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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1931)
: f f ) i .1 1 f If S. BERRY DIES AT WORK Funeral Services Held at . Independence for Ward Butter . ' INDEPENDENCE, Sept. 15. Mra. Mary s. Berry died at the Werllne bop. yard near Independ ence Monday. she was born in Mlama county, Ohio. April 20, 1850. ; She waa. 81 , years, toar month and 24 days of age. '-..:. be was married to jr. N. v Berry January l; 1888, cam to - Banks, Oregon, In- 1963: from Nebraska. She is sunrlred I by t her husband and three, children. P. W. Berry, J. I. Berry , of-Independence, and P. E. Berry of , Banks. A daughter died 14 years ago.' Funeral services win be at the .Keener funeral home -with announcements to be made later. C. Ward Butler. 64, who died at the Salem hospital Saturday, was born in Monmouth, where, he spent his boyhood days. 7 When a young man he went to Wallace. . Idaho, where he practiced den tistry ; for- several years. ; He f la ter engaged in the mining busi ness in Idaho and later went to Alaska. . : t Several years later he return ed to Independence where he has followed the insurance business for the last 20 years. He moved to Salem about a year ago. Mr. Butler Jn 1893" married Miss Edna - Faulkner of Warner, Idaho. He was a member of the Masonic lodge. , ! Funeral "services " were held from s the i Presbyterian church here Monday afternoon. Rev. H. Charles Dunsmore officiating. Mrs. Maurice Butler was soloist. Pall-bearers were Guy Walker, Gallord Godfrey, Grover Matti son, Joe Guiles, Gail Alexander, and Fred Butts. , . . SECOND FLOOR OF El WOODBURN, Sept. 15 Fire, thought to have been started by a defective- chimney, burned vir tually the entire second floor of the home of Mrs. Ollie Bogard. The fire started about noon Mon day. The total damage done by the fire and' water were not es timated by Mrs. Bogard, but they are sure to amount to thousands of dollars. -The- damages were partially cOTered by Insurance. Mrs. Bogard was busily engag ed In washing clothes apd it is thought she let the stovelet too hot ' before she" was awaie of it Several neighbors bad alreaiy turned in the fire alarm before Mrs. Bogard knew her place was aflame. The entire topi of the large houses wa& a. mass elf flames when the fire company arrived. ' Mrs. Bogard and her two .chil dren, Vera and Mauricje, have moved many of their possessions from the First street;, house, which was burned, to i another house a few blocks west, which is also owned by Mrs. Bogard. Byron Denny Better . And Moved to Home STAYTON. Sept. 15 Friends of Byron Denny will be glad to learn that he has been removed to his home from the Salem hos pital and is slowly Improving. - Mr. and .'.Mrs. Edwin Klecker are the parents of a . son, born Saturday at ' a Salem ' hospital. This Is their third child, the other two ; being girls. Mr. Klecker is one 'of the owners of the Purity store here.' .. " ' . ALKING MB florsheim Shoes demonstrate, through months end miles' of wecr, that it's not what you pay but what you get that satisfies in the end Floral Show Club's-First Fall Affair STAYTON, Sept 15. The first meeting of j the Women's Com munity club for the fall season will be held ton Thursday, Sept. 17. The meeting will be in the nature of a fall flower show. The committee in charge of the affair Is Mesdameg Glen E. ,Fo. H. A. Beauehamp, Nell Jones, Joe L. Pounds and C. E. j Taylor. The committee will welcome entries from any one in the com munity, whether members of the club or not. Entries should be in not, later than 11 a, m. on 'the day of the show.' Those desiring to enter flowers will please bear this in mind, 1 ' i ". ; - Ribbons wilt be awarded 1 as first and second prizes on sinias, larkspurs, asters; dahlias, pan sies, marigolds, geraniums, hel enlam, : phlox; poppies, . roses, michllmas daises verbenias, and for L mixed ; boquets of any kinds of flowers. There are many love ly t gardens In ; Stayton and sur rounding community and there will undoubtedly be a wonderful showing of flowers, j 7 i Judges will be Ernest Infer and Mrs. Love of Salem., and Mrs. V. A. Good, of this city. It is also Planned to hae Mrs. S. H. Van Trump, of Salem speak on "Fall Flowers." - j ' r - j . TURNER, Sept. 15 E. C. and Kenneth Bear drove to Portland Monday night jfrom j where they left early Tuesday morning for Walla Walla. They plan to return home Friday and will be accom panied by Mrs. ! E. C Bear and two small children who have been with Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gillett for two and one half weeks. i . Mr. and Mrs. iH. Nt Barnett are spending some! time In Cottage Grove with a niece and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker who have moved from their home In Stayton to hare charge of a grocery store. Mr. and Mrs.Bar nett may continue their trip into eastern Oregon.! Mr. and Mrs. W. Si Talbot re turned Monday evening from, their vacation spent S at Tacoma and Seattle., Mrs. Talbot resumed her duties as cashier at the Tur ner state bank Tuesday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards and son Robert moved the first of the, week to their new home at 148 Union street, Salem. The women of the Methodist Episcopal church will sell ice cream at the usual place in the Gower building 'Friday afternoon and. night. - The congregation of the Chris tian church voted in a congrega tional meeting Sunday morning to retain their present pastor, Rev: E. J. Gilstrap for another year. He has been at the Turner church two years. : Miss Carol Kiser of Salem who was once' a resident of Turner spent the week end with old friends. Sunday afternoon she Ac companied her cousins Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear to Crawfordsville to see Mr. Bear's aged mother who iis seriously ill at the home of her son, F. M. Bear. ' HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 15 W. W. .Kleeman after spending a 15 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kleeman of Hollywood returned to the navy barricks In . Bremerton. Mr. Kleeman reenlisted InTthe navy about two months ago and short ly afterwards underwent an op eration which proved' to be suc cessful. He was given sick leave to come' home .' and recuperate. PROOF. SEVERAL IIETIIRN FROM VACATIONS - Jk GILBERT ALVAR Ui'JtVERSlTY POST Several Students From Lib erty District Leaving For School . LIBERTY, Septj 15 Henry C. Gilbert left Tuesday, evening for Iowa City where Jie will be. as sistant In the Botany research de partment of the . I University of Iowa. Mrs. Gilbert will drive -to Portland with him. : Upon , her return the will - be accompanied by her niece Miss Katherine Den ney of Beaverton,' who will spend the winter with j Mrs. Gilbert. Miss Katherine will be a student at Leslie junior high school. Mrs. i K. Schmidt and daughter Christina are spending; a!' vaca tion at Newport. : Miss Christina Is employed at the: state bouse. ' Miss Dorothy - Judd is leaving Wednesday for Cprvallis where she will enter O. S.' C. as a freshman. , Miss Judd will make her home with Miss A. Grace Johnson, assistant Idean of Home economics. Rolland Seeger and Leland Scott who are working near Black Rock spent Sunday at their homes here. - . j California Guesta . Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Erixon have as their guests Mrs. Erixon's father and mother.) Mr. and Mrs. Headrick, who live near Santa Rosa. Calif J . ... J Mr, and Mrs. George Brooks have takea the Lynch place and plan to make their! home there. Robert Judd. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie will spend Judd of Corvallis, the nter at the home of his-grandparents, Mr and Mrs. William Berndt, and attend the Liberty school, i Men of Methodist Congregation Plan Party for Women SILVEItTON. Sejt. IB Plans are being made for a big party at the Methodist ehurdh for Thurs day night when the men of the Sunday school will be entertained by the women. Th)s Is the cul mination of an attendance contest which has been conducted 1 r ; : : . .' 1 1 ! : ! r-y ? p : ? i J - ' f"' ' "' "' ""- L" "l'lwjiiiiiiiniuiwiiiiiiii.iii.. 11T) ihij.j.iii ; mmu- i. 7 -uwuihUh.! - , m mx - i W ' ' - fs r.-f . - - -r.SW hrj )j WMm4 i - StS. : ' 'dSyfi -r ,;. tf . - - -v-v J f -S Y' frk m.r-z '4. j C- m Vs -of f I ' fL -Ll JTfY - k' ip. rv"' 4 -- - - J-L t"' ' . -iuiS' : '. ! -. 5-: 'v'.vx -' ". ',''','v. mi -r SwV v "SifV I- mJ:. Aboard Airliner astern Air Transport E Silhavy Fashions Radio Cabinet of Beauty; Uses 2200 Individual Pieces MT. ANGEL, Sept. 1 5 Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lu lay and daughters drove to Stay ton to visit Mr. Lulay's father. John A. Lulay. They also visited with friends there and while at the Frank Silhavy home had the opportunity to examine, some very beautiful --pieces - of - wood .work made by Mr. Silhavy. during his spare moments.-One of these' pie ces Is a work of art, being: a port able radio cabinet made from Jiff different kinds ot wood . and over 2200 Individual pieces were used ta making it . J T - : ' .-- This radio cabinet was designed and made entirely by Mr. Silhavy. On the front panel he has worked out some very intricate and beau tiful designs by Inlaying with many different: colors,--sixes and shapes of the different woods. The largest pieces, used in the Inlaid patterns are about one-half inch long and one-sixteenth of an inch wide. The .smallest , Individual pieces are about one-eighth of an inch long and about half as- wide. They are highly polished and fin ished in the Natural color of the wood. He also made a shelf for the radio, using the same Inlaid de signs. It matches the cabinet; per fectly and the two make a very atr tractive addition to their home. The following woods were used: two kinds of yew heart and sap wood, gum wood, pear, prune, al ter, Oregon black walnut, eastern black walnut, locus in two shades, heart and sap wood, red . wood, rose wood. Hock ford cedar, red cedar, Douglas fir, lignum vita, cherry and maple. "I enjoy this kind of work," said Mr. Silhavy, "it gives me something to do and it Is inter esting work, too. My wife can hardly get me to my meals when I get started on some, pattern. some time and in which the men were the winners. I Edson Com stock was captain of the winning side. MrsT Will Hubbs, who was captain of the losers, is in charge of general ar rangements for the party. Special invitations are being is sued to teachers. Plans for the party are being kept secret. x Naturally I feel sort of proud of the radio cabinet. I designed and built: It , aU J myself, and didn't make -one mistake In the inlaid patterns." -.'K-' :;' f Aside . of being proud of the cabinet, Mr. Silhavy Is; equally proud of the radio itself, as his son, and sent It to hit parents as a Christmas gift last year. When 14 years of age, Uriah built the first radio receiv ing set in Stayton. He has follow-; ed this line of work since and for the . past ; several- years - has ; been employed by the Jackson-Bell Ra dio .Co. at their Los Angeles, Cal ifornia, factory. - 1 -r :' 'Mr: Silhavy also made; a radio cabinet for his son and wife and sent It as a surprise. Needless to say they were very much pleased with it. j , A number of Mr. Sllhavy's friends have persuaded him to display some, of his work at the Btate fair this year. He said per haps it may interest some. His friends are sure it will. - The Fall 1 1. 'fnl 1 Salem Women Will be In structors at Hazel Green This Year, ! HAZEL GREEN, Sept.' 1 15 Three of the local eighth grade graduates. Jack S Facett. William Dunnigan and Sanford Davis, are attending ' Silverton i hlgh.w The other members of the class,' Stel la Cook, Charlotte UVan Cleave, 8ymlo Mio. JVictorl WlUiamsea, Ear) Johnson; and Leonard Faist, will attend PaTrish. i - - School, here will begin Sept. 28. ,'- The principal " will ( be Mrs. Veda MUler, and primary ! Miss Margaret' Barquest, . both lot ; Sa lem. The teachers have brought out library and text books order ed by the board.' ; They t inspected school buildings and apparatus. - Davis to Move ; Homer Davis expects to 'move his family next week to a! farm south of Brooks. Mr. Davis has been, at hi3 father's, G. w; Davis - since K. B. Fletcher sold the EG TH one TOHBrSCOOLS Slogan The Sheeii Woolen Costume Has Early Confirmation in the Fall Mode i Revealing Color Contrasts, x Yyv:i.l di.l r w uu licick. or urown . Sleeves, ceics ana iNecKiines i ransrorm .oiinouette, - ; Modified by Les Fill SHEER WOOL DRESSES t 9iMto 194 SHIPLEY'S almost too excited to write, Anci there's so mucji; to sccjootK inside tlie pWie And out Wcve left i -; jj- .'if: - 1 'j'' -- i ? j :'! - i fe t ; . WasK inston tenind now, and I've just had a Chesterfield In the smoking : ',i ; . "V" --. -51 .i.-m -- l - ;l conrrwtment icy scrx them on every: ship, i i M 'Amons thc'ei'shtccn passensers there's a senator and a forcisti diplo- mat and Tm surprised at the numher of women. The trip is two ,hun- dred miles and the meter in the of fJiaL- v t , Tor me, the Chesterfields w ere the for a smoke, and when the hostess rette at that) everyone else Isceiwcd did taste soodl Chesterfields are served in the smoking compartments of all these planes the largest and most luxurious in the Cast. With the fast growth of air travel, Ches terfield makes many new friends each day, here as in city streets and country homes ' -wherever good taste counts. : farm he had Rented at North HowelL ; ilp Mr.:: and Mrs. Joseph Zellnekl and small, daughter Gladys, were weekesVi .visitors in Seattle, guests of ! Mrs, ZelinsM's rela tives. .-:-!! - -v i ! Mrs. Max Woods spent the past week in Portland as guest of her sister; Miss Tressa Zejlnski and niece Miss! Virginia Wilson, Miss Zellnskt and Miss Wilson' came home with Mrs Woods for week end visit. Hv ';: -- S'" - 1. ' c t-T 'Vacation; at Tachats :M' Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Clemens and son Author, spent week-end at Jachats. -s v ; - Mr. and MrsI Guy Spencer and childreri Dorthy abd rFerrel of Portland were Sunday: gueets at Edward: Dunnigan home. ! , W. G, Davis and daughter Miss Helen returned Sunday from Co QUille, where a they have tbeen visiting! son-in-law and daughter of Mr. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.' Rich ard 'Slater: - Miss Davis .bad her tonsils removed: while iaway. ECON CLUB MEETS V . ! MACLE AYr ; Sept. -15 Thb first meeting of the Home Eco nomic club will "be held at the hall Thursday! afternoon. All members are asked to pring quilt pieces, quilt patterns aid needles. Mrs. Wl H. Humphreyi and Mrs. W. A. Jones will have! charge ot the refreshments. j ft .;irl Emphasizing SKacles jSf 1 oi .- ri. - -i ness w a mr : 4 Others ; 1.95 up SmoJdag compartment Washington - Nem York plane. Ilosuu offer ing Chesterfields. Photo by courtesy Eastern Air Transport, Inc. I!- cabin reads two miles a minute, nicest touch of alL 1 was just dyin$ passed, them (and my favorite ciga - as tickled as I was And myrthcy 1 ' . ! 759 1VIP Sh:.,:7 i;. -v. i A miW cigarette-delightfiilly mild and smooth with a tohaceo , fragrance all its r own. Whether you're air-minded or not, you'll always find Chesterfield on the air-line to taste -the quickest way to get there. They Satisfy! t ' ' 7 : .j.'-'.T ;7-t';l; ;7 V r '" -I;- ' 'i IP PICK GET HUBBARD, Sept 15 The hop pickers in Glen Carother's hop yard north of Hqbbard were hap- plly surprised when Mr. Caroth ers announced he would pay 90c a hundred pounds Instead of 80c . as was expected. .' Mr. Carothers nas the. largest yard in this vicinity and employs about lOO pickers. . He expects to finish! picking this hops the last of this week which will make -three weeks of steady picking. The executlve board of the federated churches of Hubbard met at the' Congregational church . Monday evening for a fall rally- -The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the objective of the church its place in the commun- . lty, and make plana Jta reach that .... objective the ensuing year. .; La ter In the evening refreshments ; were ser?edandi a social time was enjoyed. Henry Croisant visited his wits at the Salem general hospital ' Sunday1 Mrs. Croisant Is recov ering nicely from; a major oper- ; atlon which she underwent last rf week:' -;' ' i! . and Felt Mat Greenl ' . ? think 1931.: Liggett it Myeks Tobacco Co.