:l- . ' J. , . ! . r. . , i, . .............. - , . : . , ' . Where Supply Me0rBem(ind and Many ; W fff j& wi UM2 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ' I Classified Advertising Singl insertion per llne.l8 Three Insertions per line . Six Insertion per line. .JOc One month per Una.. 1 1.0 Minimum charge ..... Copy for tnls pafe ac cepted until 4:80 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived after thU time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. .1 : , I-'.-.-- Tbe Statesmaa assnwie SITUATIONS WANTED mi.fXfiLL .urn .......... . Woman wtabe hoaaeworfc US N. Cma'L ' - - " - - - FOR SALE 'Miscellaneous - - - - iiWifi ...... i .. Used tents at a bfra Salem fata House, s its. - ' ' - . NR RAZJB ehafttna. puller, baag- ara. States man Pubi lattiaa ua roR SALE Otf faora Its a wm- trie. Statesman office. CrLr-qn-i-L ii ii- - ' Typewriters, all makes, new and paeZdd-rTand typewriter forreet. writer Kxcbaaa,4i Curt-St. Attention Sportsmen Wa have a large election of rlfl ehotauns an ammunition at a Dig iarfTg. It will pay you to look over our Stock. Ouna for rent Open evening REINER'S EXCHANGE 24 N. Commercial St. m0' "Ladles hat complete "r"n.J' Mcto IT. GreenbaunV S4S N. Com L ; T - Apples, ?J15 8. Cottage and Hort. Concord grapes zc. "Ai. pur. J" Rrim containers. Geo. Clark. R. 9. Bx. 19, Portland highway. rMiKpnTK Th Hrt(r canning varieties at the "Brown Tent. pa 111 v erside drive, urmj wxm. Salera made i linen lic jfi. Green- taum'a. H N.!ComL . - " Concord and sweet str graps fjlcdally. Puritan Cider Works. West felemv- t.- -..ijmmki ru-ir' ":n- - r . New 'Hudson seal coat. Tel. fOjjV. ' Used electric washing machines, Cheap. Oregon Trading Post. 5 Com'L MxrvwW" " iTMd heater S1.0S and UP Ranges 5 and up. Furniture at a barKain. Oregon Trading Post. SN. Comt Rarcaln in genuine caracul fur goat. , toa ;ollaf- Stg? 18i TCt - - -r Haad picked 1 graded Spltsenberg 5onathan, Gxlmes Golden. King applea S5e bJt: ffor 1.M). Puritan Cider Worka. Went Salem. Hot potot electric range, 11 Jta new r take a wood range for part. Lelan,a Wendt. 1 mile from bridge on Wal lace road. zrwc box and up- uid, or Tel. iA22, wwu. t ...1m rrawn. red delicioua. 9ic tiring boi. Wenatche fruit stand. S anliea north of Salem. FOR SALE One A-l large .safe, one oak role top desk, one U C. Sm.th typewriter, one NatX cash reg. Many ither itema of fixtures. ZJb? be seen at 1S1 3. ComX St...ti- jetn. - ! ' I TRADEMiscellaneons TRADE 1925 CheTTOiet pa ,ael , w,1 KH-C. 454 -Ho. 17 St.. Salem tor W ANTE!) Miscenaneoo3 WANTED Used pmnoa. In ehanee on rSdlos, phonographa. or tur SturaT hT t. Stiff Furnltura Company WANTED Will pay c a POundJ OOOD CLEAN COTTON raga. Must t pieces at least a square yard. Statesman wucb. ... i-i-A- r .iriAa. -nlstola. slwtguns. id gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob ject. Name r price. REINER 3 EXCHANGE S24 N. Commercial . . , -------- nnfiWVr . .r.nf. : n-.i.nti n drv. Also Batd"Roek7Rhode Island Red. Buff XAirt:va riia UV sercr for &T"uam;.: VaUeVjiatch, 410 EL S4th t-. oaien vs. TTirrkL"ti! erowth and old fir a rt wood, within 30 mL Salem. Any .mouB. Tt 637S or address "Wood V 1. O. Bo 876,! Baiem. Cash tald ftr wrniiun. .m. " - - J toveif. Oregon Trading rost " MISCELLANEOUS Plitnd i lesson nvont, T41.i'84 FOR RENT ROOMS 'MMr- " " 11 ' .... ... s in The Arlington now "l.VX 13 00 offering rat V L? f& 'ii?h Mr wk. and down, no uj " aieniT o .v -r- -.r. . . . is a.A.a mwj fAin mrit3i , Fur. Pleasant tront room, reason. i nvnrA- furnace, heat. 575 JN. cot able, pn ;M --- . i C14 .rudeN.ar University and mnma for roung men In - , - I 151 N private lome mr ' J 13th. iL rw w i- ' ROOM and BOARD FOR RENT Apartmenta First floor apt. 1S 8tate. - . . ... .(ifif .'i'i .. o.. p.i cane Rooms. 274 W. oui""- Wlii care "for child at my country fcomo. Tel. 385L- POLLY AND HER PALS si . . a. mm.mm iv-v 9 I II k . i t L j - r I'uiniLJ w v V. WHAT AKK mC7 1 7 II TL-Z CTT T II T 1 C J 3 ! l I " " VI li I 7 printer s ?- - ' no financial responsibility Cor errors which may ap pear. In advertisements pub lished in it columns, and in eases where this paper I at fault will reprint that part of an adrertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserres the right v to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserres the right to classify ail ; advertising un der t the proper classifica FCR RENT APARTMENTS Patten apartments with private bath. -nicely furnished. Located In business district. Call Patterns Book Store. , . i . Nice (Urn. first floor. S noma bath. S Union. Duplex Apt. unfur. 951 N. Winter. Heatedptai. prlV,! bath 432 AlAriont WSLX furnished nu and ants. for rent at I2l Basel Ara. Tat 7SI4. . , ' FURNISHED BUNGALOW APT 8. In Oak Villa Court. 125.00. Adults only. i7 M1U St. TeL 129. 1, t and S R. fur. apt. $10 up. Lifiht, water, garage. 1421 N. Church. Cloaa In. modern steamheated fur- nlahed and unfurnished apartment Palace Court apartment Phone 840. 8trattoa apt 2 rm. fur. apt, elec. ranee and refrig. Strictly modern. 57t N. Whiter. FOR RENT HOUSES iron kknt Fiats ror aauita to rooma fSO te 140. Aieo housea etc BECKS ft HENDRICKS 160 North High Street Best rent .JJf . FOR RENT Some modern home". furnished and unfurnished. Melvin Johnaon. Phone 91 9t. Furnished and unfurnished houaea R. A. FORKNER, 1610 N. Cottage. Phone S03L Good 6 R. house. $20. TeL 6980. .6 R. modern. Close in. TeL 6683. Mod. bungalow. Inquire 696 N. Cot tage. 2 modem homes. 6 and 7 rooms. CaU lOOt N. 6th. Nearly new. modern. room house. 2&. Tel. 06. 6 R. house, 1 unfur. TeL 5691. AVAILABL.K OCT. 15: FOUR- ROOM MOl 'EKN BUNGALOW NEAR 8TATEHOUSR; BASEMENT, FUR NACH, FIREPLACE. SHADE. FLOW- POINTMBNT. PHONE 7625. FOR RENT S room cottage, part ly furnlahed. mo. TeL 6977. -a-FOR RENT FURNISHED JJT.60. Strictly , modern bungalow, R. $36. Strictry tnodern. bungalow, 4 R bone for $30'3&-$20-316. UNFURNISHED HOUSES $ 8-$10-$l$-$16 up to $10. For houses, SEE BECHTEL ft THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. Modern bungalow. 250 S. Cottage. Mod. far. 6 room flat Over-stuffed furniture rest to correspond. Elec washer, cleaner. Furnace heat. Front porch. Garage, etc 066 N. 6th. FOR SALE Real Estate RALE Five room house furnished. fruit and walnut treea $2200. 140 acre farm 6 miles out. all clear, bottom land, $60. per acre. r. im wwu, Bayno Building sMSjSSsMSsMVssssassssseSaSasSMSaSSA KfiTlTH SALEM HOMES $1150. room English type home, basement, xurnace, nrepiace, uai floors, rice view, nice lawn and shrubbery. $100. down, $35 per mnnth. $2650. 0 room home, basement, good location, lot tviuv, apples, cner- ries, walnuts and peara $100 u down. $1000. to lfn at'6H. $20 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone S796. Threa or six choice lota 7 -room semi-modern plastered house, fire place, basement, etc All lota covered with Linre nut. fruit and ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice view, pavea street, two garages. Bedrock price, terms. Sell all or part Near Junior high and grammar schoola. Owner, 766 comer Rural and Winter Sta. Phone 8854. FOR SALE House. S bedrooms. nice yard, cherry trees and shads treea Pavf-d street. Close to Leslie school. $1706. $50 down. $25 month. including interest. la TV so. cottage. SOUTH SALEM HOME 3100. down. $40 per mo. 6 room Eng lish type nouse, east ironi, nice lawn and shrubbery. In fine con dition, fine view, close to schooL A bargain at $4160. 350 down. 6 room bungalow. In fine condition, close to school and bus line, paving pd. $1950. $1000 and $2000 to loan at 64. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. a Bank Bldg. Pbona 6796 t furniBhed bungalows for rent. MELVIN JOHNSON FOR SALK OR RENT Modern room house. Phone 4581. mf000p0000000000000000000000000 SPECIAL A 1 acre tract close to city limits. has a neat 4 room bungalow with bath, electricity and deep well water, i atntmitiinna of fruit and small ber- rlea Price for few days only $3100 with $600 down. baL $20 per month including Int. Houaehold furniture can h. had at low coat. Don't fan to see this If yon are In terested la a suburban pome., SEE Mrs. Ellis with lkq N. CHILDS CO- Realtors 220 State Street Phone 6708 s . ... . ' ; ! "Fertile Fields- -. ; I ; i ' - ! i : I ' ' - mmm. i I J i I . 1 ' i . - I .-: SUJ S I .lit 1 . nil . I t I I i. .1 ' 1 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S rm. plastered house on corner lot, very good condition,! modern except baaemant, fruit, paving paJd. $1360 require cash payment of 660 to get this bargain. Ton mint act nuickly. ! rail strlctlr modern and beautiful trees, tJ76. ; ; ij:, - . , WINNIE PETTTJOHN", ReaUor . 175 South High Street FOR 8 ALB OR TRA1K Aut camp on Pacific highway. Phone owner S50S. v . ' lu , i- -t - I FOR SALE Br owner. 1 lots. room house on paved atreet. Fruit treea For S30S0. Terms. 150 Rural Avenue.: , i ins : EXCHANGE Real Eatatt Duplex; exchange lor Baiem. vai no I70OO. A. J. WlUard. 644 W. Stb St.. - Eugene. ' 6-room modern home, furnlahed or unfurnished. Fresno, California to trade for farm or improved acreage near Salem. 135 & Luther St," Salem. TeL 7105. ...," i . . DIVCHICS TO TRADB . 5-Acrea, good improvements, doe la. Trade for city property.' 5 4-A ere a, fair improvementa, 35-A. Cul- tivated. - 16-A.i timber. 1 trade for city property, good roads, price $3600.00. 36 -Acres, good- Improvements, good mulL ttrtce '33600.00. 26-A. cul tivation. 10-A. timber ; trade for city property or small ranch. ' 40-A. River bottom, sandy loam. Fair improvements, cows, team ana farm Implements, ! price fSSOO.01; a good buy. ; SEARS ft TUCKER, Realtors . 131 . South High - EXCHANGE For Boseburg property, either city or suburban, zs acres stocaea ana equipped. S room house, elect rio lights, barn, outbldga. S registered Jersey cowa, good horso and usual farm tm plementa. Located 1 ' mile from good small town close to Salem. Price i500. What ha-a your i LEO N. CHiLOS co., Realtors 320 State Street - Phone 6701. OAKIjAMT- for SALEJI Beautiful, home In Oaklahd. Calif. value 35500, dear to trade for home in Salem. , ', SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phono 6701. TRADE Two amall houses Medford 32000. for Salem home. 30 acres. 10 under Irrigation, running water, shads and fruit treea modern-houae $10,- 000. for farm near Salem. ; Also two good houses Medford. 36000. for Sa lem. Two good houses for largo house close In. A good seven room bouM for smaller house, is acre tract close in. $5500. for smaller tract. 8 acre mod ern house close In, $4500. for larger farm. Two houses close In $6000. for Spokane. 10 acres close In $3000, for house. i Federal farm loans, 6.: F. L WOOD Bayne Building FOR SALE FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS Almost given away. Buy now at bed rock prices lis A., stock ea ana equippea; ww. 3a A, J3est soil, nouse. Dam 10 A., good improrementa, creek, electricity i ; j 1500. t A., good land ; a snap 750. 1 A. 4 R. house, fruit, snap X200. ltt A. 4 R. Louse, electricity and terms L- . i 139. For The Bst Buys In Farms SEE BECHTKL or THOMASON Sll Stat Street ACREAGE Wa ha.va a nlendld stock ranch- I4t acres, 80 acres tillable, good house, $ barns, running i water, owner wants unimproved clear land or Income, 20 acres, fair Improvements on pave ment near Salem, best of land for Sa lem home. i j McGIfcCHRISX ft X MWi 1U 200 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 4838. WANTED REAL ESTATE WSaaasasaayssassSssass WANTED Salem home of 6 or 6 rooms not to exceed $2600 Talus that will accept two second mortgages and a vacant lot as part. - ! LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Pbona 6Tt. Business Opportunities 000000000000000000000000000 nnsiNESs Good restaurant, good location, for sale on terms. : 1 AUTO CAMP ! North Pacific highway, 11 cabins. nna a-as rramD. ) cabins have snower bath and water system, xraae xor ranch.- SEK SEARS ft TUCKER 133 South High i General merchandise business in cluding nost office which pays $100 ter mt- or more, to exenange ior lann and equipment. Get in touch i with us immediately.,- will assume gooa sue mortgage. '. i t I SHIELDS ft BLAKR1 Bldg. ' : Tel. Ore eon "901. MONEY TO LOAN 000000000001l00000000000000Sh000 PERSONAL LOANS I UADBP on furniture, cars, I salaries sr other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need ses us before closing a loan. ! GENKRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION i i First National Bank Bids. Phone $553 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPUB On plain notea, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. - 1 . STATE IXVAN COMPANT 111 Ore. Bldg. i tnd floor Office hra 10:00 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. Telephone 77(3 Licensed by State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced i Arrange to reduce your paymenta Ton keep the car. i ' P. A. Cor. Uberty Phono 4733 St. and f'errv Sateen. Ore. CTTT AND FARM loans at lowest rate. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex port advice and service in all line a HAWKINS Si ROBERTS lino TeL 4109 i 3ti Oregon ; Bldg. Sta. but how r (am!-) ff . J MONEY TO LOAN Heard ring out i is really, KOTN daOr loan servtco that, really, different. NO DEDUCTIONS . NO FEES NO OTHKR CHARQES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST; STRICT PRIVACT . QUICK AND COURTEOUS BKRYZCC ON LOANS $10 t $300 Beneficial Loan Society Or OREGON Room 11 New BUgfc Bldg. tad Floor lit State St. TeL 3-T-4-0. - LICENSED BT BTATH LOANS WANTED WANTED Prtvata money ta oa real 'eetate.- , W. H. GRABKNHOR3T ft CO. REALTORS . , 124 8. Uberty St. Tel S4. FOR SALE WOOD m0000000000U000000000000000000 i DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, Ml and fuel oa CaU oa as for price. We giro good measarsv good auailty and arkbr 'transfer 'ft BTORAa TsUwheas $131 oharanteed DRT Wood -coat TeL. 6000 Salem Fast C. T6S Trade. 00t00000000l00000000l0000 Dry wood. TeL TtTT. ALL KINDS, Vny length. Call 8138. All kinds of wood. Hoke, 26 F3 2. 000P00000000S0S00000000000t00l For wood, can 422S. For good wood phone 2ISS. Tracy's wood yard, m00000000000000000S00000000000k For 8aJe Ash 16 .$6.00 cd. Ash ft. . 6.76 cd. - 5.00 cd. Old growth Doty IS" Seooad arrowth. lanra 16" . 1.76 cd. secoad growth, largo re s.wo ca. Alder 4 ft. .. 6.10 cd. Delivered. Tel 12S-F22. - OH ffr 16 miwmer rrtc. Cltl. WOOD SAWING sjsisiSsiasSiasaaaaaa WOOD 8AWINQ. TEU 581. 0000000000000000000000000000Jjk Wood sawing. Robin a TeL 046$. Wood sawing reasonable. Tel. ittO. LOST and FOUND ring. er rati I. Berlnger. 6707 FOR SALE USED CARS 0000S0000000000f0rs0js000000000 Qood-Wii! Used Cars BOLD WITH A GUARANTKM 1 9 2 -Oakland Bedaa -l2-Pontiac Coupe 1937-Pontiao Coup 1 527-Oa.kiand Coup , .$SSS0 . sM.es . tos.ee . STS.OO 193S-Essex Sedan $11.00 19fi-Studebaker I.t Six Coach tlt.00 12-New Day Jewett Coach . 100.0S l27-Chevrolet Sedan 335.00 Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland Phone 0538 Pontlao used Car department S40 Chemeketa i McKay's Used Cars Are Guaranteed HERB'S A 1030 Cher. S Sedaa (like new) 1030 Cher. S Coupe , , , ,,, ., 1030 CheT. Coach 1020 G-P Light S Sedaa .$(, .000. . 47$. . 61$. . 17$ 1)30 Durant S Sedan 1030 A Model Ford j!ck up 1037 Oakland Coach perfect i . 600. 350 Sneelal 1930 Ford Sot Road. rumbio seat) . sis. All the above cars have the new li cense. McKay ChevroJet Co. "Whsrs Tou Get tha Big Dollar's Worth" i $33 Center TRIED TESTED TUNED New Car Service HUDSON GREATER 0 STD. SEDAN 1920 Model, trunk and other i extras. Finish like new $735 HUDSON SUPER SIX VICTORIA Earlr 1029 model. This car has new six ply Goodyear Urea, new $59 paint lo. completely overnaulea t ESSEX RUMBLE SEAT COUPE Lat 1030 model, run less than 10, 000 miles and Is perfect In every re snect i $625 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SB- DAN. First series 102a Trunk, new paint job, new tires and overhauled as needed ........ . . $525 Essex, rumble seat couph First series 1930 modet Challenger. Original finish extra good. New U, S tires. A-l mechanioallv $485 ESSEX SUPER SIX COACH i First series 1929 model. Finish like new. Trunk, wind wings and many other extraa New tlrea recondi tioned as needed . $351 ESSEX SUPER SIX SEDAN Second series 1921 model. $75 ever-i haul job oa this one. Trunk and other extraa Finish good, A-l rub ber. 50-day Service on Cars listed Below 1927 TYPE HUDSON BRO. 35 1920 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1920 NASH COUPE 1920 STUDEBAKER COUPH 1937 ESSEX-COACH 29C 27S m STATE MOTORS. INC. Hudson Essex Studebaker Dealers E3f Chemeketa Phone MOO. BUDGET PROPOSED SCTO, Oct. 8 J. 8. Sticha, B. D. Myers, P. II. MacDonald and; Frank Bartu hare submitted their report as members of the budget committee. They recommend td the city council that 1 4.13 J be spent for tha ec suing year. S S : - s ! nimnnrr STUDIES BEFORE 411 ClUB MACLE AT. 1 Oct. S The mem bers f tba 4-M elan wera enter tained fey ' tha . preelflent, Mrs. Marrtn Wells st her horns Wed nesdaf, 1st . an all day meeting. Hallowe'en .motif was earned out la tn decorations. In - tbs afternoon a short business ses sion rss-fceld. ? Dnrtag tha social hoar Mrs. Carson told s group ol stories. Mrs. M. . wens ana Mrs. . 11. k. Martin each gars a reading, Mrs. II. r. Fueatman : gars a . short talk o raising -tnrkeys and Mrs. M. Mi Ma gee spoke brletly on growing dahlias from seed. .' Tbs yen meeting of the- club will be held tha first Wednesday la Korember at the home of Mrs. J. V. C. Tekenbnrg. , Mrs. Robert Clark- was rs- celred into tha club as a member. Those present were Mr and Mrs. H. B. Martin. Mr. and. Mrs. Rob ert Clark. Mr anl Mrs., H. Fnest- msn, Mr. and Mrsi -J. F. C. Tek- ebbqrg, Mr. and Mrs. O. BL Ter- willlger. Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Helen Harlow, Mrs, O: Bowea, Mrs. M. M. Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Msr- vin Wells. Students Accepted For Oregon Normal School's Orchestra MONMOUTH. Oct. t The Oregon Normal" school's orches tra met Monday evening in the auditorium for preliminary organ ization, and these students were accepted as members: 1 Violins,-Irene Bush, Rnth But- or, Mary Comn, Frances croog. Anna Derlln, Laura' Embree. Ha zel Espedal, Alma Gronbeck, Pau line Hart, Lewis High, Odeipna Hosklns, Iola Houghton, Louise Humphreys, Lois Linneu, jsna Business AMUSEMENTS Bala Oolf Cenrae 1 miles south on River Drive. IS hols watered falr- srays, large green a tees so. aunav BATTERY ELECTRICIAN H n Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, ear ner Court and Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING iinm n ramsden Columbia Bicycles and repairing. SST Court. The beat In bicycles and repairing. TelillS. H. W. Scott. 147 B. UWI l CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4150, R. EL Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O U SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 361 N. High. TeL Rea 8573. dra SCO FIELD. Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Valeterta. TeL 0182.- FLORISTS ALL kinds of fleral work. Lots Flor ist. 16th Market. TeL BSZ- CUT Flowers, wedding bouirnjta funeral wreaths, deeorattona- C. F. Brelthaunt. flortat, si utate dow. Tel 094. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop. 10 Court. Hoosecleaning Floor Waxing Mn antrrhlnff that's Dalnted Capitol Window Cleaners. Phone 3778, GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. Tet 498 or T00O. INSURANCE BECKB N. High tTENDRlCKS its TeL IT WILLA METTE INi AOEXCT Wm. Bllven. Mgr. fTrclnalra RnttevWa Agent 1t UmlK Bids TeL T90S LAUNDRIES THB NEW 8 A LESS LA UN DRT Tirte WK1DEH LAUNDRY SOS & High TeL I U CAPITAL Cm LAUNDRT "w Wash Everrthlns In Lax TtHmhani SI SB 1t4 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory te home. Ask hnni mi, vmi 1 1 i r i inis Renovat ors s.nd fumlgatora Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4000. 1010 North Capitot. UHHtlil I . Mae Murdock. Ruth Eeksel, 8el mer Sererson, Rachel I Utlov; clarinets, Helen LaMar, Robert Loucks. Arro Rabkola, Kenneth Roth, John Tjglow. 1 ! j- Cornets, Lewi : Maxwell,! ! Nor man ' Rothj . trombone. . Esther Dunton; saxophones, Cljds Lsra bee, Helen Ralph; . xrlephone, KrUtlna Kallander; piano, t Mar- Jorla Vanca. r -'. , ' Miss Grace Manrle Mitchell director. ' J ': '1; !-r ' Art:Banyards Movo To Newberg, Where He Has Employment BROOKS, Oct. S. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bahyard, who haTe llred new Brooks for several years, hate mojed to Newberg, where j Ban yard has employment for 4he win ter. Mr. and Mrs. William Buch anan and family hare moved ' to South Bottom,- where Buchanan will be employed -In thai Jerman hop ranch. ' ' - ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bixler hays as their guests their daughter snd family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike White and son Teddy of Gordon; Neb, They expect to locate In Oregon. lfo violet Watlae : of. West Salem is risitiAg at tha horns of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank 8nyder. She is a niece : t Mrs. Snyder. , Harry Wells Calls Meetinflr of P.T.A. SILVERTON, OcL & -U' Plans are being laid tor the first' meet ing of the Silrerton Teachers as sociation which will be held the night -of October 20. This asso ciation is the social center of the teachers in the local schools and is greatly enjoyed by them atL Herman Kramer was president of the association last year but as Mr.' Kramer Is no longer , her Harry Wells, rica president will open the meeting. Officers wilj be elected.;; -; 1 Directory MUSIC STORES OEO. WILL Ptanoa, Phono4 graphs, sewing machmea, sheet musio. ana -piano studies, repairing pnonen t4 Street, alem. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMB l NO and general reoalr work. Oraber Broa. - iss sa . Liberty. Tel S4 1 PAPER HANGING Paper hantrlrg and painting. Ken man's Paint Store. IBS N. CornT. PHONH OLKNN ADAM3 I for hooasl dectwatlng, : paper hanging, tinting. etc Ftltawe worWin PRINTING FOB STATION ER T. cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind or frlntlng, call The Statesman Print ns OenartTnenL 216 8. Commercial! Teieohone 01 1. ROOFING El . Bey slats surface ' shlnclsa Let ns give you a free estimate on your roof. E.isy payments if desired. SER VICE ROOFINO AND PAINT CO. IS! State SL' TEL. 6800. if RADIO FOR very purpose, for every pn: AH standard sizes of Radio Tobea. EOFF ELEXTRICAX. SHOP. 84T Court Bt Tel tilt STOVES 8TOVE3 and stors repairing. Stores for sale, reballt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and lain, nop baskets, books, logan nooka talem Fence and Stove Worka SO Chemeketa Tel 4TT4. R B iFIetrtlng j TAILORS II D. H. MOSHCR Tailor for msa and wrmen. 474 Cotirt 8t TRANSFER . CAPITAL CTTT Transfer Ca. 12 Etate 8t TeL TT7S. DtstiibnUng, for warding and stomge our specialty. Get our rates. j : FOR local or distant transfer stor age, eaD 1111. Lenner Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally.; O 1 J ' BECKX 181 N. High HENDRICKS , i TeL 4T a M. BARLBj 234 N. High 8U I TeL M7I . J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4t Stat a TeL SST1 80COLOF3KT 41 BON" : 104-1 First Nat Bk, Bldsv Tel. tll i T. ULRICH tit State Street TeL t(Tt. r.i u wood 8tate St. j 411 TeL TIM HOMKR IX POSTER JTH State Bt. KJCALTT ca j- TeL Tilt W. H. GRABENHORST ftOO. 1S4 a Uberty Bt I Tat 4. By CUFF STERRETT Real Estate ; , ; Directory 6 ! - o VOTE SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX Ml - :. n ' raUITLANTJ. Oct f Noticea are posted that the jroters of Dist, No. lis - are asked to meet at Frnltland school houis October 17 at t p.m. to discuss, and rote whether or; not a gpaclal tax shall be called for to meet expenses of the coming school year. . L. E. Brown is recorerlng: from a serera attack of rheumatism. . School is progressing nicely un der management of Mrs. Hedrick and Mrs. Schnlz. Books were re ceived last week. Paul .1 Bandy of Portland has been spending a few days with his grandfather. Clark fiundy.- Funeral; Rites are Today for M. Lien; Had Short Illness SILVERTON, Ootp 8. Matthias Lien, 68, died suddenly Tuesday night after t 20 minutes illness. Heart trouble was the cause of his. death, Funeral arrangements, in. charge Of Jack & Ekman, will be held from Immanuel church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment $X Evans Valley ceme tery. I ' --!.t ."!.''' Lien was; born in Isorwsy Feb ruary t, 1863. He came to, the States 40 (years ago and for 21 years had lived at Silrerton. He is surrtTed by I his widow, Elna, a brother In ISouta Dskota and two brothers and. a sister ia Norway, Motorists Gleeful; Corners Now Paved SILTERTOX Octi 8. Sllrer-i ton-Salem motorists are appreciat ing- the, fact that, ths "corners' between here and Salem hare fi nally become7, pavedy Two yesrs sgo the' curres on these corners were made; "less so,", but the new stretches of road were unpared. At present a road crew ; is doing 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE I IS HEREBY! GIVEN That the undersigned, by an or der of the County Conrt of the State of Oregon; for the county of Marion, duly made and entered on the 28th dsy of September, 131, wss appointed executor ; of i the Last Will and Testament and Es tate of MARY E. GREENWOOD, Deceased. i-and that ;i he has duly o.n stifled as : snch execntor. 1 AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thei same duly Terifled as heqaired by law, Ur. him at the law offices! pf Jas. Q. Helttel. in the Cltr of Salem, Mirion County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 2d da of October, i3i. i :. I! .. m r-:--n . JAS. O. HELTZELi Salem, Ore gon. Attorney ror - Estate, i JOHN U I GREENWOOD, Exe cutor ot to; Estate .of Mary E. GreenwoodJ Deceased, ' Date of First Publication: Oc tober 2. 1931. Date pf Last Pub lication: October SO. 1831. O. 2- 9-16-22-20.1 li 'J, ' :-;-': Gross -Word PuzzI 1 I2 WiH l5 l6 17 8 I 32 33 If Sff- 36 37 "T" 38 - 37 HO I HI 1 ' 52 u 61 11 wz mbA HORIZONTAL, 1 short tot Daniel. 4 shelter " made ol canvas SV-moll p 12 adranced in years 14 female . hprse 15 farewell 17 rreemasoa 19 ooarage- 45 French -i eon jane- r . ?!.tion.: 49 boversM ; 60 part of t (2 collegiata t town p : posite i .windsosv ! - on tha i Thames. Enjrland . 84 English noblemea 54 seize i . 5 Jacob's trothef f 9 Incline m 41 Greek ffi M of war . 85 roleano la 11 10 tha I greand It sufflrjto fomplorat 5 deep mad J IT printer measnrs SS per .1 if ' petoaUf r tl delirious - Herewita la terday's pussla. r .ill i.sij l Ll reapons of warzars $1 trans, if -' . mitted H tS-4ower WU of a droei St Jetties ii .. SS prejadlea (hape4 42 perfonaat 44 eg ! H 4S prenoaa 4 Biblical ftrdW conaidersbls JmproTlcg on tha : corner on tha Central ilowell ! crossing. Both of the entrances of the roads from the south and the jiorth are being widened. Boy Breaks Arm as He Plays School Ball . H - ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Oct. 8 While playing ball at school Wed nesday morning, small Donald Reed fell and fractured; his elbow. Ho Is in a Salem hospital where he mnstiremaln for several days. Larkln Grice, . Lester Llppert snd J. B. Best left this morning by motor for Lake county where they will hunt deer for two weeks. They! will be. joined the first of next week by Ammog: Grice and Errin Simmons. MONMOUTli A daughter was born Tuesday: at n'Cdrrallis hos pital,! to Mr. ; and Un. O. Chrlstensen. This is their second child." Chrlstensen it' t faculty member of the Normal school. NOTICK OFiAPPOLVTniXT OF i EXECUTORS TO WHOM CONCERNED Notice is hereby .glfen that tha undersigned ' here been dnly ap- C tinted br the County Court of arlon County as Executors of the Last Will and Codicil thereto of Lottie A. Mercer, deceased, and have duly qualified as sueh. - All) persons having claims' against the estate of said deceased sre hereby required - to ! present them,? dnly Terified with proper Touchers, within six-mont11' from the date of the first publication of this notice, to the nadersignrd. Executors of the Law Office of O. W. Emmons I snd C. g." Emmons, Suite (308 Oregon Building, Sa lemj; Oregon. :f ; . U ; iMj. Dated snd first j pu aasaea, OC tober 0. lsSl. .$ ' ' W. L. MERCER. IRA U. alli.il- CER. EXECUTORS. V: Oi-W. EMMONS, C, 3. EM MONS. ATTORNEY FOR EXE CUTORS. O. -16-23-gO N. 6:1 XOTICK OP i REVIKW AM" JGQUALIZAtlON OF AS t SES8MEXT ROLL The STATE TAX v COMMIS SION Iwill attend ss a. board of equsllzation at . the Capitol in Sa lem,: Oregon, on the third Mon- day in October, 1921 snd pub- -. N . a. IS liclyl examine me assessment rou by. it iuade, and revlewthe same, and correct lilt errors In valua tion, '.description, f quahtltles or qualities -- of property .by it asj sessable and in apportionment. Ol assessments msde by? it; snd it shall be the duty of te persons and companies, to appear st the time and place appointed. Petitions or, applications for the : redaction or cbah ot ap portionment of a particular. ss sessment shall be made In, wrlt; lng. Terifled by the oa.ta of ths: applicant, its president, secretary, managing agent or attorney ia fact, snd be filed withi the Com mission during! the first week It Is by law required toV be in ses sion, and any petition or applica tion not bo made, refitted" and filed shall notr.be considered or acted upon. II i V" STATB TAX; COMMISSION. By John Hi Carkin, Secretary. -I" i H ! -S250-2-r-lf L01 Sicily 63 months (abbr.) 11 cease front action IS act j 15 Moham medans prinea 18 at ae tins) 20 pieces e VERTICAL. r 1 device ia a' ., 1 store to ; , , '1 check- a , . . draft v, ; 2 a second I time ; 8 birrs I -: homo f printer's I -l xnearara : prepares a xno India- rubber 24 chairs 29 all 2$ Interiads , 29 railroad (afcbr.f SI printer'g measures 82 to. glide ever ka S 8 refrain from nsinj 85 Sicily - (abbr.) 87 angry 38 fruit- 40 symbol tat tellurium 41 animals 48 ceremony 44 term of ' 8 tormenS t tramwaj. f expres sion af ' wondav i IS Hri'a I v S name taa soUtiea t yes X!.' !?. : rrtetlnj 47 organ ot sniell it restore te sbspe 81 U5Sz1in 68 natural (abbr.) Bf near tT esi-t 69 prciix CS) 4 I