, , -! -V 1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecu Oregon; Satarday Morning, September 12, 1931 t ' ' -r ; -f-ri ' - - PAGE SSVEN - ' 1 hi i i i i, I, ii i i i i i . . i i i i ii i . l"' ... .. , - ... . .... . ' . ... -. !..,'......, . ..,.., -..i. ....... .Jr ! -...-i-, "I...-, ,.. t ' . i ,:. t. ' ..lJ,ni-'';:';--y'''..:.:MV;. ' T ' 'V. i ": ' t'k ' ' I Wkeret&upply "IN 4 ft Statesman Classified Ads Call ClMsfled AdvertUag , BLbk1 Insertion per Hn.10o Tbre UiMrtloas Pr - Six iMertlOBS per Hn. .S0e On month par Use.f 1.00 ftllblxnam chars . ... .26c Copy tor :thl ' p ac cepted until th Ta-lng- betor publication, for claasiricatloa. - C o y i ceiTcd after thla time rt" be ton trade the headwc . Too Late to Claaairy. The Stateamaa atsumes HELP WANTED J Hop ptckers wanted. Truck, leaves each, mornina- :! Call M21 or 731. n ntiimnn fiirn HELP WANTED MALE j JkV ANTED Young college student having bad farm and &&irr trtWag irdlvs toV Iroom and board, an J waaes Uaturday. No one who "T00 or awani need apply. This to a ne SftmV wltn snlendid surroundings. Tou must bavo gooa wwfn Statesman. -- . . - . men wiluSrto" work'.ight W. a day teady work. Apply morning w WANTED Two v neat arppcarma i Salem, Oregon . .lnmr DVtlil f?t 11 ,L.r Y At 1 l 1 j.n.n.nnj-ii-ii- vr - -- --- WANTED Saleslady, drygoods and ready to wear. Must b " perien ct and must have best of references. Call fn pVrson. at Bloch s Golden Rule Store. " SALESMEN WANTED I . --.iiilligftfliV"" oi tn. m ronflns! and paint. House to bouse work. Senrtoo Roofing nnd Wtn Co. 1338 TTe nx. SITUATIONS WANTED Graduato narse will work for' $5 a day. City or country. iu Kan with family wants . wora n i f.ro or the wtotor. wn J- I Ttchdoldt. Hopefa Jiopyara. inaa - pendens, uro. "T I c TTr T"XT n TImiu At mmmmu children's school dresses, made for 5e .earn. Otn- I er sewing done at - reasonable pnewa. i 723 ttv tt. FOR SALE Miscellaneous iTaMTtenta at a bargain saiem nr- mti House. 820 N. Commercial. i. w;'-1 " ' w.--. i FOR SAXJB1 ehaftlng. pulley, n"' 1 , M, i. ...... m, . . , : TZ. TT FOR 8AUC-OW P' IK die. Statesman, nice. I , DHOW" MHWi. ' . I Mwrltera aU maaea. new . i Adder and ty Pe writers iorrtrit. Esciiaige. 421 Court St Typewriter Attention Sportsmen We hare a large' aelectloa or. rifles, .1 .. .rut ammunition- at a Dig urin(. Will pay you to look over oar 1 Stock, titins ior iroi. REINER'S EXCHANGE . xiA N. Commercial St- a,.M..rf.i . i .... iiw w. xi aw " TOMATOES "Large ,f, J at the "-Brown Tent 1-4 mil Sf Haselau SUL on Riverside drive. iiMTi 1 1 iwj ii r n-n- mmmmmmmtmm Mi.iit Romney bucks. L. tint iun.u. " i i . -i - r - : a a. nnni . . l.?a "'L" KrJUr one need '" i r i tine- irrh also I IU-K!',; .h wihr. Oregon ..H."". . "v.. .r. xr rwn'i f lTI iTl- r...lii hararain. New etecrnc white delux cabinet Call evehlngs, 441 TRAD E Miscellaneous WILL TRADE. - i. A rood Jersey mna cow lor ou r aEOROB THOMASON pnone WANTED jnisceuanwua u.oj-in.-i . - WANTSO"'. .Pr?i,."L hf. ebang on oft PJISfSnnr. : : : 1 . t - r " SfV stur5mpany. Iwith bath and toilet Basement fur tltT rurnuura w". I .nd adust burner, large lot nlture. a. t-, buu .ii -.i . '' ' J..,-, far e"T"tsi rOTTON rsgaT Must J'P-ieSatrualv yard. Statesman office. WW. m . - ... AH kind f rifles, pUtol. shotguns, eldgold and Jewelry. Condition no ob- 3CCU REIN ER S EDICHANGE 324 N. Commercial a,. - 11 1 '"'CZ . . ,.r Trantt-i for StOTaS for storage, also Cleary HUlman Packing Co.. West Salem. wanted. TeL 47FZ. aiti sr- inn finiYf1 WANTED-MUk ,oab-addre 1148 N ISth. Salem FOR RENT ROOMS ---j, !- - " 'V "''' -room-. Cloa 'n. Tel. liffOM and A BOARD . . rnoma with ranntng AJ":"VT reasonable rate. S46 Marion - - ' ' .I t kitaM la: private .home nlM for rear nfT"iL': I1S2. noiversity. w - ,,t dents. in ukuk - ---- - ... " Warm room and board In christian Kom.aorr two young Udiea I try reasonaoia. xwf.ww ' 11 ' university r Room knd tboard "t,, i'bSard. Reasonable. 151 N. t It TeL 3237. J;V ,-,,-,'--- knrmL - Private nome. B.Rbl BusWs" peopiely. Te, 6639 POLLY AND HER PALS I ., hm. I -I - ' - t t . I w 1 a 1 -m .. I r- - i ... -V : .i : flVllll IV' i 1 1 I ' - w ' I I I n r. . ..1 t . I i j - 1 .;,. I ; . , r i. u i rru 1 4 cs srs- .1 ; - maWtS . n .i k crn -i , . 'matter . 1 lkvaingitz f 1 . irs-: nrots-- jiii uswamw : - &ct; "& 1 - -scw ? uo3l.j n-2a 1 42 birthplace 7 founded s .iMKiue?- r - t3-. iil.'Kr r I ' iv-t-s ISSI ; -V-ai 1 ' WTi -sh I , ov . I S onon O'lyuiL 1-, Csfe) r tfi rr J6S - I Vg -P- 1 r. 9-Japanes. . OfflEBl : 7X . -Z!&Z2m T-r --r:h! "LILA 7 . approacsi ro.--- I IT K Al I 9101 . - no flaaaclal rponUUIty tor errors whlew may ap pear la adTertlaements pub-, : lUhed la tui columns; aad la caaea where this paper U at fault will - reprint Oat part of a adrerti&emeat In : which; the typographical .mistake occur. - i ' ';-! " - --. - ' Th Slateaman reserres the right to i reject ebjec tloaai aflTurtlalag. It tar. vthr raaerrear the right to eleelfy all adrertislag m- .. 4r the proper claisiflca- '. tlen. - ; i- FUUffiNT APARTMENTS ad opts. rant "at .121 Basel Are. Tel !. moh apamaenis wiin- pnnu bK wleoly lanrt-aed. LK ta Mismosa iisvrtct. wau man a xw Star. r. - '. - , Very attractive g room modern Apt RcaaonaMe. 15S9 Center. TeL :- mcely.raroiatied. coot 2 room apart- I Jment: , everything furnished but gas. -Tr' -T"" T"T " I STRATTOM APTS. t and rm. I aph rage a refrig. StricUy f.J-. "f. , . Winter is just around (he -corner. Now is the time to set settled in warm, icosy,1 apartments. The Virginia offers you a bedroom, living room. dinette, and kitchen. Well furnished. kipc. store, eieo refrigeration, "beat, water, garage, at reasonable rates. Nice fur. apt. ESO Union. Nicely furnished S or S room apt. I Steam beat Frigidalre.-120 Court. I Small fur. apt. $10per mo. Light and water free. F. I Warren. 920 N. I tlth. for: rent-houses FOX RENT Fuua for adiilta S to I r room. 83 to 840, Also houses, ate. BSC KB HENDRICKS i 189 North High Stroar Modern etghr room bouse: wen-lo cated: garage two Mtnreoma vi. a K. 14th. or O. EL iracue. Z iPrice, Nice furn. cottage. 498 N. Cottage, wwiwiM I Tleasant. mod. for. - home. 1143 I waller. FOR RENT 4 R. furnished home. 1S2S N. 19th. Phone 3812. ; 1-5 R. house. 1 fur. house. Good con dition. TeL 6991. i i FOR RENT Strictly modern 4 room, bungalow. 835; others down to $10 month. 5 room-house completely frnid for 31250. Only $50 down: lift month. WW Si ay rent? Now is I ith tirna ta bur. For barcains. rentals. gMj-. ; ' . BBCHTEL orl THOMASON ... O.-tV atMt Room 4 . - REN 138 T Call 3031. R. A. Forkner, ,9 r. pongaiow. izis :chemeketa. FOR RENT Completely modern. 6 modern, 6 room "bungalow 580 E 8t MMmowxwowowMMwxaM Mod. 4 room bouse. Fur. or unf ur. Box 257, Statesman. Two mod. 4 room bmiawfi. Tel. 6559. FOR SALE Real Estate Mvwa-wMWMx,M.w...wM.,i Three or six cfaalce lota T-roora seml-modera plastered bouse, fire- exchange for one homo of even value, erod. Alr good straight oak. Howard. OR9 gcoriELD., Phr OuTwae plaee. basement, etc. All lots covered I Prefer east or north Salem. I TeL 08. j . . : tora X-ray and N. C M. New Bang niam. baaement. vithi Urn mi fraK and ornamental Itreea shaded lawn, nice view, paved street ' two garagea. Bedrock price, terms.! Sell aU or part. Near Junior lalrh and grammar sehoola Owner. 70s ' and Winter Sta Phone ini.. ; i WELL LETS OO Bottom Drooped Clear Out- Modern 4-R. house, basement fur- naw firnlAr. A' dandv almost new plastered buneaitow. uorner ioc ana both streets paved. Oarage; give away I price of $2250.00: 334.00 down; bai l.iu. IK M r mnnth ance' 826.09 per month. 3150.00 Down:: Price $1550.00 Remodeled 4 R. house, on dandy Urge lot. 73x120; street paved. A good buy. it voo.90 House tor szu.vo 7-Ri. house, large living room, flre- pi dining room, kitchen, bath luut nifa airv bedrooms UDStalr Iwith bath and toBet Basement fur- -rnirt and sawdust burner.- Urge lot I rirh fruit. nhnibWv and flower. j Double garage, cement floor and drlve- way. A give away price of $4260.00; I ..mw,. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER. Realtor 110 A.. 74 under cultivation, mostly bottom land. haL rfmtmr. pasture. Running water, (toed bldgst Ideal dairy ranch. $10400, easy terms or will consider-some trade. 1 440 A.' farm, all stocked and equip- DK1 II I 1 V UIVUHIU I IU. iUIUKi X fine stock, : ibarns. Fenced - and cross fenced, 'running water all year. Price $30.00 per acre, com plete, will cooataer traae. 5 -JgfiSJ .' 040; or will trade for house in town. rm. house, - modern except base ment one acre ground, chicken bouse, In small town, also 22 acres of bottom land. A real buy - ' at 83300. ' Attractive ; 6-rm. stucco house, base ment. ! furnace, fireplace, newly redecorated $3250. . y. F. ULRICH COMPANY ' 325 State Street il Phone 8473 BOT THIS NICE PLACE Sit Tight Watch R JJrow. Beeutitul 7 3-4 acres close in, good 4-R. house, with i electric lights and water system,, electric stove and hot water' tank goes I Wltn Place. LArge hen house; Capacity - 500 hens. Also 400 good laying white legnorn nens. good Jersey cow aad some implements. 1 1-acre bearing K.; A. merries, wnt I berries, nice lawn and shrubbery. Just a few blocks to tn City streei nui. Price reduced, for ail to $4750.00. This Ka rel sacrifice! sale at this price. Shown by appointment only. . i . . KEAR8 TUCKER -1 132 South High Street FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE For Salem prwpertr, emin rmin. 21 rtomi furnished. S furnished bouaea, 1 t cnt lots. Mary Oreann. 411 S. Stb Be, Klamath. Falls, Or. . . AttracHva bunCB.!aw. tit &, Cottacv - ' WHI . ! ZJv la th ettr aad sar rnt? Whan you can bur a cosjr S room bungalow. v met, ruse outsias or mm tsar lim its, m o&rcd birharar. cMr. water and Usfata aaA tta(i for 91. -dowa szv masttiu mo city -txe to nar Pries reduced to 11101 ; owner a non realdeet. Sbowa. by appointment If you - must rent, we bar . them f IS down to 118 -mo. 8ER BECHTEI, r THOHABON 111 8tate Street For Beat , Bargains In Bearsstat - $269. tor a strtctly modern nearly ! new English type house, 4 bedrooms, ' aood location, , worth 4509. It you want a bargain, see mo. . , 1 S41 StaU tttvoet - - 8 A- Fine aoU. Good B. bauset eleo trio water system, fine cnlcken houae. stocked,: young . orcbard. Verr etoae in 152SO. ' St A. Good R. plastered home, base meat, gooa outMniojags. Cuoae to ocheot Will take mm trade, fi,- V R. A. FORKKER 5 J 1110 N. Cottae ; Fhone I0S1. BTJBITRJBA3? : HOME . Unusually ftne 6 room modern bun lIow. aa annum t. fumacei fWealace. oak floors, .eloctrlo range, frlgidalro and electric water iystem. 1 acre with JMment of fruit and berries. Well loca- w.ii ted -on uaved hlithway. near school aiwf church. - . t. SEE Mrs. Eius Wltn LrX) N. CHIL.D3 CO.. Realtors S2 Stato Street . Phone .70 BEASONABTJ3 PRICED HOMHB WITH TtKMS UM5 K roam bouso on i s. Cottage Street, cholge east front, lot.nowers, anruos la - nd wnte 7 treea ana, sonte trees. . rnce tizov., caaa $15, bal. li per nv;, lat. 5 room nlastered cottage with elec- trio lights, plumbing, built las, two lAta. PHm I11E0. nrit S25. b&L SIS nr month. . - s soom plastered cottage. Piico S&50. cuh 115.. aal. Ill ter mo. S room bungalow with: built Ins, irood olumblnc. fireplace, paved- street. I garage and woodshed. Price $1200. Will take . vacant lot as part. baL monthly. leo n: childs cu.. Keaitora 320 State Street Phone (708 C rm. house on State street for- Inace, garage, lot 04 y ISO m creek. Zoned for busiaesai 83600. This is a fin investment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 176 South High Street 132 South High Street 73 Acre farm 8 miles from Sarem. 1 50 A. In cult, lot of timber, good barn, no house, fineiroad. Snap. 4S00, J tsVn residence for ta rfc- Modern 4 room bungalow for farm. 8 room bungalow, (2 lots for rarm. I Umlanl Calif hnmlM fnr t Kt-m. I " ' ".-O- t se vera good bouses for rent PERRINE ft iMARaTERa 125 North Liberty Street 30 A. farm, closa-to town, for sale or cash rent, or exchange,-for a mod ern 6 room house, li a. m aaieaoi room bungalow 580 E St . SEE UWpf&n -780 Highland Ave. mwwwwmwswwwai FOR SALE 10 surea. northeast, on pavement. Good buildings, good solL all in cultivation, dear. Take small house or small acreage. Term Bo: 234, " Statesman. i ,;...,. - . EXCHANGE Reaf Jtate Los Ajireles. Calif- 1 lot 3 houses, I lot, one house, price ou(. vw ; raon-j VrmrermuS: man. 3311 Alice Sti Los Angele CaL r, " . one of 5 rooms ha built ins. plumbing. iwo restucnicf: mm UBfrTau auwvBi fli-TIa nnra nd wnodihed Other has 4 rooms, basement garage, choice 1 corner lot Value for both St 200. Will I LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street I ; Phone 4708 I - wa-v-eiT a mrgs InS Ws nnrth nf: rUlrm. 1 sets tnilldlnffa, black tKi. 70-A. culUva- tlon. living stream. Trad for a-aod Salem nroPerty. 13 3-Acres, good Improvements, west of uaiias. bu-a. cuiiivaieo, waier piped to- house, : family -orchard. 63-A. timber, ; trade for Salem property. ' : : j 105-A. No buildings. Price $3600.00. 4 cultivation, running water, some timber. ,; Trade for small tractckse in. i : 80-Acres. good olL- SO 'cultivation, running water,; some timber, S-R. house, all fenced. 17900.00. Loca ted von good pgyed road. 2S min ntea ride' from-Salem. Trade for Salem er am ail tract - fiso.eo downTIprice $25.0.00 5-Acrea, good solL cloae to school, ii I miles city , limits, .almost new . Thia is a snanwi If rrru don't see it is Is a snapws It yvu oon't see it ... -bere, we have- what you want If you want tot trade, buy or sell. better SEB BEARS A I TUCKER 132 South High Street -FOR SALE FARMS Dairy ranch fori sale. 18" cows, 8 r ranch fon-' aale, 1 cows, I stock, bogs, horses, good barn J "n? and house. Silo, crops. For particulars write Jacob Bohlender, Sitkum. Ore. ACREAGE viwwwwmaaama clear, also five room house, clear, will peuuim i vr i -iiii trade tor liixJiJ xarm ana uwm or : pay difference. v - - MeGrLCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. IS. Bank MMWMWlAA)IAMMeMAM 3 Aj Vk ml. from Salem. 4 room home. bath, electrio lights, electric pump. - family ercbasd, garage, wood- house, large ichicken house, t0 hens, cow and farming tool a $5250. : " " V- 33 A. 4 ml to county seat 1-4 mL to school, 27 cultivated. 4 A. Ura- ber. 7 room plastered house, bae- ment barn 30x40. Price $5350. will trade tor auto camp. 14T A. ZVm mL to R. R. Vs. mL to school. '. 127 i cultivated, spring, dark lawn, soiL i 8 room . bouse, family orchard. 8 barns, machine shed. 2 chicken houses. Will trade for Income property. $1000 to - loan at 7. i ..- - -- . MELV1N JOHNSON 1320 TT. S. Bank Bldg.- Phone 4794. The Shrinking Violet WANTED REAL ESTATE 1 Hare client wbo-wiU oar 83SOO cash on raraa ox.aoouc 4t acres, atuas reasonnBie. - r3H7EXJS A BULKS Oregon Bid. Tel. 8908. MONEY iTO LOAN pKRsnvr. iiiNft - UADE a fornltura, ears, aalarfM I ar other security. . . nxymjw i monthly, wheal In financial need us bexore closing a loan. ' OGMEKAl, INVESTalBiMT , CORPORATION First Katlonal Baak BUg. Phono 3553 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPJLB ' On plain notes, eadorsed aotas. furnlwre and pianos. Quick ser- vice fair . treatment. Easy ro payment plan. All t transaction , atrlctly confident la L STATE LOAN COJfPANT- - 318 Ore. Blag, i Sad floor Office bra 19 :00 a. m. -. to- J9 p. m. : 1 Telephone 7783 Licensed by State 'Bells of Harmony' . Heard over . KOTN d&Hy ring oat a loan oerrico that ta really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS - NO FEES ' t. K KO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVTCXS , ON LOANS: 810 to 1309. ; Beneficial Loan Society . I or OREGON Room 119 New Bllgn Bldg. 2nd Floor SIS State Si. TeL 3-T-4-9. LICENSED i BT STATE a . MONET LOANED ON AUTOS . Contracts Refinanced Arraago to reduce your payments. Yon keep the car. P. Ja, EIKEB I Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phono 4713 - Saleas. Ore. CITT AND FARM loan at lowest I JJ?rirS.neo1fir: pert advice aad service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS n& TeL 4199 30a Oregon Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to on real stata. j.r . ZL W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 & Liberty St t , Tat 94(8. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY LrlJJWuWllVVsWlVT Poultry wanted Salem Poultry Co. Farmers Market 8S4 N. Liberty. Tat 6144. pxR. SALE Five Jersey and Hoi- J. . - A r mlUr KT f I n CUWI 1IUUI KKMUV - " . . dairy, giving milk now and fresh, this winter, is one over i ywi u:i M Statesman. f - FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood. Tel. 7S77. FOR SALE WOOD i ! 1 WA.mir , , - - - j Old fir. $5.S cd. TeL 6888. ALL KINDS, any length. Call 17". Xtu auuv oaiem s.ai vj. - DRY FTR AND OAK-WOOD. ! eal land fuel OIL Can on us tor price, wo sjire twu m iucmui LARMER TRANSFI?t d 8TORAOE Teteghoo 3133 , t A . 14 In. slab aad block wood, 82.24. par lii" Ta V ia flrASLTS ner load. 14 l 1 . . - . . ! fir,- 3.Z perxioaa. At racy a. I Tel. I ,7 I tiv iw in-ww . ? All kinds of wood. Hoke. 24FI2. I WIHlll KAWllMi l AAMWMMMWMMWWAMAAAIMA . Wood sawing. Reasonable., TeL 8339. VMyWWWWWWWMAMAMAAA Wood nawlng. Robins. Tglgjsr LOST and FOUND j. Rnttra and leather coat wrapped ! In roll between Tillamook and Salem Reward. Leave at stateamaa. LOST 3 810 bllla Finder lea v at Ptatewman. - 1 ' FOR SALE USED CARS Salem Used tar center I CUNwnuAio 1927 Buick Standard. t;oacn -??!? 1927 Buick Standard Touring 1924 Buick : standard uoacn 1924 Chrysler M Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe i 1424 Dodge Coup 'S3 plate 1929 Essex ' Sport Roadster 1928 Essex Conch - 1930 Ford Coupe -- . ., . .. 1929 Ford Coach 1 276 186 tK : HfJ , ! JI5 ; 1930 Ford Roadster 386 Nash Standard Sedan 436 192 Studebaker Dictator Sedan 7S0 1 1928 willys-Kaight Sedan 5i! 1929 Whippet Spt Coupe "! 1929 Pontiac Sedan - - - Trucks i jnjo Ford Truck with body 354 359 1 198 Kora truck, long w. o. 1929 Chevrolet truck overhauled 296 We nave T other car to choose from. trucks and i49 Salem Used Car Center ' Marion A Liberty ' Open Evenings and Sunday 1 Phone 7919. ora iru oSinn I J.. Oregon Trading ,Po Ford truck and Essex coach - for or what have Post 333 N. Comt Star touring to trade for wood. Call 115 or . ' ' i- . v - Howard Young, 7 years old!" Birmingham. Ala,, has read books. His rather plans to enter him at Harvard when he Is 14. FOR- SALE USED CABS Model A Special . 1981 Tudor Sedaa 800.88 U,AlTo2S2f CWm man. aa 1.31 BL.COUPO, .009 muoa, , 1989 8t Qoupo .,, - 49.M lif atoster, naw pamt ,.. St. Rdater. 415.99 .- T a trtask 878.09 338.99 838.99 890.99 SS9.99 899.99 196.09 1919 Bua. Coupo 1938 Tudor Sedan 1918 Bua,: Coow DELTVTCRIE3 1919 Panel A deUvarleai 1918 Char, panel deL itis uaaaaxa These cars carry a eerrice guaran- Also a lot or cars . from 'ixs.90 t 8290.99 to pick -from. , . . ! TKItMa TRPK - Valley Motor Co. I Salem, Oregon - Phona 8188, FLCDOH BACKKTJ ; i and GUARANTEED ! 1989 HUDSON 8 STD.J SEDAN. 1 Fwatt like now inside ana out. Trunk aad other ertras. t I tlcenaa. 1939 DeSOTO SEDAN, Kart-Keea tnrak, new U. S. tires, finish extra -'aood. '39 Ueeoee. . V -v . - - i HIS -ESSEX RUMBLE COUPS. This car can narcuy tola zrom new. Run less than. 19,009 miles. '33 li cense. : i 1938 ESSEX 2nd SERIES SEDAN. This Bttts car has been overhauled from stem to stern.' Has trunk and othr ttmn Xt Ticenae. - 1928 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4 -dr. ondaw, run bat : a few thous and raUee and has been recondition ed as needed. New . tires all around '31 license. ' Many others in our stock from which to chooee. ' . 8TATB MOTORS. INC. . Studebsker Hudson Essex Dealers. Marion and Polk Counties. Orwn Evenin-rs Pml 4fto. Grlxashaw; N. Q.,: clftlms th The floor gpace is 5 by I feet. 1 o- Business AMUSEMENTS Sales. Ootf Cears 1 mfles swrth Mattmase frbm faetery U hnm. Ash m rhw Ortra. IB kola watered fair- I about oar wool - mattress ea Renovat wayaftaWa. Faa tsTsunday I era and fuwigators.. Coital City Bed- BATTERY ELECTRICIAN w nartoa Batteries Starter and generate work. Teaaeo station, cor I Court and Church. I vnu.. BICYCLE REPAIRING i r.rrkTTk n. , RAMXOEN Cohnnbla Bicycle and repairing. 3 IT ceort. The beat m Wcyclas and repsiirtaj. H. w. Bcott, ii a woii BUILDING SUPPLIES .ni Wnrvrinr H. wood, shingle; ... Wnrlr numitHA. Price CHIMNEY SWEEP - - -rf TeUphone ; 4l.. R. B. Northaees "" CHIROPR ACTORS - Dr. a L. SCOTT, P8Cv Chiropractor 358 N. uign. tu Ka. . , Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center Bt Vabrferla. Tel- 9483. EiECTRICIANS d.tjx rt.iqctkic . co. New . loca tion. 33T Court 8t. TeL 4064. K. L. Welch electrio shop. Wiring, price. fixture and supplies, wet 1016 S. OneVt Tel. 8383. FLORISTS vrtwnee . rna ALL. Olson, Ceurt aad High St Ti-1TJJS. it.t. Mnda e floral work. Luta Flor- j rm nimn ereddlng bouquets' 1 tmrl wretb4reooratRma, I Brercnaspui uvrwi, i --.. I TeL . 1 HEMSTITCHING aaaxes a-aessBnasBKaKBB--na I NEEDLEWORK. Margaret' Shop. S W I S9 VJ- w I a ' sl, XTivnw WaxinclGet our iratea, HOUWCleaiUBg l lOOr naimKI"" I . . ' .-. I w ciean nnyinmsuiaia . i gwiH GARBAGE- Salem SeaTeagor. TeL 4939 er 444. ' INSURANCE n 4 vfiria A HKNDMCgl - 2S9 N. Hla-b TaL 49 4T vrr T.iuum m TM AflsrwCT , Wm Bltvan, -Mgr. .. n; j Eaaaalve wicteviii. geni . . Ill Masonla Bldg. . TeL T99S LAUNDRIES- THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY of I i a. High TaL 8L15 T .prPAr, tmtT, i rwaaTr Everything ta Lux I Tiachona siSS - 184 Broadway GUGE GROUP Coramittee Endorses Spau!- din3af.loye fcr; Hi&h-; way VaQw cut ' : " -a ! If; I' MACLEAT. Sept. 11 A reso- Iatlon eaeriag Charles Spa aid ing stand on catting aalarfa oX hlghwar employee and orxiciais was passed by i the ! agTlcnltural committed of 1 Marion t county granges, when that grosp and the economic- committee ;neid a joint meeting; at Chemawa Wednesday. Salem. SUyton. North1; Howeu. Fairflald. , SUrerten, t SUTertear HUlaBd HUls, Scotts MUW Ma cleay and Chemawa granges were represented W. SL i SteTen V 1 president.' - ; . J ;. Rodent CJoatrol Rodent control' and prune Tll eases were dtscBseed daring the morning. According to s; H. Van Trump,; gophers and gray! diggers hare been materially decreased In Marion r ocunty since a poison campaign wa waged. i Means : of controllng house to house selling of batter substitutes was also discussed at the taornlng meeting. L ' i- I After dinner, serred iby the economic committee, a Joint, meet ing of the. agricultural and econ omic committees was held 1 at which Xllen Lambert of the state economic committee - presiaea. During the business session, Mrs Directory MATTRESSES T MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Plana. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet muste. and piano studies. ReeeVtng phono graphs and sewing mactunea six Btrwt. Batttn. i - PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMlrlNO and general repair work. Graber Bros. 188 So. Liberty. Tal RR94 I PAPER HANGING l Ptr hafurleo? end naiittlitaL . Ni maa'a Paint Store. 183 N. Comt PHONE GLENN ADAMS for dectOB-attnjE. paper bangtag. tinting. eta ReilsWe workman. - - - t - PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, card. . eta. nrograma' dooks or any or printing, call The 8 ta team an . Print ing Department. .818 S. -CotnmerclaX Teleoheiwe 9fl. ROOFING EI Rer slate aurfac shingles. Let us give you a free estimate on your roof. Easy payments if destred. SER- VICS ROOFIHO AMD fAXNT- 1 399 State St TEL. 4890. RADIO FOX every purpeee, for every pui se Ail stanaara sixes ox itacn Twm. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. ; 34T Coart St TeL 9119.' , t - i For guaranteed radio repairing. phone or rail at - r SALEM RADIO SERVICE ! Tet 4949 643 Ferry St STOVES STOVES aad stove repairing. Stove for sale, raocoK ana reawiroa, Ail kinds of wove wire fence, fancy aad plain, bop baskets, hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 841 ChenMref a. Tel 47T4. R. B Fleming TAILORS. IX H. MOSHER Tafloc for men aad women. 474 Cewrt Bt ' '. TRANSFER! CAPITAL CITY Tranafsr Co. 6838 Stat St: TeL T7T3. DUtribntlng. for warding I and atoraga our , specialty, I FOB local or distant transfer at or- I age, call S12L Larmer Transfer CO. i trucks to rvrtiana uaxiy. o- Real Estate j Directory j j BECKSi HENDRICKS 188 K. High j TaL 4841 SL M. EARLB 224 N. High St ' TeL .9478 s 4. LINCOLN ELLIS ' ! 468 State TaL 3671 SOOOLOFSKT SON I 844-0 rmt Nat Bk. Bidg. TeL T80X t j..r. uuuch 328 SUte Street ! TeL S473. r r. u wood 442' Stat St. -1 I TaL T 184 I HOMER v D. FOSTER REALTY CO. timk state t . I - -r .; W. H. GRABENHORST' " ACOL 134 SL Liberty St . , i TaL S4SL By CUFF STERRETT urn. um" pj''4 ,m Mrs. afartg McCalU state loctar er wag : the economic speaker of the day aad, bealdes glriog the aaeaabera many practical htnte for home work, gar the history or the grahga and the work it is do- Ing. Mrs. McCatt said the grange has a 49) year record of approving the bill opposing; butter substl- tutes. i A- ?: ; t A short session of the agrlcul- tural committee was. held at the close of the economic program, i . Strawherry disease, marketing conditions and adrUlblUty of rala- Ing No, 12. new strawberry were also discussed. : i i : ih u , 4.aT,atia. win w waid the third Wednesday in NoTembet at Stayten. REPAIRS UNDER "WAT SCIO. Sentai Repair work at the rirer edge at Sanderson's I tnJJge Is getting:' well under; way and the rereuaent Is to be com- pleted prior - to the approaching high-water season In. order to pro-1 tect the bridge from the ravages of the South Saatiam rter. Art Lettenmaier, Sclo farmef Is furn- ishing piling for the work. o - : : . o j Bits Fpt Brealcfast ?. (Continued from page 4 - T Iv 5 vt ;r -arib drilM and ! at the earliest possible date. I Ouri ' congressional delegation shoald see to this and Jthey would ne doubt hare ainplf help from ntembers from ther states. l-tei- JLZ-)5 V-k it products.' relief v would be easily Secured, 'by! merely chahging the tariff charge . entirely from an ad raloresn- basU to one rf tons, pounds, yardage. TaU would be taW Fair to all countries. KspeclaUy fair to labor In the TluLT Rtatwi ' I . ..' , Ji An ad valorem i tariff charge means little or nothing to RussU as her goTernmental system U at ..M.i.An.Htiliai Tb. rTni. . . . - ment owns, bays, sous eyerytnins. Tha. Thmrvlhf i nnr ttrotectlre tariff is to provide against lower cost. prodacUotti ln other coun- tries; to giro our higher priced labor an eren break, against low labor ind f other costs'; "ia i the country or origin.? i li , ! T i The fact ia.lkdWaldreni nro- tectlTe f-ties should all or nearly all be junked Why? f Because our laborers are -open to about, as unfair competition, from China, India and some- other countries, oa acoaunt ret them, a' they are front Russian Products. Then why! provide ad4 valorem duties, prOTidlng loopholes TOr TaslOnT 1 'I- ''Tt y'-w a I J , . ' Withltha; horrible example of flag! fibers! and rarnsif Oregon might lead the way out of this labyrlnth, without offenee to any country.:, No country, not area Russia, could rightfully complain., Gross IjWorcl Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFlfER -: I ' ll ;-i Le II - i --i; -: ! " - J . r. ' llj 2 1 3 lf 5 6 7 IS I WOill wiP tiSo 7"T7 37 38 'l!li!!IIII 1 n i;l IN sl I 1 r HORIZONTAL. v 1-i-iolghUy -1 eKpeditdonJ 7-lhauls with ! a tackle l2radicate lS-wndefinite 'articles 14 rLri's name 15 Persian ' . - ' fairies i " 17 point of S pelt l lS-Greek I -. i letter 21 more . ! mentally ' ;. sound 2Snegativ 21 fatigue 2 -circuitous 45 pastry . 45 pull along -: after 48 silences ' la - music 50 high m : priest of ; Israel 61 like 62 laughed ; -derisively ; 65 approach- r ing the . : end of a - cycle of . .: erosion i 56 fuses In i order to : j. refine a metal ! VERTICAL. 1 form of , r silica 2 preposU -i tion 3 suffix de- i noting the . ; eompara . tive degree '4 morsel 1 dipped la.' " liquid . 5 digits i t perplexity or distress ; 7 founded I 8 upon 9 Japanese j copper j coin 40 prove - .1 beyond 29 enthusiasts SI weather cocks 32 converts r akin into leather 3 5 ancient, Irish J family group . 34 marks made by foreign matter 35 lampoons :. 39 heeled. - over 41 iarelin 42 birthplace r Abraham teways oilt at the . approach, to a sacred 1 place reasonabla dLbt Girb iCcatauiaff Members Scattered STlTm 1 Rat. 11 Wkt?A UtU to etayten. about three years ago, Mrs. THara Swift or- gaaiztd' a groap - of Camp Fire girls and acted at their leader, The group has continued their close relationship, although acat- tered, and. recently-spent the day. Ith. Mri. Swift, at her home la SllTerton A pot-luck dinner, swimming and other diTersions i nay s pass quicaiy. Thost going; to SllTerton were Mlssee Blrdeoa yoeman. Gladys Weddle, Haxel Qulllhott, Dorothy "ws ana jean ricgiin. ueaiaa eddla Kjtbleen quUlhott also members of the group were nnable to attend.. ; i noMEFRoirxonra JEFFERSON A party com posed of Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Mer- xHt of. Albany, and Rose Green and W. L. Jones returned Tnes- day erening from a motor trip to Vancoarer, B. C. They went by way of Seattle, gad crossed by boat . to . Kannaino I and motored down the island to Victoria. They returned home by ; way of Port Angeles, after an ; enjoyable roar day racation. i i ! f , i 1 NOTICE OP IXTEXTIOX TO IM PROVE CHURCIf STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINK, OF MILL STREET TO THE I NORTH i; END OP THE NEW BRIDGE ON CHritCH STREET Tv rnw cuvu IN THE CITK OP SALEM, - a OREGON, s NOTICE i IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient, And dec3r . " Vtt 5" Jo Jmprors Church "r,," T Tbl wnVth .nd J "U f tret. ?. ne norr,h, 24nnfw bLli c.a, Street la the city of Salem, Ore- son.-st the expense of the abut- ting and adjacent property, ex- cept the street, and alley intersee- "on. the erpense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said Portion of said Street to the established I .4& n.4..,.,. TAWlaeaal ""-"s f , Mid portion of said streets with a six Iwrli Portland : cement con- paooioai. In accordance with? the plans and specifications thetefor which wet-t. 4opted by the Common Council an September, - 8. 19S1. City Recorder, And which are hereby referred to and made a Prt nereot. . ( - ,' ; uimmuu vuuutu uc.cuj declares its purpose and Intention to make the above: described lm- I proyement oy ano tnrouga me Street improTement Department of the City of .Salera, Oregon. I OJ oruor Ol iuavinmia uu- 1 en lie :bib uj ll dbvicuiifci, 1931. ! 1 ! MARK foulsen, vity Recorder. Date or first publication: jsepiem- I her 11, 1911. ? I Date of final publication : Septem- per zi, issi. i mc. 11 wooden 35 plighted if. faith - . tG dried 37- character U;ia the 1 1 Bible 33 swift f 1 horses 4ff pertain' iig e i to ancient VI ScandL : 'f j, ' navia 44 news. - Vf - paper f t paragraph 47 gain a vic- I tory 4 9- pronoun ; 51- nan's - : sickname 53 Hebrew shoes 16 taverns 19 h&stea 2t dema- ruo 22 bolts of metal to i units two : or more f pieces 26 exalt the spirit of 27- 7-swifi "28 insnaxe 30 aasae.lt 33 persons pleased at suffering , of others 34 external' bony, or' horny plates name for ' God v 51 Latin con "ii junction : Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. , t - -, T-t2 iRPiuiSieysiAlvNie i i ; i . i . t . . m. AU4Sa bi t W. ARiEF- TOt In r" n IS -i t ;c i - i IM r-ii-ts.ii 1 Cevrtt 2tM. gja renvna Syadltsta, lea