jl 1 A -fx jf"1 i -NOW IS THE TIME . ! Subscribe now, , The Ore- : gon Statesman Bargain per iod now on. To any address in Oregon S3.00. per year by . i. THE WDATllfcl? Pair today and Saturday, moderate temperature; Max. Temp. Thantday 7t MJll. 6, river -3.3, clear, wind ' northeast . 1 s v r. r-vrt II IfilU t iJl u vvvvv mail only. -V I ' . , .. FOUMD.np 1851 HIEIHOI Marion County Products? Look US: TWO KILLED US Fair Has Thrill sggar ; -1 At These Prize Winning Twins After Seeing 70 ijEEDY TO BAO LUCK BUT BEIi! ! ;" IIP lill'Vl VI : MHmJ I' ' , "' ' ' E J J' I , " , - " ni , ' - " ' - i- ' ; ; ElGHTY-rHLST YEAR " !: '-J. '' j j , galem, Oregon, Fridiy Hlorning, October 2, 1931 i , 1 :J : - U ' ,l J T,ft irj Cflt ED STILLHOPEFUL IOT0 S F BAY ;-fiBd:ll)ay: 7 ! " I 9 1 Expenditure of $2,500,000 Agreed Upon by Board; , , t SAhhounced Here, ; - : Federal Help Requested on ' Shortcut Road; Meet .Slated October 8 : Announcement as made by the state highway commission , here Thursday - that in a meeting in Portland Wednesday it had reed ipon expenditure of 12.500.000 lor unamptoyment relief -worK during the fall and winter month. It had not been revealed DreT'ia81" lylhat a meeting had been held , Under the plan announced by the commission work will start at once and will continue until early next spring. Previously It had been planned to limit the-unem-ployment relief program to slight ly more than a million dollars. The commission considered and adopted two policies which will be rigidly adhered to with respect to .1? Miiaf fnnda disbursed in con- : fiActlaa with the highway projects promoted tor unemployment re- ' lief 1 ' " y :- - winrt all funds will be dlsburs- ! ed in those counties or districts of i the state where the -aisiress is most acute. Heads of Families Given Preference '' Second,' only heads of. families or men with dependents who have resided in the state for a period of at least si months and who are in need ot the work. will be considered as qualified, for hish- V?Of3the; $2,500,000 authorized for relief work. $1,250,000 will be expended on secondary highways and $1,000,000 will be expended nopn thogehlghways where, hand i.w ran hm utilized " to 1 the best advanUge. The $1,250,000 Is the contribution from state highway funds made available under the recent amendment to, the market Toad law. ;;; ::' -,''.j''':.- Current funds will not be, auf flcient to. meet the situation, and conseauently it is th plan of the commission to Jwrrow money from the state for a short time, if such an arrangement can be madevjhe commission later will sell state highway ; bonds. -'-I - " -i " j" ' - The ' commission is preparing projects with a view to allocating iU funds where they will be most needed-and where the greatest amount of relief can be accom plished. Keqnest Federal - - Aid oa Shortfnt . ' While the prime of Ject or the commission meeting in Portland was to plan for unemployment re lief, it was decided to request the federal government, through its bureau of public roads, to aid the state In the construction of short route roads from Portland to the sea, to connect with - the newly completed coast highway. Such a resolution, bearing tlfe unanimous approval- of the commission, will be presented to the United States bureau of publie roada within the next few day, and a speedy answer will bo requested.. .; The next meeting of the high way commission will be held in Salem October 8. Among the most Important matters scheduled for consideration are selection of a route for the shortcut highway from Portland to the sea, and re duction of salaries and working forces in the state highway de partment. - j' .- r . BLOCK PROFITEERS -LONDON, Oct. 1 (AP The British government, a,, virtrAi. die-; tatorship by virtue of its new economy powers, put forward a bill, to block profiteering today. LIBEL IS CHARGED r PORTLAND, Oct. 1 f AP) The Oregonian Pnblishinj; com . pany was made defendant In a $100,000 damage suit tiled in cir cuit eeurt here today by Harry L. -Gross, Portland attorney. ; - - rhnrrpd hwas libeled. alandered and held Bp to "ridi-1 cule and contumely" in a news story Published In the Oregonian September 29. The, story recount ed proceedings ot a session of the Htv ennncil during which Gross allegedly was identified as having .an Interest in property which he - and others had Deen aavocaims a the site for a public market. BELIEF CORPS WORKER -1 PORTLAND. Oct. 1. (AP) Mrs. Wealtha Brumbaugh, 85, a resident of;thePacifle northwest for the past 30 years," died here today. She - was known ; particu larly for her worlas a member of the Women's-Relief Corps, ft: air. and Mrs. Daniel Brumbaugh moved to T Seattle from Iowa in 1900: r Brumbaugh died in 190$ and the next year Mrs.. Brum baugh moTed to Portland. She is survived by four sons; Claude S. Loa Anrelestl Daniel A., Fort Wayne, Indi, (and Harry C. and Fred Brcmbaugh, Portland. n : Here are some happy children; each, of them has a playmate at home just his' or her own age. They are the prize winning twins in! The ' :. Oregon Statesman-Kennell Ellis studio photographic contest just completed. Top, Barbara and Gloria- McCUntock whose parent live on route seven out of Salem, who were awarded frtst prize 'middle, : Bobby and Billy Johnston, sons of Mr. and Mr. J. LA. Johnston, 1127 Waller street, second prize winners; bottom,: Harlan and Dar leen, children of Mr. and Mrs. J.'B. Crossler, 688 Breys street, third prize winners. Other prize winners' pictures among the many taken by Kennell Ellis photographers in the contest, will 'appear in the Sunday Stateswaa.';';; -..i- ",Z '' ;'." ; -i 1. v? TRAFFIC PROVE HIS Unidentified Woman Struck Down, but Gets up and Declines -all aid Starting the new month off to the tune of crunching fenders, six automobile accidents were report ed to city police yesterday. Four of the mishap occurred yester day and two the day before. ; J . An unidentified woman was truck to the pavement at ? 9:30 o'clock yesterday evening hy a truck driven by Ole T. Olson, C33 Ferry street, the latter reported last : night . ,: In his report, Olson "states . that ; the ;wom anstepped in front of his truck as he was turning off North Cap itol street : nto North Summer. Getting up without .: assistance, she refused aid and said she was all , right. V i ::-irH: ; : U Elarly in the morning a HcClean school bus, . r operated by Balph Foster, $20 Oak street, nipped a fender 6n; the machine driven by Rer.-A. 8, Mulligan. II 0 Falr mounr street,- on - Center street near 'the Salem . General hospital. both drivers reported. Rev. Mul ligan states, the other driver was (Turn to page 2 col. ) ! CRASHES Oregronian Fares Suit .Mnu: Brumbaugh Dies , Jefferson, High Win . Clatsop ' Agent Quits . . BEATS LINCOLN, 12-0 POUTLAKD. Oct. 1. (AP) Jeferson high school scored a 13-to-O victory over Lincoln high in a Portland inteichol astie league football game here today.' - SMITH SUCCESSOR ASTORIA. Oct, 1. (AP) B. W. McMlndes7 -Clatsop :. county agent tor more than 10 years, has resigned from office, it was ; an- nouncea toaay. He is succeeded by Clifford L. Smith, Clatson county Uiorticultural inspector. McMindes' resignation has been In the hands of Oregon. State col lege officials - for several weeks but was .not acted- upon until yes terday,,'-: - - ... - i McMlndes will enter private business in Clatsop county. -' . NAMED FOR PIONEER EUGENE, Oct. 1. (AP) Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Applegate, En rene, are tne parents ot a son, Richard Lindsay Applegate, born here yesterday. '. . - - The child was' named in honor of Lindsay Applefftte, Oregon pio neer, who came here in 1843nd in honor of Robert Lindsay Apple gate, the first of the Applegate family to arrive fa America.- in 1720. - ; ,i V- 4k STATE I3S TOURNEY Oil TODAY Sixteen Entrants Selected In Preliminaries Held - Earlier in i Week i Tournament to determine the state . horseshoe: pitching cham pion will start at 9 o'clock; this morning, at the fairgrounds, with 16 pitchers from! all sections of the state -entered. .1 In the final elimination toss- ing yesterday, ; right to . partici pate today was taken in order by W. " Haydeon, Portland. - H. ' C Cook. Eugene, and H. McMillan, Portland.' .' 1 - u- Tossers In the finals today, in order will be: i ll ; H. Graham,' The Dalles; . F. RIsO, Portland; J. Sparlin, Grants Pass;. George Jensen, . Portland; R. McQueen; Wlllamlna; Robin son," Portland; - J.vBrashear, -La Grande;. C Cook, Eugene: Allen, Portland: J. : Frisco.' -Portland: PelLiPendeton; Jenkins. Eugene; O. Johnson, 'Portland; ' W. Hay- don,": Portland ; H. C. Cook, Port land; and E. MeMJllatf, Portland. Annual business " meeting ; and election ' ot officers of the: state horseshoe pitchers' " association will be held at the court this morning at 8 o'clock. C. N, Es- berg is president and LeRoy Bry ant, secretary. ; ! Both are: from Portland. ,' t Pickpocket Said ActivQ at Fair; Policed Seeking State and city police yesterday were searching for an unidenti fied woman pickpocket, j who Wednesday operated on the state fair grounds. ; Reports received at police headquarter Indicated that more than, 80 women lost their, purses during the day. rouce said tuey had - two . or three iwomen under surveillance but no arrests had, been ! made late tonight. :i H r V;l Meier's Return Date Uncertain The date of Governor Julius L- Meler'e return to duty here re mained uncertain yesterday! at the executive ornce nere. previously It had been , announced that he would , be here October li The governor remains in bed at the Benson hotel in Portland. He was able to converse j with hisj assis tants here over the telephone yes terday and to discuss certain mat ters of state business. 'His cold which has been bothering him for the last week Is reported to . be waning. Third Hit Lacking 3 Times " Hef Points out; Will ' I Start . Hallahan ' - EarnshaW -Likely to Start ; For A's but Connie ' Won't say so, .: By CHARLES DUNKLEY - X ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1 "We lost because we couldn't get that third hit.' . , -:; That was Manager Gabby Street's explanation for ' the de feat of the Cardinals in the first game of the world series today. Street, usually genial and affa ble, was a gruff old sarge as he marched in the clubhouse with his conquered players following him single file. They trooped into showersnsullen and. disappointed. 'We had that game in the old bag ; three, times today and It we had been lucky enough to get that third ; hit, pot , even ' Simmons' home , run would have - been enough to beat us," S.treet said.. 'Wild Bill Hallahan, the pug- nose left bander who shnt out the athletics in one game of last year's world series, will face the world champions 'tomorrow if Manager Street does not change his mind meanwhile. . v Derringer Cool, r t Manager Aver - "The kid Derringer pitched great ball and deserved to win," Street explained. ."Nervous? Not a bit of it. He was a cool as a cucumber. I probably will shoot him right back at them. We're not (licked yetT" The series has ust started. Tomorrow is anoth er day, and Bill Hallahan will be fn there for us. If hels right he can't -lose." ' Praise for the defeated Card inals and praise for his own players was liberally given by Manager Connie' Mack. Ha de clared, however, that ' he had nothing to say concerning his pitching selection 'for tomorrow.: It was generally accepted he: would start George Earnshaw, holding Rube Walberg in reserve. Series Not Won Yet Says Connie "It is a great thing to win the first game,- Mack said, "it giresi my; club a real edge, but. we are in tor! a tough series, judging from the opposition the Cardinals gave us today." -I - j Mack declared that Derringer impressed hint as hating the abil ity to become one-ef the greatest pitchers ot all times. "But he tried j to do it an ny hlurself," Mack added. "He real- y tried too hard in those first two innings. Now that he has learned I believe he will give us far more trouble before the series is over, -. 1 !;-! Mack said that Grove was not the real Grove until the third in ning, but from here on he was a masterful pitcher. Driver Goes to Hospital; Auto I Shatters Pole J. M. Whitehead, T California, was taken to a local hospital yes terday evening suffering from a bad'scalp wound and hi wife re ceived severe bruises as a result of ' their southbound automobile running off the Pacific highway at the Fukuda errica station in Labish bottom shattering a tele phone pole ajid coming te a stop against a concrete culvert at :15 p. m. Whitehead later was able te leave -the hospital. According to State Policeman Clayton, Whitehead , apparently lost control of hia -machine when he found the brakes would not function properly as the line traf fic ahead of him slowed down. The ear swerved to the left down over-the shoulder of -the road. Had the . culvert not stopped - its progress,' the heavy eoupe would have run Into an irrigation ditch. Coast Pennant 'Won by Seals; ! Oaks Lose Two COAST UBAcnrs I. Pet. W. L. Pel. sa T. -se sr .eos 0kL .55 4S .561 HoHr. 48 4 467 Smtt'f 41 5 .441 Uicsioaa SB 8 .429 Sattl .41 85 .437 Lo A. .SI 4 .548 Portl'd 49 45 B2l OAKLAND. Calif.. Oct. 1 (AP) Oakland eliminated Itself from. theTaee for the second half honors in the coast league when it dropped a - doubleheader to the Angels here tonight, 8 to 4. and 8 to 0. A crowd that over no wed onto the field estimated at 13.500. saw the home team go down to defeat. . vj R H E Los Angeles ........ 3 0, t Oakland - 0 2 : Moss and Campbell: .' Thomas and Read. pooL x BACKS NAVY SLASH WASHINGTON. Oct. 1 (AP) -Senator BOrah today backed President Hoover's plan to slash naval expenditures while . depart ment heads preparedto make it effective. . i ' : ",-- -, ' . ' 7 - : ; v, ;;; -- v - :f. ' , i . - " i 4 N I i i : !. .. - - ? v - ' . - . . , ' : - - ' -" - ; 1 i -' ; . v MRS. RUTH A. BYRNE LOOKS BACK UPON FIRST STATE FAIR And has Seen Thenr all in Intervening Years, i Woman Recalls j' Despite 70 consecutive years of attendance, glamour of Oregon's state fair has not palled for Mrs. Ruth A. Byrne, Salem woman, who admits she still get si "bang" out of the. big harvest jubilee, special ly from the floral exhibits and the horse show. - , '-- j'-U '''.-..-!'. Mrs. Byrne, who lives at 1 2 39 Broadway alt by herself, ha at tended every state! sair ! since her parents came here from California in 1880 and every single fair held on the present site. She will be 78 years old November 13. ' Executives f M , the first fair probably ' didn't know as much about the fair performers as did little Ruth Huffman," age seven. ; For Mrs. Byrne' father's farm adjoined the fairgrounds, and when the first event was held' 'a1 group of men traveling with fairs besought him, J. A. Huffman, to let them 'stay in his large nine- 4foom "house. I - ! .: Men Managing Fair , ; , Stayed at Her Home . . j Pa took them In, and I can still, remember the, way we pnt beds aU over the house, and the war the men filled the house to overflowing. We had them the first two years I'm sure, and may- De longer,' wrs, cyme reeajis. As Mrs. Byrne. talL thin and white-haired, talked of the fair she rocked to and I fro in an old ash rocker, which came into the family In ISfl. the year the flood washed out Durrell' saw mill near the big bridge in Salem." n",.-- v "Ye. I recall some of the first fair readily.. The central, amuse ment was more like a one-ring circus and there was a .regular menagerie along with it; not Just horses." this fair-goer said. Her eyes" sparkled as she re called the horse events' of former day:- . ! . "Horse rings were lust out on the ground. But I sure liked the way the ladies rode then; they used to look o pretty and grace ful, especially for their Friday af ternoon events. . . ' Spotted Morses ,j . , T Seem Lost Glory i "There were more pretty Pot ted horses In the races those ear lier days, an9 there wera plenty of races, -not Just the;'how like we have now at night 'But on the whole it 1 much the same now-only- many more horses." Mrs Byrne attended the horse show Tuesday night, when a spe cial stunt during the events was showing of old, old vehicles. That pleased her immensely. - ana sne says while people laughed and Joked about, the old styles, she had, ridden in every one of them and knew that they weren't half bad to ride In. . - s?- - . Although Mrs. Byrne ha - nt- fered with rheumatism the past few years, she has been" able to attend .the fair each year on her day Tuesday. !I certainly en- Joyed It thia year, only. my poor old; feet and limbs felt tney nan been Imposed on," she said. (Continued on page 2, col 8) 4 . - - Building Record Oi Month Beats V September 1030 v. Building operations. In the eity last month soared over the Sep tember, 1830, mark by $12,306, and took a 85,500 Jump over the figure for last August The toUl estimated cost of Jobs tor which permits were issued in September by the eity building inspector was 82,f7l.lt,!E ot -which 124,489 was for 11 new construction un dertakings, and 38182.18 for 55 repair and alteration jobs. ' . Fees amounting to $112.18 were col lected by the city for services entailed In issuing the permits. During September, 1830,' per mits totalled $20,365.07 and dur ing August 1931, $27,182.41. Washington 'Airmen Ending Hop From Canada to California Fields : Motor Goes Dead; Rescue, ! Efforts Fail as men -i s -Under too Long SAN FRANCISCO. Oet 'l. (AP) Two army 'airmen' were killed . here tonight " when : their plane plunged into San Francisco bay. The were Lieutenant Robert W. Conyns. Aberdeen, Wash., and Lieutenant W. H. Elblns, Tacoma, Stash. . .. :' i ' The officers, stationed regular ly at March field. Riverside, with the army air corps reserve, were completing 1 a - erosscountry: run which had brought them here from the Canadian border. ? f : They took off late tonight from Crissy field for March field. Per son at the airport said the mo tor, suddenly went dead 1 a they left the field, and the plane plung ed into the bay halfway between here and Sausalito. ! i. The coast . guard station , at Crissy field immediately sent out a boat, and located the wreckage within a shoftime.. Members of the erew stripped, ' and dove into the icy water in an efort to rescue the fliers. ' ' -V.- -H f ! " The two officers, however, had been under water too long, "and both were dead when their bodies were recovered. They had not even had ; time to undo " their , safety belts, members of the coast guard said. Kenneth Dahl's Poultry is First; Elmo Vpth's Capture Second : .-;:. h-pr .Marion county won one first and Polk county made! several placements in the poultry awards in 4-H club work, announced yes terday. Kenneth Dahl, I promin ent club member, took first on his leghorns, and .'in the same Tdlvi- slon, Elmo Voth, Polk 1 county. placed second and : Harlan "! Loe, Marlon county.' placed eighth. Lester Voth. Polk, took third. In Plymouth Rocks, Paul VilUvock. Polk, took second and Carl j May. also Polk, thlrt. In other large breeds division.' Irvin Voth also took a fifth place.. ! t f; The first and second winners in poultry classes follow? tji ' ' Lot 1. Large Breeds First, Helen Michael. Lane county; sec ond Lloyd Anlcker, .Maltnomah county. - . y Lot 2. Plymouth Rocks- First, Mabel Eldson, Lane county; sec ond, Roy Meger, Multnomah county. . . x-V"-:: Lot 8. Other large 'breeds -First, ! Margaret ; Fruit," I Yamhill county? second, Paul VilliTOck, Pblk county. i L f ! Lot 4. Small breeds First, Mark Nlckerson, Multnomah county; second, John Stone, 'Mult nomah county. -. . i : 1 - i Lot 5. Leghorns: First ; Ken neth Dahl. Marion county: -sec ond, Elmo Voth, Polk county. Lot 8. Other small breeds i First Dan Schmidt. Multnomah county; second. John Stone,! Malt nnmah ennntv. - 1 . I - I- Lot - 7. Turkey-rFIrt Ohlii Starr, Yamhill " county; i second, SIgne Starr. Yamhill county. Lot 8. Ducks First j Eugene Easter, Yamhill county; second. Prudence LaBare. Benton county. Other firsts awards announced as follows:" :;. . ; ; ; 14 1 r . (Turn to page 2coL 4) - w-k : e ww ; -: - . i w-a WUPOUt, Wl 4-11 AWARDS tsri it mnt rerTormances "By OLIVE M. DOAK Brilliant performance,' enthusi astic and tensely Interested audi ence, splendid 'animals aU ? work ed together Thursday night to make up the best ; night - horse show of, the Oregon state fair that has yet been presented. ' ; Judging went, carefully but did not' drag and the audience await ed each decision with spirited in terest and, gave performance and award a genuine hand. -Evidently the audience, which wai large Thursday night, was mere xor reai love of horses and horsemanship. The $1000 stake offered - by Sovereign hoteL Portland. for harness ponies open to all c'a es -. was splendidly competed for and only with close judging did first place go to Charm, a Bridge ford and Radford entry; second to an entry by Harry Gorhim; third and fourth again to lirldgeford and Radford on Explosion and Mitxle. Bridgeford and j Radford sublet are in Joy, 111. ; The. second night ot competi tion for the $1000 stake to be of fered by the First NsOonal ; bank of Salem'' for the beet Ix-ln-hand heavy ' draft horses was worked ' Program Today at ' - . State Fair t vv -;' " . Farmers Bay, Portland Day, Greshami Day and Dallas Day Bands Ttoearian, i Gresbam asd Hood River. . . ; 0 a. ' m. t H . club ,h m e econo to 1 c ' demonstra ."tlons begin. . : 10 a.' m- State Q range " - meeting' and f speakers fn 4-H clnb andltorinm. 10:SO Free lecture, art i; department'- i: ';,-.'; ;v '. 11 a. nu Reception at main gate for 'aato caravan ' from Greshani,lv Mayor Charles Cleveland in 1 charge of reception. 11 a. m -Free clrrua acts. 11 a. m Free mnsleal pro- ' grant r-' - . -1 p. m Free mnsical pro .: ' gram. " I"- j N v ---v ; . 1:15 p, m-Rose planting by Portland Rbsarians, Governor Meier re pre . Rented by MIS Beatrice Walton. Mayor Baker to speak. , u t: 1:30 -Horse racing. 2:30 Free lecture: in art . 7 H.n.pimAnf S:00 -Free circus arts on Monkey Island. : Admis- s sion 25 cents after 0 :SO---Dinner for four 4-H. clab winners In private 'car Snpt. King, S. P. lines." 7:00 Free fireworks. 7:0O F r e e musical pro- .: gram. .. t . 8:QO Xlght horseRhow fea taring old-fashioned baggy parade and Stud . nicka on backing horse. , EE FAIR CROWDS Another fight and' a race track accident created minor excitement at the fair yesterday. L ." j August I Schmitz, riding ildelia ilthe 5 furlongs running race ii the afternoon, ' was thrown from his mount ' on the baek stretch of the track and suffered injuries Severe' enough to send him. to a hospital, for treatment. His" wrist was fractured. and-bei may be hirtlnternany,.',; :v;pj:; ;f Ischmlta lives at Eureka, Calif. He was riding J. D. McGregor, the horse continuing in the race and finishing third. The.r mount i was disqualified, however,! for not hiring a rider at the finish, i; ; W. W. winegar and 'son Elmer were bothtaken to m- hospital suf fering from bruises and Cuts re ceived in a fight in one of the live stock barns! at the fair. A. third man engaged in the fracas had not been identified by police last night. , 1 ! . . . 1 .5 v;7i:!K Grand Exalted Ruler oi l Elk To Visit Salem John : R. Cone. . grand !f exalted ruler of th Elks lodge nationally, will - be. a; distinguished guest of the local jlodge Monday, October 19. A special meeting will be held to welcome him; according ' to Harold E. Eakin, exalted ruler of 338 .here.; :m s .mfMW ;i Cone lai a western man, coming from -Sterling, Colorado. He was yery favorably received i by, Elks at the national convention' ' held this' summer in Seattle. He is on a nation-wide. tour, ot tail,:, Elks lodges. I I s :;': fi'& i: Of Carnatjlon company again won a hand when he ' called ! hi lead horses to I him and fed them car- rets fronti bis perch on his high wagon, and: then sent the lucky horses back to their place at the head of the line. ; . ;. ' ! ; : i The final driving In this class, Which has been excellent In the first two exhibitions, will be done Satnrdav !nirht ' ! . Again the Thursday night show was enlivened by a demonstration ride br Frank Studnicka of .Stay- ton, world; champion rider of bucking horses.' He rode ! "Long Tom" a business Jike looking sor rel which! went to hi work with determination - .when studnicka mounted, j After m bumping circle about the ring Studnicka' hat flew fn the air and his men-in-waitlng" jcame and pulled , him Off. All horses Including fbuck er" eimed to know ' Just . what cut to take. For the change in color of 1 horses. Mr. Studnicka wore a Ught green shirt rather than the crimson one he wore for hi black enemies. Hunter in pair i-were t one of i Turn to nage z. cot. ei . m X TMT on mm Today ? Also Sjecial Occasion ; ; Events Many- Calling, Wild C07 Milking Featured; Rosarians due " ' ' ; z ' - ' - y Success was written last n?t to the sixth day of Oregon nine- aay state fair, despite lack ef outstanding features durlnr'th day. - The crowds seemed ade quately amused with the musical concerts sponsored by the Oregon ! Federation of Music clubs, with the racing-card, horse show lust wandering about among ex-. moiu ana concessions. :; Today Portland and Farmers day will be observed, and r.rH- ram will also come many carloads strong prepared to claim the day for it own. - Diverting from ves terday' lack of extra features, a number ' have been planned fer today, including a hog v calling contest and mild cow milking contest, extra ' fine musical pro grams and planting of a rose for the governor, The Bog and cow contests will be features? of tfa racing events.-. An extra special Saturday aft ernoon program Is announced ay Director Max Gehlbar, V when a combined I rodeo and horse racing , program will be given. The rodeo event are put on the prograEj again by? popular demand, and with the extra features the after noon events will get under way promptly at 1 o'clock, Portland artists wTil appear on the musical program today, the outstanding one to be Mrae. Leah Leaska, noted singer, who will sing from 1 to tt: 30 and again at ' 3 o'clock: These, concerts ara given on the second floor nf th agricultural building. . The Royal Kosanan sextet will sing at 11 O'clock, i TlA fifhr rttotm 111 alsd be presented., The musical program, whk-a are an added feature P at this year's fair, continue to attract large crowds, and was pre- , nounced among the best ever held in the :? Pacific northwest Only-outstanding , artists in the musle world are participating in the programs;- The art depart ment lecturers also hare proved popular. . ?i , X'l While the crowd in attendance yesterday wait not at large as on Thursday of last year. It far ex- ITnrn to page 2. col. 1) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 1 (AP) Police- announced toeay Raymond Harvey, 25, had con fessed he accidentally shot and killed Walter W. Leonhardt. so- cial . deputy sheriff, here : Monday night.- :,H. . . ' il Harvey; wa one of two men Leonhardt had stopped to qu tlon about a stolen' automoella. He wa arrested last night with Ernest Ff Newell, 18, who waa with him- in the stolen automo bile. Newell admitted his , part in the affair last night - Harvey told polce, they sail, . he - thew Ills gun in the grava whed Leonhardt stopped tbeaa because he - thought Leonhardt was an officer. ' After ;he had talked to Leonhardt a short .time, be said, he decided LeOnbardt perhaps was not an officer and reached into i the grass for his gun, a .45 calibre automatic tOl. .j Harvey- told police he : ordered Leonhardt. to stand back but in stead Leonhardt grabbed for he gun and -In the ensuing scuffle the gun was' discharged. The bul let entered the officer's neck and bVoke It Leonhardt dropped te the ground and Harvey saw be was wounded, critically. J Landers Matter Due id Come up Here on Monday s 1. i;.;:'-:" t ' ' .... ::'.. A meeting 'of : the state board of higher education will, be held in Salem next Tuesday. ?vhen fur ther consideration will be glvea to charges preferred against J. S. Landers, 'president of the Oregon Normal school at Monmouth. Two hearings involving Presi dent Lander already hare been held in Salem. It , was charged that he had raised the grades f certain - student without the sanction of the grading commit tee 'of the school, and otherwise had been lax in his administra tive duties. . i The investigating ; commitua was composed of Mrs. Walter M. Pierce ot La Grande. Alberi Burch of Medford and C, L. Stair oi ronuau. me savs FiTfi SHOT IS HCCIDE.T