tnrr v and iere iisfieM are Supply Weels Many Wants' ' ' I S Jit"--- ' ' Sa Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdTertlnljig -Single Insertion per Hne.lOt Three insertions per line 20c Six insertions per line, .30c One month per line. .11.00 U luim urn : charge ..... X 5e Copy for th!s pace ac cepted until C: 30 tbe even ing before publication for classification. Copy re celTed after, this time will be ran under the heading Too-Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED MALE I r. n-aet Jft Trf-hanlfll v inclined with car. Connection pays 145 weekly. Pnono Mr. Leeberm at Hotel Marlon. SALESMEN WANTED Mil wmfinff imi rtfllnt. House to houM work. Service Roofing ttd Paint Co. 152 State St. ; SITUATIONS WANTED Single middle aged man wants work n dairy or chicken ranch. Wages not as much as good home. C. W. Jensen, Rt. T. BQ3C -nnnnnnnf Man neds work any kind ; reason able wages. :s Y45T.ii.: Sow Commercial. Reyenew. : - FOR SALE Miscellaneous Used tents at a bargain Salem Bar gain House, 330 N. Commercial. TeL 145. ; ' FOR SALE: shafting, pulleys, bang era Statesman Publishing C. FOR SALB OW papers, let a bun dle. Statesman office. " - all n1ra nMV And tzsed. AUeora and typawrUera far ren L Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court . St. ikeaW'" seosn-"- rxj Attention Sportsmen We hare a large selection of rifles. - shotguns and ammunition at a big . eaviHg. It will pay you. to look over our took. Guns for rent. Open evenings. REINER'S EXCHANGE 224 N. Commercial St. . Grapes. 2c Br in containers. R. 9. Box It, Portland Road. Ladles hats, complete assortment, tSc to ST. Greennaum'S. 24 W.ConVl. WestloKbouee Ktec range 1335 State. D'Anjw pears for canning. Puritan Cider werka, west Baiem, Apples good drops, 15 cts. box, 5 one dollar, bring boxes. Ernest An derson. Orchard Heights road, : Polk " c'un .-.un.-.-.'i.n "i - -- -i Concord and sweet water grapes. Wm. Steddard. i Wallac Road. Grape te per lb. R. M. Diem. Rt. ' '.?!f.)x f.' - r rXvx-'r, 5Mbs. grapes, SL0O delivered. Cab bage, tomatoes. Phone TTFS at-noon. ; mrJkf"mWmVm ioaensManBnjsseJi,wa Orapea 2 cts. lb. King, N. Spies ana : wnan. anples. Pears for canning. Call : lubwrju-- .-.-l-.-i.- -j-u.-rii-r-njT.-ywu- English walnuts 13 cts. per lb. Ready L picked i-wme iir Hand made shoes, for, sale. Reason able prices. Repairing, neatly done, tiood work. Also 2nd band shoes. 979 H C'oml - ' -- - - ' WANTED Misceflaneoas imasisiawe a VTA NT ED U sed pianos to ex change on radios, phonographs, -oi fur niture. H. U BUII runumi v-w...,.. GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must be pieces at least a square yard. Statesman fflee. ' otd gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob- iect. Name your price, r - 1 REINER'S J3XCHANGE . ' 224 N. Commercial nriti s Mali tnr twt f used har rs. Must have by October 1st. See H " Shields, 228 Oregon, Bldg. ; phone S02. : j SHIEIa ft-BIJLKE rt,n R'tig. Tel. fillSCELLANEOUS !ng c-75c Oas . JRocque s Ser vice station, a;.r We wash; clean and polish, English nt black walnuts. Also butternuts. tOS State. f" - " - ' ,-. FOR RENT ROOMS Desirable rooma. rca onal e "1 " able for students. Near University and Htate liiu- iiai . vmiAf Tnffl in urivate home near university. 11 M. 5 rri OQ67 Room and ooaro. rl , i t-LT Rensonable. Business people only. Tel. ROOM and BOARD Room and board in private borne. fnnaJIMe Owirt. Tel. 55S4. F(R RENT APARTMENTS tton sDsrtments. witn - pn fc..T ntclr furnished. tocaveu taSS'esS Call Patton s Book - KW,V furnished cool 2 room a part -evemhlns T furnished bnt gaa. "iV-ower. Outside entrance. 34S Division. ...MViuLmmniniiii-ii-i . Ant. unfur. 91 N. winter. inn. aci . Furnace heated sleeping room, close !fl .TT ''- - ---'-'li.-i 'm -m Steam heated, single or double, sleeping rooms at Y. w.. . t . POLLY AND HER PALS HECK TLL HAFTA SHED ) fJ I ZT TT b1 - THESE BARKfiM' DAWGS ) f wrrrV I ! ! if i wanma, shadow s Z A ; 'sJ ' i i : no i financial responsibility fori errors which may ap pear in adTortisements pub lished in tts columns,' and In cases where this paper 1 at fault will reprint that part of aa advertisement la which the, typographical mistake occurs. i i The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec ttonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der: the proper classifies, tloa. FOR RENTApartmenta First floor apt 1135 State. . V sV- T fiiriiraftaJl mAms " savijsl sk for rem at 2SI Hazel Art. TeL Nice( fur. apt. 599 Union. - ------ - -i-i -ii-.-i ,-rf-,-r-ii-mj-mj-Ln 5 fur. aut First floor. Garaare. Close m. 864 MiU St. avaiiablk oct. i . neat THRICE-ROOM FURNISHED APART- MKNTi OARAGE: $3; SHOWN BX APPOINTMENT. PHONE 7525. - - - -.-. "ry'"'.y.voo n Three-room furnished apartment: adults. 475 N. CapitoL ; Furnished ants, and 'Sleenkie rooma. 485 So. Com'l. St. Winter is lust around the corner. Now is the time to get settled in warm, cosy, apartments. The Virginia offers you a bedroom, living room. dinette, and kitchen. Well furnished. Elec. stove, elec. refrigeration, heat, water, garage,: at reasonable rates. FURNISHED BUNGALOW AITS. In Oak Villa Court. 535.60. Adults only. 941 Kill St. Tel. 329S. Fur. apt., cheap rent to quiet, whole- seme adults, 687. N. Front. FOR RENTHOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adulta ft to ( rooma $30 to 540. Also houses, etc i BECKS ft HENDRICKS 1 lit North High Street Best rent values, 385 Columbia. FOR RENT Some modern homes. furnished and unfurnished. Melvln Johnson. Phone S79S. . 5SR house,"! fur, TeL 56JI.' Modern bungalow, 256 So. Cottage. JnA nn fn till A-1 Knno R A. FORKNER, 1619 N. Cottage. Phone 3931. Four! room house with bath and basement. Tel. 3419. FOR-RENT A small fur. cottage. 696 N. Cottage. For rent : Mod. 6 room house. Phone 6559. : FOR SALE Real Estate Tlireei or six choice lots, 7-room semi-modern nlastered ' house, fire- Dlace. basement, etc. All lots covered with large nut, fruit and ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice view, pavea street, two garages. Bedrock price, terms. Sell all or part. Near junior high and grammar schools. Owner. 765 corner Rural and Winter, Sta. Phone 8854. i - . For Choice Rentals Lowest Price- See Bechtet or Thomaaon, 31 State $35. (Strictly mod. bungalow, 4 rooms. ; - - $25. A 6 and 7 room house. UNFURNISHED HOUSES $8-$19-$12-$17-2J up. Ware house 40x80, $20. Down town 4 R. apt. $15. : Several Farms For Rent For Rentals-. Consult a Specialist ; FOR i SALE House. 3 bedrooms, nice yard, cherry trees and shade trees. Paved street. Close to iesne school. $1995. $100 down. $25 month, tnoluding interest. 1570 Sou . Cottage. $250. down, nicely furnished bunga- low; ' 4 rooms and sleeping porch, i fraijt. shrubbery, lawn and paving : pd. A bargain at $1975. $500. down. A new -6 room English i type home, large living room, fin : ing -room and bed room and bth ; down stairs ; all oak floors, tlie . drain boards, in kitchen, nice nook, j 2 bedrooms, toilet . and lavatory : upstairs, pipe furnace, fireplace, ! corner lot. some treet paving In and pd- $4250. $2009. to loan at 6V4. MEL.VIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 679. SOUTH SALEM HOME 4 room English type modern house, east" front affording a fine view of mta, close to - school. This is a reel bargain at $4250 with $100 down, baL $10 per month. Immediate possession. CALL Mrs. Ellis with . j LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors I 320 State Street Phone ST 08. We have a very nice 6 acre tract near Salem, modern 5 room house and splendid - barn, good chicken house worth $4200.00 and can use Salem home up to $3000. i We have cash buyer for good Salem home also good tenant for 8 room house north. f McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON ' 209-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. : Phone 4SI8 6 R. furnished cottaire N. Salem. $1590 cfear for clear acreage. Good S room cottage N. Salem, 2 nice lots, garage, - woodshed. $2000, $100 'down,., baL' 10 months. I 6 R. cottage E. Salem, large lot, fruit, nice location, $1500. $100 down, baU small payments. -t j PERRINE, MARSTERS j .1'-125 North Liberty Street I ' '; ' NOTICE i "While visiting the fair this week, visit us In our new location . and use eur phone, r our office for 'meeting places, and If by any reason you want to ask about insuring your home ajrainst fire or your auto, or want to sell or buy a place, let us tell you all about what we have. t SEARS & TUCKER, Realtors i 132 South High Street UWU lUViXlll'Il. AC! 1113. IMJX BO., g statesman. - i . j - -' ' - . 1 - ; i. - ', i i" 1 t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HERE IS TOUR CHANCE to get a cosy X ? room horns completely tar nished and V : acre of ground, . lias fireplace and plenty; buljtlns, good furniture. Owner lea Vine; and want quick sale. $1790. Terms. t ; . . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor - 175 Smith Hirh Rtrwefc EXCHANGE Ileal . Estate - - - i..- njnj-LTi Clear ctty ' property I In Tillamook Burne-Nyssa.! Also 30 kcres near Nys sa Trade for Salem. Roy WUloughby, 235 Ricronond Aye.. :-,!-.', j FOR EXCHANGE ' A ! choice $H acre i tract near Tl gar. Oregom Value $3200. Will pay or assume double this value on 40 to 80 acre farm. Must be well s located and good land. I - , .. ' LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S20 State Street i Phone 679S. M.xiern S no. house.! Portland : trade acreage Salem, Silverron, Molalu, Weil rented, good location, r j i j . SHIELDS ft BLAKE I i Tel. 903 1 - FOR SALE FARMS -RANCHES. GOOD BUYS t 5-Acres close to Salem, 4 R. house, bam and 3-peultry houses. Good soil, price reduced to $2569.00 ; give terms. i . 1 29-Acres north of Salem, good soil. Almost . hew bouse, barn, : poultry house. 6-A. " strawberries price 344 00.09 i a snap. I SEARS ft TUCKER. Realtors fi' : 132 South High Street; i LOOK LOOK ; ! Fait Week Specials $7000. Fine farm, 146 A. stocked and equipped. : Herses. cow s, hogs,;: sheep, chickens. 3 0s ton "hay, barn, -' creek, sring Water, : fair. btdgt, snap, $45 per acre. I . j - : tv- ! ! .. FIXE ONE ACRE SNAP $1350. Just outside of city, limits. 4 R. hntrae, snap.- i $2550. FINE 33 A. FARM Bests ef soil, fair bldgs. A real buy 25 A. ! plowland. Creek, elec. i lights, good road, i : . i . i . , .i For The ! Best Buys In Farms t SEE BECHTEL or THOMASOS i 34t SHite- Street i 1 ACREAGE A WONDERFUL BUY: . S acres all In good crop, com. po tatoes, i : strawberries, i kale, carrots. Good X room bous,. irood barn aad chicken: house, 49 olnckens, heifer calf. toois ana an lumiture. umy $600.00 i down. I i . . ! J. LINCOLN I ELLIS ! ! .462 State 'Street !- CHOICE ACRE TRACT Not far out on paved highway, some fruit trees, berries, two room . house. electric 'lights, telephone and gas ser vice available, good drove well, chick en coops and rabbit hutches. Immedi ate possession. Price 91100, little down. DaL liKeirenc - fr i via t LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 3?0 State Street ! Phone 8798 WANTED REAL ESTATE t WANTED TO BUY I Mr. Firmer, we have a cash buyer for a good farm.: 30 to 59 acres. also a buyer Tor ! close in acreage. One to 19 acres that can be bought on terms if you have 'one for Sale. Hurry and SEE BECHTKL i THOMASON 341 State i ! 4 Room 4. flIONjEY.TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS ! ! MADE on: furniture, cars, ' salaries er ether good security. Repayable monthly. When In . financial need see us before i closing , a ; loan. GEXERAL INVESTMENT! I CORPORATION - First Nation 1 Bank Bids. Phones 356$ LOANS! TO SALARIED PEOPLE '- On plaiq notes, endorsed notes,: furniture and pianos. i s STJATETI-OAN COMPANY I i 212 Ore. Bldg, 2nd floor 1 Office hrs. 10:09 a, m. . i i J S;S9. pj m. Telephone 7783 Licensed by State MONEY LOANED! ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange: ta reduce your payments, . , You keep the car. i r P. A. KIKER Cor.;: Liberty St. i and Ferry i Phone 4732 i 1 Salem. Ore. 'Bells of Harmony ( . HearA over KOIN daily ling; out a loan service that Is really, really, different.; NO DEDUCTIONS I i . j . -J NO FEES " ! I 1 NO OTHER CHARGES . ONLY LAWFUL MTNTEREST : STRICT PRfTACY QtnCX AND COURTEOUS SERVICE i ON LOANS fit to $300 ; r - i ! . i : Beneficial Loan i Society ln OR ROOM l i Room lit New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Fleer 518 State St i Tel. I-7-9-9. LICENSED BY STATE j CITY AND FARM loans at lowest ratesvBest terms obtainable. Onr losMrsfice department i offers you ex pert advice and servitfe hi all linea HAWKINS A ROBERTS Ine Tel 4ie U 4 SS5 firegon Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan oa real estate.- - -?- ! . W. H. G R A BENH ORST ft CO. i 1 REALTORS 134 a liberty St ' j Tel. 6468. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY .Poultry ; wanteds Salem Poultry Co. Farmers Market. 25 N. Liberty. TeL 5144. . 1 " ;U,' i ! ' -- FOR SALR-On mule 7 rr. old. weight 140OI lbs., or trade for sheep. W. -F. Linagd, Jeffercjn. Ore. FOR SALE-159 ! ermine whits rab bits, Wm. Kipp. One-hklf mile a E. of West Woedburn. Rt.! 1. U FOR SALE WOOD DRY FIR f AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuer otL Call on us! for prices. We give good (neasure, good quality and good service; ! . LARMER TRANSFER I ft STORAGE Tel9hen 3131 i i GUARANTEED DRT 5 Wood-oal Tel. 6000 Salem Fuel Co. 7S2 Trade, His Snooping Meets in 'De-feat"' FOR SALE--WOOD Dry wood. TeL 777. "'-- -- - -- -- -1- 'rriiiwrtwi(vm ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3719. --''--- -- -- wwrt'wwwiwm 1 la. slab and block wood, $2.25 per load. It la 2nd fir. $3.99 per load. If in. old fhv $5.25 per load. At Trau:y"a. TeL ' 3989. . . All kinds Of wood. Hoke. 2SF12. -1-1'- - "i-iinnrinil.rinrt ft. 2nd growth fir. $4.59 cd. deliv ered. Also good straight oak. Howard. TeL 805S. sya wwi ftvrt Beiiv. JLW UL ff.Df Dr cd. .or $9.50 deUvered. Iran Hadley, Turner, Ore. . . t A. rmte wiuul a S A ST A WOOD SAWING wood sawinc RMMnaMa. TeL 82M. - - - - - - -1-1 - i'1-ii-i-vmiiiwwnfuvi Wood sawing. Robins. TeL 942. For better woodiciwlng. Tel. 5883. . LOST and FOUND I LOST 9 Kit rug between Stayton and Turner, on West Stayton road. Finder return to Giles Brown, Stay ton, Reward. - -i- LOST Ladles Gruen wrist watch, Friday night. Initials M. E. E. Finder please leave at Statesman office. Re ward. ' ' LOST Brown bill fold. Please leeve at ' Keonell Ellis studio and receive reward. FOR SALE USED CARS Fair Week Specials Quality Used Cars 1931 1939 1930 J929 12 1929 1928 1928 DeSoto 8 Sedan Pontiae Sedan Ford Coupe . Chrysler 75 Coupe - Ford Roadster . Ford Coupe Ford Coupe . . Chevrolet Roadster .$875.00 . 719.90 . 425.00 .. 850.00 . 275.09 .( 335.09 . 275.00 215.00 . 95.00 . 185.09 .1 150.99 .! 35.00 1921 192 192 Ford Coach Chrysler 70 Touring Oakland Coupe Ford Touring Hupmobite Touring ... 1925 1924 10.09 SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY SEPT. 29 ONLY i : 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE run only 300 miles, 1932' license a big savings at the price we ask $75.90 j TERMS TRADES t. W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto ft. Plymouth Distributors Salem. Oregon ---- , a . 1 im 1 -,-ii-i nAivuvmnj Oood-WHf Used Car's SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE 1529-Oakland Sedan ,.$525.00 1928-Pontiac Coupe 350.09 1987-Fontiac Coupe 1927-Oakland Coupe 295.09 275.00 835169 1926-Studebaker Lt Six Coach 2 5.00 126-New Day Jewett Coach - 190.09 1927-Chevrolet Sedan i 235.00 Wood -Wheaton Motor Oakland Phone 9588 Pontlac j Used Car Department '. 540 Chemeketa : Salem Used Car Center 'j ''; " ' CONSOLTDATKD ' 1927 Buick Standard Coach f 295.00 1927, Buick Master Tourins 225.00 1925 Buick Standard Sedan 195.00 1929 Chrysler 58 Sedan . 165.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan L 150.00 1929 Chevrolet Roadster 40.00 1925 Chevrolet Touring 65.09 1929 Essex Sport Roadster 800.00 1928 Kasex Coach 275.99 195.00 375.90 320.00 1928 Kssex Spt. Coupe 1929 Ford Spt. Coupe 1929 Ford Standard Coupe 1928 Ford Sedan 395.00 1929 Nash Standard Sedan 485.00 iszs .fontiac sedan 465.00 145.00 1929 Reo 9 Sedan 1928 Studebaker Touring 1 925 Star Roadster 1928 Willvs-Knterht Sedan . 176.99 35.00 495.99 TKUUK81 TRUCKS! TRUCKS! We have them. Come in and pre sent your deal. Ford"e and Chevrolets priced right. Terms and trades. V SaSem Used Car Center Marion and Llbertr i i Open Evenings & Sundays Phone 7910 . Model A Ford Specials. Prioes include yearly license. 1931 Victoria Coupe, nearly i new , ss nn 1931 Std. Coupe H 485.00 1939 Std. Coupe 425.96 1939 Sport Coupe rumble seat 425.09 1939' Roadster .. 875.00 1929 Tudor trunk 1929: Couoe 845.09 810.00 275.00 895.00 290.09 275.00 1929 Roadster. 1928 Late Fordor Sedan ltZS Tudor 1928 Coupe These Model A's are ready to Nine tracks, from 885.00 to 450.00 TERMS-TRADE3m j4' Valley Motor Col Phone 3158 Center at Liberty. COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued from page 8 bands .............. 1.25 Tbatcher Printing Co., printing . . .. ......... 2 T.00 Typewriter Exchange, ; typewriter ....... . i 70,00 Co. Court and Commissioner's j .: 'Account The Oregon Statesman, . publishing claims : 20.70 J. H. Porter, salary and expense ..142.48 J. E. Smith,, salary and expense 135.4S LOUD SPEAK1N' SHOES AIN'T NO NOVELTY UNK, BUT SOCKS JS THE RAJ Court Honso Acct. Brownell Electrio Co., 1 - cord, etc, i C.S3 Capital City Laundry, - laundry- 4 1.47 Capital 1c and Cold story ag-0 Co.. ice ; ..., 7.50 Hanson and. Llljequlst, - 1 1 ' ; lumber ,m 5.25 Ord.-Wask. grr. Co . j water ............ i. 73.89 Otis Elotator Co., eleva-l tor malntenanco . . . . . .' COO Portland General Elec.. j '' . Co., electricity...... 125.71 Rahn ilcWlioTter Paper Co., towels, etc. ...... S2.75 W. Ij. Robins, sawing wood . , , . .-; 4.50 Dis. Attjrg. Office Acct. ' TJnrnn Knapp Printing Co. printings 11.40 Dtst. Attjr's, Office Acct. . Rnfus C. Holtnan, State ', , treas. fees 1. 5.00 Health Officer's Acct. C. C. Daner, trareling ; expense ............. ' 2)tlt Vernon A. Douglas, do. . - 25.00 Marion Co. Dept. of Health, . maintenance 50.00 . . Herticultarist's . Acct, 8. H. Van Trump, salary , and expense 145.52 Indemnitj- for Slan of Diseased ttle Acrt. t Adam Lapin, indemnity. 7.50 Jail Account j 0. D. Bowerr board of ! prisoners - .1- 405.50 Jess . Morris, splitting ; wood 20.55 Pratt and Rasmussen, re pairing sewer ........ - 2.00 Justice Coorc Acct. Hattie - Bratsel; reporter. 8.74 Sybil C. Catlin and R. K Page, rent . . ..... . . i. 80.00 TV. E. DeLong, use of car 35.9JJ Elliott- Printing. House, '! i j printing ............ . 13.75 Asa Fisber, expense' re- (. . 1 turning prisoners ... .1. 14.50 J, T, Jones, do ...... i. 5.28 Mrs Frank R. Kellogg", re porter i 6.70 Rahn McWhorter Paperj Co., paper 1.50 Bomhotf's restaurant, i o I Business AMUSEMENTS PLUMBING and HEATING galem Golf Coarse miles eotrfh PLUMB I NO " and j reneral repair on Hirer Drive. 11. bole watereO fair work. Oraber Broa 1H So. tlberty wars, larg greens- Fees 7S& Snndar TeL 1584. : ' f t, . hoUeve 91 99 -i LJL ' ' ' " " BATTERY ELECTRICIAN PAPER HANGING rer rynrt wn1 Churfh. PHONE GLENN ADAMS - fori I house : : dectoratlpg, paperr hanging, tinting. BICYCLE REPAIRING etc. Reliable workman. ; LLOYD E. RAMSOwColurnbta ' ? - Bicycles and repairing. 981 Court. PRINTING ShVbS i?eT'r. TifVliis" FOR STATIONERT. cards, pamph- R W Scott 4T 8 Cotn-1 Tel 4519. prognma. or1 any kind of , , - ! ; printing, call The s Statesman Print- inmhnD rhDC iT. Department. , til a CommerciaL CHIROPRAvTOKb i. Telephone 919L j T , ; j U Dr. O. L SCOTT, PSCL Chiropractor. ,, , ,., 258 N. High. TeL Rea 8578.: ROOFTNf '! DRS. SCOF1ELD. Palmer CWroprao- 1 ; l?,riL XT N" Bnk El Rey slate surface shinglea Let Sll. us give you a free i estimate on your 1 1 ; 1 - ' ' roof: -Easy payments If deaired. SER- CLEANING SERVICE YBsFt P8ooAIJf ca Center St Vglrterla.' Trt , 9BS8 j ELECTRICIANS RADIO . ' . w ... ; FOR syery purpose, .for every eorss E. Wekh electric "hop.! Wiring; All standard slses of Raflte Tube, fixtures and susppllea. et i onr pricea EOFF ELECTRICAL ; SHOP.! 347 1015 S. Cmn'l. Tel. 1811 1 Court 8t Tel 9119., nmcwK, 1 I For guaranteed , radio repairing. FLORISTS! !, ; phone or call at k ' ' . - SALEM RADIO SERVICE ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor- TL 4 ! rry 8L 1st. 16th ; Miyrkct. TeL 9592. '' " ' ' - - CUT FloweTS, weddlnr bouqnets-- i orvfcj I ,- funeral wreaths, decoratlona, C P. OlUVLib , . Breithaopt. florist. 818 SUte Street - - ; V", r ' Tel. 8994. ; STOVES and stove repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All J..,." iDiuiintij! kinds of woeen wire fence, fancy and HEMSTITCHING Plain, hop basket. hookaTToiran hooka : Salem Fence and Store i Works, 882 NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop, Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. a Fleming, HousecIeaningFIoor Waxing TAILORS -W clean anything that's painted". O. MOSHlTaHor for men and CapltoT Window Cleaners. Phone 8TT8. women. 474 Court 8L GARBAGE TRANSFER Salem Scavenger. TeL 4929 orJ809. CAPITAL CTTT Tranrfer CTTt : T Stat St TeL TTT8. Distributing, for- INSURANCE GetToof rife. ?" BECE5 HENDRICKS - FOR local or distant transfer stor- 189 N. Hlsb TeL 4947 age, call 8181, Larmer Transfer Ca . . . Trucks to Portland dally. t WILLA METTS INa AOENCT , , f Wm. BUven, Mgr. ; ; K . Exclusive BettevlU Agent O . i 1 - Q 218 Mantc Bl1c , Tet T909 Rq& ggg : L4UNURIES Directory r - THE NEW RALSM LAPNPBT " , ' " - THE 1 WEIDER LAUNDRI 1" f, .1,' :f . 881 & Hlgb TeL 1121 BECKB. HENDRICKS . CAPITAX CITT LACNDRT ' 118 Hh g 4W We Wash Everything In Lux" a. 14. EARLB " I Teeohon S19S . 11 Broadway ji4 jq. HlghvBt i . . i TeL 9978 .nnnonn """"" J. L1NCOIJ4 ELLIS !' 1 MATTRESSES 482 State r , TeL: 8871 Mattresses from factory to bom. Ask ... . J T ,8ii., .... about our wool mattresses. Renovat- 994-S First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 1891 ers end fum Lira tor. Capital , Bed- . . . t, , c "" dlncCt. Tel. 4989. 8929 North Capitol. 82S Sut, jj PLRJCH Wtm MUSIC STORES I 441 BtaU St i I; r TeL ! 1184 OEO. C WTLL Plaaoe, Phono- HOSCER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. graphe, sewing .machines, sheet music. 870 State 8t i i i TeLi T8I8 and piano studies. Repairing phono- m ' ' 'i graphs and sewing machines. 432 W. E ORABENHORST CO. ' I State Street Salem. 134 & Llbertr St s : Tet ClSl SCEAKIN' OFF L HEH.'HEH.' S.80 Jurenile . Court Acct. ; ; Western Union Tel. Co., m telegrams .ii. '1.08 Nona White, tickets te Port- - land, etc. . J. . - 1.85 - Law Library Acct. West Pub lis bins: Co., Pa- , " : . . eific Reporter . ....... ; 5.00 . . - - Poor, Accownt Associated - Store No. 5.' . - groceries for Riley Fonts ' et al t, 1J.85 Bon's Market, groe. for Mrs.: Jack Hanson1,....'... 5.75 A. L. Brougher, groc. for ' Mrs. Berkner. ..".'.. The Capital Drug store, prescription for Mrs. Cottrell i.... Salem Deaconess Hospital Care of Fred Baker . . Care of Amelia Cottrell Care of J. J. Drone..." ' Care of Frank Gal-: lagher Care of EUtabeth '. , . McAfee '.: J. ...... Care of Margie Timmy i ! 7.50 I t ' ; "" ;.! -.75 48.50 45.50 ,48.60 4550 48.50 31.00 Care of. August Reln- brecht . . ; ....... 80.00 Care of Arthur Hamil ton . . . . J J.. ....... Care of Florence Hickey-.,V..i.... -Care of Roy Parsons. Care of Earl I Johnson. Care of r Mrs, Alfred ' ' 4- et 1 e Care of John Eaton' . . Care -ot Buddy Means. Care of Mrs. i Sarah Smith .'; . Frank C. Clark, board of Inmates ... .4. ...... . Clough Barrick Co.. burial 4.50 10.00 .6.00 r! s.oo 12.00 ; . 7.50 2.00 14.50 238.41 of Dr. Eaton and Roy Col- Collins V 70.00 R. L. Evans, groc-for Mrs. ; McElroy , 9.91 Fry's Drug store, medl- :j cine I. ...... . ' 8.25 fireenbaum's Denti Store. clothing for Albert Long ' 1 29.80 G. O. Hurley, milk for . Swanson family: .... . . A. S. Hnssey, ' pres. for J. B. Cransbaw i . . . . . . . Mrs. C. C. Mitchell,! care 6.00 .75 Directory By CLIFF STERRETT .VkA a.ifTT iinriiK.i f KEN. I THINK VOWRE meals for prisoners . . . ,uur4 i riu j MARVELOUS TO Bk r MB. POLLYA. SUCH A CLEVER of Robt. Hall , . . . . , ; . 53.00 Jas. Plant, digging graves 12.09 Portland General Elec," COh, electricity ...... 9.44 Safeway Store No. 491," groe. for Mrs.' Sandbefg 19.53 Salem Heights Purity ; - Store, groe. for Arthur tbur Hamilton ....... 5.0 Silverton hospitals-care of Mrs. Saaberg ....... 19.50 Standley and Foley, fn ? ;. snrance Permlam oa ': r'. Wlrtg property 5.80 Wm.. Wengenrotb,' groc. ? for Frank Busare et al 20.00 Woodbnrn Feed And Snp- ply Co., wbeat for Mrs. - Cooder . . . . 1; ; .' . . . 4.S5 Woodbnrn Water Works, ' -water for Tletsctaraaa famiir ..'.i. 1.08 Woolpert and Hant, medl- ; - cine ...;. 8.17 Onnty Property Aect i" Oregon Statesman, pub-;; lishing , notice . . I'. ' 5.75 Recorder's Office Acct. . Mildred It. Brooks, cash adr. for ' stamps ... , 4.00 School Supt's. Office Acct. Atlas Bool store, pencils," etc. .i.j. 2.40 Capital City Transfer ; Co., freight on books . ' ti .75 Mary 1. ; Fnlkerson, casb 1 adr. for ! supplies 2.52 J. ; J. Kraps Co., printing 69.75 Cora E. Reid, 4-H club expense ... i ....... , 10.00 Wayne D: Hrding. clerical, work! i....... " S.00 Clyde Hotter, do ....,!. 13.50 Ileta McMorris, ', de ... i. 21.00 W. P. Emery,-expense Re. , board meeting .... i . S.OO Geo. W. Hnbb8,:de 2.00 P. W. Owte, do - , ..... i , 2.00 Fred L. Scott, do .... ii 2.00 Sheriff's Office Acct. '; Oj D Bower, cash adr. r- ! for envelopes J , '22.64 Capital City Transter Co., storage on stilly etc. j;, 28.00 Portland Gas and Coke ii 1 ' Co.. gas ..... L 4.99 H. William tThieison. use ot car 93.18 Will Thtelsen, collecting s Del. taxes ...j. 97.50 R L. White, opening slot' ( r machines '. , . , ....... . 8.00 Herd Inspertors Acct. Fred W. Lange, Inspector 49.12 Marchant Calculating Surveyor's .Office Acct. ,. -Mach Co., repairs to ma " :chlnt. 5.00 Portland Bine Print Co, paper etc. . ; . . 5.81 TrenrerS Office Acct. t G. Drager; cash adv. n; ir. orf repairs to .machine. . 3.7S Dog License Fund Acct. Paul Marnacb, collecting ? delinquent licenses . u. "204.00 W. W. Beardsley, sheep Cross -Word Puzzle 23 2H 25 ibH 1 II--1 W: 1 1: 1 bl ! HORIZONTAL. 1 1 What character ia "Oliver Twist trains yonng beys to -- hm SBkithivs7 . ; '. S What Artca coatsiM mmd plsywrifht w r t "Smwrn rCsys t BaldpaU'. aad lJt tl Jokaay Joaos"? ' i 10 Who was th Babylonia god f tk artk7 11 What was tk nam f tk leva f oast of tk priasitiv 1 ' Christians connected with the v Comratinit) ? . , !: ;. . is! Members of an Indian tribe. 14 Makes smooth. 16 By - what : initials was the ' Prsstdsai Itoowa who origin ald the pkrasas : Mqr dr' 4 ockraklniT ; 17 Having a central position. 18 What not French ckwiiat mad important axpariBtMt i radioactivity with his wlfoT 1 9 Exclamation. 20 Part of "to he." , 21 Genoa o edible fungi i 22 Periods of-time. ' 23 Wkat island of aacleat Cmc -was tk ca of 'a fama 1 lcisiv tofcval victory f fh Crocks ova tk Persian? '5, 25 Backbone, r t 26 Sulphate ; of potassium and aluminum. "tYWk wrMt "Can tie man Pro far Blend"? 28 What legendary king had the golden tonchT" 20 Depresses. . 33 Heed a command. 54 Threads introduced beneath the skin. " , -, . 85 Pronoun , . 8ft Number. I, , ; : 87 Goods. 38 Mineral spring. ' I - . , 89-Correlative of eith.-. , '40 Body of water. ; , - " 41 Sleereleai garment. . 42 Pull of fissures, f 44 Who is the kin f RoamaniaT 45Military assistants. - 1 48 From what -language ar tk ' . Romanic Ungnages derived T ' I r::r, vertical.1: X . : il Wh'waS th wif f B1b l hOnrd? 3, - , ; S, , i ; 2 Ancient. 1 ' , , . 3 Aeriform fluids 4 Preiiositioii. 5 Make capaious criticism. 6 Molding with S-shape4 yre I! killed by dogs ........ 6.00 H. A. Hartley, do ...... 9.00 H. O. Taylor, do 14.00 MLscellancous Accts. 1 The Capital Journal, pub- - lishing claims, etc. .... 67.80 Commercial i Book store 1 folders, etc '. . 12.35 Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.- 1 telephone 125.0s Remington Rand Busi- ' ness Service, Inci folders 100.0 State Ind. Accident Com. ii Insurance 32.70 U", G. Boyer, Co. clerk, i caahadr. for bounty.'. . 475.85 AIIonjllison, relief .... 10.09 Genevieve Foster, ido ... 25.00 Christine Howe, do 16.00 ars. Mande Klme, do ... 17.60 Mabel Uly Ross, do .... 17.50 Rose Mary Sawyer; do , . 25.00 Ai Tyner Woolpert, re- lief for Irving Bunce.., 1k;oo John Hutlo, bounty .... .90 Edward Wenger and Met- ivn i,UBi bounty .... 30.1s E.JM. Page, relief ror Hlr- i Cooper . . .1 20.25 E.j M. Page, relief for H.t i P. Merrill 25J)0i Louise Gllmore, i bounty. 1.20 E.IM. Page, relief of Ken- ! neh Vincent 10.00 IT.,G. Boyer, Co., clerk, cash i f ?7- for bounty 675.7 cy-U Forrette, bounty , 1.15. Homer Barrv . hnuntv 1 ie - Jas. G. Landerback, Jr.. " 1 ao - 2 75! Mrs. Gertrnde Pitney, re- Hf- ;' 20.00 E M. Page, relief , for R. I G. Baldwin 25 00 E. ;M. Page, relief if or a " H. Edsett ill. i;a Verden -E. Hockett, exam- I 1 luauuuj- .... , . . . .. . 30.00 Jack Mesklmons, bounty 2.50 ,!. xotice of final 1 settli:mext Notice Is herphr ' undersigned has flleri ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly venuea nnai account, as admini stratrix of the estate of Lizzie! wittel. , deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 13tb uay pi ucioner, 1 81, at tbe hour of -ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court ivuom m int uounty Court House at Salem, in Marlon rnnnt, . rrL. gon, as the place for hearing said imai sccountea an4 all objections thereto. j Dated at Salem- Oregon, this 9th day of September, 1931. , . LEVIA L. FARRIS. Administratrix of the estate of RONALD C. GLOVER 1 Satem. OrArnn. Attorney for AcHiinistratrlx. 1 S-9vl6-2S-30-O-7-x By EUGENE SHEFFE3 iA. ; : 7)wn.(. 8 Apostle (abbr.) ; S What Hebrew prophet fas th Una f David wa coianltr 1 1 and reprorer I tk kingT 10 What French dramatic anther and novelist wrote "La Dam i Aux Camelias"? 12 Eradicate. I -PJ.- 14 What Jewish festival is called. tK "Feast ef Lots"T 15 Wk is th Creak god ef war? 18 Wkat is tit titl f tk mi.' i qae by Milton1 about tk son r of Circ d 'Bacchn who 1 tries t entrap the innocent? 19 Ascend. 21 Wkat extensive gre f ' islands lying touth and sonth I east of Asia inclades Sumatra, " - -! Java and Borneo? 22 A species of lyric poem i .24 Burdened. . 25 Warn weather drinks. 27 More recent. . 26 That which imparts motion. 29 In ancient, geography, what waslthe peninsula f south , western Europ comprising ! tk modern Spain and Port 1 gal? " , ) 80 Dry. 31 What U th native nam f 1 th island empire of Japan? 32 Wfcat celebrated French woman wrote 'TJelphia I 84 Rescues. t:: ? 1 1 37 Clever. 88 Principal garment of a Hindu woman. f 40-Measure of length. 41 jJomestie animal. . 43 Note of th musical scale. ( 44 Symbol for calcium. Herewith is the solution te yes terday's puzzle. .- 1 'i ; i X i "OlTt-'H ITlFV EA'R.Ll 'iLAO CTOOl;T Q-(Oao c fe UQOlEte:. iViOP T El TANMA7GG;lR jA!LI :TCbi :iij ; emiUM. Utt. Kla hum Srasi-ta, b IT' r .