The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1931, Page 20, Image 20

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Step Ordered Along Front
Street Curb; Sidewalks
. Are Discussed
hWoodburn, Sept. -16 Auth
ority to construct a concrete step
alone the present curb line on the
block between Grant and Lincoln
streets, on First street, was given
by .the Woodburn city council at
Its meeting Tuesday night. The
cost of. construction ,ot the -step
will be borne equally by. the city
and the property owners.
. Authority was given to cut back
. the present, curb line IS Inches
and to construct a 12-Inch steD
from the present curb line to the
aew curb. It is estimated that It
will not cost either party more
than 21 . 2-3 e per running foot.
; IJbrary XeeoU Roof
. Ulss Mary Scollard, 'represent-
tag-the city library board, appear
ed -before the council and explain
ed v how the t library's budget
would not permit expenditure of
eeeaary ' repairs.. ' The council, at
a former meeting, gave permls
ion to re-root., but provided no
way -for raising the funds,. ? Miss
Scollard compared the budget for
1931 with the expense account or
193t and- showed that no money
Is available. ?
- Councilman Espy brought up
the subject of library fines, ask
ing If the money from them
could not cover the expenses for
repairs. Miss Scollard replied
that money from fines was used
to rebind the worn books. . Hoef
- fer suggested that possibly some
of the patching cement being or
dered for the city hall could be
used for the library. ; "If mater-
lal is furnished, the labor would
" amount' to about lOor $15," ex
plained Espy ; . .
When Miss Scollard asked if
the council would go fifty-fifty"
with the library board on the
labor account, Mayor Broyles said
the council would giro the mat
ter more consideration. :
Post Plans Dance
Dr. John M.: Hanrahan, repre
senting the Woodburh American
Legion post, appeared nerore ine
council to ask permission to stage
a carnival Armistice day. ; He ex
plained that there would probab
ly be a parade on the downtown
streets and that possibly some of
the streets around . the; armory
would be used. We need funds
to help carry V on our : various
works for the community, such as
Boy Scout work, Junior baseball,
ad charity," he explained. The
council gave Its consent to the un
dertaking. 1
The matter of seeing that a
sidewalk being ' constructed in
front of the Elliot property on
Second street be up to grade and
till level with an adjacent side
walk, was left to the street and
alley committee. ;
Approve Property Sale
The council approved a motion
brought forward f by C J. Espy,
that the city recorder and mayor
execute a deed to the Shorey prop
erty on Corby street, place it in
the bank and deliver it to a possi
ble buyer on the receipt of $650.
The matter of Quoting a price for
the city's property at Front and
Harrison street was left to the
property committee.
A motion : that: a sidewalk be
constructed over ;f an old drive-"
way to a building on Gateh street,
between First and Second, was
approved. - - 5 t. ,;. .
The , city recorder, George
Beach, was instructed to com
municate with the public service
company which removed some
poles on First street. ' Council-,
man Hoef fer contended that some
of the sidewalks were br6ken dur
ing the process of removal.
Beach was also Instructed to
advertise for bids, on seven cords
ef four-foot wood!, to be used in
the city hall. ! j
The teachers of the West Stayton
school are busy' . making final
trnrttnn fn hi?1nnlnr atintT
next Monday. A; beautiful, new
cbobl building awaits; the four
core pupils who will be delighted
with so pleasant a situation, k
The teachers for the' ensuing
Tear are: L. B. McClendoa, prin
cipal;' Mrs. Ida G. McClendorf, In
termediate, and' Miss Mildred
Nickerson, primary. ' ;
The principal asks that pros
pective pupils' I meet with the
teachers at the school building
any time from 9; to 12 o'clock
Triday morning, Sept. 18, to get
lists of books needed. School will
probably be in session all . day
Monday. It is also urged that pu
pils bring any. books they may
nave to donate to the district for
reference use.
Harts on Journey
To Visit Brother;
r Raze Old Building
JEFFERSON, Sept. 1 Mr.
aad Mrs. W. F. Hart left early
Tuesday morning by stage for Fri
day. Harbor, San Juan Island,
where. they will visit Mrs. Hart's
brother, J. L. Murray and family.
On their return trip, they expect
te Tisit relatives at Olympla and
Shelton, Wash. They expect to be
Cone about three weeks. W. D.
Baraee - and . family will take
charge of the Hart place, while
they are away. .
The work of raxing the old ho
tel building von the Grant Relfe
property has begun ; by Knight
Cros. who recently purchased the
property. .Relfe has moved Into
the Donohue house on Third
street, . ...
B. S. Thurston, of Thurston and
Con's, . store Is confined to his
home on account of Illness.
' . 'rr :
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. 'I V ,
Show a Scotchman a bagpipe and hell enter contest. And. that
applies regardless of age. Here are the extremes In the Scottish music
festival at Banff, Canada. Six-year-old Ian Inkster .vies with Neil
Sutherland. 6 ft. 4 in., for the honors. What the little fellow lacked
.fir ' -; ia stature he made
KINGWOOD, Sept. ' 16 Mrs.
C. F, Kimber of Phoenix, Ariz.,
was a guest from Saturday until
Monday of Mrs. J. P. Smart. Mrs.
Kimber Is In : Oregon as a i dele
gate to the P.E.O. convention
now In session in Portland and
will visit relatives in Grants
Pass before returning to Phoenix.
- Ed Finley returned home Sun
day after a month spent at the
Lakebrook hop field. Finley was
ticket boss of one or the 10 sec
tions for this mammoth hop farm
at which 2000 people : were -employed.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Flack, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Petteys of Wallace road, motored
to Pacific City Monday where
they will remain several days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Relsbeck,
junior, are moving back to their
home on Cascade Drive after a
year, spent In Salem. Mrs. John
Relsbeck senior of Salem was a
guest at the home of her son Sun
day. f n
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert A. Blevins were Mr. and
Mrs. W. K.: Winslaw of Aums-
vlllev,' W- I
Mrs. Rollin Beaver will begin
her sixth consecutive !. term as
teacher of mathematics at Par-
rish. junior nigh school Monday.
Chicken Club
Class Opener
-I AURORA. Sept. 16 The 4-H
chicken club varied the program
on the opening day of the Aurora
grade school, by holding an ex
hibit that afternoon in the gym
nasium. Ronald Burnett, Smith
Hughes instructor at the Wood-
burn high school, acted aa fudge.
Six pens of t Barred Rocks were
entered, five Rhode Island Reds,
A coat of Fash
ions colors ...
Black,! Brown,
Jolue and Lreen.
LavisK fur trim
med for dress and
sport wear. T" r .
i ' , i ' . ' ,
V.' - ' ' '- '' 1 i ! j ' ' "
! - '
155-161 N. Liberty St.
Holds Umqu
Pick ;
' tie -
$9 .00
Kaf ourys
up in wind power. "I.
one White Minorca and
Brown leghorns. f "
I In ' the Barred Rock entry
pen of John Kraus took first
bon. Georee . Kraus. - second!..
Fred Ehlen third. -Rhode Island
Reds 'Bruce Giesy,! first; Fran
cis Grow, second :; and Octav
Lempcke, third.- Mrs. Loran
Giesy is club leader. . M l ;
The membership Is made tip
rrom the three districts Aurora,
Donald and - Union Hill. Because
of the late start in organization,
the club will not compete this
year at the fairs. There . jwas
quite a bit of interest displayed
in the club work. . . j
There was a registration In; the
grade school of 86 Full! regis
tration will not be complete! for
two weeks. .' Principal E. F. Mor
rison and hla co-workers ' Miss
Doris Harrader, Miss i Mable
Yost, and Miss Ray Davis, held a
. V. M m t .
auori session ouiiining tne year s
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hoirard
were hosts for a family gathering
Sunday when 1 a number of Na
tives - gathered at their,' home.
Those present ..were: ; - -
Mrs. R. w. VanNuys, Earl R.
Van NuysT Emma McNeil, West
Stayton; Mr. and: Mrs. A. C. Van
Nuys,1 Mrs. Mary Watson, Corval
11s, Mr. and Mrs. C. Medwln, Wal
lace Howard. Albany; E. M.j Van
Nuyai Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Van Nuys, I. : T. Van ' Nuys,
Turner; R. L. Howard and! Mr.
and 'Mrs. George - B. Howard- '
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and
children of Silverton called on old
friends here Sunday. Reed lis a
former resident here. ? '
Mrs. I. E. Thomas and
daughter Mrs. O. J. Banks of;
gon City, visited friends -here re
cently. "H .. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mills of Sa
lem visited Sunday at the home
of their daughter and son-inlaw,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Keithley.
m H r'
Mrs. A. E. Uttley In Charge
Of Booth; Judging Final ;
Saturday " -
DALLAS, Sept. -1 Mrs. A.
E. TJtUey, of Brush College will
be In charge, of the Polk county
booth at the state fair this year.
Mrs. TJttley plans to have the ex
hibit In thejorm of a garden this
year, with various grains for the
background, and japples, rtegetai
bles and honey forming the main
display, r
1 Members of thA tvT
the county; have - been : busy for
" preparing ror entering
the Urestock. poultry - and - crop
judging contests. - Exhibits of ag
ricultural products and"!' animal
will be sent over to " Salem by
young folks from the entire coun
tj. ;.,:: i'n. .r-t Lj-.;-
The final contest for those to
make no th' mnmhntin
livestock - Judging team wjll be
u.u oy j. jx. uecs, county agent,
Saturday; September 1 ; This Is
the most coveted position of all.
Polk "connt-r fair -win v.
held in Dalla this ta -
more attention will be concentrat
ed . on the exhibit for - the state
fair. iThe county fair board are
haying an" extra thousand' of the
new Polk county booklets printed
for distribution at thA fair Th.
books are well Illustrated and the
covers are an attractive - green
printed in orange and black. :
IILVUBTAM cnf t rr
there are any dairymen in this
community selling milk within
Younil Men's
finest quality
ifloe quality cordoroy wade ea
it. TTPcal et Penaeys ettt-j
stanqing values.
18-Piece Pencil Set
others 23c to 49c
Heavy Cannon
?an elk, soft box toe, wdt soli
Bscs 12H-3. .. . . S70
Pass 9-12. ...V...L4?
Store Hours
8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Sat. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Decorated with' Hawiian leis, Allan
Hoover, son of the - President.- is
shown as he arrived in Honoroha
on the S. S.'Malolo for a vacation.
Younsr Hoover is recovering from
his recent Illness and plans to soon
return to his v duties as radio
engineer' for s ' trans-continental
i - r' nir'-service.' -
Silverton that Is hot UDtd the' le
gal requirements' they will suffer
revocation Of lhlr licAnsM nntoaW
they standardize at once, accord
ing to a motion 'made and passed
at the September meeting of the
common - council. The recorder,
George W. Hnbbs. was reaiiMtAd
to write to the county health of-
ucer, nr. vernon-A. Douglas, con
cerning the action of the council.
Silverton streets are gay rjwith
state fair banners strung-across'
ineir xops. Tne state fair. It is, ru
mored j about town,lSattractIng
considerable more attention at
buverton this year than In some
year previously. It Is believed that
the loeal exhibitors and from the
rural district surrounding Silver
ton number many more than they
did last year.
For Every Age Answering Roll-Gall!
Everything ak: Sq&JI
at Penneys
Sizes 8 to 14. Coat and Vest with
either pair of longies and knicker or
2 longies.
rr : imu w uus price is rare indeeo-
"k even at value-nirW pnnou. t c.
m .-..y v. wwi(w
and plaids ia exceptional casslmcres.1
Youthfully styled I j '
; &3 '
Plain colors or printed pat
terns. Excellent eaality broad-!
doth, percale or chambray for'
the active school boy
Children' Print
79c 98c
Valao c3r Doyo
(Conmetal, with' rubber ontsole.
SSfa 0240 '
Sizes 12-2. .. .. . . . .?L29
Sizes S-12. .A. .A 9 m, flS9
Turner District . Asks ? Chil
; !dreri to Supply all oid
: Textbooks -.V-i i
TURNER," Sept. -1 The iTur
ner school board held a .meeting
Monday evening, ' finishing; !np
quite an amount of .business be
fore school - opened Monday, ; Sep
tember i f L" -V l! i :- u-
i Arthur Edwards, chaifraanl? of
the -school U board, ; tendered his
resignation: as he Is moving from,
i The j;rade rooms..and.. Jislla
Ave Jus been kalsomlned t and
. thewhol$"- building "'has -'iieen
renovated.. zs t ; ,;v
t ; Prof-J. .R. Cox will be in his
office" Thursday y afternoon"! ahd
rrldajr of ttfil . week , and. wtshfes
to see all students who ' want to
know about their credits or wish
a special consultation about their
courses.-' -; . - :' . - t. ;-
More text books are needed of
the .grades.' IV is hoped that, the
pupils understand they . are X to
brine thelB-old tett boalit tar tha
use of.- thesehool.-' , It. is hoped;
uu me aistncr will not be ask
ed'to'buy' more "than" the number
alreadvvDrovldful .for -.. T V
: j The district 'does 'not furnish
nign scnool books, but the school
office' Willi operate an exchange
for high school books and if all
students will bring nsed books
but. few new v ones . will have ' to
be purchased. ,' t '
Addition 3 Built I
:Tb Larson Funeral
; Home," Silverton
SILVERTON-' snr 1 I : : k n
addition Is being built onto the R.
j . parson runeral home on Sec
ond street. ; The chapel will run
out to the street, giving it 23 feet
more of length. The second story
over the- chapel will be completed
as it Is over the remainder of the
Lower - Than -
Only at Penney si
... Cojrof
' No winter in years has
aoch vahxs ... even at Pen !
Bey's I Wana chinchilla,
Recces, ever-plaids . all!
.styled appealingly snd taBored
fs ex cdog staDdards. . j
Sizes M QQ
2 to 8- tpOeaO,
10 to 16.. $8.90
: i
Ccliccl O01709
See them sow. Ssaart. bsg
wcaring. JUre yalaest '
School bags 49c and 98c
12 Inch Rules 8c
Paint Sets 8c
Erasers 4c ;
. Pen-Ui Tablets
large 4Cand 8C
Note Book M '
fillers:. :.4C
tlea'o E2acU OsSexC
-A swagger style that w3 tppealj
awns .warn
nctal slua (a heel to mist vtarJ
' Leather mU 1
t? u c n -o p-
160 H. liberty St, Salem
l.Iayor lsiss Cell .
For lleei to Tdk
j Chanitfs Prollems
WOODRURS; Sept 16.
As invitation i to attend
meeting relative to charity
problems In Woodbum this
winter , was given to all
Woodburn i residents Tues
day night by Mayer Broyles.
The meeting will be held in
the city hall Monday night,
beginning at 7: SO, 1 ? f
A more eomprehensive
method of dealing with the
'seedy this winter will be dls.
cuwed at Monday night's
'meeting." i f
If Thej 4 cannery i and : hop I
t fields will soon be closed,"
SaMj.- Mayor. Broyles, and ;
many people will have; their
:; sole ionrce. of ; Income cut ;
ff. A fair. ,arid intelligent
'method of aiding the needy
t families j will i. probably be
worked "oat 'Monday night."
home, andothe, home, and the up
per floor will-be used as display
room. ;,. ;' . .;; V- - ,y:
-, f In order -not to interfere with
the use of the chapel,: the south
end Is not: being": taken' out. until
the new addition is .completed and
the two- can -be fhrown into one?
h i''m) h 10
. ' if "El
Ever Prices!
- I I
i if v - i . : &- ;, I1. i 1 :
Boy new
aviator stylet
I t Immensely popular j ; Every
boy wants one for its keen smart
'ness ..and perfect wrmlh.
'Never have you seen greater
Tsiue in warm headgear 1
, Cotton . . . Waist
CJnSca Cbntto
TheyTl stand hard wear and
give, warmth' I Excellent quality, '
heavy weight cotton . . . handy
bnttone tor outer tnuwentaj 'All
deairabts fcngthc Sires Z to li
IOC and 15C
Golf hose 19c .
Gladio Percale; j ; . , , i. : : ; ...,..-.10c yd.
Rondo Percale
Brown OsSerd
Smartly combined with brown
(morocco embossing. vVelt sole i
Popnlar with women and girlsJ
a oh
"... ATJMSVILLE, Sept. 16 School
started Monday with' all teachers
preseat: .Professor T. C. Moun
tain .1 tiHnOlnal nnrh. IT T Trmiv
of Oregon City; Miss Gladys Bur
gess, Corvallis; and Mrs. R. S.
Riches, ; Turner, are the high
teachers',,.,. ;;';;;;-
Mrs. Ella England, Miss Grace
Richards and Mrs. Augusta- Den
ham are grade teachers. Most of
the children were there for the
first' day although a good number
expect1 to. remain. home andhelp
with ; the" prune harvest, for the
next; two' weeks.-4 Most orchards
are atthe best while some of the
smaller, orchards t have ' finished
most, or mem expect to finish' the
prune harvest September 25; The
prunes are in good condition this
: Lucille- and.; Walter , Getchell
have; returned from the hop yard
high' school studeht. . Walter en
tered t- Willamette . Tuesday. He
graduated from high last - year
MifS.fl Getchell will remain at tht
hop yard until the hon harvest fa
comUIeted. : ..i !
inii ijniiiniiij . ., .. , i !;.SJ. J
- Just tell Ins your needs and 1
: your time limitations and, we :
promise to negotiate i your
loan to your entire satiafac-
tion. ; ' . 1 1 .
Straight or Monthly payment
i 1 1 '
it- -
Smartly frailored j
Step-ins, kloomen, panties . . J
IaU wcH-roadc' of'well-wcarlwd
rayon. la the popular. nndeJ
wear shades. Yoult remember
these values 1 .!' -' r'.
Leather, shoulders and
$1.98.c $2.45
,.15c yd.
.17c yd.
Dosrc Deo
llu If .
! ; i '
I Ft
Of ico
I ' C5.4G