The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1931, Page 11, Image 11

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    I t.
The OREGON STATESMAN;' Salenv OregYja, Sandayt Moriiin1 September 27, 1931 .
,, 1...... ., ., , . " " x.t ., 1 .' ? T, iii"" 1 ' ,,,,.. j . . .'! i i i " " ?' " ':fsTTK .M " " " '"" " ""' "'-i'ir!:j,',i'l:,,:;,.jlTir.l,i' jai " "tj"::'"'.,'!.?:..,,' ,.-,,',.-,',. :":r,rL. ,.i -i. .."-i 1 1 'ass:
l:Sefti'rMiisiip! EMgranis of ItMs
Music; Books.
. : Art Make
. Showing :
THE STATE fair this year has
macb to offer women. There
ha been a creater empbasia
- than erer placed, upon the' cnl-
tnral aide f commHnlty. life, e-
; pnally la mnhr, art and' books.
V Th Oregon Federation of Mn
ic. Clobs la spoDsorlax this year
for th first time- a booth In the
Agrlcaltnral building ' Jb the
northwest corner of the second
floor. Here each, day outstanding
musical programs will bo giTen,
-which, hire been arranged by Mrs.
"Walter Denton and her commit
tee. Mrs. John Hnxtable, Mrs. An
drew walfe and Miss Ed a Trot-
Saturday was the first program
and at least 100 ft people listened
: to the presentation and applauded
With great enthusiasm. A request
was made that the Jnrnilo ! or-
chestra ot Hal Webber play a re-
' torn engagement daring the week.
No' action has yet; been taken con-
. cerning the request, : Mrs, Denton
said late Saturday night.
: ; Miss . Helen Calbreath, state
federation president, Mrs. : Walter
May and Mrs. Muir, all of Port
land, were in attendance ; at 'the
booth Saturday. ...jy p-y-, f""
The hours . for! the daily pro
grams wilt bo from 12 to 1
o'clock, 2 to 4 o'clock. 5 to 6
o'clock and ? to 8 o'clock A loud
speaker system will ,bo used to
' project the program oat . orer the
- grounds. . M.'-y: .'"
The program! for today will in
clude an address by Dr. P. S.
Riley; S:30, quartet from the Wil
bur Centenary church at Port
land; 4 to 4:30, numbers by the
Methodist federated choir of Al
bany,' Lnral i Barggraf, director:
4:30 to 5; the Tahlian Singers,
women's choral club of Albany,
Robert T. Blair director; 5 to 6,
Elsie Lewis yiolln nnlntet. Host
esses, Mary Schultz Ruth Bed
ford, Dorothy Pearce, Mrs.." Wil
liam Ererett Anderson, Mrs. Joy
Turner Mosea. 4 1;-!;..'x: ;
Those who hare been -announced
to date as hostesses daring the
i week In the mnsie booth are Miss
Helen' Calbreath, IMrs. Jfhlins I
Meier, Mrs." Hal E. Hoss, Mrs. Ha
lf us C- Holmani Mrs. George A.
: White, Mrs. C-JW Howard,' Mrs.'
Georgo j W. Joseph, Mrs. Lloyd
Frank,1 ' Mrs." Georgo. L. Baker.
Mrs. ; Thomas :. Hon eyman, Mrs.
"Walter j. Cook,- Mrs. Henry Berko-witz..-
;-'..,".- y '-:.:': :
Mrs. IL M. Tattle, Mrs; C. E.
Sears,. Mrs, Harry ,T. Clark,. Mrs.
- Lonis Mead. Mrs. Ben. Gadsby,
Mrs F; i B. Mallory; Mrs. Clifford
Moore.' Mrs. Warreo E. Thomas,'
' Mrs Albert Peeta, all from Port
lan'd; f i Hfr-- -
MrsJ A. X. Bush. Mrs. C. P.
Bishop. Miss Lena Belle Hartar,
Mrs; ElLrabeth Lery Stelner, Miss
Mary SchulU, Mrs. W. F. Powers.
Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Mrs. T.
S. Roberts, Mrs. F. E. Churchill,
Mrs. Joy Turner Moses, Mrs. Hen
ry Lee. y ) ? -. - I-.1 ' ...
, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss Lena
Dot son. Miss Elma Weller, Mrs.
Jessie F. Bush?- Miss Rnth Bed
ford. Miss s Virginia,, Melton, Mrs.
W. EJ Anderson, Mri P. F Thom
as. Miss Pearl Ostermanr all of
Salem, Mrs. Gertrude Cameron of
Siirerton; Mrs. C. E. Cox and Mrs.
R. L. Burkhart of Albany. ,
In the realm of art there has
Ten ? arranged special 1 lectures
daring. the week. Lectures will be
gtrea by Mrs. Fred Erixon Tues
day an4 Wednesday; Thursday,
Clyde Leon Keller of Portland;
Friday, Nolan Zane, professor of
design at the University of Ore
gon will lecture; . Saturday J. Leo
Fairbanks, profesor of art at Ore
gon State college will bo the
speaker. '!:;
( A large art erhibition is on
band for the -Interested observer.
x rvn T TCI IV
Special Orders and extra bead sizes our specialty -Fashion"
in Wogue -c We do;remodeling
-Millinery Department at Slack's i
, High and Center Streeta . K
, complimenting Vlsltora fa Salem
FarUcipating la Horse Show' Eveata
TlckeU $1.00. dhaie U Commercial, A
Monday, September 28
Chapter A. B. of the P.
s tlAtsIs T lKat ASil V1C
! I Sigma Nu chapter of
Merriott, 1220 North IS th
Smart Clothes.;
Quests, Parties,
i i Equal : Horse ShpW
FTIE thrill of ; the state fair horse show yrill w a: matter
JL of realization Monday night at 8 o'clock "when a group
of 17 sleek, novice hunters enter the flag and bunting draped
tan bark arena of the horse show stadium. r i y tl J
' Not a few boxes will be filled for this first night Smart
clothes, an air of sophistication, brilliant performance of
.animals; horsemen, and horsewomen, aU will stir j tbe",pulse
of the horse show audience an" audience which' seldom, fails
in sportsmanship and keen appreciation. , j ' Kr i ' ?
The horse show this year has taken 04 added interest
for aU lovers of fine hprses.
New exhibitors are here ."and
I perhaps the finest string of
show - horses to ibe presentea
to Salem audiences. One in
teresting : string is that j owned
and handled in the ring ; by E.
Philip; Schandien; of :. Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. : - ;.,y .j" "
' Mr. I Schandien is an ' interest
ing person in himself. Ho la
young,' a . bachelor and 4 d istin
guishes' himself, in tbe- ring not
only by his horsemanship bat by
his English mess Jacket I which
he wears. ; His ."Oxford iHlston
Leopard" wonTthe - harness horse
stake : at Menlo Park and at
Stockton. thU past fall. jBe has
other "winners which will top
many a stake, it la expected.
. Speaking of inter est ingi horse
men who will appear,' there I
George Howell who will show tha
horses '.of U. R. Bank, president
of the Portland Hunt club; 'My
home Is fa Kentucky, but I came
west last year," said Mr. Howell.
As if anyone would have to bo
told he came from Kentucky aft
er hearing him talk! He Is" a
wonderful "horseman as Salem
audiences know from his former
appearSnces here.;
Another, thrililng person la th?
ring i-is Hilda McCormidc; who
handles her ; horses .with perfect
control; and grace. r ; To date no
more attractive horsewoman , has
ever been on -the tanbark at Sa
lem jthan Hilda McCormick. She
will show her own horses thU
year ; as - well as ride for other
exhibitors. . 'y.. - .
a group of. polo ponies jwhieh
are attracting attention are thoso
of Jacob G. Ktmo- of Portland, i
Mr. Kamm Is a . cousin of Mrs.
Mrs.; Charles -N. Bilyeu. state
president of the Oregon Federa
tion of .Woman's' Clubs, will rep
resent the interesting collection
of art exhibits from women's clubs
over the state. .. -J,
: Oregon authors will tnw-year
f Ar the first time have a booth: In
which they wfll be represented.
There- will be represented 15 au
thors and 105 .rolnmes.
...Those" in charge at the booth
daring the various ; days wIJJ be:
Saturday, Mary Keefer, Alta Ker
shner; MIrpha Blair: Sunday, Ren
ska Swart. Perry Reigelnun;
Monday, Betty Rice, Josephine
Baumgartaer, Georgia miewoou.
Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Neison .Jirs.
Jessie Singleton ; Wednesday, Dr.
Mrs F . G. Franklin, rroi.
and Mrs. M. C Peck .Thursday,
Mrs. Sarah: Kant r Steevefc. Dr
Mary RowUnd, Mrs. RutV Ida
Fargo: Friday. Mrs. Viola! Price
Franklin, Mrs. J. " A. Jelderks;
Saturday, " Mrs. ' Edna L. Dally.
Mrs. Ora Mclntyre; Sunday. Perry
Reigelman.' ; ',' '--
Wednesday Evening,-Sept. SO
1 i.:--.. 1 tc-1 r
(las and Paitar-y "' V-
E. O. sisterhood; Mr." Jay
- n' - alnAlr -
Delphians . with IMrs, :Wj, l A?? :
street. - ' i
W.' Connell Dyer 'and "ihe and
MrsJ Kamm will be guests at the
Dyer home while In Salem. This
is his first: year to show here. '
The events, for Mohday night
are: - 8 o'clock," hovicie' hunters;
8 : 2 draft horses In harness ;
8:35, fine .harness hoirseii , S; 5
ladles' harness ponies single; r 9
o'clock, novice five-gaited saddle
horse; t r 10. gg?. noises i 9:20
novice three-gait d aaddie hors
es 9:30 roadsters In pairs; 9:49
sweepstakes.: Sitem course. --j
The H. .W. 'Ray ataeef $500
Is, up for Monday night for the
fine harness horse class. !
- J , if . , .V . i 1 .
- .- - "r - i . . I ,: 1
. A group i of Salem people In
cluding MrJ and iMrg. Hal D. Pat
ton. Miss Eula McCully, Mrs. Hil
ton, Mrs. J.;P, Firisaell, Miss Mar
garet McFadden.: motored to Mon
motith this week to Attend the
concert given as the first lyceum
program at the Monmouth normal
school -by Miss AlicisM McElroy's
string , ensemble. Very enthusias
tic reports were : broflght . back
concerning the merit ot the num
bers given. V. 1 -
' ! - - ' ' --A ' . ' -
Jefferson. Mi4. TX'hftffftlfl
of San Franeisco, who Is a house
gnest of Mrs. - Lydla Hoyltrand
Miss' Lou Millerj this week; was
honored with a lincheon Wednes
day at the.Miner-Hoytj hornet
Covers were placed I for Mrs.
Whitfield. Mrs.: Fred Looney. 'Mrs.
Erma Miller, Mrs. Frank Ltilard.
Mrs. Mack Hamby, Mri. Herbert
Looney, Miss Margaret j Wall and
the hostesses, Mrs. Hsyt; and Miss
Miner. -r-' :
Harry W.5asebeer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Casebeer,? 1595
Bellevne. and Lois Smith, daugh
ter of Mrs. Garnet Smith.. West
Salem,, were married Saturday ev
ening at the home of the officiat
ing minister, Rsv. D.- J. Howe.
The. young rouDle will -make their
home In Salem. ! . y . ti
I 1
Just Received...
1 V- A A Large
.w&jSy Most Complete r
'r'Sx Selection y J j
jlil VELVETS ,-;
!SK I n ! TAFFETAS ' . H
.TfTWJfi ;;;.-:' j SATINS" --; !
- - - - .J f . ' - ' y , i
: 395 k Higli' l ! Phone 7112
. , , t, . I i - .
' : ''' . .' 1 -'" ' 1 -
Quiet Home Wedding
Cbmes as Real. .
Surprise ' 5 '
fTtiTHOTiT a- word of warning
J to their many friends; Mies
V. i Gladjg Ma Albia., daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Albin,
and .Cecil A.. GSrdher, son of Mr,
and JMts.. A, Gardner, were oalet
ly Jmarrled at .l:10 q'clock Satur
day afternoon at the-! home of the
bride's parents- ReTr Wf C. Kant
ner read the sTmple ring" ceremony
before, only . Immediate members
of. the- two famlllos.' -
..lavpnar was unauenaea sua
w ut v m ajjn n x v 5wa u& dxjv uw wit I
er jeuow eaxin and carried tldw
ers of - harmbnitlng shades.
Beautiful arrangements of fall
flowers added .k-delightfnl back
ground for. the ceremony and for
the informal reception- which fol
lowed.' Mrs. Cv E. AlWn presid
ed at the service table. , -i
Immediately after the reception
Mrvfyaad Mrs. Gardner left for' a
short wedding" tonr, foIlowinr
which they yi be at home In Sa
lemT '-A x- . -i'.. - . . .y ."
-r Both'' young "people "attended
high school in Salem and - Mr.
Gardner attended regbn - State
college. : y -
I Family . Reunfori is
Wednesday Event
V Hubbard Mrs. Waldo ;F.
Brown and- children, Betty,' Boyd,
..j ! Bmm ; .
family reunion dinner Wednesday
evening iiv Portland at the home
of her brother and r sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. George E."- Miller."
The dinner was "in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Milton M. i Miller " who
arrived Monday, by "motor from
Kentucky. The, house was ar
tistically decorated for the occa
sion with ferns,' autumn leaves,
and fall ' flowers. Covers were
placed "for the honor guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton M. Miller, Mrs.
Nora Gard Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Rolf Shoemaker Mr. and 'Mrs!
Merton Briggs, Mr. and Mrs.' Ed
win F. Brown, Miss. L. Gorgb Mil
ler, Mr. and Mrs. -Clay C.' Miller,
Mrs.. Waldo F. Brown and chil
dren," Betty. Boyd and Wallace,
and 'the host and hostess, ,Mr.
and Mrs. Georgo E. Miller and
their children, George, Jr., Ster
llng, June; and ' Peggy.
', Milton M. Miller 'IsTassoeiate
milk j specialist r- of Vthe'y United
States health -servicer witk head
quarters at' -Washiagton IX'- C.
He travels all over the United
States in the interests, of his
work. 4 Mrs. Mil ton .M. Miller was
formerly Dorcas Elliott and had
charge - of the domestic, scion cs
department , at the Woodburn
high school.
--' .
- The Sigma Nu chapter of the
Delphian ' society has been invited
to meet with. Mrs. W. JL. Merriott
at her home at 122t N. yi th
street, i Monday afternoon for an
informal study and review; of the
art work of the regular "course
of study. If members show an
Interest la this type of class, it
will be made a regular feature in'
the future.
Ml3s " Mardette Heenan, ' Miss
Mary Heenan,' and -Miss Anna
Karst. were honor guests for a
delightfully Informal evening at
the home of p Itlsa Myra Bor
chardt Friday sight- with Miss
Bor chard t y and. --Miss- Ruda
Quamao as ' hostesses. The ' af
fair was one ef a series of par-
tie complimentiBg the4 honor Y
gaests before they eave October
T for a month to he spent In Hon
olula and th Hawaiian- islands. -
' ' h V;
Girl Reserves Start . '
Season i ; .
- Girl Reserves began Che year's
program with the Thursday meet
ing of the high tebool group with
Helen Sreitbaupt ' aa .'leader.
Plans were made. for the coining
activities of the - organization. ,
With this; week 'both grade and
Junior high school groups iwllf
begin meetings; The first for the
week will be the reorganisation
meeting Friday - after school of
'the Parrtsh group.- Three diri
slone will be arranged this year,
9 th grade wth-Gladys Taylor aa
leader; 8th . grade with i, Esther
McMlnnemee, leader: - and 7tht
grade with Pauline Lockhart,
- H
- Miss Louise vBrown who ; was
leader ot the Leslie group last
year,: has gone to take np Girl
Reserve secretarial work in" Min
neapolis, Mian.; To fill her nlace
I this year winpe Margaret Free-
All . grade. :chool -advisors arei
-v"w- xucre are rex-
tmireraltyy girl or teacher is es
pecially interested in the' work
they are asked to get In touch
with Mrs. Gallaher at the T. W.
a A.-or Helea BreithaupL
1 Grade 'school advisors appoint
ed so far -are Margaret Marsh,
MlssEdith Starret. Been Hart.
Frances Jackson, and Jean (For
rest, ye : ,- :;:. - ,
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Mack
Ham by - are receiving congratula
tions1 on the birth of their first
son, Frank, born Saturday morn
1 gat the Albany hospital. .
Elma Weller Pianist -- Teacher ,
Class? in panning Method" for Beginners. Enrolling bow.
Correct muscujar adjustment- ot number of hours .
of practice -determines amount and kind of tech
.; nlque One can acquire, y j r '; . " i i '",.
Residence Studio 695 N. Liberty
Professional Accompanist and
Classes for Beginners and .Advanced Students. .
y Starting Tuesday, Sept. 8
High School Credits Given " Studio Nelson Bldg.
Phone 16144, Res. Phone 6675381 Chemeketa St.
Teacher of -Piano and Pipe Organ
i Classes for beginners and advanced' students
J High school credits given ' "
Stadio 805 N. Winter . Telephone 6336
For children -ages 3-6. - Mondays, i Wednesdays and Fridays,
9-11:30 a. m. - OPENING SEPTEMBER Slat 1
Music, Eurhythmies.' acrobatic and recreational games, rhyth
mic orchestra, handwork and pre-schpol work..'
Mrs. Frank. Li 1 burn, assisted by Barbara Baraes, Lois Plant
; mer, MrsJ C."F., Hagemin For Information Call. 4618" (
j. - - j - ! " Nelson Building. :
Beginners and Advadced Students 'I'X
Chambers Bkte. - 383
k T; S. and Ethel H,
. j-.'.-!': - Havo jmoWd to tbe ' ' . ::" - ''" .
. Ensemble, " Chamber Music, Coaching
' ' i Private and Clas. Instrnctkm
gdhMefa'.---.1- Advanced
? I CeUlst ' '
:- Honor graduate. Royal :
Academy .of i Blusic, Budapest
- School of Professional Dancing .
. , . j ANNOUNCES ' ; '
Registration for Fall -TerhV - r i
- . . : Septembef 1 4, 1 5, 1 6 H
- p Re-openine of classes Sept. 21st '
Studio 15 S. Liberty St.i B Phone 3535
Reception " is Success
The reception sponsored by the
Lincoln, ' P. T. A, wa4-! decided
success Friday night at the Lin
coln - auditorium. Teachers ,of
the school were the special guests
of the evening. i : ' , ;y. iy ' ' f
Mrs. - Leo Page! introduced the
teachers. A program of music and
talks was' given by Mrs. Stephen
Stone, Mr. Boehringer., Mrs. J5or
othy Daugherty, Miss Luclle
Miles. Judge Harry Belt, Dr.? B.
F. Pound. Flowers were presented
the .teacher by Anna May Grab
enhorst. Jewel Mlnier, and Mal
colm Fatevy-'-!:..;? -k-V y.Mli'
A short .business meeting 'fol
lowed the: reception and at this
time It was decided that in order
to beautify the school grounds a
shrub or plant be brought to the
next meeting, October 22. by each
parent;:- v.-. k i i y . . ibx
Delegates; appointed; to y the
state convention ot the Oregon
congress ot Parents and Teachers,
were : Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs. Leo
Page ' and . alternates, - Mrs. Gene
Grabenhorst, yand' Mrs.' Walter
Minier. :- s
... . . .......
- -Committees applinted Tor -the
year, were: program, Mrs. A. A.
Schramm; Mrs;; Floyd Utter, and
Mrs. Stephen Stone; social, Mrs.
Harry - Belt, .Mrs.: Gene Graben
horst,. Mrs. Ov L. Scott ;C member
ship. Dr. B. F. Pound. Mrs. Wal
ter Minier,' Mrs. Leo Page. ;f
- Room mothers appointed were
Mrs. y Stephen, Stone, grade :1;4
MrsFred Wolf, grade 2; Mrs. E.
G. Richetta, . grade 3 ; Mrsr Chris
Butte,, grade M Mrs. Daniel Fry.
Jr.,; graded 6; Mrs. A. LL Lindbeck,
grade 6. ' . - k 1 ' -
At thet close lot the business
meetibg? refreshments-were served
and an Informal social hour fol
lowed.- - .! -
y.Mrs. W. E. Feldman was host
ess in compliment to Mrs. ..W. B.
Norton for a 1 o'clock luncheon
at, her home Saturday. Mrs. Nor
ton was here from Portland to
speak at the Woman's club Sat
urday" afternoon.
Lincoln I Teachers
ime P.H
Telephone 0559
Experienced Teacher of Piano
tor Beginners A
N. High - Phone 4236
Accredited Teacher --"
Piano and Pipe Orgai
Dnnalng t System of -1
. Improved Masic Study i
- .for Beginners
Res. 50$ N. Summer -Phone
Professloaal ;"
Mas. B. r- Vioflalsi
Tcachervpf "prle . winning
- eoloiata
Mrs. iUewisjGriffith to
Be Club Hostess 1
y Mrs. Lewis Griffith will-entertain.,
members . of her club Mon
day afternoon at her home.
k Bridge will be Ja plat during the
early afternoon hours preceding
the-tea. hour; I' -Sp- r:, -"?
" Club Jmembersre Mrs.; Fred
erick Deckebach,7 Mrs. Breyman
Bolse, Mri,: A.i C. Eoff,' Mrs. Bert
Ford, Mrs. Charles G. Robertson,
Mrs. Richard : Slater, Mra.v P. D.
Quisenberry, Mrs. Gus Hixson and
Mrs. Griffith. ' y
. . . 1 j ; j-- f i--: y :
- Members of the: Women's, Bene
fit association ! requests- its ' mem
bers to meet at t:30 o'clock at
Clough and Barrlck's In order to
attend the - funeral of Mrs. ; Ber
tha PatterBon In a group, h i
;H ..- - ; s - ;
'. The witoen'bf the First Methodist-
church . are i '; planning an
"economy sale"? for sometime the
first of October. The funds from
this will be given, to the new Sun
day school building. ; j
f-yy v.--;;j' .1 . . j3-y-: .
ll OUT
J In point of number of men ap
plying 'for : work, : the local em
ployment f situation : : improved
slightly during the past week, the
report of Sim Phillips, agent for
the Federal-Y.i M. C. A. federal
bureau,, shows.! A few more men
and women' were hired last (week.
In proportion to the number who
sought work, it the employment
office, "i ; ..-j - .: .;fli-!.:.:
I Of 64 men . registering for Jobs,
4Z were placed. Two were sent
to sales positions, ,f he first! time
this bracket on the report has
been-, used In many The
bureau placed other, mn as fol
lows : agricalturai labors 1 farm
hands four," common laborers 21.
and watchmen-one. ; .' r ' -
li Only four women out of IS
seeking: work ! secured positions,
all as matrons or ; bote! hone
keepers. i l . ' i :r X-: 1
! i . ' ; ' y ' --1 .
i? MONMOUTHi Sept. 26 Dr.
LLloyd L. Hockett y attended- ! the
funeral of! an uncle; Simeon
seek joes
Salem Conservatory of Music
Center Street
? Voice, Piano, Cello,
:1 : .
I Director: R.
Internationally Known Teacher of yoice
r Conductor Salem Syaaphony Orcheetra ;:
i High School Credits, DiplomnV Degrees j
Iva Clare Love
-. i i Classes for j beginners
Phone 8451 i
William Wallace Graham
Concert Violinist and Teacher - Head of the Violm
y. i 1 Department, .Willamette University f:
Mr. Graham, now in Alaska, announces j opening; of
y i his studio in Salem
Fof-infbmatiort address
Vocal Teacher, Chorus Director, Contralto Soloist,
Class and Personal Voice Instruction. Director Salem
MacDowell Club Chorus. Director American : Legion
Auxuliary Quartette. Consen'atory Graduate, Accred
ited by State of Oregon; Available for Recital.-?, Stu
. dent Soloists for Programs. . ;: j ' j
Moore Fundamental T
Applied Piano Group Instruction or Pri
vate Worlc and Fundamentals in Class.
High School Credits if Desired. I
' J5le P. Bush :
alia . com . nei. iziz
: Laara Grant Churchill.
- SOS North Winter --
- Telephone 53S . ?
Mrst Walter Denton j
Studio, Nelsoa Buildlngy
J yelephone 7514-; 4"
Lena May Dotson '-
"1109 TJnioa street '
' "- Telephone 4541 .
Eaton, 67, at Corvallis on Satur
day MXj Katon had been ill for
some time, from heart disease.
. MONMOUTH; Sept. 26. A re
ception for the sophomore class
was held at the high school Fri
day night,- with the Junior and
senior classes as hosts. Initiation
stunts were the order of the oc
casion! 1 followed by games la
which all classmen took part. Re
freshments climaxed, the evening's
features.: f1-;'!:-" ' 4. ,
A' series of winninff reci-
. pes . submitted in a contest .
I sponsored by the I
your recipe book
No. 11
I 'Meatless IioaP I
Mrs; I. N". Bacon .
Is Salem
2 Cups day old Snowflako I
Rraf crumb ; !
I 2Cups Chopped carrots
V Cun walnuts
1 Jablespoon onion '
I 2 Eggs & S
hi Cup milk
I 2 Tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper to taste
I Put bread crnmbs, -Warrots,
walnuts, onion and - parsley
I through food ( chopper. Mix
thoroughly and add eggs.
I 7 milk, butter, salt and pepper.
Steam two; hours, unmold on
T . . ... . J A A . 1. 1. .. . .t.k
white sauce. iJV.':''' .
Phone 5038
Violin, Harmony
- i ,-.,
W. Hans Sextz
i and advanced students
- ' 6 X. Liberty St.'
Artiste! 1 1 ,1,1
about October) 1st f
600 llollj St., Portland,
Bertha Junk Darby
ST N. Cottage - Tel. H75S
.'. Progressive Series j
v Lela Lee I
y 7S5 Stevart Street
, Telephone 61S4 j .
: Ethel Poling PL tips
1075 N. Capitol Street
i Telephone 8 2$ l
i " : ' y i ii . . .
Lena Waters j
1S5S Court Street
Telephone &5S4 !
v" " vy I ! ' n- i
- - " jr . 11
: i
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