iwc:: r;i:;:: ' ' .L:; The OREGON STATESMAN. Salsa, Oregon, Tuesday drains September 15, 1931 Y Statesman Classified Adi Call 9101 ; Classified Advertising; BTagle Insertion per llne,10 Three Insertions per line ..;,...........0 6lx Insertion .per line.. 10c , One month per line.. $1.09 Minimum .charge ..;.,lhe- t Copy for this pare i ac cepted until ,-6:30 the even ing betore publication lor classification. Ce-py re ' celled after this time will be run under the beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesrai assumes t ' SALESMEN WANTED arLrin.uurruoninr'M-i-i-i- " " Salesman to sell roofing and paint Umm to hfuse work, Service Roofing nd Paint Co. 1328 'Stat Ft. ' SITUATIONS WANTED ftri.nrmririi i i ..w. - Graduate nurse will work tor , f S a flay, city or country. ieu ' &KWING House dresses, chndren a ' choo4 -dresses, made for 25c each. Otn- er wwtBf dona at reasonable -prices. -.-723rrx St. -i - - -a-'- Aa experienced yoang girl wishes arenorsJ housework. Pbone (809. .( Aceantajt-tooKKeper. v. -grad, 8 yra. ex p.. beat of ret Writ liox. 1 4T. Statesman. - ' " Nursing; orH. K. in inotberiese lorn. CaU tor. Mrs. Jttelson at 144 N. Front St. ' Woman with 19 yr. old girt, wants housework. City or country. Mrs. Ida CockUnt ' Horat Co. Camp No. , Lr Jn lwiidwi. ' - - " - " ... 1 -1 FOXt SALE BHscellaneous " nj-i.r.ri.nniTiriiirii-i ii ----.-.--...-a Concord and sweet water grapes. .Wex8teddaxd. Wallace Road. .... .... jui-nju Lixri.n rnnn ---- "". Used tents at a bargain Salem Bar- falrt House, 829 N. CoinmerciaL TeL rOR BALK : -shafting, pulleys, hang ars. Statesman Publishing Co. rna SALE Oia tmsera, las a aon- flla. ' Statesmen office. , J - nr..- . . ti . , atU malm. M and ttsed. Adder ud typewriters tor, rent. Typwrfter Exchange. 411 Owurt St. Attention Sportsmen - Wa turra a iarg aeJeetloo ot;rtfleS. aotrana - and ammunition at a Dig saving. Will pay yoa to look over our tock. O'Jna for rent. " - " i i RKnN-KR-8 KXCHANGS IZ4 N. Commercial St. & mics "1 box" at - the 'Brown Ten1 1-4 mile west of HaseUu 8tC ioa Riverside drive. Brine boxes. - - -'-. ElectHc Xhor washer, , $ 11.00. S4 Saginaw:-.:. - -"- WWWfWWW.." Feather bed, 144 S. 18th 8U ' Choice tomatoes SO bu. Grapes Se. Bring container.. Tel. ?7F5 at noon. . sjTjL'JUTJTri.rmri -----" 1 registered Beamey bucks. J Townsend. 71F22. - . ,.,.1 Used beaters $1.00 p; used range; sm. Saw dust burner, one . used umace, electric waslilng 'atao vsed electric dish washer. Oregon Tradlne. Poet. 211 N. Com'L ' " TRADE MisIIaneoas I ' .rL-L--ri.-ii-i j WILL-TRADE A good Jersey milk cow for eats r- 'GEORGE THOMASOJf - Phone 3 ' T WANTED Mlscenaneoos sjV"JLTu"unj'i.niiiiri - -"r-- WANTED Used pianos, to change ear radios, phonographs, or far UureT hT U Stiff Furniture Company LruuiJO'-rni.-i-WJ'-i-i.i'.'iii'r'."i"i" " -i" - - - - " nr a KTm nif te a oeund tor GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must bf pieces at .least a square yard. Statesman cjCftaa. "ni:ir'. jj-'.-. ' All kinds of riflea, pistols, shotguns, eld gold and Jewelry. Condition so ob ject. Name your price. . v - REINER'S EXCHANGE .... - 224 N. Commercial FOR RENT ROOMS f Heated rooms. Close In. TeL8T5. Sleeping room, "private, home, $12 Garaee. lv . i-"UItu Three rooms, furnished. 494 Union. . . n n n r -r - n - ' '" w stfJr students. Near University and Ftldg. Til 6T7. y ROOM and BOARD a arge "front rooms "-'with ' ninntng water" board,, reasonable ; rate.: Marlon.; 1 r, oa hnard in private home near university. Good place for an- dentS. 140 tntmeMm. . ----- Warm room and board in cnlan home f orone. or two young ladies. Very reasonanie.- Room nd board. at" , ""l? Reoaonable. Business people only. Tel- ' S60. " "" , . n nniinontvinr Room and board near university andcTpltol Wdga.nnPUaant roorn good board. Reasonable. 151 N.; istn SU,TeL S2T. ' ll Iloom and board n private home, netiTtmlverf ity. Good place for stti 1X40 chemefcet. Tel. 8262. Ff XI RENT APAltTMENTS lesjssassssesjsissisy sj m m m - m WELL furnished rooms and apts. for rem at s:si -'- j IV' - ' "' 'luV "nriVate Patton apartments, with P"J ' orfc iln.n,m') ii-LiJi 1 1 rn'i -'" " J.. i'aii! 2 er 8 room apt. . oV'r FTUridaire' 120 Court. POLLY AND HER PALS !. :".! ... - t si s . "' . ..1: ' - - - Z 7&?y I I - J i I diamendl : ; THP A f yGFER A DETECTUFF; Y .T T f (KEEP OUT1A THE UtG OfO 2AiTSOH& BOUGHT-EMM H y L-N . V r FIRS- FOLKS THEyS A IS ( I It l " y 'W I I It, - (.VeI.' 1 rv-i;! - . It I l. I -TP -5" . :.. . l-- .. I 1 ' - . - . rV 1 - - I I -1- 'si gsrs. 0 m m mm a ' L f v. ashi 1 1 sv j si r a m x sa sa . . w w v saw t m m w sv - ... mm. si 1 -. 1 .,..- t-Tk . It I u - erty-i -lkl I I T - r . UHI I tW'lv . - ., Jr -Jt ,. I I TX' . f '.P I I I EXT.air. ti .y, n f I ; r-i no financial responsibility for errors . which may - ap- -pear in advertisements pun- lished "in its columns, and ' la cases where this paper i at fault will reprint that ; part pf aa advertisement in , which the r typographical -'mistake occurs. ; f . The Statesman reserres the light to reject ohjee-.. tioaal advertising, fur ther, reserves the 'right' to ; classify all adrertising tin der the proper i classifica tion. ' , .- :' " FOfe RENT Apartments Nicely furaiabed jcooI t room apart ment: everything furnished bnt raa. Private abower. Outside entrance. IIS Division, - : -. f Winter la just around the corner. Now . la- the , time te ret ' aettled . in warm, cozy, apartstenta. .The Virginia offer -you a bedroom, - living; - room, dinette, . aad kitchen. Well furnished. 3ec stove, elec refrigeration, neat, water, garage, at reasonable rates. s Small fur. apt $l -per mo, Light and water free. F. L. Warren, 930-N, iSTRATTON API'S. Beautiful S rm. unfur.i front apt., elec, range and re frigerator. Also 1 and 2 rm. fur. apts. 619 N. Winter St. . ' ' 1 and J room apt Xdght and water, garage. 1421 N. Chureh. . V ! S-room modern 'apartment, well fur nished. . quiet. Oarage if desired., 180 N. 21t St Phone 42. ' FOR RENT HOUSES ' FOR US NT Flats for adults. S to licooma 119 to 40. Also houses, etc ! i BECBTE a HENDRICKS i i ; lit North High Street Mwiers riftni rwut uuun t nkxgv cated; garage; two bathrooma G. A. Sprague, 425 N.- 14 th, or Ol K. Price. , - - r . . I 1 . . 1-f R. house, 1 fur. house. Good con- RENTS r CaU SOSX. R. A. Forkner, 11 N. Cottage. SR. bungalow, 1248 Cbemeketa. Hod. room house. Fur. or unfur. Bex til. , Statesman. , Two mod. S room bouses. Tel. 655. Attractive bungalow.. 250 S. Cottage. Modern three room furnished house. Andersen Court. Phone 6010. Nice furn. cottage. 6H N. Cottage. FOR RENT Farm for rent.- See J. H. Lauterman, FOR SALErReal Estate FOR SALE House, 2 bedrooms. nice yard, cherry trees and shade trees. Paved ejtreet. Close to Leslie school. $1995. $10 down, $25, month, indnding Interest. 1570 So. Cottage. 3H Acres 8-4 ml. from Salem on paved roaa, e rowneo, piascerea nouse, bath, - electric ; lights and water system, double parage - and on paved road. $2500. ; - 99 A. IS miles from Salem, large : nouse, narn ana tiner uiok., iwu ? water. famQy orchard, $7 per A. sieee down. - ; ,t $2500. to loan at 6 per cent. MELV1N JOHNSON $20 U. & Nat'L Bank Bids. Ph. $79$ a rooms.' basement, trarasre. large lot. paved street. Near school and bus line. Owner box sib, siareaman. THESE HOMES PRICED. TO SELL $1750 buys an otd style room.dwell " j Ing wltb garage and basement. : paved street, lecated 4 V btocka from post office. $300 cash, bal ;i Buce. $35 per month. $2300 buys a good 6 room plastered ! bongalow with ((replace, located : H block from bun and blocks from school. $500 down and bal ! ance $25 per mouth. !" ' - - $1000 buya a 4 room house with X bedrooms located at 2215 Shelton j Street, j. j .. ; h . - ; " $2400 buys an attractive t room bun - galow with nice east front lot lo ! rated on paved street Easy I terms, t , .. j.. . ... . .. $2750 buys a late bull t modern C room i home, with S bedrooms, full ce- ment basement, furnace, . garage. . i Giood location., $3D0 cash, balance . . 1 terms. . I - $36001 buys a good I! room modern ; bungalow with full cement base i ment. furnace, ' fireplace. - oak 1 floor In living room and dining 1 room, pice corner lot wjth both streets . paved. Located near the t Pacrish schooL Plenty of shade - - ' tree $100 cash, balance $36. per i ' trmnth to Include ' Interest. . $3S00ibuy,i modern,-up to date - i 5 1 room home with attic, full ee ' ment basement, ft mace, oak floor tin two rooms, fireplace, tile drain . ' i beard, corner lot with east front. - ; $00 cash, balance terms. Now Is the r time to boy your home. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST tc CO. Phoni4S8 134 S. Liberty St. atSbsseSsSefSeSseWSseWsSsessssseesea. i MUST BE SOLD This week, followlnar properties for less than half value. - . , 146) A., half creek bottom, good bUlgs.J all stocked and erulpped. Feed and nay. 4S per acre. v en worm tlAO ner acre. ! SMALL ACREAGE IMPROVED ifa A. Cory 8 rooms, targe screened In porch, has fireplace, city lights and wateri Paved road near city limits; owner1 non-resident. Cut price to $1200 from $200. 6100 down. , S ACRES CLOSE IN $4000. "V .-'Mod., S R. fcwd. floors, fireplace. paved road; was priced at $6500 year ago.. -88500 MOD. HOME FOR $7000 Strictly modern mahogany flniab frhridaire built in l3 snown oy ap- i GOOD HOME FOR 850 , Down;-$20 month; price $1250 has 5 R. completely furnished. SEE f BECHTEL or XnUJUbtm 841 State St. - Room 4. ' 1 1 FOR SALE Ileal Estate Three or six choice lots. T-reom semi-modern plastered beuea, fire place, basement, etc AH -lots.eyered with large nut, fruit and ornamental trees, shaded lawn, nice view, paved street, two 1 garages. - Bedrock price, terms. Sell all or .part. Near junior high and grammar schools. Owner, TSI corner Rural and Winter Sts.. Phone 8S54. -: - ' 11 A., T under oultlratlon, mostly bottom land.' baX timber, paatura. ; Knnning water, good blags. .Ideal : dairy ranch. $lt.0, easy terms or wttl consider aotne trade. , 0 A. farm. aU stocked and equip ped, strictly modern 8 rm.-house. ' J fine stock: r barns. ' Fenced and ' croaa fenced. - running water all , - year. Price $ per acre, con-. 'V plete. .Will consider trade.; S Acres close to Salem "on good road, rm. jnodern - house. Price - ... ess, or .will trade for house in ... town. --; -- ' Wf.rm. house, modern except basa- . ment. - one " acre ground. chicken - bouse, in small ' town, also 2S . acres of bottom land. A real, buy at $3304. Attractive l-rm. stucco bouse, base ment, i furnace, - fireplace, : newly : redecorated. j r ' J. f. UL1CH COMPAJTT - - SS5 State Street - Pbone- 87 TOR RENT i FtTRNlSHED I 1 15. Real home, rooms. ' $1(. t-R. duplex, close in. : ., 820., S R. up-flat. Close inl - UNFURNISHED i is $35. mod. S R., close in. ; , Others f 10 to $90. 4 to R. : FARMS FOR RENT . Fine-240 Acres 105 Acres 6 KOK RENTALS. SEE - BECHTEL. or THOMASON , 841 State Street .r i NEW MODITRK HOMES ? 4 s JUST COMPLETED $5250. Seven : nice rooms, . oak floors, tile bath below.' also bath above. 4 nice bedrooms, fireplace, full -" cement - basement, furnace, dou ' ble garage, cor. lot both sta. per " -ed. near school and bus. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. Terms. $8830.-Seven large rooms with extra large living room and dining room finished la gumwood, hardwood ; floors, throughout, tile hath and ' . shower. WONDERFUL HOME OFFERED BELOW " ACTUAL COST. LET US SHOW YOU THROUGH IT. $3S50. cash. baL terms. Located at 1865 8. Church Street. : .- ' , -r- W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ; . . . ,i REALTORS - ! .124 Soutii Liberty Street! SPECIAL "- INTJUCEMEN T Completely furnished 5 room cot tage, good plumbing. ' some built his. nice lawn, flowers, shrubs and gar den. Located In choice residential aie- trlct Priced very low at $2200. part terms. - 1 ;.-!.-.-:.; LEO N. CHILDS. COt. Realtors 820 State Street . '' Phone S76S. .'For. sale' $2160 three blocks ; from Lent's public school Portland. 4 room plastered cottage, lights, gas, water. H basement, fruit Lot 100x1(6. - $25 monthly 20 months, no Interest JAMES LEITCH. DALLAS, Owner. . r - - Telephone IVl . t ' - SUBURBAN- HOME Unusua.Hr fine i room modern bun- gdlow, basement, 'furnace, fireplace, oak floors, electric range. - frlgldalre and electric water system. 1 acre with lovely - shade ' trees and nice assort), ment of fruit and- berries. Well loca ted on : pa ved; highway, near, school and church. "U.t-t'-- SEE Mra. Ellis, wltn LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors . . 320 State Street : Phone 70f REASONABLE PRICED HOMES WITH TERMS UKE KEWY . -S room house on S.- Cottage-Street. choice east front; lot, flowers, shrubs and some trees.- Price iiz caan 815. baL 115 ner mo.. i Int - a room piasterea cottage wiui eieo trie lights, piummng. nunc ma, ; iw lots. Price $lli0, caea $25, bat $1S par month. it--- - room piasxerea mui. rem t5S. rash 325 bat' 811 Per SnO. . fi room bun ra low - with ' buUt'r tnsv good plumbing, nreputce, pavea street, garage and woodshed. Price $820e. will taxe , vacanv lot as - part., uu. monthly. " " - . - t . LEO N." CHILDS CO.. Realtors $20 State Street m Pbena S7II - C rmr house on State street, rur nut. ranure. lot 94 br 159 on creek,' Zoned for business. $3(00. This- Is fine investment, ' " WINNIE petttj ohw. Realtor 176 South High Street . ! 121 Soath Htsrh Street vs Arr. farm B mllea from Salem. 50 A. in cult, slots of Umber, good barn, no house, fine road. Soap. $4500, take residence for part. . t. Modern room bungalow, for fares. 8 room banealow. S lots for farm. Modern Calif, bungalow for farm. Several good nouses ror rent. PERRINE & MARSTERS 1 7sTni-th T JVwrtv Street ft farm. Tnu tn -town, for sale or rash Tnr nr exfhansre. for a mod- hern 5 room bouse. 11 A. In saleable fruit. 2 A. pasture. ; f SEE OWNER i 1ri. Ti .-- n.rui.i rr r - - . We hav a: very nice 5 acre tract near Salem, modern -room nouse ana niOTuiiY K-i rn. srood chicken house worth $4200.00 and , can use Salem home up to isuuu. '. We have rash buver for good Salem home also good tenant .for . t rooea VW1ILPHRIST A PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. ; Phdne 4838 EXCHANGE-Real Estate Los An eeles. Calif- 1 lot. 2 bouses. 1 lot one house, price $3500.00; mort gages $3000,00 want ranch near Sa lem or Silverton. Owners only Bush man. 3311 Alice Bt, Los . Angeles, vaa. FOR EXCHANGE i Two residences on paved streets; one of- 5 rooms has built ins, plumbing.' garage and woodshed. Other has 6 rooms, basement garage, choice corner lot value for Dot n 4Ztf. vtm exchange for one borne of even value. Prefer east or north saiem. - f ... l,Ert N. CHILDS CO..-Realtors 320 State Street . Phone ("08. EXCHANGE TKfCOME FOR RANCH "I 8 houses, 2-4 room and 1-5 room, all have garages,' good repair and good location. Trade for a ranch from 10 to 50 acres, up to $6000.90. This is good property. Belter luirry. ojsn . SEARS & TUCKER, Realtors! . 132 South,. High - FOR SALE or trade for a smaller house,'! room modern brick bouse. close la so. Salem. Phone 43. - . "A Hair-Raisine Experience FOR SALE FARMS ivewewieMWeewweeMMWewM' SS aeree Imoroved. srood sou. set tling estate. Price $45. -acre, 1-4 down. balance ft "years ax per ceai. stse Lee Street; ' - : " --.-' - - TWO GOOD RANCHES ;:r ? - Priced ?Verjr Lew -. ' t: -r :i-il-acres. house, earn, bath aad toQet lit the house, gravity , water sys tem. 35-A. cultivation, . 1-acres In good 1st and 2nd growth fir, fence and cross fenced. Will trade -for e house in Salem tsp te the price Of this ranch, $2500.00. . r ' - " Fair tmnrevementa. 20-A In old aad second growth' fir. 2-A. beaver dam land.' Will take $300.00 down payment, balanoe monthly. SEE i SEARS TCCKEB 132 South High Street s - ACREAGE - . ACREAGE BUTS ' - -- $S90.00 down and balance terms wlU lutnoie 2tt acres, a mnes zrom Bsv - lean, -good soil. -some timber, - an.; unoompiecea tiooae, welt, at oar-a-aln at : Int. S nereent. $50.00 down and balance $10.00 per month - will nandie : Z9 acres oi fine - berry, walnut or filbert -soil, good road, a real buy at $2009.00 ; int Dercent. - $1(0.00 down and balance $20.00 per . montif win handle l acre tract - with new S room plastered bouse, well, garage and woodbouse. Price v 81900.00 int S oercent. $25.00 down- and baUtnee $34.09 per montn puya improved a acres, gar den road district, house, welt i prtce-$2200.0; Int. percent, i W. It GRABENHORST, a CO, ;": -REALTORS ... .'-18 South Liberty-Street ' ration, all good soil, fenced and cross fenced, bay and feed in barn; owner is ready to saennce as it is impossible for him to stay on place longer. Small payment down and easy- terms;. $4, 000. Tou cannot ' go wrong- on this place;' - j - .-. SHIELDS a BLAKR - Oregoa Bldg. - -TeL $99$. WANTED REAL :. ESTATE Ilave client who will ner 83500 cash en farm of about. 40 acres. Must be reasonable. . '- SHIELDS a JTLAKE ; Oregon. Bldg. , . TeL 8 JOS, Business Opportiinities Partner wanted for Drosnectlng trio. State' age and experience. Box 380, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN . PERSONAL LOANS MADE on f umltnre. - cars, salaries ar other .good-; security. Repayable monthly, when In financial .need ace as before closing-a loan. GENERAL INYESTMaKT CORPORATION ' First National -Bank; Bide. Phone 8558 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed - notes, furniture and planes Quick ser vice fair treatment. ,. Easy re payment plan. AU transactions strictly confidential. --" -- 2i'v STATE LOAN COMPANT ITS Ore; Bldg. ' 2nd fhwr ; Orfice hra 19:00 a. ,m. . to 0:30 p. m. ' Telephone 778$ Licensed by State 'Bells of 'Harmonjr' - Heard ever KDIN dally -ring oat loan service that to really, really., different NO DEDTJCTTOXS . KO FEES ' KO Othbtr charges ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST - smurrr isiTVACrT QUTCBt AND COURTEOUS SERVICE umiu in n fsve . Beneficial Loan : " Society . OF OREGON' Room 111 Now miga Blag 2nd Floer Li 11 state st - - tl s-7-o-e. MONET LOANED OS AUTOS . Contracts Refinanced Arras ge te reduce your paytaenta Tou keep the car. i P. A. FIKER Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry Phone 4783 Salem. Ore. CITT AND . FARM loans at lowest ratea Beat - terms obtainable. Our Insurance denartment offers yoa - ex- I pert advjee and service In all line a Tet -4109 ; 205 Oregon Bids. Private loans on real estate see P. H. Bell, 206 U. 3. Bank Building. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loaa oa real estate. . . W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. , REALTORS 124 S. Mberty Rt Tel. . LIVE STOCK and POULTRY v Poultry wanted Salem Poultry Xo. rarmere aiarset. zo uiucnj. in. 5144. FOR SALE Horses and mules. Just off work. South end of Riverside Auto Park, test S.ilem FOR SALE WOOD Dry 'wood.. TeL 7617. -Old fir, $5.50 cd. TeL 5883. ALL KINDS any length. Call 8789. GUARANTEED DRT Wood coat TeL - 5000 Saiem Fuel, Co. 753 Trade. DRY FIR AND OAK -WOOD,' oal and fuel olL Call on us for prices. We give good measure, : good quality, and eivwl service. - LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telachone .3131 IS in. slab and block wood. $2.25 per load, is in zna xir, sz.t per loaa. is In. old fir, $3.23 per load. At Tracy's. reL sis. 4 ft 2nd growth fir. 34.50 cd. dellv. ered. Also good straight oak. Howard. TeL- (052. All kinds of wood. Hoke, 26F32. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing. Seasonable. Tel. (290. Wood sawing. .RoUna TeL- 9463. For' better ' woodsawing. TeL 5 8(8. LOST and FOUND vrtcrr atlV mrf T!V nrlnt design on State or High street Satur day. Finder return te Statesman. Re ward. -.."-. . ,r v : .j.;"-.. LOST Kers near Commercial and State. Pbone 692T-- i -, -,' K TTO1 person who picked up brown purse in city para unay piease phone xs?s. Mra cooper. : - . Personal r A, L Weber. 848 N.12th St. solicits : nervous and - mental' oases. Treatments reasonable. - Examination free. . ' - '- ''.'-'" - ""- - - Lotwlr- . widow br death would like te correspond with refined gentleman. Widower y aeatn fpreierreo, - wnn email business, or farmer. Age 85 to 0. Box 3B5, of Statesman. - FOR SALE--USED CARS ' Model A Specials lilt Tudor Sedan; A. 69O0 1931 Victoria Coupe, S000 miles, f T I f T A AA . . iiceoKu in. . y 1984 St.: Coupe. 9000 miles, '-j-'- t itcen-ied .. '. , -e-v? 1930 St. Coupe. ... . .... . ;, 440.00 1930 Rdster new pahit . , 1910 -St Rdster. , . . 192j9 Tudor. Sedan. Kart-Keea . "' . trunk ' , .. ' i in " . 1929 Bus. -Coupe - ;.. 192S Tudoe Sedan . i ,, , 192$. guv .Cottpe ... 1 185.00 875.00 335.00 835.00 .290.00 250 00 200.00 185.00 't iriiiviiiuii;3 19S9 Panel A deliveries . 1928 Chev. panel deL 1928 Chassis These cars carry a servlca guaran tee. -;.-',- - .r-- . . ' iAlso a lot or cars rrom w $200.00 to pick from. !- Valley Motor Co. ; Salem. Oregon Phone 818. I Businegs AMUSEMENTS fimt Cegrsei f mOea sooth on River Drive. 1$ hole watered fair ways, large areena Fees Tte. 8undays win hftiwy si w BATTERY ELECTRICIAN w r n.rron Batteries Starter and generator : work. Texaco station, cor-: ner Court TTd Cborch. - J ; BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTD H. RAMSDEN - Columbia Bfcycles and repairing. $8T Court The best Is Wcyeles ana Repairing. H. W.-fratt MT a wni BUILDING 'SUPPLIES RoraI Rooting Ce, wootL. ehlngles. Ur, graveL work, guarapceeo, rnoes rleht lftft Trade. g ' - CHDINEY SWEEP Tetephene ' 4480. ft ft Northnees CillROPRACTORS Dr. O, U SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 25i U. High. TeL Res. I5T2. . - - DRS. 8COF1XLD. Palmer' Chlropra tore. X-ray and N. C. M New Bank Bldg. ' - - " CLEANING SERVICE Center 8t Valeterta. Tel 8i. ELECTRICIANS Ev i L. ' Welch . elec trio shop. Wiring. flrtures and supplies. Get our prices. 1015 it FLORISTS ALL kinds of floral work. Leta Flor ist. 16th a Market. TeL 95S. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreath- decorations. C 3 Brelthaupt florist 612 . State! Street Tet 6904. ": ' HEJMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 415 Court - Margaret' Shop. Hoosedeaning Floor W'axlrig W clean anything that's patated": Capitol Wtedow Cleaner?. Pbone 3778, t. ! t - i r- GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. TeL 4920 or 76n0. INSURANCE i BECKB' 189 N. High HENDRICKS - -! TeL 494T -WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY . i .. Wm. Bllven, Mgr. . y Exclusive BDUevWe Agent 218 Masonic-B!dg. . TeL T9e LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY , .THE WEIDER LAUNDRY -268 a . High -.. TeL 1 12 iriPiTAi. rrrr unvnBT 1 "We iWash Everything In Lux" Te'wwme , J I . i z4 wroaowav MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home.' Ask about our wool mattresses. Kenovat ere and fumlgarora.' Capital City . Bed ding Co. TeL 4069. 8030. North Cap FOR SALE USED CARS SEE JHESE CARS . OWNED BT O. J. WTLSOtf -.; At - Marion ft Liberty, t . V." ll$t Marquette SpC Roadster. run 10,000 miles ..... - $695.00 193$ Bulck Master S Spt Coupe. Car ; that cost $2100.00. . - . Completely, over hauled '' " -and carries our guarantee, " - - Price now S95.0t 1929 Bulck Standard Spt coupe -- overhauled, reflnlshed - 725.00 1$2( Bulck- .StaneArd Coach. j: - Motor, .overhauled. rune . - .lute new . 235.00 1929 Btndebaker Comamnder ( . , v Sedaa-ruh about. 20.000, K'' miles U-...,.-- .V;..'.::.. U 175100 I95g Pontlae'Deblx Sedan, side; - mount wheels' 559.00 1 9 2S Chevrolet Standard vCou pe : completely overhauled - 385.00 1$2$ Essex : Sport ' Roadster( i ' custom built . body. ....... 82a.90 192$ Essex Coach overhauled - 195.00 1920 Essex Coach : to. running i shape ; . , ; 25.00 192$ Ford r delivery : ballooa ' . Mm S - rtlatoB : . ' S3.S0 1924 Ford S-dan. '32 plates i aa.Oa 1923 WUlya-Kniglit, S pass. roadster . .... .. . !.m. i-. , 40.00 1931 Balcfc. ;, Touring -U, ; 25.00 OTTO J. WIU50N . Buick" Dealer!. i . Salem 'Used Car Center, . Marlon. and Liberty i vi - j- . Phone T910I j 1 , " '- ' .'-:: ." . . '. , ." C Good-Will j - -; i -.s.t .-' : ' used cars - . t -SOLD WITH A GUARANTT 1928-Pont!ao' Coupe 1927- PontIac Sedan . 1928- Chevrolet Coach w 1927- Butck Coach 1 92 8- Essex -Sedan 192(-Studebaker Coach 1925-Oakland Touring; , 1924-Jewett Coach l$sso.oo L 285.00 . 815.00 845.00 . $35.00 i. 295.00 ZZ- : 85.00 ZI. 195.00 Wood -Wheatbn Motor Oakland " ' Phone' 9588 Pontlac USED CAR DEPARTMENT 540 Chemeketa Street jv i . Directory I MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WTLL Pianos, Phono graphs, sewing machines,- sheet -music and piano stud lea. Repairing pbone- grapns ana : sewing mecnincs.. i ss State Street Salem. ' ii.n- -. PLUMBING and BEATING PLUMBING- and KMeral recatr work. Graber Bros, 1(6 So. liberty. TeL 6594. - -i n y,, , ... PAPER HANGING Paser hanain and oa Int InaiV Nan- man's Paint Store. 152 N..ConrT. . . PHONE GLENN ADAMS, tor house dectcrattng. paper hanging, tlntlnx. eta Reliable workman, u - ' - f IM PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, tarda. leta programa books or any kind of prtntlng, call The Statesman Print ing Department. IIS flu Commercial Telephone S10I. . - f ROOFING El ' Bey slate surface ' ahlnglea,, Let as give yoa, a tree estimate oa your roof. Easy- payments If desired. SER VICE ROOFING AND -PAINT ! CO. 1228 State St TEL (800. M - RADIO FOst every purpose, for every purse All standard sisee of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL i 8HOP.I i $47 Court St TeL $111. t; ,; .'For guaranteed- radio - repairing, phone or call at . SALEM RADIO SERVICE I Trt 44 543 Ferr St. -r STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. ; All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, i 2(2 Chemeketa Tel. 4774. R B Fleming. TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ce. 22( State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our -specialty. Get our ratea.- ' -. - . . y : jiiji FOR local or distant transfer I stor age, call 31SL Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally, k ; . u ' -' ::V,y . .; . ; , y : : Real Estate Directory j - BECKS, 183 N. High . HiafORlCKSl TeL 4941 a M. CARLE 224 N. High St TeL: 9478 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4(2 State TeL 8(71 1 - SOCOLOFSKT a SON 1 $04-$ First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL T$01 22$ Slate Street . TeL ! 8(72. , F. U WOOD 441 8tate St - , TeL ft $4 HOMER D. VFOSTER REALTT s CO. $70. BUM St - -r- TTTeL T52$ W. H. GRABENHORST: eVCO. 184 a Liberty St TeL: 44(8. By CLIFF STERRETT FOR SALtU-USED CARS Salem Used Car Center -., i;i.;CONSOAtEi , ' 192T Buick: StahdaAl Coach $325.00 1927 Bulck Master Touring . 250.00 1925 Buick Standard 8da 195.00 1927 Chevrolet y CoaCltil". ever- hauled -i s; i .iitiMij.v 192 Clevrolet Began-SwU - 1(5.00 1(24 Dodge Coupe; .'31 plates 100.00 1920 Essex Coach; "... 85.00 1939 Ford ) Standard Coupe 4 50.00 1930 Ford Standard Roadster.- 8 85.00 1929 Fbrd Standard Coupe-- 835.00 1020 Ford Coach ; ,, ,;, , 125.00 1920 Ford ?Cup 90.00 1! Nanh Standard Sedee -i-i 435.00 1928 WUlys-ICnlght TO !A 2 626.00 1929 Whippet Spt Coupe -.- 840.09 ?t w nippet a- i uwupe, . 't - plate -n,.,,-,,;,!,!,,,,'.,'.,-i$.ee 02 Reo ( Sedahi.- , ... 17i.0 - 25.00 iss- issex opt. wuupe i s4.ow i :.1IJ' IIS' I Salem Center " ' Marlon ft Ubertv Open Evenings and 'Sundays ',.-,:U; , Phono 7910j- r .- . ----- - - - - -- i-, i i"i i'n'iirrri.nitri.rLn ,m.1r - tii4! . Tn mtf - r n- 1, i f. sale -or traded "for wood or '-what have you? Oregon. Trading Post, 333 N. Com'L- 't -'1 .(. il.flii, i.y - - "! i, Star -touring to trade for" wood. Call 114 or 16. yv - - : i .! .. NOTICE OF IXtENMOJf TO IM- PROTK - CHURCH ST It EE T FROM THE SOUTH 'CUKB OXE OP niJj i STREET TO THE NORTH END IIP THE . NEW BRIDGK OX CHURCH STREET ix the . 'crrr op i sale)i. i 'i.-j -;i:V: ' ORtaox.f. .-..:rj,-. s J notice Sis Hereby given that. the .Common Council of the city of. Salem, Oregon, ydeems it necessary end ? expedient, ' and hereby ' declares its purpose and intention io improve Chhrch Street from! the south curb line of Mill ; Street to the north end of. the ! new bridge ! on ' Church Street in the cltj of Salem, Ore gon, at the ierpeuse of he abut ting and . adjacent property, j ex cess; the street and alley; Intersec tions; the expense oil) which -will be assumed by the cljr. pt Salem, Oregon,? by bringing (aid portion fif uM rjt in. the: a9blibort grade, constructing Portland ce ment . concrete curbs,! fand. paring said portion of said streets -with a biz inch. Portland cement con crete pavement, 45 feet Jn widbh, la ''accordance with - the plans and specifications therefor w h ! e h were adopted by the 'Common Council I on ! September 8, now on file in the office of the Cfty Recorder,..: gnd which, are hereby referred o and, made a part hereof.! , 4''m' lj ' !" ! ,Tho Common ! Council hereby GrSlWbrd Puzle ItT EUGENE ,-.f -i" HORIZONTAL. I East Indian nurse. . 6 Fairy, f : t Charity. fi 12! Lacerate! ia l -(..! 13 Which of the Roman house I . bold gods Is always associated , with the Penates 7 i &o aneepsKin., 1&LHAnr fabhr J 16 Indentations.: luffi 18 Symbol for Iia urn. I zv r.pocn. - jj 22 City in Utah, k - zs ureea tetter, i 24 What Is the t second 1 longest "(- I river 'la the "world? ;: '- -26 Help.' ' - i?S:.iv,y ' .. V. 2T!-i-Peen or e lance. ; ' ; ft 28 -What Asnericaa : railroad or ganiser founded m well-known institute i ef technology that took his name? ! : -s '. 30 What Freaeh ( lawyer aad stateesaaa, twice Premier, was iastrusseptal la . France a eel onial development? I ' 81 SkilL , J ' 82 The constrictor. ' ' ) 83 Of what; great battlo la the J 1 World War was Marshal Jet lire the here?S'iiiJ:.i4l! . U: 3& Wfce was ambassador te Fraace ml the ( time is el tee Liadbergh traasnAUante : 40 The rainbow. ;! H i I : ' f :- .". . 1 vuejv uito. .' s - 3 ' 42 What English Actress eace 1 possessed the ill-fated Hepe ! diamendZ IS Guided. I 44 Wkst Americaaj comasedere I cemclvded a treaty with Japaa 46 The sun.) 47 Toward. I : I 48 Smoother! 'v:- SO Kiloliter fabbr.). SI Te what botanical genus dees the elisw belong? g)LTjiir. y ri ! ." :-' '.; 84 Ta the sheltered side. I 8 What AsserUaa ; caricaturist T erigiaateel .-- the . i Demecratie dosJkey ad Repttblicaa ele- ii whaal? r : p.MH- X': 5T Unit of work.1 -! : v- 0 ivunx iiuwi- : t,,. .., ..: , i-i : . vertical; . . 1 In what Earopeasi city Is the .. ..jy Partheaea located? i' . Z What general ceasmanded the I' U. 3. Army la the Philippiaes 1898? i. i "--.' f . ', .ilu-ratnClar mania for a parent. ... a .ran ei .gtxeuaai.i'virM t fTisfu laxxruua, "a I li 28 1 P"l 2? - ! 5 - 33 34 55 tFl 36 Tf 56li li mwhwH:. I " declaref Its purpese and intentioa to make the above described im provement by aad through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the; 8th day of September. 1911. . :.- MARK P0CLSE.V, City Recorder, Date of first publication: Septem ber 11. ltli y r Data of final publication: Septem , ber 23r. mi.-4-S-ll to 23 Inc. admixistr.itor's fixaf, , notice ' Notice is hereby given that the undermijned . administrator has filed his final account of the e tate of Harrey J. Rlaehart, de ceased, with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for County of Marlon, and an order baa 1 made and entered by said Court fixing the 3rd day of October, mi, at ten o'clock la the forenoon; . as Ifli j timo , for hearing and settling said final ac count and objections thereto. If' any, and that any tredf tor. heir or other person Interested In eatd estate may, on or before, said time, show cause why said final account should not be approved as rend ered.; 5, - -. . ' ; , , - Dated Augusl 31st. It 3.1. " T. A. Rinehart. Administrator of 'tha EsUte olj Harvey j," RineHart, Do ceased. s ": John Bayne, Attorney for al Administrator S -S-1 3-22-25.' : XOTICE.OF APPOINTMENT OP AilMINTSTJtATRIX V Notice, Is hereby given: that the undersigned has been duly -appointed by the County Court of , the State of Oregon for the County-of Marfbn as Adtnlntstratrix of the estate of J. Ti Whittig. de ceased, nd that she has duly qualified fas such Administratrix; all persons having--claims against the estate of said - decedent a ret hereby notified to present ;tha . game, duly. verified,' to me. at the office of Ronald Ci Glover, my at- . torney, at 203 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the; date of this notice. Dated yat Salem,-. Oregon, this 15th day of September, 1831. GRACE II. WHITTIG. Admin istratrix bt the estate of J. T. Whittig. deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attor- , ney for j Administratrix, Ealeaa,'. Oregon. -S. 15-22-2 IO. -l3. -Enrollment at Ohio State ual rersity during . th last school -year reached a new high mark ef 15,.3S.' ;-j I" . ; SHEKFEIt ' ?! a Who Is , the arbiter ef Wig league baseball? r- , 7 Liberated. b.T 8 Plural suffix. ! l& 9 Behold. l 10 Substance. vl 11 Underhanded, stealthy. 17 Once proposed f interifationU language. - -f-31 ; 18 Long Neck (abbr.). : ' 21 Malt liquor. 1 23 Ever poetic), t 25 What American dentist as- ; aisted the Empress Eageata te scape from Paris in 1870 T 27 What r American Arctic ex plorer S discovered the North Pole 1909? J 29 Prior. : 80 Because. . . . 32 What German physician die ' covered ' the antitoxin y for diphtherit? 33 What ' fa mo as English poet ' wrote Paradise Lost"? 34 Small space between a net work of veins. '4 36 Deliver. J . 36 What American educator, wle died in 1906, .was formerly president ef the University ef - -"' Chicago? - ' y - 87 Island in Aegean Sea, - 88 High cravat. , 39 What celebrated blind wesaaa, aether ? aa autobiography, Js dig pieskeer work eaaena . rthe blid? ' : 41 What EnglUh nevelUt aad ' dramatist wrete Th Cleiiter aad the Hearth-t 44 Italian river. 4& Biblical pronoun, 48 Reclined. f " 49 Sharp knock. , -62 Plural suffix. 55 Note of the scale. ; Herewith ii the solution to yes terday's puxxle. n .t4HUUoc NO. M9i woo cm 1T F rr.cJC 5 Oi I s ; - - - . . : - - i i - --t 1 : k , - - :: .1 ' V . : f .i y-il y , - r y .r y- '.y, y :: i ..- , V -y. :; - r 1 v ; ' ; . : .; rj " !-:J- T" M J ',-,'!. i1!""!: r - ' v:yvw::.'4'v-.;y:i:.- ' : -i 1 1 - I - 1 ' :1 - 1 t i , ' , . .