PAGE TWO IITEBPL1 IS mm 1 B all o t on Acquisition of v..-; Plant or Upon Three Alternatives, Talk Continued from pas 1) legal tor tank tracks containing inflammable liquids to be parked In tit con 1 except for purpose of delivery of the contents of the trucks. ;; '' " -Ij A communication from the Sa lem ; Ad club, express!! disap proval on the part of that organ ization of a pending ordinance to license circular and bill distribu tors in the city, was read. The club feelJ. It said, that .such an ordinance will not be of much avail In curbing the littering of ards and porches with advertis ing matter. The letter was refer red ' to the ordinance committee. AldermanO'Hara announced to the council that the ways and means committee would meet Wednesday night at 7: SO p. sn. at the city hall to consider the 1932 budget. The meeting of the coun cil and Its advisory committeemen will be Monday night. October 1 O'Hara asked 4 the aldermen to name last .night the adTisory member each wou. . choose for the budget meeting' but only six "aldermen were Teady to announce their selections. These councilmen and the men named for the budget eommittee, were: Walter! Evans, Dr. H. H, dinger; David O'Hara. r. H. Paulus; Hal D. Patton, Max O. Bu'ren; W. H. Towasend. E. B. Millard; Henry Vandevort. Sam Endicott; Mayor P. M. Gregory, V. n. Henderson. I The council approved j resolu tions providing for the construc tion of 40 new sidewalks in the city. It delayed passage of an or dinaac relating to billboards. iiSPECTORS OPEN COH HERE i I ; . . - .. , ; f Continued from page 1) gavo an illustrated address on the 'History of the Elevator"; and a paper on "Adequate Wiring" read by Arthur L. Abbott, an official of the National Electrical) Manu facturers' association of : New York City. ; Mayor P. M. Gregory and Wil liam M- Hamilton of Salem wel comed the members of the con vention to Salem. Responses were made by A. H. Patton. of Seattle, and Victor H. Tousley, electrical field engineer. National Flr Pre vention association. Among the outstanding engin eers here were William S. Boyd of Chicago, and W. J. Canada, en gineer with the National Electri cal Manufacturers association of Sew York City. ' i TEACHERS i LEARM; PUPILS IE IDLE n Cntinued .from pag D ! members of the' craft used it as a stepping stone to other Jibs. He said prejudice against married teachers was not Justified in Instances -and declared that the married teacher often provided the .most sympathetic understands tnr of children's problems. Curtis warned against the use; teaeher tenure laws to keep ln eompetent teachers In positions rvknd to promote failure on the part of teachers to grow professional- Qnlacy Scott, ; Oregonlan ; car toonist, drew a large audience to hii j departmental appearance Monday afternoon when he gave an Informal address and illustrat ed, with rapid sketches in which he secured participation from a number of hla listeners. . Departmental ; leaders at the morning session Monda y Includ ed: Dr. C. C. Dauer. W. A. Del lell. Mrs. D. A. Hoag. R. W. TaTenner Mrs.! Ellen. Fisher. Dean Collins, Beryl-Holt, Frances Wright, Laura V. Hale. Merritt Davis,' V. D. Bain. Leaders of departments at the Tatternoon meeting Monday in cluded Ida Mae Smith. Ruth Dra per.. Grace Sehon, Mrs. D. A Hoag. Edna Spenken, Qulncy Scott, Helen M. Guise, , Ethel Hickey. Merritt Davis. V. D. Bain. Arthur V. Myers. The program for today follows: Forenoon 9 :0a General assembly, ; Mu sic' Violin Solo. Selected Ira Claire Love. Oregon State Teach ers'. Association ! Election. Ri IV. . Tavenner, presiding. j ;S0 -"Open House" Salem schools. 1 .1:30 Noon Intermission, j Afternoon ; 1:16- General assembly. Marlon county division O. S. T. A. (Busi ness meeting). . 1:46 Recess. . I -1:56 Elementary grades.; Prl ary Chlldren'si Books, KdnaiMtn gus. First intermediate "What Shall We Assign for Independent Study?" Ruth I Draper. Second - intermediate Activities for In termediate Grades. Agnes . Booth. Advanced Concrete Examples of fteneli Foot Bwwarw Athlete's Foot Why avffer from the queer skta disease causing serera itching of IYi?r?:.Rtn8rworm' Trench Fo o7 Hand Itch, when you can avoid In. 2lnS. kly your akin TllPl- Nlaon-a Nixoderi? Based Janoum English Hospital ror mala, 4tscorered by a leading Lon don akin apeclalist tr. Nlxonfr dena acta with alniiiiwc need .hil - -A PRRRY'S i DRUG STORE US 8. Commercial r FRENCH-GERMAN JOINT DELEGATION MAY COME O ' : HT -f. , ; O ; ; ' " . - i .. - , .... v . I i. . . . :. . ' . -. . :v. .v: .-:-. :- '.... .' 1 'V. :--:-: :-5yA;.v.-,-S .. -N-.-;-. I t t 1 . !-": V5 v-: :- y I j ; . ZS- "v - ji. , . -i' . - is-.' f. v x ' If ' l " , 'win i irmii'WiiPiwwr""ju ' ' II,,.; wrwwtwwtst1- . V' S . 'Ijltimniir ! I'rmimiiiK "niiinii.iiiniiiiiiilii rriilinv1 n I in rr run r hidiih ) n y i " ' -v - - - .. - . - . i ir I Tk iHtui spctacU f CrBaa and Frnck ttatMmti actiag m coacrt tr tk "ii gd mmj b witaMJ ! WatiuaftM, D. C. Uua nontk if tkr U any tratk ia ;tb rmmaar aw rV tk rovada ia Berlin, rraaiar Piarra Laval af France, wka U visiHag Carman v witk Foraiga MiaUtar ArUUda BrUad, is said ta kava ceatmaaicatcd witk Pan! CiaatUl, Fraack AMikaasadar to tka Ualtad Stataa, aak-j iag kim to aoaad aat tka United States Gevernmeat en' its i willingness j to inclnda Ckancallar HainHcki Bmeaiag and atkar German sUtossaen in the invito Uan which it sent to Laval to visit Washington thisi aaanth ta center with President Heever en Interna tieaal financial arokleaaa. This gesture may he an tker atea towarde ceaientiac the twe kelieved irreceacibla ' natleae in a hand ef friendship. Laval) aad kn ceairere received a treataaaoas evatien wben tker arrived ia Berlin. Tbey ware the first F reach etatesnea to he received hy President Ven Hindenbnrg since the war and tka frieaaTy treatment ae cerded them in the Germancapital may have heen the caase ef the renerted gestnre of amity ef fared hy Franca. Plans far the anmered jeint delegatien to the" United States are helieved to have heen dis anned at a dinner ia hener ef the French visiter given by Dr. Julias Cnrtias, GermaaT's Fereiea Minister. Discipline, Mrs. D. A. Hoag. Jun ior High School "Some practical Techniques of Directed Study", High school. English Coach ing the High ScLool Play, Margar et Burroughs. : Social Science How We Teachers May Interest Pupils In 'Modern Problems Round Table. James D. Miller, leader, i Science and Mathematics Teacher Problems Discussions led by Dr. A. E. Caswell. Home Economics The Use of Problems in Teaching Home Economics (continued). Helen M. Gulss. For eign Language Round Taple Discussion led by Ethel Hickey.. Commercial teachers' Association, Merritt Davis, chairman. Princi pals' association, V. D. Bail, pre sident. Health Education Con ference. Nursing District No. 6. Assembly Room Rural School Conference, led by Superinten dent Fulkerson. 2:40 Recess. 2:50 General assembly Mu sic -Vocal solo -Do Not Go My Love Hagemann, Bernlce Rick- man. Address Some Criteria of a Good Class. Period Dr. Fran cis D. Curtis. Attendance certifi cates. Adjournment. Rev. York Ends Revival Series In Wheat Belt Rev. Ray E. York. D. D. of the Temple Baptist church closed a series of evangelistic meetings last Friday at Grass Valley, Ore gon. The meetings lasted ten days. The Impressions made upon the community we-re deep, and the church was greatly revived. One of the special features of the campaign was a Bible class of high school young people which met at 7:00 each evening. Dr. York led them through a study of "What Js My-Soui?" and "Why Does My Soul Need to Ba Saved?" He returned to Salem Saturday night. . Life Insurance Slayers Guilty Jurors Decide DETROIT. Oct. 6 (AP) Mrs. Rose Veres, 48. and her 18-year-old son, William, were found guilty of first degree murder to night by a Jury which tried them for the death of Steve Mak, a roomer at Mrs.; Veres' home, on whose life she carried insurance policies amounting to about 14000. The verdict, wbich carries a life Imprisonment sentence, was re turned after three hoars delibera tion. . . ; . j GRAND aoup or salad Ueat or Hah ; poutoes VegetablM Braad and Butler or RoSa . , j n : or Pudding and Drtnk The The. White House, The Call Board By OLIVE M. DOAK Today Charles "Chic" Sal in "Star Witness." i Wednesday William i Haines and Irene Purcell in "Just a Gigolo." Friday "Pen rod and Sam. C.HPITOL Today William Boyd, Lily; Tashman in "Murder the Clock." Wednesday Richlrd Arlea in "Caught." Fridar Leo Carrillo In "The Homicide Squad." j GRAND Today Jane; Gaynor "Daddy Long Legs' la HOLLYWOOD nk JYVwieav fl A VV pAnrU Ifl Take This Woman." Wednesday Paul - Lukas In "Women Love Once." w Friday - Leslie Howard in "Never the Twain Shall Meet." J ........ V.....J. If you have not seen Chic Sales in his first screen picture, "Tj he Star Witness don't cheat your self any longer for the plcturej Is one of the best to appear for a long time In the estimation of myself. I The theme is one to be bravply applauded. It has to do wjth gangs but from the angle of go ing about to systematically ;: get rid of them rather than to show them fn a romantic light. ii j I The acting is splendid, therai fa humor as well as tenlse situa tions, and there Is action. You will like" it and call it differ ent", I am sure. S j The club women of Salem fare expressing their satisfaction oter the two shows which will be giv en as weekend performances j4n connection ' with thef Mickey Mouse programs. A remonstrance was made concerning j some jof the shows presented In connection with this program heretofore, and how pleasure Is being ex pressed by the club women con cerning the manner in which Manager Earl Rice if cooperating in getting in the sort of shbws that has been requested. I j This next weekend j will be "Penrod and Sam", an unusually fine picture for both adults and children and the next! weekend ALL THIS WEEK 1 DADDY OUG aajWtt UXTCT ZA1 T7 OREGON STATESMAN, Salesf. Oregon, Tuesday kornfng, Akistide 50AWD. will be an all-comedy program with Laurel and Hardy In "Par don Us" and several other short er films of comedy nature. A dislike of the grocery bust- f ness brought John Arledge to the , screen. The youthful actor, who plays the part of Warner Baxter's col legiate rival for Janet Gaynor'a affections, in "Daddy Lot g Legs," which opened Sunday at the Grand theatre, was born In Crockett. Texas, and was attend- i ing the .University of Texas when j hfa father's death recalled him to j take charge of the latter's whole j sale grocery. 1 ; The business did not appeal to i young Arledge,' however, and be l lng a first-class pianist, he Joined 1 a vaudeville company, went into ; legitimate drama, and was on the j stage in Los Angeles when DI- rector Alfred Saatell. then cast ; lng for "Daddy Long Legs," saw j his performance. A test- for the role soon followed, along with a Fox Films contract, and the crlt Ijes are now hailing John Arledge ajs one of the most promising finds- of the year, j The cast which supports Miss Gaynor and Warner Baxter in "Daddy Long Legs" h an Impor tant one. Un Merkel last seen In "Don't Bet On Women" and "Six Cylinder Love" has a 'fea tured role with such celebrities as Claude Gillingwater. Kathlyn Williams, of "silent serial fame', Louise Closser Hale. Elizabeth Patterson. Sheila Mahnors in prominent parts, to name but a few. . I The film play was adapted in continuity and dialog by Sonya Levien from the famous stage play of the same name by Jean Webster.) CABLES REGRET LONDON, Oct. 6 fAP) Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon ald .sent I a cablegram of condol ence to Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow tonight on the death of her hus band. . I HOLLYWOOD 25c Home of it Talkie A HOME-OWNED THEATRE LAiST TIMES TODAT Mary Roberts RLVEHART challenges modern marriage! This man doesa't know wedding rows don't mean what they say I "KIDS V-'?.2Ari tigtiranountGlcto . with Gary Cooper Carols) Lombard Also Hoy Friend Comedy ijsrrs DO THINGS" News Cnrtooni Oomedy STATE Fllll 1DDED ISPAYItiB FEATURE Horseshow, Races. Premium List all in the red, Gehlhar Reports The state fair rodeo, an attrac tion for the first time this year, was the best paying event of the entire program, according' to a fi nancial statement released yester day by Max Gehlhar, head Of the state fair by virtu of his office at head of th department of agri culture. - Receipts for the nine days this year were about S per cent abort of those for last year, with total paid admissions 962.542, as against IC8.368.15 a year ago. Last year the fair was open only six days. Sunday's continual rains held paid admissions down to $574.25, as compared to $2886.25 taken In the last day in 1930. The premium list, fixed by the old state fair board, will show a deficit of around 110.000, the di rector says. Last year premiums brought a $16,000 deficit. Rodeo Aids Races To Get Out of Red . Rodeo receipts will; take cafe of deficits recorded by th horse show and the races and will also provide funds for the new barns and other construction including monkey island and canoe canal. Deficits of the' horseshow, and faces had" not' been figured exact- Despite th deficits, -Gehlhar said receipts were satisfactory, conditions considered. : He ex pressed opinion that a six-day fair would be better. Sunday's, chief attraction was the sacred music concert given in. thn horse show stadium by 150 members of church choirs from Portland and Salem, with William H. Boyer, Portland, directing, and Prof. T. 3. Roberts and Miss Betty Bedford, both Salem, acting as accompanists. About 1000 persons heard the sacred music, which was preced ed by a 15-minute concert by the Hood River band. Exhibitors started , removing their displays Sunday afternoon, and by yesterday things were pretty well cleared out. Some of th. horses will be kept at the grounds until the Pacific Interna tional opens. Cancellation of All War Debts Urged by Party SCARBOROUGH. Eng.. Oct. f - (AP) The annual conference of the labor party today urged that new international negotia tions be started Immediately to cancel all war debts and repara tions. This position was expressed in a resolution presented by Arthur Henderson foreign secretary in th recent labor government and now leader of the party in place of Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald. The resolution was one of sev eral that form th platform on which the anti-MacDonald labor forces will stand in the next elec tion. District Meet Of Methodists Slated Tonight A district convention of the Methodist ministers is to be held this evening at the First Metho dist church. A banqjiet will be served at 6:30 ia the church din ing room. 1 Bishop Titus Low, Portland, may not be able to de llrer one of the principal ad dresses, as scheduled. He was forced to cancel all engagements yesterday as result of an attack of ptomaine poisoning suffered CROWDS DAILY SALEM HAS ENDORSED THIS r GREAT SHOW WITH EN- II I i V II lJ THUSIASM - wxva 'mm4 CMAALSS tMicrtAu STARTS TOMORROW HE HATED WOM ENBUT POSED AS A GIGOLO AND SHE FELL FOR HIM AND HOW! William - --it 7' rv.iV j: ' '5 Ocioper fr, 151 BELIEVED LOST IN ATLANTIC I .;... f,.J'i2:if(Ay - ; x ' "s '. - - y ' ff? :!'-. . , t . . v -:-.-. -.: -:.- : '. ,.Tv : .. : . X .:."::-... 5 5. c. 4 ' ' ' i " fc . .is.' ,v: -.- I , if-xt .;. . . :V : v ! I . -r " a ' fwy- -J U A a-V. I ac jJ: : ' '- t A I Tl-sl Setting aafl-from Barcelona,; Spam, Maj, 25, la 2S-ooi boat, TA,A. B1.k. fimu. finettiah tachr at the UBiTtlSliJ .iviwvi . v taut.. . , - , . . I of Idaho, nd his wife and daughter are feared lost la the AOanUc. It is believed that the tamuy naa uenaea io dhh n TT" no news has been received of them since their start from SpaxuaJtt , port. Top phot ahowa Professor Alferich. hii daughter, ralu. f or whom the, boat was named, and Mrs Alferich. r Lower panel ahowJ the littia craft in whici thcr braved the Atlantic - J Sunday night. ; i H. K. Mondol of Indian will be th other main speaker. A mass meeting will follow th dinner;, beginning at 8 o'clock. Methodists from about 40 churches In this district will attend. Byers Requests -; Rehearing Upon Ouster Decision Hearing of the. appeal of David Lee Byers, Sutherlin school prin cipal, whose certificate to teach in Oregon was recently revoked by C. A. Howard, state superin tendent of schools, will not be set until Governor Meier returns to Salem. Governor Meier Is a member of the state board of ed ucation. ; Byers was charged by Mrs. Ed ith Aekert, Douglas county school superintendent,- of being "too friendly" with some of his teach ers. It was alleged by a number of witnesses at the previous hear ing held by Mr. Howard that By ers had patted th teachers on the knees and had taken other . lib erties with them unbecoming! a man at the jhead of a public school. People Who do Things Scarcer, Morrow Quoted WASHINGTON. Oct. 5 (AP) From Dwight ; W, Morrow, Nw Jersey senator who died today, to Dwight W. Morrow, Jr., his eon, went the following advice of a fa ther to a son entering Amherst collece: y v ! Two kinds of public make.ip this world; one kind does things; th other kind claims credit for dolnr thinrs. The second class is pretty well crowded, but there's plenty of -room lor you in tne first class." ;j WEST ORANGE. N. J.. Oct:l (AP) Thomas A. Edison to-1 day maintained th alight Im provement noted la ' his condition after a six hour sleep. j : LAST TIMES TODAY iaa.; ri 1 "' ' 1 t " ; - i ' A- I WARNER BROS. NEWS SHORT SPECIALTIES 1 V .VI, ... ... y, Bonj in a buUeUn 1 at 5:30 p. m. said: j ,lr" " : ''-M f l- "Mr Edison hat had a comfort able day. He enjoyed his food much more (than yesterday. At: no ttm through v his : illness has h suffered any pain.f " ii , Tariff Problem i Looming Before Pan-Americans WASHINGTON. Oct. .- (AP) -Tariffs, a subject packed with high explosives, today engrossed delegates from, 21 American re publics, meeting her to discuss ue jecoBoniK SHOtusn. -. 'Even before th conference for mally convened. the Cubans serv ed notice they would propose a two i years true in : import duties. 5 They contended high and in creasing tariffs were a principal obstacle to business recovery. ; in Duymq... you save in ipsf to r?ff BAKING 0 YEARS IS ounces for 25$ mrrn aOir. I tAn "aj ONE MAN IS MURDERED TWICE . ' A THRILL in ever' i H SHIVER! A mur- j j , e dered man comes i i , to life and, with- , I ' n in an hour is mur- h !j dered again! BURIED V" s J Hear the weird siren alarm from the cemetery which warns that a women has been burled alive. In th thrilling story of murder that clicks with the clock.! ' See with William Boyd Liljan j Tashman i Regb Toontey -. M': -1 Adults r 25o Anytim Kiddies W 10c Xoges S5 LAST HUES TODAYI llatlne Dally a . CIICII CUFETEIlli'i . ..... i -. f.lrrrnaodl serTOd 5300 meaii. B of about $2500. during the eyen days It was open aanns v Rev. Hugh B. Foufce. pastor, saia yesterday. The place was no j open sunaays. Receipts this year fell aeiw thousand dolUrs I short of last year, when th, cafeteria fed fOOj persons in irr aja. :( f v. TinMi rheaoer this year, as supply costs wer . .v. 1AA mpmhers Of th church volunteered their aeryice - during the wee. Mrs. r. zier was in general charge of th cafeteria and Us organiration. ThU is the ISth year Jason Le church has served meals at th grounds, each year me money ing used for some apecial enter prise of the congregaw- " .i . . oTmrrh debt was paia off. 'the parsonag as built with lair earninsa, r-j - on thbj to be made with th prof It this year. Profit; will probably; run Close to ' . H I ii )rence is 1 Asked to Back Silver Parley, WASHINGTON,! Oct.' 6 (AP) The Pad American commercial conference which opened her to day will be asked to go on rec ord la ' favor of an international silver conference. i ;? r A resolution favoring suck a meeting to study th depressed ntfoA nf mllrer and its remedies was being drafted tonight by del egates of the conierenc in col laboration with Senator iClng, democrat, Uta'h. ! Lr.5vi . . .4ft.. ' f -... r-j jawcane nan af OndsnL (WMtef natal Udedlen tnte mm4 MavvwLWy atn (weet ef nd Inckrdtn wrnaaen, mm aeeae aetata ks r-tiiliiiuni in far 90 cent. CkHdrna Mt tor. GOINCs OCT. 9, 1011 RETURNING! OCT. 19 (Hens by taldnlant Hsne rfta aaarsKi nla ' ROUND TRIP FARES TO D ESTIMATION I too 300 too lOOO i MttM , auus Mim Kate WJ AWAT AWAT WAT 2.T3 1 4.32I10.C3121.G0 Tkfcees need en nil trains naal J i A$k local agent t J I for detail J (la jEwxj LAr-.. ' I . i I !ALIVE! I -' I - STARTS 1 Ii LEO ' CARRILLO IARY BRIAN NOAH BEERY i- ii. 1.:. v i