!: f1 PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salenf. Oregon, Friday Morning, October jL 193f "fir Lcng aid Short Sleeve Styles in Tubfast Prints! -Worts GEaSsrtt : Regular 89e Valoel NOW; . - - -, i , : NEW r-lATC Second Empire Styles at U 4J (r When you can get such Wear sew Hat! The are so Inexpensively priced that you ean afford a-couple. In felt, with f eatbery trim! H KOTEX PADS : Other Ask SSe to 4Sc a Box , Nation-Wide Sale Price, Only a boxes for 90 it 12: sanitary nap kins In a -boxl Soft, ; absorbent, rounded corners. Bargain! - . Ask For A DCEDiSEl2 Ton can i bay anything In Ward's Big Catalogue In any : Ward store. If It Is not car ried ' in stock, select from i the catalogue and ask any ; sales person for a service 'order. FOUNDATIONS Never Before f 1 : Values at This Low Price! See Them! 63 12-ln. Girdles In hook-side ! and tepVin styles! Belted founda Men's famous Two Oxen" brand blue or gray. : Stock up now during Nation1 Wide Sale you'll be money ahead! 39 - IN.-MUSLIN Unbleached! At Other Stores from 10c to l2Kc a Yard! Sale Special! Fine weave, dur able quality! Buy yds. now, and Save! H in i style and quality in a iroc at 79c, tnen ; i s m BUY Smart new irocKs in both hort arid long sleeve styles ! : Every one fashion ed of gay TUBFAST PRINTS AND FOU LARDS! They're actually worth a dollar, but we re offering them in the Nation-Wide Sale at savings that are sensational! See them tomorrow, without fail! , J Women's and Misses' f I Sites K . c . 4,lfv . ' . : V .. ! r BABY DRESS Buy Four and Save Mere! Of Fine Nainsook, Embrotdered! 4 for ' 00 Or one at i 29c. Dainty lace-trlm-tned styles! for Infants 6 mosj to 2 yrs.- : ' 36 IN. PRINTS ! Sold, Like Hot Cakes O Months Ago at 15c a Yard! Now Only M . Yd. Famous Colonial Prints in new , Fall patterns! Tub-fast colors! mn c2t fro w&m mm sr-.wnnnwaisn.-u a mm r m m m -r 00 BiSiiibiik i n aa ra as . sr a snnn sna w n a a a l ! i va--. - TT-Bwav. xa-iBM. " r- m a : mi - Ivf C' 11' Unsurpassed for Real Quality at ; Lorn Price i . 1 Bay now, get smartness, style. & quality save DOTJBXiB today for I tomorrow's needs! Roomy PAYENPORT A Only Button-Back CHAIR up- C A( bolstered In combination juyv two-tone Jacquard- ve- ' Down lour. 4-leg base, i T( IT77 AND A TRAIL BLAZES TUBS WITH EVERY TRAIL BLAZER TIRE! Tba moat i.iatiunal tin vatas avar asTcr-d aaytaaa, saywberal A tafca faat urim ava-y tiza aaid Satacday and tir prices tb loawat fa all taaa! Thai aaW b for aaa day only! COME SATURDAY! i" ' - H- alaaaS-y) Ua taaay py) tfaW Unmtm; 2fx4Q21 44 S 4-ff 7.1 t 35 j i 2V X 4.5320 . 4-M t-M , 1M I 4-SS ' 139x4021 ! 4S j 7.4S ' 4S 2x4JVlt JaT ; s-xs ; i2yxi.oalt Jw !.-. 51x4-1521 T-M .ff !- f : X2xii370 f-M !!. '. , S 53 x 4.0021 if I ft ? 1 1 j Omar Jfec a rVafrarbaaaar Smvmgt ii Bay ia Fart aW Save Even MmrtI auugju inrush ill. Nothing Else to Day! Complete with Mvllno Tnbcs9 Installed Fully Licensed by R. C. A. and Hazeltine The greatest Value-Givinsr achievement in Airline historr brings you during Ward's Nation-Wide Sale a genuine 10-Tnbe Superheterodyne that is the talk of the entire radio world. Mighty PENTODE Tube Triple SupefCoritrol Tubes Contin uous Tone Control Automatic Volume Control Power Modi fier Switch Latest Type Large Super-Dynamic Speaker Full Size Console Cabinet in Genuine Polished Walnut Veneer. These are the big advertised features of other radios now selling for DOUBLE. See this et HEAR it check it against ANY 10 Tube Superheterodyne priced up to ONE HUNDRED AND FIF TY dollars. Then put it into your home at a SAVINK of almost HALF. . ! , f - x ..:.. r ill lilt ill 1M ) fi mi f L "'X.. f 1 .11 I l Jergens Woodbury 3 for 10c Ass't. odors: 1 Violetta1, 1 Cold Cream, & 1 Wild Thyme. j jj (j jj i 1 ( Roller Skates pr. $1.19 Steel ball bearing-skates. Nickel plated. .- Sponge & Chamois 79c Set complete at this low price. Buy! Trouble Light $1.10 Regular $1.65 light reduced for Sale! DovIe Screw Jack $1.29 42"-folding handle. 3G06 lbs; Capacity. . , . ;-i 6 ;footrCprtf-Se;f ' Bakelite fittings. Rayon covered wires."! A Buy on Toasters $1.98 Including values to p7.45. Don't miss! f : Paring Knife 1 9c Cocobola Handle. Carbon steel blade. ; Mop & Handle comp. 39c Calif. String mop head & clamp handle. I: 5-Gal. Can Peiin. Oil QQ ffib 100 Pure 1. ....; 5-Gal Can Run-rite Oil Western J Special for This Week Only, WALDORF TISSUE Buy Now and Save Rot Water Car Heater 45 Tttr fan (vik lirira nr. Pa ter core. Produces a' VC fi ven, steady, comforta ble temperature at all times. Men's Pajamas . They're Real Broadcloth, and ICorth $ lJSO to ) Any Maal co Faacy patterns ajsd plain colov pullover ana batton styles. I Buys l i n Women's Unions Suits :49c Rayon striped. Low neck, knee length. , ' Chenille Rugs 79c Cotton.' Choice design and color,' j'j-i ''-fjl ','-' Vegetable Dins 69c 8 Trays and stand. Green enamel, , ' Flannelette Eighties 3 for $1 Sizes 1 to 6. Wnile they last! i . 'I'l ' ' ' f 1 i I ' Costume Slips $1.00 Ass't. colors and sizes. FlaC Crepe. I - - Men's Leather Gloves pr. $1 Genuine horsehide. Outside Welted seams. Moleskin Work Pants $1.69 Grey striped. Heav weight. 30 to 44. Men's O.vercoats$12.75 $24.75 Values. All aaaaaaai Virgin wool., t r t. aV l, ID) Co) 275 N. LIBERTY PHONE 8774 SALEM,, OREGON ii i - f i - DDE CO EE1 i Sturdily ! Constructed! 1 ! - ;1 1 I ' ' ' Ijarge size Dresser that is , an exceptional value at this price 1 Ivory enamel! , t Iiftrge plate . glass mlrrorl . I 4-. j : t Easy GEahur 2 Our Regular $29.95 Value 95 . C 24- j S3.00 Down, S4.00 MonUdy All-over tapestry, reversible cushion. Ottoman, 86.95. k dsg5 conn 1200 fU Focusing Beam j . C-rr loo . Nickel-plated metal rase; -flash, ana steady switch. Com plete with Sol Ray cells and Maada bnlb. -m , i CPECHAE.! ' $5,50 VC o m m a n d e r ': IWlth Your Old Battery For Ford and. Chevrolet. Full of . qulck-startini: PEP. Guar anteed for 1 Year. Save XQy. Elec. Waffle Iron Klckel' . plated. Rubber feet. Cord Included. A wonder value at C3.08. Yens? Kclcta&oi? Oovcaaon, EJdn1 ft Yod ? 0 , ' 1 i - in I,, ' ' " " ' ' - t i, . " t j " j