PAGI? TUN - -i Jtz OREGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon Thursday Herein?, Octoher-22, 1S31 'i I . t goldfi I (including bowl) i founobo aa men, At 171 South Ccimiercial St. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OK HIGH GRADE CIGARS TO BACCOS AND PIPES MUST BE DISPOSED "OF WITHIN NEXT THIRTY DAYS; REGARDLESS OF PRICES. . Buy cisar by tho bos tobacco by thb pound . ".You ;:in; for less than you have ever bought thcm-bcfore'; By Mail IN OREGON. ONLY- ! ORDER NOW RENEW NOW Cut This Out and Mail With Your Check - y . ...a 1 " 1 .... -. . v-- i -'.. 7 . , ' We are giving away a crystal bowl containing- two gold fish, with the purchase of a.fifty-cent box of Comints, the delicious mint laiative. f " Children defight in these lively little 'gold fish, the goldest we could find anywhere. They are fascinating to grownups, too, and the clear crystal of the aquar ium reflecting the golden flashes of alert, busy little inhabitants adds an ornamental touch to the home. We couldn't think ; of a more acceptable gift with which to introduce this very mild and . pleasant laxa tive. Comints are mild and harmless, inothhag habit ' forming about thern ' "i ; -V - 115 S. Commercial St. ! ' Salem, Ore. THE REXAIX STORE : The Oregon Statesman, ; . Salem, Oregon ( ) New Subscriber (' ) Old Subscribers- - - -' : t't vl '' ,f,; ,-"5 xw. i f Find enclosed $3.00 to" cover lny subscription ; for one year to '.The Oregon Statesman. . i- - - Name Address Box. Please find SJ for Accident Policy. ( ) Renewal Policy : ( )New PoMcy. f -4 I Net good after Oct. 31st fINE- i u . -1 tlMTOEE. rispu'GS .a me Greatest saving! ever offered to our customers. Many. pieces to select rrom. uuy4 j -r-L M f vinllmv am ilmTKr'nvmi aultesu ..Her are a 'Few UUTT WJU MTO IIUUI ICU IV IViHJ r - - of the prices quoted: 'About forty bedroom suites included in this sale. if N II SALE ii i r a Si i- VKAVv. P - Several very fine Berkey and Gay Bedroom suites at from 30 to 5P' discount I- Regular $49.50 Jacquard Velour Davenport and Chair with reverse cushions CO A OC .U.:.: Reegular $49.50 Jacquard Velour Davenport and Chair with reverse cushions Cfl SALE J Regular $79.50 aU .Mohair . &AQ CA Covered Davenport SALE D2lOUlj Regular $69.50 all Mohair CQQ 7C covered Davenport SALE. L. vOf I U1 Regular $99.50 2-Piece : Mohair CCQ 7C SetSALE ', . " ' . PU7. 1 a Regular V$124.00 i-Piece - COft 7C Mohair Set SALE 0057.D Regular, $129.50 5 Davenport with Pillow Arm and Chair to match. CAA CA Bergundy Mohair SALE ?tfDU All new un-to-date designs ; Many others at substantial Reductions , 1133.75 Walnut Dining Suit, Buff t, CQQ ftfl Table, 5 Chairs and Arm Chair. POVM $159.50 Walnut -Dining Suit, very high grada -eonstruetion. Buffet, Table, . CQ7I K( 0 Chairs and Arm Chair-..:...- 'I : - - ' -' I' A number of other fins dining suita in this saU.; Several by Berkey and Gay at about half price. tour-piece Ivory Hand Decorated Bedroom set. Regular $SJ50.- , - MA K(l wy - ' - v-x-x.w : . . i . . .... , i .. vj mnk A beautiful S piece Antique Ivory. 'Bedroont suite. ; - Ij l ' iust the thing for a ycnni . ; -. C90 (JC ; . .'AH girl's room. Very special at---.yy ' , . - :lV I A lovely form piece, Green Enamel,- QQQ VS ' - I 1 1 . I hand decorated Suite. J prica - vOVjti O ; lit Approximately 40,000 Cigars Go at about 6n-tKe f. 02 - Our cigars are well known wlyertisecl brands f All 5c cigars go at $1.00, $1.25 and 51.50 per box j(50 cigars to Ae;box);.All 10c cigara at S3.00 per box. t5c cicrara less than box Iots-47 8 and 10 cigars for 25c. t Extra low price on 'most all ; : : tobacco All 11 0c ; tobaccos f 1 2 for 1 5c .All 15f tobaccos v 2 for 25c. .Much lower price on many brands. Prices quoted on present stock only. JE)Pin?I30i S)IHIxB(S)ir8 fro in this sale at 25c each.- Special prico by the dozen. Many , 10 and 15c each. : : ' , COKE EARLY vThU Btck XFSa Mot - -- We . Witll Qot mmEmm 1 1930 W2 ton Ford Delivery Truck; 1 New;C500 Good larre aafe, roll top desk, L. C. Smith typewriter and many other items for sale cheap Above fixtures can b seen at our General Store -1201 So. Commer cial st; , - ; - , '. 'I' . Don't Forget Location . Z'gt OotmtiEa." (SocaEnocoDdli Cu. h OSCAR' SNEUSON ' '.-! : ' - .'. .-! :: Look at Th j.-- Super-Heterodyne Circuit ' - New, Twerf ul, ' keenly - elective a , , champion performer. ; - , New Pentode Tubes ;: - For i maximum j power amplification New Variable Mu Tubes . - Eliminate local station interference or "cross talk." -j Low Wave Converter . Permits reception of; low-wave broad casts ; down as low as . 20 metersj En ables owners to bring In DIRECTt1, day. -.. and night, stations in all: parts of the globe--from Siberia,. Russia and Italy-, to Holland, France, England and South America amateur broadcasts ; jpolica signals, etc. Opens up a new field of fascination and I Interest. "No bother some interchange of coils required. Sold as a separate unit, usable with most any A. C. setalso a built-in feature on five Stewart-Warner models. .Tone Control ' Permits . individual interpretation, of; - even the lifelike; tone; for. which Stewart-Warner has always been famous. " Television Terminals , I t Make set ready) for Television equip- ". ment. . ' i r l ' . Full Vision Dial Assures quick, accurate station finding.; Electro Dynamic Reproducer , Affords maximum tonal range. " Walnut Cabinets t i. Of striking beauty in design, workman ship, finish. ! . ' . Models for All Current " lIade for 25 to 60 cycle A. C. Also for 1 " D. C. operation. . : " " - And here's a lot of Outstanding Values for week-end selling Friday, Saturday cf this wee and aionoay next, uoovl tnese items over. - it wiu pay you well: i ; Lot No. 4-r-Several gross : Glass Per J f - colator Tops--Cts moat .. '" sizes, all firsts . and clear l i 1 r- glass.- They go, ia- Lot No. 5 ;A, nifty baking dish, all set V.V;-.;'..,:.r:.sini.fine nickle plated frame. - ' : CI w Youll like them Vno o ' I o b ' u-. ., . - Tudor Console For a medium priced consoU that will grace any Interior, here'e"", a world-,-beater. Walnut cabinet decorated with 'Oriental woods and Australian .Lace s wood OYerlays. Super-heterodyne cir cuit. Vari&bla Ha' and Pentode tubea. Tone control. Electrodynamlo repro ducer. Attachments for " telerlslon. Height 3 f Inches, width 2 0 Inehes, - depth lift Inches. Complete with tubes With bollt-in Xow Wave ConTertcr, ' ' - . SOO.73 ,......$67.75 i - Lot No. 1 Beautiful Decorated " Cake! Covers and Board -full size! and weight. They, come in Ivory, Green and BIue.Q Very special, only- OyC Lot No. 2 Several dozen 6 qt.i Wbite ; Triple Coated Pudding Pans. . ; . A .very superior finished " pan " and all first ; quality i . Take . them this : , Q Q - week-end for only-iL OeC Lot No". 3 A- well made-all steel heater -".-, with cast door and frame. " ' the 24-in. size, I CO QC cast legs. Special )eJeU and for - tmWt m- . Lot No. 6 Fancy Waste . Baskets all - . ';; steel, -' in '" round and oval .' . fibapes. ; -Assorted colors ;;.f;'fe-i and. sizes. Finely finished .;-Ifi v;-?:cThey;go;at '.nn---: : only ,- ij C 'Remember this we have an assortment of 10 different - and distinct patterns f CIRCULATOR HEATERS, i The price range- from $18.50 to $95.00r-we can suit lyour purse and solve your heating problem. - See these before you. buy. ' jr . .. . . v 123 NJ Ccsstrclal Hardware FalntsJ Plnjnblng - ': llaehinery -i " I r