The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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The .OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oreeon, Sunday Morning. September 27: 1931 t : -;
Quarter, Starts
arc Road
i A A -
5 ;UKUr iiiiAK-UJ
fo . Vic
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Kennedy Makes Three First
Downs in Last Period;
Lillard on Bench ,
EUGENE, Orel. Sept. 26
(AP)-The University of Oregon
won its second game of the sea
son here tonight. defeating Wil
lamette unlTerslty
The ' Webfoots
20 to.O.
ro ore
smoothly than In their flrat game
last night against Monmoutn
Oregon made all thr touch
. downs In the first half :nd In
. tha last .two :tmarterg Dr. Clar
ence Spears, coach, sent in: his re
serves. Joe., Lillard, negro star,
did not nlar. , '. . k 1 r 1 ,
Willamette ihreateoed late la
the loarth quarter when a sems
of passes put the ball on Oregon's
11 yard line. ; Kennedy, negro
half back, waa Willamette's prim
eipal gTound 'gainer. 1 i
Rotenbersr opened the scoring
for Oregon after i ten minwtes of
play when he woke through If It
tackle .for S3 yards and a touch'
down. Moeller falied to convert.1
A long pass, Rotenberg to.Ge.
back of the goal line, was good
i for 20 yards and the ' second
eounter. Moeller converted.
Gee Gains Through One
In the second quarter Gee went
. through the i Willamette line for
: long grains to carry the ball to
the one-foot line and Mlkulak
took ft over. Moeller again con
verted for the extra point.
Willamette held Oregon score
less in the third; quarter and by
the end of that period both coachr
' es had sent in numerous reserves.
The teams seemed on fairly
even terms in the j last quarter:
Willamette flashed a strong at
tack in the middle of the period
when . Kennedy made three first
downs. Late in the quarter Kelly
Oregon, safety, muffed a pant and!
, Benjamin of Willamette recover
ed on the Oregon 20-yard line.
The game ended a few minutes
later with Oregon in possession
of their ball in their own terri-
tory. ' '! v -i '' - :
Willamette : Position
Benjamin XEL.,
Allen LT...
Smith LGm
. Wilson
.RT... IE..-. Bowerman
Q , Moeller
.IJT...L.... Gee
Geriekson .
RH-. Rotenberg
..q-F.,..,. Poazo
mm mi first.
PORTLAND. Sept. 26 (AP)
Portland and Oakland broke
ven In their double-header here
today, the Acorns taktng the first,
g to 7. and the Beaver-Ducks the
seeead, 4 to 2. I ' k.C-
Fuzzy Hnf ft hit ; ai heme run
with one on in the ninth to snatch
the first game from the fire tor
Oakland. Bob Johnson, Portland
utrielder, nit two rome run In"
the first. . V;;:'- j- - :;
Ed Coleman. Portland,- hit his
34th home run of the season in
the second game. .
;.',-,.' :. ' " R H E
Oakland" . . . . .'. .).i..r t i l
Portland .....'.. . . . . . f :
Pearson and Read;?, Bowman
and :.WoodalL LI': u.::,-. vv
v V--,:rV-l rV R H E
Oakland . . ...
Portland . - . . .
.4 ti
Read; KUleen
Craghead and
and Fltspatrlck.
Star Win i
(AP The Hollywood Stars us
der the steady , pitching of Shel
leaback this afternoon took! a 3-to-
ball game from the San Fran
ciaeo Missions. The rest of the in
nings were scoreless. Both Caster
aad SheUenback! allowed the op
peeiag teams eight hits each.
Hollywood ....i..,. .; 5 14 3
MisafcoM :.....14 16 1
McEvoy. Johns and Severeid:
Briggs and Hoffman.
. . l:-.-: ! It E
Missions .. ...i . 0
Shellenback and Basster; Cae
ter and HofmanU. J I
Barberis Single Wins !
SEATTLE, Sept. 2 (AP)
A long! single by Barberia. In
dians second baseman,!; with two
on base in the eighth brought in
two runs and aided in giving the
Indians their third straight front
the Sacramento Solons, f to Si
here tonight. i " - '
Sacramento .......... 3 9 2
Seattle .... ....... i 4 10 3
Collard and Wirts; Keating and
Cox. ' -
2 Games Divided i
(AP -The Saa Francisco Mis
sions and the Hollywood Stars di
vided a doable header here today,
.the Stars blanking the San Fran
cisco team, 3 to 0, in the after
noon game, and i the Missions re
taliating with an overwhelming
- 14-to-S score tonight. I t I
Saa Francisco . .2' f 2
Los Angeles .t 12 1
Gibson, Henderson and Mealey;
Bailoa and Hannah. u
MONMOUTH. Sept 2 Chiries
Bowman and Harrison Brandt re
turned heme Thursday night from
a hunting trip In eastern Oregon
er Prairie City. Bowman bag
ged a mule deer that weighed 220
pounds, and which, has mads his
hunt record for the season an out
standing one in this section.
K-. M- -. ,v
r rfe ; --; ' i :" -,7; !
Here are live Eastern Oregon lads whe nave won place est tfce
rjaiversHy ef Oregon football team. Gaptaia. Irv Sehnhc haB trona
Orewsy. He Is sv stellar guard. Mark: Tensple, en-Pendletoa high scheol
star, le a regniar aalfBack. OrvBIe
Oregon Normal scheol at LaGrande
but enarternaeK. uenrr ueyoea of
for tackle, vraDe Mamy Londahi ef
Salem High Practice Will j
Begin in Dead Earnest in
I Effort to Take State Title
After one week of outflthxg and
Umbering up and; learning a few
plays j Salem high's football prac
tice wiy start in dead, earnest this
weeaj ine iocai squao; nas a
premising bunch ! of players and
speculations as to chances for
state honors are hot out of place.
However, several other j high
schools are planning for big years
and are laying plans for state
wide recognition. Med ford high
had a: well coached team last year
and held the Cherrians i to a tie.
Ineideatly that; was the only game
which marred the record ot Salem
last year. Med ford has the same
coaching force again this year and
is reported to have a beefy outfit.
Klamath: In Running f"
.Klamath Falls high, for. a num
ber of years dormant as far as
even sectional championships
were concerned, has a new coach
this year and may forge to the
front. h ATirt, football star of O.
S. C. land also baseball eoaeh for
the Rooks last spring, nas taken
the lob over at Klamath Falls.
Wobbly Pass
BERKELEY. CaL, Sept. 2
(AP-r-Outpiayed 'for three fall
periods, aad apparently 1 doomed
to start the season with, a defeat,
California's Bears put oa
foarth quarter offensive today
and. snatched a 1 to 1 victory
from a fighting Santa Clara uni
versity ' eleven. ; i " ' : -. -" !-'.- 1 ' i'
A 38-yard pass that ''wobbled
through the air to finally find a
resting place in the arms ef
Louis Di Resta ! put the Bears in
positleh to score in the final per-i
iod for the first tme during the
game, i Three : yards from goal
and with . eight minutes left td
play. Hank Shaldaeh. left halfi
drove across the line for the win-?
ning touehdown. He failed In an
effort to convert the try for point
with a drop-kick.
It was young Shaldaeh who. In
the third period, presented Santa
CUts with two; points through "a
safety.! The Bears had. the ball
on their own 16-yard line. Shal
daeh was called : upon to take the
oval. Santa Clara linemen brake
through and Shaldaeh, running
backwards to avoid his oppon
ents, was dropped hehind his own
line.:. M ; .; '
; PENDLETON. Ore.. Sept. 26. f
fAP Pendleton high school de
feated the Kenaewick high foot
ball team, 20 to 0, here today.
Pendleton scored all three touch
downs in the third period. y
ASHLAND, Ore.. Sept. 2 4
(AP Intercepting a pass in the
last quarter,. Ashland high school
defeated Treka.: Calif.. 7 to 0, in
a football game- here today, i
Soundings indicate that Lake
Tahoe, en the Calif eraia-Nevada
border has an extreme depth ef
nearly 2;90 feet.
' - -; - J '' ;
Beara. who played en the
before geing to Oregon,! Is a
r enoietoa. is a leadaac
Bead, Is a candidate for halfhacW
Oregon City is reported to bare
almost the same men iwho team
ed together and ran up! such large
scores last ' season. The River
Rata laid a claim to; the state
championship by virtue ef not be
ing defeated, though It o happen
ed that ao Very prominent games
nact been scheduled. U :
Portland Is bound to; turn out a
team which will make a strong
bid for state honors. Then east
ern Oregon is not to be totally lg
nored in considering state cham
pionships as the rest of the state
learned; in the basketball tourna
ment here last spring. I
Field in Better Shape
Salera i high has i progressed
bit slowly with practice the first
week, but with the field In bet
ter condition now. things will
move along more rapidly. ; jA few
plays were given to the team and
the men have become slightly ac
customed to new positions, johnie
Bone is being used at quarterback
position and shows promise of be
ing an excellent punter. j
i college!
Rhode Island 3, Maine 7.
Vrsinas 12. Lehigh 7. ,
Cornell 0, Chicago 12.
Loyola (Baltimore) 0, Villa
nova 32. .
Miami a, U. of PitUburgh 61.
oThiel , Ferdham 23.
Southwestern TJ. f, Texas A. &
M. 33."- 1 v ! - .
Randolph U. Virginia 7.
.. Franklin 7; Butler O.i t
Ohio TJ. 6, Indiana '
St. Mary's (WlnoMj Minn.) 7.
Montana State 7. j
' Chadron 0, Wyoming 25. I
Montana Mines 0, Utah Aggies
St. ' . - .i
South Dakota SUte 39, Dakota
Wesleyan 0. i ' : $ i -
RJpoa 0, Minnesota 30.
Northland college 9, Duluth
Teachers 0. 1; - ' . ;
Chattanooga !l 2, Qglethorpe 7.
Simmons e, Texas 3 3. j
Sam Houston Teachers 0,'Rlce
Institute 32. j: , j i h.-M .
North Bend 6. Grants Pass 6.
Marsh neld 40, Coqullle 0.
Kelso, Wash! . Jefferson
Portland) 34. t .
Cards Best Reds
Handily as Rain
Holds up Games
W. 1 Pet.
W. L. ..Pr
at. L. e as .ssiipiiuv
W. T. S7 S4 J7SlPkili
S5 9T At
.S3 8 M 4
ss .sea
GUeir S9 TO .SStiRasMa
Unoki. IB 73 .SJftCiaeiB.
CINCINNATI.! Sept, 26 (AP)
The champion Cardinals hit
Larry Benton freely, here today
an4 defeated the Cincinnati Reds,
T to 4. -a ; I . -
St. Louis . .020 119 0037 14 0
dnefn. . . .000 002 002 f 9 3
HaUahaa and WHsom Mancu-
so; Benton and Asby. : j :
Plttahargh at Chicago rain and
New York at Brooklyn, rain.
I i
r BY 16-0 COUNT
i'7"-:!'v7 7-' i:.- :7r;,
23,000 People see Game;
Spectacular; Passing is
Done by Visitors
land, Ore.. Sept. if- (AP) Ore
gon State college defeated Col
orado 16 to 0 here tonight in the
annual Shrine 1 . benefit football
game before a crowd of 23,000
The state college, after laying
In its own territory for more than
a quarter, suddenly became alive
when. Tommy Ward, substitute
quarterback, was injected into the
Tommy Ward, reserve quarter
back for Oregon State, was the
flash ot the second period. Re
placing Biancone. he called his
own number and raced over right
tackle for 21 yards on the first
play of the period. He then call
ed himself again and ripped
through right tackle for 22 yards,
placing the ball in Colorado ter
Colorado, using a spectacular
passing offensive, played Oregon
State to a standstill for the first
20 minutes of the game. Only
after Ward relieved Biancone at
quarter did the Staters demon
strate either power or spirit.
Ward reeled off three runs of
about 29 yards apiece in his first
two minutes of play and finally
tore off the first touchdown after
having worked the ball deep into
Colorado territory.
Three penalties sent the Oregon
Staters back 25 yards. After Moe
had been forced out of bounds on
the Colorado 38 yard line for a
gain of i.three yards, Ward took
the ball for 2 yards between
tackle and end. Then came a pen
alty of 15 yards for holding. On
the next play the-Staters were ''set
back 5 yards for offside, and a
couple of plays later this penalty
was repeated. ,
After a few futile bucks at the
Colorado liao Ward again got
loose-around right end for 17
yards, ; 5
Ward Reverses Field
He followed this up with a rip
ping spin around right end for a
touchdown, reeling ' off . 30 - yards
and reversing his field after get
ting past the line of scrimmage.
He crossed the goal standing up.
, jGoslin place kicked the ball,
making the score 7 to 0.
I A few minutes before the half
ended McDonald, Oregon State,
tackled Haley, quarterback and
s..?ety of the Colorado team. Just
as Haley was catching a high punt
on his own goal line. Haley was
downed behind the line for a
safetv. making the score 9 to 0
for Oregon State.
i Second period: Oregon State 9;
Colorado 0.
With only five minutes left to
plsy both teams were fighting it
out in the middle of the field, Col
orado making desperate efforts to
turn passing to some account.
The lineups:'
Colorado Position Oregon State
White . LE Jv. Davis
McLean LT ..... Kent
Linder .. ...LG Bergerson
Ralley .
,RT. Schwammel
.RE....; E. Davis
...Q..ri Biancone
LH Head
Nelson --
RH .7 Moe
F. Little
I Score by periods;
Colorado .:
0 0-0
7 0-11
Oregon State ..
i Oregon State scoring
downs, Ward (sub for Biancone)
Moe; Safety, MacDonald. (sub for
K. Davis). Points from try, after
touchdown, Joslin (sub for Moe)
2.1 , ! - : .
; Dolaa, referee; Huntington, urn
ire; Jones, head lipnesman; Don
aldson, field judge.
Oriental Peace
J Outlook Better'
Officials Aver
(AP) Just a week from tba Une
the shooting began between Chin
ese and Japanese in Manchuria
the state department tonight ex
pressed a conviction that events
were moving toward an amicable
solution. .
; i Officials said a' detailed state-
meat ot the Japanese position laid
before the department by Ambas
sador Debuchi of Japan had. been
accepted as Indicative of a' peace
ful) outcome. .
' Alt the news of the last 24
hours on Manchuria was describ
ed by Under-Secretary Castle as
"very hopeful."
Grizzly Delays .
Attack, Kingrey
1 Safe as Result
banff; Aita., Sept. -26( ap
Dr. L. B. Klagrey of Portland.
Ore., owes his life to the quickness
of his hands and the slow-witted
curiosity of a grizzly bear.
Huntiar -hout-Pallister in the
Rockies Dr. Kingrer Friday stum
bled over aa Immense bear. He
raised his rifle to fire but the
weapon jammed. : :
Bruin delayed his charge.
watching Dr. King rev's fast mov
ing hands. A huUet finiahe'; the
animal Just as ft began to lunge.
Johaay ' La Casella. candidate
tor tackle oa the Llneaba high
school . team . of Los Angeles,
0 0
0 9
The boxing commission
nounces that there some
fights In Salem this winter, and :
those wistful fans who have:'
been forced to j renounce their;
first love in favor of the muscle :
grinding shows,; may go back ,
and be f orglTen. ; 7
Promoter Maynard;-, who fori
merly held forth : in Astoria, wilt
be in charge of the fights hero
and the plan is that he will alter
nate weeks with 1 Harry Plant's
wrestling' shows. There will be
neither fights nor wrestling this
week because of the rival attrac
tions at the state; fair; the fol
lowing week Harry is understood
to have a wrestling card lined up
and Maynard will Introduce his
fistic program the second week
after the fair. - H
The commission has made
several provisos i!jpn its, agree
ment to let Maynard promote
boxing; the commission is to
okeh the main events1 and to
pick the, referee, ' who will be .
Tom Ivontitt, and local boys
most be given preference for
the preliminaries. ; ' j
Thkt Oregon ' Normal eleven
which gave Oregon such a scare
would look somewh t familiar to
Salem football tans. On the
squad over there are at least four
former Willamette players, two
of them four-year; men on the
Bearcat squad; Leo Huston and
Ted Lang. The others are Bill
Engebretsen and Hr4ld McKen
zie each of whom played two years
at Willamette. It. was also report
ed recently thatii Pete- Gretsch
from last year's Willamette team
had decided to be a schoolma'am.
Eligibility rales? Well, there
must be some at j Oregon Nor
mal but It's apparent there's'
no four-year rule.; Nevertheless
Coach Wolf appears likely to be
heard from this .season in the
new normal school conference.
Too many of the cheers ' from
the grandstand, and, we're sorry
to confess, too much of thh news
paper publicity, go to the lad who
carries the pigskin; , and not
enough of these commodities are
forth coming for the' hard-work
ing boys who clear the way for
him. i
The fact is that; going places
with a football under one's arm
is a highly overrated accomplish
ment. The fleetest;.; and shiftiest
players are selected for the job.
it's true, and they do pay for their
notoriety by taking some hard
jolts when they stop going.
But most fans give these favor
ed lads all the credit. Well. Just
put any of them out there against
any eleven, with nobody to help
him but a center to snap the ball;
and see how far he gets. It won't
require any steel tape to measure;
a yardstick will do, and the figure
you get will always need a minus
sign.. a: : , -
On any well regulated football
team, every man has a job on ev
ery play and, a mighty important
one, and all the speed of the
greatest halfbaek who ever wore
a cleated shoe will avail nothing
if one of those' obscure Individu
als falls down on that job. SO give
a thought, next time you watch a
football game, to the tough lads
who clear the way. ;
Question: When! is the for
ward pass the right play to use?
cons .tear Bie
Wash.. Sept. 26 (AP) Wash
ington State's Cougars overpow
ered a gallant College of Idaho
football team here today, and won
41 to 0.
Coach O. E. Holllngbery used
virtually every man of his squad
of 50, but in the third period put
in a particularly likely first
-stroag combination that steam-
rolled three touchdowns ' In short
order. The Idahoans had a good
passing- attack in the last period
and nearly scored before losing
tho ball on downs. ; iK - . -;
With Maxwell, fullback, hurl
ing, tho Idahoans completed 11
passes out of 25 attempted, while
Washington State completed sev
en out of 16 attempted.
Only one name familiar to fol
lowers of Holllngbery s coast
champion eleven last year appear
ed on the starting lineup. That
was Hien at end. He is a -brother
of the famous Met Hein, last year's
center. -
Edith Cross Has
Share in Capture
Of Doubles Title
LOS ANGELES, i Sept. 26
(AP)-Edlth Cross of San Fran
cisco. ; ascending starg of western
tennis courts was a I member ot
teams that won today the wom
en's doubles and ; mixed doubles
championship In the: fifth , annual
Pacific southwest tournament at
the Los Angeles tennis .club. .
She captured the women's dou
bles paired with Mrs. L. A. Har
per ot Oakland, defeating Mrs.
Midge Cladmaa Tan Rya and Jo
sephine Crulcksaank . 6-2, 4-6,
si p:s is
2 Brilliant j Passes -Bring
13 to 7 win in Upset
; . Mix at Los Angeles
. --. ... ft ' t .5.
geles, Sept 26 (AP) rTwo bril-
uant passes, two nasties 01 scar
let. and St.' Mary's gallant Gaels
galloped to a 13 to .7 victory over
the mighty men of Trpy Iiere to
day before. 7 5,000 fana.j - s ,-:
With surprising and' 'unherald
ed deception, these Gaels, against
seemingly great odds, rose to sub
due the University of Southern
California, new tandem shift, pow
er and ail in theythird period, aft
er ine Trojans torice had knocked
at the door of victory; scoring a
touchdown in the first period and
threatening at least twice i again
There was nothing on paper to
warrant such an upset, tor: Coach
Howard . Jones' team outdowned
St. Mary's 17 to 6, but thus is
Without reckoning with the flam
ing, fighting spirit which sent
Coach Edward (Slip) i Madigan's
team on to win against what ap
peared to be- steadily; mounting
odds. , '. t.;: . " -. , .; I- ;
Hooters Raze Posts f j
iBud Toscanl. a halfback, and
George Carrinus. right ; end. were
the galloping Gaels whO turned
defeat into such a resounding! tri
umph that the St Mary's rooters
swept onto the field after the
struggle and razed the goal: posts.
The celebration lasted halt i an
hour after tho victory. las thous
ands milled on the greensward.
Toscanl had intercepted a Tro
jan pass on his 45-yard: line. Red
Schefflin dropped back from the
shift, hurling a long pass to Tos
canl as he-retreated, and the S.
C. secondary defense, caught flat-
footed, could only watch him race
the remaining 25 yards to score.
So surprising was the ; play that
although Toscanl stumbled j as he
rsn, he regained j his feet and
planted the ball behind the goal
unhampered. . I .1 ' j j
1 No one had regained' equlllbrf-
um when the - second and even
more spectacu "as J thrust f came.
The Trojans had been j forced to
punt and St. Mary's took the ball
on its 40-yard line. A i thrust at
the Taunted and stern I Southern
California line failed. ! - t '
i So-Yard Toss Brilliant
: Then Scheffelin dropped . back.
hurling the ball to George Canrin
as, who had sifted through ' the
S. C. defense. The toss splraled 35
yards, and the fleet Gael end
scampered the remaining ; 25
yards to score.; I 'H '
: Cutting loose with the widely
acclaimed power thrusts with Ga
iuus Shaver at quarter and Jimmy
(Sweet) Mustek at fullback lead
ing the attack, the Trojans march
ed 37 yards in 16 plays for their
touchdown early in the game.
Coach Madigan's team entered
the Trojan walls with a j team
crippled by the absence lot Angel
Brovelli, the lad who turned back
Ford ham last fall In New York,
but there seemed to be no need
for him. T' - i 1
' ! I
i -1
sjcsaxcajr zjeaqub
"W. L. Pet. W. Ji. Pet.
Philad. 107 44 .TOSlBostom -61 TO .40
W. T. 4 89 .6141 St. L. 81 M .41
W.ih. 3 SI .604jICroH -SI &Z .S9
ClereL 77 7S jeslChiesro -SS 3 .7l
NEW YORK. Sept 26(AP)
The ' Yankees clinched second
place , in the American league
race by defeating the Washing
ton Senators - In both . games - of
today's doable header, 7 to 2 and
9 to 3. -'- -., : . -j. I
Ftrst game: . ' '. ' " !
! : R II E
Washington 101 600 0002 7 2
New York ..000 121 30x .7 8 0
Hadley, Marberry, Fischer.
Weaver and Spencer; Gomes and
Dickey. ;, -. ;; i; j.-.-?
Second game: 4 m
Washington 002 001 0003 ! 5 0
New York. .014 000 12x-8 12 2
Brown. Fischer. Wearer, i and
Spencer; Ruffing and" Dickey... j
. Browns Doable up 'on Sox ' -
ST. LOUIS. Sept .26 (AP)
The St. -Louis Browns defeated
the Chicago White Sox today in
the second game of a double
header, 1 3 to 3 called after 7 V
Innings because of darkness. The
Sox wen the first game 5 to 4.
First game: .-;,' !r Mr
: "i.' I RH E
Chicago . .200 900 100 015 12 3
St. Louis. .110 003 900 004 11 0
(11 Innings) . i ; ; i
Thomas, Lyons - and
ILtil '
Cooney and Bengough. 1
Second game: v 1
3 18 2
Chicago .
.000 201 00
St. Louis ...302 710 Ox 13 16 0
-8 Innings, darkness) 2J ; ; ;
Frailer, Caraway and Garritv:
iieoni and Bengougb. 1
Tiger eat From Ferrcll HI
CLEVELAND, Sept. 26-(AP)
Wesley Ferrell held tho Tigers
to seven hits today, and the In
dians won. 7 to 3. Doljack and
Ferrell each hit a home run. U-
Detroit -. . , .010 200 000-2 7 1
Cleveland ..500 100 lOx 7 10 0
Briggs and Ruel : Ferrell and
Sewell. , j ,
Beaton at Philadelphia,' rain;
Lake Okeechobee in Florida' is
tha, second largest lake wholly
ns hi
Badgers Win; 18-6
As Light Lintield
Line Crumples up
McMinnville. Ore., Sept. 26 -
1 Ar j-r-f acuic university won its
first northwest conference game
of tho season here today, defeat
ing Linfield colleger 18 ?to 6. g
..- The heavy : Badger . " eleven
smashed through the lighter Lin
field Une for two touchdowns In
the first period and a third in
the closing period.
; Pulford carried the shall across
the lino for Linfield in the final
quarter after a Pacific tumble.
Best Ball Medal Play Will
j - Draw Stars From all
Over State Monday
Birdies, in droves are expected
on the Salem Golf club course
Monday when a large percentage
Of the professional golfers of Ore
gon will gather there for a: one-
ay tournament .-
The event Is being sponsored
by the Kline Specialty company
of Portland through its graveling
representative, ; Lundy Woodson.
He reports that "pros" from prac
tically all . of the courses from
Salem to Klamath Falls will be
on hand, together with a number
from Portland. r I f
There will be a: corresponding;
number of leading amateurs prea
ent. for the event will Include a
pro-amateur "best1 ball medal
tourney. Whether this will be an
all-day event of 36 holes, or an
18-hoIe event In the forenoon fol
lowed by 18 holes of individual
play, had not been announced
Saturday. , : f -' -4t
BriDAHO. 32:10 ;
Vandals Make 489 Scrim
mage Yds., Whitmaii 168
In Hotly Fought; mix
MOSCOWV Idaho. Sept1 6
(AP) A rejuvenated university
of Idaho football team today beat
Whitman college; 3 2; to 7; t ', j '
The Vandals, , looking up this
year from a low; position ; in con
ference standings, frisked -About
using open field tactics sprinkled
with passes and I reverse plays.
Whitman scored in- tne tnira
period. Wooten going over, after a
anre irom ine js-jura iuie.
The Vandals made 489 yards
from scrimmage to 168 for Whit
man. Idaho made 22 first downs
to Whitman's eighty . Idaho comr
pleted terf passes la fifteen tries
and Whitman six out of ten. One
Idaho heave; Smith to Norby, net
ted 43 yards and a touchdown.
; f 4 Quarterbacks taed i !
Coach Leo Calland used four
quarterbacks, all Idaho plays cen
tering around - this f position. I la
the last quarter Idaho's line was
remade several times. r
W. Smith, sophomore , quarter,
was' turned loose by Idaho In the
second period, and he scored two
touchdowns. 1 Wooten arid Apple
gate were the Missionaries best
pets, Wooten scoring the lone
touchdown and the quarterback
converting, i Idaho . made 20
points In the last period.; 1U ! :
The, lineup and summary:
Whitman i ;: ;. y i Idaho
Devance. . . . . .LE. J . . . .Taylor
Nelson ...,, .LT. ,1. . . . ; , ". ; HaM
Asher. ...... .LG. Sproat
Drew. . . 4 .. ..C: . 4 . . . , Spaugy
Clow. ...... . RG , j . . . ii Kid en
forts. . ..4 ,j. i .RT.'. . . i3 Bessler
Storie. . . . . . -. .RE. Berg
Applegate. . .V.Qi . ; ... i: Wilson
Anderson . . .,. LH ... Haaford
S'ootea. . . . . . RJI. 4 , . . iijNorby
ouderbaek.. . .F. 'J. . . Tyrrell
Score bv periods '. '". fe t: I
Whitman f . . . . . .0 . 0 71 0 7
Idaho ....fl1: 14 6 12 32
1 Whitman scoring: touchdown.
Wooten. Point, from try after
touchdown, s Applegate B (drop-
kick).-;: ; :i-..; .. r i ; Mnv-- .
j Idaho. : scoring: ! touchdowns.
Smith 2. Norby, Wilson, --Elden.
Points from try after' touchdown,
Tyrrell,; (place kick), Davis (drop
kick ff
Tbe Independence high 1 school
football boys reported for;: work
DU the field -Monday; evening. All
were trying hard to be one of the
first 'eleven to go ion the team.
They played, tho first game Fri
day, .winning from Newport by a
score of 46 to 0.. The game was
played on the high school field
here. T
The schedule tor the season is
aa follows 3 r
Sept. 25-Newport at Indepen
dence. . ; '
Oct. 2 Albany at Albany. !
Oct 16 Amity at Indepen
dence. - , ; "
Oct. 23 Woodbura at Wood
bum. - , , '
11 Dallas -, at , Indepen-
26 Sllverton at i Silver-
Try-for-Pojnt Success at
Seattle Means 7 to 6 ;
. Victory in Opener 4
! - " ! : " j. s',:::
attle Sept ' 26.(AP)- One try-for-point:
was ; straight and true
and the other -Was low and wide,
which explains the only ; reason
the University ot Washington con
quered the "University of Utah, 7
to 6, in a spectacular - wide-open
intersection'sl football game in
this stadium today. j :fs v
i Twenty-four thousand fans mar
veled at the wicked forward pass
ing attack of the Salt Lake Red
skins and the intricate shifting
plays ot the Huskies as the two
rugged elevens : battled on even
terms in their first tilt of tho
season, . V ' -: : ; j : 1
Hufford to Smith Scores
Washington i drew first blood
early in the second period when
Merle Hufford. all-coast halfback
last year, shot a bullet-like pass
to Bill Smith, left end. from tho
Utah 24-yard line; and the latter
squirmed over the 'goal line for a
touchdown. ; ' ,M !! J
The pass was attempted on the :
fourth j down af ten Hufford and
Bill Wolcott had gaitfed eight
yards through the heavy Ute line.
The Redskins knew the aerial was
coming and laid their plans ac
cordingly. M - - -
Smith (started bn the dead run
from the left side of the line but
fell down after travelling about
15 yards; Aldo Rkbins; right half,
was. after Smith but when, he saw
the Husky end fall -he eased up.
Smith was on his feet In a flash
and was out. of Richlns' reach be
fore the Redskin halfback realized
It, and took Hutford's pass over
his left shoulder and barely reach
ed the Igoal sttipe as Richlns
caught! and tackled him. .. ;;
Hufford converted the try-for-
polnt from placement and the easy
floating boot proted to be the
margin of victory. I ' fii
Pass for Utah Scores S
Early in tbe fourth period the
Utah eleven of the Rocky Moun
tain conference, ; which had not
lost a game Jn- three years:: shot
series of passes that carried it
to a touchdown frpm the Uah 3 8 .
yard line. ' . 1 - i-'i
On the try for; the little point
which was to count so much, Te
desco took plenty of time. He dug
a hole In the turf for tbe ball to
sit in on! a place sick, cast his
headgear aside and called out that
he was ready. Tedesco's toe con
nected with the ball a little off
center and tbe pigskin went wide.
carrying off thejjResklns'; hope?
for a tie. i ; j s . vu - .:
Helen Hicks
Calces f Title
From Glenna
BUFFALO. N. Yj. Sept. 26
(AP) Mfs. Glenna; Collett Vare's
reign ; as Inational Iwomen's gojf
Champion! was ended today by
Helen Hicks, 20-year-old golfing
wonder 5 from Long Island.--who
defeated the 'five-time champion
on the i$th green of the . final v
round ot tho 35th annual tourna
ment two up and one to play;
It wa the closest final in 15
years of championship play : and
marked the first time Mrs.'Vare
ever more than three holes ahead
she had. reached the final round
of tho national. f
; Miss Hicks played the 35 holes
In 163 strokes, six j more than
women's par in defeating the
Philadelphia veteran and gaining
her fourth title of the year.. She
had previously triumphed In tbe
metropolitan, eastern and New
York state championships.! p '
:: The final duel '.was i a nerve
tingling match where neither wat
Over more; than htreo holes ahead
of the other. Miss Hicks and Mrs. 4
Vare trading the lead four times f
during the day. i On the final 17
holes the match was squared -no
lejg than four times.
Calif., Sept 26 (AP) A power,
ful Olympic club eleven surprised
a confident Stanford team ' here
today and came within an ace of.
defeating (the Indians. Only a
strong-goal line defense earned
the Collegians a 0 to 0 tie. :
On one occasion, Davis, winded
O halfback; fumbled ion the Stan
ford -three! yard line, and three
times, Olympic club passes on the
fourth down were incomplete in
side the Indians' 20-yard line.
On tbeOther hand Stanford
threatened to score; but once.
Early In the first quarter a pass
from .Allen to Coivtn netted 61
yards! and took the! ball to the
club's ten' ysrd Hoe, bat st this
tho advance was halted. Lang.
tunbacTc, aad Davis did practical
ly all the grouffd gaining of the
day. ! --u-u j:
' The club ran up ten first downs
to three for Stanford.
. MED FORD. Ore., Sept. 2S
(AP)- Medford high school's gi
ant foetball team defeated Cres
cent City. California, 46 to 0, here
today. The players sweltered un-
weighs. 285 pounds.
within the United States,-.",:!;, sri
I ton. '
der a.temperatare of 85 degrees.
i i