The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    Lv,.c:: ttto
The OnCGON STATES IA?V SaLn, Oreron. Thursday Ilornlnrr, October 23, 1231
:;:.; lira
Itaavy Structure at Light j
Company Office Falls
' i - When Repair Made
The Gall
Wednesday afternoon ,the hea
ry maraulM In front of the
fiteuslof f building on North Llb-
ertT street, occupied by tae jrorc
land ! General Electric eompany.
erased to the wal below pin
ning a pedestrian. Miss Loretta
Lashway. 58 Center street,
.cainat tfaa. feaildlnsr front. She
was rescued and r found to be
only slightly lajured. The glass
Into wMch she was thrust cat
pashes on her head, thigh sad
foot. She was glTen l prompt
to her home where she is recov
ering from the showc une u-
i,.. .rtm of nlate class was
broken oat. . f . ; '
' The marquise, which Is 50
feet long, was being repaired by
Andy Baker of the Salem Iron
Works. Baker, who fa on top
of the marquise came down wltn
it. bat fortunately landed on the
concrete without Injury, to him
self ' " :': '
. Chains held by hooks la the
wall were wed to support the
frame of the marquise, which
h mat! covering is qnite
tearr. Tuesday two of the chains
broke. The owners of the build
ing engage- th saiem iron
wbrks to repair it, and they went
to work "Wednesday. A Jc wm
pmt nnder the portion which was
sagging and Baker had just fin
ished lightening the chains which
he hooked op when the whole
rsarqaise crashed. ; .
Fortunately there was only
one person under it. Miss Lash
way. She was near the south
end and - close to the : building
and was pushed through the
front' where the glass had been
knocked out. E. R. Smith, mer
chandise sales manager, had 'just
passed under the marquise and
was In the entry, escaping injury.
The large plate glass windows
were shattered, and even ' the
glass ot the sides of the entry
Employes . quickly . cleaned up
the glass. Trucks pulled the
marquise , to the edge of the. walk
to' permit passing; and carpen
ters boarded up the front peui
i3g Installation of new glass.
ATmv Dprmrtnre
in Art Classes
' Tried Out Here
To study the hew creative art
work being taught In Salem
schools this year. S grade In
structors met at the high school
yesterday afternoon for ine
fourth of the eight classes being
given by- Mrs. Ida M. Andrews,
head of the art department and
Instructor at lslie Junior, high
school... - . ",v" i
-Mrs Andrews this year is un
dertaking to supplant the old
dogmatic method of teaching art,
xiring the pupils set projects to
follow,; with the new scheme of ,
allowing the children to express j
themselres freely in their art j
studies; doing whatever creative j
wertt they wish. With this aim
la-new, -she is training the mem
bers ot her department along this
new Una of instruction. '
The art work, done by the
teachers - themselres as well as
Ly the pupils, consists chiefly ot
water coloring, although crayon
and calcimine also are used.
Valk T lAttl ni prrm Area fn
""Guilty Hands."
terioo Bridge." ..... : i
Todar Nancr Carrol In "Per-
sonal Maid."
Friday Evelyn Brent In
"TrsTeltn- Hnshana. . '
Group Helps in
( Holding Clinic
With the assistance for the first
time ot the health committee of
the Brooks Parent-Teacher asso
ciation, members of the county
health department staff yesterday
examined 67 school children there.
-Mrs. Mary McCloud Ashbaugh,
wh has charge ot the Brooks clin
ic, center, fcj the association, yes
terday was assisted by Mrs. Gil
lian Rasffif ssen, Mrs. Madge
Jones. Mrs. Fay Loomis, Mrs.
Adolphine Harris, Mrs. Helen Sar
gent and Mrs. Marie Bush, of the
Parent-Teacher health committee.
, Sixty defects, were found In the
children, as follow: Improper nu
trition IS teeth 3 5, thyroid 4,
ki 2, ears 2, heart 1 and flat
feet 1. Fifteen parents were pres
ent to view the examination pro
cedure. . " " '
Initial toxoid treatments for
diphtheria immunization were ad
ministered to 20 of the children.
. . Rome of
25c Talkies
Kc, J
j Ako Comedy, News and
.Ad vent ores of a"
.- Bans Detective
Coming Friday and Saturday
' 1 ;t THE GRAND
Today Lewis Stone in Tath-
ers Von.",
FrWtay--Joev E. Erown la
Brosd Minded."
: -.
i hp nnr t wnnn
Today Nancy Carrel In "The
Nljcht An get" ' .
Friday Ken Maytrard in
"Arizona Terror.
Tonight "at Warner Bros. Elsl-
aore will be presented the first
studio preview to be given outside
of Los Angeles. What the name of
the picture Is Manager Rice does
aot know but it will be shown be
tween the first and second show
tonight and you may: judge for
yourself whether it Is a rood
show, and find out what the name
of it Is. s . i
This unique favor to Salem was
gained by- Mr. Rice about two
weeks ago after some lengthy con
ference with studio officials.
. Word has come from Los Ange
les that Mose Silver, whom many
people nave met here in Salem
while he, was here on business, has
been transferred from the Los An
geles offices of Warner Bros, to
New York' city.' Frank Newman
will take his place.
It has also been rumored that
Marty Schwartz, former manager
Of Warner Bros, theatres in Salem
will perhaps be sent to New York
with Mr. Silver. New York Is the
home of Mr. Sch warts and this
change would be another happy
break for Marty. -
' The second offering of Manager
Ray Stumbo's wild west serial will
go on again Friday. This Is a real
"western" and Is arousing much
Interest. -' '. '! ;
Added Light at
City Library is
Being Installed
The darkness which has lurked
between : book stacks at the pub
lic: library -soon will be made
light, with the Installation of six
new electric fixtures. The pres
ent lighting system recently was
made more Inadequate, by the ad
dition of several new' stacks to
the south wing of the library.
. To make, room for the many
new children's books which hare
been added to the library collec
tion within the. past few months,
a number of new stacks for the
junior department hare been or
dered and will soon be put in
place. At present the fairy tales
and other books of delight to the
children are scattered wherever a
bit of extra space can be found.
niTffii dbti:;
Thirteen deaths and 4t in-
turf a tn vaaasaBJEera and drivers
resulted from automobile acci
dents in Oregon ia September ac
cording, to a report ralaaaed yes
terday by Charles Pray, superin
tendent of atate -ponce.- rray im
ported 44 general arrests daring
the month and 163 arrests for
traffic violations. , i " !
; Arrests bv , members of the
slate nolice fere brought; fines
rpf iil.ll In general law isola
tions and x,z4 in iraiiiciTioiB'
tions. Seventy-seven years lm
prisonment , also resulted I from
the more serious offenses. Of
the total cases 111 are still
pending, while 16 acquittals were
returned, the report shews.
Fatalities fn automobile acci
dents were due largely to collis
ions. Pray said. Seven deaths
resulted from crashes between
ears. 1 , three from ' automobiles
striking " pedestrians,' one from
an automooue-Dicycie collision
and two from non-collision' acci
dents. Cars parked on streets
and highways caused the great
est number of accidents, 507,
Pray .reported. Failure to give
right of way resulted in 407 ac
cidents, left tarns at corners and
Off highways contributed 398 ac
cidents, exceeding-the speed lim
it; : 2 C 8 f accidents .-and driving on
the wrong side of tao road, 237,
Of the arrests reported in- gen
eral law enforcement during the
second month's operation by ..the
state police, seven were for ag
gravated - assaults, 'resulting in
sentences of 29 years. Liquor
law violations led all the rest
with 199 arrests, bringing of
fenders 21 , years imprisonment
and assessed fines of 115,000.
There were seven burglary and
four, robbery arrests, and the "po
lice superintendent . . . . reported
three homicides. Violations : of
fish and game laws resulted in
122 arrests.
H ubbard Savings
Depositors Paid
Checks being- issued this week
by the state banking department
wlli bring payments on savings de
posits in the closed state bank of
Hubbard to SO per cent, A. A.
Schramm, state bank superinten
dent, announced, yesterday. This
dividend, the third to be issued,
will total $5007. Judge Gale S.
Hill signed the order for the dis
tribution yesterday. Savings de
posits totalled $50,087.
is Family
Last .
- tnuK .
j writ. mjM3 f '.
6QA N &
Conferring with Ralph E. Carl
son , regional Red . Cross : repre
sentative, members of the Black
Dragon life saving corps f yester
day afternoon laid plans for their
activities throughout the coming
winter and spring. Mr. Carlson
urged them to supply more exam
iners for life saving tests, help
train examiners for the outlying
towns, carry on a first aid class,
undertake competition with life
saving teams of other cities, and
sponsor life saving exhibitions
and campaigns, i A contest1 with
Portland corps already is, being
planned, and a life saving exhibi
tion and water carnival ' will be
sponsored at the Y. M. C. A. on
November' T. r-.f" -" ;
Providing Principal Wolf of tha
high school ean arrange it, Mr.
Carlson will address the students
there today. His schedule of ap
pointments for today and temor
The Perfect Alibi!
Perfect Crime?
1 1 ,
. . with
Bloran .
row ia aa folio irst ; n v
Todar. cosiareace with
Ceorge Rossman. Red .Cross chair
man; instruct the first aid class
of Woodburn school teachers, con
ducted by Miss Juaaita Johnson
of the county health, department.
Friday, address Dallas chamber
of eommsree at noon; ravisw Moa
mouth firemen la their first aid
v i a aiii a.-
We ftflVltn Vrttv iL!. ..1.!L.
we believe will take its place alon-sido the
great pictures, of all tinis, . ,
: em oehsw
TURNER, Oct, 28 Mr. and
Mrs. Charles lu ' 8tandley' cele
brated their golden, wedding an
niversary - Tuesday. October JtT.
with m family, dinner at their
home. . ... --
Charles L. Standley and Hiss
Ella Button were married Octo
ber 27. 181, at Cortland, Ohio,
where they lived two years, then
moving to Michigan tor Z9 years
where their four aona were born.
They lived 18 -years La North Da
kota, before coming to Oregon
10 years ago. . ,
They have four sons, the old
est one, - Glenn, with his wife
and ' six children arrived two
months, ago from Jordan,' Mon
tana, and are at present at the
home ' and are- helping car for
Mrs. Standley who has been an
invalid i tor almost a year. Mr.
had Mrs. George Standley and
three . small - children - nve la Sa
lem; Mr. , and ; Mrs. ' Charles F.
Standley and young daughter at
Turner, and Earl who lives with
his parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Standley ware
recipients of maay - gifts - from
friends - who called during tha
day, all wishing for Mr. and Mrs.
Standley many more happy an
niversaries. . - v
i. L
it tit
: PUIliS llll FUL'D
(Continued from page 1)
of tha faculty members has been
supporting two other families be
side his own. ? ? n
It was felt that the need of the
students at this time was not tak
en care of by other means and that
the faculty could render a gen
uine service by starting a revolv
ing fund which win doubtless bo
enlarged by other contributors.
President Carl O. Doney and
Dean Erickson will administer the
loans whiia Savage will be in
charge of the money. , '
Hawley Makes
Portland Visit
" "r -' , i-
Congressman W. CV Hawley
will spend Thursday and Friday
In Portland where ho will be at
the Multnomah hoteL
He will bo a member of several
conferences at the Multnomah
during the two days.
AT 8:45 P. IL
.-last ; itx&n
rptiT,ung "jyr
VtSSM A 1 ,
Delicious J fp ' ':Jr
. .Scree : " 'L
TiX Selected ,
j jl Vitaphone Shorts
77 T
frh? S
- XUad work in the county, which
was shut oft tor a tew days be
cause of the rata, vat resumed
Wednesday. roar truck wefa
sent., oat ty , Roadmaster Frank
Johnson to speed op tha work of
pavrng at Mt. Aaget aad the rrar
1 hauling on. the Abiqna road.
The craw is expected to flniih. the
Mt Angsl paving this week and
then, will go on to pave the Beth
any corner at tho Junction ot the
lit. .. Anrsl and . Silrerton nave--
meata" ' '-.::,.i ' ?.
In spite of the rains tho crew
at. work in paving the last milo
ot tho Ablqua road kept right on
working.? Johnson stated that the
gravel la this aubgrado was of
sneh qaallty that It hold up tho
trucks even when the road was
very wet. i
After looking over the roads in
district 81, Johnson and Commis
sioner Porter sent lumber there
for use in -bridge repair work in
that district, and also ordered
gravel placed on the roads from
tho Marlon crusher. Except for
those odd jobs most of the road,
work tor this season la completed.
i Subject to the approval of the
annual Northwest credit bureau
association manager ia Portland
in May, managera from all over
tho northwest win Join with the
state association in the convention
to bo held in Salem next fall, Roy
Wassam reported at the meeting
ot the EaJem Retail Creilt associa
tion at the Grey. Cell yesterday
Wauam brought this' Intorma-
recent meeting of bureau man
agera held ia Seattle. He gave a
report of the Seattle meeting, and
tnhf about eneratfoa of the bu
reau ia. tho Washington metrop-
the lntsresta cf tbe credit -men-bera.
f :
Wassam also reported a cuic'x
piece of the work local bureau did
last week in contacting the Chlca-
v iaa Drought mis inxorma-1 reau ia. a , muuk w w"",m ---- -- -------4 - .
tiaa foliowinr attsndanco at theoll where it employee took, after go association for inf ormatlaa.
- - Benefit B. P. O. EIIc No. ttGXma Charity Fund
: Oct 29th to Nov. 4, 1931
. a it Oa-l' ad
v Professional
Aerialisla, -.
Wire Walkers
Kickinir Ponr .JLL Qj CilXUS Acts
. iSj . .til ' i ' ; . !
' Clowns
Doa & "Ponies
. .Prntiaid
: . Eqclbristi
' . ; - j . .
OQQ DanceDoor Prize, ggQQ;
.Beautiful ' ADDED ATTftACTlON .. BIG I I
Chevrolet . ; 8PIECe V 0 KU
::eSSU Fredrick's Novelty sa5?fei!
Awarded Band & Orchestra Admis"oa
Free Nov. 4. - A MUSICAL HIT QGG
3 Ltn 'IP 11 5 '-ff(F
r -. f . . .f , ,(r ... - ...."- .... ...... - .-.. ...v.-: ..n.m.nV . - . ,
E dollar spent at
"Standardy.uys a bigger
dollar worth
I Your gasoline dollar bup the finest
motor fuel "Standard" has ever made
"Standard Gasoline or Standard
Ethyl Gasoline.
Money cannot buy a better, oil than
Zerolene or a better motoring in
' vestment than complete Standard Lu
brication for $1.00 and op.
You get more for your money in
- dozens of useful services scores of
Standard Products for your car, your
household or farm.
Shop atStandard" you get so much
more for your money!
Uiag spdal products sad special erttip
Dieat Standard Lobricstioa coau from
Zerelesie Gear Greaaa
Zerolene WkeeJ Beariag Creaao -
Zerslene High Pressmre LabricsaC r,
Zeroleae Universal Joint Create
Zerolene Waterproof Grease
And otAer Specie! Products for your ear.
OrItai Amm rtUU ohliss ana
uaKCrl '
3aa up year ear Were winter temes.
Oronita Auto Polish is srv te use it cuts
film It tires a brilliant aad loag larina;
shiao ........... Pmta 7SeQaarts
'1 r Vasor Cassiold X
j Orenlftt Furniture Potith (tret a hard, dry
lantro ahedadost.,
fiats 60s QaartttL09
Sundarf i7aoAoU Lubrlcwtvbrl.
rates hinges, sewiog machines, tools, etc
4a, Oilen 23 . , . Zx. OUm 3
: Zeroleae Valre) CUer r
Installed with quart of Zerolene Valve Oil .
13.50. (Ia soma loealities cost Is tlightlr
higher because of transportation charges.)
Zerolene Valve Oil ....Qnart .?S
Orenite Handv 0U ......SVa os. Oiler 3
Oronito Sprtns Oil .........Pint Can 7S
Zerolene Cap Grease ........U. Can 2
Oraitlto Cleautlaal VlsOd
tfon-explotiv md sae Oronite QearJag
Flaid means "Springtime Freshness" (or
' avenr fabric Try it today see spoU van
ish from rags and aphol stery f rem ne
lingerie from hats, suede shoes, etc
JS Pints 23e : Pints 4Se
lotarlsut Aeeeoorloe aad Conaa
iMlel Kelps BaA -Standard" lio
ahep-feralawe exsifr ;
"SuadanT qaallty products and Stand
ard' Quality wire all at one atop end
available wherever yea got A few are
illestrated ; there ere many more ek any
Standard Man about them.
, Standard Ilea ere glad to cheeky yew bt
tery aad spark plugs glad to Lil your
radiator chetk your tires -rlad to give
yon a era rate Standard Head Mapa glad
te offer yon personal comforts and coa
veniences clean rest rooms, very often
handy pay telephones, etc) All the little
attentions that help so nrach to make
metering pleaant are yoars as a tattler
of course st "Standard.
AH D QGD 17: 3 170 ACJD D I.O 0 D GALG QD