Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 I x Classified AdverClslas 'Single Insertion per ttaevlOe -Three laiertlona per. . tine 10e Six Insertlona per line. .SOa. On month per line-.? 1-00 txinlmuza charge - . .25c ' Copy or tftia par ac cepted nntll 6:10 the eTon- r Ing before pubHeatloa lor ', classification. Copy "J?? eetred alter this time will be run under tha heading Too Late to Classify. . -. The Statesman assumes m7 ATIOKS WANTED - - rj- j-u-uuLnnr - ' ------ - Oood naaa wit hore aad macfalne-j-y wants general farm worts. v.L. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALS: ohaftlnsv pottere, taana era? BtsAesman Publishing- Co. ; FOR SALE Old papers 10c a bun ,Ta? Statesman office. , aiA ttcaiesmaa - .ww iixi-t . iwx - v; i" w mfi tut Stat Bt. llll I I II TtlM ' " 1 - - - Typewriters, all makes, aew-ana e.eX'adaers ana tnwriter. tor rent jr yw. .-. I Attention sportsmen W have a lars selection of rifles, ehoUuns and munition at" a big S.n!t -wiii pay y ?SbSS kmwho Mdla. cheao. lit N. Com'L a er,.ai, Pna - ' . e e Vki 4S Printed on canraa. 8tetnan ot"c nwjaj-asM nonce urc - . wp.- Oregon Tradlntr Pot, 3- n. - - - - -- n ffwii Jii"',J r t OAK ROLI TOP " :';vr1 Desk.". - liooks like new. ' , Priced to iwll-- . IMPERIAL. FURNITURE CO. t t Mha at crab atand out near Fairgrounds. 3 for tie . . WMWVWI mmm - - II AINU box (or tL Puritan Cider Works, west EHueiii. for $1.09 Comic, pears JBOc. Toma toes 60c. Bring boxea ompspn Market. 1-4 mi. nortb on Pac high way. Tel. ?47. ; ; ...... mjvLfuuuii""irivi ..-...... mn cat c VnffHch rmlnter. Train- d. C e takes him. Singer. Route 1. di.u nmin kpv makinar. Uord E. Ramsden, Hi So. Liberty Bt. FOR SALE: 1 rocker $5.60. -4 bed complete 18.00, wooden bed eomPlte i7.e0, kitchen table witb bins $2.50. Invalid wheel chair $6.M. Small congo leum rug $J.00. 151 N. 18th. j Worm free Spits apple?. and 6 eta. boa. Bring boxes. R. 1 Meyer, ZVi mL out Center street. tVui rvdMWjLri-rijijw"i Hand picked graded apolea. No rorcn a. SS and Sec ; brine boxe. I nlc- tree, Zfivu . Nimmr. rnuuc Commercial exenange. we uy. -u, exchange merchandise of ralue- III So. Com'L Open evening. We buy old iroid. : YY ANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Will par c a pound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must be piece at least a square yard. statesman WANTED Osed ptanea. J In as change ee radios, phonograpbs. or fur niture. H. I Stiff Furniture Company'Lrij-ijnti'i'i n - -- -- -- All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguna, old gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob ject. Name your price. J REINER'S EXCHANGB S24 IM. cxMnaierosi - Original poem, songa Plooe- Mur FOR RENT ROOMS Jrivate home near onlrerslty. 151 W. tth. TeL 829T. ; arLn-nrLuui.rn"irii"''i' - - Sleeping roonjv Heat, hot arid cold water. justness omrn-i. Clean, furnace-heated airy ; rooms. Cheap. Next door Montgomery ward. 25 K. Liberty. ; : ROOM and BOARD . $S6.( room, board and laundry. Clowe te etate pitahT:4M;j : FOR RENT Apartments Patton apartments . with PV' bath, nicely furnished. Located Is business district. Call Patton s Book ucajiju-uxri.rinni'a-i--- ' LTUpieK A)U luuui. . . - - FURNISHED BTJNQALOW APTS. In Oak Villa Court., $.. Adults only. 7 Mill St. TeU !. JT-n.-nj u I --'-' 111 IWWWW. M .....--- . MfnttM4 ritr nlshed and unfurnished Palace Court apartments. Pbon I4. anrinniVin- -r- . ... Am Kth 41S Uarlon. ISC SIOOT pu tnx. ITire room p furnlihed for two. 475 N. CapitoL AluBCU'S uci "r" ... ewwMwiiiiiiii'"1 i:. ..i .... ass f"nii-- NK l-ltm. mtigig'wi v-w " . - . . ..... 4 mwmiii mwB. near state bouse, adult 16 tt j -L---L-. If . III HI llMWM ranRand refrl. Strictly modern. 67 X. winter. Apples. 5816 8. Cottage and Hoy Salem mad linen 35c yd. Green baum'a, $40 N. Com'L , . e POLLY AND HER PALS - . a Llass ail Tiieir own- . ISTHS 1 QYCUte GCX WE WRONG ) U " H f ' - - - BRAT -Sf ANGLE ON ANGELTJ -TRV 'KMDNESS ) f yjAl FER INSTANCE; ) f Ar TVW GOES FEK GeTTIM -s, -T-r-r J5S i r D1DJA EVER inEts! SpOADS 0 WDRSE:t l'ofLsl.- (yH0W VMEAH ) V KISS HER? J"""p V' MHmASfy rWlENCEj lg: r y 1 ale- v THANK - ' ; T no - financial responsibility for errors . which may ap- -pear la adrertisemento pub . llshod la ita columns, acd ' in eases where tills paper in at fault 'will reprint tbat part ef an advertisement la . which j tha trposrtr ' nuiu ocean. - The Statesman reserves the- right -to ; reject objeo, tlooal advertising It tar -ther reserves . the right j to,, classify- all - advertising a, . der the proper classifies- tion., : r :r FOR RENT APARTMENTS Nice furnished apt. 690 Union. FOR 5 RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adults, f to t rooms $10 to $40. Also houses, etc. ; ! Di?lCE HENDRICKS -: . 18 North High Street - - - 'n rviii '."''mm ii .rh" anr FOR RENT Some modern homes, furnished'" and unfurnished. Melvln Joimson. Fhoae C796. . House.- 2 bedrooms, living room, kit chen, bathreom, - fruit and shade treea $16.04 month, or will seU on easy terma Tel. SS9. . Modern bungalow, S N. Winter. )WW JMIWWMMMW iWWWMW FOR RENT ft-room stucco house. Phone a$es. . , ,. -rj.-'i For I ten t mode rn sleeping1 room, gentleman preferred. Phoae S566. 8 furnished and several modern un furnished homes for rent MELVIN JOHNSON Phone ! - Completely furnished modern house, six : rooms, 475 North Commercial. 1450 N. lth street, lust redecorated living, dining, $ bedrooms, kitchen and nook. . 170 S N. Church, nearly new house, completely modern. 34 S3 South High, Just redecorated, rooms. . 119$ N. 4th street, I rooms, modern. 1145 Hood street, tiring room; kitch en and nook, 4 bedrooms, double plumb- p. h. bell; 206 U. S. Bank Building Phone 71C2. 7 rooms nicely furnished, modern full basement. Z per mo. 114 MLU. Inquire 919 MML - 5 R. house, 1 unfur. TeL 649L FOR RENT Furnished 5 R. bunga low, fireplace, garage. Rent $20 -with light and water free. Dandy 4 R. apt, private bath. $20. Good C R. house, basement, furnace, 1811 Chemeketa, $26. Others 1 8 W f0r UNFURNISHED $8 to $40 For Sale House. S roemsL bath. comploteTj- furnlxhed for $1250. Only aowa : ml is montn. tfiss : BECHTEL . of THOMASON 8(1 Stare- Room 4. FOR RENT Frutt and berry ranch. mi. from Satom. Ctoee to Fmser station. O. L. Bowman. Bt. 2. Br. 28S-A. Salem. WANTED TO RENT AMM AAAMMMWMAM AMM MMk WANTKU BoajM te rnt. R A. FORKNER 1010 K. Cottage -Phone 8081. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOOK READ THIH Modern bungalow with basement and fitraaee, on one of our best streets. Price t $1200.00 ; reduced from 84200 to $2000.00 j street paved. $250.00 down. Balance easy. 6KARS At TDCKER " 188 Sooth High Street 18 acres en Center Howell. R. T B., 148 Salem. ... . Three or six choice lota, 7-room semi-modern ; plastered - boose, fire place, basement, etc. All lots covered with large not, fruit and ornamental treea shaded lawn, alee view, paved street, two garage. Bedrock price, terms. Sell ail or part. Near Junior high and grammar schoota Owner, 705 corner Rural and" Winter Sta, Pbons 8834. FOR 8ALX OR TRADE Auto camp on Fnciflo highway. Phone owner 6505. : - WORKINO MAN'S CHANCE Good f room house and garage. By painting and adding soma repairs can increase value. Choice corner lot with street paved. A real snap for $1400, cash $26- balance $16 per month. interest. LEO N. CHXLD3 CO Realtors 820 State Street : Phone 4708. FAIRMOUNT HILL HOMK Offered for quick sal at greatly re duced price, i Owner leaving Salem. Ask us about It i i LEO N. CHILD3 CO Realtors 829 Stats Street Phone $708. FOR BALK Buy like rent a room English type home in 8. SaJem. Price 425S with $100 dawn. bL $40 per month Includ ing Interest. Itomedlate poase&sion. SE8 Mrs. KHs with . , LEO N. CHILD 8 CO., Realtors 820 State Street Phone 8708. - S room modern home and garage lo cated at 1085 Fairgrounds Rd. Price $8260 and assume paving, $25 down and $28 -aonthly. Vacant now. posses sion at once. ' m-: - .. i "'" W. Q. KRUEGER ' 117 North iotnmerclal $250. down, 4 teont borne, very nicely furnished, 4eae Co bus and school, ' fruK and shrubbery $1950. $4250. Ntee neiv 6 room English type borne, t etits ef plumbing, some trees, tile dram boards, oak floors, paving In sad pd. 4500. down. $5500. A fas Ittuceo home completely . modern. sets of plumbing, fine lawn and shrubbery. Will trad for a small home. $1000. te loan at MELVIN JOHNSON 820 IT. a Bank Bldg. - Pbons 679$. FOR SALE Real Esiata - $2750. 0 R. plastered home, Full base ment Furnace, t bedrooms, Gar " age. Terma j - i: $1960. 4 R and sleeping-porch. Fur nlshed. Fine lot. Fruit. Cioe te . bus, $S50.6ow; r!-: : . r. A. FORKNER - ' lflt K. Cottage , . Phone f8L wto Dire nn ' m a rtisi room cottage, garage, pavement,! large let. shrubs, close to school, bus. Price Is right. Take car, wood, gun. pistol, part payment, tau mn,r fi buuuuh. - FOR BALE Modern house. 4 rooms and nook. Fully furnished. Cut from $5000.00 te. $3 800. .Terms. i - '-c 10 ecres, IK acres of orehard. 1 loganberries, -excellent soiL - running water; falrbulldlnga Only $2500.00. - y acrea. -Over- 70- bearing fruit trees. Fine view, . 4 room house, elec lights, city water, $2250,00 s your own terma 'it'- -!"" - RICH "L. REIMANN, Realtor 176 South High Street . 'Phone 6584 S rm. . Iiadm near Leslie Jr.- hirh. rood eondlf with new roof and new ly decorated, garage, variety- ef frutt. Price $1S0. pay $36 down and $26 a month and it ia yours. . j , ; , Two strictly modern new homes, - 8 rma. each, one south,, the other north. These people need a smaller and me dium priced borne.- What hate you te exchange? - if, i ; . .-: -. I -' - i WINNTK PETTTJOHN, iRealter 175 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE Small bouse $1500, Take a car. Good -seven room house $1500. Take a ear or acreage;' Or smaller house, acres close In ' for' larger: plaoe. Good bouse for Calif. Two acres north,. $400 per acre. 1 - .1 . . 341 State St. Farm Loans 6. GOOD TRADE i- fllftftft. ZTouae. 6 room. Mnmlabilv furnished., ideal location. For small farm with or without bldga Prefer with creek and some timber. What hare you? SEg - :! i ; . BMXJTrlljau or TUOUASON ' 1 At once, 241 BUte Good farm stocked and eoulnned. te exchange for Salem income i property ; this is a good ' opportunity i to trade your city property for a real farm. It will pay to Investigate. i I . SHIELDS ft BLAKtt " Oregon Bldg. i TeL t903. FOR SALE FARMS --i viiyiwvYviiWifum 20-acres river beotom land, t miles of Salem, paved road. Running water, all good garden 'soil. Price for quick sale $2500.00; Just half what it is wort a. win snow by appointment only. SEARS A- TUCKER , 133 South Hfirh Street -; ACREAGE We have a srriendid stock ranch. 240 acres, 80 acres tillable, good house, $ barns, running water, owner wants unimproved clear land er tncocne, 20 acres, fair improvements on tav. ment near Salem, best of land for Sa lem home. I McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. & Bank Bldg. i Phone 4888. 61 A. nine miles from Salem, all under cultivation, good 1 spring, family orchard, fair bulldi'nga A real buy at $2900 on good terms. rm. strictly modern beautiful home in good location, close in. Will take mortgages orl securities. rm. bouse, hi acre of ground, close te schooL Price $8009, or will 'trade. - : i -. t . , 10 A. north of Salem, fruiri' berries. fair buildings. A good buy at $, 600. - - i i - I - ; IT YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO TRADE, TELL TJS ABOUT IT. ; J. F. ULRICH rOUPANT 826 State Street '' , Phon 878 FOR SALE OR KENT Br owner. 117 acre stock ranch. For particulars write to P. O. Box 882, 8llvetton; Ore. - - - ------- - - ..... l n jjj lis A $SP0. House and good barns. .exult. Fine sou. viose to school and church. On good highway. $500 . down. ! 58 A. $250. Good berry land. Some timber. House, barn and other buildings. Terms. - i R. A. FOBKNER ! ' ' ' ; 110 N. Cottage Phone 8081 VERY FINE FARM SPECIAL . Owing to a breach of contract X have my 224 acre farm left On my bands, ell stocked and equipped. Can not look after it so wfil sell at sacrifice price of $10,000. $8000. long time loan. It cows, 1 brood sows, some young stock and all equipment Phone 2889 for appointment. I WANTED .REAL j ESTATE -ii-niiti. Li-Lruxajvt lease, well equipped, large dairy herd. No objection to abortion. State terms or price. C. W. Cady, R. I, jBox 12, Turner. Ore. -si - Easiness Opportunities snt-Owner is leaving town. Address MONEY TO LOAN ? 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever COTN dafly ring; out loan service I that Is reaUr. re&lly. clff erect : NO DEDUCTIONS L; i ' NO FEES I . NO OTHBR CHARGES . ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $800 Beneficial Loan Society:, OF OREGON 1 Room lit New Bllgb Bldg. tod Floor 818 State 81 j TeL 8-7-4-e. LICENSED, BY BTATB MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce rour paxmenta You keep the car. i i : P. A. EIBXR 'II i i Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phees 473$ Salem, Or. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates, Best terms - obtainable Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS Inc, TeL 410$ 806 Oregon Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 1XAD3 en - f urniture, cars, ealxrles r ether rood security. Repayable menthiy. ." when la financial seed see us before closing e loan.' OSMKRAL INVFSTMaSNT ' CORPORATION - ; First National BaakLTj phone 3SS3 LOANS TO. SALARIED PEOPLa On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. -; STATE LOAN COMPANY 11$ Ore, Bldg.; - 2nd floor . i Office br. l$dt a. m. to 4:80 p. bl - , Telephone TI88 Ucensed by SUte LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money, te loan on real .estate, v '.-. . W. H GRABENHOrST CO - REALTORS 184 a Liberty SC .1 TeL ,468.- V. n. iStt AO flood at. eurtty. Interest 8. . Bo 15$, ; Care ptaem.n. - . i-, , - - - - FOR SALEWOOD rrto . amA tk.Z ' wnnn ' oal and fuel eiL Call en no for price. W give good measaie, good equality and fARTKn TRANSTER STORAGE t , Tsleshone 811 - - - - OTT A RAN TEED DRY Weed coal TeL- 6000 .Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trade, AHKIND3, any length. Call 378$. rli fir. it" . second strowth . 4 ft- second growth IS", prices reasonable, TeL 186. - i ' eaeaasesAeapvassseegSsees TWa erwwl 11 Tet7T. f v vin. ikIi wood -fry or Brrea All klmiai o wood. TeL 2 CPS ft. i stseaseassseesasesjsasaesseassessjps All kinds of wood. TeL 8982. .1 Fer good wood pbons 1126. Tracy's wood yard,-; !.---: For wood, call 4235. Good 2nd growth fir, $4.59 cord de livered. Also good straight oak. How ard, pheae (052. - - . 1 - FOR 8 ALE Weed. Old Or IS" $$ per cord, heavy second growth 18" f 4. 76. derivered. Tel. 44. ' WOOD SAWING- Wood sawing reaaonabla TeL 8290. WOOD SAWING. TEL. 6883. LOST and FOUND Will party who picked up Stude baker radiator cap In front of Marlon Cream- FOR SALE USED CARS Used trailer and Reo i ear, parts cheap. Oregon ' Trading Post, 322 N. court. FOR SALE Model T touring, good shape, $15. 1480 Marlon. ; All Cars and Trucks Over $200 Are Guaranteed To be In good mechanical condition Including rubber and new paint COUPES j . ' 198 J Chevrolet - , , . $176.00 1924 Chevrolet , . 496.00 192J eiwvrolet , 395.00 192 Chevrolet - - $95.00 1951 Dodge . - 415.00 1927 Chevrolet 19S.00 1924 Whippet . ... .. .- 16.0 1923 Chrysler ., 376.00 1930. Chevrolet 626.00 COACHES 192? Nash . 1 35.00 , 226.00 , 25.00 , 475.00 493.00 . 450.00 , 230.00 . 95.00 , aoo.oo , 476.00 . S8S.I0 . 185.00 , 696.00 , 475.00 . 476.00 , 696.00 . 26S.00 , 325.00 265.00 , 250.00 . 250.00 1928 Chevrolet 19S? Chevrolet 193 Chevrolet 192 Che-rolet TRUCKS 1959 Chevrolet 1958 Chev. Delv. 1924 Dodge Delv. 1931 Ford Pickup . 1930 Chevrolet SEDANS 1926 Chevrolet 4 . 192 Dodae 1920 Chevrolet 1929 Graham Paige 1929 Chevrolet -1920 Chevrolet 1928 Chandler 1937 OldsraobUe 192? Essex lt Oakland 192T Oakland ROADSTERS 1934 Buick - i ., , Ci.0 1SI Ford - - - S9S.0I Most en the above cars have li censes. McKay Chev. Co "Where Tou Get the Big I Worth We havs a 1921 Ford Standard For. dor Sedan only driven a few hundred mllea See It at Fred Kirkwood's, Sa lem Ford Dealer. West Salem. " -1 i , ,-,-.-f1fi iiM-Mj'-autAOJ-uU-Lft ATTENTION USED CAR BUYER We have made some wonderful buys m late model. A Fords and can save roa real money If you are Interested in a late model ar. i . - FOR EXAMPLE i$l Tudor , 47 lit Sport Coupe ' . - 425.00 1930 Roadster, new tires and ' new paint . . ,. 875.00 12 Roadster --- : , S26.O0 1929 Plymouth Sedan 890.00 Big reduction on Model AA trucke. Several demonstrators like new at a big saving. Coma la and See Us , TRADE ON ANY CAR ; . Valley Motor Co. Phone tl$t y Phon T910 Center St Display Let at XA. ft Uatoa Used Car Values 1928 Essex Coach - j ' f 0f 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan - 828.00 12I Ford Pickup, .thoroughly. - reconditioned SSS.86 Some nearly new Fords and some older need car. ... -1 Fred Kirk wood i"- - - . i-v. , StVnn Ford Dealer WEST SALEM I FOR SALE USED CARS - If you want a pearly new Ford Vie to rta Coune at a bir reduction In nriea. call at Fred Kirkwood's, Salem. Ford S. GCIS ED m. cox era W. C. T: U. Elects Dele- '! gates to State Convch- : . Tioiv Albany Soon. !: - TTJRNER, Oct. l-Mr. J. $L Cor aad'JIra. p, C.. Cunainir were elected deleratee at a recent W. C. T U. meeting - as delegates . to the state convention to ' be held fa Albany darinf the week; local directors were also t&osen ,,for the various department of work. Plans are beinc - made for a b liver- medal contest to bo alren by a cIam of grade girls. Mrs. J. JL. -Wehb was. KoateM for tha afternobn. The next " meeting will be held November 1 .11 with Hra. T. C Gtmaing. : - ; . Mr. Aad lira. -Chafleat GUlett and young 'daughter Rosella and. Miss Mary Bergovan. all 01 Port land, were Sunday dinner gueeta at the home of Mr. and Mra.E. C. Bear. Mr. Glllett la a brother Of Mrs. Bear. - : - ,f't :. - fjenditrts Meettnai -Th: gospel. team ef the Turn er men's Brotherhood of the Methodist church, by invitation, eondacted the . Saturday ' night service at the SalTation Array hall ia Salem. Tha gospel team conducts the local chnreh service each third Sunday night of each montn. ' . ' r. Waldo Riches, Turner boy who Is a grid a Ate of Monmoath Nor mal, . will eoon begin . his first year of school teaching at North Saotiam. . wlllard Bear, a sophomore of Albany college spent the. week end at soma. I Business' AMUSEMENTS Salem Golf Cenrss t miles south on River Drive 18 hols watered fair ways, targe greena Fees 75c. Sundays tad bolidaya $L00. . BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner Court and Church. . BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD EL RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 148 8. Liberty. The best te bicycles and repairing. EL w. Scott 14T a ConVL TeL 4$ll CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450, R." E, Northnesa CHIBOPRACTORS Dr. O. L SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 36 N. Hlgh, TeLTRea 8573. DRS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chlroprae tore. X-ray and N. C. M. New Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valstsrta. TeL 8683. i FLORISTS ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist Uth ft 1 Market TeL $582. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral, wreaths, Oscoration. C F. Breithaapt. florist. 61S Stat Street. TeL 6!04. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 415 Court Margaret's Shop. Housecleaning Floor Waxing "We deaa anything; that s psinted Capitel Window Cleasers. Phone 8778. GARBAGE Salem ScavefiSW 'TeL 4920 or 700. INSURANCE BECCB ft HENDRICKS ISt N. High . TeL 4847 WILLAMETTE INS AGENCY Wm. Bllvee, Mgr. Exclusive ButtevfUo Agent til Masonlo Bldg TeL 7808 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WELDER LAUNDRY 2(8 a High .TeL 113$ CAPITAL CITY . LAUNDRY - "W Wash Ererythtrif tn Lux Teteebene 316 124 Srosnway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory te home. Ask about our wool mattresses Renovat ors .. aad - fsmiratora - Canttal Bed ding Co. TeL 4069. 803 Nortb CapltoL I WOMAN MAY GET SENATE PLACE Hs Elizaacth: ntwxv: ..... There is mncb specnlatioa that Mrs. Eliiaieth Morrow may be ap- pointed by Governor Larson of Tfew Jersey to the place in the 1 United .States senate, vacated by her hnsband's death. She is ; admitted to be well qualified. If sbevje appoleted. she will be the . flnt tromu member, exeept .that Mrs. Boecce Felton of Georgia ; was a senator lor 2 hours, SCHKEXBRSi VIStT . ! , SILVERTON. Oct -It Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Sc heeler of Tills mook retnrned to their 'noma Sunday si ter spending a few daya here as guests of Mr. and tMra. Directory I -o MUSIC STORES- GEO. C WILL Pianos, Phone graphs, sewing machines, sheet mcsie, and piano studies. - Repairing phono graphs and sewing macblnee 483 SMte- Street. Salem. ! PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMB tNQ and general: repair work, uraber Bros, if so, Ubsrty. Tel 54 1 PAPER HANGING Paper hanging and painting. - N so man's Pa hit Store. 163 N. Com'L 1 PHONE GLENN ADAMS for boose doctors ting, paper banging, ttntsog. ete Relisble workman. - i PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, I cards, pampb. lets, programs, books er any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print Ing Department 3 IK a Commercial Telephone SI ROOFING - El Rey slate surface shingles Let us give you a free estimate on your roof. Easy payments if desired. SER VICE ROOFING AND PAINT CO. 138 State St TEL. S0. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every pores All standard sixes of Rsdle Tubes. EOFF ELBCTRICALi SHOP, S4I Cmrrt Bt; Tel 911. 1 STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt aad repaired. All kind of woven wire fence, fancy and glaia. boo baskets, hooks, logaa hooka, alem Fence aad Stove Works, 83 Chemeketa Tel. 4774. R B Fleming. TAILORS D. H. M03HER TsUor for women. 4T4 Oonrt Bt. and TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 326 State 8t TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and stores our specialty. Get our rates - , 1- t'.-. i FOB local or distant transfer ator age, call 81L'Larmer Transfer Co. vrueaav to Portland eany. - BECKSj " m HENDRICKS 181 tt High . 1 Tot 4847 . '---M.! EABXB . I -334 K. High St, 1 TeL t78 ' - J. LINCOLN ELLIS 1 463 State i TeL 871 SOCOLOF8KY ft BON i 34-6 First , Nat Bk, Bids. TeL TS07 J. F. ULRICH I SSS Stats Street j TeL $072. F. U WOOD ' ' 1 441 State St. TeL f 184 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 376H 8Ute Bt Tot TS38 W. H. GRABENHOR3T SCO. 134 a Liberty 6t TeL 4A By CUFF STERRETT - r ' 1 1 O i Real Estate j Directory i i -' Warren r?rabtree. , Mr. Scheeler waa formerly owner of the Seheeler Auto Wrecking house here but, new has a larger ono at Tillamook. Mrs, Seheeler .was a Silverton " school teacher and will be remembered better by some as Miss Nellie Rider. Whereabouts of ' . Mrs. Kellogg of Salem Are Asked Falling to find her after long search. Miss Gladys Berg, III JRos coe street. Chicago, has written to the chamber of commerce here. asking assistance la locating her sister, Mrs. C. L- Kellogg, who is supposed to be In or near Salefn. Miss Berg says Mrs. Kellogg is sa . electrician and mechanic by trade and has two children. May and Clifford, ages 10 and 12, and four other children, -:a- pair of twins, a girt four and a boy seven rears, old. ? - - Anyone having Information of the family shonld notify the cham ber of commerce here or write di rect to Miss Berg. , ; There lakes in are approximately 20,00 Florida. Cross -Word Puzzb J 27 2d IT3D 3T32 If W 35 36 "38T " 3T ' p 7o Ml MMM Mw MM HI HS HI Wl ""5T5TW 3T""r boyZZTT' 111 bi' IN 1 1 . i HORIZONTAL. t 1 rodent ef , tha genui Lepus S small pad .over which hair It ; roUed 8 sanctuary 12 heating chamber IS wrath 14 again L 15 muddl 16 gang OH throng If time im mediately preceding an event 1 priori , 20 the I . sheltered side i like , ' animal . 22 -pedal; digit 25 the black- . thorn! 27 Egyptian deity I 29 itinerary 21 Alaskan -town .i 85 chivalria 27 one who -' gazes I f fixedly i 29 flay or peel-- '. i 10 eon- .. sumed ; 42 symbol for. tanta 43 essence 48 corroded 47 waterway SO nocturnal i bird of 82 lase 65 crude l, - raetal - ft Rnasiasi i river emptying " into ' Caspian - -Sea . . 68 white powdery salt " 69 ended .61 excavate 62 on top of 63 termi ' sates 64 one-spot m i si s xi 1 4 mrYvrrmvr . Herewith Is the solutioa to yes. terday'a pnxxl. - i ; f t-V "'''. tAm IGlgjgM'ASNiVi TLWN O JAl, r. Hri i j ST' J A! ttliN irV- O A 0 z DTi f AtnT EK) R lum MI US: 117 J cliuEiJ's go:;s T ' i 1 ;e - : ;i " j ; Seven .Recent Ones Arrive j .Adults Also Pfovidctj- ' 1 ; With Latest Works ! ! Children who r tii , readerg will bow hare some new , rWs Vet wJSi m' . OTer. ror seven new i children's books have been added to the collection of the public JI Mlaa Mode E. Covingtoav librarian. annnnneat . j And for the grownnps there are Z x new books covering a field Jnclnd x ing reUglon. flcUon. biography ' Tocation snf .i,,u.i " 1 wvui suojeci3 i ;, children's books , are ad J follows: - . 1 Rodger. "r t0F. TeU"": Adams. Haroers ElMrf.t r-. . Boy.".- tftnof";.o,V.L el."?"0- Along Alone":: lJi: Jork - , .1 -,7; : lowsT , aan" re ss fote Blake. Y'rThe Roors of Welr Bojer. Everlasting .rIJII, Clemens.' "Pudd'nhea w.?!, CottralL The Singings Gold" Doyle -The White tUa?- xi Farse.1 lanrhinr r... . . "BJowlns cTeaV''; pT" fS Tomorrow-. r- .. ' wee. -ji-nr neriuge"; ". . btern, "Gambler's Wife"; WiTe helmson, "Midsummer n i h t" i Hudson. ''Th a TVK. ttt . . By"; Page, "Xationsl rJefense-1 Rravn, 'CI... ry- I "rvwi1,::,,r " l.var-- Harris, ... "n unemploy ment": Van Vam 1 aaisa r or- est Reserres"; National commits ; "Bicipai reporting. "Puh. lie Reporting"; McCully. "AmerN can Alpines in the Garden"; Crlt tenden, "DrsfUman s Blue Book.". tru, uames For Two" Helps. "Songs and Ratits Greater BriUin"; Clark. "Tho American Scene"; Kang. "The Grass Roor; Thompson, "A Scot M.n of Fee,in": Steffens The Autoglography of Lincoln Steffens Horne. "Oregon. Hfse Annual Reception Of Parent-Teacher Group is Succeii SILVERTON, Oct 19 Alf t Nelson gave the addrass of witf come to the teachers at the am nnal reception of the PareuU Teachers association which wax a major event of the week.- Alrert M. Dsvis. principal of the senior nigh school, responded for the teachers. - , Mrs. W. F. Tate and Mrs. Al rln Legard gave rocal solos and by Miss Irene Morley, W. K. Satchwell and Hal CampbelL. During the social hour the school band, under tho direction of Mr,' Campbell, gave s number of see lections. 65 saucy VERTICAL, 1 natural habitat 2 asseverate 2 receiving of stolen 11 Jug 17 eourt 20 man's ; name ' 22 occupant 24 golden or goods seddisa I 1 yellow 26 for fear that 27 to law, thing: 28 large 4 abstract conception " of being f valuable . cereal . grain 6 detain, -seise . 7 sand eene S note of tha scale 0 deceased . French novelisV i 10 giaciex V snow : boat 20 JShoshon eaa la dians sz aiternaw tlvo 22 encoun tered 84-i-epoca 85 New Enzi land State sbbr.). , 88 fresh water . duck 41 infinitesU ilnal 44 weary 46 escape . secretly 47 conveyed 48 fetter 49 offer for sale 51 engage la vigorously. 63 ecent 64 indiirence 67 girl s name CO flural , soffis rvyt p 5b G GW IA' -H El