1 - TTie OREGON STATESMAN, fev7 Oresrca; TKuraV I rn!n Sevitrater 17. 1031 'f - i -: s t"' 7 It TLS M mL9 -L41 &JT IkJr j evaf JVJL a tLv 4 ' Jljr OA- B m Mj -Ut AT l -AL lAi ! LC JVUMJUjUUj GJtl V V MJB U ILt MJL U t Hf' - Vi W if i W W Statesman Classified Ads Call Classified Advertlt-c 1 Single insertion per Une,10o Three insertions per 5 - i t line ....... ; ;-Ie ; SI insertion per. tine j: 20c One month per line. .Sl.tO : Mlttmum charge ... . .25e . ' Copy tor this- page ac cepted until 2: SO the evea lng before : pnblieaUoa for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. . ' The Statesman assumes SALESMEN WANTED Cl.aman n fll TOOflnC MTli Mint. Hon.se to boau work. Srric Roofing and Patnt Co. 1S28 Stmt St. SITUATIONS WANTED Ac?ountnt-booltkeeper, O. a C. gpra4, S yrs. xp.. bet wf. Writ Box ST, Stteman.- i- ni: tuning i or- H. K. la P?? trte.' Call lor Mrt Iseiaoo It 1 N- Vrvnt St. j- '" --t-y:-!! V.'tman vlth 1 yr. old Slrl. want hwmmrk. CUr r eoontry. Mry. Ida t"o.-kllni. Horst Co. Camp Xo. 1. Arndnc. - FOR S A LE ailscellaneoaa "".Concord and n 'iw'eet '"' ter '"grapea Wrn. Stoddard, Wallaco Road. ii 1 1 n or ii ii - 1 1 " "-l' ...... . M. h.,MfnKAim' Bar 4. sell 1 1 1. . , , gain ilou 82 K. ComaQerclaL .Tet . ' . FOR BALE: ahafttac. ly ha ara atateamaa PuMlabtnc Co. -aj1ru-lj.iiirif--K-iri-ii-i-i - - " TOR SALE Ofa pav. lt a bun ' -njejTi-i.N5!rrriij -ru- rri'irr" TyMwrlter. ' all aBakea, new an4 tad.ddro and trpawrltora tor rent Typewriter Ecbaoga 41 Vyr'.rr Attention Sportsmen We have a large Miectloa of rifle", aliotguns and ammunition at a-W aavir.s. It will par you to look over our atock. Gvne tor rent Open evening. . EKINER'S EXCHANGE 2!4 K. Commercial St- Jj Klectrlc TUor waslwr, l&.eo. 3 Saginaw, Feather ted, 144 S. lJth 8t i.'hoice tomatoes Wo bu. Grapes 2c. Bring container. Tel. iTr at, nwu. RruM. 1c Bring contalnera. B. t, Bo. 1. Portland Road. : Tomatoes 6c per tu tnd houae -reat of Keiter school. Arthur HoMen. WANTED-Miscellaneooa f afrrn ffTeal mm taOS 111 "tX Chang, on raaios. Pf.Vfnv culture, n . i- oiii : wanted Will pay e a pounator GOOD CLEAN COTTOH rags. uy & pieces t least a aquara yard. Statesman office. . .' AU kinds of Tinea, pi tola, shotguna, old gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob ject Name your prje- ! 3 REINER'S EXCHANGE! Uf N. Comwierrta.1 t ; M1SCEL1ANEOUS I Save Time and Money Portland " Stove Jk Furnace "f Wnrka can! supply you wittt castings S f it au makM o stovw and. fur- "Mlillon Averse Portland. Qrarn. FOR RENT ROOMS Heated rooms. Clooe in. TeL J6. Uutrxau caATsTnri'n Three rooms, furnUhad. 414 Union. 1 . -l- Suit. abWfor student Near University and IeRiraDis iwu - State mag.: jjuu Nicely fnir. rooms In- private home. ROOM and BOAltD UUT-ruTLnt-ir.-i 1- -' mMi l Ijirrn front rooms Wltn . runnina kninl raaonalla ' rata. ; f4WI " -. Marion. Room and board In private home nVar unlversJty. Good place for stu Octita 1I4 Caemeketa. TeL t. . . u-j .-ij-i ru n weiw ReosonAbU. Business peoP1 omr-" Tel- tC. ' Room and board In private home. near uninjr' iir, dnt. 14 -hemeketa. Tel. 88i. FfTRENT-r APARTMENTS WELL furPJhedrooms a apta r rent -a 21 naael Ave. "Tel for 1(44 i .Patton Bpartmenta wiui pn; ! hath rSeet" famished. Located In I KalnessdJtrlct Call Pattoa'a Book -.Storw. niIt fnrnlahed X or S room apt Steam heat Frlgidalre. 120 Coart ' . . T a.l.Ifl iswoiIcKjmI . hilt Private ahawer. Outside entrance., S4S Division. . .nurtmcnt. well fur nished. quiet. Garage U deetred. j 1 xj .it ki Phone 4298. 4.1 .mnnd the corner. Now is the time to , get ! setUed - la warm. cosy, apartments. The Virgin nffra you n wmw"i - . .a n,rhL Well furnished. Slec. stove, elec refrigeration, heat. .c..r nnn. at reasonable rates. ',uu- - -u,.,., -i m-ii-ir. . : 8TRATTCX APTS. Beautiful Snro. tmfni- front apt., elec . range, and re- frigerator. Alo 1 and X rm. fur. apia 'en. J Wlntw St. J and J room apt Light and water. -.-..r 11 N. Church. - ' Nice fur.; heated apt t?S Unions J?OLLY AND HER PALS j WAL, MR. VSHUR 1S $SJ ij BErEN DOWN! TO TH W1"-" W MAW I 'rEVER HOLY SMOKrACr URL SLajW..ii1PliTTV l; r DEPtTT. ALL AFTEPNQOHJ-. HADDA PLASH JS PXJCLBAHl) HOW'S THE jtaDAWGONE ) ON PlCK-POZKCT r-- s BADGE SzST PINCHED; W I W THEM HUMAN QUIEXiy DUTyr- -MAKE 0 ' far OtCBfJ CofXi) "-cl7 aV7 DERM $ , .-u: . ' I h-:.--r----r - - I pgags .--rar,?! -uw-ggit-gnr f IS ;:" "i s - : ' i i !' -. ': - . ; - ' I. - , ,f iJ " v .. . , . .'i r ""- ; f - -. . -: - : - ; ; - . - l " :v . . -1 - - .-. ; v"v ; - y - : , :-,...- 5 1 j ; .. -4. - 4 " - ' , - 'I- - ' i ' 1 - s ' ; 9101; no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In' advertisements pub lished is Ui. columns. ; sud In eases where this paper t at fa alt will reprint that, part of an advertisement In which the typosraphicl mistake occurs, i Tbe , Statesman - reserres the rtgbt t6 reject - objee tionat adTertlslne. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all adrertisins un der I the ' proper; classiflca- turn. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RRNT Flats i for aduUa S to room. fj to 149. Also houses, eta BECKE HENDRICKS . US North High Street Good t-reom house, four . bedrooms, me.' TeL' . See Stoddard. 6 room. tnara ' haoae. 1 bedrma. baimant. furnace, gang, S(.BO,TeL 777, luua iir t. Also rm. nouse, 6 bdrooma ttv Ioc 1111 Saciaaw St S11.M. Tet 7767. i ; , Modern eteht rootti botiao ; . well-lo cated : aarago: two teatbrootna C A. Sprau 4J5 N. 14th, or- O, El Mod. 4 roera house. Fur. err unfur. Box ;t(T, Statesman. . Two mod. S room houses. TeL 553. MIIMIWWWWMWWWWMMVWWWI Attractive bungalow, tit S. Cottage. Nice f urn. cottage. 894 N. Cottage. Floe Si R. house, fur., fruit trees. lawn, garage. I2C. Close in. J lota. Qnlet neigMorhood. 641 K.i ICth. FOR i RKNT Fine modem houae dose In. Fhone 6I4. ! Modem T room house unfur. Garage. Close m. Tel. 4653. ; FOR KENT FURNISHED $39. Coay I R. flat; private bath. ruraace, . neat : ana water, rar- nished. - i $23.50. Oiay 4 TL. afh lower floor. ljirht water furnlabed. garage. $1C. Flat. S room a, garage. -Houses dr Apt $10-$14-$1 Up ; B10CHTEL-THO31ASON ' k. i 41 State jStreet ; " for rent: Farm for rent. Sea J. H. Lauterman. Hotel Arg. -. . - " . lanm cleeDinar oorch. suitable for two, with heated dressing room, close m, reason vol e. tsoara n aeairea. 9 N. Llbertj Street. , ,. i ' FOR RENT SO A. farm, rood bklea. Aj berries. near small town, $350 yr. 25 A. trtct near Salem, good bldga... fruit, creelc $S50 per yr. ' - 10 A. close in, nice, oiaga. sza mo. tft A . 1 1 ra In A.at KlifM V V A. 11. WW M. V. ..u good soil, $300 per yr. ; terms. 6 k. cottage Btce -anape. 0 R. bungalow, good condition, $!0. S R. furnished, house and garage. PER KIN E MARSTtKa 125 North Lfherty Street FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE House, t bedrooms. nice' yard, cherry trees sad shade treeaj Pavea street i Close to teaue school. $U5. $100 down. $25 month. Including interest 1510 So. Cottage. iL Acres 3-0 ml from Salem on paved road. roomea. piasterea nouse, bath, electric lights and water aysteia, deuoie garage and on paved road. $2500. J3V4 A. 15 tnilea from Salem, large nouse, oara ana otner aiaga, gooa 'water, family orchard. $75 per A. $1000 down. $2500. to loan at b per cent. UELVIN JOHNSON $20 TJ. B. Naf L Bank Bldg. Ph. 0790 nona basement rarare. laree lot paved street Near school and bus line. Owner Sox sis, statesman. . i HERE IT IS t Dandy little close in suburban home. 1l acres not for rent It's for sale at sacrifice price. $1200; only $100 down, baL $20 month. Has 4 rooms -large screen porch, bathroom, toilet, city lights, water, sewer, fireplace. Owner a non-resiiienC Phone 4 9 43 JTor appointment or SEE- . Hi&siMH.u or XHuaiABUi , . 4 $41 SUte Street . i ! SUBURBAN1 HOME t 1-5 acres not far out on good road, electric lights, telehone and mall aerrloe available, good drove' well and new 2 room house. Price $1000, cash $25, baL $lw per month and 0 Int leo it-. CHiLiKi txj.. Keaitors S20 State Street I Phone 0708. Three 1 or six choice lots, 7-room semi-modern Dlastered house. . fire place,' basement, etc. All lots - covered with large nuf. fruit! and -ornamental irees, euaaeu . lawn, nice view, parwi street two manures. ! Bedrock price. tertna Sell all or rart. Near Junior bieh and aramroar aclioola Owner. 7S5 comer Rural and Winter Sta. Phone. Sa4.i I r . - i For sale $2160 three blocks from Lent's public school Portland, 4 room plastered -cottage, lights, ras. Water, hi basement, fruit Lot 100xl$C'$25 mwHmy-.9 muniiu. ' no interest. JAMES ' LEITCH. DALLAS, Owner. xeiepnone Vol We have a very nice 6 acre tract near Salem, modern $ room house and splendid barn,- good chicken, house worth $4200.00 and; can use Salem home ubi to 5300V. i We have cash buyer for good Salem home; also -good tenant for 8 room house north. I McGlLCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 483S S fffl. ! hniiM rn Kr.t. mtrttt ti t n ace, garage, lot 94 by 150 on creek. 2ned for buainess. $2600. This Is a fine Investment. . i . WINNIE PETT T JOHN, Realtor ' 176 South Hlrh Street EXCHANGE Real r Estate FOR 8 AXE or trade for a smaller house, T room modern brick bouse. cioee in so. taiem. i'lione 3Mi. - -7 - , : ; j wEasy Picking- ' -V:;f . i.:. "i" -1 " - " t " EXCHANGE Ueal J Estate Hotel aDartment house: value $1S, 000: Income $1S0 a month. Trade for good farm of like ralac. t , ,L Also have a client with 1 1500 farm mortgage to trade for stock And equipment lor use oa iarm. SHIELDS BLaKB ' Oregon BWg. TeL;890: RSCHANGE I INCOME FOR RANCH 4 S houses. 24 room andil-S room. all have garages.' good 'repaid and good location, xrada for a rancn irom 19 to aO acres, no to tW00.ee. This la arood property- Better hurry, SEB - SiSAKa tc tuckeh. Kaaitora 1SX South High Seven room house., modern, nearly hew In Salem ; for about -40 acre Un proved farm. Difference in Value con sidered, ctias.- baiver. Box I. Downey. Calif. . . -I - . eiwweeeMmewMWMMMwmimwwMM' Loa Aajrelea Calif.; 1 loti S houses. 1 Kt one house, price $$S0.00: mort- gagea $3A00.00--want ranch near Sa lem or Silverton. Owners only, Bush man, $sn Alice St. Los Angeles. CaL EXCHANGE I 0 room English . troe house not far from state house, east, to trade for smaller house of less -value.! Price $5,- 600. - .A ' ;- ! : - SEB Mrs. Ellis with I : LEO N. CH1LDS CO.. Realtors JiO State Street if Fbona- 0708. FOR SALE-i-iARMS VwrVwVwwwMwVVwwWwVVwMMwwVVwVt TWO GOOD RANCHES Priced Very vLow r" -$4 -acre a house, . barn, bath and toilet In the house, gravity water, sys tem. SS-A. ' cultivation, -15 -acres , in good 1st and 2nd growth fir, fences and cross fenced. Will - trade for a house In Salera up to the price of this ranch,. $3300.00. - I J7-ACRES $3000.00 1 . .Fair Improvements, 20-A. I In old and second growth fir. 2-A- ' bieaver dam land. Will take $2 00. Oft do n payment, balance mnthly. SEE J . . SEARS -A TUCKER x 132 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN PKRSnV'At. I.DANS : MADE on furniture, cars, salaries sr. other good security. (Repayable montniy. wnen in financial, need us before closing a loan, j GENERAL' INVESTMENT rBPnji4TinMf First National Bank Bldg. Phone $55$ LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. Quick ser vicefair treatment, Easy re payment . plan. All transactions strictly confidential. i - STATE LOAN COMPANY 112 Ore. Bldg. 2nd floor Office hra 10 09 a, in to 0:20 p. m. i Telephone 778$ Licensed i by State 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOInI dally ting out a loan service that la really. . really, different, NO DEDTJCTtONS NO FEES - i NO OTHER CHAROE8 ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan ' Society '- OF OREGON Room 119 NeW Bilgh Bldg. 2 ad Floor 51$ State St- TeL 1-7-4-0. UCENSKD . BT STATS . MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts ' Beflnanced - Arrange to reduce your payment Yon keep the- car. -- i' P. A. EHCER rn- T U .nil TT-j.1 i Phone 4788 Salem. Ore. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest ratea Beat terms obtainable. - our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice ana service mi ail tinea I HAWKINS KIIHKtriS I 1110. f TeL 4109 205 Oregon Bldg. vewwMMMewweiwe-e "Private ' loans on real lestat P. H. Bell.' 204 TT. S. Bank- Building. LOANS WANTED WANTED .Private, money to loan urn real estate. j . . rtEATrrms I . . . U R'Ube-ty Bt 'Tet 040S. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY PoiiltrTT wanted Salem Pacltrr. Co. Farmers Market : 250 N, Liberty. TeL 5144. Poulrrr wanted, all kinda. any otian- tlty. any time. Phone 183F2. Lee's Ha tchery. , : ' i FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood. TeL 7677. Old fir, $5.60 cd. Tel. 5882. ALL KINDS, any length. Call 2729. 'GUARANTEED DRY t Wood eoaL TeL 6000 saiem fuel ca. 7&z Traoe. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal hbq iu oil. ui uq u. wr pri.Tr. o give good measure, good, quality ana good service. ! LAIOII-R TRANSFER STORAGI Telephone 3131 i 16 in.- slab and block woodj $2.25 per load. 16 in 2nd fir, $2.76 per load. 16 in. old fir.' $3.23 per load, At Tracy's, TeL 898$, - ' U: ' i 4 ft 2nd growth fir, $4.50! cd. dellv erec. a') good straight oak. Howard. TeL 602. . . i Air kinds of wood. Hoke. 26F82. 4 f. oak. $5.00 per cd, Violet Ray Service Ptation. Kola. Ore. I WOOD SAWINP Wood aawlng.-Reasonable.ITeL 8290. For better' fc-ooq: sawing. TeL 088S. LOST and FOUND 4MAeN Will person who picked wp brown purse In city park Sunday , please phone SfZS, Mrs. cooper. PERSONAL Mrs. A. L. ' Weber. S4t N. lltn St. eolictta nervous and mental cases. Treatments reasonable. Examination free. ' - FOR SALE USED CARS Model A Specials 19S1 Tudor Sedan 600.O 1S21 Victoria Couna. S00 Tnllea - licensed ftts.se XlSt St. Coupa. . 0000 miles, . licensed : . 401.00 1J0 St Coupe. 440.00 1S0 Rdster. new paint S0O.0O 10S0 St Rdster. - s S85.0O 1929 Tudor .Sedan, Karl-Keen trunk 878.00 1929' Bua Coupe -. . , 1 1928 Tudor Sedan , I 192$ Bua Coupe DELrVERTES I9!9 Panel A deUv-rles 825.00 825.00 890.00 $50.00 800.00 185.00 1928 Chev. panel deh iszs uuassia - -r -- Thefce ears carry a service guaran tee -. , , . - . - Also a lot f cars from $25.00 to $200.00 to pick from. 1 ti tuu a i k.x 4 Valley Motor Co. . Salem, Oregon ! Phone $158. wwwwwwwvwwwwwvyi SEE THESE CARS OWNED BY O. X WILSON At Marlon A Liberty , . i i. 1930 Marquette 8 Spt. Roadster, run 10,000 mues 192$ Buick Master S 8pt Coupe. car. that coat sziev.ee. Completely over hauled and carries-our guarantee Price now .. $95.00 1929 Buick Standard Spt coupe overnauiea. rettnlsnea Tis.WB 1928 Buick Standard i Coach. Motor, overhauled, runs - 1 1(V -rtmww 4K SA i$29 Ftudebaker Comamnder 0 Sedan run about 20.000 miles ......... '-., , J- . , - 750.00 1929 Poatlac Debix Sedan, side mount wheels . S 5 0.00 1929 Chevrolet Standard Coupe completely overhauled 885.00 1929 ssex . sport Koauster, custom built body . 215. 192$ Essex Coach overhauled 295.00 1920 Essex Coach In: running snaps 25.00 1925 Ford, delivery, balloon tires. '82 elates 25.00 1924 Ford Sedan. '82 plates 1928 WUlys-Knlght. Spaas. 25.00 roadster 40.00 15 : 8 Buick Touring 25.00 OTTO J. WILSON Buick Dealer Salem Used Car Center . Marion and Liberty Phone 7910 Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED 1927 Buick Standard Coach $25.00 1927 Buick Master Touring -. 250.00 1925 Buick Standard Sedan 195.00 1027 Chevrolet Coach. over hauled ; .; 195.0 1925 Chevrolet Sedan i 105.00 1924 Dodge Coupe, .'32 plates .100.00 1926 Essex Coach 35.00 1930 Ford Standard Coupe ' 460.00 1930 Ford. Standard Roadster-. 889.00 1929 Ford Standard. Coupe 835.00 123.00 r-ora teacn 192$ Ford Coupe -. 90.00 485.00 625.00 1929 Nash .Standard Sedan 1922 Wlllvs-Knteit 7 A 1929 Whippet 0 Spt Coupe 860.00 1 14 T w. nn.t a 4 Vu . Jk " -- , - - . Plates ,: : 115.00 1926 Reo 6 Sedan . 178.00 1922 Overland Touring 25.00 1928 Essex Spt' Coupe 246-00 Salem Used Car Center t : Marlon A Liberty Open Evenings aad Sundays Phone 7910. Ford truck and Essex coach tor sale or trada, for wood or what have youT. Oregon Trading i post, IIS N. ComL .!"!' - McKay's f or Chevrolets and Other Makes 1929''Oraham Paige Sedan -$S75 130 ClMvroIet Club Sedan 129 seK Coach ' '.- I,,,., , 1929 Chandler Sedan U - hi - 350 265 1930 Chevrolet Sedan! 695 1931 Chev. Demx Coach 700 1931 Chev..Coach, trunk, extras 674 iz unev. irucx (complete or- 1 erhaul) ,' ,,. , , , .. 450 1930 H.-D. Motorcycle - tOO McKay Chevrolet Co. Where Tou Get tbe Big Dollar's Worth" 833 Center. Trades-Terms. FOR SALE: 1930 1 Durant - Sedan. Has 4 speed transmission and is in excellent mechanical and paint con dition. Good tlrea A real buy at $575. v. ill trade and give terma Phone Z77S after 6 p. m. or write . C. D. French, sio Electric FOR SALE! 1920 FORD. - 1 ton truck. Enclosed delivery body. Like new, cheap. 126$ Saginaw St I CJ ' -fi i-:! I 1027 Ford touring.! Good condition. . jxPTj-Ln-ru-uj-iru-un $300 buys g late 1929 Essex Chal lenger coach, in very good condition.' and good rubber. Route 8, Box 2 85 A. Tet 402. I .FOR SALE 1920 FORD $ window coupe. Looks and runs lflce a new car. Will take trade on a light car and give terma Priced at f( to.ee., fnone ii 19 arter e p. m. or write u. u. rrencn. 810 Klectrlc Ht Large Enrollment Expected I at Rickey RICKEY, Sept. 16 The school house has been cleaned in readi ness for the- opening - of - school Monday. September 21. A lar ger enrollment than last year is expected. Mr. Minnie. Joeckel and Mrs. TreSsie I Carlson will hare charge again ! this year. The board of directors include W Sheridan. F. Wasser and T. Fltzpatrick - with R. . Mercer as clerk. ' SBLDIWAIT J SPRING VALLEY Irs. Hoefiihg up Again; Weather Puts Halt to ' Clover Hulling BPRLNQ VAIXET. Sept: 1 - The gprinp Valley school - started Monday with Mrs. Ethel Sohh of Indepeadencw In Charge. All tbe pupils were not present ' for the opening day, but there will prob ably be 25 or 28. Mrs. Sohn is staying: with Mrs. . Frank Smith. Mrs, Sobn nil taught the school for a number of terms, - Mr. ! and Mrs. Frablt . Windsor and family returned Sunday night from several days racation spent at Oceanside and Ketarts. Mrs. J. C. Zineer of Portland is a house guest of her daughter, Mrs. Donn-ol Crawford. Mrs. "Walter Bfor and family of : Clatskanie were I risitors 'dur ing the past week fat the L. F. Matthews home. . t ; . Mrs. Eugene Hoefling is able to bo Tip again after spending tiro weeks bedfast and several days In tbe hospital as a result o'f falling from a chair while taking down window curtains. Mrs. Hoef ling fell OTer the back of the chair. one of the sharp pieces of the back piercing her . abdomen. Due to the cloudy ana rainy weather of the past week, cloyer hulling operations were at a standstill until Monday Afternoon when they were able to hall sev en acres for John Childers and a small acreage for Joe YTUIwert whleh will about end the season. O Business AMUSEMENTS Ri4n Clair Oaaraa t mile - south on River Drive. 18 hole watered fair ways, large greens ees ic ounaaje id nolMava. 61 a ' BATTERY ELECTRICIAN r? n Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco , station, cor ner .:nurr ano jnurt-n. - . BICYCLE REPAIRING r tj-i-TTi PL RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 387 Court The best tn bicycles and repairing. H. W Scott 147 S Coml Tel. 4616. BUILDING SUPPLIES Royal Roofing Ce, wood, shingles. tar, gravet Work guarantee a. .-rices Hrnt- -tmoe. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R. Northnees CHIROPRACTORS Tyr. rk. L HCOTT. PSGL Chlropraetor. 256 N. High. Tet Res 8572w r.i STTuriF-T.nL Palmer Chlrenrac- ters. X-ray and N. C. M. New Bank CLEANING SERVICE Center 8t Valeteria Tel 9682. ELECTRICIANS E.: L .Welch electrlo shop. Wiring, fi.tures and suppltea. Oet our prices 1016' ft Com'l. TeL 8839 FLORISTS ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist 16th, A Market. TeL 9582. - COT Flowers wedding bouqaets funeral , wreaths, decorations C F. Brelthaaot florist. 118 SUte. Street Tel. 6904. - " :' 1 HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. ; Margsret'e Shop. 415 Cotirt - - HousefJeairirig-Floor Waxing We clean anything that a painted"". Capitol Window Cleaners, yhone bb. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. TeL 4920 or T600. INSURANCE BECKE 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 494T WILLAMETTE INS. AOENCT i Wo. , Bllven, Mgr. Rseluaive Ruttaville Arent 218 Masonic Bids TeL T906 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THIS WHDEH LAUNDRY 288 S.i High TeL 8128 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT -"We Wash Everything tn Lux". TerhOTie- 3165 124 Broartwer MATTRESSES Mattresses from' factory to home. Ask about our woot mattresses tienovar n and fumLntora. Capital City Bed ding Co. TeL 4069. 8030 North Cap. Kcizer ChcZlcnges , Tomcio Growers cs Dtsnper Crop Comet KEIZER, Sept, lo- Kcli-. ' er challengea the world oa ' toe growing of tomstoe. Arthur lloldea tuw s half acre of m -xhacr tonMtoes ' as caJt be grosm anywhcT. Ist week be harveatod 10 buahola ecn day And Satur day 92 bustvels. !. - HAZEL 6REETJ GUILD 1! TIA?TEr. GREEN. Sent: fl Tha Leila Luckey chapter .of the Ot ter beln Guild has been awarded two books by the. Women's Mis sionary association at Dayton, Ohio, and -Oregon branch These were given .; for ' completion . of reading circle work, i fThe lelia luckey chapter wag giro' a book by vRer. Miss I-ella Luckey, I ja former- missionary to New Mex ico. iV'-vj'", :$''tV' After lunch Sunday' at itome of patroness, Mrs. - Looney; the chapter held ; a . business meeting. Plans are being made--,: for. the "Worlds .. Mission Advancement Day", program. ' The date to be announced later.. V" . Miss Clara Dalke of Portland. returning from atrp.to Calif or- nia, stopped for a week's visit with her -sister Mrs. J. V. Lehr man. - Miss Dalke has charge of a surgery in the Good Samaritan hospital. -.. . .i-!-:; : 1. Mr and Mrs.. P. ,W. Jones, of Port-ahd, - were: guests Sunday At Mrs. - Jones' mother.. Mrs.. Louisa Johnson.' . . i-r'-'s . - " i j 1 . " -O Directory MUSIC STORES OEa Ct WILL Planoi, : Phone- graphs, sewing n-achinea. Sheet muaia, and piano studies Repairing pnona- grapha and sewing matnipea iz State Street. -Salem. . ; ;j ii. r - k PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and aeneral repair work. Qraoer Bros. 166 So. i Liberty. TeL 659A , ;r:: v I . ' Ay PAPER HANGING Paper hanclnc ' and oaratlnc. 4 Neu- man's Paint Store. 151 N. CmT. ! PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house dectoraUna-. : paper hanetns. tinting. etc. Reliable - workman, r : ' PRINTING FOR OTATTONERT, cards, : oatnph- lets programa books or any kind of printing, call The 8tatesma Print in Department 315 S. CcnmerclaL ROOFING ' EH Rev slate surface shin-rle a Let ns give you s free estimate on your root Easy payments rr desired. 8KK- VICK ROOrlNu AND PAXNT. CO. 1S2R Sate St TET 8A0. V" RADIO FOR every purpose, for. every ou All standard sixes of ; Radio Tubes. EOFF - ELECTRICAL i SHOP. 847 Court St TeL 118. . , i- , . s For t suaranteed ' radio : renalrlnc. phone or call at . . i . SILGU BIDIO SEitvira i Tel. 4M9 64 3 Ferrv 8t stoves; STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves tor sale, . reouut and repaired. All kinds of .woven wire fence, fancv and plain, nop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 263 cnemeieeta. Tel. 774. R. B. Fleming; TAILORS D. H. M03HCR Tailor (or men sad a m a At-. t wTSTiigtu ejfv yurT DU TRANSFER' CAPITAL CTTT Transfer 1 Ca 821 SUte St TeL 7778. Dlstrlbtitins. for- waraing ana storage our: specialty ut our rates. ' i t - FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call S1SL Lanner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. i i - i BECTCbi t89 N. High HENDRICKS " j ita 194. ' ' 8 ' l 226 N. High St EARL.B j - TeL. 8671 j! J. LINCOLN ELLIS I 463 BUU TeL $671 SOCOLOFSKT A SON - I 894-8 First Nat Bk. Bldg. . TeL I80t J. r. TJLRICH 828 SUte Street TeL 8678. F. I WOOD 441 Bute 8t Tat T184 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 870 SUte St , TeL 7618 W. H. ORABENHOR3T ' SCO.' 184 a Liberty St. . TeL $461 By CLIFF STERRETT J II O- r- O. j Real Estate! ; i Directory .H-i- o , " o if lira hi TODAY AT Iffl'S .WALDO' HILLS,; Sept ' 1 Fred Kaserand son' Enrin enter tained their hop picking" crew at a dance in",thelr new hop house Monday 'evening. Picking in these yards will te finished Thursday. 1 MrsV Edson Comstock and son, Roger, ajtd Mrs. F. E. SylTester and daughter, Shirley, motored td Eugene i Wednesday j where the two -young j people v will take up their work at the university, shir ley Is ;a junior in journalism and Roger; a sophomore- ; la, business ad. 'Mrs.) Comstock and Mrs. Syl-? roster ; returned. thi same even- 1 ng. -Mr. ahd $Irs H. ;Ray Klnchelre had as Sunday. dinner guests. Mr. andMrs, ScottiMcPike and small daughter. Bonnie jean of "3i-Ter ton.-.;. j j -, iJi- .. .-':,, (' .Mr.i4hd lilrs Ira Carl and baby son Of ; Portland' were guests at the Fred ' Knight home Sunday. While here the pa. igh t's ! ! took their guests to the falls for a pic-? ole.--r-.-k'.: :- A Mrs; -jFrankl Aim ahdft; little daughter, Judyi Anne of Portland have been upending some, time with .Mrs. Aim's parents, Mrr and Mrs. J, C. Currie. - ' AUBURlSf, -Sept. ? 1 Auburn school opened Sept. 11 with Mrs. Harriet i Ingram iaa principal. Thirty three, pupils responded to roll call .in the four upper grades with more to come, : as Jiop pick ing is iiot over in some yards. Mrs, Bonnie ' L. Qrimm tn the primary room, only : had r two be- ginners. but promise of a! few more, as a. number'- of new peo ple . are Jmovjng , Hit tbe neigh borhood. ! I- '-t'f-?i - Mr. and iMrs. J. F Auer and daughter Naomi of Tillamook were guests at the home of their son Oscar Auer on 'the Fruitland road. m J Esther Rehb is risltlng her sister Elsie, Rehb la Hollster, Calif. I 1 --! r , . Hop picking was finished Mon day in the Illihee hop yard; Roy Hammer is manager, I Bits For Breakfast 1 o ' J (Continued from page 4) ing peace than In Terng presi dent. 1 uerore resorting to force there was fa kind r of general agreement among t members , of congress to frame some compro mise and arbitrate the dangerous dispute. i ' it .-: . - . 1. :s , IC!-' - "The electoral commission bill was then j Introduced, and after long .debate passed -both houses mm boom Cross -Word Puzzle I By EUGENE SHEFFEli -- I 12 13 jf 5 I "6 II S H 10 L. 22 l m .2 2H 25 t 26 . 27 p28 r p- r w f IIl?IIffeii r n i i i w 1 1 1 1 HORIZONTAL. 1 large! f - winter . ' musk- - ; ' melon 6 -the chest 11 cuietr . 12 i-clearing In woods 15 den of a i wild beast 14 large i tropical 1 ! American ' lizard j j-: issuffix: '' i resembling 16 -mischiev- i -ous sprit ' 17 tranquil- i- I. It personal 5 pronoun IP Italian ; rirer, 1 , 2(4 eut Into ' . , slices :; . II combats -22 the true t - skin i f 22 agreement 24 turnj to 5 one side 28 humorous f designs- ; v: tion for New York 2S branches - of learning included ia .-, 'ACAderoia study 19 omiAsioB l : Sig-l ; 40 novice 21 bet 22 bona 23 largo body of water 24 wounds 2 $ ardent 2 advertise-; - ment - n 27 grooves j 22 confusion -' of mind 29 iridisccnt '-. gemot 40 lighter ; 41 point st , ; which the ; - moon is most near ly ia lins : 1 with the j ' sun and - the earth 2.2 satire Herewith is the solution te yes tdfrday's 'pi-utsle,; jilt !! fc v - Sssiilitl. iMt, . SJ-e Vwu-t-t Sradlcata faa of eengressi 5 It created a com-, mission composed of senators and representatives and one member tit tho innrflffls court' Tho enm mission had sower to decide- all disputed T Questions, t This bill was debated several days in the senate. Cohkllng of ' New York spoke all or. part of two days in favor of it, and had. his desk and the," -fltor aroiinit him rnv&r.il with documents from which he quoted. . f ." -.. - ..,s - , ' fir:? "Mr recollection is that Mor ion spoke against it. . The gen eral impression in and around the senate was that this canimiaalnn would decid in favor of Tliden. -waine came into ine room where his brother Bob and 1 worked and, 'i a . . . . - . laicea aoout it. ' tie seemed to be i worried And was in dnuht Whether hei should vote for or Against the bill. I do not re- tnember how he a-oted.. but the standpat republicans mostly-, on- posea,u. a-M t' f : i ;' "Juds-e DAvid Davis nt th preme court had been agreed, up on.!; to rOTIFMAnt tlia .iirurAm-i ' Court on the - commission, wbich otherwise was eauallv diTMi be tween republicans and democrats. Ho had democratic teanisgs and It was about as' certain as . any- future event, can be that he would have cast the deciding vote In favof Of Tilden.- : . II! ii (Continued tomorrow) NOTICE OF?IXTEXTIO!t TO Pf- I'ROVK S CHURCH iSTKEET FROM THE (SOUTH CURB LINT. OF) !! MILL STREET TO THE NORTH END OF THE NEW Bridge ox oiurch streivT in ; the crrr of f salem. ?!!,-; ! WKKliON,r: . notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the Cfty I of Salem, Oregon; deems it necessary Snd expedient, -. and hereby declares Us purpose and intention , toi improve Church Street from . the south curb line of Mill Street to tho north end of the new bridge on Church Street In thf city of Salem, Ore gon, at the expense of tho abut ting (and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley Intersec tions," the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem. Oregon, by bringing; said portion of said street' to the established grade, constructing Portland ce ment concrete curbs,' and paring said portion of said streets with a tlx i Inch Portland cement con crete, pavement, 46 feet In width. In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on fSeptember 8, 18X1, bow On file in the office of the City 1 Recorder, and s which are hereby referred to and made a hart hereof.! 1 - ' K ; 1 ! The Common Council hereby' declares its purpose and intention to make the-above described im provement by and . through the Street Improvement Department Of the City of Salem, Oregon: 1 By order Of the Common Coun cil the Sth day of September, tSl. ' f-r - - MARK POUtSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication: Septem-i-ber 11, li31. . Date of final publication: Septem ! her 2S, if 31. S-ll to 23 Inc. VERTICAL,. 1 titles of ' the sultans lef :Tutltey. H before ' , 1920 ' '2--the Texas cotton- i ji'wood i 2 glide ; :ii :i easily ; 12 n shaped : fruit used for jelly " 14 microbes 15 large , artery, of the heart 17 separates 18 private - 2 saillng - vessel. 20 literary I composi- t formed bf selections 21 irrigate 22 the Indian . . 1 millet , 22 minute skin i orifices 25 harvested ; grass for 4 riyer in Switter land ; hand ! ' 6 delineate ; 7 sharpen i! - : as a razor 2 nucleated . ' ; fgr cells 1L in lsw,; an H action p , ' 12 African ground: !; :i ' ' aqulrrel i fodder 28 pledges ; 27 something secret er nnex- plained 22 farm wagons 20 ex-Russian " ; monarchs 21 haggy 22 percolated - 24 lava from. ; a volcano . 25 nimbus 27 secret. ; IMllt 22 blemisa 29 ounce . (abbr.). 40 short for t parent US r