The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1931, Page 9, Image 9

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    ' V VV " 7 -! V . 'T;X' :"r':' OREGON STATESMAN "Sal- On
ociety News: and Club Affairs
. Informal Clothes
Are Discussed
i: In Detail-'
Ther-are- really two kinds of
Informal outfits worn at collage.
There is the simple informal
'which Is appropriate tor unelabor
ate dinners, cbnrch : etc., then
. there Is the Quite formal. Informal
dresses that correspond with what
." the fashion magazines call, din
ner" or "Sunday night dresses.,";
These last named are worn to in
formal house dances and to Im
portant dinners. - .i : f
Fashion authorities say that
vetvet is Tery good for informal,
this year, but it you are wise you
will choose a more durable f a-
- brie - for; your r simple Informal
. wear.' Satin and canton crepe are
both, equally as ! good this year,
and both have qualities that make
them ideal for a dress that you
will want to slip on when you
-would like to look nice; but aren't
bent on making a big impression.
Crepe Is another practical ma
terial for this purpose, though. not
quite as; fashionable thl3 season.
In length-these dresses should be
about It or 12 inches from the
floor, so: you can see that there
is tery Uttl difference, on' that
' - score, from your campus clothes.
Lhave used the word "simple"
In e5mnection with these dresses.
Thai does not ; mean that they,
have to be plain: and uninteresting
looking. ! With the numbers of
- charming sleeve treatments and
collars, a simple informal dress
can be a thing of beauty and a
joy for quite a long time. Just be
onrefnl not to have too much of
a stood thing. - L -
Beads! may be worn unless the
neckline' Is elaborate. . in wnicn
case'they detract rather than add
to the effectiveness of your cos
tume. Earrings are quite correct
(although never worn with a
necklace .but save your long,
, droopey ones for your formal, and
decide in i favor of jrather, incon
spicuous "rings." After H, you'H
Defer be criticised for not weari
Ing jewelry but you might cause
a good deal of comment by wear
ing too much. :
Hose of a dark harmonizing
shade should be worn with pumps
' or low-cut ties.
With your informal frocks you
will have: to wear-a dress coat.
' This Is something that you really
should splurge yourselt on, as
much as ! possible, for - cheap
looking coat spoils the nicest
dress, and you'll wear this coat
not emly with your simple Inform
ala but your most elaborate ones
as well. . The color depends on
that of your wardrobe, of course,
but it is wise not to go in for
bright colors unless you can af
ford: more than one dress coat.
Rough finished materials are Tery
good this year, and trims of beav
er,' .raccoon, fox or leopard are
" popular. ' i . ' i -:
Then you can wear the new hat
with the cunning feather, which
you were so tempted to wear to
- classes but didn't. I hope your
new hat will not be too "differ
ent" for ; stylists say that only
the cheaper types of hats will be
extreme, and the expensive ones,
modifications of the new mode.
. By the way. the very newest hats
are worn tipped directly over the
nose, If you , have a great deal
of stamina you -might be one of
the .pioneers of the custom. v
Sterling Guild . Has . ,
Dinner Party Y , "
, - A pretty "no host" dinner "was
enjoyed by members of the Ster
ling World Wide . Guild .Monday,
evening at the. Calf ary .Baptist
" church. i ' . '
' - Miss Zelda ' Harlan, who has
been president of the Guild, re
signed her position at this meet
ing because of the fact' that she
will attend Linlleld college in
- McMinnville this year and would
not b able to act. Miss Lola
- Dale Pickens was elected to f5U
- tbe vacancy left by Miss Harlan.'
- " In compliment to Miss "Harlan'
" the members ot the Guild pre
sent 3d heir with a token of -e-
- teem. . ,1- "-) '"- ; j--fr-r
Guests for the affair were Miss
"Mlarlan. Clara Jane- Harms, Eva
Cichran.-Mrs. H. S. Gile.advlsor,
Ixla Dale-Pickens. Lois Cochran.
. Berniee Zlelke, Alma. Willis. Lor
ain Graber. - Margaret .Willis.
Edith Starrett, Dorothy Pickena.
Dorothy Ross, Jean McElhiany.
Helen Alexander, and Velma Al
exander. . . .
":.'-.-.'. ' .. - .. '. '.- -
Mrs. A- A, ; Lee. is
Breakfast Hostess
' Mrs. .A.! A. Lee : entertained
members of tbe Standard Bearers
. of the First Methodist . . church
with a waffle breakfast 'at her
home Wednesday- morning. " -
. Following the - social .hours a
business meeting . was held- and
J election: of officers far the coma
. Ing year was made, ; Gladys Tay
lor was elected president; Esther
llunsaker, vice president; Lur
line Hendrleks.T recording secre
tary; Marie : Lippojd. ; treasurer:
. Edwyna Broadbent.; correspond
"in? secretary;". Olive Swingle,'
' pitust; Betty Parker, :"mite box
"secretary; Florence . Frederick
sanj efficiency secretary.
-Members and guests .for th
.meeting- were Miss Eugenia Sav
age.: Edwyna: Broadbent. Gladys
. Taylor,- Faye 'Colewell. ' Fern
Cole-well." Esther Honsaker, Eliz
abeth Hunsaker, Lurline Hen
dricks. Fern Hendricks, Florence
Frederickson, Betty Utter, Betty
Parker, Olive Swingle, Gay Swin
gle, and Mrs. A A. Lee.
All committee: members of tbe
committee appointed from First
. Evangelical church to " take; part
-ln the Allied Canrpaigner. jror
"gram, to be given in .Salens Sep
tember. 24, :'25,'r2and Sjll-.tbos,e
interested In the program ara re
jrtuested to.:ee Friday evening
at - 8- o'clock'-in the 'Evangelical
church' parlors. : The meeting is
being called byA. O. Emmons,
chairman .of Jbe
eilttee. :. '
Oltve M. Doak, Society Editor
- j " , i T .- ' , s ; : r :
i Thursday, September 17 j;
- Ladies of the G. A. R.; 2 a'clock In armory; short
business! meeting-followed by social meeting. I
Woman s Benefit ' association. Woman's clubhouse.
8 o'cloek; all urged to be present for important business
discussion. - . . . j
Zonta club dinner meeting, :30 o'clock,: home of
Mrs. Wimnifred Herrlck. r
Mrsi Eugene Prescott, hostess at home ICO Oak
street; sewing club of Sons of Veterans Auxiliary; 1:30
o'clock!.:' .:"'. .. :;'. " ; : j
Artisans will meet 8 oclockTFraternal temple for.
open meeting; program and dancing; Artisans and
friends Invited. - - ; j
Friday, September 18
to SL
meeting of fall for women's auilliarv
Faula Episcopal, church, with Mrs. U. G. Shipley
1 Mrs. IR, K. Ohling, hostess to Woman's Bible class
of First Methodist church at her home, 71135 North 4th
street. 2:30 o'clock. '
Mrs. IC. W. .Walcher hostess to Auxiliary to United
Spanish War Veterans at her home,"157 South Commer
cial street; 2:30 o'clock. : r
Woman's Alliance of the - Unitarian church.
o clock luncheon in church parlors ; Rev. Fred
E Weil to review book following luncheon. ;
Saturday, September 19
meeting of fall season for American associa
tion of University Women, one o'clock luncheon at Elks
club. ., j
r Woman's Relief corps, regular meeting. In Miller's
nan. - ' . :
Plans Made for
Rally Week
to members of the Leslie Can-Do
class at her home on North Win
ter street Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. S. Orwlg and Mrs. John
Bertelson were assistant hostess
es. Plans were made in the bus
iness meeting for "rally week
which will be observed by thc
Leslie Memorial! church next
week. Mrs. Fred Blake was ap
pointed as a committee of one to
work with tb other church com
mittees in making up the pro
gram for the week.
"Following the business meet
ing: a social hour, was enjoyed
and ! refreshments; were served.
Mrs. T, H. Morley and Mis
Yvonne Auf ranee ' were special
guests for the afternoon. Mem
bers 'present included Mrs. W. C.
Conner, Mrs. E. D. Proctor, Mrs.
Charles Vlck, Mrs. , Bohrnstedt.
Mrs. Eva Rasmussen, Mrs. Joe
Murray, Mrs. Winn ef red Heidler.
Mrs. : John Ulrich.i Mrs. C. F. Or
wig, Mrs. : S. Darlow Johnson,
Mrs. j Mason Bishop. Mrs. Roily
Burgess, Mrs. - X.1 Hoereth, Mrs.
B. EJ. Otjen, Mrs. John Bertel
son, Mrs. Clark Wills, Mrs. Frei
Blake. Mrs. Wayne Greenwood,
and Mrs. Marcy. j
on North
Sclo T In the presence of im
mediate: relatlvesi William , A.
Brock .and 3eneya Frances Thay
er were unHed in marriage at the
home: ot Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Sutherland near Scio Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. Sutherland, step
father f the bridegroom, per
formed ; the ceremony. , ' Mr. and
Mrs. Brock are at home In the O.
B. Cyrus residence
Main street In Scio.'
Both Mr. and Mrs j Brock have
be?9 reared-in the Sclo region and
have many friends here. Mr.
Brock is a eon of Mrs. G. L. Suth
erland and la in business in Scio.
Mrs. Brock Is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank T. Thayer. .
Etokta Club Sets
Federation Date
Mrs. Mason Bishop was elected
to " head the Etokta club for the
remainder iof the year following
the resignation ot , Mrs. Claude
Ellison at the Tuesday meeting
at the home of Mrs.; S. B. Gil
lette. Miss Gertrude' Eakin was
elected vice president to fill va
cancy left by Mrs. Bishop.
October 29 was set as the date
for the county federation meet
ing ot women's clubs which will
be the guest of the Etokta club
at the Salem Woman's clubhouse
on that date. i
Mrs. Bishop appointed the fol
lowing committees to take charge
of plans for the meeting:
" Program Mrs. -j Carlson and
Miss Gertrude Eakin; decorations
Mrs. W. C. Entress. Mrs. S. B.
Gillette and Mrs. J". Ray Pember
ton; luncheon Mrs. Claude El
lison, Mrs. Vard Hughes, and
Mrs. Peter Graber.
Mrs. Bishop, ' Mrs. Va rd
Hughes, Mrs. Henry, Carl, and
Miss Eakin will meet: at the Bish
op home Friday afternoon : to j
plan the program tor. the Etokta
club - year, : !
Mr. and' Mrs. Rex Davis are
spending their two weeks vaca
tion with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Da
vis near SUetx. '
Unusual Exhibition
1 Rugs
UAINT exponents of Early American Art; . . .
luxurious Aubosson rugs of the gay French Per
iod .. . exotic Chinese Rugs,. ; . here you'll find
them, in gorgeous array! For all this week we
: are having an exhibition of Hooked Yarn Rugs
. . . rugs whose beauty you need not envy for
: you" can make everyone yourself!
! All materials-or making are on sale in pur
; Department. Come in . . . you'll delight
: splendor of these rich' throw rugs!-.-
Detailed lesson chart
attached to each tinted
rag patterns.
in the :
; ; ;. ;
c , 1'tAsm m&cfitmut coianv nc1i
College Maid Given
Farewell v
A delightful; evening was plan
ned by Mrs. Kenneth Graber and
Miss Berniee Zlelke. for Miss Zel
da. Harlan Wednesday at which
time a theatre party was enjoyed:
and this was followed with, an In
formal society i hour and refresh
ments at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Graber.;
Tbe party was one of several
farewell parties being given in
compliment to Hiss Harlan be
fore she leaves for her college
year In Linfield college in Me
Minnville. ;: - I " ' '
t Guests for the svenlng In hon
or ot Miss Harlan ware Miss Loin
Pickens. Miss Eva Cochran, Miss
Edith Starrett, Mrs. Aubry Bog
ley, Miss Thelma Alexander.! Miss
Loree Barham. Miss Dorothy
Bjork, Miss . Helen . Alexander,
Miss Dorothy Pickens, Miss Dor
othy Rosa. Miss Lois Cochran, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Cochran and Mrs.
Graber and Miss Zlelke.
; Mrs. Ivan Martin returned Wed
nesday from several days spent -id
Portland in a combined business
and social trip. She was entertain
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Steinmetx and was also in
attendance at the Kiwanls week
day luncheon.; i
W. R CPast
Presidents Meet v
; -The Past President social
dab ' ot the Womans ) Relief
Corps held an all-day meeting la
the G.A.R. building In the f air
grounds Tuesday. A general
cial time. Quilting, ,'and av short
business session filled In the day.
A covered dish dinner was served
at the noon honr. ,. ;-)?;
Yorax visitors and twelve 'mem
bers answered roll-call.' Visitors
were Mary Wirts, Julia BlOd
gett, Cordelia La Bare and Cath
arine Low. Members present
were Lizzie W. Smith, president,
Clara- Adams, treasurer, -Helen
Southwick, Sarah Drager, !Ef fie
Danlap, Laura McAdams, Hattle
Cameron.' Bessie I Martin, i Rose
Voris. Sarah Peterson, Bertha
Loreland and Jennie T B. Joneii,
secretary. iMp:.' , ;
... - :. ; -. r - " " -
Mr.. and Mrs.- Gordon Wilson
returned Tuesday from a week's
yaeation spent In Marshfield, for- thoroughly ' enjoy el the event.
mer home of Mrs. Wilson. On the
return to Salem : Tuesday they
stopped brer In Eugene and were :
able to observe the first football
scrimmage of the season and;
T-jr rkxt
Populaf Priced Store
Johnson's for Host -
'EELLAR BAYBl Thursday and Fi?2day
."First Time this
Qoality Panty Dress
Evert Sold at this
-H- TV. Brawn
-Others asV 58c
to Oe far such
quality! Gen
erously cut of
taat color Print
In light and
! dark
contrast ina
otitfa. collars,
and embroidery
"It's the Biggest Dol
lar's Worth of End
Table You Ever Saw!
P. A. MeCaskey
"Special r num
; ber other stores
imu s t. s e l 1
around 13. Sol
1 d srumwood, "
wlnut flnUn.
nandsome csrv
lnt i, turned
stretch ers.,
Betuti fully
shaped and .
molded. 22x11
lncb top."
"Man, Oh Man! Here
is $2 Worth of Fine
Celanese Socks for
G. L. Chapman
They're regu
lar 4 pairs for
11 socks! One of
the South'!
leading makers
produced them
at less than
cost to make
this sensation
al t lue possi
ble! 3 new pat
tarns and 4
smart colors
You will see similar
Silks in NewestTies
Priced Doubled '
' ' - i ; ' 1i i l;i--X-J. Simandl
"Both silk mm
and maker out
did themselves
. to make a . su
per - value? tn
latest silks and '
.patterns fully
In - the dollar
class. Yet they
are priced i at'
'.two for U gtii it
- ,s 1 (;;! r
You Vny Yz JNIore to
Equal Men's Pa jamas
of tbiskiiidr i
E. H Certis
patterns and
plain colors for
both eeners
. tlve men snd
up - to - date
young men- et
ery psjama In
the tlO class1
15'Viue CivinJ.
Buying j
Way back last February, jwe called our buying staff together, and said --"Next
September we are going to let you put on a sale,; so that you can show the peo
ple of America "what amazing values Ward's Buying Power offers!'; And,
we told them each item must be priced at til jOur Buyers combed the country
to prove their abmty in obtaining lex-ceptional bargains! Here a the result
values ever offered in
''Men's Caps. No bet
ter Sell in Leadinsr
Stores at $2.00 and
B. Grlebd
"A man's cap!!
Genuine all
wool Ehaw fab
ric! AU wool.
F U patterns,
satin lining,
leather sweat
band, unbreak
able, nbber vi
wOur $1.49 Black
Nightanday O n e -Straps,
a Knockout at
1J00 a Pair - :
b. m.
lar f 1.85 dress to sell for 1.
Aa sev faU styles la sizes 14
to 92. Short or cap
white cotton batts. Lofty,
clean and white. A great hlr
rayon sleeping; pajamas. Very
celeverly cut, wide bottoms.
Color cofabi- Q-f ff
cations .;,....i..IUU
Made from 2:30 denim with
high waist hand style, wide
ben bottoms.
CHAMOIS Good grade, ey
tra large chamois for car -washing
and general use ;
"Usde I to same
rlcid speetnea
tloiMi mm our
muUr S1.4S
"Nig lit an day
shoe! If ever be
fore such work
manship and
-quality at SI.
Cushion iMotm.
leather I sol. 1
lnch heel, rub
ber. ' t
This Hosiery i Ex
actly One - Half ,of
Last Year's Price!"
X, D. L. Menohio
"No wonder I'm
enthused I Im
aslne pure silk
oh tf t on, new
faU fhsdea. full
flnlsh. sillc foot,
plcot top lor
only SI. Sizes
;s to lor ; r
Children's Flan
1 nel Sleepers
Now is the time to buy sleep
ers for winter. Soft, warm i
flanneLi Colored stripes. Reg-1
ularly 39e each. -.'
curtain la Chatham Marquis
seua. stanoara sne. sona cot-
i with pin
lty lace panels. Fringed. 38 to
44 inches wide. : J- AA
Attractive patterns DX ell If .
hen and goose feather pillows.
Striped linen finished ticking.
ST..? $1.00
A charming little i chair.
Webb constructed, ; covered
with bright colored ?- flfl
cretonnes . . J3) J-U II
ERS You cannot Afford to
miss getting one of these
heavy wrought .iron smokers
gest value in work shirts since
pre-war days. Fine ehambray.
full - M, ::-.':-MfnT
3 FOR $1.00
KET A willow clothes basket
and S doav 1 cott spring. ;
clothespins flfl
complete for ....i.wXeUU;
Basket 3r'xH"xil
your chairs at this low price
and finish them id any color
loop l, towels. Sizes i 20"x40".
Double terry colored borders.
Blue, rose, gold snd CI : ff
lavender. FOR.ii9UU
- . " ti i ih i :
quality standard outing flan
neL Striped patterns m : a
; ches-4
of colors. I Width 38 in-
First fast color
percale offer
ed at this price since 1114. All
new patterns: Qf flfl
10 YARDS ........OleUll
! i i I
I I ;'- 1 II
l l l 1.-
m y.
up your room with these at
aractive .pulews. i Various
shanea and ; m-
sisea 4 .... ,.,,
I- - -V-'! i.l-N'l-IT ! -' iii'
board with a top 13ftx94 Bells:
regularly at $1.49. ;
A bargain ;
Fur Trimmed Coats Like These Sold at
More Last Year!
50 7o
' These
U Values
You have never seen coats with such 'luxurious
fur trimming priced so low! . Fdattering - face
framing collars, and huge cuffs of Manehurtan
wolf (dog), mink-dyed marmot, fox, seallne, and
French Beaver. Newest pebbly weaves, diagonals
and crepey woolens! silk linings I For women
and misses! , i ,
Hov Fall Drcscbs!
20,000 Dresses in One I Parehase! No
Wonder We Can Gire Sach Valaes!
Best values any place at this price! Jacket
frocks, - boleros, one and two-piece models In
Travel Print, matins, crep
s and woolens! Newest col
ors! Sixes for; women and O
misses 1
m m
"Cigar Lighters and
Ash Trays; Like This
Sell for Brom $2.50
. "i ' r-A. H. MaMn
There Isn't
olur lighter
equal to this;
, anywhere for
only $11 It cant
j burn your fln-j
I sera. It stays
t lot lone enoush 5
j to light several,
mokes. Re--:
movable non-!
i spin ash tesyl- f ,'
i." r - -til
4hinkjof It!!.$L75
Mop and One Pint
; Johnson's Wax for i
-, $1.60 -: 11H:
''4 . 1 ? Barley
"You cant best
-this dust setter
at any pile I Its
thick, nutty
head is extra
large ' and - re
versible. Has
sheepskin cov
ered damp to
protect furni
ture. Complete
with pint of
wax j -
"For Pottery Lamp .
or Shade Equal to
Children's Rayon
Buy lingerie for the kiddies.
Non-run rayon. Good weight.
Just the thing for schooL A
Regular Size
Kotex Now
98c i
Millions ef women use Kotex
regularly for sanitary protec
tion and comfort. Deodorizes
thoroughly. . - r - - - . " 1
Hickory Handle
Try to match this axe value
anywhere. It's a j 4? valec!
Michigan , pAttern. - White
laqnered handle. S'.s lb. atae. '
These Others Get
, $3.00 1
; Ct N. Coleman
: Base at
shade, Ea.
: gg Complete
"Bases are 16 '4
in. or 20 In. tail.
Black, maroon,
green or canary.
Pare h m n t
shades t
match." '
Children's Pedal
Double disc wheel pedal bike
' worth at least $179. It's so
sturdy It holds v 200 lb. man.
' Jrery child needs Ik
1 1 1 '
PHONE 8774
1 1