f -M 'L - !! i m pliiijc uOl'ETO SCIB Shdton. Handles 5th School Bus; Many Visitors V- Are Reported , SCIO. Oct. 2 1 George Hubbard and Geonce Hoffman, Sooth D- kota.n who recently - looked over the Scio region with view of lo- cstinr permanently In this part or the Taller. returned to their astern home to make definite ar rangements to take up residence . kere. It Is stated by friends here that the gentlemen were .faror sJly Impreased with resources and eteatlal possibilities - here and thai they are anxious to become Identified with the region at once If Dossible. " - i" - " Guy Johnston and J. I Rpdgers were in Portland on business won ' Mrs. Earl Phillips was In Salem Monday, taking her mother, Mrs R. A. Brown, of Lyons, to a sur geon for "observation following an operation some time ago. Mrs. ' Brown la reported making ' satis factory recovery. ' Fred Bilyeu was called to Port land Monday to resume his duties on the federal Jury. . " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyeu? and daughter, Virginia, Tisited OTer the weekend with the George El gin family at the Roek Creek state fish hatchery In the moun tains east of Hoagland. 1 ' Use Jiew Rooms i The first meeting of the Sclo Masonic lodge In the new home was , held Saturday night, and a large attendance was present.-The hall is believed to be one of the best In this part of the county. - having been renovated, - repainted and otherwise Improved In the in terior. Half-interest, in the hall was purchased from the Knights of Pythias lodge land both orders use the ball for j lodge purposes, as does also the lodge of Pythian Sisters. I --:.' ' Roy Hixson and family of To ledo were guests Saturday night and Sunday at the. Merle Cyrus home. i Scio school's fifth bus, which was put on last week with a tem porary driver. Is now handled by Vannle Shelton. I Miss S. Edith Pentney, high chool Instructor at Junction City, who was seven years consecutively In the Scio high school, was with friends here Sunday, Built 70 Years Ago The old landmark immediately north of the city hall which was recently raxed by Bill Young, was erected about 7 0 years ago, ac cording to estimates of Mr. Young. The Youngs used the place as a residence more than 50 years ago. It is stated. j V P. W. Schrunk, Joe Lytle and TV. F. Gill constitute; the business men's committee for the Satur day afternoon program in this city October 31. - Mr. and Mrs. Francis Arnold of Portland, visited Sunday with rel atives and friends in the Scio re gion. t j , Preparations Are well along for an elaborate mask ball by the Scio t fire department Hallowe'en, Octo ber 31.. The event Is to take place in the high school gymnasium. FIDE IT STORE BUT CRABTREE, OcU 2 1. Excite ment reigned in Crabtree- for a ahort time Tuesday when it was learned that the store building owned by Mr. Coughill of Salem was on fire. The Albany fire en gine arrived to extinguish the fire but It had been put out before it Jived. . ., . . r . The fire started in a bin of saw- dost. No serious damage was In curred. .'(-- !. Velma Jones of Portland is vis iting In Crabtree at the home of her parents,- Mr .and Mrs Lee Jones. Class Electa The Loyal Sona and Daughters r j i . . .. oaauay scoooi neia us annual lection Friday night at the La Ales Aid hall. The officers elect ed were: president, Mrs. L. O. Corman: vice-president. Harold If alien; secretary and ' treasurer. j&argaret JUeint. After the bus! ness meeting games were played ana lunch was served at a late The Ladles Aid of Crabtree Is ery busy now. getting ready for their annual baiaar to be held the first week in December.: Velma Scholl Home From England Post. ' . r With Jantzen Firm HUBBARD, Oct. 11 Velma Scholl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. X. Scholl, who has . been ,. in London for the past 14 months la the Interests of the Jantsen Knitting mills, arrived home Sun day night. Miss Scholl sailed - trem South Hampton on the 8. 8 Olympic October 1. From New York she camel by the! southern route. She visited Washington, D. C. and other places of Interest -emronte. . . 1 .While abroad Miss Scholl was the assistant European sales man ager of the Jantzen i Knitting jams. Tney have recently estab lished a factory and office in Lon don. While-In Europe Miss Scholl lsited Germany, Austria, Italy. jrrnnce, Scotland and ! Ireland. he expects to take up her work la the Portland office of the Jant -sen Knitting mills Monday. YOUNG GAINS SLOWTT KEIZER, Oct. 21 W. C. Young bad the misfortune to fall from walnut tree at his home and has been confined to bis bed for the past week. He Is gaining slowly. He is being cared for in the Albert .Crass' bom CD 510 US DAMAGE Hawaiian Lad Will Return Davt on GRAND ISLAND, Oct. II The Dayton Chapter of the I. L A. la planning two big days. Nor. t and 4 when they will entertain Wil bert Choi, ex-president of the Fu ture Farmers of the Hawaiian Isl ands. During those two days there will be project tours and a Judg ing trip made for the pleasure of their honored sjneat..k The night of Nov. 4 there will be a county F. F. A. meeting held In the high school gymnasium la McMInnville. On the program will be featured an Initiation of all new members into the county r; P. A.: organization, which in cludes departments from the four schools, McMlnnTille. Newberg, Amity and Dayton, i f Last May the Portland Chamber of - Commerce sent Kenneth Petti bone of Corvallis and ex-president of the Oregon F. F. A. to Hono lulu, where he was shown a won derful time by the Hawaiitn F. F. A. Pettibone spent several weeks visiting the boys on the various Islands and now the Oregon boys are anxious .- to return to their neighbor friends the warm feeling existing between them. The Port land Chamber of Commerce is now furnishing - the means for Wilbert Choi to visit the States. The Hawaiian lad arrived in Port land Sunday, Oct. 18. and will spend much i of his time at the present attending the Pacific In ternational. ' After the Oregon boys have the opportunity to welcome Wilbert Choi he will go to the Kansas City Royal Livestock show, where be will see more of the fine stock In the United States. 180 Students Now In Hubbard School HUBBARD, Oct. 21 The en rollment of the Hubbard school now numbers 120 pupils. The art corner. In charge of Miss Hatch, has several projects from the grades on display . The first regu lar meeting of the debate squad was held by Mr. Dart Monday eve ning. Miss Hatch Is organizing a -Junior Red Cross. Mrs. Fields is in charge of the library and has worked out a defi nite schedule for the grades. The school board has made def inite plans to rearrange and im prove the play shed. FROGLEY'S RETURN KEIZER, Oct. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Obed Frogley have returned to their home in West Keixer after a week spent with friends In east ern Oregon,; south of LaGrande. the word value is t ? - - i ' . . , -;-. i i : '-'U- -" -H"- ' ' ' ' - : ' " ' ' t ' ' ' ir :r 'i ' : : ': i :-. quite a bit of late but we prefer to talk quality. - ' ; :: wHen you buy the best quality you buy the best Yalue. 1 I that is a fact one cannot get around clothes that fall down in 'satisfaction, style and service are poor values at any pricei j: v - '; ' t . l ' 1 we recommend KuppenKeimer good clotKes as the best value you can pos sibly buy. i . despite tHe ruthless tendency towards cheapening of quality, KuppenKeimer has always kept the quality up not one stitcli have they yielded to mediocrity. . such' merchandise represents genuine value in the highest sense of the wrd. I I Kupprnheimer Quality r : ; t Cashkms 416 state isimt iff DIG IS .S. Evergreen , Chapter Arrang ed for big Attendance Monday Night WOODBURN. Oct. 11 iA spe eial program, a lodge supper and a regular business mectttr are among the outstanding features of the first annual homecoming of the Evergreen chapter number 41, order of Eastern Star, which will be held in the Masonic temple Monday night, October 2. : ; Various committees to help earrv out the plans for the home- 4comlng have been named by Mrs. Carolyn Evenden. Worth Matron The committees are: entertain ment. Elfa Lytle, Jesse Flkan and Dr. Thomas Sims; refreshments, Mrs. Ida Bailey,- Mrs. Vena Dodge, Mrs. Aline Beers. Mrs. Jessie Sims, Mrs. Bertha Wilson, and Mrs. Car olyn Evenden; - dining room and decorations, Mrs. Mary Gibbons, Mabel Flkan, Mrs. Minnie i Rich ards, Mrs. Minnie Melvin, Gladys Adam's and Mrs. Myrtle Clark. Program Number : ' I" : The program has heen arranged as follows: S Piano solo ''Lento". byiCyrel Scott, Joyce Woodfln. I - Play, "Theodore ; Harrington Jr.," The .characters: Nancy Dor een, Margaret Mochel; Olive Da vis, Elfa Lytle;! Belle Martin,-Mabel Flkan; Kate Goodwin, ! Carol Mlnaker; Maude Smite, Kathleen Garrison; woman, Gladys Adams; and the identity of Theodore Har rington Jr. himself must remain a mystery. - : .; ' Duet, singing a medley of pop ular old songs Mrs. Paul Mills and Mrs. John Mulr. Reading, "UnequaHy YokedM. Theron Einch. Trio, "Where My Caravan i Has Rested," by Lohr. Mrs. Paul Pem berton, Joyce and Helen Woodfln. Tumbling act Woodburn.- high school girls. V - 1 After the program there will also be special music and the- sup per, CHIMNEY BLAZE DALLAS, Oct. 21 The local fire department had Its second call for ths month last Tuesday afternoon when it was 'called to the Glenn Butler home. The fire was a small chimney blaze and was handled easily before i any daniage was done. So far October has been an exceptional month for fires with : only two within the city limits and one call near! Polk station. ; . . . j ; .- ; 1 beinc tossftd Amnn'rl for fttn lcuhyWilL Drama AtWoodburri WOODBURN, Oct. 21 "ITTEx- laln Everything", a three-act fare comedy written - by Clark Wlllard, has been chosen by the faculty ox Woodburn high school to be staged by the. faculty mem bers Friday and Saturday nights. November and 7, In Ihe high school auditorium.- : J .- -; The following east has been announced by- Miss Helen Allen," dramatics Instructor and director: Henry Becker, cashier of the Farmers State bank. Tuny , p. Otto; Valentine Scott. ; Henry's friend and advisor, jaraes Mil ler; Montgomery Walsh, resident of the Federal Trust company of Chicago, Milton K, Gralapp; Wal ter Bow, an advertising man from Lo Angeles," Preston -Yi. Rohner; James Darby, ' an Eng lishman, and husband ' of Henry Beckers 'sister, Gilbert -oanie; Gertrude Becker, Henry Becker's wife. Miss Virginia. Mason; Ada Becker. Henry's cousinr - Miss Hope Inlow; Jeon Darby, Henry's sister, Miss Nelma Sayior; Doctor Blair, Miss Alma Taylor; and Caryl Carroll, Miss Marie Houg- This is the first .time In " two years that the high school faculty has put on a play, although in past years faculty plays drew large erowds and were always popular. The entertainment . Is presented In order to raise money for the high school student body fund, which Is hundreds o dol lars In debt. . Coast Salmon Are Big Drawing Card HAZEL GREEN. Oct. 21 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Montandon and son George and daughter Miss Eve lyn and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Kloptnsteln of Ellverton, made a week-end trip to Newport to get salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunnigan Sr. have returned from a few days stay at Breitenbash. They made a short visit at Mill City, at the home of Mrs. Dunnigan s brother. Henry Klapinger. Stage D'mra m ILdDCCCY war thanks to thartab." v Mado of the finest tobaccos Tho Cream of many Crops LUCKY STRIKE clono ofFcrs tho throat protection of tho oxclusivo COASTING" Process which includes tho usobfinidcfem Ultra Violet Rays tho process . that' expels certain harsh, biting Ir ritants naturally present In every tobacco loaf. Thcso cxpcllod irritants aro not present In your LUCKY STOIICE. "TheyVe out-so they can't m ' . tt m.m ... ' m .' ' S I-? B oe inf wo wonacr luuivics aro aiways Ring to your throat few'f Throat Protextlon And r.loisture "It's that "Toasted" Flavor Ever Fresh XUNB IN Th Lucky Strik Dune Onhotro, Tuesday, v Dmnday amd Saturday evening eer NAC sMSMwrks.' l gill mis ABOUT BIG PROJECT Columbia Basin Job to get AH his Time, hi Says. On Trip Home SCIO, Oct." Jl Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Gill were Tlsltlnf home folks In Sclo Tuesday. He has de cided to give hla entire time to the task of putting the Columbia basin project through, ; congress. This great project occupies the same place In the Pacific north west that the Colorado river pro ject does in the ' southwest and when .started will start a large flow of wealth . and . population into the northwest, Mr.' Gill be lieves. "v f'.,:-:;iv"'v - He has ' Just returned from Washington where he was called by Commissioner Mead of the bur tan of reclamation to sit In on a conference! of federal engineers to work out a new-plan of develop ment to put before congress this winter. A board of II engineers was appointed from the; war de partment 'and " interior ' depart ment to come out and make , a final check upon this plan. They met In Spokane October j 15 and have been going over the project since that . time.- Mr. ' GUI . will start motoring ,back to Washing ton as soon; as those -engineers finish their work which will prob ably be this week. "j This new plan would be help ful In relieving unemployment In the northwest, first by f taking farmers out of the city and put ting them . back on their own farms, second by starting private enterprise. GUI says. ' There would be ho new land brought in under this plan as al the, land of the first unit of 10, 000 or 100,000 acres has been homesteaded and successfully farmed for a quarter century and only abandoned when . this dry cycle came on. As the land has always Talsed wheat it would be converted to alfalfa, .vegetables. 1 dairying and fruit, thereby reduc ing the surplus to some extent. It will take eight or ten -years to put water on any of the 1 nd af ter congress authorizes the pro ject. - 9 i "No harsh Irritants for Lupe. Vm a Lucky fan. There's no question about jt Luckies are certainly kind to my throat. And hurrah for that Improvod Cellophano wrapper of yours It really opens without a tug-oV What a grand addition to Hollywood and the screen Is lupe) Velez, the wittiest and liveliest Bttle Mexican beauty.who ever bopped the Rio Grande. Hollywood adores her. She win cavort for us next in Metro -Oolclwyn-Mayer's . . Mm.. -- : M Tine) ptcrure, nm vunan ht i toast. ogqlnsf Irritation onoinsf - Proof Cellophano Keeps State Buys Dallas f Water Bonds t Rate , Tops Five Peri Cent DALLAS, Oct. 11-The Dallas council authorised the sale of the water bond issue to the fctate of Oregon at the meeting Monday night. The bond Issue Is fop S120. 000 and was let to the state at a rata of Interest of 5 U . i Th bonds are to be retired within a number of years from the profits of the water plant. The bond Issue (or the purchase was Toted at m special election held in September. . The water commission selected to supervise the plant consists of five members, none of whom may hold any political office. The plan provides" that one commissioner shall be appointed each year by the mayor. with the consent of the council. ; 'k--o..-Kr-w ; f : : "rA The commissioners chosen .to start operations on the water plant are i August Risser, N. L. Guy, C. W. Henkle, Walter S. Mulr and Joe Craven. - r Mrs. Betzer Gets Deer; So Does He; In Ochoco Regions KEIZER, Oct. 21 Mr. , and Mrs. Ray BeUer of Eastj Keixer recently spent a 10-day vacation In the Ochoco mountains least of Prineville.' There were 15 in the camping party. Deer hunting was the main diversion and six ; deer were brought "out, two of "which were captured by the Betsers, Mrs. Better shot one of the deer. Although still somewhat excited and nervous over her episode she is ready to go again. They report very cold mornings in the moun tains with ice every morning. Mrs. Detser says that the scene ry in the mountains was gorgeous with the many colors of foliage. Cub Bear Attracts Attention at Park HUBBARD, Oct. 2 1A brown cinnamon cub bear, four months old, has been ! added to the large collection of animals at Zoo Auto Park by the proprietor. Earl Lo ner. The little cub is on a chain and can easily be seen ftom the Pacific highway. He has been at tracting a great deal of attention. vn 51 cogh 7 f ; . ' m mm- ' til:::. 1 wmmmm , ffiPUBS scio SEfiion cuiss SCIO. Oct. 11 Scio high school classes have elected offi cers as follows: . Freshman: president, Irene Pa ion; vice president; Keith Miller secretary-treasurer, Helen Myers; sergeant-et-arms, Patricia Nod vornlk; council member, Edrls Thayer; advisor, Mrs. Chavey. " Sophomore- president, Marley Sims; . vice president, LaVaun Gardner; secretary treasurer, Marine Arnold; sergeant-at-arms, Willie Rainbolt; council member, Sylvia Bartn; advisor. M. H. Beal. " Junior:! " president, ;VelorIs Crenshaw; vice president, Rose Sllbernagel; secretary, Lorena Thurston; : treasurer, - ' Virginia Turnldge; council member,' Dort Kirk; - sergeant-at-arms, t , Eddie Stepanek i advisor,-Miss Neptune. : Senior:) president RollieRaln bolt; vice president, Eleanor Mil ler; secretary. Evelyn' Bronson; treasurer j Opal Shilling; ' sergeant-at-arms, Earl Bartnlk; coun cil member, Waunlta Stepanek; advisor. Miss Morgan. Ralph Johnson was ? chosen manager for the Sphinx, year book. I - ? Enrollment at Scio ; J Hign School is 108, 5 Highest in History SCIO. Oct. 21. Sclo high school football squad played Ger- vals eleven on 7 the latters field Frldsy afternoon. The score was 52 to 0. in favor of Gervals. Mrs. N. P. Long fs quite sick at her home. When stronger she will be moved to the hospital for a major operation. ? j - Sclo high school enrollment has reached the largest in its history, today when a new pupil of Salem registered, bringing the number up to 10S. Miss Edith Pentney, English -teacher in Junction City high school, spent the week-end with Scio friends. L Miss Fern Purdy a freshman, has. had to quit school on account of poor health. s nOISTURE-PROOF CELLOPHANO Sealed TlZht-Evw Rlht The Unique) Humidor PackoQsj " ' Zip And To cpcnJL See) th new notchod toil on the fop of tho pacScaaeu Hold down one) half with veur thumb Tear off tho other half. Simale. Oulck. ZI-1 Thats c!U Unique) I Wrapped In dust-proof, moisture; proof. Germ-proof Cellophane Clean, protected, nect, rciSHI what could be mora modern than LUCCIS' Im proved Humidor package so easy to pen! Lc7c3 tho LUCKY TAD fs-yesr tinker nzll prctccilcn. Scio and Salem Men Perfect Hand-Saw; Thinly Market Good SCIO, Oct. 21. Fred Byran of J Sclo and J. A. Young of Salem route two nre co-inventors of an electrically driven hand saw. pat-, ent for which has been granted at. Washington, j It is thought the saw will find a ready market In machine and wood-work , shops, and Ittxo ln meat shops. It can be made in" various sizes. The Invention Is a Jib saw ra ther than-a band saw. and the . model three and one-half Inch sixe-has estimated speed of 437 strokes a minute. It is built in a Ions aluminum channel frame, and Is driven by a return screw drive, attached to cable which op- erates the saw. SATUBuiVi- FBIH ; SCOTTS MILLS, Oct. 21 The Scotts Mills high school will hold its annual carnival In the gym- ' nasium Saturday night. AH kinds, of amusments will be .put on. , Laier a short program will be given, after .. which baskets and pies will be sold. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman of Oswego are rejoicing over the birth of a Bon born October . II. Mrs. Chapman was Mfes Lorena Dile of this place beforeV her mar riage. This is their second child. Miss Margaret CoultKn . and uncle, Ira: Brougher, were Clats kanine .visitors recently. Mrs. Lena Bellinger is visiting relatives at Clackamas this week. Dr. T. M. Schoettle and daugh ter, Mary of Salem, visited Mrs. Hulda Ettlln and son, A. J. Ettlfa and wife Sunday. - MEETING FRIDAY j J! PRINGLE, Oct. 21.- The Com munity Meeting win be held Fri day night. Oct. 23. Every one Is urged to be present. The children are selling pop-corn and candy te buy equipment for J the school ground. Curt Ferguson's Wil liamette Valley Boys band Is fun nishlng the music for the evening. Is Miss Velez'e , Statement Paid For? . Yev may be iatrtl4 ie knowing thai not en cant was paid to MIm VUx le stake v tke abave st&lamaht. MUs VsUz bos baan a tmokar of LUCKY STRIKE ciganHas for 2 yaan. Wa hop lh pub- " Ucity brwttti gtvM will b as beneficial to bar and fe M-&M, hr producer, a br ndorMiMnlef LUCKIES bto yoe and te vs. u. I I J I I i A. :' : f-i;-