TVpnTT(K)N STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Friday Morning, October 2, 1931 PAGE TEN With 6 Ho 2 Aifliletics ! GU on. SB !'e:a1 ' ! 1 - . A" 1 t 7T " i ) EARNSHAWj AND KALLAHAN NEXT Derringer Spectacular for Two Innings,! Trouble ... Starts in Third ' r - :- H ...Bt ALAN GOULD SPORTSMANS PARK, St. Louis, Oct- 1. (AP) The Philadelphia Athletics' unlimbered their heavy artillery on the enemy's home battle ground today, fired two booming salvos that crushed the Cardinals' youthful snarpsnooier. Paul nrrlnrfer.!' and ' inoved tri umphantly toward their goal of a third successive or,j oaseoa championship. fl The final score was;i to- 2 as the Athletics, ina characteristic ally skilful exhibition, subdued St. Louis In the opening skirmish of the big aeries behind the some what erratic lefthandefl pitching of the great Robert Moses OroTe. A howling, hopeful fcrowd of 38.529 home-town customers came i - I oat to cheer the Cardinals In their fresh attempt to stop Connie ' Mack's steamroller.' They saw the 1 great Grove hit briskly, touched I for two runs in the first inning. ' only to steady and pitch himself - - out of a flock of Critical situations ? in holding ; the National league champions scoreless for the rest of i the game. Itedbirds' Blnglej l "Maiiv hat Wasted j The Red Birds out-mi tne woria I champions, 12 to 11. but the big i guns of the A's were more d&- i I struc'tive, and accomplished the I ! downfall of the youthful! Derring- " er ia decisive fashioni Four runs f were scored In a wild third in- I ning, when Derringer lost control t an walked in the typing run. 5 Then a single by Jimmy Foxx with ' the bases full decided the game. As a parting salute, Al Simmons f drove a home ran into the left ' j field bleachers in the seventh in- 5 ning with Mickey Cochrane on base. After that wallop the fading 1 Cardinal hopes flickered out, Der- ringer yielding to a pinch hitter. Sylvester Johnson held: the A's I hitlesa lh the last two Innings. . 1 The' Athletics won like the fa vorites and world champions that ! they are In blasting the hopes that ' 1 the National leaguers hid placed i on "the -youthful Derringer, a "freshman" iblg leaguer making I his first world series start. I Youxg Kentucklan I . Mows Them Down j For two Innings, as he struck I out- four of the six batsmen to face " him, the 25-year-old Ken- 1 1 tucky boy looked like the sensa- ! tlon he was expected to be. He f fanned Bishop and Haas to start the game and struck out Foxx and J Miller in the second inning, j It was a brilliant start, too 1 good to be true. ;, ; . j ; i ....... . Jimy Dykes led the lirst nig at tack of the A's, and before it was nvpr hlt by Dib Williams, Mule I Haas and Jimmy Foxx, interspers- - .! ed with: passes to Cochrane and i Simmons, accounted for tour runs. I Dykes was cut -downs between third and home as the Cardinals 1 fought to stem the tide; but Der- l ringer's wlldness and the pinch -J hitting of the A's was too much I to be controlled. j Derringer rallied with a fine h aw of rameless to check the Athletics In the next three in j rings, but the act was put on by I Simmons, in the seventh. Lefty Grove bore down In taw stretch to f choke off any lingering danger In ! -; '- the Cardinal bats. it was not a brilliant day for the famous southpaw, altho it . he had remarkable control and was I master of the situation, in the ? . ninches after the" fir6t Inning, aid' . j ed by the steady and at times spectacular defense put up by his 1 teammates. - - Grove was hit harder than Dett . i "rlnrerl however, all the way He f fanned seven Cardinals, whereas Derrlnxer's decentive curves set - V j down nine of the A's on strikes. drove Has Hard ! Goins at First Tie Cardinals Jumped on Grove I at the start with such vehemance that it looked like a very bad af- 1 ternoon Indeed for the southpaw. - I - . who set a new winning percent ' age record this year in the Ameri- 1 can league. Robert Moses fanned ; Andy High, the third base replaee f ment for the injured Sparky Ad- ams, but was touched for succes f .slve singles by Roettger, Frank r - Frisch and Jim Bottomley, 'follow- - ed by a double by "Pepper" Mar tin, youthful outfielder; This ac- ! counted for the" only two markers the National leaguers posted: : In at least three other;Innings i the fourth; , sixth and seventh. Grove wa$ lucky to escape with- out scoring damage. Jimmy Wil- 1.: son hit Into a double play in' the fourth to waste a pair of. hits by Martin and Gelbert. In the sixth, a v double steal by Chick Hafey and , Ulartln, with one : out, had , the " i Athletics momentarily up la the air. but Wiison and Gelbert lacked Ti - theunch to bring anybody across tlfe plate. j Roettger and Frisch singled in succession In the seventh with two i out. but Jim' Bottomley could do nothing better to Improve this sit . uation than ; ground out 'to Max ' . Bishop. . ; - Simmons- Snags ' .Ball Off Fence . ' Al -Simmons i contributed the most sensational defensive gesture 1 of the game when ho dashed back and speared Wilson's drive up against the wall In deep left field In the eighth inning. The great outfielder. ' however, shared ; hon ors with Williams, the kid' short stop, who Justified, his selection for world series duty for the first time by handling seven chances perfectly and contributing two hits to the Athletics attack. i: The advantage sow Is all with BLAST CARDS i . Lfty".Grov.' r - Al SinnOBt, the A's, who will play their, sec ond ace pitcher, George Earn Bhaw, tomorrow against the Car dinal southpaw, Bill Hallahan. and then . move j to Philadelphia for three games next week. The worst that can "befall the world cham pions is an even break before they hit th.home grounds, where they have been almost invincible now for three straight years. Athletics : AB R H PO A 0 3 Bishop, 2 ... - 4 Haas, m . . . . 5 Cochrane, c . 4 1 1 2 1 o o 0 1 0 2 7 3 9 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 Foxx, 1 . . . ; 4 Miller, r . . , . 4 Dykes, 1 3 Williams, a ,. 4 Grove, p .... 4 Totals ,30 6 11 27 9 0 St. Louis AB It H PO A High. 3 4 0 1.0 1 Roettger. r 5 12 10 Frisch, 2 ... 4 12 10 Bottomley, 1.4 0 1 7 1 Hafey, 1 .... 4 01 0 0 Martin, m .. . 4 0 3 2 0 Wilson, c ... 4 0 0 12 2 Gelbert, s ... 4 0 2 1 5 Derringer, p. 2 0:0 0 0 Johnson, p .. 0 0 0 0 0 Flowers ,..1.0 0 0 0 Bladesf . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 Mancusog .'. . 1, 0 0 0 0 Totals .38 2 12 24 10 Batted for Derringer in 7th. t Batted for Johnson in 9 th. tBatted for High in 9 th. Philadelphia 004 000 20 00 St. Louis ....200 000 00 0 2 Runs batted In Simmons 3, Foxx 2, Haas, Bottomley, Martin Two-base hits, Martin, Haas, Gel- jjl -r A J LEADS WEBFOOT GRIDDERS ..--! ' . : Here Is Xrv ScfcpJx, TJutvenlty of Oregon footbaJl captain, jwhe will Ied his elerea against lithe at Portland Saturday ha Oregon'a first eenfereaoe game. This is Bchulz's last year at Oregon. He ht e strap--ping big fellow and Coach Speare prediete a brilliant seeaon lor Mmi gchuls u a gTiartL , , ; J HORSES 1 III SPEEDY RAGES Clean Sweeps Made In all Harness Events; Salem Animal Wins Trot 1 Slean sweeps In; all three har ness races were chalked : up for the winners In the: feature events of today's races at the Oregon state fair. Three I running races were also added to the program for the, heaviest day of horse events of the week. .. Hallie Guy, i chestnut; mare, owned by J. J. Kadderly of, Port land took all firsts In the I three heats of the 2:12 trot and first money of the 2!00 purse.! Maxey McKianey, brown gelding, owned by S- M. Busch Salem, won top honors in the 2:25 pace, while the great black mare, Gloria Halgret ta, owned by Cv A. Barnum of Bu coda. Wash., took all firsts la the three-year-ojd t pace. ' ' In the running events, featured by ; close races in each instance. Cross Bow, entered by Ruth Bar ton, owner of several former der by i winners here, t dashed i Out in front on the home stretch n the mile run. She was ridden by Jockey Schmitx, ' who wasttihrown in the next event and slightly In jured. R. M. Dann's School Hills with Gerard up jwon the 9 fur long event and Little Cop toojk first in the fire furlong race track was In perfect condition aid all times were fast. , Summary: j Three-year-old pace, three one time heats, every heat a race. purse. 2250. ; , . Gloria Halgretta (Daniels) 11 3 2 Bobbie Cinofleld (Ireland) Fifty-six (Wilburn) 3 2 3 Time: 2:112:11:2 ?13U. 2:12 trot, three one-mile heats. every heat a race, purse f 500. Hallie Guy (Dennis) 4 jl 1 Checkers (Wright) " 2 2 Billy Wotan (Daniels) :4 5 Louise Boswell (Daget) r !5 4 Trampspruee (Swisher) 6 3 Merryland (Lance) . 3 7 Dinty Moore ( Davis) ; 8 0 Jean Luck .(McCHmas) 1 7 8 Time: 2:11 2;11U; 2:11. 2:25 pace, three one- mile heats, every heat a race, purse v v t I Maxey McKInney;( Lin dsey) 1 1 Edna Cinconfield j (Dennis) 2 Biffast (Brady) . ' : l John Noble (Lance) - 1 7 Madame Queen (Wright) 3 Rudolph Valentino XDupre) 4 Anna Ciconfield; Ilreland) i 6 Alta Mack (Merrill) 8 8 Galley Vernon (Tilden) i 9 9 Time: 2:10;: 2:11 ; Z11. One mile race, purse; f 300. First, Cross Bowj (Schmits) ; sec ond, Culican '(Carter); ! third, Shock (Cox). Time 1:43 Six and half furlongs. purse 1200. First, School Hill j (Ger- ard); second,? Jimmy Trin (Swift); third. Will Ward (An- derson). Time; 1-22. rj Five furlong I for non-winners since August 29, 1931, purse $ 2 0 0. First. Little Cop j( Allml- sl); second. Applesauce Swift); third, Maghery :57. ti ( Carter).! Time bert. Home run;! Simmons! Stolen bases,. Hafey,' Martin. Left on bases. Athletics; j 7, St. Louis 9. Struck out by Derring"? .9, Grove 7, Johnson 2. Bases on balls of Derringer 3. Pitching record,Der rlnger 6 runs, 11 hits In seven in nings. Losing pitcher. Derringer. Double plays, Bishop to Williams to Foxx, Bottomley unassisted. Umpires: Klem, National, at plate; Nallln, American, first bas ; Stark, National,! second base; Mc Gowan, American, third base. , Georgia's Bulldogs got off to a fine start the first day of football practice, with' 49 men in uniform. OPPOSE OREGON 1 '- . i : - : - it' i ' m.' . i . i-; .. , . : : '- -r i : t r l ' ' A-::-. V t i: .::: t.? . :;,. ' . 4-- --'-.3 ' ?.z :Y-r , - -jz ' in 11 in 1 1 iiiiwii r 4 ivttrDicJc :i-nrTj: iW -Xi- V 1 , - -V 1 1 I" -vt - s , -v 'r-J j Here to a qnartet of Mahp tanUaaries who are after Dnck meat When nsV rqaf vjaeim iejPfBatnraaj Oregon's ftrst eo nraee leetDan jwim njnsaj. Jur iwa Hera, are wwnp, wane werby Is iaano-a great rrrwmin snumacjc wnn nrecatte- o evtnry n geea. m JaTeraen, VCSki'SQfimrait BWeae.'" Tne Vandals wffl Bend Vandals Are Real Threat To Webf oots PORTLAND, Oct. 1 (AP) Portland football fans are look ing forward to a battle of back fields In the opening coast con ference here Saturday between Oregon and Idaho. The Webfoots are scheduled to arrive here tomorrow night, while the University of Idaho sQuad is not expected until Sat urday morning. Willis Smith, the "little giant" of the Idaho backfleld, and Joe Lillard, Oregon left halfback, are looked upon here as the main stays of both teams. . Smith, ! a quarterback ; who weighs only 159 pounds, is said to be equally effective Jp passing, kicking and carrying the ball. Lillard is considered a consistent groufid gainer. His Teal quali ties, however, will not be known definitely until Saturday. Oregon's . backfleld probably will include Red Rotenberg, half back, Ed Moeller, quarterback. and Bud Poxza, fullback. Oregon ; Is a slight favorite to beat the Vandals. Chocolate Wins Technical Kayo ... In 39 Seconds NEW. YORK. Oct.' 1 (AP) Kid Chocolate, holder of the jun ior lightweight title, . scored one of the quickest victories of his career tonight , when" he was awarded ; a technical knockout over Joe Scalfaro of New York In 39 seconds of a- scheduled ten round bout. - f . The smiling keed" who won his trick title several months ago from Benny Bass at Philadelphia, scarcely had to linlimber his best punches to stop the Harlem Ital ian. Before the crowd of 8.000 had settled back in Its seats to witness the main attraction, it was all over. i i- Cubs Get Score Aiter 17 Skinny Innings and Win CHICAGO, Oct. 1 AP) The Cubs, finally emerged . from ' a long scoring famine in the nine innings today to defeat the White Six 1 to 0, and even the battle for the Chicago- city championship at one game-all. r Klkl Cuyler. and VInco Marton provided the winning punch. With one out In the ninth Inning, Cuy ler slashed a hard double to cen terfleld. ; Lester Bell fouled out to Grube but Marton rammed a single to right bringing; Cuyler home. : . - : :- ; It was the first Cub score In the two games of the series. They were blanket s to 0, yesterday. - TEAM SATURDAY 1 SHIJgWIN SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. (AP) Henry Oana saved the night for the San Francisco Seals when he caught a high, fly in center-field, preventing the Seattle' Indians from scoring and making certain ; a Seal win of 3 to 1. Oana's catch, next, to the fence, was made in. the eighth Inning. The Seals hammered two Indian pitchers, Keating and Bottomley, for ten hits. t Seattle f ....... .....i 1 1 San Francisco t .1.......3 10 '' 1 Keating, Bottomley and Bott arlni; Davis and Mealey. : 's LOS. ANGELES, Oct 1 (AP) Night game: j Portland J..10 8 3 Hollywood ...JL. JL. .... S 12 1 Orwoll and Fitzpatrlck; Yde; Johns, McEvoy and Bassler. OAKLAND, Oct. 1 (AP) Flrst game: b Loa -Angeles 4 -8 -9 2 Oakland 4 10 ; O Hermann and Schulte; Pearson and Read. . ! ..j SACRAMENTO,: Oct Night game: Missions Sacramento . 1 Caster and and Wlrts. ........... J....2 S 3 ........... 11 1 Hoffman; Collardi- ; j . CALIFORNIA, HERE WE COMfi - ; M-:. ' t'.1- The rest of the United States should bar Califor nians from tennis competition if any titles are to go elsewhere. Following Helen Wills Moody again acquiring the women's title, Ellsworth Vines, Jr., .19-year-old Pasadena star, won the national men's PACIFIC ROOKS PLAY GHEPMVJA Game at 3:30 Today, Indian School Gridiron may Provide Thrills Coach Lavell's Chemawa In dian Braves will meet Coach El don Jenne's freshman recruits in a football game to be played to day at' 3:30 on the . Chemawa field. - ; - v'i I . ; i . ' The Redskins report a number of crippled men, but may. be able to present a strong team! never theless. Joe Ball and George Thompson -who " botbr play I tackle, are suffering from twisted; 'an kles.'. , Captain' Roy Meachem-has an injured shoulder, but may, be able to play some. . '! Meachem was the. mainstay ; of the Indian's backfleld last Tear when It . came to . ball carrying. In the Thanksgiving day 'classic with , Salem - high last - season, Meachem vied with Saga! of Sa lem for ball, , carrying honors Time after time he got away for long' gains and showed particu larly well on returning t-be kick off. . :'- - :.: '. Harry' Archambeau suffered in juries In the game Chemawa slaved asalnst Washington high Of Portland and contracted pneu monia later which caused ! his death. ' . - ' . , j M- Pacific Expected j ; To Show Strength ? Little Is known of the fitrength of the crew which will represent Pacific, hut' a number of stars can be expected. It is reported that Coach Eldon Jenneidid not have a particularly slim j year ; as far as recruiting football men was concerned. In fact it is re ported to be one of the most promising groups of new men Pa cific has ever had. Whether they will be able to work well togeth er or not is a matter In question. Chemawa held LInfield college to a low score of 8 to 0 and also dropped a game to Washington high 8 to 2. Candidates for . today's game Include:. Fred Grinnell, 1 Cyril Archambeau and Leonard Vivette ends." Alfons Hoptowlt.. Leo Tee hee tackles, Leonard -John, James Walker, Ennis Brown, Howard Churchill, Everett Sandberg, Wil son Cook; : James Andrews guards, Lonnie Weeks center, Or ville Olney.- Murray McCluskey halfbacks, Alfred Ghristnot, Roy Meachem, Ervin Bruno fullbacks, and Robert Thomas and John Trottter quarterbacks. - -j ? - j Parrish Set ) For Game at McMinnville Parrish junior high will start its 1931 football season today! at. McMinnville when the junior high, team of that city will be met. The game Is called at 3 o'clock. Last year Parrish defeated Mc Minnville without much difficul ty and It was doubtful If a game could be arranged this season.; To day was the only chance for such a game so Coach Harold Hauk grabbed It even though his men have had bnt little experience, i The Mac juniors have already played one game, holding . the Woodburn seconds to a scoreless tie.. Parrish will : be an tpex-l perienced team with ' only ; three lettermen in the lineup. Brownie Meyers, -Verne; DeJardin and Coons are the veterans. , ' -. A few days ago the report: was carried in this paper that Parrish lost a ! football game to a high school last season, but at Coach Hauk's suggestion The Statesman is glad to make correction and say that the Parrish team of 1930 was .undefeated,! winnlngboth ; of its high school games. Further more it might. hel stated, junior high scored On the locals. V The starting lineup for Parrish today will - be: j Coons and Faist ends," McCalL or ; Walt and . Auer " s z X1 I How was your radio - work- ; Ing? Ours was ' fine, only- the , roar of the crowd drowned out Graham McNamee a couple of t. times. When they get over to ; PhiladelphlA he broadc eats from soundproof boi aa we recmll it. : More efficient and . still we like to hear the yelling. It helps to build up the feeling that we're right, there seeing it ! Just hearing I the game describ ed and not seeing Yt helps one, in a way, to concentrate on figuring what's going to 1 happen: next. It also helps one to reallie that It's Just a ball game like hundreds of others we've seen. When Gabby Street's young ? hopeful began mowing "em down In the opening Innings, we. thumbed the book of experience mentally and' made up our :mind that it couldn't last- forwMch we do hot take any cre dit since, probably.: thirty million other -radio -listeners 1 had the same idea. ii And we had a feeling it was all over when. Jimmy Dykes! got that scratch single jto open ihe third Inning. That guess was right too. We n-eren t too ;: sure Grove was going to steady down after his bad first inning, but the eld book holds plenty of precedents for that too. ) r In company! with probably a big majority of the radio fans, j we found our sympathies trail-; Ing; witl the riinder dog; Cards., ' And we admire fhcmS'for. ihe;; j fight they put fup--nqtably irJ i the sixth when Hafey and Mar ; tin pilfered soiiie baws to en ! hance their Chances to score. ; Too bad. Plenty of hiU bnt not when tlcy would want. Bnt ; don't neglect to se Robert Moses Grove some credit .for; that. ; .. - FOOTBALL SCHOOL s . I'll fnm-flijaa. Vn a Wrt ii,ab as a gamble (with the odds against its working as we : have shown) and as a threat. Obviously, it's good ' business . to gamble when there's nothing to lose;" that Is, when you're, behind and getting nowhere with . running tjplays,-' or when you're several " touchdowns ahead and hopeful of piling up more. ' ,';' 1 ;f . ;- .J'-.'-; '- - ; ' But in the'j first instance the odds become even longer because every team expects a losing op- ponent to pass and Is waiting for it. You'll see tnat gamble lose tfme after time! and If 5 iff wins It's an exceedingly lucky" break. In a really, tight game; the value of the pass as j a, threat comes to the fore. It keeps the Secondary defense playing deep and hesi tant about coming up to- the line, and of course there is always the chance that some passes will WOrk. - 1 -Ti" ." f :ii: g-J "- : Relative to the "don't? we en umerated the other day; they are not quite absolute. , Bear in . mind that when one I of said "oon'ts" is manifestly In effect, the;; surprise element is enhanced. Some coach er encourage selection of a pass to the; nearbyjsldellne, with loss of the ball as the only serious per il,: even around their own 30-yard line; and will j. permit aT quarter back to pass on . third down with only a few yards to go--once in a while in the hope of getting away with a surprise, i ' - L ..." i There is a time when it's al ways "the thing to pass; in en emy territory I on ' fourth .., down with ten yards or so to -go. when a punt would most likely go for a touchback. I ? .. ; Qtiestlon: What doe ; dew' fenslve line do? S . . . : i -4 j'.-c '" : 5B 1 i " 1 - t . - I s '.- '-" ; & .- . : tackles. Max. Coons and; Wendle Gwlnn guards Verne DeJardin center, Gwlnn and Baxter , halfs, Meyers fullback and McKay, full back. -, 4-". ;-''' ...IE :(--A week from todayvParrish will Play the Oregon City Junior high there and October IB Aumsville high school here.- ? -;'-'. -. .. - rt- i-f '?-f$ 1:'.:-''-': 'ill 'ii:- 4 HI 11 s - ;-. '"NiiWif '' , s x -4rO 1 I title at Forest Hills, JL L, the same day Ruby Bis hop, also of Pasadena, was winning the girls' nsJ tional ehamptonship in Philadelphia; Here are thW new champions I with their trophies. Must be the) highly publicized climate after all. , . !T TO BE STRONG Historic Game! in 1925 is Recalled; Custom is Being Revived ttarrfav aftrhOOn on OUngr field, high school alumni football games will be revived after a rest 4 period of six years during which time no I such contests hsre been 4 played ; Between Salem high and the grads. j:f. ; In the fall of '2$ the high school beat the alumni 7jto 6 in, ft col orful game which would probably have ended in a-' different score -had ;j the -.alumni players been In . better condition.; It ; was in that game that Brick ilagedorn, whoso time of graduation from high school dates back; to the' teens, was playing end and scooped up a . fumble made by one of the high , school players. . ;. ; . j, Brickj got the ball in the sha- . "dow ! of j bis own goal post and ' raced, to; the other! end of the field for; what looked like a sure score. Just 10 yards from his own goal line be gare out and fell flat, un- able i to j move farther. The high; school's extra point came from an offalde penalty while a kick was! being trjed. ;.?; j' ' Formerly the alumni struggles were annual affairs, but of recent years they have been neglected. Clark Jacksoti, who helped turn back tne last alumni group to Play, is heading up the group and organizing the team which will meet the red and black Saturday. Men ; To Report At I ! C j Willamette Gym! I ; Jackson wishes all the men to' be at the Willamette gym at 1:00 o'clock Saturday ? afternoon as "Spec' Keene tas promised, to help ; outfit ,the players. Jackson also requests that any of the for mer players who wish to perform and, nave been 'overlooke4 will get in ; touch with him or. jiirt show .: up at the time to play, -if " ' Coach "Holly", Iluntlngton will start Reid and Scheibner at ends, Otjen and Bennett? tackles,. Martin and Coffee guards, San ford cen ter,! Sunderman and Sugsl halfs, Wefser ; fullback, i and Bone quar- . terback.; ; - i - - HuntingUn states that a large number iof men will be used ia the contest in addition to the staffing i lineup.' -; Evidently the starting team has been chosen principally for lta weight with th lighter men being saved for: a later period when the alumni tesmJ Is 4 wearied K 'Contrary to an earlier report thej game will not be played on Sweetland field, ! but on Olinger, Frank Bashor will probably ref ereii'iithei'' contest.?! fi-- -- Wllisltir, 'M U-;!: 1 ! SCIO GIBS TO PLfllT FIRST GAME gOlOiiOctJ 1 Athletics in the Sclo high school will open with a football contest Friday, October 2j with the Brownsville team oa the latter'a fields according to an-, nouncement Wednesday of M. H Beat, the new coach at Sclo. who expects to take 15 to 17 player from; this city, is The team is showing up better all? the time. Beal stated, adding that; the; line will average 1E0 and thej backfleld 145. Membership of "the team includes Sims, Fret tag,' Yunker, Gallegly, f Peery, Walter, IUilbolt, : Long, Luken bachl Todd. K. Miller, ii Miller Arnold, B. Burton, Young, K. Burton, Shelton. r peal stated that a number of large boys In school who Would make valuable players, for the team have failed to turn -Seven! games have been sched uled,!: with the. possibility of an addilionar game! with Stayton, it was announced.! This schedule follows:! Oct. : Brownsville, theroillOct. 9 Aimsvllle, i there; OctpjilJJ: Gervais; there; ;pct. 23 Junction City .there; Oct. 50 Leb anoh5ihere;liloy.! Parrish Jun lor ,hlgh, Salem", "here; Nov. 13. Shedd I (tentatlye) J here; Kov. 20, opeBllflifl- ":---;U . r. -y - ' : Thiar4eam as'ai whole is jnak ing a creditable showing, and with sucll heavy men in the lines as Stanley Walter, ? Elvin Gallegiy, and Alfred Yunker; and a fast hardhitting backfleld, we are ex pecting the team to make, an en viable record- vthi season," Bal saidi;;:;:r" . . ; , " , . . ... 'On (behalf of the team,' I do sire i to J express sincere apprecia tion for' the potent -cooperation of. the board' Cfeducatlon in placing football s upon the athletic pro gram of the school," Beal added. on til even To Open Season -STAYTON, Oct.! 1 Harold Gor donier, coch, has? announced that the schedule so i far arranged- for the; jStayton hlgh school football team If as follows: Oct. 2; Wooi burn, there; October 9, Dallas here October 16, Canbyt there; Qctober.I23, Gervais, herej Octo- ber 80, Dayton,! there; November 3, Lebanon, here and November ljl.Aumsville.'hcre. . nMMihj' ... Junior mil Evened up ..ST. PAUL, Oct. 1 (AP) . Rochester hammered out a 5 to I 2 Tletorjr pver thS American -association champions of St. Paul to day to even up the Junior world series at one game each. H The ; Redwings bunched thelf V. w la ono big Inning the sixth ; to score four runs on r. many i hits and added another in tne ninth for good measure. V s ' -' i tt-.: