The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    . - .3. ; :
PAGt THUES 1 .ws-:
r.Tht 'OREGON STATESMAN, Salen. Oregon, Thursday 'Morniii'sr, September 17i 1931
L-'."a -jtMji'jt'l
':' Local IJews Briefs; j
..Both Drivers Arrested - Two
motorists," whoa cars collided at
the intersection of 17th t and D
streets yesterday afternoon, were
subsequently arrested by George
Edwards, city traffic officer, cit
ed to appear in municipal court to
answer charges of reckless driv
ing. Kay Merrias, 1545 Franklin
street,. West Salem, stated. in his
report of the accident that, both
cars entered the intersection at
the same time, that a walnut tree
obstructed the view, and that he
4id all he could to avoid the colli
sion. Clinton E. Field, 830 Mar
ket street, the other driver,! re
ported that Morriss did not have
the right of way and was speed
ing. Neither driver mentioned
any .damage being done to their
machines. '; -:. - ; , . i-:
Dance Hasel Green Friday. 25c.
' - i- - i . -t
' Sewing Classes to Start 'i The
evening sewing classes held at the
high ' school . under the direction
of T.' T. Mackenzie, vocational su
pervisor, i probably will start next
week, it was stated yesterday.
Mackenzie is' planning to obtain a
local instructor for the" classes In
order to 7eut downTexpehses. .Last
year. Mrs. Merle R. Davis of Ore
gon State college conducted the
. class. ' I ' ' .
" ' Collision Reported A Blight
collision between automobiles
driven by E. J. - Aschenbrenner,
544 Monmouth street. Independ
ence, and Clyde Harris. Brooks,
was reported to the sheriff's office
yesterday. It took, place Wedoes-
day morning on the North Paeifie
highway two miles beyond Salem.
Neither the drivers nor the ; cars
were injured. . " ' j i
Hop Pickers Paid Off Hop
pickers employed on the Curtis
and Mitoma ranches were paid off
yesterday, putting several thou
sands of dollars into circulation.
Work on the Curtis place-was fin
ished on Tuesday, and on the Mi
toma place yesterday. Many of the
hop picKters were seeking employ
ment In the prune orchards where
the harvestwas at its peak.
Dance and Dine at Rose Cafe,
222 N. Com'L Open Monday,
Sept. 21st at 5 p.m.
2253 Estate Value The estate
of Jonathan H. Mattley, deceased,
has an appraised value of 12255
according to a report filed yes
terday" in probate' court here.
Keith' Poewell, Eugene Courtney
and Edith B. McCord' are,, the ap
praisers. The chief asset is a note
signed by Charles B. and Lora B.
Dlcken.' , -i' y;::; '
O'Neill Going a-Fishing William
O'Neill, who returned Tuesday
with Mrs. O'Neill from Oakland,
Cal.r where they attended the national-convention
of letter car
riers, wDl spend the remaining
few days fishing. He hopes to
land a few,": he says. I
Dance Hazel Green Friday 25c.
Tr "San rancisco- Paul Millar.
manyrder clerk in the . Salem
postoffice, left Wednesday on his
vacation, with San Francisco as
. TTf will SDend the
first of his two weeks' leave in
the bay city aisiricu
To Attend University Miss Le
ola - Johnson arrived yesterday
from Champion, Alberta, Canada,
to enter Willamette university as
a freshman. Miss Johnson Is i a
niece of Barkley Newman, man
ager of .the Montgomery W ard
storVhere. i . j . I ')
v - tc. Trader Coming -Miss
Edna Porter, head of all business
and professional 1 women s clubs
sponsored by the Y. wr?.-. wj
be here Tuesday and Wednesday
while on a tour 'fv'bN7
York, office, the local Y. W. A
secretary has been informed. j
Rummage sale Fri. and Sat.
Daughters of V. 67, Court..
j District Head HeiJohn Gil
bert, district manager for Mont-
1 gomery Ward and company with
headquarters in Portland was a
business visitor ere -yesterday
spending the day on matters in
connection with the firm. . ,
Fverly Car Hit Harry Eyer
lv. munTclpTl airport reported to
he Police yesterday that a mo
torist making a reverse turn with
out signalling, at Com mere al and
Leffelle streets, struck his ma
chine. ' : ; ! j ... .,i ' :
' Cutoot Ope-,1 ArtThm
as Hughes. 383 Jetris avenue.
arrVstld by a ftytraff officer
yesterday on a' charge .ot
fuTand operating his car with the
.cutout open. : - t ' ' '
: Own Fender Bent
C. (Josser. 1590 Mission str ee t. atr
tempted to pas a car operated by
i tnrn In front OI
nim. the fender on Gosser-s car
iS bent-ln the collision. Dorsey
Teported to the police yesterday.
I Eres-Ward "
Eugene for th next twawecks
where he has gone on business
lor the state, y , - .
To Chicago Mrs. J-.f"1'
assistant at the Oregonst att U.
brary. departed by train last
it. .. M Ed-
mnWilllam iKlecker. Stayton.
a boy. Lee Albert," born Septem
ber 13 it Salem general hospital.
aver To Mr. and Mrs. Gro
Ter"weaver, ronU tT
man Grover. -
Wltaons oprUoa t Ua
829 Orefos BWs. Thom S509
To Portland 55c
UCllICm To Eugene 75c
- Depot, Bligh notel
Independent Stage Co.
TeL 121
JEr-EeporteT Promoted For
restyH Ginn, who was a reporter
for,, three years on. the Capital
Journal has been promoted from
the management of a J. C. Pen
ney store In Willlts, CaliL to a
store ia Lod!, Calif., according to
word - received in Salem. Mr.
Glmn was employed by the Capi
tal Journal until his employment
in 1924 by the manager of the
Salem store,' D. B. Jarman.
Dance Hazel Green Friday 25c.
Reparians Hear Music Wed
nesday was music day at the Ro
tary club. Plan numbers were
presented by Miss Ruth Bedford,
and Robert Hutcheon sang two
Scotch numbers. President Page
announced that in the future
meetings would start at 12 and
close at 1. I
- Hotel Man Here Al. N.
Pierce, manager . of ; the Hotel
Benton, Corvallis, '; and! John F.
Allen, druggist of that city, and
member of the state pharmacy
board, were Salem visitors Wed
nesday. : .j
Buss Smith, Center and Church,
for tire bargains.
One License Issued One mar
riage license was issued out of
the : county clerk's office yester
day. It went to E. Li. LIska, legal
agej Scio farmer, and H. Esther
Sledge, legal 1 age, ! Scio house
keeper., Dance Hazel Green Friday 25e.
Daughter Is HI Mrs. T. A.
Raffety, 378 Eellevue street, left
Dy ! tram yesceraay ior no..
spririgs, S. D., .' where she was
called on account of the illness
of a daughter.
Dallas Girl leaves Lois Mil
ler I Dallas, took the Empire
Builder train last night to go to
New ! York City. S!he will work
in a library there where her sis
ter is employed.
Those big black grapes now
ripe at Fiala Vineyards. Cheaper
than ever before. Bring boxes.
! ' -
Berg Estate Closed Final ac
count was filed in probate court
here yesterday in the estate of
John E. Berg, deceased. Emma
Berg, administratrix, is also sole
heir; to the property.
I ;
Chimney Only Fire i A chim
ney burn-out at 264 State street,
at 7; 40 a.m. was the only fire re
ported during the fire department
day, shift yesterday.
Opening old time dance, Cas
tillion hall, Sat. nite. Ladies 25c,
Gents 50c. .
Stops lii Salem Wynn Grier
stopped in Salem for a fewdays
while in Portland and Salem on
business from Coquille where he
and Mrs. Grier are now living.
Boones Claim Alsmans" not
Entitled to Sell out
I Stock of Goods
Suit to recover 11436 held to
be due on a purchase contract
was begun yesterday by Claude
D. Boone and M. Maude Boone
against Ira C. Alsman and Stella
M. .Alsman whom the plaintiffs
contend are selling without right
goods from the store they pur
chased from the Boones. The
court is asked for a temporary In
junction, to restrain such sale
pending determination of the suit.
The Boone Service Station and
Grocery store at Aumsvrlle is In
volved in the action. Plaintiffs
state they sold the property No
vember 5, 1929 to the Alsmans,
getting $1500 in cash as first
payment and agreement to pay
the balance on the basis of the
Inventory at the time of sale at a
rate of $40 a month. The bal
ance as determined- by a mutually
agreed upon inventory November
12. 1929, was $1436.
Plaintiffs hold they have never
received any of the balance and
that the contract, which provides
the stock of goods should not be
diminished until this sum was
paid, has. not been complied with.
The sales agreement called for
a monthly payment of $60 by the
purchasers to the seller for the
use ol the store building, garage
and equipment. .
Many Pictures
i . i
Are in Contest
th more than 50' pictures of
kiddies being taken the final day.
tha Kennell-Ellis Oregon states
man! fr nhotographie contest
closed yesterdayJ As heretofore
announced by auss uom jbcub,
manager, proofs must be selected
and iback to the! studio bT Satur
day bight, September is. Judges
will be busy neat week making
selections. All of the photographs
will be on display during the state
- I Chinese Medicine
ISO N. commercial
" SU Sa!m
: Office Uurs
rucsday and Satur
day 3 to 5:SO
Card Table and
Chairs to Rent
;.1II'.IM -
Call 0610, Used Furniture
1 151 North High
Eighteen of Those Called
Live in Salem, Eleven
Women, Announced
Eighteen of SI persons drawn
for circuit court Jury duty In Oc
tober are residents iof Salem afl
of the 31 names drawn, 11 are
names' of women, Sheriff Oscar
Bower announced yesterday after
the selection of Jurors had been
made by the sheriff and County
Clerk Boyer. ' Circuit Judge Mc
Mahan, busy in Albany, has not
yet set the docket for October's
term of court,
The Judge Indicated . the early
part of this week that he would
not summon -the fall grand Jury
for some time. 1 There Is some
controversy- existing over the
ruestion of the grand Jury. Judge
Skipworth fo Eugene having held
that the old grand Jury "is as
dead as a doornailM while McMa
han has" indicated be wis had to
continue the grand Jury which
was convened last spring. ;
' Jurors drawn yesterday, their
addresses and their occupations,
follow: - 4
Wm. F. Prime, Salem No. 3
taximan; Harriet C. Miller, Che
maTra, housekeeper E. G. Clark,
Pringle, farmer; Rilda Priem, Sa
lem 20, housewife;) Nathan E.
Cole, Aurora, sawmill worker;
Dewey R. Allen, West Silverton,
garageman: Bertha j:N. Curl, Jef
ferson, housekeeper; Alfred F.
Knorr, Aurora, farmer; John
Dozler, Stayton, farmer; Ella M.
Stauffer, East Huobara, nouse-
Jteeper; " Henry Kirsch, West Mt,
Angel, farmer; Dorothy M. Mc
Dowell, Salem 9, beauty special
ist; Caroline A. Blick, Salem 8,
housewife; John Christopher,
Mrion. farmer: Fred Bentel,
i Wrightl
In this city Sept. 16, Samuel M.
Wright, aged 60.: (Survived by
wife, Jennie of Salem; father,
William Wright of Salem; and six
brothers. D. Perry of Salem, Wil
liam Dean of Ogden.j Utah, Alfred
S. Fairmead. Calif,,, Charles C. of
Vancouver, Wash.; and Virgil F.
Wrizht of Chicago. 111. Funeral
announcement later Iby Clough-
Barriek company.
In this city Sept.
16, William
Lowry, aged 70. survived by two
brothers, Frank of Bly, Ore., and
Mat of Paisley, Ore. j Funeral an
nouncements later iby Clough-
Barrick company.
Tn thia Mtv. KeDt- 1!4. Mrs. Eliz
abeth Schols, aged 42. Survived
by widower, H. R. Scholz or ba
lem; parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Kickel of Friend. Nebr.: five sis
ters, Mrs. Emma Ross, Mrs. Min
nie Larson, Marie- Caroline and
Ruth Nickel;5 and two brothers,
George and William Nickel, all of
Nebraska. Funeral servites from
the Christ Lutheran church, 18th
and State streets, Saturday, Sept.
19 at 2 u.m.J Rev. Amos Minne-
man officiating. Interment in the
City View cemetery under tne di
rection of Clough-Barrick com
At Lincoln, Ore.,
Sept. 16,
Hannah R. F. Crowley, aged 93
Mother of Mrs. MaryFawk of Sa
lem. Mrs. Ada Pewtherer of Port
land, Mrs. J. M. Craven of Salem,
Mrs. Ora Walker Smith of Rick
reall. Dr. J. M. Crowley of Port
land, S. H: Crowley Iof Portland
and M. K. Crowley of Monmouth.
Funeral services from the chapel
of the Salem Mortuary, 545 N.
Capitol street, Friday J Sept. 18 at
1:30 p.m. Interment jin the Etna
cemetery. Friends are invited.
At the Methodist Old People's
homo in this city. Sept. 16, Mrs.
Alice Rix, aged 82. Survived by
one sister, Mrs. Carrie Mahanke
of Sioux City, Iowa; two nephews.
Charles E. Savage of Portland
and A. B. Burdick of San Fran
cisco. Funeral services will be
held Friday, Sept. 18 at 1:30 p.m.
from the chapel of W,
T. Rigdon
and son
Peltrek iHemortal
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just ten minutes from the
. heart of town
A rtnrMAi. prsEcroaa
T70 CkafcU Tel. StSS
Oar Scrvies ia Ftneual
Our rrtc Art Initubli
Omr Ra la Ktditi
Lictn d tdy Brtilsw
Established 1893 ; Tel. 8652
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care 'provided for
Prices Reasonable
Clough-Barrick Co.
A. M- Clough !
Dr. L. E. Barrick )
V. T. Golden
- : Fhone 5151
Church at Ferry St.
XJlldci? th.C Occurrences and Gossip
1 ! i ; at the center- of Oregon's
JJOme slale government
THE subject jot married women
consumed a - good share of
the lime at; the state labor
session yesterday morning; and
at times the heated debate be
came personal; Discrimination
against married women In Indus
try, however, was - finally voted
down on the grounds that all
should haro an equal opportun
ity to work, j
, -(cy v
If anyone thinks for a mo
meat that the labor, session la .
uninteresting, attendance
would cure that. : There la
more -discussion and more
timely subjects debated there :
tbaa at any ; similar conven
tion. Today the subject of pro
hibition Is expected to come
tp, and a packed house Is fore
seen. Tbe meetings are open
to the public. ; " -
L 1 .' ... '
But today's! Interests In the
state capital will be divided be
tween the -labor convention and
the hearing on; charges against J.
S. Landers, president of the Mon
mouth Normal school. The la
bor meeting starts at nine o'clock
and the hearing in the senate
chamber at the state house starts
at ten. '' I j Ja
ButtevIUe, farmer; Ella M. Halik,
Salem 13, housewife; A. F.
Moore, Salem; 16, merchant;
James E. Allison, Salem 6, insur
ance; Will ard M. Myers. Salem 8,
millworker; Edgar Hartley, Sa
lem 11, hop grower; Henry A.
Gilie, Salem 29, salesman; Nellie
L. Harris, Salem 24, housewife;
Mabel L. Bathj Salem 17, house
wife; Fayette P. Smith, Resedale,
farmer; Donald E. Mann, Salem
6, laborer; Adolph Jette, Cham-
poeg, farmer; Alice Shoemaker,
Salem 23 ; housewife; Perry Rei
gelman, Salem 12, newsman;
George V. Pontlous, Salem 8,
meat market; Zina J. Zinn, Salem
23, taxi service; Gladys Eoff, Sa
lem 8, housewife.
Study Courses
Are Mailed Out
Courses of study for grade and
high school work were being
mailed yesterday from the office
of the county school superinten
dent here to teachers throughout
Marlon county. The courses are
supplied by the state department
of education. Mrs. Mary ruiker
son, superintendent, reported yes
terday that the, majority of teach
ers have complied with , the re
quirement that their certificates
be registered at her office before
instruction was begun.
Alt Credit Cords Are Wssmed
In Conformtig With Usmmi
Standard Oil Company of California invites motor-
ists of satisfactory credit standing to open monthly 4
charge accounts which will b honored everywhere at
Standard Stations, Inc and Red White and Bine
Dealers. . ' ,'
Drive where you will your Standard Credit Card
is everywhere useful in your purchases of Standard
Oil Company's quality products.
Why not carry one as many thousands of motorists'
do? Purchase what you need wherever you happen to
be and charge it!
i '' , - ' - ;'
j Standard Credit Cards mrm Honored ia Making
Purchase of Thesm ProdmcU
The finest gasoline we have ever produced without Ethyl
dry and quick starting. J
A premium motor fuel and every mmyt
Money cannot boy better oil.
. Finest of Eastern oils, t
! For Bsotoring, honsebotd and farm uses every day.
Make tail extra Standard travel feature
standard equipment with yonr car. Like the
monthly charge account facilities ef ether soundly
eoaducted btuinesa lattitiiMons,
tnis coavenieaco is offered to
responsible people of good credit ,
standing, and subject te usual
business credit procedure. Te
apply for year Credit Card, just
fill in and mail the identification
coupon below-or hand it to '
your nearest Staadard Stations,
Inc, or Red White and Blue
Dealer. ? - "a
Standard OU Campany
;-" ' . 323 Bush
Gendemem I should Ilka to
Name i
Strmet Addres$
Business Address .
Firm Name1
liceiue A'wuoer of My Car-
' Even though labor delegate
"showed their teeth' In th
heated discussion to the morn
ing, they forgot their differ
ences at the annual banquet
held for delegates last night.
The dinner was m social affair
and no business was scheduled.
Ami . laborers . know how to
play as well as work.
A Polk county speaker held the
closest attention of the labor del
egates yesterday in .one of' the
finest addresses mad at this
convention. J. Jv Sechriat of
Ballston. representing the Farm
ers' Union, talked on the causes
and remedy of the plight of farm
ers and workers, and told It in
telligently and in a winning way,
The highway commission Is
; coming In for what eemsv more,
than . Its share of criticism-on
pthe part of labor : resolnttons.
f The latest request was : that
the commission .build; and lm
; prove highways by force ac-'
; count rather than -by contract,', ;
: in order to eliminate employ-.
ment by contractors of 'many.
; out of state workers, :Y:-''-
; Miss Alice Folk, ' certification
Clerk in the state superintendent
of school's office, was' at St. Hel
ens yesterday where she acted as
one of the judges at the Colum
bia county fair. She will return
today, it was reported; unless at
tractions at St. Helens prove, too
strong for the comely education
al workers
The supreme court yester- '
.day received a large bundle of !
4 bills. Each side of the pack
are showed a hundred dollar '
'bile- Vnder each bill were
;four one dollar -ones. The re- !
maindcr of the package was'
"bttnctf money. The -package
Is to be used as evidence In an
appeal from. Lane county In the
case of the state vs. John Berg '
and F. J. McSweeney. :
One hears a lot about "Old
Scouts," ' particularly about the
1905 car which' was in Salem last
night. , And there will be some
Old Scouts on hand to greet It at
Portland. Hal E. Hoss will act
as toastmaster tonight ; at the
Portland banquet, and Rufus
Holman will welcome the wagon
for Governor Meier.
Church School
Officers Meet
Officers and teachers of the Ja
son Lee church Sunday, school
met Tuesday night for a dinner
and meeting to plan the' coming
year's program. There I were 25
'wm a
of Calif arnla
SU Saus Frsuseiae, CsOlf :
have and nao.a Standard Credit Card
-Pontio Held.
J.----l ' 1 III .
- ! . -
- Liiiiii mm
Salem Ministers ; Planning
Wejcome and; Support
For Allied Forces '?
Speakers represenllng the Al
lied Forces of Prohibition will
be welcomed locally by the Sa
lem - Ministerial . association that
organization agreed; this week In
a resolution It adopted.? The
speakers will be la Salem1 Sep
tember 24. 25 and 26. . While
the speakers : are Independent of
the Antf-Salooa league they , are
not in opposition to It as .has
been reported. , 'f:, ':".--'-.
: Heading the team is Dr. Daniel
A. Poling; former Oregon - man
and. now a well-known pastor in
New. York City." r ..
i Regarding the team, the; Min
isterial association made the fol
lowing statement: 5 : It
-"The leader of this' movement.
Dr. Daniel A. PjOllng. is an hon
ored son of Oregon and holds the
confidence - and-esteem., of j every
good -citizen. , Those associated
yith him L-are Informed,! : able
speakers bringing messages - Of
strategic and timely importance
for '.our day and generation. Col
onel Raymond Robins is , an in
ternational statesman and sociol
ogist of wide fame, and is known
to Salem from a former i, visit
here. - Congressman; Grant ' Hud
son is a public servant of broad,
sane vision and ; intelligent ; con
cern for the maintenance ' and
safeguarding of America's great
triology : of . basic institutions
the home, the church : and the
state. . Olivex; Steward, Ira Land
rith and. Miss. Norma Brown, are
seasoned veterans in the prohibi
tion movement and: know its his
tory and present status. R. C.
Ropp brings to the youth of Sa
lem a daring i challenge in terms
of today's training rand tomor
row's responsible world citizen
ship." , v.-jp : ;. .
Robert Anthony
Becomes Cadet
On Ocean Liner
Robert Anthony, graduate of
Salem high school with the jblass
of 1931, was in Salem Wednesday
on his way to Seattle where he
will take a position as cadet on
the S. S. President Madison bound
for the orient. It : j
Anthony has been spending; the
summer with his mother, I .Mrs.
persons present. Homecoming for
this Sunday school will be ob
served next Sunday . ; if
i ! - . 'k .', i . -I J -Ml ! f r ! -. . r i ! h ii ! :(! 41' i
I i Hiii i n !
1 :
1 t .
Faye Thompson, ! in CoquiUe. Hf
wlU be the second boy from. Sa
lem to become cadet on boats
nlvinr thml Pacff ti. Buddy Hoff-
nell, son of Mr and Mrs E. M.
Hoffnell, Is the other fcadet. ?
Young Anthony! will leava from
SeatUe September, ,13. The return
to Seattle will be made sometime
la December, it Is expected.
i ,145 Bjli.
Two meetings k preliminary to
opening up. Girl Reserve work for
the! fall and winter , will be held
today, with the high school O. R.
cabinet to hold inpper meet at
the Y. W. C. A. al ff:$0 tonight,
and! a meeting lojilpo held In Sil
Mrs. Elizabetti Gallaher. T. W.
secretary, and Mri. ;B. E. Carrier
of (the off icial Jbdard ; will bo In
Silverton this afternoon to help
organize the Girl Reserve triangles
there. . -;. i'fflj'liilili'r ' - " '' .
Miss Irene Breithaupt, advisor,
and! Mrs. Gallaher Will meet with
the! local high school cabinet to
night to aid in working out the
year's program! for . this group.
Others: present will be Theresa
Dlrich. presidenif ;Gwen Gallaher,
vicej-president ; Lucile Rollow, sec
retary; Dorothy; Tucker, treasur
er; and committee: !. heads: Vir
ginia WassamiaUjacefi Skinner,
Freda Morley,' iRachel Gardner
and Shirley Knlghten. r f
Osborne Guilty, i
Everett Osborna I before Judge
Miller Havden; Yesterday after-
connection withlafllcharge of de-
unquency, was ;iounu jsuuijr buu
bound over to the gf and Jury. His
bail remains at 750. Osborne is
still! in the county; Jail. . where he
was! lodged following his arrest at
a hop yard near;; Liberty about a
week ago, i l- j. , - j
.-V H- II - ,-'
r Visit ur :,.
. 5 I ; !
Used Furniture :
i Department ;. i i
f Imperial n
467 Court St.
j . -- .9 - I . Yl jf ) r v: - '
Baying at Standard h an economical habit, j r
Yon get a Bigger Dollar worth in StandarrTa quality,
products for motoring, household and farm uses.
You save time by making aevcral; purchasef at once.
Yonr carruni tetter and lasu longer. 1 . ii - ''v -V.
With a Standard Oil! charge account and Credit Card,
your purchases, wherever made, are billed to you monthly,
in one statement- Profitable Convenient -Enjoy able t
j i
4 ' r ' j ' '
The state of Oregon, through
William Einzlg, purchasing agent,
yesterday . was negotiating with
King Brothers, prison equipment
dealers, to makegood on a con
tract Involving the steel fronts
for. the new cell block now under
construction at the Oregon peni
tentiary. 1 .- : f :7'
The contract provided that the
fronts should be of tool-steel
proof material. : Tho fronts iar
rived here a week ago, and upon
being tested it was found. that the
steel was not tool proof. ,
Einzig, in a conference with re
presentatives of the company, de
manded that the ' material con
form with the provisions of the
contract. This, the company off i-!
cials agreed to do. The company
furnished a bond of $20,000, for
faithful performance of ' Its i con
tract, and this is ow In the pos
session of the state. 1 i, :
- Henry Meters; j ex-superintendent
of the penitentiary, recomi
mended 'that the cell fronts; be
purchased from another company
Governor Meier favored the pro
posal submitted , by King Broth
ers, and received the support ol
State Treasurer Holman. . . j kjj i j:
All competitors in the 1932
Olympic games yacht events will
be required to be members jot a
club recognized by the North Am
erican Yacht racing union.: j j ti.
Hundreds of people are
taking advantage of j ! pur
offer to remove your corns.
- . : h ' : !: i
No Cure No Pay
s . -l-;: j ; -l i 1 I !
A guaranteed corn rem
edy, safe efficacious,; and
reliable, stops! the ache and
soreness the first ! applica
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