'1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Sataa Orearon, Saturday Morning, October 171931 PAGE SEVEN Where WaMs-Mre- Satisfied Meets Demand Many ' ... I- 11 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ! ' CUMtf led AdertllB Single tntertloa per lla-lP Three Insertion per : ' V line a.....:........ lx lnstrtlona per line, .see . One month per Une..?1.80 lllclmulk charge. .....le " " Copy tor this page ac cepted until 6: Se thw evea-i Ing before publication Jor classification. . Copy re celved niter this time J" be run. under the heading -Too Late to Classify. ; , The Sttena ' eairuines Tftrv o IV ANTED 1 Uli" a UiajuUrr-i--- ' invest aw W around busliMO. Returns pheoilL ."i"jrCritot eer- elcete homes hotels, sartinents sad atosTlSrrtiw Mr. Gregory. Marlon otet Friday. Saturday twen IS Z.lZ and 6 P- m.. evenings y P iifatoent. real opportunity for right -man.,; ; -. : vt - ;- . - . ' " SITUATIONS WANTED uuuinmiiifinfifii ..... i i iii.h.wm j??r'rsr Trier's fouTfeYences. S Chemekcta . St. Oooa wan wiw norses ,7 vrr, --Grants general farm work. ; Fred frm.1T. Iwi" Hotel FOR SALE Miscellaneons Used' tenia at a barga"? mUTttiuM, 830 N. CommerclaL TeL " uni-n-i"-. ' .' - - -FOB 8 ALB: shafting, pulley hans- etaleatnaa PuMUfalaa Co. FOB BALE OW pa vera tee s bun- Electric wash taach. tllO 8t St. Treewrltcra, all maka, ajw eap pddftrTand ty wrrtf or rein t fysssaaeeaehe'w' " " jXrLrLn r u " Attention Sportsmen Ws have a Urse seteti0n of rlXle '" sHatauaa and ammunition al a " iivmHt impay you wT stockTouns for rwt Opeji rrentti REINKR'S EXCHAW3B ; Hi N. Comm.tctal St. ..rrTtT nmsbum'fc N. Cool W w One horaa wason. 2S1S Cnrry Ave. New. Used. Rent, Sell. Repaired : fiOOO BROS. tv f. Hkrh Phone MJI HaectHc radio, cbeap Ml N. Com! lres7on laui" Tomatoes at me n"" ItiveroUie ortre. mvv. . . . . runiiAi unuuh. sraoes 1c: tomatoes 6c Phoos n noon. .inrrt . r&nsres. Will Sell OT trade. What hsve yon HOGO BROS. . X1 H. Hlh Street . paons 1023 befor4S54r &ftr "pn0n Tiny red. female Pelctneso vapm.l aJsVbeattal -how male pnppy. 3 nlon. TeU 62ft. ' . .1... OAK ROLX. TOP - Desla Looks like new. ' Tr Priced to TMFERIAL. FTJRNJTURB CO. r ... . k at ri-b stand out near .Fninrronda t fn- tte qP WANTED -Will pay c a POundfor ATrT VTTm COTTON ras. Must C pieces Atieast a s i - S"V .A StSM aVSl IH ' -ZsVonioTprrpW far ?V.anf Sr i CM Vumttur Company Mldn.ad W ndUlon no oV FOR RENT ROOMS Pleasant rooms for youna men in ftriwte home near! university, .Hi N. 12th. TeL zt. i . . riri-,r For rooms, tarse enough tor two. Kin, Doaxa, - O&k. ------ Sleeplna .room.Hea. hot sad cold -ater. uusxneso um , ... ' ZZm ROOM and BOARD .M roonv board and laundry. Close to stats cayw. -- Trespass not! 'irrt 1 Printed on canvas. Statesman office ...... a n .rMf M . . . . ftp. Orafoa Tradln Post, I VSt -iii nrinnr MISCELLANEOUS o" les;; ' Studio ' .tm Frost. Telephone 8644. aS5s! do Mo.taomT Ward. i9i N. Libgrjy - ss vy ft nn ? POLLY AND HER FALS Ytw pang BOOKS I j Walter I lll tJtdM- . II r . w. I f . I V 1 fa I -.! ... .' -V . i t 1 '! . .-' ' - S'-a.y.i' ' ., f I m, ....;- S 9 M SU fVl . S S" I I-a.' f I Jf i'.Ul . IIP . . - i f s-s a a. ' - ... a as . a es - pni'. s -va. i -i -n m - n mm - si , a --s-- w- v - rn at w - -e- . . lciss s- f i".!!a---7--r-r-g: w I . . u v-ei . i i 1 4 -- .-. ,. 2.'iW5-- v. "v ill - - a"-''! "-f. - - r- i , . ; i i e - lULcres - r rwijiwr iai :..-i-i-- no9 financial responsibility (or errors which may ap pear In advertisement? pub lished ; la Its columns, and la .eases where this paper t at fault will reprint that pare, of an advertisement la which ' the typographical asistake occurs. The' Statesman reserves the right to reject objeo tional advertising. ' It Cur- ther .reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the- proper classifies-' FOR RENT ROOMS Room-- wttn board,' 46S ,ff, Sammar. . Board and room with, furnace heat, for two gMrttemea. .SZ month. Laun dry work aad mwixllns" included. Ill So. CmWt T l. tx. FOR RENT Apartments Pattoa - spartmonta " with , privsts bath, alotity furnlahed, , Located . .In bosioaaa dlatriot. Call Pattoa'a .Book 8tor . . ' Duplex apt. aafur. lit N. Winter. ' FURNISHED- BUNGALOW APTSL In Oak Vflla Court. :.0. Adult only. 47 Mfl St. Tel. 39. . 2 -room fur. apt. J 1.7 5 week. 129S Oak. TeU Uli. : . ' Close la, tnodern ateambeated fur nished and unfurnished apartments. Palaco Court apartmenta Pbooe0. Nice fnrnished apt S99 Union. 1st floor apt. priv. bath. 432 Marlon. Three room apartment, attractively furnished (or lira. 476, K. Capitol. . FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flata for adults, t to f rooam to 14. Also hmjsee. etc. t BECKS A HENDRICKS 18 North High Street Best rent values, 2149 Maple. - FOR RENT Some modern homes. furnished and unfurnished. Melvln Johnson. Phone S76. T room house. TeL T259. - FOR RENT Lars?st list of houses and aptav 8 to f0. Furnished IK to $40. Don't worry house hunting. SEE BBCHTEt, or THOMASON . 241 State Street They win -save time, worry and mon ey for you. , - House, 2 bedrooms, llvlna room, kit chen, bathroom, fruit and shads trees. la.ww moncn, or wui sen on easy terms. TeL SS. R. bouse, I unfur. TeL CC91. Modern bungalow, C60 N. Winter. , E room stucco bunealow. Complete ly furnished. 46 University or TeL 44SS. MwaaMM"rfWaaaaaxawwaAaaaaa FOR RENT fi-roow stucco bouse. Phone ttU.: Kor Rent modern sieepina; room. gentleman sveferredL. Phone 956. FOR RENT FOR RENT SmaR store building. dwetlias; and acreage, on highway. dose In. 4X0. I room turntsnea nouse wttb furnace. $20. 4 room $10. 6 room $ZS. s room tmfurnlatved close in, 11.- F. It WOOL $41 State Street Fruit ana berrv rancn. 5 mL from Salem. Close to Ftnser station. O. L. Bowman. Rt , Br. Z8Z-A, Balem. FOR SALE Real Estate Three er t stx choice lota 7-room semi-modern -plastered - house, fire place, basement, etc. All lots covered with brae nut. fruit and ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice view, paved street, two garages. Bedrock price, terms. Sell all er part Near Junior high and grammar schools Owner. TS5 corner Rural and Whiter Sts. Phone 3S54. , Completely" furnished 5 no, house. modern except basement, . excellent f urnlshlnsTS and everything in best condition, large shade trees. Death In family gives you this opportunity to get an -unusual buy. Priced at $2150. rm. boose. Immediately next to Hollywood business district, small one rm. bouse in rear or nouse mat can be rented all for $2100. Will take clear lot for equity. WTNNIB PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street SNAP SNAP SNAP Havs two bemiss. forced to sell one to save the other. lies down. $15. month Including in terest Price cut to $1500 If sold this week. Has 5K toath, new ptumnmg, eiec lights, garage, woodshed. 3 choice lots, paved st. issse oas enaae trees, N. EL pert of city. See my agents to days '. BEAjtri au or inuaon 141 State Street -. .. Chown By Appointment Only s noon HOUSICS FOR trade S-rooa sneders, basement, furnace, fireplace, beautiful lot t good loca tion. Trade for a f or 5-R. modern. SMALL ACREAGE WANTED . 5-B. modern house, good location. trade for small acreage. SEARS .ft TUCKER -"13 Boutk High Street FOR SALS OR TRADE Auto camp on Pactfio high way. Phone owner 5505. A good 4 room home, well located, large .Uveas;. room, dkilug room, nice kitchen and breakfast room. $ bed- nwuna li a f fiirnaM.: . ftronlaM. nice lawn and shrubbery, garage, con crete driveway, etc. $3200, $150 down. r . ... ... rinf.KA m r, fiittv modern, cornrr lot, nice lawn, paving . . ... An , a . . m , ia aaa pa. w ivv. uvnu. . $500. to loan. KBLVIK JOHNSON ' ' $20 TJ. & Bank Bidg. Phone C79C y n WW;;: ' UnMLPg Jr Unto'? "- FOR SALE Real i EsUt MfWMaMMWaMWMMX BARGAIN Owner leavmc ' saust sell nice i room bouse Nortn Salem, worth 1I9. Want offer, witt take closed car, easy terms. - i ; F. I. WOOD 141 State tttreet axMXxaiaxxaaMMWaxxaaxxaA Good room bouse sad carsc. By paintinsr and addins; somo riir tn increa.se value. Choicav corsteriot wftk street paved. A real snap tor I14SS. casta 25, balance lit per taoith, laterest. . .. i - - LEO N. CHILD3 C04 Realtors 220 State Street ' ! Phone STOsJ FAIRMOUNT HILL HOM t Offered for ttiek sale at rtly re duced price. , Owner leaving- Salem. Ask ns sbout tt. ' ' ' LEO N. CHILD3 COv Realtsrn IIS State Street Phone 71. .MMwaWVXWwWMMxaxaMXixa . . ' FUK 8ALB r Buy like rent a. room ngtlsh type home in S. Salem, i Price 1 042SS with $100 down, bat 140 per month tn elud ing hits rest. Immediate .possession.- SEE Mrs. EJIts with i , . LEO N. CHILDS CO' Realtors 320 State Street , - Phone T0S. TRADES TRADES 12 acre suburban horns . locatd 4 miles out. nearly all in bearlna froit, frulldlao, electricity. aood . loeatloa. will exenanae. for modem home in Sa lem. - - KO acre red Mil out. 4 plow land. ranchj nine miles DSL timoer ana pasture, -old buildings. wrllK exchange for city property, i t 75 acre farm ! In Polk county,' part plow. land. Rood bs-rn, no house. Price mortgage: $5800. W1U eichaage equity tor small ! house. I -SEE W. H. GKABENHOlST St CO., .-. REhLTORS T ; ' 14 S. Liberty StVet Ilione 4CI A REAL SNAP: Late bout modern five room home located r in new addition, near' school, 1 east front, paved st. Price! only $337$. $700. cash,' bal. easy I terms.! W. it GRABHNHORST CO. .124 South Liberty Street PRICED TO SELL :i New modern sev- n room hom all nice large rooms, complete In every detail, east f tont, paved wt. Pries for IMMEDIATE SALE. $4850. $3. 250. cash. SEE THIS HOME TO DAY. . i i r W. H. BRABEKHORSt Sc CO. -REALTORS I . 134 South Liberty Street - S room modern nome and garage lo cated at Faii-STouttdo Rd. Price $3250 aad assume j paving, i $25 down and $!S monthly.! vacant now. posses sion at ones. . j j . W. G. KRUBGER f J47 North Commercial EXCHANGE Real ! Estate TRADEJ Oood I house Is Salem for Calif. 8 acres close In, good buildings, for larger farm.- 25 acre walnut Orch ard,, Calif., for Oregon farm. , Ti L.I WOOD i i $11 State Street Trade equity In X room cottage and lot In Newport for new or used car. TeL 4274. . - 1 1 - Residence property, small down pay ment to exchange for acreage near Sa lem. I " ' i . 10 A. chicken farm, electric lights; $1400; small down payment. X modern houses hi Portland to ex change for Salem. I j j SHIELDS sV BLAKE Oregon Bidg. )l . - Tet. $901. ACREAGE We have e splendid stock ranch. $40 acres, B0 acres tillable, good house, $ barns, running water, owner . wants unimproved dear land or income. - ZS acres, latr is&provements on pave ment near Saem, best of land for Sap lem home. i . McGILCHRIST ft PtSNNlNUTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 433S. Ra Indeoendent Bur Ranch 5-Acres, good 5-R. bungalow, built In kitchen, electric lights ana pump ing system. Good barn and poultry house. Place all plowed ready for berries. $-mlles from Satem, price reduced to $3500.00. $500.00 down, halanra cur. x -I - ' 13 -Acres. 0 miles from Salem en paved roaa. small nouse, poultry nouse, good soil and .nice living stream througtt place. Price with t cows, horse, wagon and harness, only 33150.00. i - I v - $0-Acres. 13 miles ' Of Salem, paved roaa. c-k. nouse, nam, poultry and bog bouse. 60 -acres all plowed for crop. 2-A. strawberries, price reduced to $4750.00. Give terms. 13 7-Acres. T-R. house, 3 large barns. 3 poultry nouses, nog house and machine shed, i 00-A. plow j bind. 80-A. In good pasture and timber, running water in pasture.- Family orchard, price $4850.00.; $1000.00 down, or will trade for city prop erty. Better look this over. , , SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors I 132 South High Street " -i- '."ir"ir.v."iiwv,'nn ri n o . 51 A. nine miles from Sal era, ell under cuiuvauon, good spring, ramiiy orchard, fair buildings. A real buy at $00 on rood terms.! rm. strictly modern beautiful home In good location, close 4n. Will take mortgages or securities. rm. house, sere of ground, close to schooL Pries $3000,1 or will trade. i 10 A. north of Salem, fruit, berries. fair buildings. A good Uy at 1 2. " 600. i - i - ! IF YOT7 HAVE ! ANTTHtNO TO TRADE, TELL US ABOUT IT J. F. ULRICH COMPANY' 325 State Street . Phone 8673 - - 1 i-i -in- i ii-,n nriniriio a FOR 8 A LB OR RENT Br owner. 117 acre stock ranch. For particulars wnre to tr. . nor sbi, fiiverton. ire. I MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of siarmony' . Heard ! ever ! BTOIN idafly . ring out e loan service I that is really, reauy, air recent. NO DEDUCTIONS , NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY! ! QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Oil LAJAN3 lit tO ?0t ; Beneficial Loan Society Room 11$ Ksw Bllcb Bldg 2nd Floor 51$ State 8V Tet 3-7-4-0. LICENSED BT 8TATB ? ; "Slore MONEY TO LOAN SsslBBstBMIaMstesjs 1 PERSONAL LOANS MADS on furniture, cars, salaries or other rood security. Reparable monthly. When la rinanctsl esse ess us eefors closing e lessw, GENERAL INVESTstsWT CORPORATION -rirst National Bask Bids. Phone 3553 LOANS TO SALARIED FEOPUB i. Ob ptaia aotes, eadorsed .ctotes. ; fTATOBLcSSMTJLkT . Ill Ore. BMg. Zad ftoer ' - - Office bra 10 41a m. v ts : p. as. . - . Telephone 7TU LletnssS by (Kate , MvwwwWNxaxaxwxiayi'i.iwwx MONHT .LOANED ON AUTOS - (Contracts . Hexi nances Ayrangs to redoes your paymcata Toe keep the ear. v P. A.- FIKKR rVw tJYrfr St. aad Fen ' 4TII .. SWOBW Ur CITT AND FARM loses at lowest rates. - Best tsrms ebtsJnaMe. Oar lesaranee stepstmeat offers you sr pert advice aad service In all Unas. - HAWKINS a ROBERTS (In.) TeL 4 ISO let Oregon - ?S. LOANS WANTED WANTED- Private money to lean ea reel estate '- . W. MX. ORABSR HUKIII SS VUb REALTORS . .... 134 a Liberty SC TeL ff4M. WMMvwMwwvwawxxxxeAxxxxA Wa n hornw 14SS.0A Oood curity. latsrest . Boa US. , Care Statesman.. FOR SALE WOOD : WWMWjWWWWWiaiWXXXwxM DRl JTIK AMU tMJS OSi and tuei elL Call ea us f or price. We give good measure, good quality aad LAMEB,tANSFKR STORAGE iSKSDnsns u GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal TeL $000 Salem Feel Oe. T S3 Trade. ss4ssssssssssssssssss0sossssasss ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3710. For good wood shone 398$. Tracy's wood yard. Dry wood. TsL TOTT. v . For wood, call 4335. rtlA rb- IK . Bonruf MnlsIA S ft - second growth. 10", prices reasonable. TeL 0134. ywwiaxxaxxxxAxxxxaaAa)Maaxaaa)i Geed 2nd crowth fir. $4.50 eerd de livered. Also good straight oak. How ard, phone 5953. FOR. BALE Wood. Old ftr 10" $5 r cord, heavy second growth 14" 14.- 5, deHvered. Tel. 4090. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable TeL S290. WOOD BAWTNft. TRL. 5 $83. LOST and FOUND . (MWWAwweawVWWVIxa)WaMx LOST Sua. night. 1 4-mo. old Eng ilsh setter female pup. Whits with brown speckled noes and ears. TeL 44 ssSkBSsatsssee.eesssaesktSsi . LOST Ladles black purse, contain ing Willamette student body tickets. Leavs at Statesman office FOR SALE USED CARS sssseS-saSsasSjSBjs ( Used trailer sad Roe car. parts Cheap. Oregon .Trading Post, 332 N. ComX .r All Cars and Trucks Over $200 Are Guaranteed To ha In ettod- meefjAnlcal condition Including rubber end new psiaC Coupes 1025 Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet .$175.00 . 495.00 . 295.00 . 995.00 . 445.00 lzs L-nevrotet 1920 Chevrolet 1038 Dodge 192T Chevrolet lOtt Whippet . 195.00 . 195.00 $75.S0 625.00 9ZS (jnrysier . 9$e Chevrolet Tourings Dodse 45.00 Olds 75.00 Coaches 192T Nash 1931 Chevrolet ; S.eo i. 050.00 . 326.00 .,, , 225.00 . 475.00 1928 Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet . 495.00 Trucks 1020 Chevrolet 450.00 1928 Chev. Delv. , 1924 Dodge Delv. 1931 Ford Pickup . 300.00 06.00 ioe.ee 475.00 1930 Chevrolet Sedans 1930 Chevrolet $35.00 12$ Dodge 1930 Chevrolet 1929 Graham Paige 1920 Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet 192$ Chandler , , 192T Otdsmobtle 1927 Essex 192$ Oakland r 1927 Oakland . t 185.00 595.00 , -475.00 , 476.00 , 696.00 . 266.00 . $25.00 , -2(6.00 . 850.00 , $50.00 Roadsters 1024 Buick 13 $0 Ford 85.00 $95.00 Most ail the above ears havs li censee . . . j McKay Chev. Co Where You Get the Big $ Worth' FOR SALE Model T touring; good shape. si. 4S Jsartoo; WANTED USED CARS Will pay cash for old model, light car. er buy equity ia late model car. Stats v body, type, model, make and price. sLusx oe oargain. nox is, Statesman. - Mischief r FOR SALE USED CARS Good-Will rUsed'Cars:'' BOLD WITH a' gUARANTT lf-oaU-bd edaa l29-Civrolet Sedaa lOrS-poatiac Ooopo 45T6.00 476.S0 (. . t66.oe . S75.0S iriT'smoc .uoupo 1028-Bulck 4-pmm Coupe twi e-y nevr oiet eeaaa , Xi:-Studebakr Ceaeh 215.00 tos.oe A fssv.sfTAers to ohooss.from,' Wood -Wheaton Motor Company . OakSandv PhonsSI$ Pontlsc Used Car- Department 440 Chemeketa 1111 Chavrnlitt - ai aarrlflM . nrl&: Call Rt. g, 3ox 44. North Front St. LA.BISH CENTER, OcL I Mr. mad. Mrs. W. Starker left Pridsy morning' . for - JJascatine. Iowa, lor an extended, Tislt with relatives. " Mrs. Starker? moth er, who la J . year old. lives there. They will also visit other relatives enronte. -The trip will be made' by motor. ' ' ' - A. F. Hares. W. R." Daughertr. V. -C Bishop. Bam rirown, and Mr, Fltsgerald composed a hunt- tng: j parjtr which ef t Wednesday afternoon tor aoutneastern Ore gon lnaearh ,f elusive deer. .1 , Hlnda to Seattle Thomas Hinds of Ls Angeles. who - has been visiting at the home of his . brother, Charles Hinds, left early this week for Seattle to -visit other relatives. He will Tet urn here for several days before goings bach to Los Angeles -1 . - i Mrs. E. J. voegeeln of Xreban- en ts visiting 'at the home of her daughter, -Mrs. -W R. Daugherty. Mrs. Ellen Blbby left last week for Portland where- she will re main during the -winter months. Business AMUSEMENTS M.i . r flan i mm t nH1a mif h on River Drive. 1$ hole watered falr- waya. large greena t ees ic oaai-j. ma noiiaaye tt w BATTERY ELECTRICIAN a r. n.rtA- Rfl ttariasSrarter and Monerator work. Tsxsce Station, eer- ner uoun ana vnurcn. BICYCLE REPAIRING ttriTn bl WAMSDEN Cohnsbta Bicycles and repalrlac 148 S. Liberty. The best . la W cycles and repairtna. rSco 347 a ComX Te4ls: H. W. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450, R., E. Northnesa CHlROPRACTOR-f Dr. a L SCOTT. PSC CMrepraetsr. SeS . sugn. " - rn. SCOFIELD. Palmer CWroprae- tora. JC-ray end N. C. M. New Beak Bids. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Vsleterla. TeL 9482. FLORISTS a tv. kinds of floral work. Luts Flor lat, 16th ft Market TeL $593. CUT Flowers, wedding boBCjuete funeral; wreaths, decorations. CL F. Brelthsttpt CloruR. sis etate otr-wv. Tel. 4964. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop. 416 Court Housedeaning Floor Waxing nr Viti-. niifi nalnted tvwm vivtm. y . ...... - - . . . . Carkto! Window Cleaners. Phone 377 8. GARBAGE Balem grsvenger. Tet 4920 er TOOO. INSURANCE BECKS) ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 4041 WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wm. Bllvsn, Mgr. oinal RttttafTia Aarant 1B Msaonle Bide TeL T90 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY tup nrnnm . t.srrNriRY Stl S. mcb TeL tl$I CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT noc a STaah Everrthinc in Lux" Tesphone 816$ 1304 Broadwsy filATTRESSES f it .ii. aM.& a'a fivm m a .V HMwa 1 ' .. t - ' about our wool msttrssssa Reno rat ers ana rumigarerm. vapttai ding Co. TeL 4069. 3930 North Cap ltd. sins quite: by mm to d B W SJOEflTS Stoudenmeyer Directs two Practices Each Week; Interest t Grows DALI-LS, Oct. 1C -The recent ly organized high school band here has made a grood. BUrt with S? xnembers enrolled so far. It Is pos sible that about 12 more may sign op later. The members are taken from the' -Dallas high sohool and gramxhar .school pupils. H. I SUudeameyer js directinr -the band, which holds practices on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. , ... 'Personnel Given ;,?.: The following Is the personnel and Instrumentation trf the hand : Higti school students Cornet, Dorothy Elliott, Charles FUy. J. C Pleasant. Eaos Gwinn. Robert Woods, James Stephenson, ' Bev erly Thurman aad Kenneth Elli ott ; clarinet, Frank Quyfc Velma Schroeder, - Elsie .Schroeder, Ted Coon, Betty Balr, Alberta: Hills, Gladys " May; WUford Hlaamen and Jeighton TJashiell; saxophone. Laurel Stogleterry B flat aopr.. Qerald Vinton B flat tenor, Arlene v'oth 0. meL Burrell jVebb and Elbert Hawkins Alto; trombone, Balph Finseth. Raymond Johnson. Alice "Watson, Rebecca Jones and Ntlea Robinson ; :- baritone, Sam Dashlell aad Ormand Arbi; mello phene, Sam Neufeldt and Arthnr Schroeder bass horns, Eldon CamphelL; ' Grade school students Cornet, Martin : Barelbach. Robert Con well. Herschel Boydston. Glenn George, '. Thomas Rlgga, Lloyd Hunter, Eugene Friar and Ruth Dashlell: clarinet, Mark Hatfield. Ira Hlnamen, Dean Johnson. Ce lls Grant. ImOgene Ballantyne. SuvIIlo Scott, Velma Clayton, Na o I Directory t MUSIC STORES GEO C WILL Ptanoe. Phooo- grsphs, sewing machines, sheet emus a, and piano studlea Repalrins pbone- grepns ana sewing ma nines. ui State Ktree. Salem. i -. PLUMBING and HEATING PLtrMBfNO and general repair work. Graber Bros. 166 He. Liberty Tel SR94 J PAPER, HANGING PaseT hancinc ' end na In tins. Nse- aao l rant btore. isi w. tacor- - PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bouse -ecsca-etmg, - paper nanaina. cxnueav ere. Renews vwrmm i PRINTING FOR ' STATIONERY, earda. Munnk- lets,- erograma, books er any kind of print toe. eall Tbe Statesman Print ing department, sis sk. UHnmercia- Teia?oe si si. , ROOFING El Rev elate surface ah buries. Let us cfve you a free estimate ea year roor. kj&vr 'paymenei ir eestree. iK- V1CE HIX7HNU AJiD PAINT CO. Btate St. TEU. 8. I - RADIO FOR every purpose. Cor every purss All standard el sea of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 34$ Court St Tet 0110.- I STOVES STOVES aad stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt -and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy end glala, bop besketa books, logan nooks alem Fence and Stove Works. 36$ Chemeketa. TeL- 4TT4. R B Fleming. TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tatter tor women. 474 Court St TRANSFER CAPITAL Cm Transfer Co. 236 State St TeL T7T8. Distributing. for wardlns and storage our specialty. Get our rataa FOR local er distant transfer ster ag call 313L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. ,i - O 1 1 - 1 I -O Real Estate . Directory I ; - o BECKS, ft ET-ECDRICKS ! ltf BL High TeL 4$4T & M. F""" 234 M, High St. TeL 06T8 J. LINCOLN ETil.TS. 4$S Bute TsL I8T1 socoLOFssnr son 804-1 First Nat Bk. Bids. TeL TOOT . J. W. ULRICH i' $28 Sute Street TeL 8(72. ' ; F. U WOOD 443 State 6t TeL TIM rrnmcR n rosTXB REALTY. CO. 870 State St . u TeL TI2I . W. H. GRABENHORST ! CO. 134 R Liberty 8t , TeL 4$L By CLIFF J5TERRETT din Thomas and Robert Sosley: saxophones. Rober Shrove alto. Ralph i Idresay tenor; trombone. Dean Kingsbury, Hubert Spring steee'Vnd Leonard Hobson: mel- lophona, Norman Scott and Betty Boydston. . TEHCliS HOflEO AT BIG HMD .' WOOD BURN, Oct.; IS A good crowd of Wood burn, neople at tended the saVHtsl reception giv en in lienor of the wood,urn teachers Thursday . evening. The reception was held tn the Wood- burn' Methodist churcn. RevJ Elmer W. Blew, pastor of the Woodburn ' Presbyterian church, delivered the address ex wslrnme. . end V. D. Bain, super intendent ' of Woodburn public schools, responded to tbe talk. Mrs. A. B. Adkiason aang a solo. She was accompanied at the nlano by Mrs. Paul Pomberton- Mlss Kathleen Garrison- gave a clever and weil-receivea resamg. A vocal-trio, composed oi airs. P.nl PmlMrtOn. Mlli JOVCO Wood fin and Miss Helen Wood tin, sang a number. Miss Wilms Morrison 'was accompanist. -Miss Opal Dickey, m costume, unr clover number. Her ac companist, was Elizabeth Miller. Miss Joyce Woodfin played a pi ano number. There, are two neF- members n tha i Woodburn teaching staff this year. Miss Nelma Baylor, at the high school, and Jack Ken nedy, at the Washington grade school. Miss Bayior xeacnee nome economics and English at the high school, and Mr. Kennedy teaches ! the seventh, grade at the Washington school. Women Make Visit To Rebekah Lodge ; Truck Hauled Out SCOTTS MILLS. Oct. Mem bers from Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 11. who made a visitation to Salem Rebekah lodge Monday were Mrs. Cora Rich, Mrs. Delta Ttich. Mrs. Addle Smith. Mrs. Vina Losinger. Mrs. Minnie Omshonr. Mr. . and Mrs. Lloyd Murray jand Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brougher. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. a. P. Moberc aad Mrs. Lulu Scott were In Salem Thursday on hnslnnas. 1 The track that went through a bridge at -George usynes Tues- ria-- and slid 'down ' the csnvott. was taken oub Wednesday and was driven 1ack to Sirrerton the same evening, only slightly dam- agedv , ' ... ' -jy , JTOHK KUM3I DIES FRUITLAND, Oct, 18 Friends here hare learned of the deatn oi John Kumm, .which occurred In Yakima, Wash. The XCumnt fam ily moved to Via pa to, wasiu. early in the fsii. Cross - Word Puzzta - cr EUGZ-ia sriF-ra - 1 aoT Ht WM H3 I?? ! w :ii?i;izi5i-iiz sr mm H il l i 1- l-feH I I I I I HORIZONTAL. 1 rebukinx 7 narrator IS tardy 14 method ical ar- - rangement 16 preserve 1Tm be ft 15 one whs . haxards JLP entreaty 2ft abate -22 command 2 oblique looks I 21 encoun-, tered 24 covered Tehicle 27 back v 20 aa element ta ' mule child 35 period of t Urns 50 sack . 61 delrs 63 mere competent sever 68 stags 61 pedal ligitg 62 a song 64 a metal 65 border 66 ephere of ' action 67 4usail repeatedly with something thrown 68 to design C9 dls- Uibutes about - VERTICAL. 1 purify tr- I gXITsTI sTTsTTsTlXs Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puxxie, - FEILIE8 . halls o;j vacatio: Wordj Received of Death cf Former Voodburn man, l C. T Bonney j WOODBURN. Oct. 1 J. D. Woodfin and his family plan to move -Into the Hoi man house, at, 37 Third street, soon. M. J. Mil ler and. -family plan to jnove from the -house to a farm beyond- Broadaeres. WhUe Mr. end Mrs. J. J.- Hall, ' Lincoln street residents, are en joying a vacation i at Neskowia,' Mrs. Berry la in charge of the" photograph studio. - Visitors for the week at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Elmer E. s SetUemeier are Mrs. J. C. Elmore,; her daughter, Elizabeth Ann, and her son, -Robert, i Mrs. Elmore,' who lives In Albambra, Calff.. U ' a daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Set Uemeier. Mr. and . Mrs. S. E. Brune are visiting : with their son. Clarence aad his family at Palo Alto, Cat.,! tor a lew days. I Bonney Dice . . ! . Word has been received by! , Woodburn residents that Clyde T. Bonney. a former' resident of . this district, died at his heme tn Sisters. October S. Bonney we principal of the Sisters high school. He died after witnessing a football game between the Sis ters team and the Central high.' school at Bend. He was also coach of the team, which that day was victorious. He is sur vived by his ;wldow, two daugh ters and one son. Tuesday. -October--SO. wilt be the last of the vaccination and toxoid treatments scheduled for this fall. The treatments will be administered to children of Woodburn in the health center rooms Tuesday afternoon, ac- . cording j to an announcement made by. Mrs. Hiram Overton, chairman of the local health cen ter. The clinic will begin at 1:3 P. m. ! - C. Murphy Returns From Yakima; Girl Born to I. Mixes INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 1 , Carl Murphy, who has been in Yakima,! Wash ' for the last two years, has - returned to indepen dence and will make his home with' his: uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. Keller, and attend high school. Miss Helen Louise Crosby, at torney, snd Mrs. Oeorge Alden; both of Sslem, spoke before a group of 25 Monmouth and Inde pendence business end profes sional club women Monday night.' Mr. aad Mrs. Ira Mix are par ents of a -baby girl born Saturday at the Salem General hospital.! This is the-second child. I bar on draft- ' harness . 2 separate particular 4 coarse ; material -, 5 incline the head 6 clutch ; 7 stem of grass 8 to mistake 9 tremulous . 10 story II always 12 motives 15 a spanker ' (naut) 21 a beverage 23 substance .- that 1 exudes . ... from j " trees! " 25 mapping - out 25 called upon 28 -drive back 29 having Im plements for pro pulsion i SI odor 32 at ne time S3 a sweet compound 84 musical drama SO to stuff 88--cryof " crow 41 gave 43 protected 45 despots 47 fruiting spike ef cereal 48 performed SO harass 62 hare a weather helm , 64 presage 66 limbs ; 66 have regard or interest 67 measure of weight ' (PL) E9- particular extent - ef surface ' 60 to sheps 62 is able 63 ripple against