV norance in naval affairs. ? Radio Prog tarns 1 in-ifti- - - " Reaction at Close is Not Sufficient " to Overcome Gain CHICAGO, Not. 5 CAP) Un counted hosts of baying orders to day swept all eereala to a dlsxy al titude, but at least temporary market overstrain was unmistak able at tha last. A sudden reaction In tha final dealings tumbled prices back ward. Earlier record breaking ad vances, however, were of such ex tent that even on the setback ail grains were higher than yester day. Re p o r ts of staggering drought losses to crops in Russia furnished tha chief stimulus. Per sistent drought report from do mestic winter wheat territory southwest nnd disturbing advices about severe moisture shortage n Canada were also bullish. Wheat closed unsteady, 1 4-l-4 cents below the day's top, and 7-8-1 J-8 above yesterday's fin ish, corn 1 S-8-2 V advanced, oats 6-i-l up. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec. .5-: Mar, .83-; May. .70-5-8: July, .fltt-5-8. Corn: Dec, At 1-8-; Mr., -49-.4S: May. .51-.51 1-8; July, .5S-.5S 1-8. Oats: Dec. .27; Mar., .29; May, .29 94-7-8; July, .30 1-8. General Markets PORTLAND, Ore.. Nor. 5 (AP) Prodnc xbang. act prices. Batter: ex tra. t; lUadard. SO; prime first. 88; tirat. 88. . Eggs: resh extras. 88-81; Trb mediums. 88. I Portland Grain POBTLAKD. Wheat: Ore, Ker. 5 fAP)- Opea Higb Low Clove ataj ithk TS T81a 75 a. . n n va Cask grrn: Big Bnd bluestem .84; Soft white, weetera white, hard winter, nortkern cpriag. weetera red .71. Oeata: Na. 1 white S3S.OS. Cora: Ma. 2 E. T. t27.5. Millnm Udrd $18.50. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Orew Kot. S API- Cattle 75. ealve 85. stdy. Steer. SOO-800 lb., rood. 8.00-8.7S: medium,- 4.75-8.00; rommaa, 8.00-4.75; 800-1100 lbs., good. 6.00-8.15: medium. 4,75-8.00; common, 8.00-4.75: 900-1100 lb., good, e.oe-S.75; mediant, 4.75-8.00; rommea, 3.00-4.75; 100-1300 lbt good. 5.75-8.58; medium. 8.75-5.75: haifara. 550-850 lb., coed. 5.00-5.50 1 saediam. 4.00 4.50; common. 8.00-4.00: cow, good, A00-4.50: common and medium. 2.75-4.00; low eatter aad cotter, 1.00 8.73; bnlls. yearlings excluded, good aad eboice. . beef. . 990-3.50.; cutter, common ad mediant, 2.00-3.08; veaUr. milk fed, good and choice, 7.00-8.00; aaediam 5.50 7.00; call aad common, 8.50,5.50; calve. 50-500 Ibt. rood andehoice.5. 50-7.50 : cmnoa n4 medium. 3.50-5.50. Hogs 6j0, steady to strong. Light lights. 140-160 lb., good and choice, 4.75-5.35: lightweight. 160-180 lbs., good and choice. 5.25-5.35: lisht weight. 160-1 80 Ibt., good and choice. 5.35-3.35; 'lftd-200 Ibf good and choice. 6.25-5.9: medium weislit. 200-220 Ibt.. good and eboice 4.75-5.85; 220-250 lbs.. good and choice, 4.63-5.35; heavyweights, 250-290. lbs.. god sad choice. 4.25-5.00; 290-350. lb., god and choice. 4.00-4.85; packing' sows. 275-500 lbs., medium and ceod, 8.50-4.75; feeder and sioeker pigs. 70-130 lbs., goof and choice. 4.00-5.00. Sheep 850. steady. Lambs, 90 lbs., down, good and choice. 5.00-5.50; medium. 8.75-5.25; all weights. common, S.00-3.75; year hag wether, 90- 110 lb-, medium to choice. 8.00-4.00; ewe. 120 lbs., medium to choice. 1.75 2.00; 120-150 lbs., medium to ebele. 1.50-1.75; il a-eights, rail to common. 1.00 1.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or, Kev. 8 ( AP)- Butter: prints. 88 score or better. 88 83 carton. Cert: Pacific poultry predaeer' sell- iag price: freab extra. 28: standards. 37: medium, lis; pallet, 18. Mm : eon met price, grade a. $2.17 He, Pertlatd delivery aad inspec tion. Dairy cooperative act pool price ta producers. $1.80. Country meats: selling price to retail ere: coantrr killed nog, be ante her nnder 100 lbs.. T-7He: vealers. 80 to 120 Ih 8-lOe; spring lambs, 10-11; heavr ewes. 4-Sc; esnner cows. St: ball. 5c.' afobair: nominal, linying pric. 1881 dip lens lir, 10c: kid. lSe lb. Hilts: Oregon walnuts. 18-25e: pea nuts. I2e lb.; Braiitt. 1114c: Almonds, 1518c; filberts. 20 22c: pectna, XOe lb. Casesra bark: buring prices. 1811 peel. 8c lb. Hops: nominal. 1828 crop. 8-10 1030. 18U: 1831. l8-13Ke lb. Botterfat: direct to shipper, track. 28c 8tatia No. 1, 28-20. Portland de li Tory prices: bntterfst. soar. 81c: wees. 83-Sa. Live ponltry: net buying prtre: beavy beat, eolored, 4 lbs- np. 18-SOe lb.: do mediums. 17c; Hgnt. l -: nroiler. nnder lA lbs- 18c: over 1 lbs.. 18e: colored roaster, ever 8 Ibt., 18c: eld rooster. Se: dneka, Pekia. 16c. Onions: selling prlre to retailer: Ta- Kim U to bet. 1.7: Oregon. 92. Potatoes: local. IHe lb.; Dascnate. $1.10-1.25; esttera Wssbingtoa. 80e-$l. Wel: . 1881 crop, nominal. Willsm- etta valley, is-lHt esster Urgon. 11 15c pen. Hsy: bnvlng pric from producer: al fala. S18.75-14.25: clever. 810-12: Wll lamett valley timothy $15: eastera Ore goa timothy. $19.50: cats and vetch. $12- 12.90". . : Dreued ponUry: Mlliac pric ta 're tailer: tnrfceys: hens. 25-28c; young terns. 30-32c; old terns. Se Ibi Fruits, Vege tables y POBTLAKT. Ore, Kv. 5 -fAP) Orsnges: California Valencia, Sf-a.BP. Orapofrnit: Texss, $4.00-4.75; CsliftMul. $8.T: jnorid. 4.75-5. Limes : 5 doiea carteasv l $8.85. fisnaaas: . 5-e lb. Lms: California, $7-8 ess. Hacklebcr-ries:- Ptrget Sonnd, 4-6e pound. Casaa: Dillard. 2-2 Ue lb. tc cream melons: northwest, Je lb. Grapes: Te-1 kays. $1.85; white Malagas. $1.50; Ri hiers, $1.85; emperor, Te lb. Peaches: Tk Oallea, S0-S5c. Pears: Anjon. 50e-$l bos. Grewad cherries: a-llc lb. fr bcrries: $3.50-8.75. - Cabbace: local, new, 1c lb. Potatoes: local. 1H lb,: Deschnte. $1.10-1.25; eattera Waahington, 50c $1. Onions: celling pric t retailers: Takim Globes. $1.75 : Oregon. $2. Caeambers: .field growa, 80-SOe box: ho1hne. 40 80 dotea. 6pineh: 'local, 85-80. Olery : local. 80-75 deiea; hearts. $1.85. hfathroomt: kothonse. 60-75 lb. Pepper I bell, green. 80-40 box. 8 wee potato: new California. Se lb, CH (lower. aortkwesi. 60-75 crata. Eeaas: locsl, $-7 lb. Tomatoes: lo cal 80-40 bx: California, $1.80 lag repacked. Corn local, $ sack. Lcttae: west, $1-185; Pssea, $1.85 1.75 crata. Danish 4b: IK to 14. Artichekes: California. 85e-$1.15 daiea. J - r SILVERTON Nov. 5. -Mrs. F. J. Jtoubal has been elected as di rector of. the : Methodist ; senior choir to replace Mrs. Vernon Day. who has been director. Mrs. Day receatly moved to Salem where her husband was transferred from here-" Day Is now with the Mae Marr store In the Hollrwood sec tion. Salem Markets I ; Grade fi. raw 4 co-op pool price f 130 per hundred. ; :. 'C. Factory nnilk, $1.40. J ; JIatterfat, sweet, t2e - Batterfat, war SOc ntTOt A TEaZTAXUU Prlca pli t srawew ky (akai hayara. Xavaabar S CeUrr. dot. te SO lUdieaea, 4a. S- Oaioav-, doe, uoieni, sack M Carrot i , ,a . Beeta - Caaaag Coeuaibcro. dea. . Caaliflowar. arete -00 -jo ta se .se Fotataea, m e-.e ts TBraipa. dos. Hnbberd aqaash -SO Lettaee, crata Oreea Peppers, log Daaitk aquas Spioach. crata 7 to 10 -01 A p plea, bu. 80 Hothouse eaenmherf Hots ob te tomatoes .89 EtMJS Bayfeas PrtoM Extras Mediuma I8 BnytM PrtoM Jteeatera. e'd .OS Broilers Colored Leghorn Haaries. hens Hedinai hens 18 IS It ia to Light bens GRAIN AHD BAY Barlns Prteee Whest, westera red White, bn. i Barley, ton Oats, ton Hay: baring prices Onto end vetek, tea e ss .18.00 11:00 1.0 14.00 18.00 1S.50 uiOTer AMalfa. ratlrr. nd enttinc Eastera Oregon Common HOPS Top grsde -15 MBA Btyias PrtoM Lambs, top Hogs, tep Hega, first eats Steer 430 . 05 to .08 .01 to .03 .84 to -Oi Cow rfeifers Dressed veal , Dresed hog -esa 07 wool. Coarse . Medina IS .18 MOrXAtt itoal CM Kid .nomical BUST Pppermlat OH. lb , ... 80 to 1.00 MICKEY MOUSE THIMBLE THEATtairing Popcye OH.PUEPsSt OOMfT TPKE. MV 5 vcSj xT COOKTERFCltEOl VMONTTHS 5.0CO.000.CCO. pVaWC8 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY W H0ME6T; I GOT TfiE WM MU6TBCAwi6CKTrvsONrrjBiNK rrs MILK OUST UV5 OUtETAM' DOMTSEEMTO CAfcE IWHAT MAPPEMS fT WOMTCEVCM 1 1 L mamammMp.mnaaBnamiasa. . SAY MEOW TOOTS AND CASPER I UWB ( I REPUCia THAT MAT A I THI HAT. J V FROM 5L TO 14., j BUT I DWT ( J MADAM, AND AT THAT J NWANT TO I PPVC8 ITS UWB J j pay Qurre I. 1 6mh6 tub . ) waFcayiieata, loe, Com Bnrawi rie icwrrcd. Best Offer Here Is 65 Cents for Vhite; Hogs Lower ' ema89aammfjmmf . Local wVt market cllraked twa cents yeatardar ta saw tops of I cents oa weaten red and CS eoata en white, a ererr tarmer baa laarBed, an bayers 4I9 eat pay tb aaraa price, .bat at aenersllr the top quotation ia carried. Ome prominent t Salem buyer was of fering C cents yesteraay aa rus top. Hoca droBoed 1ft eeata. Grow- era cot II hundred yeexeroar. Dressed reai qaotatloa dropped a bait eeata. thomsb tbera waa mo change ra the lire market. Local peppermint oil buyers ara oaTlar between cent and a dollar a pound now, tha price de pending npon unallty. - 9 LETTUCE DKO IS STILL STB PfYRTLJLND. NOT. 5 (AP) nanni tar Dalles lettuce contin ued of strong; character on the East Side Farmers' wnoiesaie mar At today. Offerings were oi fair rolume with demand faTor- ahl and the) nrlce maintained. RaiAA ahowed a. oread of SI to 1.2 S crata with the feigner max generally for tha 4 s, waicii were In nmnllest offering. Concord grapes sold 4 to aoc lug, accordiing to Quality. Strawberries in small supply sold np to $!. tor halTae and if .so for full crates. Cauliflower waa weak and a trifle eluggisa at Sec for B'a. Com sold fairly well 0e-l auV fAr rrnnd ntnff. Spittenberf apples wera ftc kn f n ft, and fTO. . w Celery sold TOc generally tor Jumbo, 0c dot ior i a ana arouad $1 for bearta. Danisb squash mo ted 598 can Potatoes bold practically on changed; mostly 80-0c orange OOKT VOU KNOW TVWf MX) Cm GET eftftesvaj FOR COUKTERJFtfTlrirj WITHOUT A UCEHSE' T - WAM5 'CAilSe TrS KITTEM BUCG "TRAT COST -BUT WlbiDOW . A aH. WWrTTC 1 pbouctioms! I WaQ Sfreet? Doubtful, Over Grain Advance, Waits To see Outcoma" ByJOHX L. OOOLET NEW TOBJC Not. f AP) Strong markets for commodities and bends failed te arouse much Sympathetic enthusiasm in stocks today. ' . Perhaps Wall street preferred ta giro wheat further opportun ity to prera Itself in Tiew ef its sensational gaina. Or it ; may bar bean that traders bellered shares, ayeraglng IS pointaaboro tha October I Iowa, bad Already dlseonnted such , Improremeat in sentiment aa bad already ap peared and that the cause of re construction would lest be sirred by comparative stability. At any rate, tha market, after selling moderately Higher in the morning, ten back during the aft ernoon and closed irregularly lower, although abora the day's jainfttrums.. There waa intermit tent - group strength in ' metals. based on the ltt cent rise In silrer. Final changes oa leading stocks were mostly fractional. TJ. S. Steel, American Can, General Electric, National Biscuit. Case, Paramount, New Tork Central. Pennsylvania, Consolidated Gas and Baltimore Ohio were off U to net. American Tele phone and American Tobacco "B" lost a point. Union Pacific aad Atchison sagged 2. Western Union duplicated its 10-year low at It. off IV. Soma of tha less active Issues especially affected by commodity gaina wera International Silrer, Home Stake. PUlgbury. Skelly Preferred and Shell Union Pre ferred, no t to S. American ZIne Preferred rallied abut 7 on small sales. Atlas Powder and Goodyear also firmed. Sales totaled 1,- 521,041 aharea. box Shall henna ware Se lb. Dry onions again sold f 1.7S S.Ot aaek; tha former tor small tuff. "Mammy !" Now Showing "In 'On the Road DO ft COST MXl ME Ten POPtvE TVVfXT katMCt BU3XO r ' sT?iirvajftSa k H05PnrXUlMmi5 PLEASE ITS I 1 cVChTD(E WSTlAVBIT- f . PT-- BUT WOULD DOUGH 1 thC" ITSa 'She's the Whole Orchestra" OFC0UR96, W5 DIDfcT REDUCE ALL OF OUR MAT BUT W8 DtD 6LA5M "THE PRICE OF 90MS OF TUEM.eUT THEYR& SOUt Wfi OEOOCEO THOCH HAT FROM TO'I. EACH. AND THoTrWEPTd 3UCH 8A96AM5( I BOUGHT x WW Captain Paul Koenig and his dangtart alary, are ahown as they ar rived at New York aboard the S. S. Euxopa. Capt. Koenig created sensation during the World War, before Uncle Sam entered the eem , Cict, by making; two trips across the Atlantic and back te Germany in a submarine, deapie the rigid British blockade that bad been estab lished. He was the only sub-commander to accomplish this daring frr-.t. West Salem News WEST SALEM, Not. 5 Mrs. , Rosa Farnswortb of Monument. ' arrived Wednesday and will spend tha winter months with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Gerth, and other relatives. B. L. Miller and Bill McAdams wera business visitors at Cham poeg Thursday. Floyd DeLapp of Gerth avenue, met with a palatal accident Tues day whan bla right hand was caught in a wood saw and badly mangled. He was rushed to the Willamette sanatorium where he ia atCl-confined. Latest reports ara that it will bo necessary to amputate two of the fingers. Ladies Aid Meets Tha regular business meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Ford Me morial church wis Held at tha home Of Mrs. H. A. Dtxon Wed nesday. Discussion concerning a cooked food and apron sale was his own Coin to Recovery' 15AW A HAT eoMS- THWZr UkB TM5 QMS IN "THE. MH.U8JERT- THS FORi T "" if joh! You vver& W MY CDMPeTTlTOQ I OMOP BEFOCB - . .1 fDU CAMS IN HERS ? m ta TW 4"a " a W ONLY J f T3t I mm -m V A . held and the president. Mrs. W D. Phillips, appointed the follow ing committees: Sales committee. Mrs. J. A. Gosser, Mrs. Eugene Lottie MeAdama and Mrs. E. A. Krebs, Mrs. G. E. Larkin, Miss Lottie McAdams and Mr. B. A. Dtxon. Committee to find out where sals can be held. Mrs. J A. Gosser and Mrs. Fred Wells. A silver tea was announced for No vember IS, meeting place to be announced later. Committees for the silver tea are: EntertaiBtnent, Mrs. Guy Newgeot and Mrs. L Bnrgoyna; .refreshment commit tee, Mrs. Frank Forrester and Mm. Geo. Lathrop. Tha next regular business meeting of the Aid will be held at the homo of Mrs. J. A. Goeser, Two ore mines have been opened at Iron City, Ala. TtPi By THSY HAD A cure HAT Aw oo rw Qttingerand Decker to Farm '1300 Acres; women - - Attend U!eet f 7 ?- n in pftiHT. Nor. S Mr. aad ' : Mrs. : Ed Rex ara homo from v.' Breitenbnsh Springs. They irere ws ; ton a davs nnd sav tha weath- ar waa fine up there and while ' the mountains -near wera coverea with snow yet the rhododenarona -- were all in bnd at the springs. .. Tom Ottinrer and his partner, Frank Decker are moving tnoir , tanning eaulpmeut to Portland this week, where they have leased ,"; 1S0O acres from swut ana Co., near the L4 restock . exhibition building. They are aeedlag this ground to rape to use for aheep pasture. --Miss Margaret Hogg of Salem, has a music class of eight pupils from the Greenwood and Oak Polat schools. She teaches them at tha school house after school hours. The Independence Rural Worn- ' an's club of Oak Point visited tha Woman's elub in Independence on neighbor day Tuesday. Those go ing were Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. Charles Whipple. Miss EIra Brown, Mrs. Ed Rex, Mrs. G. A. Peterson, Mrs. Clarence Allen. Mrs. M. R. Black. Mrs. Robert Seegar, aad Mrs. Byron Ruddell and Mrs. R. R. Rlddell as a guest There are It members in the young peoples class of Christian Endeavor workers, who have their meetings during the Sunday school hour. They plan to Jotn-tha state organization of Christian Endeavor and take up tha eoursa of study outlined in the Christian Endeavor World. Miss Jessie Brown is their pres ident, Dorothy Throop, vice pres ident and Roberta Peterson is sec retary and treasury. Sunday school will meet next Sunday. Nov. S at S o'clock in tha afternoon with church following at S. Rev. F. C. Stanard of Mon mouth will preach. , Co-ed registration at North Carolina state college has fallen from 7S last year to SS this year. By Wa4LT DISNEY By SEGA THOOSdViD pexoztES-fsowj BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY MURPHY THEH tD ACrVISe YOU TO OVER AND BUY rr!i if You cam-t CDMC Hi MY9TORS FIRST THSrYRE. .VAHXXJMS TO You! I'LL HAVE YXI ' UNDERSTAND I MrT I VfON-TPLAY r w - .