LESS THAN 1c DAILY The Statesman' ; annual bargain period is on. For less than a cent daily- yon may have this paper, deliv ered by mall in Oregon. Subscribe now:' S3, i . THE WEATHER i . Fair today and Thursday, moderate temperature (Max J Temp. Tuesday T3, Min. C4. i river ..; feet, . northerly a lads. A ' EI G HTY - FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 17, 1931 No. 143 COMING UP AT - t r A V, SESSION ' 1 l i :V;--'. -. '3- r r JOR ISSUES Hurricane Takes Terrific Toll .f ;i-1 SCHDOLTAWGLE Smile Nowj iiGaiisefii . M i ' . A. !v t 0 Forty -Resolutions f due for . f ' Vote; Liquor ana power :: : To Provoke i. Debate 1 j Married eacher-Ouestton Brings Semblance of t ; " .: Riot Wednesday ) J:t " 'Ji.'-fl.'Vf'ii'' j ' ; r . . : -'i .Today's " sessions ; of .the state .labor: convention promise to' be the. most lively of the meeting, of ficials of the organization .said . late yesterday. : Forty resolution Introduced in the, first three day$ of the gathering will be op for discussion : and i disposition, ! at least two of them being sure to provoke warm" debate.- Thesa , are the resolutions ; demanding modi fication of the ' Volstead act , and another relating to hydro-electric development. . . I ;! ; ii Election " of officers Is also scheduled for today, but It is doubtful If the convention . can dispose of Its resolutions in time for this business and William Cooper, president, indicated he would hold -the convention over for another day if the routine was not cleaned up by late this "after- - noon. ' - ' Last night the visiting dele gates, more than. 200 in number, were entertained at a banquet af ter spending the afternoon on a visit to Silver Creek Falls. ;; Married Teachers Issue Causes Row Highlights at the session yes terday Included a demand that force account be used in construc tion of state highways and a heat ed debate on a report of the edu cational committee that qualifica tions and ability be given first consideration in i the employment of teachers In public schools. ; -. Delegates representing several Portland unions took the floor and demanded that some action be taken by the convention that would tend to discourage the em ployment of married women, whose -husbands already are at work. These delegates rgodit , the report of the SiiSJt 1 mittee be TevisedJHK w 3 argued tnee delegates that the em ployment of married women add- Ml IO lac ineuiyiujiutu - and should not longer be condqn- 'dAt times the debate threatened a miniature stampede, and there were cries of "sit down." Presi dent Cooper, calm and deliberate in his rulings, succeeded in hold ing the delegates in check. : . Ben T. Osborne, executive se cretary of the federation, warned against discrimination of sex ? in employment.: He declared that the national federation always had recognized ability and quali fications of workers of prime Im portance. : . i "Conslderlng the views of the national organization with rela tion to employment of both men and womerf, this federation ' should not take any action that would be interpreted as discrim inatory Osborne said. . j : Women delegates who partici pated in the debate demanded the most efficient Instructors for their children. ; The committee's recommenda tion, involving the employment of teachers, was then segregated from the regular report and vot ed on by the delegates. The con vention went on record against discrimination of sex, and for the adoption of the original motion. Resolutions providing for the establishment of kindergarten schools, In cooperation with the national , kindergarten field asso ciation, and opposition to Increas ed loads on teachers as a detri ment to education, were approved as a part of the report of the ed ucational committee. The resolution requesting that (Turn to page 2, coU 3) Enrollment of Freshmen At Willamette is Heavy Enrollment of 510 j freshmen yesterday, a gain. of 42 over the 168 first-day mark of 1930, was recorded yesterday at Willamette university when the neophytes made their first appearance on the campus. While this does not constitute a record first-day en rollment it is one of the largest beginning classes ever on the campus according to Dean Erick iton,i. !" ;: r i.J ji:'- ",- Applications of 270. freshmen have been approved-and today and Friday a . number of these are expected to arrive, bringing the freshman class mark to at least 250 students. Difficulty Sn securing needed - finances " has prevented the . attendance of many students. Of the Incoming students, light majority are boys. This la in contrast to recent jfears when girls have predominated. . Registrar H. M. Tennant said yesterday that more, applicants probably "" would bo admitted to the first-year class If they eame from outside of Salem. The Quota for Salem ; students h been tilled, he. Indicated. s Many of the newcomers came from far distances to the univer sity here. Two enrolled from '. ft-; 1 -p7'- -c-rr: Above, street scenet in Bellae, British Honduras, showing not a single house standing, refugees amid ruins searching for belongings and lost ones. TeJephoto submitted over Bell system to Saa Fraaclsco, firs pictures to reach United States. Below, general view of Be lize before the disaster. . ! j SIXTEEN RECEIVE Court of Honor Session is Held Wednesday Night; ; Many Badges won -" " -, Sixteen boys were given awards at the first fall court of honor for Cascade area. Boy Scouts of Am erica, held last night at the coun ty court room and presided over by' Justice H, H. Belt. One life award; eight merit badges, four first ;and four second class pins were presented to the boys, before an audience of over 40 persons. The examining commission for (Turn to page 2, col. 5) Earthquake Hits Tokyo But Small Damage Results TOKYO, Sept. 16 (AP) An earthquake, the third felt in three weeks, shook "this city and vicin ity at 9:45 o'clock tonight (7:45 a. m. E. S. T.) although It was sharp enough to cause alarm, there was no reports of j damage. The , earthquake appeared to have its center in the region of Fujiyama.; famous snowcapped peak which risen 12,80 feet above the sea 60 miles southwest of Tokyo. Several towns on the Izu pen insula, 'south of F-ujiyama, were shaken so badly that people ran from their houses. In that region 253 persons lost their lives in the quake of November 2 last year. Some windows were broken at At ami tonight. Jvr,- Yfj'-l: .state, several irom California, two from Idaho, one from Canada, three from Alaska and .a jlarg number from Wash ington, ! i ' . , . ' Today's program of the f resn man week in which the newcom ers are participating is: i 9:00-i-GeneraI Aptitude Test Eaton HallJ 10:S0--Meetlng with Dean Erick son and Dean j. Dahl - Chapel. 11:00- Informal Conference witn j Faculty Members. l:15lAptitude Test Reading . j Eaton Hall. I i:45IInformal Conference with j Faculty Members. 245 Meeting oft women with Dean Dahl Chapel. I:45-i-Meetlng of Man i' with Prof. Sparks And Coach S Keene Gymnasium. 1-3 -Introduction to the Cam j pus Chapel. 1 g: 00 Reception by the Facul ...... j ty -Lausanne Hall. . . yesterday the students en roll ed with the registrar at 12:20 P. m. The English classifying ex amination sUrted at 2:1 P and at 8 o'clock last night Pres ent Carl 1G. W;fJiijnt the newcomer on "Thej Spirit oi Willamette, BOY SCOUT I OB ' i ' - t5 f i -' w TAX BOARD TO AID Experts Will be Sent out To aid Committees in Viewing Budgets . !i i :' j- Every possible assistance to va rious county tax conservation committees will be extended by the state tax commission accord ing to a statement Issued at the executive department here yester day. The statement followed a conference held In i Portland be tween Governor Meier, Leslie Scott, chairman of the - Oregon Taxpayers Equalization and Con servation league, and C. V. Gal loway, state tax commissioner. ; i "Mr. Scott reported that excep tionally strong organizations had been perfected, the executive de partment read. "He Indicated, however, that! these ? committees were In need of advice and as sistance. It was decided that the tax commission and its staff should confer with the committees and give any assistance that might be needed. " "It also was decided that ,if necessary the executive commit tee would place a number of tax experts in the field under the Jurisdiction of the commission. It would be the duty of these ex perts to sit in with the various local committees and aid them in going : over the various local budgets. ! "Governor Meier pointed out at the meeting that since the levy must be filed with the tax assess ors by December 1, only two months were left in which to cover the field." j i Duncan Cameron Is Charged With Cruelty by Wife PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 17. (AP) Charges of cruelty were made against the Revi Duncan P. Cameron, pastor of the first Pres byterian church of Cottage GroyeT Ore., in a divorce suit filed here today by his wife, Virginia Hunt Cameron. ' A , S Mrs. Cameron alleged that "notwithstanding bis duties as a minister" Cameron s u rrep t 1 tiously sought the company and association ofj other women," did not receive hist mail at I home, har rassed her with praises of his for mer wife, threatened her parents with lawsuits land physically mis treated her.' . They were marriedj the ' com plaint said, September 30, 1920J Ex-Postmaster Pleads Guilty i fi ; ' ; -- i . PORTLAND, Ore.; Sept. 29 (AP) Victor! B. Greenslade, 8, formerly postmaster: at Hunting ton, Ore., pleaded guilty ; in fed eral court here today to an in dictment charging embezzlement of $9324.75 in postal I funds. He will be sentenced later. ; y--g""!.!'. n .s ' ' !,: , i - w 1 CONSERVATION PLAN , - - , 't fa r , ' - i f ' S - ... 1 HUNDREDS TURN DU FOR COOPS SEHFF Musicians-Parade, Play for Crowd at Station and Start for Detroit ! Hundreds of Salem people as sembled at the Southern Pacific depot last night to! see the Capi tal post No. 9 American Legion drum corps off for Detroit, Mich., and the national competition which will be held there next week. All available narklnr anace on the railway cdmnanv'a nroncr tyr was filled with cars and the machines lined both sides of South 12th street for three blocks and more. After parading the downtown streets for half an hour the corps members rode to the depot and there, Just before tha train rolled in at 8:20 o'clock, they lined up and played their lively 1931 Nov elty number. As soon as the special Pullman and club cars were coupled to the Shasta, the drummers and buglers entrained. The leave-takings were Jovial despite the fact the men wm be away from their families for tha next week and a half. As the train pulled out thacorpsj members snouted goodbyes and the crowd waved and cheered' back. Contest Will be Heard Over Radio ; Salem radio listeners will be able to hear the Capital post corps play next Wednesday night, pro vided It wins In the preliminaries during the day, it became known yesterday. KOIN, Portlan T, will broadcast the national event. The competition program nrobablv will start at S o'clock. Pacific standard time, and last for abont three hours. The drum corps men were hlgh (Turn to page 2, col. 3) LINDBERGHS START OSAKA, Japan; ! Sept. 17 (Thursday) (AP) CoL and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh took off from the Harbor here at 12:58 p.m. today (10:58 p.m. Wednesday E. S. T.) for Fukuo ka, slightly more than 300 miles distant in southwestern Japan. The fliers, continuing a vaca tion flight from the eastern Unit ed States, hoped to reach Fukno ka in about three hours, remain ing there tonight and hopping for Nanking, the capital of China, early. Friday. ! Beyond Nanking: their itinerary was not announced. Their route today lay along the inland 'sea, whose scenery is world renowned. , Colonel Lindbergh and his wife, the former Anne Morrow, spent several days sightseeing in the vicinity of Osaka. They spent yesterday at Nara. The Lindberghs came here from the Kasumigaura airport, near Tokyo, where they spent more than tworweeks. KISS NOT WORTH IT PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 1. UAP) A district court Jury de cided here today Mra. Vera Jllbert was not entitled to $1000 dam ages from E. R. Wilson, who, Mrs. Jllbert alleged, had forcibly kissed her on two separate occasions. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1. (AP) Joe SavoldL a comparative novice at wrestling, polished off a seasoned main eventer In the person of Dr. Karl Sarpolls la straight' falls tonight In 11 min utes 3 C seconds, and ( minutes 40 seconds, respectively. Savoldl weighed 2 OS, Sarpolls, of Phila delphia, 212. SEATTLE, Sept. Is. (AP) Battering his opponent to the canvaf four times, Sammy San tos, los Angeies iightvelght. was awarded a technical knockout over Leslie "Wildcat" Carter, Seattle negro, in the fifth round of a scheduled six-round- boxing bout here tonight. Santos weighed 1 13 8 tt pounds and Carter 140. . - ON ANOTHER NT Late Sports turner District ObjectV;to Asserted Invasion i by t , Stayton Transport '" AttorneyrGeneraJ Asked j to Rule on Power Given f Boundary Board ! , A controversy; which- involves the high schools at Turner. Aums vflle and Stayton in Marion coun ty and the schools at Sclo and Al bany in Linn county is now before the attorney-general for a ruling on the power of district boundary boards. It became known here to day. ; The crux of the matter was reached in the so-called "inva sion" of . Turner high , , school's territory by Stayton high ' shool which is said ltd have taken 10 students ' into its fold, transport ing them by bus to S- Stayton, whereas Turner claims the stu dents on the basis of the current year's allocation of territory by the Marion: county boundary board. ! ' Stayton maintains that a recent ruling from the attorney general's office gives the county boundary board power to "regulate" ' bus routes but not to change them once they have been named. The ten students now claimed by Stay ton were given to Turner during the past year. Bight to Alter Routes Claimed J " The boundary board which con sists of the county court and the county school superintendent, claims it has a right to alter bus transportation districts ' and un der this right, has stated it will now allow the Stayton claim for ransportation when it Is present ed. Inasmuch as this claim is us (Turn to page 2, col. 5) F CAUSES SHI THE DALLES, Ore., Sept. 1 (AP) Levi Van Pelt, 19-year-old Umatilla Indian, was shot and wounded tonight while fishing at Celilo Falls from property owned by W. T. Downes. Harry Issel, employe of Downes, was arrested and police said he admitted the shooting. " v Van Pelt's condition was not serious, hospital attendants said. Several other Indians and M. B. Haish, San Francisco, told author ities they witnessed the shooting. They said Issel and Van Pelt had quarreled, that Issel struck the Indian and shot him without pro vocation. Issel, however, alleged h) shot in self defense, t Issel was arrested and convict ed of assault In 1929 as the result of an altercation with sportsmen fishing In the Columbia river from the Downes property. The state board brought suit against Downes, seeking to evict him from the property on the grounds the land was between high and low water marks. The court, how ever, ruled In favor of Downes. LIBH CANON Oil DIVORCE OPPOSED DENVER, Sept. 18. (AP) The 50th convention of the Protes tant Episcopal ehurch, opening here today, heard definite views against modification of the canons affecting marriage and divorce viced by ML, Rev. Michael Bolton Furse, lord bishop of St. Albans. London, England, who delivered the sermon at the opening as sembly. , j i Bishop -Furse , echoed v views voiced Sunday by Presiding Bish op James De Wolf Perry, of Rhode Island,! in taking a stand against making the church laws against divorce more liberal. Bishop Fnrse's denunciation of a growing divorce menace came while a Joint commission of the convention was preparing to place before the- house of . bishops and the house of deputies a proposed canon liberalizing the rules re garding the remarriage of divorc ed persons. . -- : Respira tor Fails To Save Life of Seattle Doctor i PORTLAND, Ore,; Sept. 1 s'' (AP) Dr. Harry " C. Olmstead. Seattle, who was brought to Portland and placed In an auto-; ma tie respirator in an effort to save his life, died here today. M Drz Olmstead contracted infan tile paralysis from a child he was treating for the disease. The dis ease settled In his diaphragm, causing him to lose the ability to breathe. -. -. A ' i - . 'l A- ; j ; ;-' tHe Is survived by his widow, a daughter, and his parents, all of Seattle, : SUING QUARREL 1 1--; 1 Wlien this picture: was snapped at Seattle the other! day Frances Bresson of Los Angeles, ! fiancee of Don Moylevland John Buf felan, backer of Moyle and C. A. Allen la; their f trans-Pacific flight, were . not feeling so cheerful, but they're happy now that the fliers have been; re ported, safe. , ' j -"f- i ' j r L Mrs. Pierce Asserts Legal Counsel not to' aid in Conducting? Quiz Taking of testimony in the pending Investigation of the Ore gon Normal school at Monmouth and the administration of .Presi dent J. S. Landers is to be resum ed here this morning at 10 o'clock at the state capltol. The hearing will follow the first investigation which was held Wednesday, Sep tember 9, here. The hearing; room on the third floor of thei capltol bunding will be used.- ; j j . Mrs.; Walter M. Pierce l ot La- Grande, chairman: of; the commit- ree-of Investigation and - a ; mem ber of the board of higher educa tion, arrived here yesterday! to confer with E. E. Lindsay, execu tive secretary of the boards prior to the hearing.. She said i C. L. Starr of Portland and Aubrey Burch bf Medford, both members of the board of higher education, would be here to attend' the! hear ing, jl : j:-; dyt Mrs. Pierce Indicated that , tes timony would be presented to the board sitting as a committee 1 of investigation with the aid of legal counsel which would question witnesses as they were called on special charges made by Governor Meier In his recent letter to the board.' President Landers' has or ganized a defense case,' it is un derstood, which will be: presented to the board. . ; Grand Army of Republic Holds Annual Parade -. DES MOINES. Ia., Sept.? 16 ( AP) 'Veterans of the : Grand Army ot the Republic; today pa raded triumphantly in the; 65th grand review; of the organization. ' A crowd of 60,000 greeted the 1800 civil war veterans more with reverence than with cheers, for the re-enactment! of : the fan fare after Lee's j surrender today probably meant! for many: of the marchers their last parade.; ; Huss and ;r Revive Dwlght Huss came back to Sa lem yesterday In his "merry Olds- mobile"-the same ."Old Scout" which had taken him safely across the continent 28 years before; In the fastest time then ever, achieved by an automobile on j a ; cross country tour, -ilVf -I ' : ,-. It was the same Huss, only 128 years older, r and : thej same jOld Scout, which came to.Salfm yes terday but -I the party came In over a well-paved road leading north from Eugene and ' the! ac companying automobiles were of a size, smoothness and : power which presented j wonderful con trast to the tiller-steered, single cylinder, seven-horse powered car which Huss again drove through the streets of Salem, j : j ; . 1 1 Mayor P. M. Gregory met Hubs at the south city limits and rode with him yesterday through .the downtown dUtrict, the: one-cylinder ear running along 'smoothly at 30 miles an hour while state police, motorcycle equipped,' pr e ceded the ear with a siren warn ing. .In the party, following Huss were some of the men-; who had met him 28 years ago. Then the party, en route to the 'Lewis Clarke fair in Portland, came in from Lebanon by way of Turner and was met at the state peniten tiary by a cheering crowd which eame on Into town with Huss and Wigle, masters of the Old Scout which -was days ahead of "Old I Steady,"- the other automobile In QW DETROIT GANGLAND . Three Members of "Purple" Mob U Slain;! Believed t Decoyed to "Spot DETROIT : Sept, 16-(AP)- Three members oC Detroit's once notorious purple gane who. bo- lice say, refused to heed a gang land; warning, were shot to death in a quiet apartment house this afternoon? In what police fear Is a new, outbreak of underworld war fare, 1 -ii ; ' i ', ,; ;'. Fifteen shots were filed by the killers. believedT-tb number four, who then fled down' a rear stair war and escaped In a sedan which awaited them in the alley. ' The victims were identified by police: as Herman : Paul, 31, Joe Lebold, alias Lebovitz, alias Jew ell, 31, 'and Isaac Sutker,S28. Po lice said they; were operators of a handbook agency v and were at tempting to ! Invade . the', liquor racket. All had police records. - Each was shot 1 through the back of the head. The bodies were found,! face down, one in the bath room, lone In the hallway, and the third in a bedroom, as if they had attempted desperately to; escape after the first shots were? fired. Police were checking a theory that the three Victims Sand a fourth known killers man whose identity Is not ' had been picked up by the elsewhere and taken to the apartment,, possibly under the ruse; of . a conference. '. - f:: The I fourth man, ' according to this theory, either talked his way out: of the fate: which his compan ions met or was a decoy 4n the confidence of the killers. I Clutched lnlthe hands! of the dead men were freshly lighted ci gars, giving added support to the theory that a conference had been begun. A phonograph had stopped in the Middle of a "blues' record. Ti T PLANE .4 OAKLAND; ! Cal., Septf 16 (AP) A pilot land three passen gers were killel today- when a Pacific Air Transport mail plane plunged into, San Francispo bay shortly) after it bad taken off from the, Oakland airport for Portland,1 . Ore., and Seattle, The- pilot was Ray Boudreaux, Medford, Ore., former army flier, and the " passengers were? Kirk Herre, Seattle, news papery man; Colonel W. H. 'Bissell, San Fran cisco and F. 1. Sheahan, Sa Francisco.- " :,,'f;13-,t!ii;:i.iij! j' KA . 'i W A The crash occurred about 4 a. m. Boudreaux ww flying" about over Berkeley; Ini a fog.J Ie had informed the 111 airport by radio telephone that Jhe had only a COD foot cellingihbui that "all is O. K." Within fiyeiiiib Indies alcrash was heard andlpitjlplahe had; dived into the tide flats of the bay. . j Reports i of some eyewitnesses said: the plane ; had burst Into flames before: filling but this was denied in an bffleial statement of the Pacifld Air. Transport which said the plane broke, into flames after it; struiSythe water. i j in , j,il.-M,1i oimmut ft Memories hMitll't,;:' the classic a ! across the contl- nent. wm. PlHi; ;! f In the greetlngfparty yesterday were Otto Wilsons ete and John Graher! and DrJ W B. Morse, who met Huss 28 ytrs ago and all of whom at that,time;were owners of Oldsmobiles. Wilson and Huss en joyed meetineaxaM and recalling khat they hdiiioiirfk allnfght on the car to get lit In Shape to go on to Portland. Other one-time own ers of the early Oidsmobile cars to greet Huss were J. H. Albert and Paul Stegel ,i : ; '. ... i Yesterday as on!'; the day in 1905 when Huss arrived here, .the recollection of the South Santlam pass oyer the Cascades was fresh in mind.: "I tel youj It's the most Wonderful country) I've ever seen in the United States," Huss said. "It's elegant. If I lived out here In Oregon ' I'd : go there several times a year. I've re membered It all these years not alone because of the hard time we had coming down Seven-Mflei mountain. "That country, Hussisaid, has a road! which Is boulevard now compared with its: condition when Huss drove the first anto ever to cross the Cascades down the pass. Boulders were 6! large then the car had to be Jacked j up in some places to surmount them. kH. O. White recalled when he met Huss yesterday that he, in a fishing party, had helped Huss down the mountain. A tree was tied behind (Turn to page 3, coL 7) NSPO CRASHES n Moyle iand Allen Cfo After jGiven up fc? Dead a Week aco i Soviet Boat Sets T&x 5 .. Ashore at Miano After Rescue ! Sept. 16 (AP) The naval radio station tonight received a mewu from the Russian steamship Bur. and C. A. Alien.htrans-P, Jm flier, 'found today u after Wng missed since September 7. laaded aTr,4lsland A tno eern coast of Siberia when their faI ' faJeU!Jnthe,r atempt to spaa Seattle? if,Cfcean f50m JP to . The Buriat reported that neith er the ifiiers nor he plane ws hurt when they landed and that the district as soon as a stormTnow raInS the vicinity; subsides,, ; r .The Buriat said the huge mono plane had been refaeled and w ready to be' flown. A ' -I The message received here was vague as to destination. saying the fliers might start for Seattle flying straight over the Bering Bea and passing in the vicinity of this Jsland, .but later ; saying ty might go back to Tokyo. , . - SEATTLE, Sept. 16 (AP Safe in the little village of Ml jno, Tilgino Island,;' off tha Si berian coast, Don Moyle and C A. Allen, Would-be? Transpacific fliers; missing since September 7, tonight rested after being rescwed' from an uninhabited1 island where they, were forced down by lack of fuel and motor oil. i ; Reports received by the Brem erton naval radio station via Ccr dora and St. Paul and the coast guard : cutters, which have beeu searching the waters in the vicin ity of the tAleutian Islands, to night confirmed earlier messages which told 6t the fliers' safety. , Tonight's 1 message, received from the Russian steamer Piaity Krabolov, said the filers were sec ashore at Miano by the steam Buriat, which took j them of f the uninhabited .island ! feaVlfer In the day.! The message said the Bur iat was bound from Petropav lovsk to Kariganski Island with a load of explosives, but gave na reason for J setting the alrm ashore. ' . S. Re porta pail to Tell If Plane Wrecked 1 ! ...It. was not disclosed whether ! the huge pionoplane "Clasiaa Madge" was wrecked la the 1 (Turn to page I, col. ) i LONDON, I Sept. ; 18 (AP) Mahatma Gandhi stalked Into the "mother of parliaments" tonight and pleaded for the British labor party's support of India's straggle for independence, i vj s He had been invited to address labor members of the hoase of commons privately , regarding In dia's claims. : ! He said his case was complete independence. for India, the aaaie as that enjoyed by Great Britain. He would accept no compromise, be said. , pA - r " i Afterward! he answered the questions of various labor mem bers.!' ' lA i v - Earlier in; the day the federal structures committee of the sec ond roundtable- conference ; was asked to give even the. lowlitat taxpayer of India representation, in the legislature of the projected Indian federation. tA ; A. BangaswamI i Iyengar, a friend of Gandhi, and a former secretary of the all-India national congress, pleaded - that i there "no taxation I without representa tion," one of tlfe significant phrases ot the American revola-; Uonary period. , " P.E. o! Efforts f j To Assist Girls 1 Told at Session ! PORTLAND, OreJ Sept. 16.. (AP) The educational fund of the PE. O. Sisterhood has helped 3641 girls In their efforts to ob tain a higher education. Mi's. Maude M. Henry, of Nebraska, chairman of the fund reported at today's session of the biennial convention ot the supreme -chapter of the order. The fund, Mrs. Hendy reported. has been accumulating .for 23 years and now amounts to $6S4. 000. Maintenance of the f and id the major project of the sister hood. The organization has lost only fSOOO through death an.J $1400 through failure of borrow ers to repay jheir loans. - s!B A" A. i