The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 12, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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. i M
y ...
I Society N
Formal Reception
Is Planned For
Mrs. Hauser
The tint of the social events ot
the year ' for Chadwlck chapter,
order of the Eastern Star, will be
the formal reception to be held
Tuesday night In the Masonic
lodge rooms in compliment to
Mrs. Paul Hauser, grand conduct
ress of the order. - . - - ; -
All grand officers. of the state,
JL past grand officers, and1 the
worthy matrons" and worthy .pa
trons of the near-by valley towns
will be guests of honor with Mrs.
; Hauser." It Is expected that sever
al hundred people will b3 guests
for the evening.
The regular lodge session in
the lodge rooms will precede the
reception which will be held on
the fifth floor of the temple. Mrs.
. A. CV Smith, worthy matron -of
Chadwick chapter and J.'O. Rus
sell," worthy patron, will preside
, during the evening. , "
A social hour will follow '-the
' reception. Mrs. Charles Pratt Is
. in charge. of this.
' . . . .:'." -:
Weddings Will Set
v This Day Apart
The attention of society today
- will be centered in weddings. JJhis
evening at 8 o'clock in the First
Presbyterian church Miss Claudia
Plank will become the bride of
' Walter Fuhrer. Rev. ' G rover C.
Birtehett will read the.servlce be
fore a large number of invited
" guests. ' ... ;
The church has been beautiful
ly arranged for this formal wed
ding which will be one oC the
smartest of the last few months.
Following the wedding ceremony
a reception will be held at the
home of Mr. and : Mrs. William
Tho second wedding of interest
is that of Miss Ruth Tlbbits to
Fred J. Tooze, Jr. at the home of
Miss Tibbit's parents. Rev. I and
Mrs. J. C. Tibblts. Rev. Tibbit will
read the service; before a small
group of relatives and friends.
This -wedding which will be a
quiet event is planned to be very
prerty and impressive. An infor
mal reception will follow the; cer
emony.. "
. Both young couples will make
their homes in Salem following
wedding trips.
Encinitis Club to Take
Annual Outing 5 j
The Encinitis club, group of
young business women of Salem,
. will take its annual outing at
Camp Santaly this weekend. Mrs.
Elizabeth Gallaher. local T. W.
;. C. A. secretary, will accompany
and It Is expected that Mrs. Hel
! en Hamilton will also be a guest.
At Santaly the club will install
h its officers for the year. These
; are Miss Gertrude- Chamberlin,
president; Miss Bessie Tucker,
vice president; Miss Lulu East
ridge, secretary; "Miss Anona
Welch, treasure . ? '
Plans will also be made for the
years work and committees will
be appointed to carry out the
plans. About 15 club members
plan to make the trip.
The first meeting of the tear
for the club Is planned for Sep
tember 22. At this time it is ex-
pected Miss Edna Porter from the
business and professional divi
sion of the Y. W. C A., will be
present as a special guest. Miss
Porter is making a speaking tour
in the west at this time.
; I
Mrs. Will May was welcomed
back to her class work as teacher
of the Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church at the
Thursday meeting .held at the
home of Mrs. Dorothy McDowell
Sharing honors with Mrs. May was
Mrs. J. W. Arnett, a member of
the class who has been making
her home In Portland. Mrs. Mc
Dowell was assisted as hostess by
Mrs. J. D. Sears and Mrs. Homer
Conklin. Present were Mrs. Arnett
Mrs. May. Mrs. W. H. Gardner,
Mrs. E. R. - Pritchard, : Mrs. Fan
nie -Townsend, Mrs.; Kay Smith.
Mrs. V:R. Hickethier. Mrs. a C.
Cole, Mrs. E. J. Reasor, Mrs.. A. J.
Flint, Mrs. Bert W. Macy, Mrs. D.
A. Schomaker, Miss Anna Nissen,
Miss Nellie Clark, r Mrs. Edith
Bane. Mrs. E. . W, Cooley. Mrs.
D. B. Simpson. Mrs. F. H. White,
Mrs. Ava Lind, Mrs. A. B. Seely,
Mrs. J. A. Murphey and Mrs. C-J.
Emerick. - w
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick DeCke
baeh and son Jimmy will leave
this, week end for Burton. Wa3n..
where they will be the guests of
Mrs. Deckebach's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Robe. They expect j to
be gone a week. -
: U Mrs. Ronald : Romig called in
Salem Friday en route to. her
home In Portland. While here she
called at the high school to renew
acquaintance with "Principal Fred
Wolf, with whom she taught-in an
Idaho school several years ago.
. , "" ;. .
Mrs. Martha Harrison of Spo
kane, Wash.. Is visiting here with
Mrs. La Verne tinkler and other
friends. She was formerly con
nected with Marlon county, clxlld
health demonstration .from the
time of Its organisation here un
til 1929.
Salem friends will bo glad t
learn of the arrival ot a daugh
ter in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Morrison of Basadena, Cal.
Mrs.' Morrison will .be remem
bered here as Dorothy Brock,
sister of Fred Brock. ' The Mor
risons visited in -Salem early this
- summer. -" ., '
N c. ' " '" 1' -;r"
Miss Genevieve Tockey, In
structor . in Spanish , in Berkeley,
- CaL, if a guest at the iome .'of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock. , Miss
Yockey spent part ot the summer
guiding a group of girls in a tour
' of - Spain. 1::' . !-
1 . . . 1
Mr. and Mrt'W. T.Rlgby have
vetiimpd from a month's T, trip
Into eastern Oregon. -,A; large
' part of ' the . time wag . spent in
v- Bingham. Springs. " ' ' A
ews and Glut
0I4VE M. t)OAK,
. Salem Woman's club
meeting- oi year.
: First meeting of fall for Willamette Lodge country
club; clubhouse on Wallace road. Business meeting only.
Guest Arrives at :
Rbsebraugh Home
:Mr. and Mrs. W. Rose
braugh are entertaining their son
Arthur Rosebraugh of New York
City for the next twiu weeks. Mr.
Rosebraugh arrived Thursday
night and will divide! his time be
tween Salem and Portland. Mr.
Rosebraugh, who was stationed in
Paris last night as jt representa
tive of his New Ycjrk business
firm, entertained Mrs. Rose
braugh in Paris for several
months this past winter.
Plans are being made tor his
entertainment whilej he : Is here.
This weekend Mr. and Mrs. Rose
braugh. Arthur Rosebraugh, and
Mr. and Mrs,;;-W. Hi Foster and
son Jimmy of Portland, will go
to Newport and on! the return
home will visit ; other beaches
along the loop routeJ
v ' .
P. M. Club Members
Are Entertained
Mrs. MJ pJ Adans and " Mrs.
Charles Pratt ' entertained with a
bridge tea at the charming coun
try home of the Adams on Sky
line drive. The affair! was in com
pliment to members of the P. M.
club and a few additional guests.
The guest list Included Mrs.
James Inlah, Mrs. Elmer Cook,
Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, I Mrs. Duane
Gibson. Mrs. David Vright, Mrs.
Bert. Flack. Mrs. Wlllard Wlrtz,
Mrs. Arthur Utley, Mrs. Corydon
Blodgett, Mrs. D. X. Beechler,
Mrs. V. L: Gibson, Mrs. E. W.
Peterson, Mrs. Lou IGrote, Mrs.
M. C; Petteys, Mrs. Frank Craw
ford, Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs.
Harry Crawford, Mrs. Arthur Ut
ley. Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mrs. Char
les McCarter. Mrs. L. M- Purvine,
Mrs. F. ,E. Sherwin and Mrs. Ed
Mrs. George Arbuckle
To be Hostess
Te first meeting
of the fall
season for the Juni
or Guild of
St. Paul's Episcopal
church will
be held at the George Arbuckle
home with Mrs. Arbuckle as host
ess Tuesdayj- afternoon beginning
at 2:30 o'clock.
.This .organization i
3 a very ac-
tive part of the ohur
h activities,
has in the
During the year it
past sponsored a dance, one large
card . party, a "white nelephant"
sale.? and taken part in other
church activities. It Is expected
that the same sort of work will
be planned a the Tuesday meet
ing' of the coming fall and win
ter season.
Mrs. V. E. Ktthn
of the organization.
is president
Dr. C. C. Dauer Talks
To W. C. T, U.
Dr. C. C. Dauer ofj the Marion
county health:' department gave
an interesting address before the
North Salem W. C. T- u. at the
regular meeting ot I Jason Lee
church Thursday. Mrs. Emma
Roger, director of the medical
temperance departrhent. had
charge of the .program and led
the devotions. ! j
The next meeting will be held
September 24. Mrs. Helen Pres
cott is in charge of the program
on Christian citizenship. Report
of the year's work will be given
and delegates ; to the! state con
ventions at Albany October 20-23
will be- elected.
f Dean R. R. Hewitt
of the Wil-
lamette university school of law
and Mrs. Hewitt were expected
to arrive in San Francisco Friday
Ronald Hewitt.: their $on, left Sa
lem i Tuesday for Sau Francisco,
where he will! meet
and motor back with
his parents
them. They
are expected to arrive in Salem
Sunday. 1
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher spent
Thursday in Sllverto where ahe
conferred with Girl Reserve work
ers there in regard
work for the coming
!to Reserve
year. Mrs.
Lee Alfred and Miss. Elaine Clow-
er will take charge of the Silver
ton work for this year.
;i - li I
Mrs. Ruth ; Ross Rhoten will
address the Japanese Young Peo
ple's league Sunday evening at
the .Hayesville church. She will
speak on the recent American
Youth conference held in Lake
Geneva, ; Wis. t Miss ports Clark
will be soloist and will be accom
panied by Miss Hoshie Watanabe.
:.-!:, . !! ' ' ' :
'Announcement is made that the
Salepa Synfphony orchestra will
meet for practice Tuesday at 7:30
o'clock in the Y. M. !C. A. audi
torium. Prof. R. W. Hans Seitx is
the conductor. Anyone wanting to
enter the orchestra iaj welcome to
come to the practice,
Miss Iva Claire Love will re
turn tonight from-j a summer
spent. in Seattle and Alaska. She
plans to open ' her studio , about
the middle of September.
Itodgers Ba0ding
Society Editor
September 12
'at clubhouse; flrt regular
Miss Doris
ne is
DinnerlHo$tes3 '
y Misa DorU Neptune entertained
with an -informal- dinner party
and evening off bridge - at .her
home Friday night. The party was
in the nature of: a farewell party
before Miss Neptune leaves for
ScioJ where she will teach this
year. She will leave Sunday ev
ening. ! I -v : ., : -
Present" for k the evening were
Mrs. Lois Kleinke. Miss Margar
et Livesley, Miss Thelma Young,
Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Mabel Dot
son, Miss Frances Welch. Miss
Elva Nissen, and Miss Neptune.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Smith will
leave tonight for Chicago where
Mr. Smith will look after business
interests and while there consult
a specialist concerning his health.
Judge Allen May of St. Louis.
Mo., will be the house gueet of
Mr. . and Mrs. W. Connell Dyer
for several days. He is expected
to arrive tonight.
in the Churches
Corner of .North: .Liberty and Muriou
stret. W. '. Topscott, supply pastor.
Bibl school 9:45. fired Broer, Supt. t.
W. Petersoa Asst. Sapt. Xora'mg wor
ship 11 MM). (Subject: '"The Charter oi
th Christisa CUurcK.' B. Y. 1. V. meet
ing tS:3t. veninf aervice 7:30. Sab
jeet: 'Tba Flint 1'sce of Jesus.'' Bro.
Koss from Albany will talk Monda; t
emt;, Sept. 14, !:30. Frsyer serrive
Wetluesday evenicg 7:30.
Xelsoii bail, eoruer Liberty and Cbe-
meketa streets. Supilay school at 10:30
a.m. All L. O. a. lexpectfd to b pres
Corner llael ahd , Academy streets.
Sunday school at li a.m. Lesson: Joshua
3. i'leacbjug at It: a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Mid-week prayer and teetiraony meeting,
Thursday evening mt: 8 o'clock.
Corner Cberceketa and Winter streets.
GroTer C. . Eirtehet, D. I)., pastor.
Church school at 9:30 a.m.. h. M. Kam
age, 8npt. ilorninj worship at 11:00
clock. Dr. Birtchrt'a aubject will be:
Y Are My Witnesses." Anthem by
the choir: -'Holy Art Thou.'' Solo by
Mrs. Teed: Selected " Orean cumbers.
Orchestra rehearsal at 5:45 p.m. Chris
tian Endeavor societies meet at 8:30. ev
ening worship at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Birtches
will preach on the iubject: "Th Brazen
Serpent." ;:-
Corner Highland j and Chnrch streets.
Edgar P: Sims, pastor. Bible school 10
s.m., E. il. Becketi Supt. Morning wor
ship 11 am. Evening servica 7:30 p.m.
Junior C. E. 3:30 p.m. tsenisr sao in
tertnediata C. E. 6d30
prayer meeting Thursday 7 :30 p.m.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center. ReT. P. W. Ericksen. pastor.
11 a.m. 'Trne or False Worship." Con
firmation class will meet for enrollment
on Saturday at 1,0:30 a.m. Sunday
school will resume its work an Sunday,
Sept. 20 at 9:45 s.m. with life study
course, a new departure In Sunday school
work. j .
North Summer and Marion streets. C.
C. Poling, D. D-, pastor. Sunday aehool
9 :45 a.m. Morning worship 11 ' o'clock.
Subject: "Following Christ Witkoot the
.Camp." Evening I worship S o dock:
subject: xne Lutaiurii
Have Set." Young People's meeting 7
o'clock; snbiect: 1'What Should Our
Meetings Aeeempli4V' Fellowship m
song at close of evening worship
337 Court streetj O. B. Johnson, pas
tor. Sunday scheel at 2 p.m. Serrjee
at 3 and 8 p.m. Meetings Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday jovenings-
Market an Xorth Winter streets. J.
B. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school t:45
a.m. Morning workhlp 11 clock; sub
ject: "The Inspiration of a Great Pres
ence." Evening eship 7:0 o'clock;
subject: "A Drift, br a Voyage!" Young
People's meeting B:80 o'clock. Prayer
service Thursday at 7:80 p.m.
Church and Cbimeketa streets, Rov.
Geo. H. Swift, rector. Holy Communion
7:30 a.m. Church school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing prayer and sertnon 11 a.m. :
South Commercial i at Washington Sts.
Chs. C. Haworth. j pastor. Sunday ser
vices: 10:00 .rn. aunday school. Nathan
Cook. Supt. 11:00 i .Mornier worship.
Sermon: "Jesus Christ, the Friend of
Man." Our Tespet services will be re
sume done week ttom this Sunday. A
specisl service M all ages is being
planned. Tursd.a 7:30 p.m. Prayer
meeting- and Bible tttdy.
8unday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11:00. Sirraon fcy the pastor.
Rev. J. R- Simocds. "Kn, Inferiority
Complex." J 'j
Services Snadsy U the Nelson ball
Chemeketa street. Mrs. Mary 8chwedel
will be the speaker and her. topie "The
Incorruptible . CnmkS,' ' A eirele from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. A ' : ? r
kntoht Memorial
Morning worship at . 11. s Sermoa
"The Soul's Monnaiaa." Evening ser
vice at 7:30.. Th iermotifc 'Working
Without a Sense af Strain." - Anthem by
the eherue choir. The church aehool at
10 a.m. C C. Harrfla. Supt.. The Chris
tiaa flsjdeavor societies at 9:45 p.m.
17th and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Thomas Bsird, pastor.. Rerviees: Sub
day school 10 a.m. Sunday worship 11
a.m. and t:45 p. m.l Tuesday. 7:45 p.m.
Wednedv. all davi prayer. JO a.m. Fri
day. T. P. M. 7:4! p.m. Sunday street
raeetingB:30 at tie comer State and
Hieh streets. Evanjgelist Christina Baird
will preach at thetre service. .
Korth Cottage ii -D streets. 6. W.
Hlkb A Ferry Sts.
Church School
9:40 a. m.
Three B. Y.'a C:4S
p. m.
worahip 10:50. Si
ermon : ; MDef eat
ranted Mnto Victory" Pastor. - Anthem:
"Still, -Still With Thee". (Speaks). Solo by
Mrs. Davis. . . . j r r,- - .
Erening service 7:45. Sermbtf: 0t of the
Shaker -Into the Soup ""Piator. Anthem :
"Jesus, Lorer Of 3Iy Soul" tHeyser). Inci
dental solos by Mrs. Hartna. and : W. E.
Cochran.':. ! ':; i v.
WELCOME W. Earl C4cb.raa, pastor
Bridge Tea Will
Begin Club
- . Season I
Mrs. Eugene, Eckerlen.lSr., pre
sident of The V D. clubi' will be
entertained at her home Tuesday
afternoon with a bridge tea" In
compliment to the members of the
club and as the opening event for
this club's season. " t v; ;
.Mrs. Naud of I Medford, mother
of Mrs.' Phillip Jaskoskl. and who
is : visiting here; now, will be a
special guest 'Members of the
club include Mrs. James Heenan,
Mrs. C. D. Thomas, Mrs. E. A.
Praitt. Mrs.1' C D. McLaine. Mrs.
T. M. Barr. Mrs. S. Breitenstein.
Mrs. David O'Harra. Mrs. J.- B.
Nathman, Mrs. George D. Hender
son. Mrs. F. Jaskoskl, Mri.C J.
Demytt and Mrsj Eckerlen.
Salem Chadwick chapter,' No.
37, Order of the Eastern Star, was
the guest of Corinthian chapter.
No. 54. of Portland Tuesday
night. The occasion was a birth
day party for Rev. H. D. Cham
bers, worthy patron of Corinthian
chapter. Rev. Chambers was
worthy patron for Chadwick
chapter in 1926.1 A large 'delega
tion of Chadwick chapter motor
ed to Portland for the evening.
i .
Mrs. N. W. Phillips of Ber
keley, Cal., is spending the month
of September wjth her mother.
Mrs. Henry Cchmal.
Rutsch, minister. Sunday school 0:45
a.m. Sam Schirman, Supt. Service It
a.m. Sermon topie 1'The People) Had a
Mind to Work.'1 Choir anthem. ; Wom
en's Missionary society will meet at the
parsonage at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Q. Hillman.
president. Young People's Unionist 7
p.m. Caroline Lucas, president. Kven
ing service at 8 p. mi Topic, "The eld
erly Brother." Choir and church or-,
chestra. Regular mid-week prayer ser
vice at 8 p.m. Wednesday.
29 o -North Liberty street, room
Classet in Unity each Monday
night at 8 o'clock
-Mrs. Ida Miller Yo-
der, teacher
Corner Capitol and
Marion streets. W
G. Licnkaemper, pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m. German worship 10 o'clock:
subject: "God 'a Open." a nature aer-
mon. i - .
655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, pas
tor. Phone 8693. Sunday school at 9:45
a.m. M. D. LitwlHer, Supt. Morning
worship at 11 a.m.j Theme "Till He
Comes." Y. P. S. meet at 6:45 p.m.,
Dan Friesen, leader, i Evening' evangelis
tic service at 7:45 p.m. including spe
cial singing and music. Prayer meet
ing at 7:45 Tuesday evening. Young Peo
ple's prayer service ! Thursday evening.
Street service Saturday night.
9:15 a.m. Church school classes for all
ages. 10 a.m. worship. Sermon by Dr.
Carl 6. Doney. Special music in charge
of Ronald Craven. 7:30 a.m. evening
service, featuring great dramatic trial,
"Who Killed Earl Wright!" Twenty
six local citisens will participate.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets.: Sun
day services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sub
ject. "Substanee." Sunday school at
9:45 and 11. Testimonial meeting every
Wednesday eveninar
at 8. Reading
room at 406 Masonic
Temple, open from
II to 5:30 except Sunday and holidays.
Court and 17th streets. B. F. Shoe
maker, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Mrs. E. Werner, Supt, Morning worahip
11 o'clock: subject: "Selr8aerifice the
Source of True and -Ultimate-Happiness."
Evening worship 7:30 o'clock: subject:
"The Brssen Serpent. a Type of
Christ." Yonng People's meeting, 6:45
o'clock: subject: "What Should Our
Meetings Accomplish t" Aid society
meetings Wednesday and Friday. Mid
week meeting Wednesday, 7:30. ,
High and Center streets: D. J. Howe,
paqtor. Bible school 9:45. OrviUe J. Hull.
8upt. Worship 11 ! o'clock. Special
musie at each service by the eh air un
der the direction f Prof. E. W. Hob
son; Miss Lois PInmmer, organist. Chris
tian, endeavor meetings at 7 o'clock.
Evangelistic service at 8.
North 17th ad Nebraska streets. R.
V. Wilson, pastorvi Sunday school 9:48
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "Brooks T at Run Dry." Even
ing worship 7:30 o'clock; subject:
"What Thing Ye of Christ;" Young
People's meeting 6:30 o'clock; subject:
"What Should Our i Meetings Accom
plish I" Harvey Monlett, leader.
13th .and Center streets. Rev. Fletch
er Galloway, pastor, j Residence i 1495
Marion street. Phone 9630. ' Sunday ser
vices as follows:' 11 a.m. Sermon by the
Subject Sunday
Afternoon 2:30
"Baptism of 1
Holy Spirit"
My personal experience
related t '
Soaday eTenlns;
: v. 7x45 1 : t
Great - ETamgelistie ii ',
s Service
North High and Unioa '
Local People in Play to be
; GiveR at M. E. Church
- : Sunday Night ;
Salient features of the dramatic
murder trial, "Who Killed Earl
Wright? will be reproduced at
the First; Methodist church Sun
day night at 7:80 o'clock with
a cast of Ifr Salem people partici
pating:. ; . - , , r
The author of "this trial, George
Hamlnond of, Iowa, Bat In a crim
inal courtroom and witnessed the
prosecution and conriction s of a
young man whoiiad Uken the
life of another youth who was
his nearest friend. S! , ;
The eridence presented showed
that an older man had purchased
liquor from a local bootlegger and
had persuaded the young man to
drink with him. The young de
fendant while under the influence
of this liquor, engaged n a quar
rel with his fife-long chhm. over
a sixth of a pint of alcohol. The
chum was fatally injured.
That courtroom scene, the storr
of the tragic? death : of one youth
ana tne penalty which another
must pay behind prison walls so
stirred the author that he imme
diately resolved to take the boy's
case to the people and : by means
of this thrilling trial to expose the
real criminals behind this trag
edy, the bootlegger who sold the
liquor In defiance of the laws of
tne state and .nation, and the pur
chaser who paid the ; bootlegger
pastor, "The Better Way of Living the
Christian Life." Special music; 7:46 p.m.
"Veterans". This is to be a special old
people's service. Music by the Hoffer
family using the marimba accompani
ment. Sunday school -9:45 a.m. F. M.
Litwiller, Supt. X. Y. P. a and Junior
societies 8:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday, I;45 p.m. - i
North Cottage and Chemeketa streets.
Hev. Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Resi
dence, 657 Chemeketa. Service at 11 a.m.
Sermon: ''The Heaa of His Garment."
Nineteenth and Breyraaa streets. Bi
ble school : 9 :45u Morning worship at
11 a.m. and evening worship at $ p.m.
Conducted by r. Kay E. Torhx The
Junior. Intermediate and Senior Baptist
Young People's union at ? p.m.
South Commercial and Myers streets.
S Darlow Johnson, minister. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. Stearns Cnshing, Supt.
Morning worship at 11 a.m. Rev. llo
bert E. Smylie, a visitor, will preach.
Evening service at 8:00. Stearns Gush
ing, speaker. Thursday evening 7:30,
prayer meeting, followed by choir prac
Rodger Bldg., High and Ferry streets,
traded church school 9:40 a.m. Three B.
Y.'s 0:45 p.m. Morning worship. 10:50.
Sermon; "Defeat . Turned Into Victory"
Pastor. Evening service 7:45, gospel
song service. Sermon: "Out of' the
Shaker Into the Soup." Monday evening
7:45 the Trustees of the church will
meet. Sterling W. W. 6. wiH meet Mon
day evening at the ehurch for a pot
luck dinner. Fellowship and prayer ser
vice Wednesday evening at 7:48, follow
ed by a meeting ef the deacons. Choir
rehearsal Thursday evening at 7:30
Winter ahd i Jefferson ' streets. Hugh
B. Foake Jr.. minister. 9:45 a.m. Ses
sion of tha Church School, H. B. Car
penter. Supt. 10:30 a.m. worahip ser
vice, sermon on "God's Will the Abun
dant Life." Miss Berniee Riekman will
sing- ? p.m. the three Epworth league
groups. S pjs. Evening worship, aa in
formal service for Christian. Fellowship.
Miss Riekman will sing, Mr. Fouke will
speak on "Wanted a Confessional."
0. W. Hsteh, pastor. Dial 8657. Morn
ing service 11 a.m. Evening service. 1:90.
8unday school 10 a-m., John Vaa Lyde
graf, Sopt. Mid-week prayer service 8
p.m. Wednesday. Toung People's meet
ing 6:80 p.m.
The subject ef the morning discourse
at Summit at 9:45 a.m. win be "The
Uashepherded Multitudes.". The Sun
day school will follow the morning ser
mon. At. rord Memorial ehurch the
Sunday school meet at 9:45 a.m. The
morning ssrmoa at 11:00. The Epworth
League meeta at T p.m. The subject of
the evening discourse at S o'clock will
be 'The Power ot a Noble Purpose." O.
L. Dark, minister.
i.j i . j . ; j i iv " rid i I
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I Announcing ; tic:;!j :-
i FaUOpening - Ji N; - I
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ft Susan Varty , aC Hit Varty Draii UaUxig Sho an. r.' 3 ' i ' f ; ! J ' !' ' ;.;(- ".-'I ; f !; - : ?
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for his 'outlawed product!
The following will taka part la
tha tTialx Judge, Rer. B. B. Par.
ker; prosecutor, Roy Mi Locken
oux; defendant, Bruce Spanidlng;
bootlegger, J. fi. s CraryJ Mrs.
French, Miss Amy Martin;; George
W. Cook,N. 8. Savage; bailiff. Dr.
George E. Lewis; sheriff, O. J.
Russell; mother, Mrs. M.1 C. Find
ley; reporter, ' Miss 'Alcia' Pbhl;
widow.-arid 'children, lot Earl
Wright, Margaret W. , Stevenson,
Jean Carkin and Verne Seott. Rev.
R. E.' Close of Portland brill take
the part of the defense 'attorney.
There will be no admission
charge, and all are heartily wel
come. An offering will 'be taken
tor tha promotion oZ prohibition
work. In Oregon. Childrenj are wel
come : but ' must be accompanied
by and si V with their parents. V
Howe Announces
Visitors Coming
-- w rrr - i : t
tor won
Rev.' D. J. Howe, who Is con
fined to his home as result of sin
us trouble, announces 'two special
speakers for the First Christian
church Sunday. iVt':" j. , t: ..
1 At the 11 o'clock - worship hour,
Walter Fiscus, graduate of ' he
Eugene Bible university; vlll
preach. Fiscus is a son-in-law of
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hull of he
church. - r :- 'i- . .' . "
C. F. S wander, state secretary.
will have charge of the 18 o'clock
service Sunday night.
Christina Bar
To Open Series
- Revival Sermons
' Christina Baird of i Oakland,
Calif., will open a series ofj Evan
gelistic services at the Smmanttel
church, 17th and Chemeketa, to
day, preaching both at ill Fa. m.
and 7:45 o'clock tonight, j
Mrs. Baird is said to be a .pow
erful speaker, and to devote her
sermons - to present day . condi
tions, their cause and cure. Her
husband is pastor of the Emman
uel church. They have been en
gaged In ! evangelistic - work fr
20 years.
Fair Booth Hki
Attention Now
Of Hayesville
Hayesville Sunday school
is busy
making preparations for)
the state
fair. They are! to
story of "The Lost
Japanese have "The
and "The Prodigal Son'
, as their
contribution toward
booth. ville Sunday school
The booth this year
Is occupy-
ing a larger floor space
and ' has
more interesting exhibits
any previous year,;
Leslie Church !
To Hear Retired
Iowa ! Minister
Rev. Robert E. Smylle, ; a re
tired member of the borthwest
Iowa Methodist conference will
speak Sunday morning at the
Leslie Memorial 1 church, t Rev.
Smith was the first district su
perintendent of the local pastor.
Rev. S. Darlow Johnson;
In the evening ; Stearns Gush
ing will preach, j ' - ' : ,
York i Expected
Back For Stinday
' ; -...,.1 i
Dr. Roy E : York,, pastor of the
Temple Baptist ehurcn, is due
home from Kansas Ctiy, Mo., in
time to conduct the regular; Sun
day services . at his church. He
has been attending to business
matters In Missouri.
t -
HA3EL GREEN, Sept 11.1
Tha church la glad of the return
here of Rer. S. A. Long as pastor.
Rer. Long I will- preach at 11
o'clock -Sunday, September 13. He
baa called! a meeting bf ; all the
members of the church and others
interested to :plant for Jthe year's
work I and ; - for repairs on - the
church edifice. This will be at 3
o'clock Sunday.!;- ; ' ' . '-,.1
: ' The? reeentiy elected officers of
the Sunday school will be install
ed by the pastor preceding ;the
preaching services. :;;-r -;n;j j
An t executive meeting of the
Women's Missionary society ! is
called I for 2:30 o'clock Sunday.
The Otterbeia guild will hare a
business meetins? and hmr rannrt
of delegate. Miss lola Luck ey, to
Rer. J. Oliver and ; Rer. and
Mrs. Wilson were risltors at the
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TOILERS Al'.M : ;3
MgAins of
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If fyoii
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A f
to attena
LvU I'M-will interest
ly ou to know that
Miller pay iwiUI be
helcl over
night 8:3(X
G. O. Looney home Thursday. Rer.
Wilson, is tha recently appointed
pastor to Salem J United Brethren,
churchi :" :: ' ' ' f s - ,
Suzie Fukuda in
-CHarge of Young
. . Peoples League
Suzie Fukuda rwill have charge
of the! Japanese- Young People's
league I meeting Sunday night at
the Hayesville church. Mrs. Ruth
R. Rhoten will be the speaker for
the evening and . her talk will be
on "The American Youth's Con
ference which was held at Lake
Genera) Wis. J i
A vocal solo,; VThanks Be to
God." will be giren by Doris Clark,
a studeht at Willamette university.
Hoshie Watanabe will accompany
her. i ' i '
- A league rally is being planned
for net week. George Terusaki
will be in charge? of It.-
.Tafnii s - ill ml C an mm I f
" At 13 Lillian Fugate was grad
uated from the Whiteeburg, Ky.,
high school this year.
erej unable
until!! to
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