1 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 " : Classified Adrertblag Single Insertion peri Hne.l8e Three Insertion per -line ........ ...... ' Bix Insertions par Una..80. One month per line. 1 1.00 H-im.um charge ...tic Copy lor i tbls : paga ee- ' csptod until 6:30 the eyea- -In befor publication tor : classification. Copy r cetred after' this time wUT be ran under the ' heading Too Late to Classify. . The Statesman assuwts - .HfeLP WANTED VXviwiin' "or 'man" 'to Elicit ror'news 'naper. Comm., chance tor . , advance ment. In person only 18 a- m. J a. Wfver, Ntw Salem Hotel. SALESMEN WANTED , tn mr-U rooflnx and taint. HauM to- bouse work. Service Roof Ins Excellent Opportun-tjy Salesmen living to Salem' and who ts acquainted in Salem and vicinity, to sell famous WHERRIE taUored-to-tn.imire suits and topcoat made in PrtSSd. priced 834.5 to MS.60. Good mk can build up S-batantlal repeat business. Full cooperation from house. Clothing xperlence valuable but not pessary. W, train our salesmen. SKASO NOW STARTING; Hale lianaeer. Wherrie Tailoring ' Co , No. 9, Hth St. No. Portland SITUATIONS WANTED Man needs workny ' kin- reXst-O able waxes. V457. So. Commercial. Re-enew. ' FOR SALE-rMlscenaneous eri.-iriri-ii- ' Used tents at a bargain Sam Bar gain House, S39 N. Commercial. TeL 446. -' - : tLnj-inn"""" " ' ssswsassisjsw-saessssassjss - ! it)R SALK: shafting, pullsrs. bang- era. Statesman y-ousiuna w. FOR SALE Old payers, 10c a ban- Ale. Statesman orriee. " CU'u-1-ruT.i ii-ii-i - rnrnM Typewriters. all makes. new - and osed. Adders and typewriters tor rrau Typewriter Exchange. 431 Court St. Attention Sportsmen We have a large selection of rines, Shotguns and ammunition at a big saving. It will pay you to took over our atock. Guns for rent. Open eyemngs. REINER'S EXCHANGE 634 N. Commercial St. Ladles hats, complete assortment, e to $1. Greenbaum's, 348 2. Com L .w" "" II" " II 6c Apples good crops, - ci. -t one dollar, bring boxes. Ernest An 5 derson. Orchard Heights road. Polk ' i-i-i- nr nr-i-iu ri n ij i.ii -inliLanjinrin I e lbs. grapes,' 3L60 delivered. Cab- . ' lZrL-?lZzT HW& kt noon. page. uui ".- - - - English walnuts 11 ca. Vs 1 plckg1- 1'- F' - - - --X- - ! ' Hnd made hoe, for ral Reason able prices. Repairing neatly don. Good work. Also Znd hand shoes. 973 R. ComX '. i "' ! I ' ; - w I . A wr Apples, 2515 S. Cottage and - Hoyt. flranes for eale Concord and 9Tar 'flen. 1 00 per bushel. R. A. V. est. well ; driller. Garden road. ' ; . j ! W ANTEUMiscellapeons j " WANTED Used" "pwV "in" change en rsdios, phonographs, or wr irr. H L. Stiff Furniture Company nivTrn win r.T 2r a bound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must te piece tf least a square yard. Statesman office. - ' riruuMw' r ? AU kinds of Hfles. pistols, shotguns, Old gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob- ' ! 33 N. Commrclgl - ; MISCELLANEOUS -. ; ;)Tor walnut drying. SEE K. B. Evr an, Route s, aein. 5 . n r rm r n ir.i.i ' -n'- ---v. -.lo-m nd Doliah English and tlaeC walnuts. Also, butternuts. B. p. Taylor. , i ovivb. j , Washing Machines ; m- for-'Rent SiJ ; l-m.. -- P--- Meadows. 'Maytag; i A i:q w- tv v - t - Automatic, Champion and others, vv e have some real bargains In new and Used washers. Come in and see them itHogg Bros 7 N. High; or call an-1! j FOR RENTROOMS -rvi--,-ihi rooms, reasonable. Suit able for students. Near University and State Bldg. uiaLO-JM M .mim -i Men I rV i Pleasant rooms ior ,rr ?rivate-home near .imirirrBJvjf.j. Jth. Tel. 8S9T. ' . . . . -- - s -r mnj r-i rA. Private borne. Kes)onable. Business people ohly. TeL f S3? FtR RENT APARTMENTS i Patton apartments with f prlvats batN nleelyfunlshd. itedin business district Call Patton s Book btoro. i Nicely furnished cool 3 room arsrt private shower. Outside entrance. 34 Division. - T "Duplex Apt. nnfur. $81 N. Winter. ? -. . 4,, a. -i--tfinnd then corner, ib the time to get settled In rm. ccy, apSrtmenta The VirglnU eert you a bedroom, living room, dtnttte. and kitchen. j Well .f-n-ntshed. ZfZvZr e-iras-e. at reasonable rates. - - i-insaa rtrJi-rf cbeao rent to quiet, whole AM.. . - , , i j VU,. pniXY AND HER PALS ' ; . ! Sr18 r ? MewT' ' - W,vr V;.J , ItvdnT yOU .THIMK t NO, KEN. IT 4 1 SORPT I AIMX HAD lJ DOtsTT 1 I IT T - "7,, ' M GIT A BULANCE; SOMEBUDDVJ J ! www- -. .Mia. tf I . . irr . w, ... TBI I -t I J a 1 1 iii-rv 1 i S I ,!! -aa neneia in n-: . m m;; m n r-a r n tt a a 1 a . . w 11 r-t sr w s 1 1 va T l a - - - 111 -w a-aas- aa-s r -i . m-m ? w -mm ubb -- ' t - a at.-.. .. - - - - - - - , - - - m a r ,r a a a a s 1 n w a a. . c . ,. j : :i!i .. , ; i 1 lTELL VOUR -t RIGHT FOR i 1 W HAU'i tJfcftJJ TH OtJ PJ- V y"N m i a j .wwww j. 1 I ' S7 funeral.- sheJteredl fll'l I I " . FIT . . I Ian -t ft- k A tl f t-T- Mk i i 1 I J I X II - I I T I BI ' I I " I I 1 I BARENTS THAT S i t lrMQ vorf J I "o vvecrx. out vir ja. rjoj tgr I I ; I c. v?- S - . H I r i .. 4 i X. i I J .ii vm I - I ySs--.'' "'---:-.- 1 l l itnAn(J' Z -? f I - ' - --w - - --- I "' ' ! I T..' limJwBmm ffi5ff ite lM-,:l!ffli r, I 1 1 1 I 8 I 1 U f . I -bS.w. vox m . V Sr. BS- Sj w r M -T 1 S8BB-sss"a-gj ss . ., . . .. .. M I -- ' SF - . ' - . i. . , . - i I'- -f'-A-S. 1 Ii i T ri I M. ; - S . : : . . . 1 ' '! . ' . I '. ' m . IS ,, 1 .. ...... .... r ;.- . r -: -i; : '4 " 'Ai : -i ; ' -' -I :. -.-: ; . i " ;:::.; - "n;.:. -3. vv..; 1- -.. ! :. . v.-- .1 i .. ; - - -yrn'm . tii . l 1 no financial' responsibility for errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished- la . tt columns, and In eases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of aa adrertUement in which ; the ' typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman . reserves the right to reject objec tlonal adrertialng. It fur ther reserves the right te classify ': all advertising un der the proper v classifica tion. . .j - FOR RENT -Apartments WELL furnished rooms and anta. for -rent at IZ1 Hazel Ave. TeL 7SC4. . i FURNISHED BUNGALOW APTS. In Oak Villa Court S35.00. Adults only. 7 Mill SL TeL J396. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flat tor adults. 6 to I room a t)S to $4. Also hmuea, etc BECKK HENDRICKS ,I8 North High Street Best rent j value's, 2S3 Columbia. FXR RENT Some modern homes. furnished and unfurnished. Melvin Johnson. Phone "9S. . Furnished and unfurnished housea R A. FORKNER, N. Cottage. Phone 3031. . Four room house with bath and basement Tel. $il. FOR RENT A small fur. cottage. N. Cottage. i For rent : Mod. reomi houee. Phone 559. - i i . - 4 R. fur. house to right party. Call evenings. 1 17 S Waller. FOR RENT FurnJ shed house, $20 to $35, unfurnished S to ?S5. For best rentals. SEE BCHTL or THOMASO.N I 341 Bute Unfurnished duplex S rooms, sleep- In porch, basement. J 1 3.00. Furnish ed house, S2t.ee. Unfur. bungalow, $17. Phone S734. i FOR RENT Salem. West. Salem and suburban homes. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 147 No. Com'L St Phone C624. Good 8 R. house, $-0. TeL 63&0. FOR SALE Real Estate AAAAWWAAAA-WAAAAAAAAAAAAA . Threo or six choice lots, 7-room semi-modern plastered- house, fire place, basement, etc. All lots covered with large nut. iruK ana ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice.- view, paved street, two garages.4 Bedrock price, terms. Sell all or part Near Junior hieh and arammar sr-hools. Owner. 745 corner Rural and Winter Sta. Phone 834. i FOR SALE House, 2 bedrooms. nice yard, cherry trees and shade trees. Paved street Close to Leslie schooL $195.: $100 down, $35 month, including; Interest X570 So. Cottage. $.50. down, nicely furnished bunga- low,' $ room 8 and sleeping" porch, . fruit.! skrabbery, lawn and paving : Dd. A bar-gain at $1976. $300. down. A new S room English , Type Dome. large urmg room, am ine room and bed room and bath down stairs; all oak floors, tile drain boards. In kitchen, nice nook, 2 bedrooms, toilet and lavatory upstairs, pipe furnace, fireplace, comer lot, soma trees, paving in and pd. $4350. $3090. to loan at MELVIN JOHNSON 330 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 679$. We have a very nice 6 acre tract near Salem, modern S room house and splendid barn, good chicken house worth $4309. and can use Salem home up to $3009. we have cam ouyer tor gooa eaiem home also good tenant for 8 room house north, t : McGILCHRlST A PENNINGTON 299-10 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 48S8 NOTICE f Wlille vtsittng the fair this week, visit ; us in om- new location and use our phone, or our office for meeting places, and it ty any reason yon want to . ask about insuring your home against fire or your auto, or want to sell or buy a. place, let us tell you all sbout-wnat e nave. .5. SEARS TUCKER, Realtors ' 133 South High Street OWhiEU LEAVING Will sell Ids modern suburban home at sacrifice price. rooms, hwd. floors, fireplace, nook, screen porch, 3 tied room, electricity, batn, toilet, septic sewer, i S acre land, paved road, barn, poultry house. Cost $8000 If sold next 19 days. Take $3500. Some terms. Shown by appointment Hurry S.E KKCHTtL or T HUM A SON 341 State Street Room 4 8 A., good's R. house, barn, good well,. 1 A. strawberries, 24 filberts, grapes, other fruit, on good road.. 8 QL ol eaiem. f sveo. -67 A., fine soil, good 8 R. hou 2 A. logans. on fine hliway. Terms. Price $6909. Will take Salem house in tpade. . 29 A., good buildings for rent R. A. FORKNER - KID M. Cottage Phone 3031 -lsseis-----------s1-j-sis I- Income nrwerty, forced sale, small j spartment house and cottage all on lurK tut ttfe-n.?a ifir nixtir s-rvc. a baths, etc Would accept clear prop erty as part- Immediate possessioit. 189 North High Street 8 acres of beautiful river front out of high water range, variety of large' shadf; trees and flowering wild shrubs. ideal for summer home, with boating and swimmiog. Owner needs cash and will sell, for. $2590. 1 WINNIE PETTTJOirN, : Realtor a, 17s South High Street yA-- i . SOUTH SALEM HOM '8 room English type modern house. east front affording- a fine view of nits., close to school. This : is a -real bargain at $4350 with $190 down. bal. $49 per month. Immediate possession. t'AU, Mrs. Kins wun ' LEO N. CHILDSCO.. Realtors 320 State Street - Phone 6703. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE maaaaaaawmwAaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaa H759 Nearly ! new R. Eaglewood. This la a real. buy. Sasr terms. ..( - 84209 Brand nssr horns. Fully mod em R., garags. Sea this before yon $1009 t MMM. f ' ' : ' R. A. FORKNER 1C19 N. Cottage ' Phone 8S3L. -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWAAAMWMi FOR SALE Modern 6' rm. house. Good location. Terms. Bok .1 JS, ; Statesman. : ! - ' EXCHANGE-Real Estate ssss-lsSSjsasSMajsM A GOOD TRADE t- 15000. My close In aubutban borne. nearly 5 A. of choice land, rich dark soil.' very- prodnctivs. I Modern 8 R. house, bit ' in .1929. Ztas elei -llsrfats, and pump water '.system, bath, septic sewer. Lot.' of built ins. Concrete foun dation.. Barn, garage, mice little oak grove for shad. Bom fruit and ber ries. Trade for a good homo in' tu city. SEE i j : 341i Statie . !- .-' ' Shown byranpotntment MAAAAAAAAAM)A--AAMAAAVWWWM FOR EXCHANGE ! A choice 8 4 acre 1 tract; near :; Tt- gard. Oregon. Value $3299. Will pay or assume dcssble -thisj value oh 49 to 89 acre farm. Must be well ! located and good land. ' I . LEO N. CHlLps CO.. Realtors 32 ftat Street i I Phone 9798. FOR SALE jPARAis RANCHES. - 'GOOD ' BUY-- 5-Acrts close to Salem, 4 -R. i house. barn and S-pomtry houses! Good soil. " price " reduced to ? $2590,00 give- terms. ! I S i " 39-Acres north Salem, 'good soil. A Imoi nr nousej Inrn. ixMiirrv house. 6-A. etrawberiies; ; pric 44uu.iu ; a snap, i . SEARS TUCKER, Realtors 132 South Hlghi Street - ACREAGE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWAAWWyWW rummf a rTTj pt r Not far out on paved highwayj some ' fcrf LAWAVA, - "MJ ' i. ...i L A fruit trees, berries, two room house. electric lights, telephone ana gas ser vice available, good drove well. Chick en coops and rabbit hutches. Imme diate possession.- Prloe 11100. ! little down. baL like rent- I i LEO N. chil-ds CO., Realtors - 32 State Street Phone! S708. --WW-----.--.iA S-Ajl-ArftM-A-- CO aeres diversified J-farm. woven wire fences, good l-oaas. - five room plastered botire. lal-v barn, goo-t dark solL Fries 15500; will take small! acre age down payments SHIELDS BL-UCE Oregon Bldg. j ; i : TeL 3903. MONEY tO tOAN PERSONAL LOANS I MADS on furniture, cars, salaries or other coed securityi Repayable monthly, when tn financial need see as before closing a loan. I -1 t ; UtSMSKAL LNVhjJUaWT CORPORATION . . First National Bank Bids. Phone 2551 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPlB on piain notes enaorsea notes, furniture and pianos. STATE XjOAX COMPANT 212 Ore. Bid. !3nd Door Office hrs. 16.00 a.m. to 8 :30 -p. nx Telephone 7783 Licensed by State ' AAVS-AAAAAAAAAAAAVV'AAAA-t MONET LOANED OJ8 :AUTO$ Contracts Kennaneed I ' Arrange to reduce your payment xou Keep' tne nr. s F A- STKKTt Phono 4732 ; I Salem. Or. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWA 'BelJs of liarmony'i Heard over KOIN oiuy Tins oat si loan service that Is realty, really, different NO DEDUCTION S NO FEES ! VO OTKKR CHARGES ONXT LAWFUL INTEREST! STRirrr pnrvAfTT- ! QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE tyui.vris sis tq svs Beneficial Loan Society) OF OREGON Room 110 New EUtgb Bldg. 2nd Flosr S1S State 8t. . (TeL 3-7-4-0. LICENSED BI alAl Hi . I. i rflA-AA, ,AlM--yl'- CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates, i Best terms) ) obtainable, our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all Unas. , Hawkins a ROBERTS (Inc. TeL 4109 , 20i Oregon B!dg." LOANS WANTED WASTED Private money, to loan oa real estate. j W. H. GRAB ENHOR ST A C r 4 T 't-AIJQ I 134 a Liberty St. TeL 3438. FOR SALE WOOD I -W---W-rf---W--,-rfA--A i; HRT FIR AND OAK WOOD. oal and fuel olL Call on us for prices. We give eood measure. 1 good quality and good service. 1 . I LARMER TRANSFER STORAGE Telfxhone 3131 VWMAAAAAAAAAAAWAAi--VAAA GUARANTEED ' DRY Wood CoaL TeL 6009 Salem Fuel Co. 161 Trade, i Wl-----MNAiM-l--MAi Dry .wood. TeL 7 6T 7. SWWWWWVWMMVAAAAiAA!MWAAAAAI ALL KINDS, any Hensthi Call 3739. lie ln.lab and block wood. 82.23 oer load. 18 tn 2nd fir, 83.00 per load, 18 In. old fir. f3.53 per; load. At Tracy's. TeL 39S6. " I All kinds of wood.!Hoke, 2F35. 4 ft 2nd srrowth fir. 3 1.59 cd. deliv ered. Also good straight oak. uowaro. Tel. susz. - i rf-itAMNMMA-iA,i ArDle wood for sale. 16 in. 84.80 Per cd. or 3-60 delivered. Ivan Hadfey Turner, Ore. ; i WOOD SAWING ! Wood sawing. Rohlns. TeL 9i tZi Wood na-rcina; renwnnble. Tel. 8?9. LOST and FOUND LOST Brown bill foi. , Please leave at J&enneu tumn stiism? ana receive reward.. I ' ''' . FOR SALE USED CARS Good-Wili Used Cars - BOLD WITH A' GUARANTF7E 1929-Oakland Sedan $51S.99 1928-Pontiao f ""!-- $59.09 192T-Pontiac Coupo - 29S.09 1927-Oakland Coup . 2760 182i-Essea Sedan .',;-, , ,, , .' 325.09 193$-9tudebaker- Lt Six Coach, 295.99 1939-New Jay Jewett Coaclt 199.99 19tT-Chevroiet Sedan -r 233.99 Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland ' Phone -9588 - Pontlao .Used. Car Department . . , 1 i 640 Chemeketa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamwwvwwww SalenrUsed Car.Cehter ; CONSOLIDATED ;i 1J2T Bulck Standard Coach $9S. 00 1157 Buick Master Touring 225.09 192S Bulck SUndard Sedan 193.00 192$ Chrysler &S Sedan 185.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 150.90 1928 .Chevrolet Roadster 49.00 1925 Chevrolet' Touring L' 65.00 1939 Essex Snort Roadster, $09.09 2928 Essex Coach - 275.98 1928 Essex Spt Coupe 195.09 1929 JFord Bpt Coupe 375.00 1929 Ford Standard Coupe -. 820.09 1928 Ford Sedan' - - , .;, 385.00 1920 Nash Standard Sedan 485.00 1920 Pontlac Sedan . 485.00 192$ Reo. $ Sedan 145.00 1929 Studebaker Touring- 175.-90 1938 Star Roadster ' .', . ... S5.S 1938 Wlllya-Knlfrht ' Redan .. '495.99 TRUCKS! TRUCKS! TRUCKS! , Wo have them. Com m and pro sent your deaL- Ford's and Chevrolets priced right Trma and trades. Salem Used Car Center Marlon" and X.Iberty ' , Open Evenings Sundays - Phons T919 . WMMWWVWWWAAAAWAAWAWAe . JjOS ArtGELES,: OCtOOCr ; 1 ' - .j I AP) - One; young robber was Mnl A PnrH C--rIfl1f J and !n8tittr killed last "night (VlOaei A rora SpeC!ai5.1nd another was' perhaps faUlly Prices include yearly license. 1931 Victoria Coupe, nearly new , ,.. ; , 359.99 1981 Std. Coupe - ' 485.90 1930 Std. Coupe . 425.90 1939 Sport Coupe rumble scat 425.00 1930, Roadster L 375.00 19S0 Tudor truuk : 845.09 1929 Coupe : 819.00 1929 Roadster . 275.00 1928 Late Fordor Sedan 365.00 1928 Tudor 290.8 1928 Coupe . 275.09 These Model A's are ready to R Nino. tracks, from $85.09 to - 459.90 TERMS TRADER Valley Motor Co. Phono 3153 Center at Liberty. MWNAMAM",-M-Mfc Used Car Specials for Fair Week 192$ Ford Coupe ;.$ 45 1 9 1 - Dodg-e Sport Touring- 12S 1928 CThandler Lbxht Six Sedan - 25 1929 Nash Ligrht Six Coach 2i 1928 Dodge Vic. S Coach ., 460 1929 Essex 3 Coach - .... - . ' , IL 37S 1928 Whippet Cabr. Coupe 225 yj2 Buick Master S, Motor A-l . condition S9 Whs- Renair the Old One? Chet Hlxon is with our shop crew. Don't forget he knows how to repair xoage cars. r McKay Chevrolet Co. "Where' Tou Get "the Blgr Dollar's Worth" 233 Center street NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 13 HEREBt GIVEN: That the undersigned, by an or der of t&e county court of the State of Oregon, f orrthe county of Marion, duly made and entered on the 28th day of September, 1931, was appointed executor of the Last Will-and .Testament and Es tate of MART E. GREENWOOD, Deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor. AH persons having claims, against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly "verified as hefluired by law, to him at the law offices of Jas. G. Heltiel, la the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice.5, . Dated this 2d day of October. "19S1. ' JAS. G. HELTZEL, Salem, Ore gon, Attorney for Estate. " - JOHN L. GREENWOOD Exe cutor of the Estate of Mary E. Greenwood, Deceased. Date of First Publication: Oc tober 2. 1931. Date of Last Pub lication: October 30, 1931. O. 2-9-1S-23-30. Hunting Injury f Cause of Death PENDLETON. Ore., Oct. 1. (AP Walter H. Hofstetter, Pendleton harnessmaker. - died on Tuesday night from injuries re ceived in a hunting accident Tues day afternoon.- Hofstetter's rifle was discharg ed while he was climbing through a fence six miles east' of here. One of his hands was virtually blown off and one foot badly injured. He drove his Own, automobile to Pea dletpn but an operation failed, to save his life. , chaISge possession State police Wednesday arrested W. Kellerhals, Silverton. ' at "the state fairgrounds on gy charge of possession of Intoxicating liquor. He was lodged in the city jail. Duck Ditmar, .Salem, was arrest ed on a charge of being drunk. SUiM INCLUDED If BE! BATE ; Tlaas f er another 1 sale of Its fsfaousr $erit-a-mlle" tranaporta-ttoa---tne second of the aatumn seasoa- were- announcod- yeater-J day by th Sonthern Pacific cona- tranr, Scheduled for.. October. 9, HO and 11. tha forthcoming offer of low-fare ronndtrlp excursions will feature - anday sale date for1 the first time. lit was emphasized by -A.vA. Mickel, district freight and passenger agent for, the. rail-, road, . A . I. :, ., : : ' Heretofore., he . pointed out, all. trips-, on so-called jt'4ollar. dayf tickets haye been - authorized to atiirt on Thursday, Friday or Sat urday. The inclusion of Sunday, October if; in the three-day sale," be&lnning Friday, October 9. '.fat expected to offer' Oregonlans a new IncentlTe for abort trips. I t The. final, return limit Mickel stated, has been set for Monday, October 19, providing, an 11-day outing from the first dite of sale. As before, he said, the tickets will be accepted1 all trains, (oaeh or Pullman.operated by the railroad over4t lines from Portland U El Paso and - From San Francisco to Ogden, including Salt Lake City. U : ; ,!- ; I Bandit :- Slain f'" Anothci Caught) 1 wounded as city; detectives frus trated an attempted robbery of a Western Union telegraph, com- pany branch office on crowded Wilshire BouleTard. O : I Business AMUSEIV&NTS Salem Golf Osurse 3 miles south on-River Drive. IS noisy sratered fslr ways, lars greena Fees T5c Sundays md holldaya IL09. r j B.TTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton IttteriesStarter and generator work. Texaco station. cor ner Court and Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTD EL RAMSDEN Columbia Bieyeles'and repairing. 887 Court. The best tn Meycles and repairinc It W. Scott. 141 a Comt Tet. 4818. CHI5INEY SWEEP Telephone 44?0, R. K- Korthns. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L SCOTT. PSG Chiropractor. 258 K. High. TeL Res. 8573. VX-A OVt Fa7 a lia 1 -xv vuuvtr4w- tors. X-ray nd N. C M. New Bank ISTtO 0Vt"1TT T tlalVMan ft-t f ew-k n--l CLEANING SERVICE Center 6t VsleTerta. Tel 1 9B82. FLORISTS ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor lat. lUi Market. TeL 8593. CUT Flowers.-- weddina bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. , C F. Breiths apt. florist, 613. Stats Street Tel. 694. - 1 ' . ' ' :U HE3ISTITCH ING NEEDLEWORK, i 418 Court. 3-argarat's Shop, Housecleaniog Floor Waxing "We clean anything that's painted". Capitol Window Cleaners. Phone 3T78. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. Tel. 4930 orT3B0. INSURANCE BECEE HENDRICKS ; 119 N. High I TeL 494? WTLLA METTE INS. AQENCT . -; - . IV m. Bii-en. Mt. -j " ' Exclusire Kuttevtlle A sent - -316 Masonic Bids;- TeL T993 LAUNDRIES; THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 363. a High. i TeL 8136 ' capital crrr laundry rWo Wash Ererythlng in Lux Teerhone 1196 1.4 Rrosdwa- MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to borne. :Ask about our wool mattresses 1 Renovat ers : sad fumigttors. Capital ' Bfd- dlnff Cn. Tf. 40S9. 3030 North Capltcl. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Plan os,i Phono graphs; sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs acd sewing machines. 411 Stats Street. Salem. . , i , r.IT v Ajuicu ii Ska" 9 w w f - ire UNK'S iSWOONED. TM SLIPPING ANT KITTY'S The office ' had . been watched by police for' week after It was reported through ' underworld channels that lt had been marked for -robbery. . 'r. Vote to Build HugeAQueduct ' LOS ANGELES. . October!; 1. ( AP) --Thirteen - Southern ' CarV -J f ornla cities Tuesday TOted l S 9.- t7: to' 4 C.34X to construct: tha Colorado rirer aqtueduct, and . to day first work waa performed on the $220,000,000 project, one of the. greatest water xondlilt jobs of all, time. . ' KOTTCK OF , RBXTKVT WATTO ltiAlJ-TION OF .AS- . ' . SiWnXT -ROLI. t Vi :, .The StATE TA3 COMMIS SION will attend as a board of equalisation, at the Capitol la Sa lem, Oregon., on, the third Mon day In October, ?.931, and , pub licly examine the assessment roll by it made, aid review the same, and correct i all errors in , ralua Uob; : description. : -ntttie$ or quaUties of property rby It as sessable, and in apportionment of assessments made by it; and . lt shall be the' duty of the persons and com-panles to ' appear, at ; the time and. place appointed. - .4 1 Petitions: or applications for the redjictlon or change of ap portionment, of a particular-; as Besament shall be made inlwrlt IhgtTTeritied by the oath of the applicant, its president, secretary, managing agent .or attorney' in fact., and be. tiled with the Com Tcission during the first weesr it Is . by law required to be In, aes slon, andany petition or applica tion, not so: made, Terlfled, i and filed shall not be considered or acted upon. . Uj . STATE -TAX COMMISSION. vBy John rt. Carkin, Secretary. ',.; '- S2SO-2-9-1S O Directory I PLUMBING and BEATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Bros, 168 So. Liberty. TeL 8594. , - PAPER HANGING l Paper hanging and painting. Ken man's Paint Store. t53 N. Com'L'i ; PHONE GLENN ADAMS tor house dect oral trig, paper hanging, tinting, etc-. Reliable workman. - " - PRINTING FOR STATION ERT, cards, pamph lets, procrsma, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman ' Print Ins Department, tit & Cemmercial Telephon 10L j . ROOFING El Rey slate surface ' shingles. ! Let us giro you a free estimate on your roof. Easy paymonta If desired. SER VICE ROOFINO AND PAINT iCa 1328 State St. TEL. S99. -. , RADIO FOR orery purpose, for every purse All standard - sices of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 347 Court 'St TeL 8118. i For guarnnteed ' radio- repairing. phons or call at SALEM RADIO SERVICE " TeL 4949 643 Ferry St STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt and repaired.. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and pLaln bop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fencer and Store Works. 363 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming, TAILORS R "H.- lfOSHER Taflor for men and women. 474 Court St. i . TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer C, 326 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for wardlnc and stor-se our specialty. Get -our rates. .ii,. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call 8181. Larmer Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dally. . ' 4 SECKB, H 1 39 N. High HENDRICKS - TeL 4343 a. U. EARLB 324 K. Hhrh St ; TeL 3678 J. LINCOLN EI-LIS i 462 StaU. - TeL 1671 SOCOLOFSKY SON S04-S First Nat Bit. Bldg. TeL 7807 J. F. ULRICH . -State Street - f - TeL . 6672. 32: F. U WOOD 441 Stats St. - ; i.' TeL T184 HOMER D FOSTER REALTY CO. 310 H Stats SL . i . TeL 7623 W. H. GRABENHORST 4COJ 134 a Uberty SLi j TeL 6461 By CLIl STERRETT kkt crKict- mns s i -s'tass Uwhi" ga-S'-ss' COO -COO o - o Real Estate Directory i --lb.. I, INDIA'S IDOL - rli - v" 'If! mm Mahatma Candbi, the Indian leader! I hvested with: the destinies of) millions of his followers, is shown, attired in his usual simple nxW4 fsrb, as he left the Si SL Rajputana at, Marseilles, France, on his way! - . to the second Indian round-table eonterence ia Lendos- - I o i '- TEA-TIME X U jea feel that you'd either like t4 work up a little appetite before tea-time or settle your tummy after imbibinc we suggest this hi-1 nocent and thoroughly effcctlre pastime. Georr-s. Coleman, wor! 4 champion woman diret, is demonstrating oar point by a graceful lean orer a tea-table at a swimming; meet I at Borrerlj lliUs, Calif. Thai b MUIV4 ap ---- ssv ww wt v svs Li, -.' - . Gross rAXra Puzzle IV 2 M- 5 6 1 IO II 12 31, 32 33 3 35 j 36 37 F" 1 i 38 J- 3? I H' . -iii-iiLiiii!iii ;;iniiEzzi?i:iz HORIZONTAL. 7 repose -53 an excla mation 61 restrain 63 i-bla8ted 64 you and 65 besides 67 doltS- 69 affirm . 71 aa insect 73 in addi " tioa ' 74 sound - loudly : 75 kind of 4 1 WOOl p dress ' ' ntatn-ia! T Thpow- i ' ered r.- 18 put forth ? effort 14 turf 16 artless- 17 -frame on t which . corpse is t carried 18 the fourth .month 20 whirl r 11 near i-V t2 unsub stantial 24 a bunch 2 beheld 27 funeral. pile 29 ship's-; company 21 signal j 78 forced 1 way 1 ; ; VERTICAL. 1 arguer 2 egresa- -4n4 3 the : HI! ill -"'' sheltered- : awe .. .:;in: BertwiUi ts the selutioa te yes terday-s puztle: i -.. ..: -. stage eC - history 28 stimulate S 5 generation , 28 act ol 1 pladaf 4 with drawn . 42raea-dow 48 be situated " 44 curtaia at , zlra 47 highest , Si always ' 62 beset . , 54 eeeaai 88 small, retired yalley COMES ASHORE v;; 'a; kZ::----v- !V:V)VfV'-ftf'f.: A '-A i . II m 1 'ii ' -o. APPETIZER II 1 r'-' 1 a; "4 f , a s- m sjs m"!" a o .ijllf.,.' j iii; . m : HHIli.li - t.mm 1 oruer i8 aloft 30 shrewdest 32 a fresh. ll -SC.tf ' ' Si tunu f' l about a (f pivoted 35 -engry ' 87 web-foofce i birds -59 rowing: ? s implement 41 unwell : 41 those who t fjo int tht water , 45 rualiflo4 46 icy 48 concur , 49 raaliga look 80 became 6 that hing C discern i7i-prepare for pi' publication 1 8 one, f ; indefinitely P sew I," mUi;: loosely. " 10 margin 1 1 pernicious 12 Signified 15 either -18 sphere ef j hi:.: action . 19 riche ,22 a flower 2t irritate 27 covered rith a t substance maae iroaa fibrous i': material 1 1 smaller : 1 toward the ' " end ? 58 provided that -vi. 56 upright i 58 shuts ? ? H close ' .. ' 68 succulent I ill i-M i 1M S P. r - n;- plant 62 a fruit is fnLi 88 flat- -1 bottomed boat 14 existed 66 posed 68 negaUra TO large "S-j receptacle 72 that man 74 hare j h: y' axfstenc 1 , iiiifi 1 ill J ;i 1 I