The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1931, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. , Oregon, Sunday Morning. September 27, 1931
i . . : -.. : ,
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J outdoor-News ;.
- - 1- .- - ...... ' -: .: : y T . i ! : .
i -s
Ypiing People : From Amity
; Leaving to Attend High-
er Institutions
AMITY,- Sspt. . 26 The local
Rebekahs celebrated thelrTSOth
anniTersary Tuesday erening. The
Odd Fellows were also Invited,
Tbe program was as follows:
Sons, "America"; . ; invocatlom
by E. W. Rea; piano solo. Helen
Gibbs; vocal fcolo, Opal Rich ter;
group of songs, mixed voices;
reading, by Mrs. : D- Payne; ad
dress, Mr. Earl Nott of McMinn-
vlll; group of songs by mixed
voices. Refreshments of coffe
and pumpkin pie were served.
Those attending Monmoath
Normal from here are as folloWsr
Lewis Tiffany, Herschel "5Iack,
Evelyn Umphlette and Mrs. Ma
ble Narver. . h- i
Friday, -October 1. will "be atau
: fair day for the Amity high
school. There will be no school
that day. --
Dr. and Mrs. R. I.' Hall and
family and Dr. Hall's father left
Tuesday for Alaska where Dr.
Hall expects to take up his prac
tice. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Snodgrass
attended the funeral of a rela
tive in Tillamook: Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. . Leonard Wood
have gone to Long Beach. Calif.,
after spending some time here at
the home of his mother, Mrs.. W.
EL Taylor. "
Mr.' and Mrs. John McCready
of Corvallis are visiting here at
the home of their son, Lloyd JMc-
Will" "Udell traded his Port
land property for a farm ) near
Amity. :: ' 1
Emmett Mitchell left.'- this
week to resume his school work
at Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallis. ;
H. J. Rlchter. editor of the
Amity Standard was. In Carlton
on business Thursday afternoon1,
f Jim Payne left this week for
southern Oregon on a deer . hunt.
Numerous Changes
In Homes Reported
From Hubbard Area
HUBBARD,. Sept, 26 Harold
Briggs. the manager of Cepeland
lumber yard in Hubbard has mov
ed Into the house recently vaca
ted by Mfs. John Hubbard. Jllrs.
Hubbard has gone to Portland to
live near her daughter. i -
Chester Ward,; the principal of
the Hubbard school will move his
family Into the Lev! Wetty house
about October 10. Kenneth Dart,
the eighth grade teacher and his
; "other, Mrs. " Dart have moved
Into the Levi Miller house until
recently occupied by J. R.-Bid-
detitero tor,
It gives
r? ,; . .aeaier
iX Knight
.:-V-;i?; - ' t--iUvi presen
- (...
A',-;; ;-..irf . taction at all times. t i- i y " - : '-. ."- 'T;-" ; r v"'f"-- Vf
: 4 ! j -WJ invitioii: is extended to the motoring publidio visit f
t-i--o-iliJZ--;-..-r4-- ' ; -v - o-i "V. t ' :. - , - tk, Jj,.:"1-- t:--'
1; .
Announcement is being jmade
this . week i of the appointment of
the amei H. Maden company, as
dealers for the new Willys cars,
including sixes, . eights. Knights
and trucks for Salem and I vicin
ity. I
In speaking of the new line Mr.
Maden'makes the following: state
ment: ' . .' t . I . '
"Having been engaged in . the
distribution of automobiles! In Sa
lem for a; number of years, and
wifhbg ,to. more completely serve
good and his - family. The Bid-
goods moved to Independence. .
Mr. Hartzier - and family are
now living with Frank Kauff
man. Mr. and Mrs. Lester pulley
are now occupying the house late
ly vacated by the Gus Slicker
family. The Slickers now live at
210 N. 14th Salem. Mr. and Mrs.
Hicks are living In Mary Gpndy's
house. Mr. Hicks is manager of
the McMarr store. John Yllek has
moved his family Into the Clharles
Kinzer house.
W. W. Rutherford ?,
Is Seriously 111 at
' Hazel Green Home
HAZEL GREEN, Sept. 26 W.
W. Rutherford is seriously ill
irom sudden attack of
inf lama -
lory rneumatlsm.; f .
Guests - expected this week at
the A. T. Van Cleave home are
Mrs. Van Cleave'a parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Crowe of Moscow Ida
ho, and her brother. A; J Warn-
oth, Los Angeles, j i ' "
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hashlebaeh-
er announce the birth of a, grand
son Donald Charles, born " to Mr.
and Mrs. Alois Schwlnk, nee Al
ice Hashlebacher, of Portland.
This is the third child, and sec
ond son. i :
Taffies HiMMG
" -f- : ' 365 North Commercial - Telephone 85SK)
us - keen pleasure
r tne; Wiliys Si
and -Willys Trucks irt
"Thorbughly moderri sales,jservice and parts facilities
the-fullest measure : to irneet lt
present and future ownersof ' Willys-Overland produc
assuring themof the highest -degree of i mbtoring
I -
. t ! i ' -
the residents and business people
of. our community. It has , been
our desire to add to! our present
line of automobiles a (new line for
those who wish to spend less mon
ey for -a new: ear. ; I f-H--f.
"After studying th4 market and
the various makes of automobiles,
we find that the Wlllys-Oyerland
company,, after, building cars - for
over -24 years, is building j today
an automobile 1 equipped - with a
six-cylinder engine, which:! gives
the most for the moeey in size,
ouallty and .performance , i
The McKentie highway remains
passable despite the recent rains,
according to .reports .received by
the Salem branch of 'the breon
State Motor association While
the road east of Leaburg, fori 13
miles is rough and not pleasan to
drive i over, stages are - using it
daily and make the trip from Eu
gene to Bent-in five hours
Little changes were noted ! in
the condition of the ' coast and
mountain highways. The Coryal-
lis to Newport road Is! all
f and-: in good' condition
Corvallis to Waldport the road is
good except for six miles Sunder
construction, but little delajy will
Be experienced, the reports
The Salmon River ciit-pff rpad
to Otis is still rough
for four
miles on each end.
MONMOUTH.-Sept. 26-hH.
Siekafoose, Janitor ofj tkellhJsh
school buildings, is ' proudly., ex
hibiting the finished interior, of
; the!" gym Whch, durngr the ssm-
annnnnr rhi annnlnrmpnr. a
jy:' EightJ txe
Salem and "viicftitjr
j f
"We' have- therefore taken on
the agency for the Willys 6 and
Willys-Knight automobiles; . Wil
lys trucks, and We are ready to
back , op eyery unit f we sell with
our, service which .we1 hare main
tained for years past "n Salem. : ;
"We have always"! operated our
shop with complete- machinery
and parts to ' repair - any type of
automobile, and we are equipped
to service every car" sold by us,
regardless of make. Come In, let's
get . acquainted and make our
place your headquarters.' jf
mer, had been improved with
freshly plasteed walls, . newly
oiled floor and other renova
tiens, which add ' appreciably ,-to
the good appearance of this
building. 4
Upper Grades Plan
To Engage in 4-H ,
Work, Sunnyside
- SUNNYSIDE, Sept. 2 The
Sunnyside schopl 'opened Monday
with an enrollment oi 42, Mrs.
Jessie Rains principal.' Miss Mar
garet Edwards primary. , teacher.
The new books were received and
will be covered by the students.
The upper grades will organize a
4-H club, the primary grades' will
have activities along the Smith
Hughes act. " '
V'. The Rees auction Bale was held
Wednesday and drew a big crowd
from -the surrounding country.
The .sale progressed ! fast with no
intermission for lunch and was
soon cleared up.
Prune dryers are still, running,'
some of the orchards are sowing
the coter crop for next year.
1 C. EL Ensley of Turner Is oper
ating the service station at Sannl-
Willys -
will be
lucts .
' li.
Cemetery: Buildings,-in : Ly
ons Undergoing: Repairs;
' Labor Donated
2 --The -Lyons
community club: members are as
slsting the school board of the Fox
Valley district' in - repairing the
cemetery buildings. Earlier in. the
year the club raised about 140 by
selling a- quilt tor funds to aid
with, (this J work; vArrangements
have been i made fof .havfng the
buildings repainted and roofs re
shin gled. A ' committee has been
appointed ;to -get the work under.
way. i John Bodeker went to Mill
City for shinglegj Wednesday.
i A lot of the wor will be do-"
nated. as everyone interested will
nojlont respond fo the call, eith
er by .work or a cash donation,
whlca will be acceptable as mon
ey will be needed to buy fencing.
The new ground bought by : the
school board for Ian addition to the
cemetery will Je! leveled and some
stumjps remove preparatory to
ha viig .It surveyed. ( ; ,
Mfs. Marrln perry was among
those! who took cars to Mill City
Wednesday to bring a load : of
shinfles for the work at the ceme
tery.! Newton Allen, Ralph Trask
R. R. Lyons and Bert Liyons are
among those who offered donation
work on the. painting and shing
ling of the cemetery Suildings.
" ' Mrs. .Nellie T'homas, who just
recently "returned from Med ford,
spent a few dajrs here - with her
small daughter.iand left. Tuesday
night for Stayton, ; Selo Albany
and Lebanon tot visit tor a short
time with friends and relatives. . :
Mrs. Alex . Bodeker and V rs.;
Marvin Berry visited friends j- at
Crabtree's mill Tfuesday afternoon.
They called on Mrs. Glenn Rogers
and her new baby, among others
at the mill. ! ; .v'i''. V
j Mrs. Helen Vaughn and son
Fred of Silvertoh 'were Lyons' Tis
itors Sunday. They spent the eve
ning with the Arthur Vaughn fam
ily here. ' ' j . " ;-.'.. ',
- '. - j - r -- -jI '':
Cbildren's jLodge . .
Draws 13 Charter
Members, Report
, ,.: ". .". S . -' . 1 i
SCOTT3 MILLS. Sept. 2i
Mrs. Sarah Peterson, district dep
uty of the R. N. A., (and Mrs.
Bunn, Mrs. Abbott and - Mrsl
Nash of Salem j visited the Royal
Neighbor t lodfte Wednesday eve-,
I ning. Mrs. Peterson organized a
s -.
KLM J. KOTO sHtnqt
neist a
" 8leMi
juvenile " lodge i here " with 13
names on the charter. A pot
luck lunch was served after lodge.
' Mrs. H. Koger - and daughter,
Irene left for North Dakota last
week- being called . -their . by. -the
serious Illness of Mrs. Roger's
mbther.; - - -
- 'Misses ' Virginia'" Thompson.
Ruth Boyce, Helgra Foster, Elsie
Wagina and Delbert Edwards,
teachers of the school here were
shopping In Salem , Wednesday
evenlngV. -'t--
Mr. and - Mrs.; Jake Blersack'.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartnlk and
Anton Semblke attended tbe 10th
wedding Anniversary of ; -their
brother and wife, -Mr. and "Mrs.
Paul Semolke, near McKee Sun
day. .
V -..., r .,; - f
t- WOODBURN, Sept. . 2C The
"W. H. S, Wireless", paper pub
lished by students of Woodburn
high school, will, appear for the
first time this 1 year ' Monday
morning. . . - - - . ? -4' ...,
Dorothy Austin , has been chos
en editor of the paper. She has
f named Rea McPeak as her assist
ant. ' Other staff members are:
business manager, , Kenneth E
ans; assistant business manager,
Glenn Yergen; boys' spotts. Dale
Trnlllnger; -exchanges Peggy; and
Kathleen Shroey. Reporters" are
Opal Dickey, Zona Schwab. Ralph
Wibler, Donnl Conyne. Elizabeth
Miller, Helen Stanton, Margaret
Rich. Roma Kallak., Mary Allde
Conyne and Ann Gearin. -Miss
Helen Allen Is faculty advisor. -Becanse
of the present eco
nomic depression, the size of the
Wireless has' been reduced front
a five-column paper - to a four-
column sheet. The 'Wireless'? is
the only news Publication at the
school, although ; a handbook giv
ing the schedule of classes list of
necessary bookstand other use
ful information,- Is published in
the spring for the convenience of
prospective freshmen.
Mrs. CutsfortK to
Head Infant Count
GERVAIS. Sept. ! 26 Mrs. C.
W. Cntsforth is to have charge of
an Infant survey which is to be
conducted by the Marion county
health, association. A check up on
all babies in the county is to be
made and-those born In 1929 and
1930 are to, be listed. Mrs. Cuts
forth's territory includes the high
school district. Members to ,the
Gervals . girl scout troop , will -assist
Mrs. Cutsforth with the work
in Gervais. . 'i I
Fft II li II W I y
ll Tff f III
i vm . m sr - i f c i -
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is 11 . u t;
I.I..- -
jt.THaacte ? Serrlee SUUms . ,
- Ore..
' 'I. . V f f - ..M. ' . 1, .I
. N. CiiiwrUI - - - ;
h WOODBURN, Sept 2Few0r
graduates from , Woodburn high
school plan tai go to other schools
this fall than any. other time in
the past ten iyears, according to
figures ' Just, given,, out:- by Vern
Bain; superintendent ' of -, Wood
burn schools, Thursday. Twenty
five . graduates have, asked for
thelr credits 'so Chey may enter
schools 'for higher education. . Of
these 2 S, five , are graduates of
former years:- ' ;
The list of those who have ask
ed for their credits, .and the
schools they plan! to attend, is:
Julia Beir Austin, the Univer
sity of Madrid; Marguerite Don
aldson, Good Samaritan i hospital;
Justine Hunt,! Mount' Angel nor
mal school; Freda -Nelson, St. Vin
cent's hospital; Betty Jane Proc
tOri St.- Vincent's hospital: Jessie
Sims, O. B. C;; 'Mariand -; Welsen
berg, St. - Vincent's ; Blanche
White, Oregon ; normal school ;
Jane Yergen ; Oregon Normal
school; Charles Boyle, pacific un
lyerslty; Wilmot Courtney. OSC4
.""Willis Duncan, Oregon Insti
tute of Techndlogy; Atthur Gin
ther, Oregon Institute of Technol
ogy; Jack Gulss, tJ.- bf iCt; Har
old Gustafson, OSC; Gorda Klamp
OSC; Arthur! ! Presthos OSC;
Glenn Seely, OSC; "Donald. White,
Oregon Institute' !of Technology;
and Glenn Wilson. OSC. ' Of the
class . of 1929,1 Ralph . Belcher is
to go to 1 Seattle Pacific college,
and Corlnne' Wurster is' to go In
training at the; Good Samaritan
hospital Three graduates in the
class of '3 0 have asked for their
credits. They are Grace Shrock.
Wheaton ; college, Illinois; Joyce
Hughlll Pacific college at New-
berg, and; Charles Bartos, OSC
ir .- h ?
f CHEMAWA, Sept. 2 - Che
mawa Grange at Its regular meet
ing' placed in nomination the fol
lowing names for officers of the
State' Grange: forTmaster, S. H
Sdwards; 'overseer, Charles Wick
land; lecturer, j Marie V McCall;
treasurer, E. K. Denny; secretary,
Ethel Hurt; executive committee,
E E. Colvin, W. H. 'Kent and
Martin Rpstvolt.'i-'The,grange also
adopted a resolution submitted by
another grange thaf calls for a
moratorium on farm loans. ; If
if Plans were made for an old-
time, down on j the farm chicken
Always a Kelly
;Meo who" check th service of Kellys and
r otherires always come backfto Kellys
performance is the only true gauge of tire
value. .-
The superiorltj of Kelly perrbrmance is
proved by your speedometer
your , complete sansiaaioo. , v
.1:' .
n 1 1 1 1 w i w .
- :f
i-. iff. r: 8TATlOir-.;.- Ai?
' CmercUl a C4 - W Tv ,
r -: Salem, or. '-'
- ":1. - ' V-. .
rSilZ . - lAoi.Ui. .if-'
i;ai State UetVv
"'r;'--- Balraa, Ore. - i.';a
dinner with entertainment follow
ed by a, dance. -.The date has not
been set bat' will be announced
within a few days. ! I !
Entertainment ' was furnished
by Miss Irma Keefer who favored
the members with piano selec
tions, Ernest Savage, Glen Savage
and Lester Evans who played and
sang. Martin Holmes 1 perched
on a hot stove and recited weird
and exciting tales ! of wind and
hail storms. - ;? .
Chemawa Grange meets On the
fourth Thursday of the month bat
during the winter; a number of
special meetings will be called : to
Initiate new members and to take
care of the business that-, Will be
brought before the Grange by.the
various committees which are al
ready functioning. : . I I
A. special meeting has been
called for. Wednesday, October; 7j,
for. the purpose of i initiating i a
class of candidates ,.
, LIBERTY, Sept. 26 An activ-
ltv nerlod. from li:S0 to' 12:f).
has been Inaugurated by Miss;
Berndt, the teacher. The play and
other activities of this period will
be of such a nature as to teach
the youngsters courtesy, and co
operation: They are also planning s
a playhouse. This will consist of
one "corner of the room equipped
with playhouse furniture j large
enough-for1 the children to use,
and is to be made by thera. I
. ? Rodger Adams of Denver, was
at prernight . guest Tuesday j at
the home of his nncle Fred Scott.
Mr. Adams came to Oregon to 'at
tend ; the - 50th : wedding anniver
sary of his parents who live at
St. Helens. . : ( . -:
Dale - Dash left .Wednesday j to
take up studies: for his senior
year at O. S. C. ( ;. ; . . i
Woodford- Carson is out.' of
school with the, measles.'- j ,
Ray - Ruggles returned, from
hunting Wednesday. He got a
.deer.;- . i J ttd
-The prune drier, on the1 Dove
place ' run by Harold 1 Neuen's
burned Wednesday night. Quite at
bit of dried fruit is said to have!
been in it at the time. 1
Miss Sabina Schmidt will take
up ! her duties as teacher of the
a. ova wi mswuu .1
Mrs. F. J. Hufford and daughter.
Mts3 Hazel of Foster, visited Mrs.
Louisa Johnson and Mrs. Charles
Zellnski, Jr., Thursday. The Hut
fords xecently moved from thi
district to Foster. ;They lived ou
the farm known as the August
Zellnski property now owned by
Charles Zellnski, Jr.
4 1
' i I i, . - ' i4- 1