AGS FOUH UTH OREGON STATESMAN, Salen. Oregon. SaiKrgay Mornin. October 3. 1931 i 1 . J ' a" l-r? - TC STATESMAN. iVevui 3fen4f. f?--rV.f,vW iotf , . . I: '..-i. -ii.' c . iAOrl it. i : 1 HUM .ecv i Vo Foror Sways Us; No Fear Shall AvjT. J, From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 ;" r . THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spraccte, Sheldon F. Sackitt, PubtUhert Chakles A. SntAGVK - Editor-Manager Sheldon. F. Sacxett Managing Edxtor Member of the Associated Free f . ':: (-;' ; The Aasoclated Prea Is axlueively entitled to h oae fw tioa all news dispatches credited t K or not etberwla credited to - this paper. - -, - 1- " -: - - 1 Pacific Ceast Advertising Representatives : Arthar W. Stypea, Inc. Portland. SeovrUr Bid Baa Francisco. Sharon Bldg. : Los Aaselea, W. Pac Bll Easter Advertising Representatives: Ferd-Paaona-Stectaer. lac -New York, 171 Madieoo Ave-t Chicago, tto N Mtelitean Are. t - Entered at tkePoe toff ice at Saint, Oregon, Seeond-Claet Hatter. ' Published every morning except Monday. Susjwess : office, US S. Commemial Street. - t ; 5 M , - . SUBSCBIPTIpN RATES: t JL- Mail Subscription ftats. m AfjaRce. Wlthia JOrMon !S?aVS" Sunday. I Mo. 60 cents: J . Mo. $1.25; t Mo. $. : t rear I4.SX E3 sew he re SO cents per Mo or $3.00 for 1 rear ta advance, Br City Ca rr1-r : 43 cents a month i $S 0 year to advance. Per Copy X cents. On trains end News-Stands 6 cents. y: . I j - An International House . j- VERY interesting feature pf Willamette university life this vear is the new International House just opened. It is a residential hall lor men or mnerent races wno are ivprsitv. "The tiurDOse is to promote inter racial and international fraternity through residence in the Jxme. The students residing in the home share the living YTwmu th sam? as in a club Mr. WilHam Hall, seniors ment, arje heading the organization.; During the summer they undertook the task of obtaining a suitable home and see imr that it was properly furnished. A number of Salem peo ple assisted in getting the project started. ! It has been a common with the foreign students in our colleges ana universities that they get little consideration in the program of social activities at" the school, rarely get to see: the inside of an American home; and so return to their home countries with an altogether false picture of American home life or no picture at all The writer can recall visiting the reading room ot the state college library on Friday or Saturday Bights and seeing the place almost deserted save for a small croup chiefly of foreign students. The "native 'whites' were out at fraternity dances, parties, or other! social functions. The foreign students were without social diversions. - Many of these students come from very good homes. , Some of them are of families of importance in their own countries. . When they return, with the added equipment of collage education and the experience of foreign residence, " they will become persons of influence in their home lands. It i is highly important to us and to them that their attitudes to ward us be kept favorablethat they carry back to their home lands a friendly feeling toward this country and its people. In wnrH whose mo viner forces are still those of passion and prejudice we need to cultivate understanamg ana twerauon. - . f So this International House, which is the fifth of its type on the American campus, undertakes to provide a real American home for those who reside there. In the group the following races are represented: Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Amerind, Afro-American, and American. Quite a mixture indeed; but as long 113 these separate races are trying to live on the same planet, do business with one another, why should they not-learn to know j one another in terms of social cul ture? - ! v ! : '' ' , , May we a (13 another thought, and that is that .the people of Salem should pay some attention to this group. Invite some of them to your home for dinner or an evening. You will find the-experience as stimulating to you as it is reveal ing to them. When this writer was in college there was a foung Japanese boy in his class. He earned his way through college by working in the home of a wealthy family. He was intelligent and (affable, j He was; not treated in the college community as a servant. In fact as - he was the only real "f oreigner"Jthere he received more than usual consideration. He won numerous forensic contests, nearly; always pitted against the writer's closest friend. Later he went to Har vard for graduate work.k-ow he is one of the leaders in the business and political life of Japan. What is his attitude to ward this country where he received his education?- one of the greatest friendliness. And we havent the slightest doubt ;hat the United States owes to him and to many other stu dents like him who received education and decent treatment fo'this country, obligation for the increasing friendliness in the relations between this country and Japan. You proud American citizen as you brush past a brown youth on the street, be not. discourteous. The lad may be governor of a Chinese province some day, or a foreign min ister of Japan, or a leader in the Philippines! h Go Slow on New Roads THEt provinces are being heard fronu Communities over the state intent on getting completed certain highway projects which have long been dear to their ; heart, are pro testing the plan to siphon millions out of the highway funds of the state for building a new speedway to the beach resorts from Portland. Bend and Klamath Falls led the protest. Now Medford expresses its fear that the much ballyhooed ' road to the sea will handicap and , delay road work in other .districts . . ' . ; ;! ' : At Clatskanie the Lower Columbia Associated chambers of commerce met and urged the pressing need of, widening, straightening and otherwise improving, the lower Columbia river highway. As the Astorian-Budget, which ia sympathe tic toward the ultimate building of the new road, remarks : ""There Is danger, with all this clamor and hullabaloo over short-cut routes from Pqrtland to the sea,, that: other established road projects throughout the state will be shunted to one side to give precedence to ohe or more new . projects far which sectional movements have developed. ' "It is time that other parts of the state find their voice and' urge their own claims for consideration.; particularly when many of these claims are of long standing and have a definite priority. At least expressions from other parts of the state would serve to counter the effort being made to stampede the highway commission into a hasty decision up on the matter ot the short-cut roads." : ' I1 '! - And the Bend Bulletin, whose editor served as a very capable member of the highway commission, comments in part as follows : I I ; j j ' Central and eastern Oregon have at least wakened to the fact that the immediate fconstructton of a short read from, -Portland to the sea will make Inroads on the state highway fund to such an extent that the long-awaited completion of their portions ot the state system will be etUX further de layed. Resolutions stating the case emanating from JLake vlew and indorsed by the Bend chamber have gone to the Highway commission, it is expected that the indorsement of other eastern Oregon communities will be received. Burns, ' ntari2 nd Pendleton being the cities chiefly Interested, This newspaper, as was recently stated here, recog nises the moral obligation of the state te p wide the Port land section with the cut-oft road that it desires ft belteves I : fdKih,at prt ot tn etat rtn lmo9t from : J the beginning-some, indeed, from the Wtoalngf the , T fM&"7 9TosTm. ItlsthisobligniontowhShthe -1 tt'ettUon' WP -' ew colns on iMonday caU It has been quite conclusively shown that other road - ork than the Portland beach resort will be more ef ficacioos this winter in supplying employment. There Is radical dif ference of opinion as to which route should be selected There is no monev on hand for pushing the building of this beach resort road through to early completion. Why not let the matter rest another year and devote available funds to finish .ruauis eureaay piannea 1 i f - ri, vi-T dr fraternity house. Mr. ana in the political science depart complaint from those who work friendships based on mutual .rcui'iiiii r oocu By VERNOJf X. DOUOLjLS. Mj D Marion Corner . Dept. of HelU If there Is an oTereoniamptioa of acid feeds In the Ualted States there ia orobablr aa aadercoa- anptlOB oc al kaline " roods; and i this 1 pit of the fact that maar of tho foodk KleaTlax an acid ash are of the m pre eipen- e I t . kinds. each, aa esss. meats,! refined cereals, while alkaline foods are cheaper! as well! as- more healthfot as a c4naral rule. . a. Dears It sU interest- ins to note that with ittft except tion of foods derired from grains, practically all the acid' foods were originally derired in part at least from alkaline ash vegetable life as it passed through -the ani -mal body and became (meat, fat. batter, or eggs for consumption by the " human. The i facts of course are acid - in effect, only when they ? are incompletely burned in the body. Carbohydrate serves as th fire ia which fats burn. Ther should be! sufficient to burn the fata. ; .rW ! Alkalines Enumerated Briefly the so-called I alkaline ash foods are, vegetables, .; nuts. milk and all fruits with the ex ception of prunes, plums, and cranberries which are only slight ly acid. Some of the foods which contain appreciable amounts or alkaline j ash are ' white ' beans. Ham beans, raisins, almonds, ear- rots, beets, peas, potatoes, let tuce, celery, milk and citrus fruits. These foods of course have other advantages besides be ing alkaline. Many of them con tain Important minerals i auch as Iron, calcium; and vitamins. well as some of the primary pro teins which help in the repair of the body. H An over consumption of alka line foodj will produce disagree able symptoms much. as: will the overconsumption of acid foods. As a matter, of fact, however,1 it is rather rare to find a person suffering from over ingestion ot alkaline foods while the symp toms of "acidosis" are very com mon. Although acid foods are more, expensive as a rule, 1 they are consumed In large Quantities because they are palatable, they are mere widely advertised, and since the advent of refrigeration because they have been: easily transported to great centers of population. ! Balanced Diet Explained To avoid the damages to heart, blood vessels and kidneys Which may follow prolonged over : in gestion of acid foods, such: as bread and meat, it is always wise to see that this bread and meat diet is properly balanced with some of the alkaline ash .foods such as fruits, vegetables and milk. Cereal acid in the morning should be combined with fruit and milk. Heat acid and potatoes and vegetables is a good combin ation.. Bread and milk, and bread. butter and Jelly are good. ; An easy way to work out a bal anced diet is to see that the acid and 'alkaline foods are properly proportioned in t'he meals throughout the day.; ! What health problem' nave yeif II the above article raiset any qitatioa in your mind, write That qseson ; eat ana Md it either to The 8ttmaa o the Uarioa eonntT department of health. Th amwer will appear In tVi colnoia. Kane noDld be iijncct bat w;ll not ! c$rd in r Paper , I : . , Yesterdays . . . Of Old Salem Town Talka from The States man of Earlier Days , ; October S, lSO "The ; Oregon National Guards; are at your service in 1 event troops are needed in Cuba," is the telegram Governor Chamber-i lain sent to the secretary of war yesterday. -;-"--: i The local train from Portland was an hour and a half late; last night. Trouble developing with the whistle caused a stop of over an hour for repairs at the car shops In south Portland. Activities of the city govern ment cost $9471 during the past quarter, the report - of Frank Meredith, city treasurer. shows, Receipts amounted to 1 7 377.; As, a balance of cash tfa , hand of fltrSel was carried into the Quarter .last July, there still - re mains a cash balance of $17, 87 ' a. MM j -. ) . : in me cuy coxiers. . October S, tWSi "Never has Salem been visited by such; i, an . aggregation - of crooks, exclaimed Alderman Hal Patton during the council, meet ing last night. "1 wish also to call attention to the faet; that while the recent fair was orderly. TiaiA was mnti nrnfttAHna': nn the grounds." His remarks' were applauded. ; i t r r A 10-innlng baseball game be tween the : Salem Senators and the Standard Oil Bears. Portland, ended in a row Sunday afternoon, when fans scored the iumDlre f when the latter declined to call a foul on a Portland player. 1 The Eyerly ; Midget, entered by le Eyerly ef -Salem, was be lieved to be the winner in the automobile races on Lone Oak track) although Judges reported dispute over the - decision, j New Views Opinions of a new . state fair feature this year were asked by Statesman ?, reporters -yesterday: How did you like the rodeo fea tures at the state fair? At the horseshow?" I ' Mrs, Garlend ' Simpson, home maker: "All right The i hoTse show was a big thrill for me." I H. M. TenntAiit. TTUlanaeCte Res- "' istrar: "I spent most of my time - - 1 - W V iM.lnit HERE'S HOW avv srlr f Two tAdm IncarcerataJ TW Poaw Hope. AietU A) hi. Foe, it So CoaJorabfe TWyToU Af TW FrWi Aboet It A CriaM Wvt ReaaM, rioMatftatiot The B-AJint Of A J,4. 0-3 AHewDMaleit.MAiMaaa, Caa IW Aa4 TU Off WiaVe A Ommi tmm Cmm mm A Art. A TV, SUf, Ae4 TS 0 fWl W.A. Tornorrow: Manpower ia 1 or - - mm - - BITS By R. j; HENDRICKS State fair olla-podrlda: j m This is the best and biggest Oregon state , fair, as all visitors agree. And the one next year, the 78th, win be bigger and better. I'm . Many of the "pioneer exhibitors deserve special mention, along with the outstanding new comers. Among the old time herds in the first stock: barn on the right, is that of William Biahop of Chlm- acum. Wash. He has been show ing Holstein-Friesians for around SO years; never misses an Oregon state, Washington state or Pacific International fair. la - This time he is carrying away five first and 10 second prizes, be sides the grand championship on Koostria Goliah Paul, three year old bull of the Hollywood strain. This out of the herd of 12 show animals, that were admired by every visitor who was at the stock barns this year. V Win. Bishop himself, was pres ent . until Wednesday evening, when he was obliged to return home. His sons, Wm. Bishop Jr., and Stephen Hall Bishop, now as sociated with their father, remain. There is a daughter Kathleen,, at home. Wm. Bishop Jr. has been a student of the Washington State college at Pullman. "Is Chimacum is a town of about 300 on the Olympic peninsula 40 miles from Seattle. The Bishops have about 700 acres of land, and their herd of pure bred Holstelns runs to 125 ty- 150. They have never had anything but purebreds, importing their first animals when there were few ot their kind in this section. Their milking herd has 85 animals. They, have used milking machines the past five years. The milk is first grade and . is marketed In Port Townsend; retailed to the high class trade through a wholesale connection. The senior j William Bishop is krfown and respected for his en terprise, vision and honesty In old time breeding circles through out the country. His sons are now carrying the working oars of the business and are keeping up the good reputation of the family name. Carey F. Martin, the Salem at torney, did not attend tne 1S7U state fair. .But be was born Octo ber . IS 70. while tho fait-or that year was being held. His mother was very ill after his birtn. his father, Rev. I Thomas M. Martin, who was then pastor of the" First Baptist church of Salem, found that the noise of the rigs lumber ing over the Tough road in front fof their "loose, to and from the fair, affected her s h a 1 1 e red nerves. So he secured a lot of tan bark from a tannery then con ducted in Salem, either the one on Norta Mill creek near North High street or the one on that creek near : where Center street crosses it at Hth street. He had the tanr bark hauled and dumped onto the street in front of the house and . . . 1 arter tnai mere was iesa uoiw, j and the . mother recovered her i strength the eooaer-for the relief I thus afforded. . The First Baptist church was then where it is now; ! DUi wo- pmcav vuuuiug, uium larger and better, replac ed the tola, one m uis im.iv . cisuims. j Aianin jiouaav- was as i j street, on Liberty near the corner of Marion. j . , -V Liberty street, running into Broadway'and Broadway into the Fairgrounds , Road, was the old stage route. There were no rub ber tired vehicles ia' those days. since that is my hobby. During my four years residence In Cor vallis, I drove daUy frpm my dairy farm in tlje country to-my work in town. ; I am therefore in terested in that work. ; Brace Spa aiding, sttsrsej: -'Was that a rodeo which was giv en as a feature of the horse show Wednesday night? I l liked thati what there was of it didn't last much more than a minute." ; r Mrs.' Mary 'i Lee, housewife: "They , ar the bunk. They Just don't if it" with horse show events." "" Robert Cnlberao. Willainette I university student: "Oh, I thought they were pretty good, rather alow tbough. I didn't attend the K&..." ttWkW - By EPSON iiS?:!- fftfttlirsi. Ctei T lUWeAAAeeto. Of 40r.e. l'tarf 1 Worth About 1 Cent Hour The " lumbering stages and - four and six house vehicles Ithat were used to convey the crowds to and frpm the fair, to say nothing: of smaller conveyances, including ox wagons, made a great deal of noise as they , thundered or trudr- ed over the old roads that were excuses for streets-then not to mention the clouds of i dust. All Oregon came to the -state fair than; and most of It Camped in the groves; ia the present camp ground, which was then extended away to the north, including the space now taken up by the stock barns. With' thflCtmp fires at night, that camp ground In state fair time was a -sight to behold. The Bits man has a description of the picture, written by Ralph C. Qeer In 1876, which will appear in this column later. j u : Mr. Martin, when he went to live in the house on Liberty street opposite the First Baptist church, found no shade trees there. With the help of some members of his church, he went down 1 the river and grubbed up some fine young maple trees and brought them and set them out along the curb. Those maple trees, now . nearly 70 years old, are splendid specimens of our native beautiful; and um brageous species ot the; botanical family of Acer. : j . r s I The railroad was Just being fin ished from East Portland to as far as Salem when Carey Martin was born so the state alr of that year did not get much benefit in relieving transportation condi tions. ; In the years thereafter, the railroad carried the bulk of the crowds from Salem to I the fair grounds. ( , Every year, they ran 'a special , train, making frequent trips.' be tween the fair grounds and the freight depot at Commercial and Trade streets. Then street cars came, and all but monopolized that business, and the special fair grounds train soon became a memory. '.'':'' ' - "e Every observing visitor with a vision can tell you of many Im provements that might be made, at the fair grounds. " But every single building on the . grounds is new, or was built after 1870; la fact, after 1884s With one exception. The exception is the' restaurant building lately occupied by Mrs. Ohnstead. That was the Aurora restaurant build ing, constructed,, by the colony people la the late sixties. It stood facing, the west a little j distance to the northeast originally, and there was a brick bakery in the rear then. - ! 1 , The lumber and fixtures came front the colony mills and shops at Aarora. The building has- not been ' rreatly altered In all the? T-eara. Wh'en the colony4 was dissolved,., after the death of its founder,; Dr. William Keil. the building became the property of the fairi society, a nd. afterward j of tUe state. The Safety Val ? i ve -r- Letters from Statesman Readers Salem,; ; Oregon, September 29, 1931 To the Editor: , . . ;. I am one of the countless thous ands who. In motoring; have look ed forward to the Richfield bea cons in succession from the Cana dian boundary to Mexico,! as to a friendly meeting with v I friend tried and found true, and for this reason when I learned of .the fall of the wonderful tower on the old Ohmart land south, (which in it self is a sort of landmark) It was like hearing hearing of the death of someone In my immediate circle.- ..- ' II : Few 'persons, very . few; and they persons who travel little, have missed the, intimate signal ot brotherhood - in travel until soma token of that - brotherhood has been swept away, . sometimes it is a bridge; again a .- grade changed, a fill made, a cut. fash ioned to pierce a hllL There is a delight in the old, as well as the new; but some things are like Old Faithful, Nevada and Vernal Falls at Tosemite, Ship Island at Crater BREAKFAST Lake; they an 7 1 ne czarina s rvuoies warwici CHAPTER XXXIV rT1 - visitors have Just gone, aw' Jinv Wynter began, doing ale "best-to imitate Martin s ex pressUmless : tones. .; J . It was a changed voice that broke swiftly across his words, a voice 1 suddenly tense with suspi cion:; ;-. . -V ; . . ; , T.,'. .. :;f i :Who are rout ' You're not Martin!". ... LeavLnr the Question unanswer ed, Jim hung up the receiver. He must not giTe toe man a cnance of recognixlng his voice, to be put on his guard.' nd he had def initely confirmed that suspicion. Mar tell, the kindly Good Sam aritan ef two nights ago -deep ia this sinister mystery of the! man who- had ' vanished! What else could it .meant ' i i One thing it meant, as an in stinct' like a certainty told Jim: That It had not been Just a 'mere accident or cnance , that had brought " him to Dr. MarteH's house after he had been driven away jdrugged and unconscious from MQnksIlver. lAarteil's ac count of bis coming had sounded plausible enough to havo disarm ed any, suspicion and - really it could only have been all part of. a tunning; ruse. ! Revelation i Those men he had disturbed at Monksllver had not wanted him out of their, clutches until , they had satisfied themselves that he had seen nothing there, could tell nothing that would be dangerous to them. . j i hi remembered now with a new significance now closely jMar- ceu nad questioned mm. How was it he had chanced to stumble on that crime at Monksllver? Surely he must have seen someone there, or at least have some clue to the identity of these men? Questions that had sounded natural enough then, as if prompted merely by with in any concept of continuity ot nature and man's enjoyment of the earth. . la the valiant battle of Rich field against the bitter elements that threaten Is very exlsence, the towers, one after another, remind us that lite goes' on and works perish; but it seems to me the brave old mans with the lantern who stood by the road should be gotten up on his feet, the lantern wick trimmed, new oil put in, a hew pipe shoved in his mouth, and new laces put in his shoes, so he can stand a while longer, to re member the past.; witness the present, and sort of forget his misadventure. t ' I A SUBSCRIBER. Waconda, Sept. 29, 1931 Statesman Salem, Ore. 1 It seems amusing and at the same time sad to ; hear different church people discuss the issue as to the State Fair Assn. keep ing the fair i gates j open on Mhe so-called Sabbath.. The Sabbaths (seven of them) was given to the children of Israel Lev. 23rd chap ter and was never given to the Gentiles Rom. 2:14 as the nations were never given the law. The last ' time the word Sabbath is spoken of in the Bible is Acts 18-4 which is addressed to Jews and proselytej . with the exception of Colossians 2-11 which states very clear that no man should Judge us as to what we eat or drink or in respect to holy day or sabbath days. . ' i One of your Readers. Sept. 29, 1931 Dear-Editor: ' ' I note that in' your columns B. W. Maey gave me a proper call- down Monday for erroneous statements in 'the Hollywood Press regarding wells In Spokane. He is right. I named the wrong city. Substitute T a c o m a for "Spokane" in my article and the story wUl be true. (I- don't know why I continually get those two towns confused, but I do.). Spokane's wells are in a class by themselves. There are no others like them In the world. It we could get such wells la Salem I would be -for 'em. Please thank Mr. Macy (whoever he Is) . for calling my. attention to the error. r A. W. CHURCH, Editor Hollywood Press. Minnesota's American Legion commander, A. B. Kapplln, who Jnst finished his term, traveled about 20.000 miles during his year In office.. tot Ar LaAMV M-VC trr A Aa THE iOHof AfORMCft neicico. KOf LAW IM MCA. won rxrmmiNfi wcejs v We all can practice neighborliness and after aH that is one of the greatest iof th fine art. Call upon us with full - w-ar - f friendly interest.; bat Jim Wynter knew now how anxiously: aiarteu must have waited for his answer to those Questions. . ' Had Martell been ode lot the men actually la MonksllTjr that night? .-;:,-. 11 . : " :.e?t' And the whistling man of the Cross Kers -had he been, none other than his : unseen .assailant in! that, dark house? Would that be! : so1 improbable a coincidence after all? ':.-). If ' - ' '. vra; 'went hack - to the house agents, where B1U had Just algn ed the agreement to take: Manor- ways. Milly came out, looking as happy as a child who has been aiven a new -toy; ' .'- '. .' "And now that's settled, well drive back to town to dinner to celebrate the occasion.' she cried. Jim had draw his friend aside. fBil!.'. he said, "I'm not motor ing to London with, you. I'm go ing I back to Beggar' Court to night." - i Bil stared at him In surprise He. saw the suppressed excitement in the other's face. 1 What's the great Idea?" he demanded. : i - ? Briefly Jim x told hlan. Of that telephone conversation with the Cross Keys Ian I and the .startling deduction everything seemed sud denly 10 poinc 10.. : - If- ' , Flans . '". M ' "MarteH's deep in this Mar tell's the key to all the mystery aboat rransr Severn, we guessea it had all been engineered from Beggar's Court and this Is only further proof.. Rill, I have -a plan for finding out more tonight." And In a brief whisper he out lined his plan. Bill nodded. , "Good enough. Only I'm not going to let i you go back there alone, jld mani-Lbrd knows what trouble you'd run; your head Into "without me .there to look after you! Besides, I don't want to be left; out of any fun going Jim had Infected him with his boyish excitement: showed in the clear-cut, clever! face. His .trained legal mind was j In its element in, the I task of endeavoring : to un ravel this tangled skein aitd the fact j; that the missing man; was one of Jim s oldest Inends made Bill. ; Grayson keener still' to put his energies and f skill t Jim's service ; - - - hi - ,- e "Rut it's not much after $ yet," he added; "much too early for operations yet. Half past - 8 or 9 would be soon i enough for this scheme of yours. eh V And Jim nodded-agreement; That s a bet, thenJ We.'ll make It 9 o'clock to nlghfi at Beggar's . Couft and here's wishing you good hunting." With nearly three hours to kill yet, they got into the car and re sumed their Journey. Then stop ped l at Pensholt, some 30 miles further on the road to London, to dine at one of the hotels -there. After dinner Bill Grayson and Jim proposed to motor back to Beg gar's ICourt. I I ! i. ' ' Tiere was a quick railway ser vice I to town from . Pensholt and Milly; and Katharine had : assent ed cheerfully to j the suggestion that they should; go back by train to Liverpool ; street where: the Grayson's chauffeur would be in structed by wire; to meet them. "Sorry, but: you see something unexpected 's h a p p e n ed I i that makes It rather Urgent Jim and I should go back to Beggar's Court tonight," Bill had explained vag uely, ;MJIm was ba the telephone Just now at Trayne, and-well, I won't go into details now.'. J Milly'a face fell. To have her curiosity plqued-f-and to be kept in the darkt r-. I Mi . .- k i - "Oh. but. Bill" she if began protestlngly. -i . j,!?. .- K ' . . -' "Matters of state for. the mo ment. Milly old thing!?" he said. But; feit up for iour retura and you, too. Miss Faring and we may nave some, news for you. i i .- Impetuous : g At dinner she 'talked eagerly about Manorways, and heir plans ror going there the day after to morrow at latest Ir not tomor row. Milly always did . everything m a hurry. - - t ... "Ton can be ready by then. Ka- tharin? The house is all ready for occupation, so why nojtf Mil ly said. "When Mri Sant tried to throw cold water j on, It, he; didn't know tjshat a good time we're go ing to have down there 1" 1 "Ton aren't afraid of being bored I stiff. Katharlae?" asked Jim, remembering Sant's words. She laughed I back-t "If. you'd seen! how greedily l 1. Wriho m Ttai m cowrm 2. Uy'erltPtUVtUtO Kit FAMOUS - J - " Mft mmXM . am.Z. a IJU. Of PmpmtfWtTAtiOOHiCf nj LUtAl WORKERS F09. A JW HHIHUTtRTl SuOfl AFTER, TV JLJr " nb confidence in' our ability and price-fairness W.T. RIG DON LLUYO T. RIG DON .f fk?-07DAlrtT"AV1 "m1 -'y y'il -:.?j'iry-:. - p- ? .: ul- snatched at Milly's invitation you wouldn't have to ask.. Tm looking ; forward to It Immensely': j Milly glanced "across at Jim and , knew from his face aa his eyes met -r Katharine's what his thoughts on the subject were, -"Oh. we'll have a good time all right In spite of Sant's- cold , water!? he said very contentedly ili Queer, Jim was thinking, how he had oeme back to England Just when he did, not only to be swept almost Immediately into this dark, labyrinth of mystery affecting his friend, but all Unexpectedly to find-Katharine again and Kath arine free. - ' 1 'A- ' i " ; "One thing's fairly certain Mar teli will .be thinking hard, .-wondering who it was masquerading as Martin on the fphone and it won't be altogether surprising if he makes a near guess, rem ark ,ed Bill Grayson, as , they dreve back that night from1 Pensholt to Beggar's Court. 'JIm, it might be Just as well to keep one's weather eye open.. Because, un less we're unduly flattering him by this suspicion of yours he can- be pretty dangerous."- "Yes and that's putting It mildly." And Jim laughed a little grimly. 'Well, perhaps we can be pretty dangerous too!" ! " -j: Darkness " 3:'" $ It was a dark night. There was no moon, only a dim misty -starlight that should be all In favor of that plan that was taking them back secretly to Beggar'a Court. I It still wanted a fewsninutes to I when Jim Wyn terra voiding the main gates of the lonely house, made : his way i . very quietly through the little used gate that led from a side ; road into; the grounds. - 't; -- fef :- He was alone. Bill Grayson had dropped in at the Cross Keys, os tensibly for a drink, on the chance of picking up some Information about the man whom Jim had seen at that upper window who he was and if he Were' connected with the inn. As a stranger Bill Could sho himself: there, where Jim Wynter would have been rec Ognized, Bill .was to. follow in the car to the side gate, when; two hoots ' Of his horn - would signal bis arrival. Until- he cam4 the plan they had in view must wait. i:i aog oaraea as Jim maas ms way very cautiously across the grounds at: the back of the ram bling old house, strolling off in the direction of the ruins.' The watchdog, poisoned on the night Frank Severn had 'been overpow ered in Ills own house, had not yet .been replaced. 1 - fcj : Half way across the grounds Jim Wynter'a steps' were arrest ed, abruptly. NO sound had brok-? en the dead quiet of the nipht. V He could f ot have said what made him glance round quickly .with . that sudden odd feeling, like some sixth senaeL whispering a warn ing In Jils brain, thaf he was- be ing watched by. unseen eyes. He Stopped dead, staring Into the darkness.- air. his nerves suddenly ' taut. , !-! - Was that a blur of shadow moving stealthily in the' dark am bush of the ruins? Or was it just a trick of the starlight In that dim ghostly place?) He took a quick suspicious i Step nearer, watching and listeninr Intentlv. still with that odd insistent unac countable feeling, j No sound, except; that some where in the darkness an owl hooted and Jim laughed at him self or the start Into which It be trayed him.; He told himself with sudden Impatience: that he was merely 'imagining 'things as - he - turned and walked pi. And almost the same moment his i eyes were arreted by some thing that was not mere Imagin ation. - ; i ; ;-!??;'...; i A gleam had flashed through the darkness, that almost as his eyes caught It was gone again. A light that had come from the -di rection of, the estuary - to which these grounds sloped and, un less Jim Wynter was very far but of his reckoning, from the boat house there, is 4 What was the meaninr of that llghtT Too many queer things had nappened and were happening at Beggar's Court for Jim to have any scruples in the -matter. He reflected with a little smile that not eten the velvet-footed Martin could have ! exercised mora' vat. like stealth as very softly ha stole -across the intervening twenty yards! to find the answer te that questton. ' :t-- -iW : i J ' (To be continued) American Biographies in Miniature 1 it- Rosco Conklinj: (1829-1838) -.TTT. 1 NIaEI(NE$S , EtOOUtNGP AK0 fX. DPf v a w . a a ii - w sr ;: J 1 ; m-' ' -- i :r.