The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning:, September 12, 1931 PAGE FIVE Local News Briefs Tot is Stowaway That .there ean be stowaways on. land aa well as upon the sea and in the air was proven yesterday -morning when Alvin Madsen, former Ore gon Stat collegre wrestllns cham pion, who Uvea in the Spring Val ley district about eight miles north of Salem on the Wallace road, arrived in Salem, He hap pened to look in the back, of his ear and discovered his three-year old son, Robert; sound asleep. The little fellow's plea to accom pany his daddy had ueen refused bat he went along anyway: Mad sen .immediately telephoned his wife to inform her. of her son's whereabouts., so that the would not think him lost. h - . - - - ) . : Dance Kenti hall Sat. nlte. Symphony Meeting Monday It. E.'Lee Stetaer. president of the Salem Symphony Orchestra, asso ciation, has called a . meeting of the board of directors for .next Monday night at 8 o'clock at the T. M. C. A. Plans for giving the organization financial backing will be discussed. Director R, W. Hans Seits will conduct the orchestra's first rehearsal of the season next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All members of the orchestra last year are urged to attend, as well as any other persons who would like to join -the group. i Those big black grapes now ripe at Fiala Vineyards. Cheaper than ever before. Bring 'boxes. T Eight Student Ref-later 'An other batch iof new students reg istered at the senior high school principal's office during- the past few days. There were eight of them: Lorane Hickman, junior, Springfield; Joseph Baker sopho more, Cottage GroTe; Ralph Brown, sophomore, Cortes. Colo.: C. Sterling Hicks, sophomore, Greenville, Mich.; . Burneitta Pen rose, senior. Amity; Lucia Robin son, senior, Medford. and Eldon York, sophomore, Klamath Falls. Dance Kenti hall Sat. nlte- Norbys In City Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Norby were visitors yesterday at the county court house, discussing school plans. They are both, to jach this win ter in the Staytoh school system. Mr. Norby is principal of the grade school. His wife is. to be teacher of home economics in the high school. The Norbys are new lyweds, having been married this' summer. Before her marriage Mrs.. Norby was Miss Margaret McCoy, Her parents live in Ashland. Health Offices Inspected The Marion county health depart ment's planfat 4 34 North High street was inspected yesterday by Mrs. Glendora Blakely,. state su pervisor, of nurses for the state department of health, and Mrs. Marion Crowe, supervisor of the visiting nurses association. Port land. They also conferred with Us Elizabeth Freeman, super- Tisor of nurses for the local de partment. 1 it Stocks, bonds and most any kind, of property may be lost, stolen, or depredated In value; not so wlih a business education-. It will stand the possesser in good stead when: adversity coraW. There la no better investment ,for nnnv man or ' young woman than a. thorough training at the Capital Business College. ; th. ruHU Sneaker Dr. Fran cis D. Curtis, member of the edu- itAnnrtment at the l-nlver Ity of Michigan, will be the prin cipal assembly speaker at the an ai toachers' Institute here Oc tober 5 and 6, Mrs. Mary Fulker- Annntv school superintendent .nn'n,.nci..l vesterday. Mrs. Fulker- eon is busy this week completing plans for the Institute, t?.,i nrn on Vocation Road- master Frank Johnson and Coun ty Engineer Hedda Swart are utilizing the weekend for m brief v..,tMn at the coast before the loannn road work for fall Is end a Thn two men have been very ii simmer with a heavy program of construction work. i Rusa' Smlthi Center and Church. for tire Dargams. i rtt-r Sutherland A t -hHff leaves Salem this rntnr to eo to St. Helens where ...thnritlM are hold Vance L c..ii,iaiii nrrMted on a non support charge in that T-4sh-erland will be brought to justice v rnr trial. He has a wife VUUib UCt V avw -" and a young daughter. W- T.n . Rand . S5O0 Gordon hnnnd overto the inrr -resterdav afternoon af ?- . nitmtnarT hearing before Atnir B. Harden. Allaway 7 X-1a with Jssulnr a forged i. iT,hu tn furnish bail of $500, he was lodged in Jail. -TnterTievred Roy S -,- ciilametto university ,na,V and Dwight Ad riVrwv;VDorts star there, fVvlRw a number of prospect ive students for the university. t ut tn lMT C. Scheko who was arrested nearly Friday mining and held at the ci ty Jail for investigation, later In the day leave the city. was . reieasu ahd advised to GREEN STAMPS EVERY DAY Double Stamps Saturday Carson Pharmacy : Wo DeUver 501 Court Phone 54C8 Dr. Chan "Lara j M Chinese .Mediclno , 1 180 N. Con merclal; w5 - . - j or nee unn 16 Become Nnrse-i Teresa Hecklnger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.i A Hecklnger, 476 North .Church street, yesterday! notified the higa school principal's office that she Intended to enter 8t Vincent's school f of nursing at Portland In May.;! Her: credits will be sent there today. Miss Hecklnger graduated from Salem high last June. Following her three-year course at. St. Vincent's she will probably i transfer her credits earned there aad com plete a college coarse. Accident" Driver Arrested Kenneth Bayne, route 9. whose ear was ; involved In a j collision Thursday night, was arrested yes terday on a charge of reckless. driving.- Bayne stated in his re port of the accident that when a car crossed the intersection of Court ; and ' North Commercial streets, he was unable to stop his car in time and drove It Into one operated by Samuel North 20th street. Toevs. 275 Dance Kent! hall Sat. jnite New' Teacher ArrlTest Martin , Elle, who was elected by the school board Tuesday night to teach biology at the senior high school this year, reported at the principal's office"! yesterday. As Elle was a track star at Oregon State college, from which he graduated last June, it is expect ed he will be able to give valu able . assistance to Vernon ' Gil- more, high school track coach. ' i I ! Douglasses Return Dr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas 'return ed Thursday evening from a va cation i trip through southern Oregon. They visited! Crater lake. Dr. Douglas sPent yesterday in Portland. He will resume his duties as county! health officer on Monday. 1 .1 Otto C. Buff now in his new auto repair shop at 236 StatSt. School Opens September 28 The Hayesville school opens Sep tember 2& according to announce ment made yesterday at the coun ty school superintendent's office. Miss Hazel K. Marshall! Is prin cipal and Miss Wilms E. Evans Is the second teacher in the school. Smalley Back Monday -G. W. the Sa- resume Smaller, head janitor fori lem school system,: will his duties Monday He has been on a two weeks' vacation!, a part of which he spent at Seattle, and the rest here. Dance Kenti hall Sat. nite. To Washington Mr. in d Mrs. Robert Schmuts. route a. are leaving for a three weeks' Vaca tion trip On which they will visit" Mr. Schmutz' sister, Rose Hazel ton, at Bellingbam. Wash. They expect to! visit friends at Seattle and Tacoma. T Mlrhelsons Itcturn Expected Mr. and iMrs. August Michelson Will return to their "Salem home, 431 South 12th street, today, af ter being away on an extensive vacation trip. They visited their children who live in the! eastern states, i I' ! Plates Switched F$r driv ing a car with Impropers license plates, Ed Reiner, Salem, was fined five dollars j yesterday toy Municipal Judge Pouiaeim Rein er was arrested the same; day on charge of switching license plates. i Students nlanning to begin a course at the Capital Business col i?e Monday, should register to- day If possible to Monday morning. avoid! delay 1 To Enter Willamette Richard Devers. who graduated irom sa- lem high school last June, yes- nltT reauested Miss Myrtie MeClav. clerk in the principals effice. to send MS creau siaiu- ment to Willamette university. . : - 1 Hawkins FamUy i leaves M r. and Mrs. Halbert Hawxtns ana thru rhiidren who have been visiting in Salem and Turner for the pastj 10 days, left yesterday for their farm noma near liuiei- prise. r .' i j;' " J Mrs. Hale 111 Mrs. Alniira E. Hale. 595' Marlon street, is, seri ously ill following . a paralytic stroke sutlereti several ua a6u. She Is the mother of Miss Laura Haieand Miss May Hale, aaiem school teachers. ' Liquor possession Charged -City police officers yesterday, ar rested James Murphy on a charge; of being drunk and possessing in toxicating liquor. He was lodged in the city Jail. i j . Henderson Pays j Fine For Beer j Municipal Judge i Poulsen nnta a $50 fine on R- H. im- Hen- deraon. 1375 Waller street. who wa taken to municipal court yesterday with the charge of eftsstori of beer plaeed against pos- him. iT,nHnrcnn wis arrested au his CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1893 Tel. 8632 5 Conveniently Accessible' " Perpetual care proviaeti tor Prices Keasonaoie- TERWiLLIGER'S JL' 5 rtnrESAi. rtEECTona , T7S CBmcaeU ' TeL 6328 Oar 8rie la Persaaal Oar Prleea Ax ReMoaabU Oar Horns Is Modern - I J3eltret iHemorial i PtMMM 9Cil stodratiiy Priced A Park Cemetery With! Perpetual Care the BOLD WIOS SUIT OVER Ptlie PLANT L. O. Herrold, Salem contrac tor, has been successful In a law suit in Jackson county concern Ins his ownership of a $40. w 00 paving plant and $15,000 In cash, according to advices: received here yesterday. Herrold was sued by C. A. Hartley who declared he was a partner with Herrold In hla paving enterprise . and L was thus entitled to . proportionate share of the profits.; .. Herrold contended Hartley was simply an employe, receiving a 200 a month salary and a bonus which-was to be "determined by Herrold. The court sustained Herrold. Hartley failed to offer evidence other . than his own statement to support his-contention.- V - ., I::?-:" Herrold is known here both "as a contractor and as a mint grow er in the Lake Lablsh country where for a time be, managed the Interests of Hayes' : tn . that dis trict, h i : :.i ;:- , Three Licenses To Wed Issued Here oh Friday Marriage license business at the yesterday after a f two-day lull. Three couples vcere granted "glory tickets." UP Charles F. DavieaJ 27, Visalia, Calif, baker, is to j wed Lola J. Duskey, 22, also ofi Visalia. Clinton E. Field, 1 27, 830 Mar ket street Salem, received a li cense to wed Cora! May Larsen, 18, 2161 North Front street,. Sa lem, j ' '' Fred J. Tooze, 916 Mill street, a statehouse employe, received a license to marry Ruth E. Tlbblts, 1985 Fir street Both gave their ages as legal. Miss Tibbits is a stenographer. Her I father will marry them today. " Fowler is Held For Grand Jury On Theit Count Tommy. Fowler, bharged with breaking into a local; Piggly Wig giy store at night i and stealing goods, was bound over to the grand jury late yesterday by Justice of the Peaces Hayden. Un able to furnish ball of $1000, FOwler was placed In the county jail. i Orville Thomas who was ar rested with Fowler) was also ar raigned before Hayden but was released , because the; justice of the peace held the eHdence Insuf ficient to show Thomas guilty. Two Industrial Fatalities Are Noted For Week There -were two fatalities due to industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending Septem ber 10. according td a report Is sued Friday hy thej state Indus trial accident commission. The victims were E. B. Mires, Pondosa. truck driver; and John Goodman. Vernonlaj loader. There were 572 accidents re ported to the commission during the week. I -1 Miller's Day is Well Patronized Larger crowds than a year ago and a similarly successful sale was reported yesterday at . ler'a. Salem; department store which annually, conducts Its own "M i 1 ler's Day." For several hours during' the dy all busses on the transportation system .opi eratine in the city were charter- ed by the company jSuperlnten-? dent BillinersleT . reported s o manr passengers fi number of of the busses were forced to run behind schedule. The special vai ues available yesterday Will be continued Saturday, ithe manage ment of the store announced late yesterday afternoon J residence Thursday night by city policemen and lodged in the city i-. jail . . UUlCUiTo Eugene 75c Depot. Cllgh Hotel Independent Stage Co. TeL 012f f FOR BARGAINS in FURNITURE - ' ; ? Visit our . Used Furniture Department Imperial ,4K7 V:nrl St. Louiae XUce, World famous eraphologlat. dan Doaithrehr read tout taUaata, virtue and faults in the drawing, words and what nota that tou scribble when flost Eend vourwacrbbluurs,or aVnaturs Par aoaiyvU. KactoMtWpictttraef tWbiilnda hud. nit fra a a box o Mikado awiriai. aaat Ua cwta. Mdmm Loaka Rica, ear . iXScribbJines Under the Dome D1 RTS'havo been mentioned at times in this column, so : In order to keen the balance a little moist reading will be Inject ed by discussion of the prohibition department's annual report for last year, just compiled. Marlon county failed to lead In any phase of liquor law violations which In itself Is not sowet. ' r; Harloa couniya rating In the f annual prohibition report place I t-her 18th In the list of 841 In the ; mnmber of persona arreeted, with 99 f Cleo! wtth Lane county for sixth In Mmber of etUla -seized with 18 ninth In nam-1 her ( days sentence in thn oomnty jail -with 1U20; 12th In t total linen assessed, with S8TSS. ' The county rated low In thn do number of gallons of mash stroyed, or 23d with 570 gallons r lth in gallons moonshine ' de stroyed, or 111 gallons; but up to, fourth place in gallons wine de- stroyed, or 241 gallons; 18th-in, gallons beer destroyed, or It gal lons. Only one gallon of alcohol waa destroyed, rating the county la a tie with Harney county for 14th place. No, cars i were confis cated nor men. sent ! to the peni tentiary on liquor counts. The next highway meeting, tentatively set for .Thursday, may be held in Portland, it was Indicated here yesterday. It ts doubtful whether amy advance publicity will be give on the meetlag, a . the commission stated its desire to clean up much unfinished business. An advertised meeting, members say, bring in lot of delega tions to take up tins time. Abraham Lincoln wrote checks in his day, and at that time soma form of check protector was usea. nhostatie cony of a check writ ten by Lincoln August 11, 1862, was sent Rufus Holman by Jef ferson Myers. The Check, made on Riggs & company in. washing ton, was written out to a "colored man with one leg." ! It was for five dollars. The state treasurer was ab sent the latter part of this week, from his office. He attended the western Douglas county fair at Reedsport, and also visited points in Coos and Curry coun ties. He was speaker of the day at the Keedsport affair. Jerry Owen of the bonus com mission says he will be at home in his new quarters ; as soon as they get properly settled. Mrs. Owen and their daughter have olned Jerry here, and are now living on Kingwood drive In West Salem. "William Einalg!, of the pur chasing department, said he would have his family here long.- before very The approachinif football sea son holds intense interest for one member of the Office staff at the state hospital. Miss Ger linger of Dallas, who it was r Waitress Loses ! Driving License Margaret Graham, local wait ress who was arrested September 6 for reckless driving, waa, imea 35 and her driver's license was suspended for one lyear when Justice of the Peace Hayden yes terday afternoon found her guUty as charged. For 1 hours Hay den had under considerable an ordinance providing : that South Winter street be a "slow" street. Counsel for Miss Graham Insisted that this street's I designation made Natha J. Swain, driver oi the car which Miss Graham hit. negligence. We Will Remain CLOSED All Day Saturday .-; ... ! I In Observance Of ROSH HASlION AH (Jewish New Yeart Oregon Hardware & Mach. Co. 283 Chemeketa B." A REAL CANDY SPECIAL Schaefer's offer an assorted chocolate In various flavors made for us by a well i known candy " maker. We are selling these on a Friday and Saturday special at a price that would be attrac tive to many dealers. . We only have a limited onantitr of these , left, about 600 lbs. so come early; to get yours. No Limit 33c per lb. 3 lbs. S9c i DRUG STORE 133 X. Coxn'l St. Dial 5197 The original yellow front can dy special store of Salem Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxers to Rent Call 0610, Used Furniture Department ii i : - -1 151 North Hih Occurrencej and Gt isfp , at tht center of Oregtmli stat trorernmentr noted In press dispatches cently- annomnced her engage mens t Johnny Kitsnlller, the famous Oregon football star, is now working at the state hospi tal.' . :.. - 4 1 .:: Newspapermen at the state cajI- tot have suggested an epportan- Ity far a live wire radio salesman to demestrate his produes. With the foetball season approaching, it has - been deemed necessary, to hare : s. radio- In the press roost for f the atire' capital building gronp.' The only thing needed Is a radio. . -! . 5 " 20 Dozen with Ions: ! ''''' ' ! : ' .i 'I- 'r::Vmri !!: ll--,-: I ' Mil.. medium and light colors colors! 15 Dozen srrUen -blue - rose - yellow - black dh P ' long and MIOLER'S i : ' i ' ! - :' t;ir'"i,": : ll:-" v: " Si il:v --. IIQLTI! CETJTER TO BEBUSri An even doeen clinics ara listed on - the schedule of the jilarion county health, department jfor the coming week. Special derilal ex aminations to be given at.' Gates and Detroit and clinics for; choolj children at SHverton constitute a, variation from the program of thej past two months. ; JU;.i j, ';; L." The executive committee of the department will meet at .the health center Wednesday! night at 7:30. o'clock. . j i? iis mi; Priced Tpday at Broadcloth and short sleeves m new House Frocks . i , . w . I m short sleeves, :M:1A The schedule of clinics ! as fo- lOWSt ''. . - -v. ' : -".t Monday morning, dental cor recti veheafth. center. Dr..' EstU Brunk. . . , ' ? ' Tuesday: all day, dental exam inations at Gates. and Detroit; af ternoon, chest cUnie, health cen ter.' j --. . t: iv 'til 'i' Thursday: morning; I school clinic. Silverton. tt C. C. TJauer afternoon. dentat- corrective, health center, and I preschool, St. Paul.!'; f ... ' I : nil , ' !! - Friday; morning dental correc tive, health center, and r school clinic, Silverton, Dr. Dauer; af ternoon, school, Silverton.'. Dr, Vernon A. Douglas; afternoon, pre-school, health j center Dr; Dauer. i" SI ' ;f Saturday morning from Sit 9 to 10 o'clock, regular i toxoid; and vaccination cUnicS .foii' . 'i very j o iir rices k. . and Cottoii Pongee Froclco . . . si?sesS16 to - a 1 - i w-l. 5. -3:. -i-S -' If"-' ' '- r- , : - - It S- irNrrf Regular $ 1 .95 ' : i-fil Jrfiu: -":!!'. ' :l V ; . I J I i- fti'4' ' J : d white last colors, an sizes 14 . ; - i - - & 5 5! 4! r 1 Regular $1.00 BAS : t m i : - if-'- t-: ' -1 i - u ;" i ; .- : ? V - - ' - ''-' Chalmer George Works on Royal Teeth is Report "i I - i- t' y j : '" -v',-1-';-! -One of ihe two Neir York den tists who worked on the King of Slam's teeth while that dignitary was in this' country was Dr. Chal mer George, until two years ago a Salem resident. George wrote to relatives here of . the king's visit to the: offices of him and his partner. ' - : ' :--r Only the two dentists were per mitted in the offices while the king was I patient, and as the king made the ride up on the ele vator all other visitors to the building were excluded from the lift.. 6 . ij darK,' 52 . fasXJ i"i e" I " ' . 1 J m orchid e e - ' -f J 50. it.::-!!." !' : l ' "."J . "i r ."L - H ' ' i?:' .: . '- - i jt- ;Hr "f.f :'f:- i: i:; ' $ , '. ; ; - i i' ?:f ! . -" : " 1 1 -Hir i:-"t ' ' ' fi' ' ' ; EMEMT :-:.-. If' i. ::.":. ,. : I " " ; 'i ' " - - ' - - :' . ' : - i - -'" . . - ' H : i 't ) M ! - Vi - : r i ; if ! 7," Ii ji ! - . ; ! !A. i V : : ' A i i ? -V : W, A s. . f ' : I- ' . V. Pur" lay and Satur ten minutes from heart of town kaVOU PENCO. CO, KEW TOKX CUT day a to o:8t ; -Jr . .-....;,..,.......,' 1 ' T j- ,,, :-. I - : . i , I . ' . - ? - . i' ... u - -Mf,:. . i ' 1 i i; . yfl