The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    r I
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Tuesday Morn In ir. September 29, 193T
' : ' "1 t
Thirty-six Groups in Tank
and on Floor Listed
By Local Y. M.
Thirty-six different swimming
find gyniBaIm classes, varying
.from weekly to dally periods,; will
be offered for men. women, girls
and boys at the Y. M. C. jA. dur
ing tie fall and winter season, ac
cording to the schedule bow ro-
ing;to press. 'The list includes
; swimming -for" beginners, experts.
; litesaverv and; mixed social
' gronps; "regular" gymnasium activ
ities:- basketball, handball, turn
bling, wrestling,, boxing, and oth
er games of all sorts.
. The new schedule is as follows:
Business. men: Daily, noon hour,
Monday,. Wednesday and Friday,
6:30-5:30.. Special gym Tuesday
and .Thursday,. 5:fio-6:15. Hand
ballClass A, 1 Tuesday: -ana
Thursday,- 5:00-6:15;, class B,
Monday,. Wednesday and Friday.
5:00-8:15. Social mixed swim for
members.- their wires and famil
ies-Friday 7:30-8:15. Life.sav
.ing tests - for senior men and
women -members Friday,; 6:45-
7:30. Solarium, ultra-violet ray
treatments -Daily, 5:00-7:00.
Young men: Class. .Monday and
Thursday, 8:10-9:15. Basketball
-Tuesday and Friday, 8:10-8:-10.
Wrestling class Tuesday and
Friday, ' 7:00-8:00. Boxing class
schedule to b announced; later.
Lifesaving corps meeting,! Wed
nesday, 5:30-6:00;; mixed ! swim,
6:00-7:00. Handball -daily, 6:-15-9.00.
Senior leaders meeting.
Wednesday, T 7:30-8:00; ,gy m,
Wednesday, 8:10-9:10, ii
. Boys: Cadets, 9 to 10 years old
-Thursday,' : 4": 3 0-5 : 0 0 ; U swim
only, Saturday, 8:30-9:15. Learn
to swim class Tuesday, 4:4)0-4:-30;
Saturday. 2:00-2:45. j Preps,
11 to 12 Thursday, 4: 155; 10;
Saturday, 9:25-10:151; Junior
high school Tuesday, .4il5-5:-10;
Saturday, 10; 25-11 :lS. High
school, Tuesday i and Thursday.
7:15-8:15. Boys' ; oen ; games and
leagues Saturday; 1:30-4:15.
News boys Saturday; 7 : 00-8 : 00.
Boys junior lifesaving Friday,
4:30-5:10. Junior leaders -Monday,
4 : 1 5-5 : 00. Boys': tumbling
4:15-5:00.- " .; ? .--.' ,'
Y .Women, matrons: learn to
iwim Wednesday, Thursday, 9:-00-9:40.:
Gymn class Wednes
day and Thursday, 10:50-11:45.
Business womes: Learn to swim
Wednesday, 7:20-8:00. Gymn
class W ed n e sday, 7:208:00.
Open swim Wednesday, 8: 00-9 :
00. r-r - jP.PP;. ' . ;M i
Girls: , Learn to swim-Wed-nesday,
2:45-4:15;. Grammar
s c b ool Wednesday, 4:20-5:00.
Junior and senior high school :!
Wednesday, 5:0 5-5 : 4 0. - Junior i
lifesaving corps, Wednesday, 5:-40-6:00.
North of
IV I 1 ' 1
lyionKey. isian
Sidelights and Gossip
Picked Up alt Oregon's
rl 77th State Pair
' "Who can't -find something . to
interest -him er her at the 77th
Oregon -state fair? Variety
enoughfrom rain to peanut
to keep-everyone- a-going. But
when it comes to getting the old
scribble - working on a little of
everything,) oh, ouch. You try
; Notice, , .that youngest who,
when everything else palls, hitch
es.a huge, turkey torn to a1 little
painted .wagon Land strutts about
the grounds?. 1 No : sir.he's" not
advertising 'a thing;- he's just ex
ercising Mttle Willy and that oI
torn. His- father's a big turkey
exhibitor 'from down Junction
City war.
Why Jfartceys should lead to
biblical subjects may be a conundrum,-
but anyway,, a group of
Marion .county Sunday schools
have: dope some good with
their new, enlarged booth. And
that Jewish tavernacle modeled
by La Vera pain is worth looking
at. : Oh. .yes, did you get your
MterT . - r J
- -. -. I : -Maybe
-It's an aftermath of the
milk war, but who cares, as long
as there's such a spread of dairy
products -is is i found this; year.
Oregon -State -college's booth has
plenty of - -things to keep one
looking not lb mention other ex
hibits of milk, cheese, skim milk
powder,' butter, -: and : ' so on
through em all. Believe- Is - or
not, one and one-quarter billion
pounds of milk were produced in
Oregon in 1930? The sign says
so. ! ..:
:;: : p;
A long jump! again, and we're
with the Oregon National Guard.
Not fighting sham or otherwise
this tjme,j but Just looking at
the" frst . booth 1 the N Guard ever
set up' at the state fair. Nifty,
isn't it? . And now more people
know those soldiers' aren't in.
Boys from Salem companies are
on hand to answer Questions and
riddles about the guns, helmets,
flags, signals, ensignia and what
not that -is on hand. P -
. . .
The Oreeon Conerress of Par
ents Is -on -hand) in a large booth.
with Mrs. N. EJ Abbott and Mrs:
R. L. Wright, both, of the Lincoln
.rarent-Teaeners In Salem. In
charge. Of course there la; an
interesting exhibit of school work
lined about the walls, and due
share of It is from Stayton,
Aumsville and . Salem schools.
There'll be found
sign: "Check 1 yourj
with the PTA'V
Children here for
we'll: see that they get the
of care while you see the lair,
charge."-- . - p
Pupils of the state school
started a
that ' popular
children tree
Translated, . it
You my leave your
short periods.
the blind, yesterday!
ies of interesting demonstrations
of their , school iirbTk; Including
use of the huge. 4 6-plece section
al map - from whlchv they learn
geography; weaving; " canning;
chair bottoms; and running of
the sewing, machines. - Brooms,
dresses, . embroidery, other Sew
ing, desks and weaving are ai few
of the articles found on exhibit
in this -booth- inr the grandstand
The state training; school
boys has another exceptional
hlbit, with ' handiwork displayed
ranging all the way from pot-
holders to "leather boots. And in
the adjacent booth! Is an artistic
bit; of landscaping,) handled' also
by 'the training school boys from
Woodburn, .. j ' ' - j ! :--;
. P' . .. I -::" P-
Strayed and found: A cute; lit
tle black kitten.! Mrs. G. PEd.
Boss, police matron. Monday aft
ernoon rescued th tiny Creature
from the heels - of persons who
were hurrying along he "inaln
drag", bat up to late that" even
ing no one- bad Inquired for it.
Yep, the- kitty - was - a wee bit
scared -and frightened, hunting
its; way ut from Sail those long
legs, i incidentally. . Mrs. : Ross
says ; she- has- been pretty busy,
but only one case, theft of a
girl's pecketbook, j was particu
larly bad. j P: ' t
'Twarn't no surprise, that first
little shower, old timers declare.
If It dampened their, spirit,' it
certainly was not! evident. ; After
the first Pluviusj up-set, irho
could "kick" about Nos. two,
three, and so on ;into the night?
Rally day October 1 1 First
Event of Busy Week
At new Church
Macon, Ga., hasl a weather man
named "Raynes."j . j , ,
With remodeling and improve
ment of the old Nazarene church,
recently purchased by the Temple
Baptist congregation, nearlng com
pletion, -the program tor dedica
tion - week . has been announced.
The Temple Baptists have expend
ed about 11500 in renovating, the
old church, located at 19th : and
Breyman streets.. r-, ,
The. events of dedication "week
will start Sunday, October 11,
with a rally day, and will contin
ue through tbe-following- Sunday,-
when actual dedication will take
place. a - i i .- .: . -
The complete schedule arrang
ed follows: - ' " ' -
Sunday, October 11; 9:30 a. m..
rally day program in the-Sunday
school,- '-with attendance goar of
200; 11 a. m., the financial serv
ice. After the sermon, an offering
of 16000 will be taken, of which
$500 will be cash; 7:30 p. m., the
baptismal service, first baptisms
in the -new baptistry, and dedica
tion of the baptistry. .
Tuesday, October 13: 7:30 p. m
ordination of four deacons, first
ordination service in . the new
church. Rev- M. S. Woodworth of
Hlllsboro will preach the ordina
tion . sermon, and the Hlllsboro
Baptist male quartet will sing.
Wednesday,' October 14: 6:30
p. m., nrsc ODservance or cnurcn
night. All members and friends
will sit down together to dinner
in the. church dining room. After
dinner there will follow a service
of fellowship and the transaction
of church business. ,
, Thursday, October 15: 7:30
p. m., community night, represen
tatives of other churches and va
rious community ' organizations
and enterprises will speak. .
Friday, October 16: 7:30 p. m.,
denominational night. Rev. W. H.
Rogers, DID., pastor of Hinson
Memorial Baptist church of Port
land! will preach.
Sunday, October 18: 11 a. m.,1
toe Lord's Supper service, during
which the hand of church fellow
ship will be extended to new mem
bers for the first time in the new
building; 3-ip. m., the dedication
ceremony, the actual service of
dedication, in charge of the sup-
Teachers on the Lincoln school
faculty were feted at a reception
sponsored there 1. Friday evening J
by the Llncolnj Parent-Teacher
association. The social program
consisted of music,: ;talks and
presentation of flowers - to the
teachers. C jP "! ' H
' Mrs. Leo Page and Mrs. flHarry
II. Belt were elected delegates to
represent - the Lincoln Parent
Teacher association at the state
convention to be held In Eugene.
Mrs. B. B. Grabenhorst and , Mrs.
W. B. MInier were elected alter
nates. :, : V i ' -1 -P- '
The association voted to hold
Its regular meetings on ' the
' fourth Thursday of each month. .
5 Mrs. Belt, as chairman of the
program committee, Introduced
the participants, who were: F. J.
A. Boehringer4 president of the
association; Justice H.. H. -Belt,
former principal of the school;
Dr. B. F. Pound; Mrs. Dorothy
Daugherty, : present - principal;
Miss Lncile Miles, soloist, ; and
Mrs. Stephen Stone pianist, i
.Committees were appointed for
the year as follows: ! Program
Mrs. A. A. Schramm. 1 Mrs. -Floyd
Utter, Mrs. Stephen StoneT" social
Mrs. Harry H. Belt. Brs. E. B.
Grabenhorst, , . Mrs. O. I - Scott;
membership Dr. B. F. Pound,
Mrs.- Walter Minier, Mrs. i Leo
Page; room mothers -flrst grade,
Mrs. Stephen , Stone; . second
grade. Mrs. Fred " Wolf; i third
grade,! Mrs. E. G. Rieketts;
fourth grade, Mrs. Chris Butte;
fifth grade Mrs. Dan Frye;Jr.:
aixtW grade, Mrs. A. I Lindbeek
School Lists
70 in First Week
' MONMOUTH, Sept.! 28 An en
rollment of 70 has been reached,
in the Monmoijth high 'school
which opened a week ago. . This
number comprises - just, three
classes: sophomores,' juniors and
seniors. The freshman class here
Is the ninth grade of the junior
: high at the training department
i of. the Oregon. Normal school.
Such an unusually large num
ber have entered the typing
classes that additional machines
were procured from the normal
school where the commercial de
partment has been eliminated this
r r - i i p'"'' : r
Gundersons Return-
' r Fxpm Trip to East
SILVERTON, Sept. 28 Mr.
and; Mrs. Henry Gunderson: and
children have -returned from an
extended .visit In the east where
they were guests of their moth
er; Mrs. Martha Gunderson, and a
sister and brother of Mr. Gun
derson. Another brother, M. G.
Gunderson, who is president of
the Coolidge and , McClaine bank
here, and his wife are also In the
east but are expected , home with
in a few days' time. -. . j
;-hu Furred than
And Every
We Invite Comparison of These Vainest
Not 'in 27 years have we seen such a lavish use f
far on Coats priced, so low! Wide, flattiering shawl
collars ... cuffs that reach almost to the elbow.
stunning new novelty ways of trimming! I Rlanchur
ian ;- Wolf (Dog), Marminks (Mink-dyed i Marmot),
Foxes in red, - black, and pointed, French Beavers,
and Sealines . . . wonderful qualities selected early in
the 'season from the choicest markets! j And what
fabrics! Rough pebbly weaves, creepy woolens, arid
diagonal weaves in black, green, and the new browns.
All silk linings, too! bizes for Women and Misses:
Empress Eugenie
Up on r the left side. . . Down
to the right eye. ' Empress
Eugenie "lives again" in this
collection of Fall Hats. They
are exactly the same styles
exclusive shops feature at
dollars more.
275 NV Liberty
- Phone 8774
Salem, Ore.
Marion and Polk County ; j-
Swine arid Sheep Gather
Many State Fair Prizes
With judging of cattle and
horses not scheduled to start un
til this morning, swine and sheep
got the brunt of the eagle eye at
the fair Judging pens yesterday.
At that. Judging in these two
groups went 'fairly' slow. --,1, ......i
- In Duroe Jersey hogs, M. Av
erof f . & Son of Lebanon carried
off senior and grand ' champion
boar with Highway of Abbot, Ni
41169; Joe Rogers, Jr !,Inde-i
ply ; pastor, i Rev; Rav E. York.
D.D.. assisted by Various officers
of the, church; 4:30 p: m., Tally
program - of the Baptist Young
People's' organizations . .of - the
church;- An attendance goal of 100
is set; 7:30 p. m., dedication ser
mon by Revr York, subject. "Mid
way Between Mizfah. and Shen.'f
pejidenco took " Junior champion
board honors with Maplewood's
Sensation.' - P,j;- 1.r - V 't':i t
-Pacific Sunshine won 'senior
and grand champion sow, Duroc
Jerseys, for Ridder Bros, of Sher
wood, and Ioha Queen Fourth
took junior champion sow for A.
N. Doerfler, Silverton. . p - . - -
. Marlon and polk county place
ments in Duroc Jerseys , were: : T,
A. Ditmars, Gervals, second on
aged boar; joe Rodgers, fourth on
aged boat; .Triangle ranch. Salem,
and Ditmars, second and third on
boars year and under 18 months;
L. S. Berry, Silrerton, second and
third on boar - under six months.
Berry, eecond - and third, on
aged sow; Ditmars. first on sow
18 months and under two years;
At (N. Doerrier, iirst, - sow year
and under IS months, and 'Rogers
fourth here; Berry, iouriH' on
iv mnnths t vear:? Doerfler.
first and second and Rogers third
oii sow under six monus.t?p jHH-?
Ditmars first, aged hfta; Rog-
" first and Berry, ifoarth.
young herd fppoerflerw tlret, and
KOgers, inira, gei ox
fir nrl Trlanrle ranch, fourth.
and Ditmars, fifth, produce of
sow;Ditmars,pfirsr Wi wurn; on
barrows and first! on pen; Trt-
unirla nnrh awnnd 1: Bud Sti t OUrth
and Rogers third on !arctys uh-
der 300; : Triangle 7f now iixsi,
I Averof f took cbamploos on bar
rows and Triangle rahchJP-cham
plon pen;;p;:;;r liijj j ; I
- p - accident: fata I!; . ii; I
HUB BARD, Sept. 2 irsy 'Ar
nold t Christian died ii at I th ei St.
Vincent's hospital t. this ' morning.
Mrs. ; Christian was hit by a ;car
whilo crossingUhefstrejt
bard- September 1 .
Jnbn Pn nto. 1 : heftr i f backfield
man nr' fha Ktar" Of eaTlV f OOt-
ball practice at dglethbrpei uni
versity, v -f ; .j;P;pP:..i-lgi;;:jifi;
1LEH, 58, TIEN
i SCIO, Sept. 28 Leo Zeller, 5$, .
well-known retired farmer of. th
Scio district, died at; his homo
near her Sunday afternoon at t
O'clock. Death, followed a para
lytic stroke which Mr. Zeller suf
fered six weeks ago and froht
which he never sufficiently re
covered to get out of bed.
'Funeral services will ; be hei.l
Wednesday at 10 a. m. in ti)
Catholic church at Lebanon. Bur.
ial will be in the Franklin Butte
eemetjery near'Sdo. ;?
. Herman VE- Zeller of Scfo sur
vives Daughters surviving aro
Mrs. Mary Garrison of Scio and
Mrs.Gracenfa Galloway of Stiy
ton. j A sister,; Mrs. Leon a Ford
of Silverton, also snrvlves.
Mt. Zeller came to OreKon 4 3
years ago from; Illinois. t Most of
his time in Oregon was spent la
Linn county In i the Scio1 dlstrctp
AM).-. .L:r-l::p3 '-V-P'PSJi! fP P-'v )'; Pr-
4 'p :; ' j v ' p' "Ji! llfcsilf-l i-1 1:
.p ; :: . . : . - - mmsm4:mm I -I -k. l: 1'!'- i II
iift?( c$r n
If I jl J"
op ,n 1
The Greatest Value In Fine
- -i . ... . " ::.'. m - :
--I : :- P , - " ' P ; : ;-l
i .i - . ;- . - .-:: s.-j : fr : . '.;
We Have Ever Offered
' j "-J 1 - -, . P i-t ; - P'.l.
;;- : " ''Pi'. fP P-'.-f '---':.'!' : P";rP '-- -'r: -I!:' 'r.t';:ii
- I--..: -
In this feature line weoffer you positively the greatest values that can be
found: fine all5 wool fabrics, in tweeds, cassimeres, twists and worsteds. In
all popular models, conservative and young men's. In our extensive- showing
ygu will find many at this price that would have sold but a short time ago up
to 40. Dres up for-the fair now and shop here for better values always.
TOPCOATS, 16J2-25a p
Ii ' ' P P;P'-' 1 r :hrPP- P - ? P -. ' .'. j. . . i , .....
Youll need one for the fair and why wear the old ione when our prices are so
ilow? All styles and colors, in new all wool mixtures. I '
Friendly; Five
. Shoes . -'
The World's Greatest
Shoe Value
AIl new Fan styles are
"- V,'1- ' j
- -. i ;" r
New Fall
i In fine felt, very new,
popular shade and
best styles '
t i