1 " The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesdar Mornin OKoW IS. 19.11 1 - PAGE CZXCll t i ' 1 1 i 1 i . i . i ii.. i i T , i I, , i , . . i , i .. . . ... - BUTTER MR1CET IS GENERALLY i STEADY Supplies Cleaned: up With No Change; Eggs are Apparently Firm PORTLAND, Oct. 11. (AP) Trade ia tae batter market Is showing little, If any, material thanro locally. On the open mar- ket a cleanup of supplies Is re flected with the make apparently holding its : own. Farther showing of strength is reflected In the market for eggs hero with prices generally well held bat unchanged from the high point recently established by . the poultry producers. There has been a complete re ersal of tone in the domestic cheese trade recently, a condition not-at all unexpected. Recently there was considerable ' dullness noted at leading primary points of the east and especially tn Wiscon- ain. Offerings were not picked up with the snap of a short time ago; condition which generally be speaks too rapid adrances pre Tlously. Primary markets of the Pacific northwest were . without price changes, with the trend steady to easier.';- !s v-:. Price on Turkeys Hurt by Quality . ... . Very poor quality, of some of the dressed turkeys now arriring, i Is hurting the price list, according to some of the - leaders of the trade. Best young toms are now generally listed 32 Ql3c pound. Generally maintained demand Is reflected in the market for lire, chickens along the wholesale way. There was no change in the gen eral baying price listed here for the week's opening. ; Msrket for heaTy weight coun try killed calres continues to re flect weakness. Sales of all calres are reported easier as a result. Soma shading In hogs too.- Lambs re firm. Very liberal supplies of fresh crabs are again reaching the trade. While the norths reports a scarcity of halibut, sufficient Is arrlrlng here to take care of trade requirements. TURKEY FARM HAS il YOH BIS TURNER, Oct. 12- The Jesse Farrlsh turkey farm a mile south east of Turner oa the Turner Marion road, has been re-stocked with 4.000 young bronze birds which make quite a sight to the passerby on glancing to the east cide of the road, to see a huge body of bronte turkeys slowly moring about with red heads erect. : Al Bray, who has been on duty all fall, has an assistant to help care for the fioclMa. Roosts and feeding troughs have been conveniently placed, as the handling of the daily rations requires much work and time; a water' tank Is used for 'hauling water. A tent is pitched nearby for' the use of the caretaker who Is near the flock day and night. The turkeys were raised in east ern Oregon and trucked- here. It is planned to ' hare some ready! for market In a few weeks and to keep a number of them ready for market demands. GREEN, WAX BEANS DEMAND GOOD HOGS DROP HALF CENT IN SALEM Offerings t Light and Price is Mostly at About 4 Cents " t . . - PORTLAND. Oct. 21 CAP) Demand for green and wax beans was better on the East Side farmers' wholesale market for today's session. Offerings were of very light rolome. Most of the business was shown at 4 c but some was done as low as 3c and as high as 5c lb. - Cauliflower market was again well supplied with 2s ; selling at a spread generally of 40-50c crate. Tomatoes were In fair call at S&cSOc box. : :- ; Brussels sprouts were mostly XI. BOX. :." Cabbage was easier at S5-0e crate generally;! a few $1. Yakima onions were offering 8i.oo-i.7b with demand slow, Local at $2 top. Lettuce was in .supply at 75c to si crate: mostly 75-80c. Corn market; was firm at 85c sack for best, r Ratabagee , were In larger sup ply: mostly oc lug. Pumpkins sold 6 Oe cantaloupe crate.' -- Danish squash . was 50-60c crate with Hubbard lc lb. Quinces sold around 50c peach box. I Concord grapes were in small supply; selling 5 0-5 5c lug. Salway peaches from Yakima were slow at T5c bushel box. Mostly small stuff. - ; Spinach was fairly steady1 60 75e orange box. r Chinese cabbage was fOe for small crates and f 1,50 for large. Pace and fill Anjou pears were nominally 85c box.. Apples sold 40-6e box; both extrem.es. Cantaloupes were In ' fair call at 75c crate. Jonathan apples were 75c for face and fill f 0a. Peppers were 25c box for green and 40c for red. Wild crabanples tjare after, at 50c peach box. Eggplant "eras nominally 2 5e crate, t . rotatoes were slow hut changed in price. un- General Markets Salem Markets - Grade b' raw 4 sailk. co-op pool price, f 1.93 per hundred.! v - - :f-'-v - Factory xnilk. 91.40. . Butterfat; sweet, SSe. , Bntterfat, soar, ! 31c - nVTt A2TD VXQET nT.ns Crrr. dot. Oaioas, dot, Uninna, sack Carrot itrwrs hr Salam karars. October 11 sa to so ss ts T .1.50 SO (Jurvmara, daa. Caaliflowar erat Tnratpa. mat. Tom a toe, ing Lttue. erto uaaiah adnashi O round rberriea, f 'rl)M local. lf Spiakch, rat -IK ..I 29 0 i . 1 . ' .. T . i II. Ill I II I M I i ei 75 f 1.00 " 1 ! .. .i 1-00 . I i :. i SS ' Extra . Mcdinoii : I ' Booa -M Bayiag Trie Roosters. Broi lra i Colored Lcfhorn Hearias, fcessj Madlam heas 4 light bent Bartag Price -tt Jtt .09 .IS -1 10 Alfalfa. TalleTj Sad cattinr jrsitera oreroa ... Common 1 Toi de . took HOPS 1- i Ldunba. top Hon. to Hoes, first eats . Hon. . outer cats Steers Cows U; Heifer H2AT aytag Prlees 4 ORAnr ajro hax " '. . . Bayinf Prices Wheat, western red Wait, ba. 1 BsrleyJKNi -J 15.3 to 18.60 Oats. tiey. par bo. White, per ba. Hay: buying: an Oata aad atea. too Clover .10.00 .11.00 .14.00 .15.00 -IS .50 -1 -00 BOO 5.50 5.00 -4.T5 .01 U 04 to Dressed Teal . Dressed bogs Coarse Mediant OS U .06 .03 .05 .10 -OStt wool i ICOHAIX .10 as Minimum of Changes Noted at Opening Gf new Week Local markets opened the week with minimum of chang es, sare in fruits and Tegefablea. Hogs dropped approximately half cent, to f$.J .for tops. Lambs remain at fir' cent. Wheat holds at 42 cents on white and 40 on red after a cent raise at the end of the week. Butterfat, eggs and poultry showed no change. Local spinach, is coming into the market, growers getting f $ cents for orange crates. : Grapes ar about done for, and lettuce J nas aroppea z cents to a top of $1. ... , ... M, Although the tomato season is rirtnally orer, buyer for one of the largest grocery stores eays there will be tomatoes on . the market for some time. On grow er alone put by - 809 hoxei of green tomatoes to sell, when those fresh from the garden were gone. Prico to grower remains at 30 cents a lub. Cabbage, of which considerable is now on the market, is down a Quartet cent, to one and one- fourth cents a' pound. Radishes aad onions are bought now , for 25 cants a dosen each, a fire cent drop orer previous offers. : GROWERS TO GET MITJDBES Credit adyances to local pnn growers whose crop has been dried and graded may be aratl able to co-op members the latter part of th week, according t to Fred Kwtng, president of tho co op aero, me association hero la one of the fire warehouses of the Pacific Northwest Prune associa tion that will bo glren adrances through the federal Intermediate credit bank. Spokane. The id ranees on graded prunes en the federal, loan will be: m cuts on 25-35c; t cents on 20- 40s; 24 4jenU on J 5-4 5s; 2 cents en 40-60e; 1H cents on 6-9s; .l cent on t0-7ea.' Loans will bo on this basis as long as the market holds as at present. - Association official look for no decline, but an increase on 2 5 -4 5s and larger sites due to California shortage Ontheso. M mm HERE Filbert Crop is Surprisingly Big STAYTOtf. Oct. 12 A crop of 2600 pounds of filberts has been harvested - and dried from' the George H. Bell orchard Just north of town. The yield this year -was a pleasant surprise . to Mr. Bell, who like many other nut growers In this section expected about a 75 per cent loss in harvest this year. The dust storm In the early summer was thought to nare blighted the nuts. Evidently this was not the case in Tne iei acre age, as the crop this year equals that of Inst. The orchard is about seven years old. ABU QUOTH The local branch of the nut co op ' association : reports opening prices higher by around a cent and a half than those announced last wreek by telegraph f from rortiana. jrranqueu.es, quoiea ay telegraph at 21 Vt cents, are 28 cents,, the association has been in formed, from the main office. The price as In effect at the co op are: f rano.net tfes, soft shelled and Mayettes, 22 cents on large; fancy franquettes, 21 cents; fancy sorts,. 28 cents; standard fran quettes, 15 cents, and standard softs. 14 cents; Mamoth Fords, large, 25 cents, for meats the top Is 68 cents, g ' The local association plant shipped its tint nuts to Portland Saturday, and today or tomorrow expects to conte out the ' first eastern shipment v VAL8ETZ WITHOUT WATER VALSBTTZOct.. 12. The water main burst Friday night near Jerry Worth's old house. About one-halt, the town was without water until Saturday noon. ' I THREE GRACES OF FASHION -o I -o "I SI f : .' ".V V S . 4 i t; I- 1 'ajMPaw' 7 1; 0 mm. k J- : - - irfi-ninffifiWn r Vhl charming threesome of comely young debutantes was considered ' the most fashionably attired group of spectators at the annual Piping Bock Horse Show, held at Locust Valley, L. L It doesn't take a sec ond glance heartily: to agree with such an opinion, what? They are left to right:- Adelaide Uoffett, Katherins Barker and Ida Tobey. CLYDE EBBEftT m'J PRESIDETJT OF CLOD SPRING VALLEY, Oct 12 Ila Smith, younger daughter of Mrs. Frank 8mlth, suffered a broken bono in the wrist Thurs day morning while cranking their car in which they go to school. The first meeting of the Spring Valley, community club,; which 1 always a business meeting tot election of officers, was held Friday night at the school house. . Officers elected were Clyde Eb bert as president to succeed Don nel Crawford; Ben McKlnney as vice-president, succeeding : Frank Windsor; and Irene Windsor , aa secretary-treasurer, succe e d 1 n g Mrs. V. A. Stratton. . Mr. Crawford gave a speech of appreciation to the club mem ber for their cooperation during his term. The committee will meet Tuesday evening to select committees for the coming Winter. ' . , . .. Tho first regular meeting will be held November 12 to i which everyone Is invited. . in T; WIPES OFF Tl BUMPER CHEMAWA, OctJ 12. When attempting to cross! the Southern Pacific tracks at the Chemawa store Sunday, Carl Turner, teach er, escaped what might have been a Very serious accident The Shas ta, approaching from the south. was not noticed by Mr. Turner un til ho was nearly km tho track. The brakes were instantly applied, but his car skidded about six feet before it came to a Complete stop. The front bumper was caught by the passing train and completely severed from the car. Aside from causing tho train to stop for about 28 i minutes aad back no to investigate, no other damage was done, i new Teacher Comes Miss Zella Hoffman of Snyder, Neb., arrived at Chemawa Thurs day and entered upon duty, Mon day a commercial teacher. Miss Hoffman la a graduate of tho Uni versity of Nebraska and comes to Chemawa highly recommended for conducting this course. Miss Mary Alice Beta, who has been employ ed temporarily as teacher ' in charge! of this course, left Sunday for her home in Tacoma. Miss Betz has made a number of friends in the! short time she has been here. ! - Superintendent J. T. Ryan of the United States Indian school at Chemawa will make an official Visit to Spokane Wednesday of this week to attend a conference of Indian bureau officials in that city. SDQNGTON CALLS INDEPENDENCE Vernard Simington of Portland is spend ing some time at tho home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Simington. His wife and daugh ter have been hero for the past two weeks. " -a : - SCHOOL EMPLOYES in mi tin i CHEMAWA, Oct. 13. The new Brewer -apartment at Chemawi have been completed and the em ployes of th Indian school assign ed to these quarters hare moved in. This building consists of fire apartments which are modern In erery respect, each having four or five rooms with bath, steam heat, hot and cold water at all times, electric -lights and gas ranges.! The following employes and their families hare been assigned quarters in this building: I R. S. Hicks, instructor in auto mechanics; L. S. La Veil e, boys director of physical education;' Daniel Klelnhage, instructor in charge of machinist course; C. D. Ralney, ia charge of the; high school classes in ; chemistry and science; Fred Ratsberg. In charge lot tho garden operations at this " ll . r mi. - i Radio Prog tarns Toeooay, Oe. IS XOAO 600 Kc CereaJH 10:00 Home eon amies Observer. 11:00 Morninf matinee. 13:00 Farm boor. 1 :0 VaaderiUe. 1:S0 Orgam program. 2 :0O :Aroaad tee eanapaa. :09 Hememaker hoar. :00 Market reports. :SO Farm boar. T:45 Football talk. 8 :00 Mosie by tho master. POBTLAKD. Ot. w i o . B Butter: prints, 02 score or better. 84e: staadards. l-2e ti.: ' ESS PaeUie poaltrr srodaerm 26; 23e; pallets. 18e. "Ut-101"tF Price, rade B. 2.17 1-ortUad s delivery and inspection. Dairy sTSr' pol pnc predneera, Coaatry meats selUac price to retail ers: ceantry killed hofi. best bn tellers 120 lbs, C llHe; spriog iambs,-10-lle; ery ye, 4-5c; canaer , Sc; balls. Jdobalr: Bteniinal .... clip ion, bair, ibV. itflU -Jl"i.,5?", winti 18-25e; pea- ?S.?a18;s almond., !S18e: (llberta. 80.a on. iv ' er'rr. ,riee- 1931 seKiHsLV1."!! us -10cj io. Battortat: direct to shippers, track i. oa x, sg-sie. Portland do lirary prices: batterbat, soar. Sle; sweet So. . f lArm poultry : mot bayia price: beary ugai. nt n.; broilers. Ita 1 1Z. Ik. .: . . . .. "V" , , w i y ids.. iBe: colored roosters, over s lbs, 0e; Km. i OniOBs: aellias price to retailers: Ta kimaGlobea, $1.80-1.85; Oref oa, S3 2.25 wi local. le la.: . oasten WaakiiiKtea. 15-1.S eentaL - . erBP- "minl. Willamette eastern uregoa. ll-15e lb. I1.!1.5.1 .u " ew son.. MICKEY MOUSE "'Grist' for the MUT By WALT DISNEX Portland Livestock KOW-4H T : IToUoaal. ' 7:15 blormiar Ajpetiora. " T:4S Vsa and Ioa. :0 Cooking aebooL 1Q :00 i Cetoe Harmeay talk. VBO. jO :0 Weeaaa'a Masaaiae, WBO. Jolia Hayes. t:4S PriaooM Ooole isky. 93:oe aasith u. . ' 12: 15 Farm aad Ham hoar, KBC. 1:00 Taera Urier. 2 :0O Matiaoo, NBC. S:SO Vaarty Fair af tho air. 8 :X Amee Aady. NBCU . S:1S Memory Laaa. KBO. , 0:00 Mnaiea! profram. KBC. 10:8 J Book Cbat. 10:50 Piano recital. - , t- j LEADS COPS o .... . , - nfjSTJD' Ora, Oct. 13 (AP) Steors, 800 009 lbs, cood. 6.00 6.75 : modiam, 4LTS-S.OO; eommon 00-4 74 4.TS-S.&0; eommon. S.OO-4.74; 1100-1800 lbs sood, 6.74-0X0; medium, 8.75 M; "S!1". 650-830 lbs, food, 5.00. .50 iadiiua, 4.00-5.00; common, 3.00 4.00; eows, rood, 4.00-4.S0; eommoa aad 2-Ti-e-pO; low cutter entter. 1.00-2.1 5; ball. yearUnrr 'excladed. oo and choice, beef, 8.25-4.00; ratter! 2f "J? i 2.5O-8.60; realers, mtlk led. o4 and choice, 7.50-8.60; a diam. 0.OO-1X0; call and eoam.a, S.60 6.00; ealres. 250-600 lbs, food aad t&'Z.oS:00 001 - wtdodiomT Hos, 800. inelading 05S tbroexb: Isorbter claaa 60-75 tower. "n vtibt Ubt. 140-160 lbs, rood and ehojee, 0-4.7; liht weiaht, ISO-ISO lbs, good and choioe, 6.50-6.76; 180-200 d aad choice, 6.50-5.76: mediam 5 0O-5.TS; 230-360 lb, rood and ?oa i'v 'T0; k?,Ty i. S0 tHi -5-.2S; 2V9-850 lbs, rood aad choice, 4.00-4.76- fS!?i fv " 0; toekar pirs, fiti!f iti- . 'Me-. .0-4!50i 1. d Blocker p!r, 70-iso lbs' food and choice, 4,75-6.50. s heep, SOOO; ateady. Ijamba. 99 lbs, down, rood aad choice. 4.00 5.25; mediam, S.75-5.25; all areirktt, eommoa, -8.0O-8.75; ' yearlin ZVflL911 ,fc- medim to choice. 8.00-4.00; ewee. OO-lSa !., mediant to caoieo, 1.T5-S.OO ; 130-150 lbs- medinm ta cboioo, 1.50-1.T5.- all weirkto, ,u d eommoa, 1.00-1.50. , 1 Fruits, Vegetables POKTLAJTD, Ore., Oct. 12 AP) Oranrea: Caliorni Talendaa. 88.50-8. CrapeO-ait : California, 8.76-6, limes: 5 dosea cartooa, $8.25. Bananas: 6-5 He lb. Lemons: California. $8.50-0 case. Hnekteberriea; Pvfet goaad. 6-7 a lb. Watrmeloak: N. W KlnsHika i n. Cantaloapes: Takuna aad Tha Dalles, standards. TS-OOc Honey dew melons: California tare (lata, 81. - Casabas: INI. lard, 2 H -3 toe lb. Ice cream melons: northwest, le lb. - Grapea: aeetfleaa. 1 1.05-1.75 lur; Tokay a, 910-1.60 ;wUite Malaraa, 81.25: Sibiera. 81.50: local Concords. 2Va-4 lb; eornichonv IUL Peaches : "the Dalies, OOe-S 1 bos. Peara: Co mica. 81.25 bee Oreana ckepies: SS.76-4 boa. . v--- .-. , f Cabbare: local, aew. I-lHe lb. Po tatoes: tecal, 1 lb.; aastera Waakiar ton. tUl-l.lt eeatsL Ontoaa: aellins price to retailers: Yakima Giobea, 91.80 1.85 Orefoa. 1-1.25. Oaeambora: field rrewn, 85-45e box. Spinach loeal. S6 70. -.tjaieryi tvcai, oa-s-vo ; hearts. SLti-Uf. JdashroomJij ao. koaaa, S5e) lb. '. t Pepper: btt, aa. 10-dOa box. Sweet peUtoeet new Oakforaia, 8-8e lb. Caali. flewari aorthwest, 6 0-7 5e par eraU. Bona l loeal. d-6. Toeaatoaat local, 4. 60 box. Oorat toaal. T5-SO aaek. La tmw tae&L t 5e-Sl erata. Busner sdnaskt local flam, 60a. Danltk Kaaak: MHf lb. ATticheket: Califorala, 1 LH daiea. ) ! TrrtMnfaai Indian oonnlatlon increased by approximately zeuu persons in tho decade ending in Airi 0tUTO3eMrrSrOU I MIU I HEMJO MtM V MOWL-J lU esr T iMlM, iVf- TOO! "til GET ?r I THIMBLE THEATREfamrxng Popeye Now Showing 'Tollow the Leader VOUSEE, ISIaRTZEMUWII lfefeJLK XN ZEES LEVER ZEW fJOtaJQ ttl-WrS -vX SMOM VOUHOWbXGetAJOZS 'X 03t-OMLVrEPEBSCrtSVSE rSrSy frie6 oo mar cm oua tbv&oft, ri--' U" Ptr lirltiiu'e-f WHERE! ib X WE WON THE WE WANT juUfVKT 5R)iLS HIS gl By SEGAIl mu nobody evse. fl III ,c -vTMOc VATO WHERE J MOHTH wajeyy iuTu ,ux.. J. ljitleean TrtGMZS. ATTIC A Matter of CJonrenienee Tt?ove cozeusv soco cuvkE HE SOLD Criit VlDOW WITH i ITTO US SHE 3A TO SUPPORT r 3 m T -act iiXS : ..vJ.-.;......-Hf li . 1 XVAMTTOB&rAN'WfJeST'U AM IF, WE tDNTHAVE LITTLE ANNIE Xp iOOK AFTfel5r VXXJLDHTj Hwe A WOSO TO SV BUT IF VESlVEUPTMSMIMEsiWE'tSS PAUPERS 1931. King Tntum SradicairVfi K Grext H-i-iq n'KS I MEARX WHAT VOU 3llllliB r SASD- AM rm'Poo& p&S WiPOVOWMSCLMWS tSzr J7 OUTAtUCK 3 I By BRANDON WALSIf ITS TOUSH TD LOSS. AiLTV(AT" AAOWE V ear its BerrEeno e pooe tkaki 1 HAV1M 5AYlMlnfJEACC00K 'AM' EVEM & FOLKS OOfIT KMOW-VOi) CAK5T FOOL VtXSELP HO MATTEL HOW SMART YOU AS f 7' V0T3 Paptain James P. " AUman, Eoiirted br Mayor Anton Csrnuki f Chicago a that city's nw po lice eemntissioner, 1 shown at W mew desk in beadquartB as h look vp kigner reiponsiLiiitle. rMlman, n strict disciplinarian, tl Irnown among Chicago toppsrs a 6Tbe Ironman." HeT boon cap. tain far tha last IS vears and soe TOOTS AND CASPER 'It Pays to Read" I By JIMMY MURPHYj COLONEL HOOFER OWE ME. HNU Ht. WON'T PM IT BACK! : fl I WAS FOOLISH TO LENt THE MONEY TO HIM CrbfER! COLONEL HOOPER JUST PHONED AND HE. BORROW OME TO M as a , a a eaw m itrju rill. Vaft-QM 11 Taurrfr 1 . aflmtV- mV' I 'V BtaJ m4kXrtJt W I TOi.'KWkS rwis 5t'e4Wwr i frrS ricw fVerree. i SURE. I'LL. LEND , A HIM SOME BOOKS 0 V I'VE 40T A FEW ; I WANT HIM TO t AREVOOSE : colone:l. HOOKER? A dUV NAMED CASPER SENT THESE BOOKS, OVER TO VOLH ' .THANKS THAT SHRIMP- IS A 400D 6UY AT HEARX AFTER . , All. . . iA X