The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    .Li' ( J.W. .JAU, i - :rvi r
, caht.iei; is hack
- FAIRFIELD. Sept. 16 Mike
Siahoney, mall carrier on route
one, Gervais, Is back on the joS
after a week's vacation spent at
"Bayocean. t -
Tulsa, Okla., recently 'opened Its
first public golf court wlta gruSi
putting greens.: ; .riliwUli U-
Ten interseetlonal games mark
the 1931 football schedule of the
Pacific coast conference. .
t'Now at
The Store for ladles j
4jSTATE --
Johnson's for Gloves
Annual Gathering of. State
Association Will be In
Salem Next Autumn
The annaal convention of Ore
gon credit bureau managers -will
be held in Salem next fall, .Roy
H. Wassam, manager p the Sa
lem bureau, reported : .yesterday
to the Salem Retail Credit asso
ciation, - in regular luncheon
meeting at the Gray Belle.
Mr. Wassam and four other
StuMy School Shoes
Quality with Econohiy
Girls' Black and Brown Sport Oxfords,
leather soles, all sizes
Girls' Black and Brown Pigskin, Scotch ! grain moccasin toes, two tone
effects. Leather and , do AC 0)1 QC
rubber soles, all sizes j4 L.l : 3)KiDand a). 5U
Boys' Black and Brown pxfords.
Plain and grain leathers ii..... ..
$295 and $3.95
1-95 2.4S 2.75
326 State St.
Next to Ladd and Bush Bank
members of the local association
attended the state bureau mana-
fers meeting In Portland Mon
ay. Wasam -was elected presi
dent of the group. . ; -Possibility
that the meeting
here nay be expanded to include
managers of the. entire northwest
vu told by.Was&am, who report
ed a more on foot to that end.
L. F. Schoettler also gaye a
brief report on the Portland
meeting, telling especially of the
adTantages of the Salem rating
system as compared to the one
he found in operation at a lun
cheon of the Portland Credit as
sociation, .-ii . -i ; :-i:iy,:'
He also deplored findings that
Oregon tops the nation In . busi
ness bankruptcies and rates about
third In number
nlation of wage
bankruptcy, v
per 100,000 pop-
earners who take
Eakin See Prunes
Off to Convention j
Of Legion Members
DALLAS. Sept. 16 Jack B.
Eakin made a trip to Portland
Saturday, taking down : eight
packing cases containing prunes
to be sent to Detroit for the na
tional American; Legion ' convene
tlon. "Prunes were . furnished by
the Dallas chamber of commerce
and 3500 small bags were -filled
with the fruit. Cuts tor a page in
the special legionnaire edition of
a magazine were furnished by the
chamber of commerce. This ma
gazine is a pictorial story of the
various sections of Oregon. !
Mr. Eakin has; been appointed
as the state chairman of member
ship by Alex Barray, state com
mander. Last year Mr. Eakin
served as district: commander. :
School Children
Have youri hair cut in
,time for school. You can
have a -real i good hair-cut
at our L barber shop
"for ! - -
Remember our location
Basement of Masonic Bldg.
.r t I in in
j i ' MUNDSD iASi i j
! - U : L - ' !' - - : . i -
IB a rg
Sept; 15
For a Limited Time
; ' ' H - Z A.M.
O' j
V1 -4 AM.
' ' P.O.
By Mail
One Full
Year '
In Oregon Only
By the Clock- i
News When It's Fresh:
News is one of those commodities like a hot Waffle.
A few hours greatly effects its quality. That's the
reason morning papers the country over, are sought
by rural, readers. Their press dispatches are the
latest; their valley and city coverage encompass'
those late afternoon hours i and the night period
which cannot be covered in earlier editions. Here
in the Salem territory, The Statesman is building
consistently in the! morning! field because it tR fo
days paper today! -. j
Free Sample Copy
Order Blank
To The Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon
Date 4 193..
.v- ' : ill t--: !'
Please - send - ms three copies of
your paper without j further oibliga
ition. I want to acquaint myself with
your paper. , t ;
:-.f" ''"".':.!'"!, ' l -'i f -4 ? -: i , "
i ; ;;
Signed . . .
" i - ' . f i - ,
"Address '
j Cat This Out and Mall With Vour Check !
The Oregon Statesman, .. . .
Salem, Oregon : ; i
( ) New Subscriber "
( ) Old Subscriber i , '
I Find enclosed $3.00 to cover my subscription
for one year to The1 Oregon .Statesman. f j
. Name ! -i. -
." "t ' " - ' ?
Please find
for Accident Policy. ' i
( ) Renewal Policy t ( ) New Policy. I
. t. ': ' r NT
f r
Why shop eUewher: Shppf at BymeiWaierejybu will always find fye locit prbvailinj
prices on well known and iiationaMy jadvertised remedies and tobaccos. -
Here also you will find complete lines of fresh and clean merchandise for your selection.
Yqu may serve yourself and jpay ithe fcasWer w courteous assistants
waa awip you. .; a ne rouowing extra specials are ror oniy
1 1 j. j
i' -flll'h ei
16 oz. Geo. '
Washington DuC
' Bull Durham j
6 tori 25c !
Regular; 5c National
' Cabinets : and Coupon
Cigars f
3 for 10c!
Box of 50 for 1.40
1.00 Frank? CO-.
25c Cigarette
Holders T!
i lb. Blue Ribbon
1 Malt Syrup
1 lb. Fred Meyers Coffee
Fresh roasted, fresh
Trifle :
; ; 3 )bs. for 50e
25c Spearmint: Tooth Paste 9c 1
: 35c Sentinel Playing Cards 26c
ScotTissue Toliet Paner 3 for 19c
SI ' Fiancee Face "Powder 59c :l I
1 00 Aspinn Tablets, 5-Gn, 23c
1 Pt. Antiseptic Solution 23c
10c Lux or Palmolive Soap (limit 10) 5c
50c Bath Brushes 39c ; -.;.fi J .
Tooth Brushes (Made in U S. A.) 5c
28-Oz. Canada Dry Ginger Ale 25c
$1 Hot Water Bottles 39c f
$1 Fountain Syringes 39c j II
75c Velma Theatrical Cream and 50c Carton Kleenex all for 69c
$1 Stanford Blade Sharpener ' and 50c Gillette Blades, all for 69c
50c - Coty Shaving Cream and 50c Probak Blades all for 59c J
50c Shower Cap arid SI Pastel Shades Bath Spray, all for 79c I
50c Vivadou Shaving Cream and 25c Mavis Talf alt for 29c i
50c Mennen's Sliaving Cream and 35c Skin Bracer, all for 49c 1
50c ; Prophylactic Tooth Brush! and 25c Listerine Tooth Paste, all for 33c
50c Pepsoderit Antiseptic and 50c Tek Tooth Brush,' all for 59c .
$2 Junior LuncH Kit With Vz-Pt. Vacuum Bottle (for School Children) 99c
Carton of 12 Bon Ton Sanitary Napkins, 112c ! ;:
60 Watt Outside Frosted Light Globes, 3 for 25fi L
24 Sheets and 24 Envelopes Pinehurst Fabric, 2 for 25c ?M I
45c Regular Kotex or Modess Limit 2 ljcp 1 j ! I
Leatherette. Aviator Caps With Adjustable Goggles,' 49c ;
Tooth Paste
25c Colgate Tooth Paste 2 for 25c
50c Pepsodent Tooth; Paste 26c
50c Ipana Tooth Paste 28c
50c Iodent Tooth Paste 28c
50c Kolynos Tooth Pastel 28c
50? Revelation Powder 36c
; ' i v. !
Toilet Soaps
15c Jorgen's Bath Tablets 5c
25c Henri Rocheauj Soap ; 11c
25c Woodbury's Soap 15c
25c Packer's Tar Soap 17c
25c Cuticura Soap 19c I
25q Cashmere Boufluet 13c
Face Powders
$1 Melloglo Powder 63c , j
$2 Karess Face Powder $1.59
60c Djer Kiss Powder 39c
75c Melba Love Me Powder 59c 1
$1 Tangee Face Powder 69c ;
$1 Pivers Face Powder 69c L
; ; ; '-.! , i
Face Creams
$1 Hopper's Restorative Cr. 63c !
$1 IPond's Creams 69c
$1 D. & R. Creams 69c 1
SI Krank's Lemon Cream 59c
150 Ayer's Face Creams $1.29
$1 Milkweed Cream 63c ;
Toiletries r
60c Instant Odorpno 49c
$1 jZip Epilator 69c
50c Ever Dry 29c - I
65c Mum Deodorant 39c
60c; Neet Depilatory 39c
50c X Bazin Depilatory 36c
iFirstAid Supplies
1 x 5 Adhesive Plaster 19c
1.25 St. 37 Solution 98c '
5 Yds. Sterile Gauze 39c
2 in. Gauze Bandage' ,8c !
25c f Mercurochrome Solution 15c
25cBandaid 19c
For Hie Hair
$15 Sage & Sulphur 89c m
$1 Danderine 63c I f
60c Wild iRoot Tonic 39c I
$15 Nodrishine 98c " rf Ml
,75c Glover's Mange Remedy ,47c
$1 Lucky
Tiger 63c
Lotions 1
$1 Hond's Hoaey Almond. Cr. 59c
, $1 Frostilla 59c H T -f
$1 Jergens Lotion 59c J-l 'l
; $1 Ambrosia 63c :! 1 , U
50c Chamberlain's Lotion 29c
50c Pond's Freshener 33c . f
' . . ;- ralcniir':. ' J 1
25c Mennen's jTalcJ !l5c V I 1
25c J. & J. Baby Talc. 13c 1 1
25c Mavisl Talc. 16c
25c Squibb's Talc. 16c
25c Colgate Talc. 15e I- r
$1 Squibb Dusting Po. 49c
Shaving Snnolies
. 50c Mennen's Shav. Cream 33c 1
- 50c William's 'Shaving Cream 39c
; 85c Palm Olive Shaving Cream 19c
40c Squibb Shav. Cream 33c
' $15 Pinaud's Lilac 89c C
I 60c Palm Olive Lotion 29c
" ' Shampoos f i
f 50c Packer's Shampoos 1 33c
i 50c Woodbury'ii Shampoos 25c
; 50c Wild Root; Shampoos 29c ;
;.fi5c Pitch ShamDo6r49c t '
! 50c Palm Olive Shampoo 29c
; Household Remedies :
i 25c Glycerine Rose Water 14c
1 Pt. Witch Hazel 25c I
1 Pt. Olive Ofl 39c M
1 Lb. Flaxseed or Meal 14c
S 1 Pt. Rubbing! Alcohol 19c
! 4 Oz. Spts' Camphor) 21c
I i ' Health Foods 3
I $1 Ovaltine 59ci j ;
$1 DeMotte Psylla Seed 59c
$1 Lacto Dextrine 69c M
: 75c Mead's Dextri Maltose 49c
1 $10 S. M. A. Baby Food 89c
i 75c Borden's Malted Milk 49c
Soothing Ointments
1 50c Cuticura Ointment ; 39c
60c Resinol Ointment 39c
I 50c-Tube Unguentine 33c
I 25c Zinc Ointment 15c T
; 75c Vick's Vapb Rub 49c
1 75c Balm Bengay 49c 'rf
.-; ! ' r f '' Antiseptics u
;$l'Lavoris 69c? . ;;J
: $1 Listerine 65c i ! 1$
$1 Pepsodent Antiseptic 63c
$1.50 Takara Powder 98c
j 60c Zonite 39c 5 . :' f--
1 Pt,' Peroxide 15c ; 'If' ' ' I i
7 ; -'I j ' Remedies : l . j. i :
$1 Pinkham's Compound 89c
I $1 Miles Nervine 69c
50c Phillips Magnesia 29c
S $1.20 Sal Hepatica 89c I
I $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 98c ;
$1.50 Citrocarbonates 89c j '
-': . Rerhedies : - m
i $10 Scott's Emulsion 79c !
$15 Enos Salts 89c i S
75c Mead's Cod Liver Oil 43c i
l$l Super D CodLiver Oil 63c I
1 Pt. Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 50c
a $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 89c j ;
Falla:;aak Tsiftlea
50c Feenamint 39c ! !
3 60c N. R. Tablets 33c I
1 50c Cascaretts 33c I 3
$1 Ironized Yeast 69c it ' 1
1 50c Yeast Foam Tablets 33c
: 25c Chocolate Ex Lax 19c
50c Glazo Preparations 33c
35c Cutex Preparations 26c
25c Krank's Nail Preps 12c
35c Zino'Corn Pads 26e
25c Blue Jay Com '
Pads 17c - I-J- j: '
35c Freezone 26c !
1 Pt. Mineral Oil 35c
l'Pt. Russian Oil 59c
10 Lbs. Bathingn v;
Epsom Salts 39c
35c Energine 23c
45c Oronite Cleaner 27c
50c Shell Cleaner- 2Sc
: Not only Oregon writers, tut
books - published in Oregon and
written by Oregon writers, will
be shown at the Oregon -state
fair. A display Is being arrang
ed under i the direction of Miss
Harriett ' Long, '-ate librarian,
whoi haa Invited Oregon publish
ers to participate. :
-l The - Statesman Publishing
company will display two books
recently published In Us plant,
-The Enchanted Lake," by Stan
tnn f! T-Thamr and the fourth
edition of Professor J. B. Hor
ner's text on "Oregon Historyi :
The display of Oregon-made
books wUl adjoin the display of
photographs of liYlng Oregon
writers who hare published one
or more books. Miss Long left
for the east a week ago but
placed the direction of the exhib
it In the hands of Miss Mlrpah
Blair, assistant state librarian.
Libraty Has New
French Volumes
Fifty-seven new books written
la Treneb were received yesterday
for the senior high school .library
by Mis AltaiCirschner, librarian,
as the Ift of students of last
year's. French 'department. - .The
money for purchasing these books
was earned by the students from
candy sales . which they held in
1990 N. Capitol !'' 1 ' I -I174 N. Coml $t. r Stkte and Coml Sts.
'.Sausage J
Seasoned the Old"
Fashioned Way i.
H&8 lb. I::
FresEi Fish
:': I. I 'I Tik - ;;
Black Cod, lb. . 8c
Hahbut, lb' ...:10c
Silversidajilf f
Salmon, lb. .4 10c
Prices quoted j on Yi or
''I : Whole Fish
As Good as the' '
; fe'lBestl-! lflffl
3 lbs. 255
VUUOII 9 A Ul A Mil .: iMM ICI AS -
Sugar Cured Slrinned '
Half or Whole
Meaty and Tender
121-26 IbJ
Pure Lard
Open Kettle
SIbsJ 2C
Eastern Sugar
. Cured
m-2:; E
1 1
. I
the hlgkucbool.